Thursday, April 30, 2020

Always Complete

You are never not complete. When there‘s incompleteness you alone create it which makes you reach outside yourself. Until this is realized you will continue to reach because you think you’re not complete…

Every time you reach outside yourself to fill a specific void it’s done because you don’t think you’re complete. Same when a person goes to a program, reaches for a self help book, or any other type of outside help is sought, it’s all done because of the belief (applied label) you’re not complete. When this is done all you’re doing is reinforcing the attachment to that label, keeping yourself attached to the thought you’re not complete; this only exist because you alone have applied the label. Whether or not this label is applied is the difference in breaking free from your suffering or remaining locked in its prison. Some of the things mentioned do have value if they’re used at certain times, but if they’re being held onto as an end to a means, they lose their value as “you’re not complete” is what is attached to.

I’m writing this because it’s what I experienced after many years of thinking I wasn’t complete and I tried to fill the incompleteness void with things from the outside. I have found the very things that I was using to find completeness is what kept me in locked in prison; this occurred regardless of what was being used. Why I thought I wasn’t complete is what I needed to find out because it didn’t truly exist and since it didn’t truly exist, why was it there? To me if something from the outside is needed to live life, something isn’t right. If I can’t just be with myself without the reliance on something outside of me, I have to ask myself why this is. There’s never a “you’re not complete” mindset that isn’t created so there’s never a true need to reach for anything from the outside. Until this is realized, you will continue to think you’re not complete and thus create your own suffering…

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Selfish Energy

Stand up for all your causes, do whatever it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how your triggers dissipate along with the selfish thoughts that hold you in captivity…

You may think what happens in life causes your emotions to arise, but what’s not understood is the emotions are already in place, they just get triggered by selfish energy. There’s so much selfish conditioning in place that it keeps you from understanding your own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will selfishly control you. Most don’t think they’re selfish and take offense to being called so, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an inkling it’s being done; one is blind to their own selfishness. You may be responding to this thinking “who do I think I am to label you selfish and I should look at myself” but I do look at myself and that’s where it was first discovered just how selfish humanity is, myself included. Anytime someone gets angry, they’re causing their own suffering, yet it’s done all the time, but that’s only part of it, what’s really selfish is it’s not looked at why the anger arises. Stories are made up why it arises, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.

There are many justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the selfish conditioned mind; that it’s not realized is why it’s selfish. The list of attachments that are selfishly held onto is endless and it keeps the selfishness in place. Very few will really get this, it’s easier to point at the writer and say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The only way you will not be selfish and your emotions not be triggered is if this is understood. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all this selfishness. When you awaken you can pull away from this selfish energy which will remain in control if awakening doesn’t occur. Stand up for all your causes, do whatever it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how your triggers dissipate along with the selfish thoughts that tell you the selfishness this article points to doesn’t apply to you…

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Knowing Yourself

The more truth that’s known about yourself the more chance there will be to break the attachment to your lies. Without going inward you will remain a prisoner to your made up stories…

Jesus and Buddha were truth seekers, they knew their answers were within themselves, they didn’t need to look for anything from the outside to tell them this. All truth is within, it cannot come from some outside source. The difference between being free and being distracted by outside things is knowing your inner self as opposed to attaching to the lies from outside yourself.

There’s so much nonsense that goes on in the world and it’s the lack of truth is the reason. This won’t be understood if you’re stuck in the lies of looking outside for your answers. Inner truth is not the truth of solving Universal mysteries, it’s simply the truth of knowing the cause of why you do what you do. It’s not my desire to inspire as much as it is to convey a message of truth through my writings; writings that are only tools to point to the place within your own heart that will lead to truth and freedom. It’s your own inner essence that will set you free; this is the next step in humanity’s evolution process.

Truth is something that is either known or it’s not. If you don’t understand your own heart you can’t understand the heart of truth. I don’t really care how something looks from the outside, it’s not truth if it’s not from within. When you go inward and find stillness from your own heart, you’ll also discover truth. This will allow you to understand what’s truly needed to be set free and you’ll stop needing to attach to the lies in whatever form those stories manifest…

Monday, April 27, 2020

Truly Loving Yourself

Life really isn’t about being good, moral, honest, or any other story that can be made up, but there is one thing and that’s to truly learn to love yourself unconditionally so you can in turn love others…

For forty nine years I did things to myself that I would never allow anyone to do to me. Not all of these were glaring self destructive actions, some were in the form of very subtle thoughts, but it was harmful nonetheless. If I truly loved myself, I would have never done this, but I didn’t know any better so the self sabotaging behavior was the norm. I’m not talking about lip service love here, I’m talking about genuine unconditional love where there is absolutely no judgement whatsoever. Love is a word that is given more lip service than actual action.

You will never truly love your neighbor if you don’t really understand how to love yourself and this is because you can never be anything different than what you are in any given moment. Everything I do is done because I’ve learned what behaviors are loving and which ones aren’t. I love myself to the point where I don’t want to not only cause harm to myself, but I also don’t want to harm others. Although it may seem that I share to help others, it’s only partially so. I share because it reinforces the love I have for myself. This isn’t an ego thing, it’s about learning how we are our own worse enemy, that is until we aren’t.
There was no greater harm done to me by anyone than what I did to myself, but in the space of quietness I have learned to stop doing this. To me life isn’t about being good, moral, honest, or any other story that can be made up, it’s one thing and one thing alone and that’s to truly learn to love yourself unconditionally so you can in turn love others…

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Conditioned Memory

The conditioned memory has so much control over what is done in the present, until there’s awareness of this, memory will continue its gripping control as if you were a puppet on a string…

Understanding that living your given life as opposed to the life you think you should have is the difference in being at peace or being controlled by the conditioned memory. When you’re with what arises you’re with the reality of what truly is, not a made up reality. When there’s isn’t the reality of what is, there’s the delusional state of what isn’t which makes for very little peace.

True life is what’s occurring right now so it would mean if you’re reading this post that’s what’s here now; there’s nothing else going on beyond what’s happening right now. There may be some conditioned memory thought going on in between your ears, but that’s the created delusional state of what isn’t and making it into what is; the bottom line is it’s not the reality of wha’s occurring right now. The mind has been conditioned to use its memory to create a life it thinks is better than the one occurring right now. I’m not sure why this is, but I do know this has to do with conditioning beyond ones control. To me what matters is to develop discipline which allows for the awareness of this conditioning. Control is control and the more your memory is in control the less reality there is. Unless one lives with the reality of what’s occurring right now and learns how to identify the controlling memory, it will be impossible to ever be free because you will remain under the spell of the conditioned memory…

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Made Up Problems

The Conditioned Mind loves to make up problems, until this is seen it will continue to do so even though everything in life is impermanent, especially the made up problems…

Problems are made up by a Conditioned Mind that doesn’t accept what’s occurring in the present moment. It wants the present moment different and it actually makes you think if it was different all would be well; this is the fallacy of the Conditioned Mind. All is well right now, but because of the Conditioned Mind it’s not seen so problems are made up just to do something. I’ve always had a tendency to make everything into a problem and although I don’t attach to this as I once did, many times making a problem is still my first thought.

Yesterday I was washing clothes and I put them in the dryer. When they were almost finished drying I opened the door to pull out a shirt, there were red spots on it. I pulled all the clothes out and found a red pen in the dryer; there was also red ink all over the dryer. The first response was my usual making this a problem thought, the clothes are ruined. I took a step back and took a deep breath, I grabbed a shirt and cleaned a spot, the ink came out. I then cleaned the inside of dryer. I rewashed all the clothes and an hour and a half later it was as if nothing had happened. I don’t concern myself too much with my thoughts anymore, the attachment to them is what I watch now; the clothes can be substituted with anything. The Conditioned Mind loves to make up problems and until this is seen it will continue to do so even though nothing is truly a problem because everything passes; at least to a mind that sees just how conditioned it really is…

Friday, April 24, 2020

Desires Addiction

Until it’s realized there’s never a true desire to change the way that you feel, addiction will remain at the epidemic level because desiring the present moment different will be all you think about…

There are many things used that are put in the category of what addiction is, but what’s not realized is none have anything to do with addiction. Not many people see this and until they do addiction will remain at an epidemic level. This is because what’s not addressed is why a person has the desire to alter how they feel. This is what’s at the root of addiction; the desire to reach for something to fulfill an inner feeling of lack. That’s the true addiction, not the thing being reached for. If the feeling of desiring to alter one’s current mind state was understood, one could choose not to reach, but since it’s not understood, the reaching must occur once the desire to alter your current mind state arises. The true addiction is in the thought of desiring the present moment different. If desiring the present moment different was not the case, reaching for something would never occur. There are two parts to this, mental and physical, but the physical is only a secondary reaction to the mental. Before anything is reached for and actually used physically, the mental has to take a firm hold of desiring.

Nobody abuses drugs, takes a drink of alcohol, gambles, or gives into any desire without there being a need to fill that desire. Without having the thought of a desire one would be free of any addiction. You see it’s our thoughts that cause the actual desire; the fixated attention on a substance is secondary. If the addiction epidemic is ever going to stop, there will have to be a change of focus on to why there’s an epidemic in the first place. It’s because there’s a thinking epidemic in the world and it’s why the world is in such disarray. So much that’s done in our society reinforces this conditioned thinking that it keeps one reaching outside themselves desiring to change how they feel. Until you understand there’s never a true desire to change the way that you feel, addiction will remain as an epidemic because desiring the present moment different will be at the core of all you think about…

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Awareness Possibilities

The more awareness one has of the moment the more cooperation there seems to be with life. This doesn’t mean everything will be as wanted, but what happens is the possibilities are less limited…

Life will occur whether there’s awareness of it or not. What awareness allows is the possibility of a different reaction to what arises instead of a conditioned one and thus this produces a different outcome. Pretty much what arises arises, there’s no much that can be done in that regard, but how it affects you has many possibilities. Years ago for me these were limited possibilities to my conditioned reactions because they were based in a self serving perspective; this was just the way I was conditioned. I wouldn’t have allowed anyone to do half the things I did to myself, but yet because I didn’t know any better the self sabotaging reactions were normal to me. Without the awareness of the conditioning in place today it wouldn’t be possible to be anyway but how I always was.

Although today life is still life and what arises arises, without the self serving perspective being as prevalent as it once was, it has opened up so many more possibilities in my life. What’s truly beautiful about this is the self sabotaging reactions have become less and less on their own. Becoming aware of the way you react to what happens is where possibilities arise from. When you’re are stuck in one view you‘re limited to only that view and the possibility of reaching your full potential is nearly impossible. The more you’re in harmony with the moment, the more life cooperates with you. It doesn’t mean everything will be perfect or go the way you think it should, but the imperfections (if life is labeled as so) won’t limit your possibilities…

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Loving Heart

There’s the little you with all your beliefs and concepts and then there’s the bigger picture, the one where you’re guided and free of your burdens because you love with all your heart…

When the mind is still our reliance of existence becomes one of love instead of reliance on concepts and beliefs. There’s a deep love that abides in stillness. It’s in stillness that all of life exist so when the mind settles the everlasting love of the Universe is there to still the mind agitations which are the cause of all discord.

When the mind is still it allows for one to live from a heart of love. This connects you with the goodness of life, your own internal goodness and all beings. The connection is already there it’s just not known what it will takes to connect and the only reason this isn’t known is because of the mind agitations that block love from the stillness of our heart from being known.

When this isn’t known all kinds of nonsense follows. When it’s learned to discipline an undisciplined mind our agitations slowly subside, what we are naturally left with is a deep undivided love of the Universe. This love is what’s there beyond the noise of a Conditioned Mind, beyond our mind made concepts and beliefs. When in the space of stillness you love because in the stillness it is known who you truly are. Love with all your heart and allow the mind to settle so you’re not relying on your own mind made concepts and beliefs to live as life was intended; as the beautiful being of love that you truly are…

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It's Not Personal

There are different ways to handle the things that happen in life, the key to not being controlled by them is to understand what happens is never personal regardless of what it is…

The way life happenings are handled depends strictly on how they are related to yourself. Most make the self so personal that it’s attached to as if what’s happening is happening to you. This is very constricting and creates much suffering because it’s labeled as wrong that it’s happening. This is when the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve mind takes over. That there’s a you who things happen to is the conventional way of seeing not only yourself, but also what happens. Nothing truly happens to you, things do happen, but nothing directly happens to you unless there’s a you who attaches to it. I’m not saying ignore what happens, but without the attachment to “I” things that happen are allowed to be as they are without the mind creating suffering. The conventional thought is there has to be an emotional tie to what happens, but what’s not understood is you don’t have to suffer. This isn’t seen because of the attachment to a self that only exist in the mind.

No one has to suffer through life, but if the herd mentality is blindly followed suffering will be the norm. Go deeper within to see how your own suffering is created by holding onto a self that’s been programmed by the conditioning of what is considered normal. The past can’t be changed so there’s no reason to replay it over and over. Replaying it doesn’t change it, but it does cause it to remain stagnant and create a Conditioned Mind Pattern that doesn’t allow you to see there really isn’t a you to hold onto anything. Although what happens happens, it deosn’t happen to you so nothing needs to be changed. Not because it’s being ignored, it’s because there’s no attachment to a self that makes it personal…

Monday, April 20, 2020

"I" Difficulty

It’s not easy to see the difficulty “I” causes because the Conditioned Mind isn’t understood enough to allow for this insight to be seen, thus one remains entrapped in the difficulty of wanting things different…

Anytime the present moment is wanted different, it’s a difficulty caused by “I”. Why this difficulty happens isn’t because of what’s occurring, it happens because of the delusion that there’s the existence of an “I” but it’s only the idea of “I” that causes the difficulty of wanting anything different. This is so subtle that it’s missed by most people, even those who claim to be deeply spiritual. Why this is missed is because the Conditioned Mind isn’t understood at the level that allows for this insight to be seen. Many have a practice that’s mind based so much of what’s in place is from the intellect. True peace can never be fully experienced from the intellect alone. Intellect can assist in getting the mind heading in a direction, but it will never settle enough to allow insights to arise without having to make something up; the mind will have to be minus any story of a so call journey to allow this.

I know the style of my writing annoys some, and it’s because I write matter of factually, but I only write what is seen. I don’t try to make anyone see things as I do, but I know how “I” made my life difficult and why it’s not this way today. Wanting the slightest thing that arises in the moment different is “I” making life difficult. From a simple hang nail, to wanting me to write differently, to losing a loved one or even wanting a loved one, and although some things will be attached to more than others, the delusion of “I” is the common denominator in life being difficult. It has nothing to do with what one thinks is causing the difficulty, only attachment causes it and “I” is at the core. Very hard to see because this “I” will tell you there’s no difficulty, but if there wasn’t what arose would just roll off your back and you wouldn’t give it a second thought. For me I’ve learn the delusional “I” is disguised as many things, but I’ve also learned the only way to be free is to let go of “I”…

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Dependent on Dependency

The things reached for don’t matter, but why they have to be reached for does. Learn this truth because it’s only this truth that will ever truly set you free…

Dependency is dependency regardless of what it is and the reason there is a failure rate and not a success one in treating addiction is because the true cause of it isn’t identified. When a person needs to reach for anything, not just drugs and alcohol the reason why needs to be identified if there is ever going to be freedom. The answer has been provided to me and it is my obligation to share it. This isn’t some ego trip, these answers are real. My writings explain from my experience why this reaching is so and what can be done to stop it. It’s based on Condition Mind Patterns that are formed by inner and outer influences that control you as if you were a puppet on a string. Through ignorance most people are controlled by Conditioned Mind Patterns until the day they die and far too many die before they are provided with an answer. These Conditioned Mind Patterns are in everyone; we are all addicts, we just reach for different things.

I am but the instrument in all of this, but it‘s my obligation to get this message out to as many people as possible. A real answer has been provided to me with a practical solution to end the human condition of reaching, not by substituting one dependency for another, but by truly learning to be free in the present moment. The true bondage is in the need to satisfy a false self; that is the addiction. The things reached for don’t matter, but why they have to be reached for does. Learn this truth because it’s only this truth that will ever truly set you free…

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Love Always Loves

Although people may have similar experiences no two people see things the same way and because of this, the only way we’ll ever get along is when love is seen as what we have in common…

We should make it our daily focus to always tolerate others only because we don’t like it when someone isn’t tolerant of us. We all do the best we can with our developed tools. No two lives are the same as we all view life differently because our experiences are different, and because someone has different experiences that doesn’t make one right and one wrong. The point being everyone has a right to their own view and their own experiences and no one can tell another they’re truly wrong because no two views are the same.

No one knows what I went through for my view to be as it is today as I don’t know what anyone else went through. We’ve all had many experiences to develop whatever view we have in place so we are as we are, and because no two lives go through the same thing we all view life differently; no one is more right than the next person. Here is the key, love is the message we should be focused on and the one that should be shared.

Don’t be to harsh when someone does something. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t add to their suffering by being intolerant because they’re probably doing the best they can with the tools they have in place. Everyone is the cause of their own suffering, what happens doesn’t cause it, the perspective in place does. I know it’s not easy to see things in this way, but what happens when there’s intolerance of others is you wind up causing your own suffering…

Friday, April 17, 2020

Your Obstacle is You

The only obstacle to truly being free is yourself and until you face yourself freedom is something that will always seem to be in the next thing reached for…

Consider life as water and emotions as a flood, if you’re on low ground you will be overcome by the flood waters (emotions) but if you’re on high ground the same flood waters will come, but the way it affects you will be much different. This is what happens when a person faces themselves, you are naturally put on higher ground which builds up a defense against your emotional flood waters. Without facing yourself there will be no defense against the flood waters because you will be stuck on lower ground. On lower ground when the flood waters arise, some form of destruction will be the result and the severity of the flood (emotional attachment) determines the destruction.

The flood waters only affect what’s on lower ground, and your lower nature manifest as emotional attachments. The destructiveness of this attachment is determined by what is reached for, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, food, politics, and so on. Although not everything reached for is destructive, some just have much more destructive potential than others. If one doesn’t face themselves there won’t be awareness of either the destructive or the subtle things reached for. To me, the key is facing yourself because it puts you on higher ground so when the flood waters do come it has less affect on you. This is the value of facing and understanding yourself, it allows you to not be flooded emotionally by circumstances that occur. Although the flood waters will arise, because you are on higher ground you aren’t affected like the person who’s stuck on lower ground and is reaching for a life preserver, in whatever form that may be…

Never Settle for Less

You can hope for the best in life and let the cards fall where they may, or you can take control of your life by utilizing the most beneficial resources available and never settling for less…

You would never settle on anything less than  the best doctor if you had an ailment, you would do the necessary research and find the best one available. Mostly your answers are looked for out there somewhere as a first choice when the best answers ever found are always within you. You’re the best source to finding the answers to what ails you. Once we have a proper diagnosis, the necessary action can be taken to help heal those ailments, but you have to use the most beneficial resources available for your answers which are always within. Quietness is needed to understand this, without it the mind makes you think the best available resources are out there somewhere.

This understanding will not occur on its own, it’ll take willingness to allow this awareness. Without awareness it’s almost like picking a doctor through the old method of using a phone book; remember the yellow pages lol. Would you really take a chance like that! Nothing is more important than your own life and having control over it. You can leave it up to chance, hope for the best and leave it at that or you can use the most beneficial resources available to do what’s necessary to cooperate with life so there’s harmony with it. Life will be what it’s made out to be and making it a master piece can only be done when the best possible resources available are sought out and utilized. Either you do this or you settle for less and let happenstance determine how your life will be. The choice is yours as its your life, but using the most beneficial resources will allow it to be lived to the fullest…

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Attracting Energy

The energy of love is more attracting than the energy of hate, even though you may love, others around you may not, but their energy will at least be neutralized because of how the attracting energy of love works…

All energy is attracting regardless of what its base is. You can’t have a riot with one person so the energy that’s given to that situation, if no one else is attracted to it, it will just dissipate and the riot will never occur. So it is also with love, when one’s energy comes from a place of love, it’s also attractive, but it’s more powerful than the energy of hate and because of loves lasting effects the consequences are much different. This is why it’s so important to be the instrument of love in a world where many are instruments to self serve. Loving energy attracts so if one isn’t making up a story of a problem it’s impossible to have one. When we’re together if I don’t have a story you won’t either and love will be the energy of that moment.

The energy that love emits is far more reaching than the energy of hate and although you may love, others around you may not; their energy will at least be neutralized because that’s how love works. You will defuse situations just by your energy being based in love, you don’t need to do anything. If someone gossips, don’t participate, when someone cuts you off on the road, just be with it and let it go. If a person tends to be angry don’t feed their anger. By doing this it doesn’t mean others will change, but at least for the moment loves energy will be in control. The more this is done, the more attracting loves energy becomes and the more neutralized the situation…

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Nowhere to Hide

You can’t hide from your own energy output because it comes from within you so there’s nowhere to go. Love and your energy will be of love simply because that’s the energy within you…

Simply put, the energy you put out is the energy you will live by. This is a truth that will always occur; it has to. It’s no different than pressing down on the gas pedal in your car, the car will go faster, it has to, there’s no way around it. Hold onto the energy of hate and that’s the energy you’ll embrace, whether you want to or not. It will take you over, it’s the truth of how energy works. Do you think you can show hate to someone and love another? That’s won’t happen as stated before, the more you press down on the gas pedal, the faster the car will go. If you truly want a loving heart learning to love all beings is a necessity. This simple but profound truth isn’t really understood by many people, all you need to do is look around to see this. The energy that’s put out is your own energy and it controls you. Nothing, and I do mean nothing from the outside causes any emotion to arise, you may think it does, but that’s only because you don’t understand your own mind and how energy works.

It’s really unfortunate because it’s not understood how any energy except love causes your own suffering. Although unloving energy may effect all of humanity to a degree, the effect it has on you is where most of the harm is. You can’t hide from your own energy output because it comes from inside you so there’s nowhere for you or it to go. This is why acting in unloving ways constantly repeats itself because you can only be the energy that you are emitting out; until there’s awareness of this, it will be the focal point of your actions. Love and you will be love or not, just understand that’s the energy you will be because it’s the energy that’s within you…

Monday, April 13, 2020

Problems Have You

When the mind is quiet there is freedom because the energy of what’s happening has nothing to attach to. It’s not that you have problems more so that your so called problems have you…

It’s not that you have problems, it’s that your problems have you. It’s never what happens to you that causes your problems, it’s how you allow what happens to draw you in and control you. The draw is almost unpreventable because of the unawareness of it, but the control, now there is something that can be prevented.

How might ask how can something be prevented that you’re unaware of; the key is in learning to quiet the mind. What a quiet mind will do for you is allow the controlling energy to pass through you and hence it won’t get to the point where it draws you in. What happens itself doesn’t control you, it can’t as it has no energy, but when you give it energy, that is when it draws you in. Our default energy is stillness as this is the energy we begin life with; the attaching energy transformation is where the control comes from.

How problems gain control can be summed up in how what happens is allowed to fester and thus becomes the energy that controls you. Positive or negative energy can be just as controlling, but quietness, the ever elusive quietness, can not be controlled because there’s nothing there; why do you think it is said to “Be Still”. When there is nothing to attach to there is no controlling energy. Energy always is, the energy of attachment is controlling, the energy of quietness, is freedom. This is why meditation and concentration are so valuable as a daily practice because discipline is developed which allows the energy of stillness to be the guiding energy that leads the way. When you are given this control and you don’t allow what happens in life the energy needed to create problems, you will realize you never truly have a problem, but your problems can certainly have you…

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Understand Love to Understand Life

To understand life one must understand love. Without love you may exist, but you don’t truly live. The struggle with life is the struggle with love so love and end your struggle…

It is they that conquer themselves, that conquer the world. It is not the mysteries of the Universe that reveals its secret, it‘s understanding your own mind and why you do the things that you do, this is what uncovers the greatest mystery known to mankind; our own mind. What good is it if you know all about the Universe, but you don’t know why you allow life to dictate to you what you think, say, do and feel. If you don’t know that, you will never truly be at peace because your Conditioned Mind will be in control.

It is imperative to understand your own conditioning if you’re to ever truly understand your life. Trying to understand the meaning of life drives people crazy because there are too many unknowns that the mind will never grasp, but understanding just one life, our own, is something that anyone can do. It’s not such a mystery to gain mastery over your behavior, but it will take vigilance for this to occur. When you behave in a loving way, you become that love.

It’s not the mind that you really learn to control, it’s the conditioning you become aware of. It’s your conditioning that dictates your behavior. If your conditioning is based in love, then we will be loving. If it isn’t you will need to quiet yourself, so you can do what you need to do to make this occur. You do this because when you are still you understand to love is the meaning for your life; without it there is no life. There is existence, but that doesn’t equate to life; to live there must be love. For any life to be complete, it has to be completely immersed in love. A little love equates to a life that’s a struggle. The struggle with life is in not understanding love, not the great mysteries of the Universe. Complete love equates to a complete life. Understand this, and you will understand life, but to understand life you must understand love; completely…

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Aligned Intentions

When your intentions are aligned with Universal Love this generates love for all beings, not because of effort, but because this is the way love works when your intentions are aligned with Universal Love…

Having intentions aligned with love is worth more than all the books combined on what it means to be spiritual, and why this is so is because your intentions are yours and the content of any book is someone else’s. Someone else’s idea of you will never be you, no matter if their way is copied exactly, this is why many remain in the struggle because they’re trying to be someone else’s idea of who they are. You can use books, methods, and whatnot as pointers, but the deep underlying intentions of why you do what you do will need to be reflected upon to see if the results of your efforts are aligned with love. Not a story of love or the love that arises from effort, but from your inner alignment. This is where effort is meaningless if it’s not aligned with Universal Love; only aligned intentions will do this.

There are as many books as there are people practicing, but everyone who reads a book and practices doesn’t necessarily awaken. This is because the intentions aren’t of the necessary energy that allows the alignment to be of a loving heart. Clear intentions need to be seen if there is to be harmony with all beings. This doesn’t mean a person won’t harm you or animals and insects won’t bite you, but it is less likely you will put yourself in those type of situations with having the intentions of a loving heart. In the space of stillness one learns to see their intentions and in the process have those intentions aligned with Universal Love. When this occurs you will love all beings, not because of effort, but because this is the way love works when your intentions are aligned with Universal Love…

Friday, April 10, 2020

An Anchor of Stillness

If you establish an anchor of being from the love of your heart, it will be seen by many and love will become their anchor simply because this is how the transforming power of love rolls…

What we use as an anchor throughout the day determines the direction of energy, and that direction determines what your state of being will be. Except for times when there’s something that keeps you anchored on the moment, most of life will be spent chasing some past moment hoping for some future one to bring you the things desired. If there is to be truth the anchor of stillness will be needed so the noise in the head doesn’t block it out; noise is the only deterrent. Granted noise takes on many forms, but regardless of what form it manifest as, it is still noise. Noise is the opposite of stillness, as unconsciousness is the opposite of being awake. One can’t be controlled by the noise and have an anchor of stillness, well actually the noise can be the anchor and guess what, when the anchor is noise, noise will be the controlling energy.

An anchor which produces stillness needs to be established if stillness is to be a part of life. There are many anchors in the world, but there aren’t many that equate to stillness. Find one that does and as it‘s cultivated there will be a dramatic shift, but the shift will only occur if the anchor is one of stillness. This shift happens on its own, but in a way you make yourself ready for it. It‘s in stillness that truth arises and in truth the noise in our head stops. Without the noise there’s an opening to the heart of love, and if the established anchor is from the love in your heart, this will be seen by many and love will become their anchor, because this is how love rolls…

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Abundance Mind State

Abundance is a mind state. You can have it all, but yet have nothing or you can have nothing, but yet have it all. Your life will revolve around the things you cling to…

When your place of existence is based in love, love will be a part of everything you do. With the understanding that nothing you do will ever complete you, that completeness is already within, you will not have a need or lack for anything. If there isn’t a need or lack, you have abundance. When love is at the base of your existence you will do all that you love and love all that you do; nothing more is needed; this is abundance.

Abundance is our state of I AM. It is the place when Universal conditions were right and our manifestation in this form began. It is a place of non judgement, and non bias. A place where there is no prejudice; in this place there is only Universal Love. There really isn’t a place to go back to because this is where you already are. There is just so much noise going on between the ears that it’s not known this place exist. When you learn to stop the noise, what is left is I AM. Practice diligently so you can be in the only place that truly exist. It is in the delusional state that most exist. You do not have to be any place except where you are. It’s your own mind that keeps you from this place because of its conditioning. Recondition it to remain in the Present Moment (I Am) and you will never leave your place of abundance. When you don’t want, you don’t need, when you don’t need you will have a state of mind of abundance. In this state anything is possible because in this state you are in alignment with Universal Love and in harmony with I Am…

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"I" Created Problems

Being sad because a loved one dies is natural. If you could just be with the sadness without tightening up as a closed fist, you would remain open and a story of being sad wouldn’t come into play…

To me this is the main problem why so many people continually seek peace and why it remains elusive. Peace is mostly being sought as a concept through the thought realm and the thought of peace will never bring about that which is thought to be desired. Only the thought that you are not at peace makes you not at peace. You can ask, if I think I’m at peace will I be, I say no because it’s as if you are talking yourself into it. It’s like whistling in the dark to keep away the boogeyman; its more so a distraction than a real tool of peace. To go deeper, notice the thought “I” at the center of wanting peace. Anything from the desire of ”I” always creates a problem because creating problems is the nature of “I”. It pushes away the truth of what is and looks for what isn’t. This is what “I” does, it constantly looks for what isn’t in the form of wanting the present moment different. It uses all kinds of concepts and beliefs that one blindly adheres to when doing this.

Here’s an example using a loved one dying. The sadness that arises from this is truth, but now take grief and watch how it arises strictly from not wanting the person who died to have done so. I will miss them is an “I“ story, this creates tightness as if one is a closed fist. Being sad because a loved one dies is natural and if you could just be with the sadness, the fist would remain open and an “I” story wouldn’t come into play, nor would the suffering grief causes. Anyone who says grief is a natural process has never truly investigated it at this level; they’re probably only repeating what someone else said. Don’t take my word for this, investigate this for yourself, or not and remain a prisoner to the concepts and beliefs that “I” makes up which will always keep you from truly being at peace simply because of the thought you are not at peace…

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Repeating What's Known

We repeat the same mistakes over and over and we constantly respond to the same urges because we react out of the habit of what is known; this is done without even realizing it…

Why it’s so difficult to awaken is because of many reason, but to me the one that sticks out the most is how the Conditioned Mind holds onto what is known even if it causes extreme suffering. When I was twenty five my oldest brother passed away from an addiction related incident, this forced me (not on my own) to look at my own alcohol and drug use. His death opened my eyes to a degree, but even though my life was a mess it didn’t mean I was willing to accept the unknown without my pacifier coping mechanisms. It took another two years before it was realized alcohol and drugs were causing problems, but even though I was going into unknown territory I figured it had to be better than the way I was living.

The reason it took two years was because although I was in extreme emotional pain, my conditioning led me to believe facing the unknown was to scary and staying with the known was the way to go; the lies of the Conditioned Mind run deep. This is why we repeat the same mistakes over and over and it’s also why we constantly react to the same triggers, we react out of habit without even realizing it. The conditioning in place dictates what to do and it’s obeyed without question, and here’s the real irony in all of this, people actually believe they have free will and they have a choice, but the only thing you do is submit to what’s known because that’s what’s in place. Once there’s awareness of this, succumbing to the known can be stopped and the choice to live life freely becomes a possibility along with the ability to not give in to the Conditioned Mind…

Human Attachment

Not only is to err human, but it’s also strictly from being human that one attaches to wanting things different which is the cause of one’s own suffering…

If you really want to know what the basic flaw is that keeps you trapped to your own suffering, it’s attaching to your humanness to a fault. It’s not that we aren’t human or that we’ll be able to transcend our humanness, it’s more so to find a way to embrace it, but not be trapped by it. It will always be by giving in to our human side in some way that causes our suffering. It doesn’t have to be attached to, but it will take discipline so the mind settles to see this. It’s simply human to want things different and it’s attaching to the story of being human that causes suffering. This is true regardless of what’s wanted different.

It’s always the human “I” that wants something different and it’s the charade of being human that pulls one into suffering. I ordered sweat pants on line last week and when they were delivered I tried them on and they didn’t fit. By my first reaction you would have thought I was going to have to go around naked, but obviously that wasn’t the case. “I” attached to the fact the sweat pants didn’t fit. This is what attaching to being human does and when it was seen how insane this was, wanting things different fell away and Under Armor was called for an exchange. You can substitute the sweat pants with anything and you’ll get the same result of suffering. This is all because not only is to err human, but it’s also strictly from being human that there’s attachment to wanting things different which in turn causes one to be humanly trapped to their own suffering…

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Consciousness Consequences

The consequences that arise from living a conscious life naturally puts you in alignment with the loving vibrations and frequency of the Universe. Apples grow from apple seeds…

Nothing has to be done for one to enjoy the consequences of consciousness, they arise simply from living in a conscious manner. The definition of consciousness – “the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world.” When this is the focus, the consequences that naturally arise are love, compassion, kindness, understanding, non judgement, to name a few, you cannot be conscious and have unconscious consequences. Unpleasant things will still occur, but the way they’re dealt with will not allow their suffering to control you. There will still be pain, heart ache, and loss of loved ones, but by living in a conscious way, suffering will be much less than if unconscious principles were in place. Planting apple seeds can only result in growing apples, but the seeds have to cultivated for this to occur. The seed only has potential, it is not the apple.

The qualities of consciousness will also have to be cultivated if there are to be conscious consequences in your life. Most people intuitively know what consciousness is and what it is not. If there’s difficultly in deciphering this, a great guide to use is consciousness is of love as unconsciousness is of selfishness. The unconscious mind doesn’t have many conscious qualities. I always knew the difference between the two, but because of my conditioning being conscious was beyond my capability. It was only when I began sitting and my mind settled did I develop the awareness to see and act in a conscious way; this arises naturally as the mind settles. The more the mind settles the more conscious are your actions and thus the more the consequences of those actions are of a consciousness quality…

Saturday, April 4, 2020

One View Limits

No view is inherently right or wrong, but if you only have one it limits you and doesn’t allow any other results except those from that one view…

Changing your view is what makes life different, but it doesn’t make what happens different, it only makes the view of what happens different. If you’re locked into a certain view, this only allows one way to see things and the more that view is based in the intellect, the harder it will be for there to be another view that allows you see things differently. Not that there’s anything directly wrong with the intellect, it just doesn’t allow for much openness. When one sees things from only one view, it limits your entire life to that one view. Most times this view isn’t even your own, it’s formed from someone else’s opinion, teaching, book, video, discussion, and so on.

To be fixated on one view keeps you entrapped to the results of only that view, think about how limiting that is. No possibility of other views, always going down the same path, never allowing anything new, this is so limiting, but with only seeing things through one view how limiting this is will not be seen. Sitting and developing discipline so the minds grip lessens can assist in possibly altering a one view mind set, but there has to an inkling there’s another way to see things for this to happen. It’s not that your way is wrong, it’s just that seeing things one way limits your view of life and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except those from that one view…

Friday, April 3, 2020

Life's Laws

Life’s Laws allow harmony with yourself so take heed and understand life doesn’t do anything to you, but if you break its laws the consequences will make it seem like it does…

Life’s Laws are in place to put you in harmony with yourself and they’re also in place to offer protection against certain behavior. These laws when adhered to within their boundaries, allow for life to be lived to the fullest, but the mind has to be open and free flowing for the adherence to these laws to take place. There are also man made laws that align to these natural laws, but many of them are broken which blocks life’s laws from being as beneficial as they could be. The more one adheres to selfish behaviors, the less chance there is to be in harmony with life’s laws. When things are used and abused to satisfy self, this blocks harmony with yourself. The animal realm adheres to natural laws and because of this there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies to much on the intellect and not enough on what occurs naturally.

Life will mostly be lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to life’s laws or not. A quiet mind can see this and slowly stops doing the things that block life’s laws from being adhered to. As long as you are alive, life will be lived, but in what way determines not only your actions, but also your actions consequences. Go seventy five mph in a fifty five mph zone and regardless if you get a speeding ticket or not, you will be out of harmony with the law in place. So take heed and understand life doesn’t ever do anything to you, but if you break its laws the consequences will make it seem like it does…

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Unconscious Energy

Life is as difficult as the unconscious energy makes it and until you learn to be with what happens without reacting unconsciously, what happens will continue to be labeled as difficult…

If you think something that happens in your life is difficult that label comes from you and this is regardless of what it is. You may say there are exceptions to this, but labeling what happens as difficult comes from unconscious energy, and it keeps you entrapped to reacting unconsciously. Unconscious energy keeps you entrapped to what you label as difficult. I’m not saying to go around and ignore what happens, but understand the label applied comes from you alone. Many people state their opinions on many things and that’s okay, but what’s not understood is one can only respond with what’s in them. Nothing is truly right or wrong, to me what’s important is to find the truth beneath whatever it is that arises from within me. Regardless of how unconscious someone is or what happens in life, seeing what arises from within is what makes a difference.

Unconsciously reacting to what occurs is the same energy as opinionated energy. It seems different because of how the mind always wants to make a stand for what it likes, but it’s the same storied energy; it just uses different titles. Years ago a so called friend unconsciously ended our relationship because he didn’t understand this energy had nothing to do with either one of us; this is how it is with all of life. Even though things affect you, giving in to unconscious energy magnifies its effect. Life is as difficult as the unconscious energy makes it and until one learns to be with what happens without applying a conditioned label, what happens will continue its onslaught of control as if you were a puppet on a string, with the strings being unconscious energy…

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Present Moment Truth

In the present moment made up versions of truth cease to exist because there’s no need to create them and without making up truth, there’s no need to run away from what is actually true…

A made up version of truth isn’t truth, it’s simply something made up. It’s true in the sense that it’s your made up version of truth, but figuring out if the content of your story is true doesn’t mean it is. Because you are the creator of your version of truth and you believe it with all your heart means nothing; this false version directs your energy and how life is lived. The thing also to look at is how many versions of truth are made up. There’s the parents story, the childhood one, the teen and young adult story. There’s the boy meets girl story, the get married story. The work story, family story, and on and on. There are so many versions of truth made up and only one you, so which version is true? If you say all of them you should be able to sense why it’s so difficult to see the made up versions. There’s the true version in there somewhere, but that’s the only version not looked at. When that one is seen all the others will fall away.

So how would a person know which one of their versions of truth are made up? My experience has been I know which one is true when there isn’t a need to make one up. Truth arises it’s never made up, basically truth is what’s there in the present moment, minus your version. This is the value of using the body as an anchor for present moment living. The body doesn’t make up versions of truth, only the mind does, so when the body is used to be present, no made up version of truth is needed. This is beautiful in its simplicity. Grasp this and most made up versions of truth will cease to exist because the need to create them won’t arise, and without a made up version of truth there’s no need to run away from what’s true in the present moment…