Thursday, October 31, 2019

Beneificial Choices

Since it’s the same mind that tells you to do something and also questions why it was done, how can you be sure that the so called right choices you make are actually beneficial ones…

Every choice made is the right choice because if it wasn’t you wouldn’t have made it, but just because it’s labeled right that doesn’t make it a beneficial one. This is what’s of real importance in the choices that are made, are they the most beneficial as possible? We make many choices which aren’t always the most beneficial. Why do you think this is? If you were really in control of your life, you would never make a choice that wasn’t beneficial for you. Dream your dreams, do your good deeds, but the question always comes back to what is the intent behind the choices that you make. This will determine not so much if the choice made is right, but more so if it’s truly a beneficial one.

To understand this you will have to investigate your own mind and the intentions behind your choices. Choices will be made based on your conditioning and that’s what makes you label it right, but because of the control of the self serving conditioning, many choices made are of the self serving variety. The choices made based on this aren’t really beneficial for you, but they are the choice that’s made so live with it, accept it, and move on. Understand what your intent is behind your choices and not only can you make the right choice, but you will also make the most beneficial choice. I’ve often heard it said, do the next right thing, but that doesn’t automatically make it beneficial and who is labeling it right; the person who doesn’t really know if it’s beneficial.

I made a lot of decisions in my life which I thought were right for me and the results of many of those decisions were exactly what I thought they would be, but it didn’t turn out to be what was beneficial for me. Part of my practice today is to try and get very quiet before making a choice. When this is done the choice made is based on quietness and it’s intent is truly the most beneficial to not only me, but to all humanity…

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Life Just Is

Everyone deserves to live the most fulfilling life possible, not because it is earned, but because our creation is from Universal Love and in that love is our fulfillment…

There is always one more chore to do, one more thing that needs to be finished so all our ducks are in a row. But what happens when its just not possible to have things the way we want them. Can you be with life as it is or does have to be in some other way? And if it is in some other way, does it really change things? Maybe it changes the way you feel temporarily, but that’s about it.
Five more pounds and I’ll be perfect. Vacation is next week, I can’t wait, then I’ll be happy. It’s not that we ignore things that need to be done, or things that we enjoy doing, but what is the connection that we place on things and our self worth. We are no different no matter how many chores we do, how much weight we lose, our social status, wealth, where we live. We think we are different, but that’s all part of the Conditioned Mind.

When you can see how life goes by regardless of the endless chatter that goes on in your mind, maybe you will make the decision to change this nonsense. It will be up to you, but don’t think this change is a place to get to. It’s simply an awareness that life is the journey and you’re on it. The journey doesn’t have parts, the journey is life. As far as we know, we only have one life so we only have one journey and it can never be better than it is right now. You may want to make up a story that something else will make it better, but that’s just a story. Life cannot be but what it is, wishing for it to be different doesn’t change what occurs, but it does change whether you will be at peace or not…

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Evolutionary Expansion

Our evolutionary expansion is limited by the mind of “me”. What happens in life happens without permission, but we limit ourselves when life is made up to be all about me…

A change in the way life is viewed doesn’t happen by chance, it changes when there‘s a shift in the perception that the previous view hasn’t been working all that well and a new one is in order. One of these tools that can help change the current view if it isn’t affording you the opportunity to live life to the fullest is to take the “me” out of the equation. When something happens don’t personalize it by making it about your “me”. If it doesn’t happen to “me” then who does it happen to?

So much of our suffering is incorporated from the “me” view. Nothing truly happens to “me”, it just happens. It’s made about “me” and this starts the associated story. If there isn’t attachment to “me” there can’t be a story, because there’s no one to create it. What happens happens and it isn’t about “me”. Life isn’t personal, it’s simply something that just happens. When you stop personalizing it, you can observe what is happening as opposed to being drawn into the story. In stillness all truth is revealed and the revelation of truth is this, life’s not about “me” and things happen without your permission. Whether a stories made up that‘s all about “me” or not is a choice, and it’s the choice that will either limit or expand your evolutionary process…

Monday, October 28, 2019

Unattended Thoughts

The thoughts that arise in you can be cultivated to be based in love, but it’ll take much practice and discipline and it will only happen when you develop awareness of your unattended thoughts…

“No one can harm you as much as your own unattended thoughts”

There are as many different views of life as there are people. Not one is entirely right or wrong as we each have our unique way of perceiving and interpreting life. The base of what is perceived and interpreted is where our differences start to create separation in our unity and that’s when there is conflict, but the conflict is with ourself. If we all viewed life from the base of love, love would be the base of existence. Existence is Universally based in love, but then comes each individual perception and interpretation. This is where the break down occurs because the mind isn’t taught the discipline to be settled as we are growing up. It runs wildly trying to satisfy pleasures and desires that are created by an undisciplined mind. Our unattended thoughts are our greatest delusion.

The unattended thoughts are why we are our own worst enemy. If we were aware of thoughts of love, conflict within ourselves would be non existent and if we have no conflict with ourselves we wouldn’t have any conflict with others. No one can do the harm to you that you do to yourself, but when your mind settles down and this becomes known, you start becoming aware of your unattended thoughts and stop being your own enemy. You can then start loving yourself the way the Universe intended, and in the process love all beings…

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blind Spots

The focus of our attention is a true gauge of where our view of life is based from. An outward view is usually self-serving with many blind spots. An inward view is usually from the full sight of love…

You can gauge your life by the focus of your attention. The more your attention remains anchored on your heart, the less attention there will be on outer blind spots. Sustaining inward attention is a true measurement of your hearts desires. You cannot hide this from yourself, you may delude yourself with conditioned blind spots, but truth will not and cannot be denied. A focused view inward is the only place with peace reigns and the more it’s developed the less blind spots you will encounter.

Outward blind spots produce manifestations to satisfy outward desires. It’s these blind spots that will need to be identified if you want to change what you pay attention to. A lookout on a ship watches for the unforeseen, it’s our unforeseen blind spots that do us in. Even though most of us don’t see them because we aren’t looking out for them, when our attention is drawn inward, we will then notice our blind spots. A lookouts function is the protect the vessel. We are the vessel and we are also the lookout. If we do not learn to look out for ourselves by looking inward, we are doomed. Doomed not to see the blind spots that are lurking behind every pillar. It’s especially damaging to our sense of well being because we are actually using things blindly that we think will bring us happiness, but we are destroying ourselves. It’s imperative to look out for what it is that draws your attention outward. Nothing blind sides you, it‘s your own ignorance that keeps you from looking out for yourself and seeing the unforeseen blind spots that will do you in…

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Unchangeable Past

If you don't learn to stop trying to change the unchangeable past, the moments spent doing this will just continue to make you live a life that isn't real...

You wouldn't purposefully waste time in a life that is limited in the amount of time that you in this form, would you? So if you wouldn't purposely do this, why does it occur? All of life is precious, so it’s not like any moment of life is truly wasted, but the more time that’s spent trying to change the unchangeable, the less time you’ll live in the reality of what is actually happening and it’s only in the way your own mind has been conditioned that makes you think that the unchangeable past can be changed. Look and see this for yourself, subtle is the conditioning of the person who doesn’t know their own mind for they know not what they do.

You have the capability to be mindful of every moment of everyday, but this will take much discipline. Either you will control your mind or you’ll be controlled by it, but understand when you’re controlled by it you know not what you do. Take heed for the mind’s conditioning is a subtle foe, and if you don't learn to stop trying to change the unchangeable past, the moments spent doing this will just continue to make you live a life that isn't lived to its fullest because it’s being wasted living in moments that aren't real...

Friday, October 25, 2019

No Story Needed

The only way you will ever truly be at peace is without the story that something other than this moment will provide peace. When this is understood the peace that passes all understanding will embrace you…

Everyone has a story, no one goes through life storyless, but the story really isn’t the issue, it’s how the story becomes the controlling energy, that’s when issues arise. I once wrote a story about my mom not doing well, how this affects me is how I make it “my” story, but it isn’t “my” story, it’s just what’s happening. Since there are four siblings in my family, we all have a different version of our family story, none are the right or wrong one, they’re just what each one of us perceives.

Here’s why any story creates an issue, someone posted yesterday how happy they were that tomorrow they are going to start their vacation, so this has to mean right now they’re not happy. Although this seems innocent, it’s not because this simple statement blocks out truly living life and being happy with right now. This is the issue a story creates, it doesn’t allow you to be with the fullness of the life you’re actually living in this moment. It’s always when this or that happens I will be ……… can fill in your own story, but that story is your block to your freedom. So the only way you will ever be truly happy is without the story that something other than this moment will provide you with whatever you think you need, when this is truly understood so will happiness be understood, but without needing a story…

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Altering Your Feelings

The mind uses a reward system in times of stress, or whenever it feels it’s necessary. It defaults to this developed tool, using it regardless if the pleasure object is healthy for you or not…

What is the cause of wanting to alter how you feel? Many different things are used for this alteration, but why it’s needed has to be identified if you are to stop this incessant craving. There’s reasons why people reach for something to alter how they feel. No one just reaches for something, especially if it’s not healthy for you. There are reasons for everything in life, some understood some not, but just because it is or isn’t doesn’t mean there isn’t a cause. Why do you think feelings need to be altered? It’s just a feeling, yet when the moment is labeled unpleasant you want to change it, but the pleasant ones you want them to last forever. They’re just feelings, not right or wrong or good or bad, they just are. They’ve allowed control because of not being emotionally mature enough nor disciplined enough to understand they’re not factual, they just are; this is simply my experience.

Growing up, my life was one where most of the time I wanted to alter how I felt and I used many different things to accomplish this. Some good for me, most not so good, but the real issue was why I needed to alter how I felt to begin with. I never understood this until about twelve years ago. It was at this time that I began to notice the true nature behind why there was a need to alter how I felt. Slowly this changed, but it was difficult because of the way the mind becomes conditioned to use the developed tool of a reward system. All conditioning is taught, the mind uses a reward system in times of stress, or whenever it feels a reward is necessary. It defaults to this developed tool, using it regardless if the pleasure object is healthy or not. Feeling aren’t factual, but when they “need to be different” they control you like a puppet on a string…

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Shared Heart

You can never repay the love that you are given, but you can allow the Universe to use you to share it with our entire human family, unconditionally…

The Universe, God, Abba, Father, Allah, Mohammad, Jesus, or whatever name you use, is the energy of a love so deep it’s difficult to understand unless the mind gets quiet. Using a name to try and describe the indescribable is just noise, but once it’s truly understood how much you are loved by the Universe from the heart and not the head, you will want nothing more then to dedicate the rest of your life to returning the love that you have been given.This is when you will understand what it means to be a person transformed.

It’s the love of the Universe that does the transforming because with the love of the Universe opening up your heart, you have no choice but to do the only thing you can, and that is to dedicate the rest of your life by being grateful for what has been so freely given to you. You can never repay the love that you are given, but you can allow the Universe to use you to share it with our entire human family, unconditionally.

We are not a product of ourselves. We are a product of the Universe. We did not call for our creation, nor do we call for the time when it will end. Our conditioning is also a product of the Universe, but the energy transformed to awaken is from the Universe; there is no separation. This is why we can not really do anything to transform ourselves. We can only do the necessary practice that allows the heart to open so the Universe can use us for its betterment…

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Transforming Energy

When you understand the loving principle provided to you by the Universe, you will not be able to contain the love that is in your heart and giving it back to all beings…

When Jesus called God Father, I see it in the context as an example of the love a child has for their parent. How each individual perceives creation is strictly up to them, but what my experience has allowed me is an understanding of a loving energy that loves me so much that I am given the freedom to do what I want to do. I did this for forty-nine years and was not very happy, but it was not because of a supreme being, it was simply the lack of loving energy in my life; this was the reason why I perceived life from a get, get, get perspective. I had life exactly how I thought it was suppose to be, but with no understanding of the love that was available to me, my happiness was very unstable. Fortunately for me I lived through my ordeal, not everyone does.

When I finally turned inward and discovered this loving energy within, my entire existence transformed. Loving energy is always available to everyone, but it is we who turn from it. The Universe is love and will give abundance, but only when we have an abundant heart. This is what I have discovered: my mere existence was provided from the love of the Universe. It was I who did things not to be in cooperation with its love. This was the cause of every problem I ever had. It wasn’t the circumstances of life, it was my inability to aligned with Universal Love. The Universe provides principles that are and will always be based in love, and when they aren’t conformed to, there will be suffering. This has to be, but it will only stay this way if you’re not aligned with the loving energy of the Universe…

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Blessed Life

Things don’t make life a blessing, simply being alive is the blessing and the gift because no matter what is attained it will not be taken with you when life in this form ends…

As I reflect back on the difference of my life today as opposed to twelve years ago I would have to say that it’s the people that are a part of my life today that makes it what it is. I want to thank everyone who is a part of my journey whether it is directly or indirectly. No one is more important than another because whatever anyone does it’s all used as a tool to learn from. We are alive together at this time so we are on this journey together. I was an isolator for many years even though I had many people in my life. Because of the people in my life today, isolation is not a part of it. I am sharing my journey and people are sharing theirs in return.

I have been taught about the importance of people through all of you. Without all of you I would once again be the isolator and for me isolation leads to a very lonely place. I have been afforded many opportunities because of my connection with people. The one thing that all the opportunities have in common is they are all directed to helping each other, it is a very different way for me. I am so grateful for this turnaround in my view of life.

One of the many opportunities for me was going back to my former high school as the keynote speaker for a graduation ceremony. To me it’s such an honor and blessing and it was a direct result of the people in my life today. The love people have for me is the love I give to others, and from the bottom of heart I thank you all for this…

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Don't Believe Your Thoughts

Don’t believe everything you think. Unless your mind settles down enough, you won’t see that most of what you think isn’t true. Just because you think it that doesn’t make it true…

Nothing is a problem unless you make it one. Think of the context of this simple yet profound sentence. Nothing no matter what is right or wrong, good or bad, or liked or disliked, unless you label it in that way. Our life is controlled by our thoughts and our thoughts are based in a faulty foundation. The fault lies in the mind and the way it has been conditioned. Here are some of the ways it has been conditioned, if you get quiet enough you will see this for yourself. The car in front is going to slow. I have to go food shopping, I’m tired, my allergies are horrible, I’m bored, these are but a few.

All of these start out as a single thought, but that isn’t where the fault lies, the thought is just the energy of something that triggers it. What happens next is where the fault lies. We believe the thought; we actually think the car in front is going to slow, or going food shopping is horrible. We believe our thoughts to be true and act accordingly. If the thought wasn’t labeled to be true we would be able to see beyond what was labeled as true and see what was really going on. And that would be that the car in front of you really isn’t going to slow, we are just being controlled by an undisciplined Conditioned Mind. The next time a thought pops into your head, take a moment before you label it and really take notice if what you are thinking is true or if its just a lie of a Conditioned Mind…

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Altering Destiny

Once you identify the defense mechanisms that have been put in place to cope with life and you realize this is occurring, you can take action that just may alter your destiny…

Everything in life is learned and this is what makes up your life. Regardless if it’s healthy for you or not, it will still be done because it‘s what you have learned; what is learned is done to alter the way that you feel. You spend a lot of time focused on learning the best tools you think to use for this. This is why alcohol is so widely used because it works so well to alter the way that a person feels. Drugs work well also, as does gambling, sex, work, food, music, TV etc. These are just some of the things used to alter the way that you feel, but understand when you can just be with the way that you feel with no needed alteration, it will be then that you will not have the need that makes you reach for a reward. At this time you will know a peace that passes all understanding because you will be in a place that few go. Go there and stay there regardless of how you feel and you will understand that feelings aren’t based in facts, they just are; the reward for knowing this is the peace that passes all understanding.

Who are you without your created story and do you need it to live? Who would you be without it; the real kicker which is the essence of your spiritual awakening is to undo the story you have spent your entire life creating. A story has been created to make you who you are, but because you now are starting to understand this created story has caused most of your problems, you now have to unlearn what you yourself put in place; not really so much you, but the Conditioned Mind. This is why people go to therapy, to identify the defense mechanisms that have been put in place to cope with life. Once you realize this, you can take action that just may alter your destiny…

Friday, October 18, 2019

No More Chasing

Pursue whatever you think you need for completeness, but understand it’s the pursuing itself and not the thing being pursued that causes your sense of incompleteness…

You can spend your entire life chasing after something you may never attain. It can be a lifelong dream or the pursuit of a certain feeling, happiness, peace, or love, but as long as there is the chase there will be the sense of being incomplete. There’s nothing wrong or right in the pursuit of something, it‘s when it’s pursued with the false sense when the thing is attained then you will be compete, this is what makes pursuing the dream or anything else a liability. It’s a liability because it keeps you from the very thing you are trying to attain; your own inner contentment. Why anything is pursued is to attain this desired state.

Regardless of what’s pursued once you reach or get what you’re pursuing it’s not like you reach the pinnacle of life. It’s so important to not lose sight of the moment by moment journey you’re on. When this is lost, then you are lost. Life is a happening that is occurring right now, it’s not waiting for you to attain a certain status of importance or prominence so you can say you’re this or that. The pursuit is our block. Become whatever it is that you want to become, but don’t think it matters to life. Life doesn’t care, it has no preference. It will only matter to you and that will be in direct relation to the amount of importance you put on it. When you plan plans instead of results then whatever the results it will be because of your plans, but it wont necessarily be the way that you want it, but it will be the way that it works out…

Thursday, October 17, 2019

True Joy is Within

True joy isn’t something that can be manufactured, it happens when the heart is pure and aligned with itself. When you stop trying to create joy, it is then that you will find joy…

It is truly amazing what’s used by people as a distraction to escape reality and it’s called having fun. It isn’t right or wrong to do this because there isn’t even the realization that this is being done; a person cannot not do what they have been conditioned to do. The more conditioned you are the more your conditioning decides what will and will not be used; unawareness cultivates unawareness.
What is called fun/joy is just behaving in a way that usually equates to satisfying some inner self-serving desire. Whether you’re at a bar, casino, shopping, searching the web on certain websites, or whatever it is that‘s used to satisfy your self, it’s called having fun. The problem with this is the creating never ends, what I mean is satisfying the self-serving desires never end. Use whatever you may, but it will never be enough.

The difference in true joy and creating joy by satisfying a self-serving desire is when something happens on its own it’s usually from being aligned with the Universe, this is what produces true joy. When you’re trying to manufacture your joy, it’s usually based in an action that is selfish and self-serving. True joy cannot be manufactured, it happens when the heart is pure and aligned with the Universe. You can try to manufacture it if you must, but when you stop trying and you become still, you will see that joy has always been in you, you have just been looking for it in the wrong place…

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Allowing Freedom

Enlightenment doesn’t make you free, Enlightenment allows you to give everything its freedom. The more this is understood the less chance there will be to experience a state of discontentment…

This describes a typical day for me prior to twelve years ago, at some point I would become discontented, reach for something, be satisfied for a little while, become discontented, reach for something, be satisfied again, reach again; over and over this cycle was repeated and basically controlled the way I lived my life. The objects used mean little except for the fact the more destructive the thing used is, the more it affects life in a non beneficial way. This exact thing is going on today for millions of people. It’s the reason why I have such a passion to try and get the message of what happened to me to as many as people as possible, because it doesn’t have to be this way. Young, old, male, female, whatever your ethnic background, not many people aren’t affected by this cycle. This cycle is the puppet on the string cycle. The origin of the discontentment needs to be understood if this cycle is to be halted. And its origin is the self serving mind of “I” which keeps a person entrapped to this cycle.

Imagine this, for forty nine years my life was spent in this cycle, but it isn’t this way today. It doesn’t mean things are perfect, but just the fact that I am not the person who I use to be is so freeing; it’s so important to remain aware of this fact. I have no idea what others have gone through in their life. It matters little if what I see is what someone else sees. The important thing is to know that it was my own mind that created the cycle that kept me discontented for many many years, and it’s not enslaving me this way any longer. I have learned to not compare my life with anyone else. Whatever is seen is seen as what is seen is through the view the universe gives. What I’ve found as a valuable understanding to keep me from returning to my previous cycle is that Enlightenment doesn’t make me free. Enlightenment is me giving everything its freedom. The more this is lived by, the less chance there is to return to my previous state of discontentment…

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lies Disguised as Beliefs

When life is based on lies that manifest as beliefs, it’s those beliefs that keep you attached to the lies. And if discipline isn’t developed to expose these lies, they will be the base of your existence…

I’ve learned to use meditation as a way to develop discipline, but the question is why was being undisciplined so natural and how come being discipline isn’t? I don’t have an answer, it’s just a question. After sitting periodically my mind began to settle and I saw real results in how my view of life was becoming different and I understood I wasn’t the one doing it. To a point I got why this was occurring and the reason it continues to occur today, discipline has been developed that wasn’t previously there. This is available to anyone who has a willingness to sit.

My life was based on lies that I believed and those beliefs kept me attached to the lies. These were the tools that were developed to live my life, there came a time when I knew I had to find different tools and my so called quest began. Everything I read pointed to the mind so I knew where my answers were, I just didn’t know how they were going to manifest. I did know I had to find some way to allow my self centered mind to settle or my suffering was going to continue.

I began sitting, and as my mind settled I was becoming more aware of the mind agitations that arose, which is what was causing me to reach outside myself for satisfaction. Reaching for something was the means used to quiet these agitations. This is the value of discipline, develop none and you will have none and the developed tools will remain in place along with being controlled by your mind agitations. This is what has been occurring in my life the last twelve years; developed discipline means the mind agitations become less and less and as there is less of them there is more discipline to not give in to them. I never had the discipline to not give in to them so I just did what was there, but today what’s there is different so it has manifested as life being different. It‘s by no means a doing on my part, but there is a willingness to develop the discipline to allow this to take place simply because without it the undisciplined mind will remain in control…

Monday, October 14, 2019

Constantly Vigilant

Vows and pledges don’t work no matter how sincere you are unless you follow with actions allowing the vow or pledge to occur. No change happens without being constantly vigilant…

The idea of doing what puts you in alignment with Universal Love is much different than actually putting it into action. Its not because it isn’t how you truly want to be, its just that there’s so much pulling against you that without constant vigilance it difficult to sustain a connection to Universal Love for a substantial amount of time We all have times when its easier for this then others, but we also have our times when we say screw it and self seek. Don’t be to hard on yourself, a lifetime of living one way with not change with a few sittings. The key is to keep up a practice that allows for the self seeking behavior to become less and less and for Universal Love to be more reflected in oour actions.

This occurs naturally, we need only be willing to do what’s necessary. Sometimes it will seem like “what’s the use” but understand this is all part of the conditioning, the noise, the story, the unconsciousness, whatever you want to call it. Constant vigilance is the credo if there is to be change because the old behavior is so deeply engrained to let go of its control without practice. This is why most people don’t change because being constantly vigilant in investigating why you do what you do isn’t given 100% of your focus. It’s impossible to get more out of your life then what you put into it so if you give it 50% that‘s exactly what you’ll get out of it… Check it…

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Just the Way I Am Mind

If you think with a just the way I am mind, you might as well accept the things that you do. You can’t change the way that you are until it’s understood why what is done is done…

Without quietness, consciousness has a hard time rising up; the practice that allows it isn’t done by too many people. This isn’t something that’s right or wrong, it’s just a fact. If you live life with the tools that develop an unconscious state then those tools will produce a just the way I am mind. It’s a natural law, apple trees produce apples; in this respect it’s just the way you are. You don’t have to be the way that you are, but unless you see that how you are doesn’t benefit your life you will remain just as you are.

In your quietness is where your change takes place. If your old beliefs are in place and running the show, new energy will never be allowed to replace them; it’s nearly impossible without investigating your behavior to change. So Conditioned Mind Patterns are developed that control life and things are said like “that’s just the way I am”; “I” is reinforced when things like this are said. This is the true nature of unconsciousness, accepting things prior to investigating their true nature. As a society we are more aware then ever before that something isn’t quite right, but that doesn’t mean we are any closer to a solution then we were three thousand years ago. It may seem like it because of the knowledge that is available to us, but knowledge doesn’t equate to consciousness. In quietness all truth is revealed. In the noise of a Conditioned Mind one remains in the grip of a just the way I am mind…

Saturday, October 12, 2019

100% Aligned

Until the practice of quietness becomes our number one priority 100% of the time, it will be difficult to sustain our alignment with Universal Love 100% of the time…

You will either be self serving or you will be of love. You can’t really flip flop between the two, it’s one or the other. Love can’t be your guide sometimes. You will fulfill your urge to serve Universal Love or you will serve yourself, but understand you can only reap what you sow, and when what is sown is through love and the energy emitted is from that love, your daily actions will be of love because of being not doing, and when being is the base of your life you will always be fulfilled.

The other day someone asked me what God’s will was for me and I answered immediately “not to be self centered” although I’m not so sure about it being God’s will, but I do know not to be self centered is my will. There is nothing else needed to do because when the mind isn’t stuck in the self serving mode, it is free to love and that freedom is because of the alignment with Universal Love. For me it’s not about my messages, my post, my book, my job or anything else, it’s simply to be aware of the quietness of the present moment because without that the only place love exist is in your head and it remains a concept. This is why vows, pledges, resolution and what not don’t work, it’s not that they aren’t made in sincerity, but they aren’t ingrained enough in the subconscious to be carried out on a continuous bases. There are moments when they’re applied, but until the practice of quietness becomes our number one priority, we will not be able to sustain our alignment with Universal Love 100% of the time. This will make it extremely difficult for our actions to exhibit Universal Love as our minds default setting. The self serving mind is very subtle and you will never be free of it until you are willing to practice 100% of the time so your actions are a benefit to all beings 100% of the time. This will not occur as a concept, this will only occur when your actions are aligned with Universal Love 100% of the time…

Friday, October 11, 2019

Roller Coaster Mind

If you don’t want to constantly have a roller coaster mind you will need to understand you are not your thoughts and just maybe you’ll learn how not to push your roller coaster minds start button…

When something happens in life and an emotion is attached the roller coaster mind begins. Up, down, round and round, loop the loop, fast, slow and when it finally runs its course, the roller coaster mind stops, that is until the next emotion pushes the button that begins the process again; this repeats itself over and over. The roller coaster mind isn’t activated until the button is pushed. A thought is simply a thought, there’s no substance to it until it’s attached to, but it’s not really the thought that’s given control, it’s the attachment to “I” because without “I” the thought would be unable to begin the process; thoughts don’t start the roller coaster mind. You have thoughts all day long that don’t push the start button, it’s strictly the attachment to “I” that starts the roller coaster mind and puts emotions in motions.

Thoughts are like electricity, this is the energy provided for the roller coaster mind. The energy is just there, like a light that’s plugged in, but isn’t turned on. So now depending on how you’re conditioned, but regardless of the nature of the thought, when there is attachment to the thought the start button is pushed and the roller coaster mind starts moving. It has been set in motion and will now have to run its course. The start button was pushed, the consequences of this is some roller coaster are larger, faster and scarier than others. No one but yourself is responsible for starting this process so if you don’t want to constantly have a roller coaster mind for the rest of your life, it will be needed to understand you are not your thoughts and just maybe this will assist you in learning how not to push your roller coaster minds start button…

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Attaching to Thoughts

Wanted thoughts, not so wanted thoughts, attaching to either one allows the emotional energy of the thought “I” to push the start button that begins your emotional attachment…

In the realm of your thoughts there is no right, wrong, good, bad, like, dislike, anger, calm, happy or sad, etc, there is only the everlasting peace of non judgment of each precious moment that you are alive in, that is as long as there isn’t attachment to them. The emotions attachments to those things listed are what controls the way that you’re pulled around and controlled by your thoughts. The initial thoughts still occurs without the attachment, it just isn’t controlling. It’s strictly attachment that gives a thought the energy that makes life the emotional ride that most people experience.

I know we all want to attach to thoughts that are pleasurable and we like to identify them as who we are, but what of those thoughts that we don’t want, we know we don’t want them and we definitely don’t want them to be who we are, but they’re really no different than the wanted thoughts. All thoughts are energy in its purest form nothing else, their transforming energy is caused by our attachment to them. They affect our life differently dependent on the energy they’re given. If one wants to be identified by the thoughts that they want, you will have to be identified with the unwanted ones also. The key is to understand what would happen if neither the wanted or unwanted thoughts were identified with, where would that leave you? Sit with that for a little while…

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Kindness From Love

You can’t act your way to a heart of kindness, love has to be sown if you want kindness to be the base of your actions. When it is, you will never again have to change because you are being your true self…

No act of kindness is random. If your heart is one that is truly based in love, kindness will be the way you will act. Because of the way we have been conditioned kindness may not always shine through, this is why there is the struggle to act differently. Our essence is to love, when we don’t we struggle. We needn’t struggle, but we have to understand why we do if there is to be change. True change occurs not by changing the way you act, but by seeing what causes it. We do not make ourselves change. You can’t act our way to a different way of being, it has to come from the heart. When your heart is of love, your actions will be of love. You can only be what you are and your actions show it.

A lot of life is spent in between our planning and our doing and it’s there that the ground work for your actions are formed. That in between time can be quiet or it can be noisy, but it will determine how you will act and if you’re going to need to act differently or not. If the ground work produces kindness then nothing different will be needed. If not you will need to do the ground work so kindness becomes the base of your actions. Whatever the base of your life is you can only act accordingly. Apple tress produce apples, but you can reap something different if you plant different seeds. So you act the way you act, because of what has been planted in you, but if you want to bare different fruit, you will need to plant different seeds. Plant the seeds of love and that is what will grow. You will then act in a way that’s beneficial to all and nothing will need to be changed because you will be who you truly are, not who you aren’t…

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Peace is Waiting

The mind is a great problem solver, but the insanity of this is it’s the one creating the problems. When the mind is still there are no problems because there is no source to create them…
Destiny can be changed when you realize the road you are on isn’t the most beneficial one and what needs changing is to stop creating all your stories. When this is done make sure the same chapters aren’t added that just have different titles. A story is a story and they’re all created by an “I” that needs the story to exist. No I, no needed story. It really is that simple, without “I” as the author who would write the story. “I” is the creator because without “I” the story doesn’t exist. The true self beyond “I” exist without the story. As a matter of fact without the story that “I” has been creating for eons there’s an alignment with life that’s impossible to experience when there’s the story of “I”. Check it
Your ”I” story began when your existence began, it doesn’t have to be this way, but you will have to undo what has taken your entire life to put in place; it will probably take the rest of your life to undo it. This is the beauty of discovering your true self as you watch fallacy after fallacy fall away, or you can live with the tools of ignorance that are in place and make you continue on the road of your current destiny. There is no right or wrong here, there’s just choosing which road to take as you trudge the road to happy destiny. Peace is waiting for you as you learn to undo what has taken many many years to learn. This was done so you could protect yourself, even if your tools of protection were the causes of your vulnerability. The mind is a great problem solver, but the insanity of this is it’s the one creating the problems. When the mind is still there are no problems because there’s no source to create them…

Monday, October 7, 2019

Emitting Love

The heart is naturally of love, learning how to live from here is the difference between living a life that is in a constant state of fluctuation or one that is constantly whole emitting love…

Living from the heart is an energy much different than living from the head. The heart energy is based in non-judgement, the head is based in thought. Love is love, no fluctuations, steady and consistent. Thought on the other hand puts us in a constant state of fluctuation, with emotions all over the place. The energy of love is the state of emotional balance. This is not a mystical belief in something, our entire universe is comprised of energy. To the degree that you are controlled by your Conditioned Mind is to the degree that this is understood at the heart level, and this determines whether life is lived from the heart (love) or from the head (thought). The saying “I think therefore I Am” is an erroneous statement. Take someone who is in a coma, they aren’t thinking, but they still are. So the saying should say “I think therefore I suffer” that is more in line with truth. It isn’t that thought itself causes suffering, it certainly is a contributor, but it is the underlying nature of the thoughts and how they are attached to that causes the suffering.

It’s our alignment with our own self that allows for the alignment with the entire Universe. Without this alignment we’re like a rudderless ship in a storm; afloat, but pushed around until we either sink or fix our rudder. When our rudder is repaired it’s then that we have the necessary tools to be in alignment with the thoughts that just moments ago was going to destroy us. Life will be lived as long as we are alive, but whether it is lived from the head or the heart determines how consistent and balanced our emotions are, and in the process how much love energy we emit to others…

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Distracted by Your Distractions

When you’re distracted from our inner place of quietness it’s because the mind is busy, but if you’re not careful even when you have idle time you can be just as distracted from your inner place of quietness…

Its not like a quiet mind is something that happens without practice. At times it’s naturally more quiet than others, but quietness is not always the norm. Sometimes I have to stop what I am doing and go sit, it’s almost as if a reset button for my mind is needed. I can usually tell I need to stop what I’m doing when everything in my eyes view has some kind of issue attached to it, or sometimes it has to do with just making things more than what they are. I’m not talking about when I have to do something, like work, appointments, or certain things that need to be done, when this happens the mind is busy so the distractions don’t allow the mind to know its not quiet. I’m talking about mostly on my nothing is happening days off and I’m afforded the flexibility of pretty much doing what I want. That’s when the mind can really generate noise because it doesn’t have direction.

There is so much nonsense that goes on in between your ears and it’s the lack of truth that is the cause. You cannot understand this if you are looking outside yourself for answers. Inner truth is not the truth of great mysteries of life solved, it’s the truth of why you do what you do that needs to be seen. It’s not my desire to inspire others as much as it is to convey a message of truth to people through my writings, which is a tool to point to the place within your own heart that will lead you to truth and freedom. It’s the place of your own inner truth because this is the truth that arises from quietness. This is the message that’s conveyed to others, but it will only be seen if you’re not distracted by the distractions that distract you…

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Actions of Love

Heaven is here on earth in the form of love, but until this is seen most will remain traveling on the road to hell regardless that it’s paved with good intentions…

When I look back at my life I can see how so many of the things that I did would not be done today. Most of the things I did I didn’t want to do, but by being conditioned in a certain way there really wasn’t much choice. Although I am older and I would think I’m wiser, my change is not because I have mellowed with age or have learned from my so called mistakes. It was the opening of my heart that changed my selfish intentions to intentions of love that could be put into action; this was not my doing. So many times my intentions wanted to do what was right, but with my life being based in satisfying “I” I didn’t have the tools to follow through. This is just the way it was and the guilt and remorse that this caused kept this cycle in place for many years; powerful is the bondage of “I”.

To get in touch with your deeper intentions and to allow them to be your guiding light is essential if you want to stop living in a self created road to hell paved with good intentions. The hell being an existence that keeps you living a life deeply entrenched in your subconscious “I”. You may know this, but because the I Self has been in control for so long its intentions block love so love doesn’t manifest as the behavior in your life. Heaven is here on earth in the form of love and until you’re relieved from the bondage of “I” your intended purpose to be the love that you are will not manifest. The road to heaven is paved with the alignment of our deeper intentions to love, but until this is seen most will travel on the road to hell regardless of the good intentions…

Friday, October 4, 2019

Opinionated Delusions

Your greatest delusion is the one that tells you to hold onto an opinion that is taken as truth prior to investigating if it is so. The saying is “Truth will set you free” not opinions will set you free…

Here’s a post on the topic of opinions. This isnt directed towards anyone in particular so please don’t take it as so. I just want to clarify what I have come to understand in more detail. Here is a dictionary definition of the word opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. This really sums up what an opinion is and its true value or lack of it. Opinions really have no value because it’s not based on anything but a thought and thoughts don’t have any real substance to them, so without substance there would be nothing to give an opinion value…

The Conditioned Mind will tell you there is value in your opinion, but that’s the delusion Buddha talked about. If it isn’t based on something factual it doesn’t have any real value. When there aren’t facts, there isn’t substance and without substance there’s nothing to base an opinion on. This isn’t just for opinions, it also applies to ideas, ideals, beliefs, and concepts, they also have no real facts to base themselves on; they’re based on the delusion of a Conditioned Mind. Before this is discounted, it should be investigated. If you just want to make up an opinion about this and it makes you feel better, go with your conditioning, but understand this has nothing to do with what’s been written; everything arises from the delusion within and this delusion was in place long before this post was written…check it…

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Subconsciously on Auto Pilot

Live from the heart and watch a miracle happen right before your very eyes or not and remain stuck on automatic pilot and be at the mercy of a subconscious mind that has been developed by a world that is out of control…

Subconsciously we do so many things automatically that without self investigation most of the time it won’t be noticed. The only way this can be changed is to know what is the cause of unconsciousness. If you don’t understand why you are as you are, you will stay as you are. The subconscious mind is what controls us and without quietness it will never be known how delusional most of our thinking is. Greed, hate, and delusion is the way so many live and it is heartbreaking because it doesn’t have to be this way.

The bottom line is life will change when your conditioning changes so your world will change when you change. But nothing will change until it’s realized what is the driving force behind the way you live your life. If your own agenda is in the forefront of your decisions then it is the subconscious mind that’s in control, but when your decisions are based in quietness, the subconscious mind takes a backseat to your heart. This is the change that needs to occur if you are to ever control your life. If not the subconscious mind will continue to be your master and not much will change in you and not much will change in the world. Even though things are constantly changing when the subconscious mind is in control, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Live from the heart and watch a miracle happen right before your very eyes or not and remain stuck on automatic pilot and be at the mercy of a subconscious mind that has been developed by a world that is out of control. Control you life or you will be controlled by it, this choice is the free will you have, but it’s only a choice if there’s awareness of it…

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Truth Allows Freedom

Freedom from “I” attachment is based in truth, and truth is based in stillness. A noise based life produces lies which is the nature of noise; only in truth can you be set free…

You will not learn to live by truth if you’re not using tools that cultivate truth. Many have gone before us and left us tools of truth, but what do we do with them, we look for loopholes so we can do what we want and ignore their teachings. There are so many tools that point us to truth, but they are discounted because of “I”. So many have left us teachings of truth, but we don’t hear the message because we judge the messages and the messenger with our own Conditioned Mind. We hear our own message and interpret it as truth so we can satisfy our I Self.

What you may think truth is isn’t truth; it’s perception. There’s my perceived truth and your perceived truth, but neither of them are truth. Then there’s the underlying stillness beyond all the perceived truths, but you will never understand it or see it until you are quiet enough to know it’s right in front of you and has nothing to do with what you think. That’s the thing about truth, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the “I” generated noise it’s perception you’re most likely seeing as truth is something that only a very settled mind will see…