Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Centered Energy

Centered energy determines how you live. If that energy is constantly centered on yourself, you’ll be selfish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t free from self, you’ll remain centered in a self created prison…

Being free from the prison of self requires centering your energy away from self-serving thoughts. When the mind gets centered on these thoughts there’s a freedom that allows the mind to become free. What makes it get stuck is energy that’s mostly centered on satisfying self in some way. Centering on the sensation of mind, body, and mental formations helps to alleviate the bondage of self. This is a direct path to how to become free from suffering. You can only be free when you center on what allows freedom, but it’s tricky because mastering this takes constant vigilance. It will be your directed center that determines the extent of freedom and that will be the determining factor how your life is lived.

Freedom from suffering is not pain free, it’s learning to be with the pain that arises. You cannot hide from what’s happening, you can only center on something that anchors you in the Now. To no longer be centered on self the path of liberation. How this is done is by simply not centering on self and centering on what will set you free. The self is there and it has been given a name. It has so many other different labels attached to it, but it’s a prison because of the mere fact of attachment. Freedom occurs when there’s an understanding of the lies of self, not in creating concepts or beliefs. Where your energy is centered determines how you live. If that energy is constantly centered on self, you will be selfish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t liberated from self, you’ll remain stuck in your self created prison…

Monday, January 30, 2023

Now Perfection

Most people will say life is perfect if everything is going their way. It can always be perfect regardless of the circumstances, but only if it’s seen this too shall pass…

On a scale of how life is measured, if you think it’s less than perfect it will be. But if you only give it lip service and say it’s perfect, it still won’t be. I equate this to whistling in the dark to keep away the bogeyman. As long as you’re whistling the distraction will keep it in check, but the moment you stop, it returns. The key is to identify why you think life isn’t perfect Now. People say be positive, but being positive to me doesn’t change the facts of why I am labeling life as less than perfect instead of perfect. Not so pleasant stuff does happen in life and if it’s just masked over it becomes ingrained as an energy pattern in the subconscious that never goes away. This is how life becomes mundane instead of perfect. Life itself is always a perfect Now, people who are conditioned make it something else, this is another lie of the Conditioned Mind.

Most people will say life is perfect if everything is going their way, but it’s perfect Now regardless of the circumstances. Life will be perfect when it’s seen in the light of how all things happen Now. Believe me I get it, being ill, losing a loved one, and many others things that occur in life suck, but what makes one think it sucks is the attachment to them. Labeling it that it sucks doesn’t change what’s occurring Now, it only changes where life is put on a measured scale. When the true essence of Now is understood, it puts it at the scale of perfection regardless of what’s going on because it’s seen this too shall pass…

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Human Seeds

There’s way too much thought on an individual level for unity to be a reality. Most people have an agenda and it’s usually attached to satisfying themselves; until this changes nothing changes…

Being human can be looked at as if we are all seeds, and we are when we‘re in the womb. But I like to look at it as if our planet is the container and we are all in the container with the same potential. Being planted in a conditioned environment is how life becomes different for each of us. Even if you’re right next to another seed the results of how you grow up will probably be different. Remember a name is only given to each seed for identification purposes, we don’t go around giving names to the animals or birds we see. There’s no true individual existence, we’re all part of the same container. There’s conditioning which makes an individual seem separate, but as far as being human is concerned, we’re all just seeds from the same container.

Just as with any seed, there are many factors that determine how it will grow. Some will produce fruit (love) and some will not, but all seeds are from the same container. This needs to be realized if we are to grow as a species. We haven’t really progressed much mentally since existence began. We may have advanced intellectually, but spiritually not so much. There’s still way too much thought on the individual level for unity to be a reality. Most people have an agenda and it’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way. Until this is seen even though we are all from the same container, not much will change…

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Obstructed Mind

An obstructed mind won’t clear up on its own regardless of what belief system is held onto. Belief systems hinder the minds quieting because they’re just a response to mind obstructions that blocks truth…

If an obstructed mind is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to see clearly. It’s such an obstructed world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer in the obstructions. What the obstruct actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the obstructed mind. This is how the obstruction of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to clarity. It’s a created obstruction because if you knew you had your answers the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind obstruction.

Everyone has the ability to consciously remove their mind obstructions, but it’s not something that’s going to happen on its owns. Isn’t it beautiful that your life is in your hands, that it’s totally up to each individual how much truth is brought into your life. A little practice equates to little truth so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to stop the mind obstructions. As you practice being in the moment the obstructed mind quiets and you’re left with truth. If you‘re waiting for anything else you’ll be waiting a very long time and it’ll probably not happen while you are alive in this form…

Friday, January 27, 2023

Life Laws

Life Laws when adhered to allow harmony with life. Life doesn’t ever do anything to you, but breaking its laws isn’t natural so it will seem like it does…

Life Laws are in place which when adhered to put you in harmony with life; they also offer protection against certain behavior. These laws when adhered to within their boundaries, allow for life to be lived to the fullest. The mind has to be open and free flowing for the adherence to these laws to take place. There are also man made laws that align to Life Laws, but many of them are broken which blocks life from being as beneficial as it could be. The more adherence there is to selfish behavior the less chance there is to be in harmony with Life Laws. When things are used and abused to satisfy self this blocks life from being natural. The animal realm adheres to Life Laws and because of this there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on instincts.

Life is lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to Life Laws or not. A quiet mind can see this and slowly stops doing the things that block Life Laws from being adhered to. As long as one is alive life will be lived, but in what way determines the actions and consequences. Go forty mph in a twenty five mph zone and regardless if you get a speeding ticket or not, you will be out of harmony with the law in place. So take heed and understand life doesn’t ever do anything to you, but if you it laws it’s unnatural and it will certainly seem like it does…

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Useful Tools

Are the tools you have in place truly useful to allow you to love yourself unconditionally and thus love all beings? The key word here is all, not just the ones you deem useful…

For many years I did things that I considered useful, but after forty nine years I found myself at such a low point that I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to rise up. There was no I think I can chants, no positive thinking, no meditation, no loving myself. There was much confusion and despair, and the insanity of this is my own mind that developed these tools and deemed them useful. Now I know not many get to this place of total despair so it’s difficult to understood how low I was, but I will say this, I’m fortunate beyond words and I will tell you why. When I was twenty eight years old there were ten of us still hanging in a bar in Newark, all of us using the tool of alcohol and drugs as useful tools. Out of those ten individuals eight of them are dead. What’s tragic about this is the tools that each of them accepted as useful to live life were the cause of their deaths. Think about how insane this is and how often this is repeated today; insanity to say the least.

When I look back at what I thought were useful tools, I see nothing but this insanity. I alone although not intentional caused all my own suffering. Now you may not think this applies to you, but every negative thought one ever has comes from within. It may have been put there by some outer influence, but it was attached to by you and seen as useful. I’m not a big negative/positive person, my experience has been more in line with quietness as the most useful tool to live by, but it wasn’t always this way. To me the question to ask yourself if you can muster the courage to do so is, are you willing to truly face yourself to see if the tools you have in place are truly useful to allow you to love yourself unconditionally and thus love all beings…

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Conditioned Habits

As we grow up we’re conditioned in a way that the habits in place allow for our behavior to be as it is. Simply put, if our conditioned habits were based in love humanity would be much different…

As I look back, I see how many of my habits arose from the conditioning that was just part of what was there growing up. Nothing particularly right or wrong in this, especially because there wasn’t much that could have been done differently. It’s very difficult to act in a loving manner if that’s not what’s in place growing up. Some things are learned naturally, but everything takes some conditioning associated with it. If you’re learning how to golf, at first it’s awkward with no knowledge as to the best way to swing a club, but the more you do it the more habitual it becomes. This way of learning is beneficial when what you’re learning is based in love. But part of the problem is when what becomes habit isn’t based in love because unfortunately it seems natural. This is why it’s so hard to change. I knew what was right (loving) and what was wrong (selfish) growing up, but doing what was loving was not what I was conditioned to do so being selfish became natural to me and there wasn’t anybody who could tell me different because that’s all I knew.

To say the least, this selfish conditioning caused much suffering because with this conditioning in place, there wasn’t any room for much else to be seen. This is the merry go round most people are unknowingly on and it’s a direct result of why humanity is the way that it is. If we all grew up with our conditioning based in loved, humanity would be much different; it’s that simple. I know this because fifteen years ago I began seeing things differently (of love) and lo and behold things began changing. It doesn’t mean it’s always this way, but just as it is with learning to swing a golf club properly, it takes practice. And for me it’s done so the loving behavior becomes as natural as my earlier conditioning to be selfish was…

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Fog of Beliefs

When there’s a belief you need something to provide peace, you’re in a fog of that belief. Until this is understood, you’ll remain in the fog of the belief that peace is outside of you…

There will never be peace in your life as long as you’re in the fog of the belief that peace is outside of you. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned we’re in a fog of the belief that peace is something to find. Unfortunately beliefs are what makes the very thing you’re seeking elusive. The fog of a belief is the reason one is constantly reaching for something outside and until this fog is no more, you’ll remain looking for peace in the next thing reached for. This can’t be stressed enough as this foggy looking has to be seen if you’re ever to truly experience peace.

Being in the fog of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if peace is to ever be experienced is there has to be an understanding of how your foggy beliefs block your peace. The reason why peace is elusive is because of the inability to see clearly. When the need to reach for something arises the fog of belief begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be manufactured so it’s in seeing this that peace arises. Many get lost in the fog of trying to find peace, but since it’s already within the foggy belief associated with finding peace needs to be discarded so you can uncover the reason why you’re in the fog of the belief that you’re not at peace…

Monday, January 23, 2023

Stuck in Form

It’s strictly from form that one attaches to wanting things different which in turn causes you to get stuck in form which creates your own suffering…

If you really want to know what the basic flaw seems to be that keeps one stuck in their own suffering, it’s attaching to form to a fault. It’s not that we don’t exist or that we’ll be able to transcend our human form, it’s more so to find a way to embrace it and not get stuck in it. It will always be succumbing to form in some way that causes your suffering. It doesn’t have to be attached to, but it will take discipline so the mind settles to see this. It’s always form that wants things different and it’s always attaching to the story of form that causes suffering. This is true regardless of the circumstances.

Here’s an example of the charade of form that pulls one into suffering. I ordered shoes online and when they were delivered I tried them on and they didn’t fit. By my first reaction you would have thought I was going to have to go shoeless, but that wasn’t the case. I attached to them not fitting and didn’t accept the fact that the shoes simply didn’t fit. This is what attaching to form does and when I saw how childish wanting things different was, it fell away and I was able to simply send the shoes back. You can substitute the shoes with anything and you’ll get the same childish results of suffering. This is all because to be human is to desire. But it’s strictly from form that one attaches to wanting things different which in turn causes you to get stuck in form which is what creates your own suffering…

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Life Teachings

Allowing life to be as it is and not needing to change it allows life to teach you the lessons you need to learn…

It order to not get caught up in making life about anything in particular, it’s very important to remain in the present moment. If the so called spiritual path is about anything I would say this is it because the present moment is the only place that actually exist. I have learned so many valuable lessons throughout life, but regardless I’m always led to the same lesson; non attachment is the only way there will ever be freedom. And it can only be done when one’s state of being is anchored in the present moment. This is not a belief or concept, this is the lesson life gave me. I don’t really understand all the other teachings, they seem to be about some created answer instead of one that simply is. Any teaching that is created to be about something is just a concept or belief. A true answer simply is, it’s never created.

When you’re present, you’re with the only true reality and if there’s non attachment to this reality it will be impossible to lose your center of being; therefore you would never ever suffer. Look deeply at what is attached to. Even if there’s some behavior that’s not changed, if there is non attachment to it, you‘ll remain free. Non attachment/non judgement is the only true state of being where one is free. Even trying to change the world for its betterment is a form of attachment. Allow life to be as it is and life not people will teach you the lessons needed to learn…

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Moments Arising

Life is constant motion, it never stops. If the moments arising is noticed there’s much more understanding of your life than if you’re blindly controlled by conditioned mind patterns…

If the moments arising isn’t seen that’s when conditioned mind patterns take over; it’s just the process in place. You can be in a state where you‘re happy and out of nowhere something triggers one of your mind patterns. The base of the mind pattern determines if you‘re still happy after it’s attached to. This is how it works, we’re pulled around by patterns and the moments arising is unnoticed so controlling energy attaches to what pattern is associated with the moment. This is where everything arises from, feelings, emotions, sensations, and whatnot. Hence the puppet on a string syndrome takes hold when the moments arising isn’t noticed. Think about this, you can’t have any feeling or emotional swing without attaching to the arising moment. Most people don’t really have an inkling of this and it’s why very few truly live life.

Here’s something to do to possibly understand the moments arising a little better. Make a commitment to sit for a certain time, say thirty seconds, keep it real. In those thirty second just watch the moment arise. Just sitting, looking, acknowledging, noticing, letting it arise and pass; all of this is just the moment arising. This should help in getting a better grasp on the moment arising. Increasing or decreasing the committed sitting time is up to the individual or don’t sit at all and remain a slave to the moments arising; as it arises it habitually controls your life. It’s each moments arising that makes life what it is and if this goes unnoticed so will most of your life…

Friday, January 20, 2023

Predictable Reactions

Most reactions that occur in life are predictable as they’re put in place by your own conditioning. So if your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential it’s your own predictable reactions that block it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way its not always as it seems. Its difficult to see beyond your own mind when predictable conditioning is brought into play. So much of what the mind holds in storage is used at particular times and this blocks life from truly being lived. We already have in place the way things are going to be handled, predictable reactions are formed in this way. 

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Politicians have people write speeches using certain words they know are going to sway people in a predictable way. Supermarkets know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so your predictable reactions make them more attractive. 

This goes on and on because the Conditioned Mind determines it. If you had no previous conditioning none of the above methods would work. But this is not the case so one of the keys to not reacting predictably is to develop some way to be in the present moment. The more you’re in the present moment the more you’re with what life has to offer. When this occurs there’s a peace that passes all understanding because the predictable reactions that have been put in place no longer need things different than what they are…

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Not So Thoughts

When truth is revealed no longer will you listen to your thoughts because you’ll understood you shouldn’t believe everything you think because it just may not be so…

Don’t believe everything you think because your thoughts tell you things that just aren’t so. Your thoughts will tell you the past is real yet the only place the past exist is in the mind. Your thoughts will tell you to fear, yet the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. Thoughts will tell you to hold onto the belief of a self that’s a solid entity, but the form that’s being occupied needs no such attachment to exist as it’s always in a constant state of flux. Your thoughts will tell you I think therefore I am, but thinking has nothing to do with I am. Thoughts will make up beliefs that everything desired on the outside is needed, but if none of those desires comes to pass, nothing happens. Even if they do get fulfilled, the satisfaction is fleeting at best. Then there’s the thoughts of the so called ego, this is like the bogeyman in the closet, it exist until you open the closet door. There’s no need to get rid of a thought because it doesn’t exist, except in the mind.

There’s the image in the mirror who you think you are, but if your name is different you think you are someone else. But that’s only a thought because the form remains the same. There will be many thoughts held onto that just aren’t so. Unfortunately the more they’re attached to, the more real they seem. To truly be free, your thoughts will have to be exposed. This doesn’t mean you find out you don’t exist, you find out you don’t exist in the way you thought you did. When this truth is revealed no longer do you listen to your thoughts because it’s understood, you shouldn’t believe everything you think because most of it just isn’t so…

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Hole of Loneliness

When the mind settles the need to reach for something lessens. In the process the hole of loneliness disappears and it’s simply because an “I” story of a hole isn’t being created…

The hole of loneliness seems to get wider as one ages, but it doesn’t really, what happens is there are just less distractions so “I” takes more of a hold. The natural process of life seems to be to stay busy trying to figure things out and regardless of what exactly the figuring out manifest as, it certainly creates a lot of distractions. There are periods in between the busyness where a person has some idle time and probably feels the hole of loneliness, but it doesn’t usually last very long because the busyness of trying to figure out life returns. This busyness last most of one’s life, but there does come a time that the natural process of being busy lessens. At this stage many people experience the hole of loneliness that hasn’t been noticed before. This will either be addressed by looking inward or one will get busy again trying to figure out how to fill the hole.

Eventually the busyness ends for whatever reason, but unfortunately for most people without the busyness the hole of loneliness rears its ugly head. Many elderly people struggle to fill this hole, but it’s so difficult to fill because there just isn’t a lot going on. Kids are grown, retirement, house paid off, more time behind you than what’s left, and the list goes on using distraction after distraction. There were very brief periods for me of not needing to reach, but these periods were far a few in between. That is until fourteen years ago when I hit an emotional bottom. I began sitting and simply looking inward which allowed me to see the distractions of my “I” needing to make up an hole story. As I sat the mind settled and thus the “I” needing to reach for something lessened. In the process the hole of loneliness disappeared and it was simply because an “I” story of a hole wasn’t being created…

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Spirit of Life

Formed concepts keep you in a conditioned prison. This blocks out seeing that in the stillness of non labeling there’s no lock on your prison cell, there’s only the spirit of life that non labeling reveals…

The spirit of life can only be seen when it’s viewed from a non labeling perspective. Labeling life does nothing to enhance it. It exist without the label, actually labels limit you from seeing life’s spirit because it becomes conceptual and in your formed concepts are your limits. This is how it is with most things that exist in life, they don’t need labels. In the case of life itself, it gets all it needs from the Universe. It doesn’t think about how it can enhance its own spirit, this is a natural process. It’s like this with everything, but it’s only seen once conceptual living begins to slow. Labels don’t enhance anything, there’s usefulness in categorizing things, but this doesn’t enhance whatever’s being labeled.

This is why it’s said “In stillness all truth is revealed” because when the mind is free of conceptual labeling, there’s an understanding of things that’s very difficult to explain with words. It’s the reason I often write “it is seen as it is seen” in response to some people who post on my articles because no matter how much I try to convince someone to see what I see, it’s almost impossible, almost. Because of the conditioning in place people have a hard time with someone possibly knowing more than them, so they close down and miss the true spirit of what’s really happening. As with the all of life you will know truth when it‘s seen that something exist without needing to label it. Our formed concepts keep us in a conditioned prison. This blocks out seeing that in the stillness of non labeling there’s no lock on your prison cell, there’s only the spirit of life that non labeling reveals…

Monday, January 16, 2023

Intuitive Heart

If the mind isn’t understood there’s very little intuitive heart living. When this happens one lives through the made up stories which are only created because something is missing…

If I could point to one thing I see as missing that provides true and undeniable freedom, it’s the inability to let go of made up stories. Any moment that’s lived outside the realm of the present moment is a story and if you’re not careful even the present moment will be made into a story. People disagree with some of the things I write and that’s because it’s what’s in place in them as it is with what I write. But until one sees a disagreement as only a story “I” will continue to be the greatest ghost writer to ever live.

For me what was missing for many years was the inability not to make up stories. These stories occurred for only one reason, it was what was in place. If it wasn’t the stories wouldn’t have been created. This is why self investigation is so valuable because if one doesn’t know what’s going on inside, there will be no way of understanding others and that’s a huge part of the what’s missing that makes people make up their stories.

At times I may respond to things from my conditioning, but for the most part the moment is where I Am. And if I’m not there it’s because my conditioning needs a story. Hold on to whatever you think you need to form an identity, but this identity that’s used to fill a void is what’s creating the void because it’s based in the delusion of “I”. Until this is understood you will live a thought based existence and create stories because there’s something missing which blocks out living life from an intuitive heart…

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Unconscious Lies

Understand the unconscious lies and there won’t be anything left but truth. Not a made up story of truth, but a real honest to goodness truth based on the fact of what is…

The biggest lie we are told and hold onto is the unconscious world will satisfy you. This is reinforced by the entire unconscious global structure in place. It’s a lie which is at the core of humanity’s unconscious existence; this creates all our issues. Religious sects all claim to have the truth, no facts, just their truth. Politicians try to fix problems based in unconscious lies with unconscious solutions. The entire entertainment and sports industry are based in unconscious lies that create the false impression of them and us. This creates separations and there will never be truth in separation. There’s also the society lies, the Central Bank no doubt creates these. Lie after unconscious lie, what happens to an existence based in unconsciousness is it becomes an existence of liars. Not because we want to and not because we don’t know the truth, it’s simply because the unconscious lie isn’t understood. No one can really know the truth who lives in unconsciousness, that’s until the lie and the liar are exposed…

The bible states “The truth will set you free” I say understand the unconscious lie and there will be nothing left but truth. Not a made up story of it, but a real honest to goodness truth based on the facts of what’s really happening as opposed to a story that’s being created to suit the unconscious lie and the liar (media). It’s an unconscious lie that has been handed down from generation to generation and it’s been the base that we’ve been living from for most of if not all of our life. Very strong language, but true. Look inward and you just may see truth, but it will only happen if you can see the unconscious lies…

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Conditionally Controlled

When you’re under the spell of a conditionally controlled mind you behave in ways not because it’s the way you want to be, it’s because it’s the way you have to be…

It was a lack of understanding of my conditioned mind that caused me to remain unaware of the control it had over me. I wasn’t aware of how my mind was conditioned to self serve. The problem with this type of conditioning is it causes your own demise because the destructiveness is disguised as pleasure. This pleasure is pursued by many to their death. It was pursued by me in this way and I was at its mercy. It said to me to use drugs, alcohol, gambling, womanizing, lying, cheating, stealing and so on. This is how the Conditioned Mind is developed for most; there are those who are fortunate enough to see this at a young age.

The way I was conditionally controlled wasn’t the fault of anyone in particular, it happened indirectly by the influences of my life which molded me to behave in the ways my conditioning dictated. This was not because this is how I wanted to be, but by not understanding this, it was the way I had to be. You cannot behave in any other way except in the way you have been conditioned. Change the conditioning and change your entire existence, or not and remain the same. The value of knowing my own mind is in the understanding there was no where else to turn; not to God, support groups, therapy, self help books, m positive thinking, and so on. What I learned is when the Conditioned Mind is understood, it is no longer in control. I also learned its control slowly dissipates as discipline is developed; the mind actually slows down. Once this slowing occurs, the possibilities are endless because there are no longer the distractions that keep you unaware you’re conditionally controlled. With this understanding of what you’re truly up against you’re able to develop the discipline so being conditionally controlled eventually falls away…

Friday, January 13, 2023

Limited View

No view is right or wrong, but if your view only has one side, your view of life is limited and in the process it only allows results from that limited view…

We all have different views and that’s what makes life different, but it doesn’t make what happens in life different. It only makes your view of what happens different. If you’re locked into a limited view this only allows you to see things one way. To me the more a view is based in the intellect the harder it is for there to be a shift to see things from another view. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the intellect, it just doesn’t allow for much openness. When one sees things from a limited view your entire life becomes limited. Most times this view isn’t even your own, it’s formed from someone else’s opinion, teaching, book, video, or discussion.

To be limited in a fixated view keeps you entrapped to the results of that view; think about how limiting this is. No possibility of other views. Always going down the same path. Never allowing anything new. This is so limiting, but with only seeing things through one view, how limiting this is will not be seen. Sitting and developing discipline so the grip of the mind lessens can assist in possibly seeing beyond a one view mind set. But there has to an inkling there’s another way to see things. It’s not that any way is wrong, it’s just that having only one view limits you and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except from that one view…

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Enticed By Pleasure

The most important thing to understand about the enticement of pleasure is the less there’s attachment to “I” the less you will be enticed because without “I” there’s no one who needs the next pleasure…

The enticement of pleasure is so luring because it actually feels good; this is why the enticement is so powerful. There’s only issue with this because of the impermanent nature of pleasure. It simply will not last, it has no staying power so something will always be needed almost immediately following the attainment of each pleasure. Think about it, with all the pleasures that have been attained throughout your life regardless of what it was, it doesn’t bring the pleasure now that it brought at that time. Most times even if the same exact pleasure is physically repeated it’s usually not as pleasurable as the first experience. I used so many things as I was enticed by my pleasure seeking conditioning, but it was never lasting; the need for the next pleasure always arose. This went on all the time, attaining one pleasure after another and never being satisfied.

I’ve come to understand that being enticed by pleasure is the main reason people start using alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, money, tobacco products and an array of other things. If pleasure wasn’t sought nothing would be reached for so there would never be an enticement. But unfortunately the enticement of pleasure has its way with people. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and has been in place since existence began. I know this enticing pleasure is what was controlling me for forty nine years and it was directly associated with “I”. Without “I” no one is there to be enticed. Even with this understanding being enticed by pleasure doesn’t just disappear, but it does subside somewhat. To me the most important thing to understand about this is, the less attachment there is to “I” the less you will be enticed by pleasure because without “I” there’s no one who needs the next pleasure…

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Cloudy Eye View

Although what occurs now happens now, when it’s seen through cloudy eyes it’s not seen as it actually happens. You can’t be present for the present until your cloudy eyes clear up…

Living from cloudy eyed past energy isn’t something that jumps out at you; the view lingers in place waiting for its opportunity. It doesn’t have to be glaring, nor do the cloudy eyed energy patterns always manifest as totally destructive action. It’s destructive when it doesn’t allow you to be with what’s occurring right now. It takes you away from truly living your life. You end up living the same life over and over, doing the same thing, hence getting the same results. Basically it’s as if you’re stuck in a rut which only gets deeper each time the cloudy eye view is grabbed and brought into the present. You can’t be present for the present when the cloudy eye energy is being used to live now. Much quietness will be needed to see how the cloudy eye view is in control.

The cloudy eye energy patterns are very subtle and are deeply ingrained. Noticing this is the first step in one’s liberation from this energy. This energy is so controlling because it’s brought into the present and blocks the ability to truly see. Not many actually see the moment of what’s actually occurring. Although what occurs now happens now, it’s mostly seen through cloudy eyes so one isn’t with what is actually happening now. There’s so much cloudy energy, only in awareness of this can they even begin to clear up. Watch the mind and how it constantly uses the cloudy eye energy. How you can tell something is cloudy is by the label being applied to the present moment because when it’s all said and done, the present moment needs clear eyes to see…

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Closing the Gap

Silence is where love closes the gap to our humanness. This closing comes from life itself, it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Silence is the closing to the true essence of life…

In silence is where life truly occurs. Silence is where love closes the gap with our humanness. Be with what is no matter what it is because it‘s what’s there or it wouldn’t be so. What’s there cannot be changed until it’s not there; accept life as it is. Don’t suppress it, let it flow. Any change needed will come from life itself, it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Sit in quiet, see who is sitting, who wants life different. When this self is no more that’s when life becomes different, with the difference being no longer will your humanness matter because love closes the gap and takes over.

Sitting allows the mind to settle because it allows the noise in the head to subside. It will settle on its own when there’s alignment with what is. Don’t think about who you are, be who you are. Your “I Am“ needs nothing added to it to be. It’s our true essence; anything added is a story created. The more one lives by this added story the less silence there is and the less love there is to close the gap to our humanness. When our humanness becomes love based, we are swallowed up by love without creating a story.

Just be with whatever life offers. No second thoughts of why this or that is done. Just be with it, don’t suppress it, let it flow. Sit often, don’t attach and the mind will settle, or not and it won’t. Either way life occurs, it’s just that in the silence of what’s there, love closes the gap to your humanness…

Monday, January 9, 2023

Assurance of Silence

The energy that unites and draws humanity together is the energy of silence. Because of the assurance of this space others are attracted to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity simply because there’s the assurance of silence…

It’s very important to have assurance in the energy of silence so people know there’s a place to turn to. Many people read my articles and expect they will be there. I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this. Everyone needs a place they know they can go for assurance from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for this. If you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like assurance, but it won’t be. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one. But if you’re spending the same day in the state of assurance you’ll become secure in the energy of silence and people will turn to you.

Don’t be concerned with what others think about you, just have assurance in what you know as silence energy and let no one take that away. Be secure in the assurance of silence in a world that’s mostly based in “I” (ego); this will allow others to have assurance which is needed for any transformation to occur. The unity that draws you to someone is the silence energy that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it you most likely have your mind made up already what you think it’s about. When you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away; this falling away allows the assurance of silence energy to arise. When you’re in this space others are also attracted to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity of all humanity simply because of the assurance of silence…

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Baited Lies

What the baited lies of unconsciousness do is it keeps the exact energy that you’re standing up against in place; in the process nothing changes…

The baited lies are in place to grab you and pull you deeper into an unconscious state. Not many break free once the bait is taken, but if you know the bait is there, it’s less likely to grab you; not being aware of the bait is what makes you take it. Not many investigate the bait so they’re led around by it unconsciously. By the time this is noticed it’s usually to late and you become a prisoner to the bait. This has been going on since humanity began. Today’s world is full of lies just as thousands of years ago, there’s just more news coverage and social media to spread the lies. MAKE NO MISTAKE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT IS BEING DONE. This cause, that cause, I don’t like this or that, all the unconscious energy being put out. I have been unfriended by many because they have chosen not to look at this. The lies in place cannot be seen by one who is attached to them; strong language but true.

Get baited into the story of the injustices that appear to be going on, but understand this is nothing new. It has been and will continue to occur because of the energy in place. This isn’t to say that the injustices aren’t there, but taking a stand against them feeds them with energy to allow them to continue. If you don’t think this is true investigate what has changed in the last two years or even the last two thousand years in the way humanity reacts to things. This article isn’t about the last two years because this energy has been in place for many many years. This is what the unawareness of the baited lies does, it keeps the exact energy that one is standing up against in place. In the process although this energy makes one think they have to stand up for what they believe, it doesn’t really change much…

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Settled Mind

The mind will only settle when there’s quiet. You can’t really do anything to settle it, it settles itself. When the intellectual mind stops intellectualizing, the internal noise will stop on in its own…

When the mind truly settles, there’s an understanding of quiet and how it relates to life. When this occurs there’s freedom because quietness arises naturally. We seek because of an internal urging for quiet which is what a settled mind reveals. This can‘t be known intellectually. Intelligence is actually noise, quietness can only be known through a settled mind. The lack of quiet makes life very mundane. It makes you less aware of the internal urging of quietness provided by the Universe. Without this awareness you can’t truly understand what the benefits of a settled mind are. Understand quietness is always there, it’s just not understood. Nothing is needed to experience quietness; the only way you can be quiet is to being quiet. Methods may be useful in learning to be quiet, but the only reason this is so is because the mind hasn’t been developed for quietness, it’s been developed to generate noise.

It’s a human fault to need to make life about something, but if something is needed, make it about a settled mind. I know this because it’s the only thing that truly makes sense to me. It’s the only place where I don’t need to think and there is peace. Not to think is to be in a state of no mind and in this state is true peace. How can it not be peaceful in this state, there’s nothing to cause one to suffer. There’s no generated noise in the head. The settled mind of I Am. Nothing more will ever be needed because within a settled mind is where everything arises from; unless you want to live by the generated noise in your head. Quietness is the ultimate truth, but even saying that is noise. Quietness of a settled mind is all that is, when one stops seeking it or trying to define it that’s when it arises…

Friday, January 6, 2023

Ignorant Perception

As long as there’s ignorance in place, this will be the operating energy of your life. This operating energy arises as perception and it doesn’t allow you to go beyond it…

At times how things appear isn’t actually how they are. If you truly want to see what’s going on, going beyond your ignorant perception will have to happen. If two people are looking at same thing there are usually two different views of what’s seen; truth is what’s beyond the ignorant perception of what’s seen. There’s two sides to everything and then there’s the truth. To stop attaching to ignorant perception you’ll need to stop labeling what is seen. Stopping the labeling process allows the mind to slow to a point where the ignorance seen and a different view opens up. It’s imperative for this to happen if the ignorance that’s been formed over the years is to lessen its grip.

Ignorance is so misunderstood and how this is known is because of the behavior that’s in place. I look to my own reactions to know this and in the process I can see it in others. This isn’t a judgement, it’s a fact. Know your own mind and you will know the mind of others. This is because we are all of the same energy. Creation is the same for everything regardless of the ignorant perception. When ignorance is seen for what it is, its energy begins to transform in a direction that allows liberation. As long as there’s ignorance of this, the energy of ignorant perception remains as the operating energy of your life. This operating energy arises as what’s seen and takes on many forms. But the bottom line is it’s ignorant perception in place and it doesn’t allow you to go beyond it…

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Expanding Truth

Truth isn’t something manufactured to fit nicely into a made up story of how you think life should be; truth is already true and doesn’t need a story to expand…

Although an awakening is a process of expanding the awareness of what blocks the heart from love, it will only open and expand each day by the daily mindfulness developed through the discipline of meditation. No longer can the world revolve around your “I” it more so has to revolve around the “I” of others. Each day must begin with the vision of how you can be a benefit to others. Bring awareness into your day to day existence, although there may be some mishaps because the conditioned mind. This process is a continuation of expanding the opening of the heart. With the expansion of the heart comes the expansion of love into your daily life and thus into the lives of others.

This expansion doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. All created stories are only attached thoughts so when you start understanding this “I” it’s the beginning of the end of life as it was once known. This will bring you to the realm of the unknown. This realm is not something that can be manufactured by thought; thought will only block this. This is the realm of the Spirit where our true nature arises, it’s where one connects to all of life and feels the warmth of the spirit. It’s our true home, the place of peace that passes all understanding. It’s the ever expanding truth of existence; at least for those with a settled mind…

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Liars Always Lie

A liar always lies. Until the root of why there is lying is revealed, truth will remain hidden beneath the justification caused by the ignorance of the liar…

A statement is often made “know the truth and it will set you free” but I say know the liar and it will set you free. This is my guide whenever something doesn’t sit well with me. The fact that there’s some form of agitation confirms there is lying; a liar can’t tell the truth. The liar may justify its lie as it often does because of their conditioning. If there’s an attached story to what arises and it’s being held onto, freedom is lost and the liar has control. Simply put, if there’s no freedom it’s because there’s no truth. Whatever method is being used, the moment there’s dependency on something it pretty much guarantees it’s a lie and not truth. Truth just is, it doesn’t need a label because it’s never binding, that’s how you will recognize the liar.

If you want to understand truth, look at what holds you in captivity. Truth is liberation from the whoever the liar is. Many just substitute one lie with another and remain the liar; although it is thought to be truth. What holds you captive makes you a liar so if something has you in its grip and all you do is to exchange one lie (dependency) for another, you are a liar. Programs do this, I know this to be factual. If you need a program to live your life and you’ve become dependent on it, it becomes the very thing you have been trying to free yourself from. Dependency is a liar no matter what label it’s given. The Conditioned Mind is a liar and so subtle that truth is dismissed before it’s even investigated. A liar always lies. Until the root of why there is lying is revealed, truth will remain hidden beneath the justification caused by the ignorance of the liar…

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Mind Based

If a person is stuck in a mind based world they’ll be controlled by a mind based existence. This is a prison that you will only be released from by going beyond your mind into the realm of silence…

It’s impossible to be stuck in a mind based existence that isn’t created by the same mind. What this means is regardless of what happens your mind creates your conditioning; this comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice. Everyone has the ability within to cease causing their own conditioning, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the mind based process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed. Without it the necessary silence that allows less mind base will not happen.

If there’s continuous mind chatter
and no silence all there will be is thought and this will not allow the ability to watch the moment unfold. If this isn’t seen your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created between your mind based thoughts. Life will simply be mind based and the result of this will create your conditioning. When life slows down you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and puts it into a conditioned category. When you see this you can break free of the hold your mind has over you and you’ll be able to see that you are not your mind based thoughts; you’re beyond them…

Monday, January 2, 2023

Internal Division

Life as form is continuous until one day it ends. Internal division occurs because of the attachment to self. Without this attachment the beauty of life simply unfolds and the internal division falls away…

The real cause of any issue with what happens in life is not with what actually happens, but how there’s attachment to a self which causes internal division with yourself. As long as there’s existence in your current form, every moment of every day is a life occurrence. It becomes an internal division once it’s labeled and a self is attached to it. This transforming energy from an occurrence to attachment happens because of who it is that’s doing the labeling. If the self didn’t label life it would still occur, there just wouldn’t be internal division. It would just be a continuous occurrence without a self attaching to it and giving it the transforming energy it needs for there to be division.

This self seems to cause so many issues, but it only does because of the attachment to it, that’s the cause of the division with ourselves. Life occurs regardless of the self, but what attachment does is it makes internal division by isolating it and making it life personal. Life is neutral until it’s attached to, it then becomes an event that’s all about the self. Without self internal division doesn’t happen, life just occurs. I’m not insinuating a self exist or not, all I’m saying is the attachment to self is at the root of all internal division and if you want to be free of this division you will have to be free of the attachment to self…

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy Now 2023

Life happens in between the plans that we make. We can plan our plans, but the results are not always in our control. Our resolution to live now is a resolution for life…

It is the start of a new year, but it isn’t time for resolutions or big expectations because that’s just the way the mind sets itself up to fail. Don’t say last year was a tough year, unless you want to carry that burden around with you. That’s up to you, but it won’t change anything. Life can only be lived right now. It doesn’t mean there can’t be plans, but the actions can only be applied in the present moment regardless of what the future holds or what happened in the past.

Life is one continuous journey, the mind has been conditioned to believe somewhere other than here is a better place. But here is where life occurs no matter what you’re doing or what resolutions are made. As you wait for the results of your resolutions to make your life complete, it’s literally passing you by. Life will never be any more complete than it is right now. This is something that needs to be realized if you’re to truly live your life and not wait for it to be perfect (only in your mind) so you can enjoy the life you’re given, instead of thinking it needs to be in some other way. Happy New Year my dear friends and please, live the life you’re given because it’s the only life you’ll ever have…