Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Mind Truth Isn't Truth

What truth is will never be figured out with the mind, but what it isn’t can be examined, so you may never know what truth is, but you will know what it isn’t and when this is known all that’s left is truth.

The mind has no foundation, it is here, there, and everywhere. It’s why people struggle to find truth with the mind, there’s nothing there. It’s like trying to hold onto air. The true foundation of life is the body because the body exist in the only place that is real, the present moment. It’s so difficult to convey truth through the mind, not that I know what it is, but I do know what it isn’t. That’s the difference in me today as opposed to the way I was ten years ago. People try to figure out what truth is through the mind and that’s where the struggle arises from. Truth is impossible to grasp, what truth isn’t is a lot easier to examine.

Yesterday was one of those days, there was a lot of mind push back on my article. What’s funny is all I am is the writer, I don’t provide the content, that arises on its own from stillness. Again most people struggle with truth because they try to figure it out with the mind. You will never know what truth is from the mind, but you can examine what it isn’t and thus the mind will stop trying to figure it out what it is. Regardless of what I write it can only be disagreed with from within yourself. A disagreement with my writings is a mind agitation that comes from within you. There’s nothing to ever truly disagree with unless the Conditioned Mind tells you it wants something to be different; this agitation is what truth isn’t. Understand this and you just may see the truth, but you won’t know what truth is, you will know what it isn’t and when this is known all you will be left with is truth.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Forming Opinions

Form any opinion you’d like, but it will never be a benefit to you. As a matter of fact it will be a created burden that not only blocks you from the love that’s in your heart, but also from the heart of all humanity.

I don’t write to tell anyone how to live their life. How someone chooses to live has nothing to do with me. If what I write resonates with you, so be it, if not move on. What I write is from my experience, as I was opinionated for many many years. Whether it is agreed with is not really a concern of mine. What is seen is what is written and if you don’t see what I see, you won’t understand what I write. There is nothing right or wrong with this, it’s just the way it is.

We are all an extension of Universal Consciousness. There is no difference in the way we exist except to the Conditioned Mind. We are all from the same energy. It’s when we lose our focus of this that we become individuals and form our opinions. Our unity comes from understanding this. When we form our opinions, our ideas, beliefs, and concepts, we form an individuality which causes us to miss the mark (definition of sin) of Universal Love. I often speak of truth and this is the truth that I speak of. It’s not my truth, but the truth of existence; Universal Love. There is no interpretation needed here, love is love. If you wish to form an interpretation or opinion of love that’s up to you, but when the mind settles, Universal Love becomes life’s base and there are no opinions or interpretations needed here. Learn to live life as it is from the base of Universal Love. Form any opinion you’d like, but it will not truly be a benefit to you because most likely it will be self serving in some way. As a matter of fact it will be a created burden that not only blocks you from the love that’s in your heart, but also from the heart of all humanity; just my opinion…

Monday, February 26, 2018

Conditioned Ignorance

The way one acts has to come from somewhere, it doesn’t just randomly happen. Why this isn’t seen by most people is because of all the propaganda that points you to look for your answers out there.
Here is a hypothetical situation, but this occurs a lot and is very real. A child is abused growing up, in this case pick your so called poison, physically, sexually, verbally, or in some other way. I say poison because this is what the abuse does to a mind that begins its existence pure, innocent, and free; the poison is to become conditioned and pass this on to others. This conditioning is not limited to abuse, it takes on many forms; we simply become products of our environments without realizing it. This is not the fault of anyone, but it is a fact; you cannot get oranges from apple seeds. This conditioning is hardly ever questioned if it’s truly beneficial in your life. All of us fall prey to this and most live under the spell of this conditioning for their entire life.
Granted much of this is simply because of ignorance, there are some people who do wake up to this, but most remain in this ignorance. Look at your own behavior, did you ever ask yourself why you behave in the way that you do? This question is hardly asked as most never get to this point. The way one acts has to come from somewhere, it doesn’t just randomly happen. Why this isn’t seen by most people is because of all the propaganda that points to your answers being out there somewhere. So how can one really be held responsible for how they act with this ignorance in place? They can’t, but the ignorance wants to hold everyone responsible even though most including those ignorantly pointing know not what they do…

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Perception Isn't Truth

Because everyone has different conditioning, we have the world as it is with just as many versions of truth as there are people, but without quietness none of those versions are true.

Part of the struggle that many have with truth is it’s seen through mind perceptions and since the mind has nothing solid as a base, it makes it different for everyone. But a perception of something doesn’t mean how it is being perceived is truth. What it means to see truth is to experience a quietness that needs no label. Truth doesn’t need to be defined for it to be so, as a matter of fact the more one gets entangled in the words of what truth is, the further away from it they become. This really needs to be investigated if it’s to be seen, but understand it’s not truth that will be seen, it’s the quietness that reveals what truth isn’t that will be seen. Part of what blocks most people from truly understanding life is they’re trying to understand life. I know as much about life today as I did the day I was born, but what I do know is there’s nothing to know that will enhance life one bit because it’s not designed that way. Knowing all about an apple doesn’t make it taste better.

Another book, retreat, meetings, meditation/yoga session, or anything else for that matter won’t reveal truth to you because it’s only in quietness that it’s revealed. This is the main struggle in society today because far too many think their perception is truth. Granted it is their truth, but only as a mind construct. Because everyone has different conditioning, we have the world as it is with just as many versions of truth as there are people, but without quietness none of those versions are true.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Humanly Hooked

The understanding of the flesh won’t stop the world’s hooks from grabbing you, but it just may at times stop you from taking the bait which allows the control of the flesh to dissipate somewhat.

There are many hooks that are based in the flesh and they’re constantly being thrown out to grab you; and they will grab you as long as you are in this human form. How deep one gets hooked depends on their conditioning. Even with knowing what I know about the Conditioned Mind there is still the lure of the flesh that catches me at times. Fortunately the hammer was put away a long time ago that was used to beat myself up over doing something that my own mind told me to do; this is just being written as the awareness aware of awareness. If you think you’re going to get to a state of being where the flesh is totally transcended that’s the wishful thinking of the flesh and it becomes your bondage. If you do get there wherever there is, please share it with me, but I won’t hold my breath.

Human form should be embraced as it is, not as it’s wanted. This is not an excuse to just go around succumbing to selfish energy whenever a desire arises, but to awaken to the awareness that this is even happening is a miracle in itself. It seems sex and food are two things that have deeply engrained conditioning associated with them and it’s why there are so many diets out there and both diets and porn are billion dollar industries. Diets and sex sell because it hits most humans at the flesh level. Food and sex are not to be loathed because few will have the ability not to be controlled by them. To me one can only be aware of the selfish energy associated with these as they are reached for to fulfill some inner lack. This inner lack is the at the core of the flesh and it needs constant fulfillment in some way. The understanding of this won’t stop the hooks as the world is based in the flesh, but at times it may stop you from taking the bait which allows the control of the flesh to dissipate somewhat…Maybe…

Friday, February 23, 2018

Delusional Form Attachment

The addiction in our society is to form. Without being led around by form one can truly be joyous and free, but only if it’s seen that the association and attachment to form is a delusion.

The cause of all suffering is attachment to our human form and how we associate everything that happens with it. It’s not that one needs to transcend this form to be joyous, and free, but there has to be a letting go of how we associate with what occurs in life with our form. This attachment and association to form is at the core of all suffering and the thing about it is it’s a delusion. Investigate all the things that are associated with the human form from the moment you wake up to the time that you go to sleep. Everything that occurs in between is form associated and our thoughts reinforce this attachment and association constantly. Obviously our form does exist, the problem is it doesn’t exist in the way we associate everything to it. One day everyone who is alive today will let go of all their associated attachments with form, the key in living a joyous and free life is to learn to do it now.

Nothing really happens to you and the delusion is you think it does, this doesn’t mean things don’t happen, they just don’t happen to you. All I’m saying is if there’s less association with a form that things happen to, when something does happen there will be less attachment to it, and with less attachment, one experiences a more joyous and free existence. This joy and freedom occurs naturally as form associations and attachments aren’t pulled in. To see this one only needs to be aware of who is doing the pulling and why does it occur. The addiction in our society is to form so without being led around by form associations and attachments, one can truly be joyous and free, but only if it’s seen that the association and attachment to form is a delusion.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Delusional Opinions

The greatest injustice to oneself is holding onto opinions that are taken as truth prior to investigating if they are truly so. It’s written “the truth will set you free” not opinions will set you free.

Here is a dictionary definition of the word opinion: a view or judgment formed about something not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. This really sums up what an opinion is and its true value or lack of it. An opinion really has no value because it isn’t based on anything but a fleeting thought and thoughts don’t have any substance and without substance where would an opinion get its value?

The Conditioned Mind will tell you there is value in opinions, but this is delusional. If it isn’t based on something factual how can it truly have value? When there aren’t facts, there isn’t substance, and without substance, there is nothing true to base an opinion on. This just doesn’t go for opinions, it also includes ideas, ideals, beliefs, and concepts. What are these based on? They are based on the delusion of a Conditioned Mind. Before this is discounted, it should be investigated. If you just want to make up an opinion and it makes you feel better, go with your puppet on a string conditioning, but understand this has nothing to do with truth, it’s all from the Conditioned delusion within; a delusion that’s been in place for a very long time. If a person lives their life based on opinions that’s their choice, just understand the burden of a delusional opinion weighs heavily on you and blocks you from the love that’s in your heart.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Awakened Tools

The Conditioned Mind will always fight the new, the only reason this is done is because something different is being presented and the Conditioned Mind doesn’t like different.

What being awake provides is a set of tools that are different than ones which are used prior to awakening. I can only share what my experience was and prior to the shift that happened to me, the tools that were developed and used were selfish in nature. These tools were strictly in place to provide comfort at all cost; the difference today is the tools in place are different. This doesn’t prevent anything from happening nor does it mean much of anything as far as life goes, but the different set of tools has allowed so much more peace in my life and why this is important is because this is when one can truly be used in a way that’s beneficial to all beings.

Why there has always been so much discord in our world is because the Conditioned Mind loves to remain in the familiar, this is one of its tools. In the time of the Buddha, he was not received with opened arms when he became enlightened; he was presenting something new. Same thing with Jesus, the Old Testament Bible was all there was in his time, there was no New Testament. Jesus taught a new way to live and he was crucified for it. The Conditioned Mind will fight the new, it will mock it, argue with it, ridicule it and on and on without investigation, the only reason this is done is because something different is being presented and the Conditioned Mind doesn’t like different. Like I said, this doesn’t real mean much of anything except to a mind that is locked into using familiar conditioned tools. Change your tools, change your life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Beyond Duality

Duality causes inner and Universal division as it creates a you, a me, and them. Whenever this is the way life is viewed there will be separation regardless if there’s a higher or lower self.

An awakening to me is a shift from being caught up in an I Self world, to seeing what’s really going on beyond all the distractions of duality. The phrase higher self is often used to explain what being awake is, but attachment to self causes duality anyway its looked at. One must go beyond any thought of self to truly awaken because any thought of self whether higher or lower is a distraction that keeps one locked into the I Self distractions. These two selfs create duality; oneness (no thought of a self) is the only true state of being. I’m old enough to have seen the old cartoons where an angel and devil would pop up on someone’s shoulders when they were about to make a decision, to me regardless of which self won out it was still a decision made by self. A belief of a higher self as opposed to a lower one makes for a nice story, but it just creates more inner division within.

This form that has manifested for humans to experience life only does what it does because of the conditioning in place. If there is less of this conditioning to be fortunate enough to not be controlled by the I Self count your blessings, because most people (form) will die consumed by an I Self. It makes no difference whether it’s labeled higher or lower as self is self and until self is truly let go of, duality and not oneness will be the controlling energy of life. This duality causes inner and Universal division as it creates a you, a me, and them. Whenever this is the way life is viewed there will be separation regardless if there’s a higher or lower self.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Blindfold Beliefs

All blind faith means is that you are living life as if you are blindfolded. If you don’t investigate your beliefs, you will blindly be controlled by them as if you were a puppet on a string.

When something is done that causes harm 99.999% of the time it is done so through ignorance. There aren’t many people who consciously do things that cause harm to themselves or others. I know for me, I did things that caused harm without any knowledge whatsoever that I was doing this. If you asked me what I was doing I would have said, I’m just doing my thing, but the sad truth is to this day I have no idea what my thing was. This is exactly what happens when a person blindly goes through life without investigating if they are getting the maximum benefit out of their actions. For me this was the case for many years. It’s different today because of investigating how I was and what needed to change. It was the conditioning in place that kept me blind to my own conditioning and there wasn’t much of a benefit to this for anyone.

God wasn’t really the topic of yesterday’s article, it more so pointed to the fallacy of a belief prior to investigating if it truly is a benefit. A belief is a story, what title it is given depends on your conditioning. You will follow whatever it is that you have been conditioned to follow. Blind faith is living blindly and as in the song “Amazing Grace” it states “I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see” My writings are pointers for a person to look if what I’m writing about is true, but if you just answer from a belief you’re anchored to, inquiry and investigation won’t be possibly, hence the value of my writings will not be seen. I’m not saying this because I’m a know it all, but I have been through something traumatic that revealed a totally different way to see things. This wasn’t magical, it transpired because of investigating what I read and what I went through and it was through this investigating that the blindfold was removed and I found a truly beneficial way to live that’s based in truth.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Fallacy of Faith

Life will always be as it is regardless of the created story of faith. Faith is strictly used by the Conditioned Mind to provide the fallacy of comfort, but it’s really not needed if one just lives life as it is.

The lack of being able to live life as it was caused my entire struggle with life. Faith is but a word, there are many interpretations of it, but in truth they are all just a created story. The way I used faith was I thought it meant things should be as I wanted. It’s not a big surprise that this kind of faith caused many problems. I only had faith in the material world and I had to use things in order to feel good, which meant I only had myself to rely on to get what I thought I needed for satisfaction.
At the time this was the conditioning that was in place. Also I firmly held on to a faith of a God that if it didn’t grant me my wishes where was the need for it. If I didn’t get what I desired I didn’t need faith, I could be disappointed without it. This was the conditioning in place so I took care of things myself. I figured I might as well, after all this God story wasn’t doing anything for me; what I really wanted was a magician.

It’s not this way today, but not because there is a belief in something. Today the fallacy of having faith has been exposed and the truth of right now is where my trust lies. This truth doesn’t need a story of faith that everything is as it should be because there’s something in charge, it means it’s as it is and that’s it. There’s no longer the need for a story in my life, because life is lived as it occurs. Through the practice of being with life as it is, there’s a knowing that life will work out simply as it does. To me this is a faith that truly works because it’s used as a means of letting go of “I”. I’ve stopped using faith as the story of believing something is going to take care me. Life is life, it takes care of itself, I’m just a part of it. Whatever happens is life just being life, it needs no story of faith. This is the acceptance of being with the reality of life as it is. I don’t need faith to live life as it is because life will always be as it is regardless of what story or fallacy the Conditioned Mind wants to use to make one think it should be different. For me, life is always as it is right now and to think there’s a need to have faith in something outside myself only changes life as it is to the fallacy of life as it isn’t.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Thought Bondage

When there’s a need to reach for something because the mind becomes agitated, one is in bondage to that thought. Until this is seen, one will remain in bondage to the thought that peace is in the next thing reached for.

You will never find the peace you are seeking as long as you are in bondage to the thought of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our Conditioned Mind controls, we get stuck in the thought that peace is something outside of us. Unfortunately this bondage makes the very peace one is seeking impossible to manifest. This bondage is the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside and until this is seen, one will remain in bondage to the thought that peace is in the next thing reached for. Reaching for alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, self help books and on and on is all the proof needed that one is in bondage. This can’t be stressed enough as this bondage to your thoughts has to be seen if one is to experience true peace in their life.

It’s impossible for the thought of peace to provide peace. What does have to happen if one is to experience peace is there has to be an understanding of why you’re not at peace; that there isn’t peace is only because of one’s inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, the bondage to this thought begins. This bondage is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Peace isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less that peace arises. To many people get lost in the thought of trying to find peace. Since peace is already within you, the thought about finding it needs to be discarded so the bondage of this thought can fall away. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I write. Understand though, I don’t write to help anyone find peace, I write so the bondage to the thought of trying to find peace can be seen for what it is; the cause of why one isn’t at peace.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Tug of War

The tools of pushing or pulling are developed to cope with life, this is why life is seemingly full of problems, but whatever arises doesn’t cause the problems, it’s the pushing or pulling that does.

Nothing needs to be dismissed for one to be free, but freedom cannot be found by pushing away or pulling in what’s occurring. Pushing away or pulling in is linked to thinking we’re getting rid of something, but truly getting rid of something will only happen when it’s dealt with as it it, if it’s not it will never go away. When it’s dealt with it won’t have to be pushed or pulled so it will naturally fall away. This is how one has to approach each moment if freedom is to be had. The way we develop tools to cope with things is why there’s problems, but whatever it is that arises doesn’t truly cause the problem. Granted it may be something that really hurts and has no benefit whatsoever, like the death of a loved one, but if it’s not dealt with in a way that it’s not dismissed or a made up story is attached, the energy of the situation controls your reactions and it will get stored until it’s time to rise up again. This is why the same thoughts are repeated over and over, they have to because of the trace energy in place.

The awareness this is happening can allow you to be with what arises and not want it different. After all the only reason a person pushes or pulls something is because it’s not wanted, this pushing or pulling is the same energy as grasping it’s just being used differently. Pushing or pulling is attachment to either wanting or not wanting and grasping is strictly attachment to wanting, slightly different with a pushing action, but the same attachment. This is very subtle to see and it will only be noticed when one is with the moment as it arises and doesn’t want it to be different. So regardless if it’s labeled good, bad, like, dislike, or whatever, it’s all the same attachment, and the only thing the applied label does is it determines if one reaches for something by pushing it away or pulling it in.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Silently Awake

When words are used to try and convince others that a certain way to live is right, it opens the door to conflict. A true testament of any awakening is demonstrated in silence because silence is what one awakens to.

Social media is a useful tools that can be used to connect with people and assist each other where years ago one was basically on their own, as far as interaction was concerned. Books were always available, but books limit ones expansion to what’s written because one can only learn what content is presented in a book. It’s very difficult for the expansion of the mind through knowledge alone. It’s why I find social media so comical at times because some of the content of the things written are as limiting as the content of a book. People throw phrases around like the words really mean something, they only do to a Conditioned Mind. You see if the mind wasn’t conditioned, the need for defining phrases wouldn’t be needed. When there’s an awareness that there’s no explaining necessary to try and convince anyone of a correct way, it’s then that real freedom from the bondage of self can be realized. Everyone’s way is correct to a degree because it’s what’s provided to them; no two people are provided with the same exact view.

The point of this post is to show words aren’t truly needed to define enlightenment, Nirvana, God, love, or whatever else one wants to use to define their insightfulness, which by the way is mostly made up by the Conditioned Mind. When true freedom is discovered, it manifest as silence; words aren’t needed. The less one uses words to try and convince others that there’s a certain way to live, the more the way is demonstrated to others; being an example of love needs no convincing. Everyone discovers what the Universe provides for them, nothing more nothing less, and as soon as this is realized, it’s then that one will be truly free because there will be no words needed to explain or convince others that there’s a certain way to live. This will be seen by those who understand answers cannot be defined with words because answers can only arise when there is silence.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Life's Intentions

Life has its own intentions and when the mind is quiet one will be in alignment with them. This isn’t to satisfy our made up mind intentions, but strictly for ones that are solely for the betterment of the Universe.

You do what you do because your Conditioned Mind tells you what to do. You wake up in the morning and the day begins. You do whatever it is that you do and about sixteen hours later it’s time to call it a day and go to sleep just so you can do it again tomorrow. We say tomorrow, but the reality of life is it’s one continuous journey, there aren’t really any breaks in it. Time, days, years, decades, centuries, are all man made concepts that are used to the extent of establishing some structure in life, but they are attached to way to much; they’re actually designed to control you.

I’m not saying nothing matters, but does anyone living really know what the intentions of life is? Life’s intention is relatively unknown, sure we can make something up and as a species we’re actually very good at this. We can have intentions about helping others, or loving others, raising a family, being kind, working on this or that, or whatever it is that we use to justify our existence, but the bottom line is one day just like that and without permission, BANG our existence ends. Only when it’s realized to be mindful of the present moment is life’s true intention fulfilled because in that moment there’s no time, days, years, decades, centuries, or whatever else the Conditioned Mind uses to block the Universe from using one for its intent. The only thing needed for this to occur is to be still and once there’s stillness one is used for the betterment of the Universe, not for a created intention to fulfill the Conditioned Mind.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Suffering of "I"

Because the Conditioned Mind isn’t understood enough it’s very difficult to notice the insights that reveal the cause of suffering, hence without these insights one remains entrapped to “l” wanting things different.

Anytime the present moment is wanted different, instantly this causes the one wanting it different to suffer. Why this suffering happens isn’t because of what’s occurring, it happens because of the attachment to a delusional “I” only the idea of “I” could ever want anything different and thus suffer. This is so subtle that it’s missed by most people, even those who claim to be deeply spiritual. Why this is missed is because the Conditioned Mind isn’t understood at the level that allows for this insight to be seen. Many have a practice that’s mind based and so much of what’s in place is from the intellect. True peace can never be fully experienced from the intellect alone, it can assist in getting the mind to settle enough to allow insights to arise without having to make something up, but the mind will have to be minus any story to allow this.

Wanting the slightest thing that arises in the moment different causes suffering. From a simple hang nail, to losing a loved one, or even wanting a loved one, and on and on. Although some things will be attached to more than others, the base of the delusional “I” is the common denominator of all suffering. It has nothing to do with what one thinks is causing the suffering, only attachment causes it and “I” is at the core. Very difficult to see because this “I” will tell you you’re not suffering. It will tell you that the writer of this article doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but if what I wrote wasn’t true, it would just roll off and your “I” wouldn’t give it a second thought. For me I’ve learned the delusional “I” is the cause of suffering and the only way one will ever be free from it is to let go of “I”.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Present Moment Tie In

There’s one very important piece that most people miss when it comes to living life in the most beneficial way possible and that’s living in the present moment, not in a conceptual way, but in a way that ties it all in.

Because nothing truly happens outside the realm of Now if the tools one is using to live life don’t tie it all into the present moment, the delusion of everything being somewhere out there will be the base of existence. There has to be a tool in place to tie it in to the Now until this becomes second nature. Life is mostly lived as if it’s somewhere out there because that’s the conditioning in place and until there’s something to establish a tie to the present, nothing changes as the delusion of somewhere out there continues its dominance and living life in a truly beneficial way only occurs by accident.

The breath is one tool that can be used as a tie, there’s also sitting, chants, tapping, guided mediations, and array of other things. The important thing here to realize is that these things aren’t magical, what they do is tie you into the Now and because Now is the only place that truly exist, you are in harmony with life as it is. This simple yet profound truth is missed by most people because of the nonsense (no sense) of the Conditioned Mind and hence your struggle to find this harmony remains. It’s not that harmony isn’t possible, it’s just not experienced because the present moment tie isn’t being utilized.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Comparing You with Yourself

There’s only one comparison that matters in life, it’s comparing you with yourself and only to the extent of how much freer you are today as opposed to what held you in bondage yesterday.

Each day there are endless opportunities to learn not so much how to be free, but what prevents you from being free. My awakening process has not been one of learning the great secrets of the Universe, it has been a direct comparison of how much bondage there was in my life as opposed to how much there is now. Any spin can be put on this, but to me the bottom line is the less one is controlled by their conditioning, the less bondage there is, and the less bondage there is, the more one comes from a place that tends to be a true benefit to themselves and humanity.

There was conditioning in place to be very selfish for most of my life, I don’t hold this against me, as a matter of fact it doesn’t even matter. What does matter is I’m not like this today, and the only reason this is so is because it was revealed how much suffering being selfish causes; not much else really concerns me. I compare myself to the way I was for forty nine years as opposed to today and what changed was a simple but profound shift that allowed me to not be controlled by the noise of the Conditioned Mind any longer. I use this comparing me to myself as a reflection tool and that’s it. It’s been a true measurement for me, but only to the extent that provides a clear cut picture of how I was and the blessing that’s been bestowed upon me to not be that way anymore.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Weight of the World

One of the reasons it’s so difficult to break free from the Conditioned Mind is because most days start out by picking up where one left off the day before. This is what it feels like to carry around the weight of the world.

The world can weigh you down because it’s as if you bend down when the day starts and literally pick up all the conditioning that has been amassed up to the age that you are. For me I carried around forty nine years of amassed conditioning until I began to say no to bending down and picking it up. This amassing was done only because I knew no other way, so every morning this taking the world upon my shoulders had to be done; like I said it was as if I was bending down and picking up whatever conditioning was there. This equates to the weight of world because that’s how heavy the conditioning is. When you begin to see how the heaviness of what you are carrying around is only there because you’ve picked it up, you can begin to not do this and watch life become much lighter.

There’s such a lightness to life when the conditioning isn’t carried around and even if it does arise, it still doesn’t have to be carried. Carry around amassed conditioning or simply not picking it up is as different as night a day. It’s the difference between being weighed down by attachment or having free flowing energy in control. Nobody can force you to bend down and pick something up, it’s simply done so because of your own conditioning in place, but when there’s an understanding of this even though the mind may say bend over and pick this up, you can just say no and remain free from carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Confusing Conditioning

The thing about the Conditioned Mind is it makes you unconsciously do things that aren’t beneficial to you or anyone else. This is the epitome of unconsciousness.

One incident that sticks out for me is when I was living with a women while working at my fathers restaurant. The restaurant would close around 10pm. On this night I vividly remember telling my lady friend I would be home right after work and I had every intention of doing just that. What I didn’t know is the conditioning in place had other plans. After work I stopped at the liquor store across the street to pick up a six pack of beer to bring home. The liquor store owner was a friend and he asked me if I wanted to do a line of cocaine, of course I said yes and this ignited the craving of more. As soon as the coke was taken, the thought of going home vanished as if it never existed. Needless to say I finally went home around 6am after going to a party and having sex with another women. Of course there was much guilt and remorse and because of this as soon as I got up I started drinking and smoking marijuana. This was the merry go round of my Conditioned Mind.

Unfortunately this wasn’t an isolated incident. My intentions never matched my actions. I did things of this nature over and over without any understanding as to why. My heart and head were never in sync and the suffering this caused was immense. Because I didn’t understand the conditioning that was the driving force behind this behavior, the guilt and remorse could only be sequestered by drinking more alcohol and doing more drugs. What happened at twenty eight when I stopped using alcohol and drugs is anger took over amongst other things. Today it’s much different because of the awareness that was revealed to me ten years ago about the Conditioned Mind, and although this doesn’t keep conditioned thoughts from arising, it does allow me to not attach to these thoughts and thus the Conditioned Mind doesn’t cause nearly as much suffering as it once did. This understanding is at the core of the liberation that was afforded me and it was done simply by understanding my own mind.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

"Grasping at Straws"

One of the obstacles that’s used to keep you in a state of unconsciousness is grasping, and it’s your own mind that keeps this bondage of “grasping at straws” in place.

“Grasping at straws” this idiom refers to a drowning person grabbing any floating object, even a straw, to save themselves, and if there’s one iota of self honesty, this will be seen for the mind bondage that it is. To me this is a perfect example of how to explain one of the obstacles the Conditioned Mind uses to keep a person in a state of unconsciousness. The is the reason reaching for the next fix is the tool that most humans have in place. I know it’s what I had in place for many years and it’s why there wasn’t any stability in my life. Life will be what life is, but if the foundation is one that is “grasping at straws” the ride will be one of chaos, confusion, and mayhem, at best. Everything that happens will be taken as it’s happening to you and when life is made personal look out, all kinds of nonsense arises.

This nonsense was my life for many years simply because “grasping at straws” was at the core of my existence. It’s the grasping itself that will need to be looked at if it’s to ever stop or at least lessen. I grasped for so many things that I would consider the list endless. From drugs and alcohol, to women, gambling, success, God, programs (self help & 12 Step) and so many other things, always thinking the next so called straw was going to save me, but to my dismay it never did. This grasping was something that was deeply rooted within my subconscious, and it was at the core of all my problems; always needing to do, never able to Be. The grasping changed when I stopped reaching for alcohol and drugs in 1987, but nothing internal changes until the conditioning to grasp subsides. Along with this grasping comes a life of bondage, attachment, and much nonsense as this grasping is the root of one’s own created suffering.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Perfectly Unconscious

Waking up doesn’t make you perfect, what it does is it gives you awareness of the “I” imperfections in place, and when one is aware of the harm “I” causes, letting go of its imperfections naturally occurs.

It’s pretty crazy the way life is. It’s something that can’t really be figured out. As in the Grateful Dead song “What a long strange trip its been” is a good description of my life, but I wouldn’t change anything about it, even with all the unconscious suffering that went on for years. The best thing about my life is all the love that I’m surrounded by, to me in the end if anything really matters it will be this. At age twenty eight I stopped using alcohol and drugs as a coping mechanism, four years later I got married which is over twenty five years ago. Although that in and of itself is amazing, at the age of thirty two my father saw a son who caused him years of worrying, finally begin to grow up. I was not a burden to him or to my mother any longer. Mom recently died, my dad died some months after my wedding; him seeing me get married is something I cherish to this day.

The part the gets me the most about being unconscious is the people it affects without any knowledge that it’s happening. From the friends I had growing up, to parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, strangers, and just about anyone else who there was contact with, being unconscious caused much harm. It’s why today I simply don’t want to hurt anyone, but I still do because of the conditioning in place, however the intervals in between are much further apart than ever before. The unloving energy of “I” is at the core of being unconscious, it actually is what makes one unconscious, and just because you may want to be loving, it doesn’t mean you will be, especially if there’s much unloving conditioning in place. Waking up doesn’t make you perfect, what it does do is it gives you the awareness of your “I” imperfections in place and when one is aware of the harm “I” can cause, letting go of “I” imperfections naturally occurs, one perfect imperfection at a time.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Love Energy

How energy transforms is as there’s less thoughts of “I” love naturally arises and as this occurs what’s left is the newness of each moment instead of the familiar view of “I” that only produces suffering.

When I was twenty five years old my oldest brother passed away from an aorta hemorrhage brought on by cocaine abuse. This was the catalyst that forced my parents to make me look at my own addicted behavior. Not that I did this willing because one of the mechanisms of the Conditioned Mind is to keep you entrapped to the familiar even if it’s causing your own destruction. I know it’s why my behavior was self destructive because the mind loves to default to what’s familiar. Living life without my coping mechanisms was scary, I wasn’t about to give them up quietly. It took me two years to finally say to myself enough. At the time I thought this was the end of my suffering, but it turned out to be only the beginning. Although alcohol and drugs were no longer being used as coping mechanisms, with the attachment to “I” firmly in place, other things were reached for instead. I was very focused on getting my life together and that’s what become the next fix.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing things to improve the quality of life, but I found that even with life exactly how I thought it should be, the Conditioned Mind is never satisfied; it’s default setting of “I” always wants and this makes the next fix conditioning just about impossible to break. This becomes a very familiar habitual behavior pattern and it makes life difficult because it locks in the energy of “I” as an anchor that one lives by. To view life through this “I” energy kept me constantly locked into thoughts about fulfilling selfish desires. For me these manifested as gambling, lust, greed, anger, envy, jealousy false pride, and much more, and although these produced different outward behavior, the core “I” created a common suffering. When I began to see this and needing the next fix energy began to subside, the suffering associated with this familiar mindset also lessened; this is how energy transforms. As there’s less thoughts of “I” love naturally arises and the only thing left is the newness of each moment instead of the view that only produces suffering.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Love: Absent of "I"

When a person seemingly has an inability to love, it’s because for whatever reason an attachment to “I” is in place. When “I” is let go of, love naturally arises.

Growing up I wasn’t very athletic nor was my ability to learn conducive to a classroom or group setting. There wasn’t much awareness of this at the time so my growing up was a constant struggle. I was looked at as a problem kid in school because of this lack of understanding by teachers. I became the class clown who was always looking for attention. I had parents who loved me and also friends who loved me, my problem was I didn’t know how to love me, hence the reason why I used things outside myself as escape mechanisms. What I was escaping from was being with myself, but as the saying goes, you can run, but you can’t hide.

I used alcohol at first and was a black out drinker from early on in my life, but I would also use drugs to the same level. There was so much confusion and it kept me on the merry go round of constantly needing to alter the way that I felt. I was only a child, but most adults in my life were just as clueless as me, only one teacher saw through the facade I had in place.

This inability to love was there because of the attachment to I, but it took me forty nine years to learn this. My dad bought a restaurant and bar when I was seventeen and it enabled me for ten years. From the age of seventeen to twenty six I was high on some kind of substance; there was no way I could ever face the day without ingesting something. I wasn’t a bad kid, I just didn’t know how to love. The friends I had growing up were pushed away because I only had time to fulfill my needs. I began stealing from the restaurant to satisfy my cravings, you see there was only room for me in my life and I would justify anything I did. I would go to any extreme to fulfill these cravings regardless of who got hurt. The sad fact of this is many people are like this today, some to this extreme and some milder, but until this is acknowledged as the way one is, change simply is not possible.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Never Satisfied

Unconsciousness doesn’t excuse one from the way that they act as one is always accountable for their actions, but who can cast the first stone and hold one responsible for acting the only way possible.

A dear friend of mine suggested that I share more stories about how I was before my so called awakening. My hope is that this sharing is found to be useful. One of the stories that stands out for me, explaining just how self destructive I was, is my prom. I got so drunk that I recall very little of what happened that night. The problem with self destructive behavior is it’s selfish with little regard for others; I never even thought about how my behavior affected my date as it was also her prom. Forget what I did to myself, those around me suffered just as much or maybe even more than me because of this selfishness. We truly hurt the one’s who love us the most when we alone are the center of our Universe (attachment to I).

Years ago I attended a friends weddings where some of us at the table took a hit of acid, I took two (I had to). Needless to say we all got thrown out of the wedding. I’m not writing any of this to condone what happened, I’m just trying to show I’m no different than anyone else. We all have our stories, but it’s how we use them to possibly helps other that’s important, but only important to a degree.

Behavior of this manner doesn’t allow you to form relationships with others and I can’t even begin to touch upon the people especially women that were affected by this conditioning. I always had a certain charisma when it came to women, but since I was selfish they were only seen as notches on my belt. There were a lot of notches because no matter who I was with, there was never satisfaction. This is only to show I was caught in the grip of always reaching for the next fix and this was without any awareness whatsoever that this is how it had to be.

Self Destructive Behavior

When it’s realized how often the same behavior patterns are repeated over and over even to the point of one’s own destruction, it is then that those patterns have the possibility of being changed.

I didn’t always have the view of life that I have today, for forty nine years it was much different mostly because there wasn’t much trial and error growing up, it was mostly error; error in the sense of my behavior being self destructive. As far back as I can remember this self destructive behavior was in place, and as I got more access to destructive things such as alcohol, drugs, and gambling to name a few, my self destructive behavior became more frequent; and unfortunately more destructive. It began as far back as kindergarten when for whatever reason I remember cutting the girls hair who sat in front of me. I have no idea why this was done, but this was the beginning of mind patterns of doing things without any thought whatsoever as to what the consequences would be.

I seemed to always have more brashness than brains, which is a major part of destructive behavior. I always did more than what everyone around me did. If they bet $20 on a horse, I bet $100. If they drank a half pint of rum, I drank a pint. This pattern which caused me a lot of problems, went on for many years, but it wasn’t done because I was trying to out do anybody, it was just the “always needing more” attitude that was in place. It’s not always easy to see where my writings come from because my past isn’t discussed much, but as destructive as my behavior was, I am alive today to share it with others. The list is endless of the self destructive things I did; bet and lose twelve basketballs in a row and my answer to that was to bet another game. When I stopped using the obvious self destructive tools at the age of twenty eight, the only thing that really changed was the self destructive tools became much more subtle. This changed totally for me at the age of forty nine. My writings will be focused on content like this for a few days so those who read my articles can get a better understanding of what inspires me to write as I do.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Past to Present Labels

When the Conditioned Mind is in control, you will have to make up story after story because all you can do is reach into the baggage you are carrying around that’s filled with labels from the past.

Every thought that arises is given a label from some past experience that’s being held onto. Think of the labels that are put on things including people, they’re all derived from some past experience brought into the present. It’s like carrying around different bags for each thought that arises and these bags are filled with memories, descriptions, judgements and what not. Parents, family in general, co workers (all associations for that matter), food, entertainment, music, alcohol, God, religion and on and on, everything that arises in the present moment has already been labeled by something from the past. So how objective are we really when it comes to being open minded? How much truth can be known if there are already labels in place? This is why sitting is so valuable, it allows space before a label is applied.

Right now wherever you are think of someone you know that isn’t with you. Do you not already have a label for them? Where does it come from? It comes from one of your bags from the past. It’s something that’s being carried around so the label of what is being thought of is already there, but it’s only there because of carrying around the past. Something not known isn’t labeled because there’s no past attached to it. To not carry around baggage from the past is to be in a place of open mindedness, a place of non judgement. This is a place where the stories of the Conditioned Mind aren’t needed. If there isn’t some form of discipline being used to allow the mind to settle, you can just resign yourself to the fact that your mind is in control and you will have to make up story after story because all you can do is reach into the bags you are carrying around that are filled with labels from the past.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Accumulative Energy

If we didn’t carry the burdens of past moments into the present, our accumulative energy would never form burdens and we would be free to live life as it actually occurred.

Most of the so called problems that occur in life are due to making things cumulative. I always carried past moments into the present and never understood this until I was at work one day. I work twelve hour shifts and we were working a lot of overtime, this particular week I was on my fifth day in a row. I was talking to one of my shift mates when he asked me if I was tired because of this being my fifth day of work in a row. As I began to answer him, the thought that popped into my head was “What does the previous four days of work have to do with today.” As I thought about this, I saw how so much of the burdens that I carried around for most of my life were strictly formed from not understanding how not to make the events of my life cumulative. It’s a skill that eluded me and made life more burdensome than was necessary.

Imagine a life without the cumulative affect; it can become a reality with practice. Life would be like water running off a ducks back. Things would never accumulate and become an issue. These accumulations are the very thing that makes life feel like it’s a burden. If it was learned to truly live in the moment and not carry the burdens of past into the present, our cumulative burdens would never materialize and we would be free to be with what arises. Life can be happy, joyous, and free without difficulties if there was the understanding that it is one continuous journey and the past moments have nothing to do with the present. Don’t carry around and accumulate the events of the past and you won’t be weighed down by your self-created burdens; this is when life will be truly lived.