Friday, January 31, 2020

Led by Quietness

There’s no suffering in the space of quietness because there’s no attachment. So it’s in being aware of your “I” attachment and not holding onto it that allows quietness to be the direction that leads your life…

The struggle one has with life is strictly of the mind and it’s because there’s no structure to the mind. Being led by the mind is equivalent to building a house on sand and we all know what happens when the first storm comes. Often mind based information is held onto which keeps you entrapped to the mind. I know how deeply ingrained the conditioning is and I may come on strong at times, but it’s only because the Conditioned Mind is diabolical and what I see simply can’t be ignored.

There are basically two directions that lead the mind. One is suffering, the other is love (non suffering) and these directions manifest in many way. The core of suffering is attachment to “I” (selfishness). This direction leads  to greed, envy, anger, pride, desire, doubt, restlessness, regret and so on. You can see how these will cause suffering, so if this is the direction that leads your mind, you will suffer. The other direction is love, which leads to kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, understanding, stillness, and so on. I’m sure you can see how these don’t cause suffering. Make no mistake though, one will still encounter the possibility of suffering even with being led by love because of how ingrained the conditioning is, but if attachment to “I” isn’t in place the suffering direction won’t be in place. To me the key is being aware of your “I” attachment and not holding onto it. Without it the direction that leads your life will be of love and there’s no suffering in this space because love simply has no attachment…

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Relief Chasing

For many relief is something that’s constantly sought and it’s a direct link to what keeps the mind in a state of agitation. When things are accepted as they are relief is no longer a necessity…

We live in a relief cultured society, when it’s cold we desire warmth and when it’s hot we desire to be cool. Chasing after this relief is how many people spend their entire lives, and if it’s not learned to be with the mind agitation of what happens and not constantly push it away, there will be very little peace and relief in your life. We life mostly in a place where we’re afraid of not pursuing relief because it means facing yourself. Although our true essence is the love of all creation, this isn’t seen because the Conditioned Mind makes you believe you need relief.

Once a practice is developed that allows some discipline to at least slow the mind down, it can be seen how chasing after relief occupies most of your waking hours. We’re in the mode mode of constantly needing relief by trying to have things the way we think they need to be; the issue with this is nothing stays the same so we have to constantly make adjustments. It’s truly exhausting to live in this way, but it’s the way many live. It doesn’t have to be this way, but the only way it won’t be is if you can be with what occurs and not want it any different than what it is. This doesn’t mean you can’t have relief, just understand relief isn’t what allows you to be at peace, only accepting things as they are will allow the relief that you seek…

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Self Created Limits

You are only bound by what your own mind creates so you only reach the level of your limits because you yourself are the one that puts those limits in place…

I was watching a game on Sunday and I realized that even if the team on defense knew exactly what play was coming, if the play was executed properly it still couldn’t be stopped. So it’s not only in the preparation, it’s also a matter of execution that allows for a play to bring the desired result. To me it’s a lot like the way life is, at least in the way situations occur. You need a game plan along with a way to execute it to go beyond created limits. If there isn’t a game plan in place, when something happens you will respond to the level of your created limits.

When this happens, you don’t get the results you’re looking for, but you do get the limited results of not having a game plan in place. Lets say you do have a game plan, if it’s to stop the so called run and the other team comes out passing, the preparation is rendered useless. So you need to not only prepare properly, but the game plan will have to be executed properly as situations arise. If not, there’s not much chance of being truly happy because your results will be limited because of the lack of preparation. And without the proper preparation, there’s no way the execution to live a life of unlimited levels can occur. So you become limited by what your own mind creates and you only reach the level that you yourself put in place…

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Surface Attachments

As long as there’s attachment in place, this will be the operating mechanism of your life. This operating mechanism arises as attaching to what’s on the surface and it doesn’t allow you to see what’s truly going on…

Often how the surface things are attached blocks you from truly seeing what’s going on. If you truly want to see what’s going on, getting beneath the surface attachments will have to happen. If two people are looking at same thing there are usually two different sets of attachments of what is reached for, and than there’s what’s beneath the surface attachments; this is the truth. It’s the old adage, there’s two ways to look at things, there’s my view, your side, and than there’s the truth. To stop attaching to what’s on the surface you only need to stop labeling what is seen. Stopping the labeling process allows the mind to slow to a point where attachment is let go of and space opens up. It’s imperative for this to happen if the conditioning that’s been formed over the years is to loosen its grip.

The conditioning is so misunderstood and how this is known is because of the attachments that are in place. I look to my own attachments to know this and in the process I can see it in others. This isn’t a judgement, it’s factual. Know your own mind and you’ll know the mind of others; this is because we are all of the same energy. Who among us is from somewhere else. Creation is creation anyway it’s looked at. When the conditioning is seen for what it is, its energy begins to let go of attachments which allows liberation. As long as there’s surface attachments its energy remains as the operating mechanism of your life. This operating mechanism arises as what’s on the surface and takes on many forms, but the bottom line is it’s the attachments in place that doesn’t allow you to see what’s truly going on…

Monday, January 27, 2020

Learned Disturbances

Although it seems what someone says or what happens in life is the cause of your arising disturbances, this is not the case. The disturbance that arises is already in place, if it wasn’t nothing would arise…

You can only react to life with what you have in place. Something like anger arises because it has been learned, this also goes for fear, greed, hate, and so on. I constantly reacted for many many years without any understanding whatsoever why and it kept me locked in my disturbances without an inkling that the only reason it was occurring was because it was what I learned. Simply put, when something occurred that I didn’t like, whether it was what someone said or did, or something that happened, my disturbance arose without my permission or knowledge as to why I reacted in the way that I did. What arose was whatever my conditioning thought was appropriate. The only reason this happened is because it was learned.

Understanding this is where knowledge and spirituality meet. If why your disturbances arise isn’t understood, there will be very little true periods where the disturbances aren’t in control. Through awareness of what’s arising, one has something tangible to use against the disturbances. Why most people remain as they are and repeat the same reactions over and over is because of the lack of awareness the disturbances are even there. To me this awareness has immense value because when it’s seen you can truly decipher whether what’s in place is beneficial or not. At that time a course of action can be developed to change whatever disturbance is in place that’s causing the non beneficial reaction to control you…

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Space of Stillness

A Conditioned Mind can only make pre-determined decisions. Only through the space of stillness can decisions truly be made as a true decision can only come from the stillness of the heart.

The space of stillness can also be called the space of love, when this is the space life is viewed through, what you see is so different than the space unconsciousness; by unconscious I mean when one blindly conforms to what the conditioned world offers. As life is experienced more and more through the space of stillness, the observations are centered more in love and there are less responses to decisions based on your conditioning. This leads to an unconventional way of living life because you are not affected by the decisions based in the world. Through viewing life in this way, it is so different than what people have become accustomed to.

With the space of stillness no individual decides what happens to you, the Universe decides. Whatever happens is a result of fully cooperating with Universal Love as the most powerful force in the Universe. With stillness as your view, no one can decide your fate. Stillness space is not of this world, but the decisions made by most people are. No one and I truly mean no one controls another person, how can they as most people don’t even control themselves. They think they do, but this is the great delusion. Look at the nonsense that goes on between your ears. It’s truly mind boggling how the mind is controlling ever decision made as if you were a puppet on a string. If you don’t think this is so try and sit still for a half hour in silence. If you can’t do it, don’t be discouraged, not many can. So if you can’t control your own mind when you’re consciously trying to do it, what makes you think you’re in control when you’re not trying. It’s so hard to do because the space of an unconscious mind conforms to the conditioning of the world and that conditioning is simply blind…

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Unconscious Habits

Most habits formed in life are unconscious and are put in place by your conditioning. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential of love it’s your unconscious habits that are blocking it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way they are not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when unconscious habits are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto is done so unconsciously and is put in storage to be used at particular times, this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though you already have in place the way things are going to be handled; unconscious habits are formed in this way.

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Politicians have people write speeches using certain words which they know are going to sway people in certain directions. Supermarkets know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so unconscious habits are triggered .

This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning, none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living unconsciously is to a develop some way to be anchored in the awareness of the present moment as much as you can. This is because the more awareness you are of the present moment, the more you’re with what life truly has to offer. When this occurs there’s peace because the unconscious habits that have been put in place by the Conditioned Mind are no longer making it appear that things are different than what they are…

Friday, January 24, 2020

Hiding From Yourself

It’s such a relief to accept yourself as you are because the only real misery is wanting you to be in some other way. When it’s realized you have been hiding from yourself, there is peace…

When you awaken, the great secrets of the Universe aren’t revealed, although in a way they are, what really happens when you awaken is you stop hiding. That’s the main attribute of waking up from the sleep of unconsciousness, it’s not knowing what life is all about, it’s more so not being concerned with what life is all about. The hiding, pushing away, pulling in, ceases and it’s realized what you have been hiding from is yourself. It’s such a relief to accept yourself as you are because the only real misery is wanting you to be in some other way. When this is seen the need to hide is no more and also the need to be right or for things to be different, especially yourself is no more. This doesn’t mean you don’t move forward to be the change that’s needed in the world, but it’s done so in a way that it doesn’t cause the very suffering that you are trying to change. When you stop hiding, you stop pushing or pulling, this occurs naturally. I hid for forty nine years and it nearly cost my physical existence; I didn’t have a mental existence because the Conditioned Mind was in control.

Basically this was my awakening, to see that I was always hiding from myself. It was revealed to me that I could stop hiding and I was going to be okay. This is a beautiful space to be in, it’s the space where the peace that passes all understanding arises. It’s not a magical place for a select few, it’s a place where the heart dwells, you just has to stop hiding from yourself to experience it. The possibilities when you stop hiding are endless, there are no blocks here so your creativity arises. No one knows what might arise, but I can tell you this, when you stop hiding from yourself the reaching for things stops and life is lived in the peaceful state of accepting yourself as you are with nothing else needed…

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Understanding Yourself

Triggers are activated by your Conditioned Mind. When the mind settles through understanding yourself, the non beneficial triggers within you become deactivated…

Unity with others is dependent on learning to understand yourself because if you don’t understand yourself there is no way you will understand others; it’s because of the lack of understanding your own mind that your unity with others will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with you because if you don’t understand yourself there’s no way we will understand anyone else. You may be able to accept them for a time if they’re doing what you want them to do, but that will change so you accepting them will also be fleeting at best. This ability to understand yourself will only occur when you know your own mind in the sense of seeing the conditioning in place.

Think of this, when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, it originates from not understanding yourself. You unconsciously act in ways that aren’t beneficial to your well being; this is done all the time. These acts come from your own mind, but it’s not the way you act that causes the problem, it’s not understanding why you think things need to be different, that’s where the problem arises from. Seeing this is virtually impossible because your conditioning doesn’t allow it. If you start to understand yourself, the next time something triggers your Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in your best interest, you may be able to pause and not do it, but if you do act in a way that’s not beneficial it’s only because of the lack of understanding your own mind. When the mind settles through understanding it, the non-beneficial triggers within you will change and become deactivated; this understanding is priceless…

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Desires Lure

Don’t let the different consequences of desire lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all desiring leads to bondage in one form or another regardless of what’s desired…

If there is always something to desire, it’s because you don’t think that you have and if you don’t think that you have, you will always think there is something to desire. Desiring isn’t something that’s inherently bad, why one desires is where issues arise and this is only because where there is desire, one thinks something is missing. What is desired only matters to the degree in how the thing wanted effects your life. Desiring to drink alcohol and do drugs have consequences much different then desiring to go to a program to stop using those things, but the desires core is the same and that’s what needs to be looked at. Don’t let the different consequences of desire lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all desiring leads to bondage in one form or another and as stated this includes all desires.

You might say that’s not true, that desiring to better yourself is a good thing, but that would mean you need things to be different to accept yourself. Accepting life exactly how it is is the only place one will experience the peace of not desiring things to be different. I’m not saying don’t better yourself, but if it’s at the expense of your peace of mind what good is it. I often say go for the gold, just understand even if it’s attained you will find it’s doesn’t provide the benefits you thought it would; shortly afterwards another desire will arise. Investigate this and see how desire causes needing, needing causes bondage, and bondage causes suffering. Break free from desires and inevitably you just may stop suffering…

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Chaotic Energy

It seems the energy that’s mostly in place in our society is “I’m right and you’re wrong“ energy which makes for chaotic charged situations. Simply put, it’s the reason humanity is in its current state…

Not much really means anything when it comes to achieving a certain status in our society, not that there’s anything inherently wrong with achieving, but it doesn’t equate to anything except to the “I”. This energy is what actually makes the “I” what it is, it’s this energy that creates chaotic charged situations. When “I” is embraced the energy creates the need for an I’m special persona, but the fact of the matter is when it’s time to leave this world, nothing achieved is taken with you. I’ve learned one very important lesson in my life and that is my life isn’t personal, I say this in the sense of what “I” thinks life is all about. Life itself doesn’t really care if I’m here or not, “I” is what makes it important by the story that‘s attached to; this attachment is what creates the need for an I’m special persona. Celebrity status goes to most people’s head and it really means nothing. Just love and fly under the noise, that’s what gets it done and to me “it” is a level of quietness that doesn’t need a story to be.

Anything added to life doesn’t really enhance it in any way; except to “I”. Being under the noise is so much more beneficial to what energy is being put out to the world. So much of the “I” energy is reinforced by the things in place and it’s why the world is as it is. Chaotic energy can’t exist without certain attachments that feed it. Without awareness of this, just by the energy of idolizing which humanity has in place, “I” energy is constantly reinforced. I’m right and you are wrong energy is the kind of energy that’s mostly in place and it makes for chaotic charged situations. There’s no harmony when this energy is running the show and simply put, without harmony we have humanity’s chaotic state…

Monday, January 20, 2020

Mind Activity

Beyond mind activity there’s nothing but space. Why this is difficult to see is because life isn’t about what you think it is, in fact life is everything you think it isn’t, but it’s not seen because of trying to figure it out with the mind…

Round and round the mind goes and where it stops nobody knows; this is a perfect example of the mind activity in place for most people. One thought after another, no space, no quietness, just the noise manifesting as activity. If you could just sit back in a space where the noise subsides, there’s a chance to truly see what Jesus and Buddha spoke of. If you think you have an idea of what life is about I’m sorry to disappoint you, but that’s just noise. There are no answers to what life is about, but the more mind based you make your existence, the more you’ll think you have it all figured out. I’m not saying I know what life is about, but I do know what it isn’t about and it has nothing to do with what is seen by the mind. The more you’re controlled by the mind the less life is experienced. Beyond the mind activity is the only place where life is truly experienced. You can travel all around the world and make up the story of all the beauty around you, but it’s only a story to provide pleasure and store it as a pleasurable memory. Beyond the mind no story is needed, no pleasure is needed, in fact nothing is needed because this is where life truly exist.

Think about it, your entire life is a story until one day you no longer exist in your current form. Every storied experience is taken with you as if they never occurred. They were thought to be needed so you could make sense of your life, but really they mean absolutely nothing because they are all only created from the mind activity of the senses. Buddha talked about of delusion, Jesus spoke of not being of this world, what do you think they were talking about? If you remain trapped to the mind activity you will remain trapped in your suffering. Even those who think they understand this don’t because it’s not something to understand. Beyond the mind activity there’s nothing but space and the possibility of truly seeing what life is about. Why there’s difficulty in seeing this is because life isn’t about anything that you think it is. In fact it’s about everything you think it isn’t and this is because of the trying to figure it out with the mind…

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Fake Answers/Fake News

Because of the way a person becomes conditioned fake answers fit into certain spots, and because of this we are constantly making up fake news where we think it will make life better…

The issue with having to constantly arrange life as if there were certain answers that make it better is fake news because even if there’s some semblance of contentment with this fake news, almost immediately the mind makes up more. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (fake news) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, one would see life as complete and wouldn’t constantly need to make up fake news. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes you make fake news, it’s because the mind has been trained this way so it’s only doing what it’s trained to do and fake news fits just fine.

The Conditioned Mind sees fake news in just about everything.  Sweets, drugs, alcohol, gambling, success, porn, the shortest line in the supermarket, God, religion, programs, diets, degrees, to do list, and so on, all this fake news is strictly made up to put a fake answer in place; this makes you think life will be perfect with this. Let’s say everyday you make up fake news, if you were sixty that would mean you made up roughly 22,000 fake answers, 365 x 60, all for the sole purpose to constantly have life the way you want it (fake). After all nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the store, but even if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly make up fake news to make life complete with fake answers…

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Limited View

Going through life without an understanding of how the mind works makes this existence much more difficult because it limits the view, and limiting the view limits the choices…

We discover the cause of all suffering when we are truly able to see our thinking for what it is and understand how it creates a view that isn’t real. It feels real because of our association to the view, but the views reality is relative to our thinking and the association to our identity. When this is discovered and we disassociate with this kind of thinking, we become more aligned with a view from the Creative Intelligence of the Universe which to me is love; a view of love is what gives us so many more choices in life.

When you stop believing in a view from the self created world of thought, you learn how to allow love to be your view. This is when you will be able to see your view for what it truly is, disassociate with it as who you are and see how it causes suffering and isn’t beneficial; this is when your suffering ceases to exist. This is not some belief, it‘s factual, and I know this because it’s my direct experience. A thought cannot cause anything unless it’s given the energy needed to do so and this is what determines the limits of your view and its benefit. The more the limited view is held onto, the more limited it becomes. In the awareness of this is your freedom. It’s your own ignorance of this that creates this view of suffering, and the suffering is caused by going through life without an understanding of how the mind works as it limits your view and with a limited view you have limited choices…

Friday, January 17, 2020

Space of Awareness

Everything arises from the space of silence, but not everything’s heard from the space of awareness. Freedom from the known can happen, but only when it’s learned how to truly listen from the space of awareness…

It matters little what noise arises, but how you listen does matter in the sense if it comes from the space of awareness. There’s all kinds of noise around most of the time, but what’s mostly heard is labeled from impulses and opinions. Freedom from the known can happen, but only when it’s learned how to truly listen, and you can only listen when you’re in the space of awareness; this is when you’ll truly hear. This space of awareness arises from silence, there’s nothing to think about in this space. A dog barking, a car beeping its horn, a helicopter, a waterfall, the ocean, all sounds can be heard and as with any sound they can annoy you or the can anchor you in the present moment. There’s so much noise that goes on in between your ears, but it has nothing to do with the sounds that are around you.
Everything arises from the space of silence, but not everything’s heard from the space of awareness.

As I was sitting in my backyard the other day, listening and watching the birds, the neighbors son came out to play basketball in his yard, he also preceded to play his music very loud to where my serenity was disturbed. I immediately took a deep breath and realized that although I was enjoying the birds, I wasn’t in the space of awareness. If I was when the sound changed to what arose from the silence, in this case my neighbors music, there wouldn’t have been a disturbance. One deep breath showed me this as it allowed me to be in the space of awareness to the sounds that were there in the present moment instead of the mind agitation of the way my impulses and opinions wanted it…

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Entangled Past

If you keep allowing the past thoughts to become entangled in the present, your life will be very unstable. This is because all the emotional pain of your entangled past will control the present…

The amount of times that you relive something that causes emotional pain is mind boggling because it’s your own entangled thoughts that do this and it probably happens thousands of times throughout your life. This is why most people suffer endlessly because what happened in the past becomes entangled in thought and is constantly brought into the present; although the body is always in the present moment, your entangled thoughts constantly in the past. This is the entangled state most people live their life from and if nothing is done to change this, it will continue until your existence ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory nor is it something I made up, you need only look at this for yourself to see this truth, but If you don’t look at it you will most likely remain entangled in your thoughts with no way out.

As a species we are lost and entangled because looking at ourselves in an investigative way is not something that many people are willing to do. It’s so much easier to remain entangled and point the finger at someone else, but unfortunately when you point your finger at someone there are three pointing back at you; check this to see its truth. You can ignore this and hope the entangled thoughts will work everything out or you can take control of your life, at least to some extent and stop attaching to the entangled thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all the same entangled thoughts constantly arise so if they’re not attached to them eventually they’ll stop and so will the repeated entangled emotional suffering they cause…

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Now Completeness

Cling to nothing and nothing will be needed. Imagine not needing to cling to anything to be happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your completeness is always Now…

Without the inner silence of Now you will not be mindful that you are creating stories. Even this writing is a story of how not to create stories, but being mindful of writing helps me to minimize the clinging to it and thus once it’s written it’s time to move on. If it’s the end of the story or not depends on how “I“ relates it to its identity. The more “I” needs it for an identity, the more “I” clings to it and the more a needed story is created. No clinging, no needed story, no needed story, no discontentment of what isn’t so all you are left with is what’s here Now, not the story of Now, but Nows actual reality.

Story after story. The story of how I feel, or the story of reading another book, or a life story, every life is an endless book of stories, that is until one becomes mindful that the story teller and the story are one in the same. Being here Now instead of a creating a story will be the most difficult thing you will ever do in life; just be in the silence of what’s here. Cling to nothing and nothing will be needed. Imagine that, not needing anything to be happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your completeness already is. It‘s right here within your grasp, but you will never truly be mindful of it until you realize it’s not a story that needs clinging to, it’s learning to simply be here Now…

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Changing Your Conditioning

If anything is ever going to change in your life, the conditioning in place will have to change. This will only happen when there’s awareness the conditioning isn’t providing the most beneficial results…

When something is conditioned it will do certain things because it has to, whether it wants to or not; it has to do what it has been conditioned to do. Our mind becomes conditioned in this way and unless this is changed or at least noticed to some degree, it will remain conditioned. It’s imperative to understand this so first the conditioning in place can be identified and second so the conditioning that may not be serving you in the most beneficial way can be changed. The conditioning that ran my life for many years was a self serving one and after a long period of time (forty nine years to be exact), I realized the conditioning was not really benefitting me or anyone else for that matter. This realization was the beginning stages for the possibility of the conditioning to change. This will take some effort because of how ingrained the conditioning is, but the effort is more so about awareness than an actual exertion to get rid of it.

Once you become aware there may be other conditioning to live by, the process of changing it begins. This is difficult because part of the original conditioning is to hold onto the familiar even if it’s not providing much benefit. This is how the dog chasing its tail syndrome remains in place; to the point of its own destruction. The Conditioned Mind has many tools and influences it uses, some inner some outer, it’s just part of the conditioning. This is why when a person acts in a particular way they are accountable, but aren’t really responsible for what they do. If anything is ever going to change in your life, the conditioning in place will have to change which will only happen when there’s awareness the conditioning isn’t providing you with the most beneficial results…

Monday, January 13, 2020

Routinely Controlled

Without recognition of the routines that are formed, one is blindly controlled by them. They say it’s time to jump and the only thing you can do is jump and if you are really attached, you will blindly ask how high…

If you want to understand your mind you will need to sit and observe it. Whatever you think and ponder upon that is what becomes the base of your mind and hence this is what becomes your routine actions. If there is no sitting, there’s very little chance for the mind to settle so it won’t be observed. As a routine is formed it becomes second nature, there’s very little observation in this mind activated action. These routine actions are different for everyone, but they are common at their root. They all arise in some way from the desire to seek pleasure. It matters little what one uses to fulfill this pleasure seeking routine and because there’s very little awareness of this, it’s in control of you. There needs to be an understanding that your actions become a routine that become ingrained by what you think. This is what determines whether your actions are wholesome (loving) or unwholesome (selfish). Simply put, loving actions should be cultivated so they become routine.

If there isn’t any sitting to allow the mind to settle, an understanding of it will be difficult and so observing the routine patterns will not be recognized. Without recognition of these, you are blindly controlled by them. This is why things are done without hesitation that aren’t in our best interest. Without the ability to observe the thoughts that arise, one is like a puppet on a string. Sitting allows the mind to settle so there can be an observation of this and one by one the puppet strings can be cut. If nothing is in place to allow this settling, the Conditioned Mind puppeteer will continue to control and you will blindly and without hesitation do things routinely that aren’t in your best interest or what’s best for others…

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Trapped in the Known

We repeat the same mistakes again and again as we constantly respond to the same triggers as we react out of the habit of what’s known; this is done without even realizing it…

Why is it so difficult to awaken? There are many reason for this, the one that sticks out the most is how the Conditioned Mind holds onto what’s known even if it causes extreme suffering. When I was twenty five my oldest brother passed away from an addiction related incident, this forced my parents to make me look at my alcohol and drug use. His death opened my eyes somewhat, but even though my life was a mess it didn’t mean I was willing to go into unknown territory without my pacifiers to cope with life, and this was with full knowledge that alcohol and drugs were the cause of all my problems. It took another two years before a decision was made that I had enough, but even though I was going into unknown territory I figured it had to be better than the way I was living.

The reason it took two years was because although I was in suffering, my conditioning led me to believe facing the unknown was to scary and the known was the way to go; the lies of the Conditioned Mind run deep. This is why we repeat the same mistakes and it’s also why we constantly react to the same triggers; we react out of habit without even realizing it. The conditioning in place dictates what is done and it’s obeyed without question, and here’s the real irony in all of this, people actually believe they have free will and have a choice. The only thing one can do is submit to what’s known because that’s what’s in place. Once there’s awareness of this, succumbing to the known can be stopped and the choice to live life freely becomes a possibility along with the free will to not give in to the Conditioned Mind…

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Harmonic Energy

Although we are one consciousness, when your energy is out of harmony because of selfish desires it puts you not only at odds with yourself, but it also takes you out of harmony with the entire Universe…

We begin our existence in this form in perfect harmony with Universal energy. In the beginning stages of life we are basically one with it; there isn’t really much to block this harmonic energy. We live mostly fulfilling our instinctual needs, not much thought going on. As we get older we start the process of becoming conditioned by whatever environment and influences we are exposed to. In other words we start to form our story and this story is what changes our energy. This is why Jesus made many references in his teachings to children, because as a child without being trapped by the Conditioned Mind, your energy remains in harmony with the Universe, or as Jesus called this, Father.

No where is it written when you make up a story of becoming something that this is what allows you to remain in harmony with the Universe. Matter of fact anything that is put before your harmony changes your energy so you become out of sorts; to me this is how the Law of Attraction works. This change in energy puts you at a lower energy level and this is what you attract. Success is only a measurement of the standards that society endorses, not the Universe. There can be much success by worldly standards, but it doesn’t mean you’re a success by the standards of the Divine. True success is determined by the harmony of your energy with the Universe.

It’s written to become like little children, not become a doctor, lawyer, professional athlete, a writer or anything else, so if you have the heart of a little child, you can become anything that you please because you will be in harmony with the Universe. This harmony is your oneness and it’s what makes you complete regardless of anything else. You will attract the things of the energy you live by. You may fool people by being successful according to worldly standards, but the Universe will not nor can not be fooled as you only receive what your energy is in harmony with…

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Binding Past

The energy of the past is so binding because of the way the Conditioned Mind uses past experiences to process now and until this is realized the present moment will basically be a thing of the past…

Here’s the reason the present moment has so much value and why it’s so difficult to grasp. However old you may be, if you aren’t living in the present moment you are living from all your past experiences where nothing truly exist. In my case as far the past is concerned, there’s sixty one years of past. It’s no wonder the mind has a difficult time with this, there’s just so much information for it to process and it’s added to every moment of every day. Then there’s the future and although this dynamic is different than the past, things are still used from the past to process the future, case in point is the way the mind reaches for thing. Most of why something is reached for is to change the way you feel at that moment and also how you want to feel in the future. For me there are sixty one years of Conditioned Mind Patterns in place, this is why when a person stops using one thing another thing is substituted for it.

People only gain weight when they stop reaching for cigarettes because they turn the reaching attention to using food in response to a mind agitation. When the mind settles and more time is spent in the present moment, the reaching to quiet a mind agitation lessens and so do the substitutions. The older a person is the more ingrained their conditioning is. It has been proven those who start a sitting practice at an early age have much more stability in their life than someone who doesn’t; to me it makes sense because they don’t have the past binding them up. Don’t make this anymore complicated than it needs to be, live in the present where life truly exist or live in the past and future where the only thing that exist is past and future binding which only occurs because of the conditioning in place…

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Mind Seeking Hunger

Although the pleasures of the world take on many forms, it’s the hunger of the mind that makes you seek. This hunger can only be satisfied in stillness because when the mind is still there is no hunger…

One aspect of our conditioning is how the mind is in pleasure seeking mode 99.9% of the time. Even when we seemingly get down on ourselves, it’s a perverse form of pleasure. The mind wants to keep all the pleasure thoughts and discard the non pleasurable ones; it spends most of its time doing this. Whether it’s weaving in and out of traffic, only to catch a red light and have all the cars that you just passed pull up next to you, or doing something and asking yourself why did you do it; the reason for the doing is strictly of the mind to seek some form of pleasure. That your own mind questions why you do whatever it is that you do is how diabolical it is, but understand it’s only this way because of the way its been conditioned.

The pleasure seeking mind is not something that has our best interest at heart, but the Conditioned Mind doesn’t really care about that; that it’s in control is all it cares about. It makes you think pleasure is a necessity, but when the mind starts to settle and it loses its hold, you will see the fallacy of this. True pleasure is in stillness, not in things, and the pleasure of the heart is not the same as the pleasure of the mind. The pleasure of the mind is based in lies, the pleasure of the heart is based in truth. There are many parables that speak of satisfying the hunger of the mind; this hunger is the self seeking pleasure of “I”. This is the hunger that’s mind created and it cannot ever be satisfied. It’s only in the stillness of the heart that this hunger will be satisfied, not because it’s fed, but because in the heart hunger never materializes so there’s never a hunger to satisfy…

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Beneficial Answers

You already have all your answers; they’re latently within. You just need to make sure the tools that are being used are heading you in a direction which provides the most beneficial answers…

Looking back I can see I had a definite plan that allowed my life to go in a certain direction when I began the study of my own mind. There weren’t any lofty goals to achieve nor did I want some great state of mind to make my life about something in particular. All I really wanted was to find the peace that eluded me for most of my life. This is still the plan today, but be careful because if you think you’re on a so called spiritual path, it doesn’t mean what you’re doing is truly beneficial to you. I did things for years that I thought was beneficial and it turned out not to be so for me. I won’t go into details, but what I do today is beneficial and I know this because there’s a peace that was never there and I don’t have a real desire for anything else. I have a passion for some things, but not an aching. By not looking for anything, that’s how you will know if what you’re doing is beneficial for you.

You may want to be the most spiritual person on your block, you may be reading all the books, quoting all the right people and putting all your energy into your practice, but the question is can you stop it all and still be at peace. If not what you’re doing is only being used as a distraction. I was distracted for forty nine years, so I know what I’m talking about. Try another book, a program, therapy, another pill, working out, meditation, and whatnot, but when the tasks is complete and you are living your daily life, if you’re not at peace, what you’re doing isn’t working. All things are pointers, but where the misdirection is in thinking the pointers are the answer. The answers are always within, you just need to make sure the tools you’re using head you in a direction which provides the most benefits…

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Open Heart Possibilities

There are so many possibilities in life when there aren’t past labels associated with what’s occurring in front of you. This allows endless possibilities because you’re in harmony with life and not living in the past…

An open heart is your greatest asset because without being open nothing arises or at least nothing that’s beneficial. An open heart leads to possibilities never experienced before, but when the heart is closed and the mind is in control the doors to possibilities are also closed. Whatever arise in life can be seen as it is with an openness only if it’s not labeled. In this way life can be experienced anew as the Universe opens up more and more possibilities. Even if some past behavior arises, without the judgment of an associated label it allows the heart to remain open and the possibility to go beyond thelabel to experience something new.

Newness doesn’t always have to be an aha moment, it can be a simple act of just not judging what’s in front of you and experiencing that and moving on. Once something is labeled, the heart closes and so do all the possibilities along with it. To experience all the possibilities that life offers is to not allow the past to be a part of what is being done right now. If it is, obviously it remains as something old not something new. But even though it may be from a past habitual mind pattern that’s in place, it’s only old because it’s labeled as such. Without associating a label to something the heart remains open and the possibilities this allows are beyond anything a limited mind can conjure up…

Monday, January 6, 2020

A Useful Map

Providing a map to show a direction so others can find their way is important, but when the map is used to only provide one specific direction, it loses its usefulness…

There’s no such thing as only one map to wake up from the sleep of unconsciousness. It’s just about impossible to see exactly what another person experiences because no one uses the same exact map in the waking up process. I find it quite amusing the way some people project their waking up map as being the only direction. This is not to say this isn’t the map for that person, but that’s their experience and it’s very unlikely that two people let alone many use the same map to waking up. I know for me I just try to direct people with a map to look inward so the can come to their own conclusion to finding their map to peace. I seriously doubt that anyone went through exactly what I did to get to the place I’m in now, so why would I expect anyone to see my map as I do.

One site in particular always talks about there not being a self map as if this is the only direction one can experience peace. Many others use religion as the map to peace. I’ve found there are as many maps to peace as there are people traveling and none of them are wrong. I don’t know and don’t really care what map one uses, it’s not my place to judge. Although I understand the Conditioned Mind, I really find it funny when someone goes against what someone says it’s ”out there” so it’s fair game. To me the bottom line is to use a map that shows love and respect to everyone, even if their direction isn’t something I’ve experienced. The only reason someone shares anything is because they’re using the map that’s in place. It’s not up to me to judge it because it’s “out there” but it is up to me to watch my own map and make sure it provides a direction that others may see as being useful…

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Pleasure Story

Until you can be with life as it is without needing it pleasurable, a pleasure story disguised as truth will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering of reaching for the next pleasure…

Just because you think it that doesn’t make it true. It may be what you think to be truth, but upon further investigation it’s probably just a made up story providing you with a pleasurable way of how you want things. We use the story of love in this way, but it’s really only to pat ourselves on the back because we make up the story that love is a good thing; we get pleasure out of anything labeled as a good thing. We use God in this way to strictly provide pleasure, nothing more; like there’s really something out there that cares about what you do. All these made up pleasure stories block you from seeing the truth of what’s really going on. If a story is being used to make up what truth is, I guarantee you it’s not truth, it’s only a story that’s providing pleasure.

Truth is not something to know. It can’t be defined with words because it’s only seen when the mind is settled. When you judge regardless of what it is, you are applying a story (your version of truth) of how you think things should be. This is the same with every situation, the judgements are only there to provide yourself with the pleasure of the way you think things should be. Life is always as it is and until you can just be with it instead of always wanting it in a way that provides pleasure, truth will never be experienced. Thus your story of pleasure (a made up version of truth) will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering of constantly needing the next pleasure story…

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Chasing the Lie

Whatever is used that you think is needed to be happy will become the lie that you chase . It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if the chase truly provides what you think it will…

The most misunderstood part of my writings is that the view of life I have today is the view was always there. To me whoever is looked upon for inspiration, it should be noted that most likely they didn’t always see things as they do. I’m fortunate to have experienced two totally different ways of viewing life, it’s where my insights arise from and the reason why I share what I do. Having lived unconsciously for so many years has actually become my greatest asset. When I write about something it’s always from a lesson that I learned, it’s never about being smarter or knowing more than anyone else. What’s there is simply what’s there and it’s what’s shared. When I talk about quietness or stillness it’s because I lived a life full of noise. When there’s talk of attachment, it’s because attachment was my master.

Everyone who is alive experiences life, what’s done with the experience determines what’s chased. An example is if you think you need to have money to be happy, that will be what’s chased. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if the chasing provides what you think it will. Deep down inside having money doesn’t change you; substitute money with anything. For me I went through a life of much suffering, always chasing what my Conditioned Mind made me believe was happiness; today I see this for the lie that it is. When I write something, it’s because I can see the self serving prison I was stuck in; today I have been provided a view of true liberation. I know I’m very direct in my approach, but I’m not insensitive to anyone else’s view, it’s just that I’ve chased what most people are chasing and I can see the lies that far too many remain chasing…

Friday, January 3, 2020

Courage to Look at Yourself

It’s the outer view of satisfying “I” that keeps you from the vision of seeing your inner light. This vision of light only occurs when you have the courage to strictly look at yourself…

Although no one is more special than another in this existence, there are some who do see things a little differently; this happens by having the courage to look at yourself. No one is chosen, but some are just more inclined to not attach to an outer view which allows for a clearer vision than if you are in the grip of a mind based “I” view. There are two existences to experience in this life and they are vastly different. One is in the direction (outward) where there‘s much self created suffering. The other is a view in the direction (inward) of non attachment. The differences in the two views is the outer view creates suffering and is done in unconscious ignorance, the inner one is lived in awareness of ignorance.

The vision of your inner light is a by product of awareness and as the selfish view is let go of, it opens up space to allow wisdom and insight to occur. This opening is directly linked to having the courage to let go of “I”; it’s the “I” that attaches and causes suffering. Ever so slowing when you have the courage to look inward the distractions of “I” fall away. This is what happened to the great mystic’s that people considered special, all they did was have the courage to look inward. This courage to look inward is available to everyone, but you will need to overcome the selfish view of “I” that keeps you distracted from the vision of your inner light which can only be seen when you have the courage look at yourself…

Thursday, January 2, 2020

One Sided View

There’s not much free flowing energy in something that’s one sided. What happens when your free flowing energy is cut off by a one sided view is there’s a limitation that causes suffering…

A one sided view on something is what causes you to get locked into only seeing things from the side of suffering. It matters little what the one sided view is as it’s the rigidness of being in a limited mode that doesn’t allow free flowing energy; this is what happens when a story is created and it becomes one sided. It becomes deeply ingrained and hence deeply fixed as one becomes more and more emotionally tied into whatever it is that’s being focused on. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that is held dear to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion, passion, and genuine love for something without holding onto it from one side.

To me this one sided view is the normal view of most people and it’s why many suffer unnecessarily. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives and I can see the suffering it causes. Unfortunately those in the midst of a one sided view cannot see it, nor can they pull themselves out of it until the one sided view is seen as the cause of their suffering. A one sided viewed doesn’t allow the openness needed to be free from attachment and since attachment is the root of suffering, suffering is inevitable. The more one sided the grip of something is, the more one becomes fixated on it and the less free flowing energy there is in one’s life. There’s not much free flowing energy in something that’s one sided and because of this the free flowing energy is cut off and the one sided view controls life and causes you to suffer…

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Each Moments Gift

Today there may be a change in the year, but this day is like every other day simply because life is one continuous journey and each moment should be treated as if it’s a new beginning…

Life is precious and every moment is a gift, not because of what you have, but simply because one day life in this form will not be so.

Happy New Year to all my family and friends who supported me throughout the year and may 2019 be a reflection of the love that has been shown to me by others and the entire Universe. Whether people agree with me or not, I will stay the course for 2020 by continuing to send as much love into the world as possible and by doing my part in assisting others in the process of awaking up so more hearts turn to love in 2020. It will be in our unity of love that 2020 will be a prosperous year for our entire Universe. 

Take control of your life by learning to discipline an undisciplined mind and you won’t have to rely on wishing for 2020 to be a great year. It will be a great year if each day a decision is made that’s how it will be. If you want to rely on the chance of circumstances being a certain way to consider life as great that’s up to you, but life will always be what it is and what one does with it is the choice to be made, but choose wisely because this choice will determine your life. Happy 2020 and may your life be a blessing to all beings…