Monday, October 31, 2016

Simply Being a Light

Life is a learning experience and if you’re not learning it’s probably because you have your own agenda of what you think life is about. When you truly see the light, your own agenda is no more and simply falls away.

It’s very important to be a pillar of consistency so people know there’s a place they can go for what they’re looking for. I’ve been told by people they start their day reading my articles so it’s expected they will be there. I don’t mind that and because of what has been revealed to me I’m honored to be used as an instrument to spread seeds of love. Everyone needs a place where they know it’s safe from the unconsciousness of the world. It does matter where you go for your peace, if you go to a place that’s used as a distraction, it may feel like peace, but it isn’t. So if you get lost let’s say in a full day of watching football, the day will go by and this is because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day in a state of mindfulness you will be a place that people can turn to as a place of refuge.

Fear not what others who are unconscious say, just stand your ground in what you know is truth and let no one take you from your peace. Be the light of love in a world that is mostly based in the ego, this allows others to be the light of love which is needed for any transformation to occur. The love that draws someone to you is the love that becomes a part of them. This life is a learning experience and if you’re not learning it’s probably because you have your own agenda of what you think life is about. When you truly see the light your own agenda is no more and falls away. This place with no agenda is a place of peace and when you remain there others will also go there as it’s the one place of refuge where one can truly be at peace by simply being a light.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Time and the Monkey Mind

Until the veil of ignorance is removed, the “monkey mind” will be in control. This isn’t in place as something that’s wrong, but it does block one’s true essence from arising and because of this one doesn’t truly live.

It’s often said one should practice being in the present moment, but in reality this is impossible because the present moment instantly becomes the past. Even before you can finish saying I’m in the present moment, it’s already in the past. Watching the unfolding of time as each moment occurs is key if one is to not get caught up in the “monkey mind” which is a mind that’s constantly in the past or future. This “monkey mind” is the state that most of humanity is stuck in. It’s the energy that most emit out, this is one reason it’s so difficult to go beyond it. People see things through this mind and because of ignorance are blocked from realizing this. Until this veil of ignorance is removed the “monkey mind” remains in control. The “monkey mind” isn’t in place as something that’s wrong, but it does deter one’s true essence from arising and thus it blocks one from reaching their full potential.

The unfolding of time is something one needs to become more aware of if the mind is to slow down. This slowing down can occur if there’s something in place to allow it, although this won’t just happen on its own, but there’s also nothing one can do to make it happen so it would seem as though one is stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is all part of the”monkey mind” it’s in place to make life chaotic just like a monkey, hence the name. One thing I’ve noticed that allows for the “monkey mind” to be tamed somewhat is to be aware of it in relation to time. Time is one of the “monkey mind” key elements so instead of using time in the conventional way, just watch how each moment unfolds. This unfolding is constant and when it’s seen the mind naturally slows, and this is because time is no longer being used as the key that lets the monkey out of its cage.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Turning Away From I

Needing to turn in to an object happens because it’s one’s I that makes this so. Only turning away from this clinging will result in freedom and this is because it’s the turning away that provides the letting go.

When one is caught turning into an object of desire and it takes hold of all your attention, the only way to break free of this is to have awareness you’re caught. Once this occurs turning away from the object is the only way the hold will be broken. The object doesn’t matter in the sense in can be anything from a thing, a place, people or even yourself, but what does matter is seeing whatever it is that’s making you turn into it. There are so many different objects used that one will have to decipher for themselves what holds them. The turning into is different only because of the object used, but the turning away is the same as long as there isn’t substitutions. Many people stop smoking only to use food and eventually go back to turning into using cigarettes. This is just one example, substitution is rampant in our society and this keeps one locked into turning in and remaining on the merry go round of using objects.

Turning away from whatever it is that grips you is where you will experience true freedom. Why this is difficult for most people to truly see is because I is not seen as the core of the turning and this is why substitutions are so prevalent. If the turning in results in using drugs or alcohol as its object, when a program is used to stop using them, unless one turns away from I drugs and alcohol will most likely be used again. Why this is so is because the program is used to turn in also and although one stops using drugs and alcohol, the program is used as substituting one object for another and doesn’t provide true freedom. Only turning away will result in freedom and that’s because it’s the turning away that provides it. This is why the object doesn’t matter, because it’s one’s I that makes one turn in and it’s only in turning away from I that one will be free.

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Conditioned Mind Notices

See how a mind agitation arises from your conditioning, it’s not there because you were born that way or that’s just the way you are, it’s there strictly because it’s the way you’ve been conditioned.

It’s very important to get in touch with the conditioning of why one does what they do, but to go beyond this conditioning to get to a deeper Universal Truth which leads to a greater understanding of humanity and the nature of all things, one’s mind must settle to the point where the conditioning is not just noticed, but it also loses its control. If this is just noticed, but still holds you in its grip, the mind will remain in a state of agitation constantly needing the present moment to be different. This is regardless of what’s happening because wanting the moment different doesn’t change what’s happening. See how this agitation arises strictly from one’s conditioning. It’s not there because that’s just the way you are or you were born that way, it’s there because it’s the way you’ve been conditioned.

To go beyond the conditioning that has so much control over you, there has to be a moment of space created that stops the incessant thoughts which keeps the mind spinning in circles. One thought then another and another and another, it doesn’t stop until there’s awareness this is happening. Sit with some method of meditation strictly for the purpose of developing discipline and watch this discipline settle the mind. This is how it happened for me, I sat and lo and behold my mind begin to settle and I started noticing the conditioning and just how much control it had over me. This is the core of what was revealed to me and it’s the core of my writings. The more space there is between one’s thoughts the more discipline there is to notice the conditioning and when it’s noticed, one can then do what’s necessary to go beyond it and watch its control fall away.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Are Our Conclusions Real?

The Conditioned Mind is a story making machine and all the stories eventually come to a conclusion. However most of these conclusions are unconsciously created to fit into a story of fulfilling some selfish desire.

The conclusions the mind conjures up need to be investigated so one can tell if they’re real or not and by real I mean beneficial to one’s life. So many people come to the conclusion about certain things without looking if those conclusions are producing results that are beneficial. Many conclusions are accepted that benefit only oneself and it doesn’t go much further than that. Even if you’re running around saving the world, the first thing is, who says the world needs saving and also is the running around helping others done more for your own well being. It’s very difficult to get in touch with real conclusions that arise from the space of stillness as opposed to the ones that are made up to satisfy some story.

Most of life’s conclusions are created to fit nicely into a story for one’s owns benefit. Very few people are truly selfless, not because that don’t want to be, but by not understanding the dynamics of the Conditioned Mind there’s no way one can be. Every story has a conclusion, it’s just part of the story, so there are two ways to see if your conclusions are real; the first would be to not create a story, this way a conclusion isn’t needed, and the second is to understand energy is not created or destroyed, it’s only transformed. Although this form that’s being occupied will one day come to the conclusion of not functioning in its current state anymore, its energy goes on and if you want to see if this conclusion is real, sit and be still and you will see no conclusion is real and neither is one’s story.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Primary Experiences

Every experience starts out as a primary one, that is until one needs to add a story to it because the ability not to isn’t in place. Until it is, one’s primary experience will always be secondary to their story.

Life will always be as it is, but how that’s experienced will be to the level of the experience remaining primary as opposed to needing to add to it. Adding to what arises is what most people do, anything that arises is primary, but usually one adds to it to create a life of how they think it should be. When what’s primary is liked and is pleasurable there will be much effort made to make it last for as long as possible, even if it’s not the healthiest choice. And if what’s primary is disliked and is deemed unpleasurable, there will be much more effort made to push it away, until something that’s thought to be more pleasurable comes along. Check this to see if this isn’t so in your life.

Everything that arises is always primary, it’s what’s there before it’s labeled and added to. The further away one gets from what’s primary the more a pattern is developed to not be with what’s primary. This is why it’s so hard to sit and be still because there aren’t many primary experiences that one can fall back on; they’re there, but they’re pushed away and replaced with a story. Everything is primary before it becomes a story, but unless the mind is settled a story will have to be added. The key to this is learning to see the primary arising and just being with it, this way nothing is added and whatever it is that arose will now become a primary experience, and when this occurs no story will need to be added.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Category of Emotions

Emotions arise when there’s attachment to something that triggers them. At the root of this is I and as long as I is in control, the roller coaster of emotions will continue to take you for a ride.

Emotions aren’t something that exist by themselves, they’re a movement or reaction to something that occurs. There are many different emotions that arises and they can be put into an associated category to best get a handle on them when they arise. Emotions arise when there’s an attachment to something that occurs, nothing inherently makes an emotion arise, there has to be a personal association with something. Emotions only arise as one assigns meaning to something. There isn’t much emotion when you hear of a stranger dying, but attach the word Mother, Father, sister, brother, and so on to it and just watch the emotional onslaught.

Emotions don’t exist until one attaches I to something, this is what gives the emotion life and allows it to arise. Example: grief is only a word until one attaches “I have loss” to it, then look out because depending on how deeply I is attached to the loss, determines the level of grief. Same thing with joy, something happens and now I attaches pleasure to it and there in lies the emotion of joy. Here are just some emotions that can be categorized, fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, trust, happiness, to name a few, watch for yourself when these arise and see where their root is from. With awareness of this you should be able to get a better grip on just how the Conditioned Mind keeps you under its control by weighing you down with deeply embedded emotions as an anchor.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Nothing is Unacceptable

Regardless of what happens in life, if it’s not accepted as it is it will cause suffering. Even if what’s occurring initially causes suffering, the suffering will deepen if it’s unaccepted.

Everything has its place in life regardless it’s considered right, wrong, liked or disliked and this is because it’s what’s there, so to say this shouldn’t be happening leads to suffering because the moment isn’t accepted as it is. But this isn’t to say everything that happens is suppose to happen, but what does happens is what’s there and there’s no changing it. The results of what happens can be changed, but not the initial results, that is unless one is coming from a different place than what was previously known. This may change the initial results, but they are still the results of what’s occurring now. So much energy is wasted on not accepting what has occurred, and why it’s wasted energy is because the unchangeable is trying to be changed.

When you get to a place where something labeled good, bad, or indifferent is accepted, in this place is one’s freedom. Nothing should be unaccepted, I know this is difficult to imagine and this isn’t to say not take action to change things, but what has occurred still has be accepted so the action to change purely comes from love and compassion and not from the ego. Even someone who is totally unconscious and causes much harm to others has to be accepted because it’s the conditioning in place that makes one do what they do; we are still accountable for our actions. This you do for yourself because to not accept is to suffer. Use this example; If you hit a slice in golf, disliking that you hit a slice doesn’t change that fact, accept it, learn from it, move on and just maybe your next tee shot won’t be a slice, but even if it is, accept it and move on. Nothing is unacceptable unless it’s made so by you.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Losing is Winning

Don’t allow anyone to take you from your place of peace. Let them think they’ve gotten the better of you and won, as egos go this satisfaction will be short lived before needing to win again, but a solid foundation of peace can last a lifetime.

We as humans are all created equal, it’s not that some have weaker minds than others, but some are more aware of themselves and this makes it seem that some have strengths that others don’t possess. The more unaware one is of themselves, the more one will be dragged around by the occurrences that happen in life. This awareness is what one awakens to, not so much the great secrets of the Universe, but more so what pulls one from their place of peace. I would say in my own case one area where I’ve become more aware is in not allowing other people’s actions to pull me from my place of peace. At times my initial reaction is to get annoyed, but it’s usually realized very quickly that most people know not what they do so to allow their actions to control me is on me. Because all humans come into the world basically the same (unconditioned) it’s the level of conditioning that makes one appear weak or strong, but one is just more aware of their conditioning than another person.

Let the other person think they’ve won, that they’ve gotten the better of you, except to the ego it means nothing; this is how unconscious energy is squashed. This doesn’t change the other person, but it does change you. It stops all the stories associated with the situation which festers as unconsciousness; I’m going to say this to them, or they are wrong, or don’t they know who I am, this is all the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind (ego) and it’s energy that nothing good comes from. So as I said, let the other person think they’ve won, but you will know in your heart who the true winner is because by remaining in your place of peace and not giving in to the Conditioned Mind nonsense, form is not in control. After all one can only be taken from their place of peace when it’s allowed and it only occurs when the ego is in control.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Stepping Outside the Norm

What is considered normal by society entraps most people to the idea of what others think normal is and unless this can be seen so one can go beyond it, there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as the norm.

Stepping outside of what is considered the norm as far as thinking goes is a must if one is to go beyond the trap of the considered norm. You may ask why would a person want to go beyond what’s considered the norm and here’s why, the so called norm is based in form and to be attached to form causes suffering. It’s as simple as that, with the normal attachment to the senses (form), life will still occur, it just won’t be experienced as fully as it can be. There will still be experiences, how can there not be with one being alive, but they will be dictated by form and there’ll be much nonsense associated with them. The norm entraps one to what others think is considered normal and unless one can see this to go beyond it, there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as your own. It’s an easy trap to get snared in because the bait is so enticing.

This plays right into the reward system that is considered the norm. Who does anything that doesn’t have the reward of pleasure associated with it? This can be applied to just about anybody and anything. When was the last time you purposely did something that you knew was going to be unpleasant with no reward attached to it. This is pivotal in understanding the process of the Conditioned Mind because until you can just be with whatever arises, without judging it or associating it with pleasure, the norm syndrome will be what dictates the life you’re living and it will probably be someone else’s idea of what is considered the norm.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Leave the Past in the Past

If you keep bringing the past into the present, the past will be where you live your life. Why this is unfortunate is because all of one’s emotional pain of the past will also be carried into the present.

The amount of times that one relives something that causes emotional pain is purely mind boggling because it’s one’s own mind that does this and it probably happens hundreds maybe even thousands of times throughout one’s life. This is why most people suffer endlessly because what happened in the past is constantly brought into the present and although the body is in the present moment, the mind is constantly somewhere else. This is the constant state that most people live their life from and if nothing is done to change this, it will continue until existence in this form ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory, nor is it something I made up, you need only look at this for yourself to see this truth. But If you don’t look at it, you will more likely remain stuck in the maze of your thoughts without a way out.

As a species we seem to have lost our way and it’s because looking at ourselves is not something that many people are willing to do. It’s so much easier to point the finger at someone else, but unfortunately when you point your finger at someone there are three pointing back at you; check this to see its truth 👉🏼 You can ignore this and keep your head in the sand in the hopes everything will work out or you can take control of your life, at least to some extent and stop attaching to the thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all it’s the same thoughts that are constantly arising and if they’re not attached to, eventually they’ll stop and so will the repeated emotional suffering they cause.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wanting's Lure

Don’t let the different consequences of wanting lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all wanting leads to bondage in one form or another regardless of what’s wanted.

If there is always something to want, it’s because you don’t think that you have and if you don’t think that you have, you will always think there is something to want. Wanting isn’t something that’s inherently bad, why one wants is where issues arise and this is only because where there is wanting, one thinks something is missing. What is wanted only matters to the degree in how the thing wanted effects your life. Wanting to drink alcohol and do drugs have consequences much different then wanting to go to a program to stop using those things, but the wanting’s core is the same and that’s what needs to be looked at. Don’t let the different consequences of wanting lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all wanting leads to bondage in one form or another and as stated this includes all wanting.

You might say that’s not true, that wanting to better yourself is a good thing, but that would mean you need things to be different to accept yourself. Accepting life exactly how it is is the only place one will experience the peace of not wanting things different. I’m not saying don’t better yourself, but if it’s at the expense of your peace of mind, what good is it. I often say go for the gold, just understand even if it’s attained you will find it’s not providing the benefits you thought it would; shortly afterwards another want will arise. Investigate this and see how wanting causes needing, needing causes bondage, and bondage causes suffering. Break free from wanting and inevitably you just may stop suffering.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Source Energy of Creation

Separation from oneself occurs when the source energy of creation is made into a story because it then becomes my story and there’s no connection when one comes from a place to self serve.

The are so many names for the source energy of creation and to me what’s important is what’s produced by connecting with it. It’s not a concern of mine what it’s called because words diminish it and put it in a so called box. This source energy is what led me from my self destructive behavior and it continues to lead me even when my I takes hold of some self serving behavior. This is why we’re our own obstacle because it all has to do with the energy of our connection to the present moment and very few live there. The more when can be present and observe the stillness of the moment, the more chance there is to connect with the source energy of creation. This doesn’t take a belief in something to allow this to happen, it takes an awakened heart to see that a belief actually blocks the connection to the source energy of creation.

I’ve found it more beneficial not to limit myself with labeling things a certain way, it seems to allow the flow of energy to go in a certain direction, and although whatever the direction is I’m okay with it, connected to the source energy of creation is more of a benefit to all beings. There are many stories attached to about this and it blocks one from connecting to it. There’s only one source of the energy of creation and the proof is we are all created the same. There’s nothing to debate here because it’s the truth. The debate starts when the source energy of creation is made into a story because it then becomes my story and there’s no connection when one comes from a place to self serve.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Blind Leading the Blind

There’s a pull that occurs in most lives that keeps broken tools in place without investigating them. The issue with this is these tools are passed on to others so the blind are leading the blind.

If there are just unconscious actions and reactions in one’s daily decision making process without investigation, there will be many decisions made without knowing if they are truly beneficial. When these tools are passed on to others it equates to the blind leading the blind; very few people truly understand the Conditioned Mind. Without the discipline that provides some stillness, life becomes an unquestioned pull to follow the way that’s in place. To the Conditioned Mind there’s no need for questions because it has all the answers. Saying I’m not there yet is just crazy and it’s a created block that hampers the ability to truly live. If you’re not there yet, wherever there is, what do you think it will take to get there? And that’s if you’re truly interested in finding out why you’re not there. What amazes me is how people settle for a place just because it’s comfortable and someone else says it works. Using the saying I’m not there yet is just a way the Conditioned Mind (ego) remains in control.

To me it’s just mind boggling how a person remains with what they have in place and not even take into consideration there might be another way to see things, and what’s mind boggling about this is how the pull is held onto and keeps one in a self created prison that causes suffering. Life doesn’t cause suffering, the Conditioned Mind does and unless one is willing to sit and allow the mind to settle, the pull of the conditioning will remain in place and one will continue to use broken tools that cause suffering, and here’s the real issue with this, these tools are passed on to others and it’s as though the blind are leading the blind.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Give or Get Intentions

One’s intentions will be from the base energy to give or to get and this makes the world the way it is. So if you want the world different, simply have the intention to give and watch it change.

One’s intentions are a determining factor in the energy that is put out to the world. There are intentions to get, expecting something in return for one’s doings and there are intentions to give, expecting nothing whatsoever in return regardless of how much one gives. These are obviously very different in their base energy, but to give intentions don’t necessarily result in seeing the fruits of one’s labors, at least not by some. The intentions behind my daily writings and writing my book are strictly from the love in my heart to possibly help someone not go through the suffering I did for forty nine years, but there are some who see my intentions as something different. When it comes to intentions”To thine own self be true” is so important because it really doesn’t matter how anyone sees what you do. The Universe knows your intentions and that’s all that matters.

The world cannot fairly be your judge nor can an individual. “May he who is without sin cast the first stone” who is so pure that they can judge another and if your intention is to judge that’s not from the intention to give, it’s strictly to get. There are so many selfish people in our world who have no intention to ever give and it keeps the world the way it is, but if you truly have a heart with the intentions to give, there’s no way you can judge another because there’s nothing that you’re looking for in return. So when all you do is have the intentions to give and act accordingly, it’s the energy that’s being put out into the world and I assure you it will make a difference.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Changing Your Inner State

When love is the energy of one’s inner state, it emanates transforming energy out into the world. Many will pickup on this energy and in the process they will transform. This all occurs because love is the base of what one thinks about.

Feelings and actions are a result of our inner state and our inner state is very important when it comes to our thinking. Our inner state determines so much of what goes on in our life because it results in our thinkings base. Thinking from an inner state to self serve produces much different feelings and actions than an inner state of quietness or if you like, love. Grasping becomes the main action when one’s inner state is to self serve. I need, whatever one’s thinking makes that need to be becomes the constant energy of the self serving inner state. I need energy is what keeps greed, hate, envy, lust, jealousy, anger and whatnot in place and although the needs manifest differently for everyone, the common denominator is I need energy, which makes one’s own thinking believe the present moment needs to be different. Grasping has to follow when this occurs because it’s the energy in place.

When the inner state is one of quietness which manifest as love, the thinking naturally falls in line with the complete opposite of being selfishly self serving. It’s as if there’s no thought of you and the feelings and actions are geared towards benefitting others. Not in a way to try and convert others to a concept or belief, but coming from a place of compassion, kindness, understanding, and love. This loving energy is one’s connection to life itself and it’s this inner state that emanates transforming energy out into the world. Many will pickup on this energy and in the process they will transform. This all occurs because when one’s inner state is based in love, love is the result of what one thinks about.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Distractions of What Isn't

What is needs no story because it’s what’s here, but if life is preferred to be a certain way, where you’ll be living is in the preferred prison of what isn’t and that’s even if life is exactly how I prefers it.

To awaken is simple, let go of the things in you (your story) that are blocking you from being with life as it is. Here is a conversation from a post I commented on the other day, the original post said: Got Stress: you are arguing with what is. My response was this: The mind that tells you to do something is the same mind that questions why it was done. This is the stress of one’s own conditioned mind and this self created stress will be the constant in one’s life until it’s learned to be still in the moment of what is. There is life as it is made out to be, there is life as it is wished to be, and then there is life as it actually is. In what place are you spending your life? Someone responded: I prefer to spend my life in what I am able to make it, through everyday actions, such as having clean teeth, because I made an effort to brush them. What is, is mostly what I make it to be… My response: What is is life as it occurs, making it as it is wanted is a story that life has to be a certain way for one to be happy. And as stated when I prefers I suffers when things aren’t as wanted. What is is being with the good, bad, and ugly that’s occurs in life and not needing it to be different.

I posted this just to show how the story of I (I prefer) is a distraction that keeps one locked into their distractions and although life may be as it is wanted, one still isn’t free. Freedom has nothing to do with life being a preferred way. You will spend your entire life trying to make it this preferred way (a story) and whether this is realized or not, a story is a distracted block to the innate goodness of what arises from the moment of what is. What is needs no story because it’s what’s here and if you’re living anywhere else or if life is preferred to be a certain way, where you’ll be living is in the preferred prison of what isn’t and that’s even if life is exactly how I prefers it, clean teeth and all.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Believing What You Think

Don’t believe anything you think. A thought is only a thought and it’s not necessarily true, but unless one’s mind is settled enough to see this, the thought controls what happens next.

Nothing is a problem unless it’s made into one. Think of this simple yet profound sentence. Nothing no matter what, is right or wrong, good or bad, or liked or disliked, unless it’s labeled as so. Our life is controlled by our thoughts and most thoughts are based in a faulty foundation. The fault lies in the way the mind is conditioned. Here’s some of the ways the mind becomes conditioned and if you get quiet enough you will see this for yourself. The car in front is going to slow. I have to go food shopping, I’m tired, my allergies are horrible, I’m bored, yada, yada, yada. Although all of these start out as a single thought that isn’t where the fault lies, what happens next is where the fault lies; we believe the thought. We actually think the car in fronting us is going to slow, or that going food shopping is a problem. We believe our thoughts to be true and then we act accordingly. If the thought wasn’t labeled to be true, we would be able to see what was really going on and that would be the car in front of us really isn’t going to slow, we are just being controlled by an undisciplined Conditioned Mind.

Learn to watch the nonsense that’s believed to be true, there’s so much of it, it’s hard to grasp. I mentioned one time to a person about the way we poison ourselves with tobacco products and his response was, he enjoyed them. That is insanity, to enjoy poisoning yourself, but that is the lie of a Conditioned Mind. People enjoy all sorts of things that are harmful to themselves, this also includes behaviors that harm others which are easily justified. All I’m saying is watch the thoughts as they arise and learn how so many of them are based in lies to keep you in captivity to your Conditioned Mind (ego). By no means should you take my word for it, the next time a thought pops into your head, take a moment before you label it and really take notice if what you are thinking is true or if it is just a lie of the Conditioned Mind.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Empty Dreams

If you truly want to follow your dreams look down at your feet. Unless the mind settles and there’s awareness of this, life will never be truly lived because one will be caught in the fantasy of needing a dream.

I know in society many attach to the saying “Follow your dreams” but if this is looked at closely, it may be seen how this holds you in captivity to the thinking that the dream is needed for happiness. The issue with this is when you are following the urge of a so called dream, the reality of what’s happening right now just passes you by. This doesn’t mean you can’t have your dreams and go after them, just realize this, a dream is nothing but a fantasy and even if it materializes exactly in the way that it’s wanted and becomes a reality, the thinking the dream will make you happy, not the dream itself is the fantasy. This falls in line with the grass is greener on the other side, until it’s realized that grass also has to be mowed.

How many people chose the spouse they have, their job, the house they live in, having children, or whatever else one thought was needed, only to turn around and complain about it. You chose it because you thought it was your dream and yet when it manifested as a reality, it wasn’t long before it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it was going to be, or you were okay with certain aspects of it, but there was something else needed to complain about. If you truly want to follow your dream look down at your feet and realize good, bad, or indifferent you are your dream. Unless the mind settles and one becomes aware of this, life will never be truly lived because one will be caught up in needing the fantasy of following a dream.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Choosing Presence

Existence is naturally spiritual so choosing Presence allows for one to come home and although the mind will often wander, having a Presence direction will keep one from remaining lost.

All of life is a spiritual path and this is so even though a person may not be aware of it. When one does become aware of this, it doesn’t mean life becomes all that much different, but what does become different is the view of life and this makes all the difference in the world. If your stuck in the trance of unconsciousness it’s very difficult to see from the perspective of Presence, and without developing this one remains in the trance of unconsciousness. This is the trance of the world (form) it’s also the trance of suffering. It manifest in many ways this trance, but its base is in the form the world presents. I’m this, I’m that, buy this, use that, attain this, go here, go there, win this, learn that, and on and on. It’s the way of the world which is form and it’s the way of suffering because you’re held captive to what the world makes you think you need.

The only way to break this is to constantly choose Presence when you notice you’re in the trance of form. Since our existence is naturally spiritual, choosing Presence allows you to come home and although the mind will wander more often than not, with a practice in place to choose Presence, when it does wander it gives you a direction instead of being lost grasping for something that the world of form makes you believe you need to be home. Home is where the heart is and in choosing Presence that’s where one will live more often than not, that is as long as Presence is chosen.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Perception or Peace

Life happens, but not truly in the way one thinks it does and only when the mind settles will it be seen it’s not that important because what truly matters is not to be right, but to be at peace.

The other day I was talking to my brother about something that occurred about thirty years ago, I remember it vividly one way and my brother remembers it another way. It’s pretty amazing how the same occurrence is remembered so differently, with both of us insisting it occurred the way each of us remembers it. There is neither a right or wrong here, although my brother insist he’s right, this is just the way perception works. It wasn’t a significant occurrence so there was no reason to discuss it further, but the point is we both see it as it’s remembered and there’s no telling what really happened. It’s always one’s perception of what occurs that makes something a perceived truth, but it’s only a truth to the one who perceives it that way. Truth of something is very difficult to decipher because of perception, to me the important thing is to defuse the ego in needing to be right by saying “how important is it” this takes the egos energy away.

I could have argued with my brother it was the way I remember it, and to me it still is, but regardless if it was the way I saw it or the way he saw it, it really means nothing in the grand scheme of things because it adds no value whatsoever to life. Perception is one thing, attaching to it and making it a part of the story of who you are is where it’s taken to another level. Perception is there, but attaching to the idea that things are as they’re perceived is where one’s delusions gets reinforced. It’s not that things don’t happen in life, it’s just that they’re not truly in the way one thinks they are and only when the mind settles will it be seen it’s not that important because what truly matters is not to be right, but to be at peace.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

To Be is Enough

The usefulness to the Universe is a direct result of how much one is in touch with their heart and although many people will be touched when this occurs, some will not no matter how loving you are.

You cannot be all things to all people, but you can be all things to yourself. For some, their conditioning is so deeply entrenched they may never change. This doesn’t mean they can’t change, it’s just very unlikely it will happen. I try and share mostly from my experience, this way even if it’s not agreed with, which does happen, there’s not much to be taken seriously. Experience is never right or wrong, it’s just how one perceives what happens and there’s no way everyone is going to see it the same way, so one shouldn’t even be concerned with what anyone else thinks. It’s not that I don’t take what others say seriously and just discount it, it’s just shouldn’t be taken seriously because even what I say I don’t take seriously. Everything passes in life so to me the important thing is to come from a place of love so I can touch my heart and the heart of others, but not every heart because not everyone is on the same frequency.

Love yourself so you can love others and than let it flow where it’s needed. Life isn’t a self help program to better oneself, it’s a process to allow the mind to settle so one can be used for the betterment of the entire Universe, not by being all things to all people, but by opening a channel to your heart to allow the flow of love out. This isn’t about trying to be anything as much as it’s learning to just be. When you can just be without trying to be anything, there’s a connection to your heart and to the hearts of others that no doing can produce. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with doing, but you can never do enough to be, so just be and that will be enough.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Investigating What Is

Not investigating the way life is lived leaves it up to chance that it’s being lived in the most beneficial of ways. Our mind is our greatest asset, yet it’s also the greatest block to truly living life to the fullest.

It’s a lot easier to go with the flow of the conventional way of thinking than to go against the grain because anyone who doesn’t agree with the conventional way is considered strange. But I ask you, how much of this conventional way of thinking is actually yours? Before one develops the coping mechanisms that are now in place, how much investigation is truly put into seeing if these mechanisms are beneficial. Not many people invest money, get married, have children, by a house, take a job, or do anything before doing some investigation, but how much investigation do you give to your behavior? This is what truly needs to be investigated if you ever want to understand your life.

Life isn’t magical for some and not others, life is life, pure and simple and it will not be lived to the fullest without doing the things that allow this. We can either cooperate with life and make it more beneficial or we can be controlled by a mind that doesn’t want you to investigate why you do what you do. If you are content with being on an up and down emotional roller coaster so be it, but I haven’t met one single person who at some point in their life hasn’t reached outside themselves for contentment. This non contentment is an agitation of the mind that few truly understand, not because they can’t, but because this agitation is not given the time needed to investigate it and find real answers, not the make believe ones that you are probably living your life by right now.

Life is so practical when it’s understood. If you practice living in the moment that you’re in, you will live your life more and more in this place of truly existence. But if you’re not practicing this than you will live in the past or the future and you will never be present for your given life. The most important thing you can do is investigate this, don’t take my word on this, investigate it for yourself and see that although the body is always in the present moment, it’s where your mind is that determines your life, and you only have to be honest with yourself to see where that is.

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Unlimited Mind

The mind sees things through the vastness of itself which exposes the magnificence of life, the brain on a the other hand limits itself by thinking knowledge is wisdom; not that knowledge is a bad thing, but it doesn’t set you free.

The brain is not the mind, although at times it does seem like they’re the same, they are as different as oil and vinegar, but there is a relationship between the two just like oil and vinegar that works together when used in a certain way. Harmony results when this certain way is discovered, not in the way intellect understands it, but from the vastness of a mind that’s connected with all minds. The brain on the other hand seems to limit itself by making things up. The mind sees things through the vastness of itself and sees the beauty of life, the brain limits itself by thinking knowledge is wisdom. Not that knowledge is a bad thing, but knowing how a car is built and what it takes to drive one has nothing to do with actually driving it, all the knowledge about the car doesn’t assist one bit in learning how to drive it.

The brain for the most part leads one to bondage because of the way it attaches to thinking, which is humanity’s true addiction. With the mind, there’s nothing there to attach to so there’s no bondage; there can’t be if there’s nothing to grasp. The mind encompasses all that is, was, and will ever be. It can’t be defined, unlike the brain which wants to put everything in a box under the label of certain definitions. The brain needs things to be labeled, the mind needs no such labels and thus without a label, one experiences the peace that passes all understand. Look to see if this is true and if you can see the truth in this, you’ll be set free because it’s what’s truly there as opposed to what you think is there.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

No Pushing Please

The tool of pushing away that’s developed to cope with life is why one’s life is seemingly full of problems, but whatever arises doesn’t cause the problems, it’s the pushing away that does.

Nothing needs to be dismissed for one to be free. Freedom can not be found by pushing anything away. Pushing something away would be likened to getting rid of something, but truly getting rid of something will only happen when it’s dealt with because if not it will never go away. When it’s dealt with it won’t have to be pushed away because it will naturally fall away. This is how one has to approach each moment if freedom is to be had. The way we develop tools to cope with things as they arise is why there’s problems, whatever it is that arises doesn’t truly cause the problem. Granted it may be something that really hurts and has no benefit whatsoever, like the death of a loved one, but if it’s not dealt with in a way that it’s not dismissed or a made up story is used, the energy of the situation will get stored and remain hidden until it’s time to rise up again. This is why the same thoughts are repeated over and over without really giving them much thought, they have to because of the trace energy in place.

Awareness that this is happening can allow you to be with what arises and not want it different. After all that’s the only reason a person pushes something away because it’s not wanted. But you see this pushing is the same energy as grasping it’s just being used differently. Pushing is attachment to not wanting it and grasping is attachment to wanting it, different action, but the same attachment. This is very subtle to see and it will only be noticed when one is with the moment as it arises and doesn’t want life to be different. So regardless if it’s labeled good or bad, it’s all the same attachment, and the only the thing the applied label does is determine if one reaches for something or pushes it away.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Conditioned Changes

Everyone has the choice whether to change or stay the same, but it’s only those who truly know it’s their conditioning that needs to be changed that have this choice.

This morning I took a shower and when I got out, the mirror was foggy from the steam, I took out the blow dryer and cleared up the mirror. What also became clear was my awareness of how everything that happens in life is a result of conditions being a certain way and the only way it will change is when the conditioning changes. This is a fact, it doesn’t take a belief for this to occur; get a pot of water to 212 degrees and it will boil. All things in life have certain operating properties and when conditions are in line with those properties, it’s natural course of action will take place. It’s what happens with every living thing that begins life, whether humans, animals, plants, clouds, stars and so on, nothing truly happens independently on its own, it’s all caused by something else.

In the case of behavior it’s the same way, no one acts a certain way just because, there is always the root cause behind every action and unless this root is exposed, nothing can change; it’s not that it won’t change, it can’t. This is why there’s suffering in the world, nothing inherently makes you suffer, only the mind does and only because of the way it’s conditioned. When something happens many times people see it differently so it affects them differently, but there are some things that are the same no matter what. If there’s no oxygen you die, if the heart stops, same result, this happens because conditions make it so. So everyone has the choice whether to change or stay the same, but only those who truly know it’s the conditioning that needs to be changed have this choice.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Inner Presence

If the noise in the head is the control point of one’s life, it won’t stop because there’s a belief in some unforeseen power. Beliefs hinder the mind’s settling because they create the blocks to one’s inner presence.

If one is making the noise in the head the control point of life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be in a place of peace. It’s such a noisy world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer out there when the answer is within. So what the noise actually is and how it’s created is by one not being aware they already have their answers, but with a mind that’s conditioned to want answers, you have to constantly look for them, hence the noise. This is how the agitation of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to our inner presence. It’s the noise created, because if one knew they had the answers the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the noise.

When you come to the place where you understand this, the noise will lessen and one’s inner presence will be experienced. If this isn’t understood, the noise will never stop, this is why it’s so important to understand this now. Why wait to be at peace later when you can be at peace right now. It’s not like the noise is needed to live life, it’s only there because one is unconscious of it. Everyone has the ability to consciously allow for the removal of the noise in the head, if practiced properly. It’s just not something that’s going to happen on its owns, but isn’t it beautiful that peace is in your own hands and it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is brought into their life. A little practice equates to a little peace. This is a direct exertion of one’s free will. A belief in some unforeseen power won’t make this happen, it’s up to the individual to do what’s necessary to stop the noise. As one practices the nose subsides and what’s left is an inner presence. If you’re waiting for anything else, you’ll be waiting a very long time and it’ll probably not happen in this lifetime.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Contagious Energy

The energy that love emits has more of an impact than the energy of hate and although you may love, others around you may not, but their energy will at least be neutralized because that’s just the way love rolls.

All energy is contagious regardless of what its base is. You can’t have a riot with one person so the energy that’s given to that situation, if it’s not attached to by someone else, it will just dissipate and the riot will never occur. So it is also with love, when one’s energy comes from a place of love, it’s contagious also, but it’s more powerful than the energy of hate and because of loves lasting effects the consequences are much different. This is why it’s so important to be the instrument of love in a world where many are instruments to self serve. Loving energy is contagious and if one isn’t making up a story of a problem it’s impossible to have one, so when we’re together if I don’t have a story you won’t either and love will be the energy of that moment.

The energy that love emits is more reaching than the energy of hate and although you may love, others around you may not, but their energy will at least be neutralized because that’s how love works. You will defuse situations just by your energy being based in love, you don’t need to do anything. If someone gossips, don’t participate, when someone cuts you off on the road, just be with it and let it go. If a person tends to be angry don’t feed their anger. By doing this it doesn’t mean others will change, but at least for the moment, loves energy will be in control and the more this is done, the more contagious loves energy will become.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Three Ways to Let Go

If you don’t have the tools in place that allow you to truly let go, life will seem as though it’s personal and in the process you will remain attached to using the tools that cause you to suffer.

There are many ways to let go of something, here are three that I’ve found useful and although I is at the root of all attachment, we can use these three ways that may make letting go a little easier. Not labeling is one way to not attach and let go. The base of this way is understanding the impermanence of all things and how this applies regardless of what arises. Whatever arises won’t last including life itself, so when one sees this, it makes it easy to let go because there’s the understanding there’s nothing to truly hold onto.

Another way that one can practice letting go is by not wishing for things to be different, this is used to let go of control. This not wishing way can also be used to not attach to what arises and although the wording may be different, non attachment and letting go are essentially one in the same. If you don’t attach to something it never has you in its grip and if you let go of something it relinquishes its grip.

So now this leaves the third way and although it’s last it’s certainly not least. This one is the no self identity way which allows one to see the self that truly exists, not the one made up by the Conditioned Mind. To understand this one must see the emptiness in holding on their created identity. It’s not that the self doesn’t exist, it just doesn’t exist in the way that one’s conditioned to see it. This is the self that’s has existed throughout one’s life regardless of what happened.

Life doesn’t happen to you, it’s not personal it just happens, the false self is what makes it about you and until this seen, suffering will remain. You don’t have to use all three of these tools to let go, one will be enough, you don’t even have to use one if you choose not to, but understand if you don’t the tools in place that allow you to truly let go, you will make life personal and in the process you will keep using the tools that cause you to suffer.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Karmic Results

Life is simply a process and the results that manifest in one’s life are a direct result of the support given to their process. The seeds that you plant are the seeds that will grow, there’s no way around this.

What you cultivate is what will be the karmic results in your life. Cultivating tools of greed, hate, and delusion will produce those karmic results as will cultivating tools that result in kindness, compassion, and love. This is a Universal Law and although the results aren’t always seen by others or right away, eventually the individual will experience the karmic results of their actions. One cannot hate without hate being returned, as one cannot love without love being returned. Life is simply a process and the results that manifest in one’s life are a direct result of the support that is given to their process. It really can’t be any other way, the seeds that you plant are the seed that will grow, there’s no way around this.

For many years I cultivated self serving tools and my actions were strictly from that base, it’s no surprise when looking back at my life, all I see is chaos and confusion. How could it not be? Today it’s much different because the tools cultivated aren’t to self serve. I’m not a believer of “if you conceive it you can achieve it” my experience has been in stillness the Universe decides what will be done. There’s so much more peace in this for me, I already had life exactly how I wanted it and I was miserable. So for me the tools that result in peace are what I cultivate with the karmic results being of peace, and minus the story of needing anything else, peace is all I was looking for.