Saturday, August 31, 2019

Understanding Stillness

Doing never gets it done, everything arises from stillness. A flower doesn’t make itself grow, in the Spring it arises from stillness and in the fall it returns; this occurs from its own stillness…

When the stillness of a flower is seen as life itself and not as the flower, that’s when the flower is truly seen; from here is how you will learn to understand yourself. When you see the stillness of yourself as life itself and not as a person, that’s when you will truly see yourself. When that happens you will begin to understand your life and it will be in understanding your stillness that you will understand the stillness of the flower.

Enjoy your life, but the enjoyment is not in the things of life that is experience, joy is from stillness. Conditioning produces noise, stillness produces joy. That which you seek to enjoy is noise, joy cannot be attained because it’s already there and you cannot attain that which you already possess, but you will only know this in stillness.

Find a place to sit where it’s quiet. Sit and be mindful of each breath, not you breathing in and out, but how each breath occurs on its own; sit with this mindfulness. Watch how many breaths you can count before the mind wanders. I get to about forty five sometimes fifty and no matter how hard I concentrate it wanders. When I started doing this I could count to six. This is one way of developing the discipline to discover your inner stillness. When you understand the noise you will understand the stillness. Just watch the flower, don’t label it, just watch it. The flower never labels itself, through stillness it simply arises. It never consciously does anything, out of the stillness it appears. In stillness is where all of life arise from, because stillness itself is life; just ask the flower…

Friday, August 30, 2019

Here and Now Truth

When you live in the quietness of the Here and Now, it will be realized that even if the so called mystery of life was solved it really wouldn’t change much of what happens…

The mystery of life will always be; answers are looked for that can’t truly be answered. You can make up answers that fit nicely in your conditioned world, but this doesn’t make life any less of a mystery. You may feel better when you do this, but this is only a by product of your Conditioned Mind. I don’t know if it’s possible to ever solve the mystery of life and truthfully I don’t think it matters. It really doesn’t make a difference if it’s known how we evolved or if it’s known what happens when we die; it doesn’t prevent anything from happening. To me it’s more of a benefit to learn how to solve the mystery of living in the Here and Now; only when the mind is quiet will this be done.

In the presence of a quiet mind it’s not that the mystery of life that’s solved, it’s more so the concern of the mystery falls away. In quietness there is no mystery because there is simply quietness. There are so many things in life that will never be understood, but that’s not to say you can’t know truth. Knowing truth sets you free, it doesn’t solve any of life’s mysteries. Truth doesn’t allow you to understand the mystery of life, but what it will allow is for you stop trying to constantly solve it. Once this occurs, you realize that whether the mystery is solved or not it doesn’t really change all that much as far as the truth of the Here and Now is concerned…

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Trustung Life

Happiness is a by product of love. It is not something that can be forced to happen, it will only happen when you trust life to produce it as opposed to trying to force it…

You can try and force things to happen in your life, or you can simply trust life. Trusting life produces a much different living arrangement than trying to force things. Instead of the constant tugging, there is a certain ease and peace when you trust. The tugging is produced directly from trying to force things. Trusting produces the opposite, both are within your grasp, it’s a matter of what you truly want in your life; things your way or peace.

You will know what you want by what it is you pay attention to. The things that you pay attention become the base of life. If you always pay attention to wanting the pleasures of life than self serving energy will be your base. If you always pay attention to how can you bring more love into the lives of all beings than that energy will be your base. To be free of the self serving mind is to stop trying to force happiness and trust life to produce it. To cultivate a mind that looks how it can love more produces a life that’s based in trust and when you stop trying to force your happiness, it is than that we will truly be happy because it’s a by product of love not of want…

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Focused Attention

Your focused attention determines your existence. If it’s on thoughts of self, you will be selfish. What do you gain if you possess the whole world, but aren’t liberated from your selfish attention…

The key to mindfulness is turning your focus away from what you are greedy or lusting for and also for what you are distressed about. When your mind gets stuck it needs to become unstuck; what makes it get stuck is your focused attention. This attention is mostly focused in satisfying the self in some way. Pay attention to the sensations of the body, of feeling, mind states, and mental formations. These are a direct path to what is real and what will liberate you from suffering. Liberation from suffering is not pain free, it’s learning to be with the pain when it arises. You cannot hide from reality. You can divert your attention away from it, but then it becomes your master. To no longer have your focus centered on satisfying the self is where the path of being mindful leads to. Break free of the grip that the self has on you.

How you do this is by stopping the focused attention on the self and start turning your attention on what will liberate you from its grip. The self is there, it has been given an identity, it has a name, and so many different roles attached to it, but it creates bondage because of the mere fact of the attachment it has to itself. Liberation is understanding truth of existence, it isn’t in creating a concept of truth or anything else. You can only be free when you are paying attention to what allows freedom, but it’s tricky because of the mastery of the self. Constant vigilance is needed for an understanding of liberation from your self. You are alive so you exist, but it will be your focused attention that determines the extent of the liberation you will experience and that will be the determining factor in your freedom from yourself…

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tools of Peace

If the tools available which allow you access to your own inner peace aren’t used correctly, you will live a life that generates noise and there will be very little real peace in your life…

As a species we think to much and when we think we generate noise. The more you think, the more noise is generated and the less peace there is in your life. The less peace there is in your life, the less peace you will generate to others. True life occurs in the stillness that we generate, yet we live in the exact opposite way. There are many tools out there to change this, but most go unused. You cannot generate peace if don’t know how to. The noise created is the “I” mind not wanting to live in the the present moment. Peace will never be generated creating a concept or belief nor will it occur living in the past or future energy. Peace can only be generated in the Now, and only if the tools that are available are used and used correctly. It’s not magical, it takes much discipline to truly understand yourself and what blocks you from your own peace.

Each individual has the right to be at peace, but very few are because of the Conditioned Mind. Here’s the kicker, if you don’t think this applies to you, this is all part of your conditioned noise. Once you think, you are under the spell of your Conditioned Mind. Live a life that generates noise and noise is what your life will consist of. Use the tools that allow the understanding of what generates noise and practice using them as if your life depends on them and you will become the peace that passes all understanding. It’s not a peace generated by thinking or by making up concepts and beliefs about it, it’s a peace generated by stillness. You can only be still when the tools available are utilized to allow it. Do nothing and nothing will be different or use the tools that are available and see what happens…

Monday, August 26, 2019

At Ease With Yourself

Your actions are the indicator of your true state of being. Beliefs produce actions that come from your head. Your natural state of at ease produces actions that are from your heart…

A spirit led life isn’t based on a belief system, it’s based on what aligns you with Universal Love. Your point of view is not a spiritual principle. A construct or an idea of God isn’t God. Spirituality isn’t something made up. The stilling of all mind formations is the key to a spirit guided life, not a made up belief. Learn to breathe in easy and relaxed and find what is the cause when you lose that ease. This is the only true spiritual principle that’s needed. When you learn this that’s when you will notice what is guiding your life.

If there’s a noise in you car, turning up the radio will not fix it. It needs to be investigated as to what the cause of the noise is. With the identification of the cause of the noise, the car can be repaired and made to run smoothly because it is realigned with its original specs. Find what causes your noise and you will realign with your original specs which is Universal Love.

There isn’t some spot that you will leap into that will bring you to some mystical or magical state. It will take concentration and discipline to get you to a state of ease. Remember when you were learning how to drive a car how nervous you were, but now you don’t even think about it, you get in the car and just drive away. It’s this way with our mind activity. In the beginning because of our conditioning and not living a life conducive to Universal Love, it’s difficult to remain in our place of ease, but the more you align with Universal Love, the more it becomes your natural place to be, but it will take some time and effort for this to occur.

It isn’t your belief system that needs to be revamped, it’s looking at your constructs and revamping the attachment to them so your mind activity which controls your actions, is aligned with Universal Love. This is your choice every moment of everyday. Kowing what takes you from your place of ease and making sure you do what’s necessary to keep you there is the difference in living a life of suffering or living a peaceful life. A peace that isn’t dependent on a made up belief system, but it is contingent on being aligned with the natural state of Universal Love…

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Silence Teaches

Only with a silent mind will you understand how to love yourself. Silence is waiting to embrace you, but it is you who has to make the decision that will allow it to teach you…

I share for one reason and that is to show the possibilities that are afforded a person when silence becomes your number one priority. What has transpired over the last few years in my life is a direct result from the silence of Universe Love. Silence is our teacher if we allow it to teach. It will teach us so much more then the limited noisy mind can conjure up.

This is important to understand because anything is possible for anyone who allows the silence of the Universe to become your guiding light; blessing are bestowed upon the silence not the person. Silence is the recipient of the blessings. It is through silence that the love for life can be returned. That is the difference in being guided by Universal Love or being guided by your Conditioned Mind. We are all of love, but the more you truly love yourself the more in harmony you are with the Universe. An emptying of the mind is needed if you are to be guided.

It’s a wonderful experience being a part of life. I’m blessed with being a part of a special day when I shifted, but in reality everyday is special. It’s just a matter of understanding that it isn’t circumstances that makes life special, it’s silence that allows you to see just how special each and everyday is. Live life as it is and allow silence to teach you so you can see just how special it is. If you don’t do this your life will be a result of the noise in your head. It’s heart breaking because this is the base of how the majority of people live their life. Let the silence teach you and you will understand life as few do. Be guided by the love in your heart and that love will take you over, but only if you are silent enough to allow it to happen. Silence is waiting, but it is you who has to be willing to allow it to teach you…

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Centered on Love

When love is at the center of what you do with your life, whatever you do will be of love. The ability to love is derived from the same place as hate, what you make your center determines your energy…

You will be tied to the things that you center on in your life and the more centered you make something the more it will be your life’s energy; how you live your life depends on what you center on. Your life is in your hands, its not dependent on some deity in the sky. It’s not dependent on money, social status, job, sexual preference, marital status, or any other status. The only thing that determines how you live your life is what you center on. It’s not so much the importance that is put on the task, but why the tasks is being done. Visualize what you think is important to you, now sit with it as not being so, you will see that regardless of what it is life will go on without it, no matter what it is or how important you think it is.

We all are tied to the things that we think are soooo important. You can do the same task as someone, but the reason why it’s being done makes the same task different, regardless of the task. If the task is from the base of love and that’s what you center on, you will be in alignment with life. If the same task is done, but with the aim of it being centered to satisfy some inner desire, even if the task is successful it will not put you in alignment with life, and soon a new task will be needed to center on. When you center on things that put you in alignment with Universal Love, you will never have the need to recenter because you will already have a center of love as your number one priority. When your life is lived and centered with Universal Love, it’s the most important thing you can do for yourself and more importantly for all beings. When love becomes your center and it becomes the most important thing that you do with your life, whatever you do with your life will be of love and with a center of love nothing else really matters…

Friday, August 23, 2019

Two Realms

You can only be guided by your light when you stop trying to be guided by it and allow it to show itself. It’s not something to possess or attain, it is only revealed when you stop trying to get it…

The so called spiritual realm is the exact opposite of the material realm. In the material realm the more you accomplish as an individual the more successful you’re considered to be by others and the more you possess the more material success becomes the guide of your life. In the spiritual realm individual accomplishments don’t assist in being more spiritual; you can’t possess spirituality. Unlike a material existence, the spiritual existence is not a doing. The more you think you need to do something to be spiritual the less spiritual you are. Spirituality is not something to possess, it can never be attained. In the material realm the more you have, the more you are held in esteem. In the spiritual world the less you have, the more you are held in esteem. Not because of you, but because of the light of Universal Love that you emit to others. You are held in esteem because of the light within, not because of anything possessed.

Those conditioned by the material realm are attracted to possessions. Spiritual people are attracted to light. The light of Universal Love is the only possession in the spiritual realm, but it’s not attained it’s given freely by doing less and becoming a channel to emit the light to others. It isn’t a doing, actually the more you try to do to possess the light, the less it shines. It’s in stillness that the light shines and becomes what your life is guided by. The quieter you become the brighter the light shines and the more attracted others will be to it, but you can only be guided by the light when you stop trying to do and you learn to Just Be…

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Clinging Mind

The only way to be free of a clinging mind is to not label things. The labeling process of our mind produces clinging, the letting go process through stillness produces freedom…

Let go and be free or hold on and suffer, those are the choices. Expect things a certain way and when they aren’t in that way, the next step is the reaction to the different results of what is expected. Peace or suffering; it’s one or the other. If we cling to the results that are different than expected, it will create suffering and we ourselves are creating it because we are the ones clinging to the expected results. Disappointment is only unpleasant because of clinging.

When we expect, we label and when label, we cling. We develop a clinging mind. The more we label the more we expect, which is attachment, and the more we will cling. Even if the expectations work out the way we want, we are still clinging, but we don’t notice it as a problem because it’s as wanted. Our clinging mind attaches to everything that is labeled, and it labels everything so we cling to everything, but we don’t notice it because we mostly focus on the things that don’t go our way.

The only way to be free of a clinging mind is to not label things. The labeling process of our mind produces clinging, the letting go process through stillness produces freedom. Non labeling is a choice that needs to be cultivated so the moment to moment expectations don’t cause suffering. Life is one continuous expectation, but because it’s only in the disappointing ones that we think we cling, we are unaware of this moment by moment labeling. When the mind quiets enough to understand this, the labeling process lessens and so does our expectations. The result will be a mind that is free of a clinging and without this clinging affect it is impossible to suffer. This is our choice, just understand the suffering is optional…

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Created Nonsense

Your mind creates your nonsense because it has been conditioned to think it’s needed for you to be at peace, but the created nonsense is the precise reason you are not at peace…

What nonsense are you going to create today and associate it with you. You are the creator of it and it can be any nonsense that you want; it’s all created by you. Just understand this one valuable truth, if you don’t create nonsense, you will not shrivel up and disappear, you will just be at peace. Lets say someone brings in cake to work. from there the nonsense you create about cake is nothing more than that, nonsense. Maybe you create nonsense that you love cake and especially chocolate cake. Well after all is said and done, if you don’t create nonsense about cake, it will still exist, it just wont have any control over you because there isn’t created nonsense attached to it.

Eat cake, don’t eat cake, the point of this example is to show how the created nonsense becomes the created attachment. Substitute anything you want with cake, it’s all the same. Created nonsense creates attachment, which in turn creates suffering. When you first wake up, it is then that the nonsense begins, but only because you don’t know how not to create it.

Nonsense is the essence of a Conditioned Mind, whether you believe this or not. Although this isn’t something to believe, it is something to become aware of so you can stop creating your nonsense. Here is the real irony, all of the created nonsense are lies that we tell ourselves so life is better suited to the way we think it should be. They are the delusions of life and we alone create them. We are always the main subject in our nonsense. In one way or another they are about us, but when the nonsense stops you will notice the doorway to your freedom and it has no lock on it. The only lock to your self created prison is your nonsense; it’s your own mind that tells you to create it. This nonsense created by your own mind creates your whole world and it is your nonsense that keeps you in bondage to this delusional world. If you think this isn’t so that’s just more nonsense because if you stop creating your nonsense you will not shrivel up and disappear; no all you will do without created nonsense is be at peace. The reason you are creating nonsense to begin with is to be at peace, but you already are at peace, you just don’t know it because of all the nonsense…

Awakened Moments

Everyone has their awakened moments, but is your mind going to be quiet enough to be aware of it, and if not what are you willing to do so you don’t miss the next one…

There are many awakened moments throughout your life, but they go unnoticed because most of the time there is to much noise going on in our head. One awakened moment in particular for me occurred one morning at 4:00am, my neighbors dog was barking away and it woke me up. My first noisy thought at the time was to go shut the dog up, but because I was sitting daily and developing discipline my squirrel cage mind was more settled than ever before, the next thought I had wasn’t as noisy. I said to myself that’s what dogs do, they bark” so I accepted the barking. The next thing I know is I woke up and it was 8:00 am. I can’t tell you if the dog stopped barking or not, but I do know my awakened moment happened when I woke up as I was aware of it. I realized for the first time ever that I had spent my entire life wanting things to be different and that this was the source of many if not all of the discontentment I ever had in my life. This awakened moment changed my view life forever.

My life changed because no longer could I blame anything outside myself for my discontentment. The veil of ignorance was removed. To me this was truly mind boggling. Years of confusion and frustration fell away as this awakened moment was experienced; this was my moment of truth. That is what an awakened moment is, truth and in truth is freedom. The more life is lived in truth the more freedom there is. Freedom from the ignorance that keeps a person locked in the prison of the Conditioned Mind. This is what an awakened moment does, it allows for acceptance of things as they really are instead of wanting them to be in the way of the make believe world of ignorance, instilled by the Conditioned Mind. So it isn’t a question if you are going to have an awakened moment or not, it’s a question of are you going to be aware of it…

A Segmented Self

Life is one continuous occurrence, it’s broken up into segments because of the attachment to self. Without attachment life still occurs, it just wouldn’t be segmented by your self…

The real cause of any issues you have with what happens in life is not in what actually happens, but how we attach a self to make it a segmented event. As long as you exist in your current form every moment of every day is a life occurrence, what makes it become segmented is how it’s labeled and attached to by a self. The transformation from an occurrence to an segmented event happens instantly because of who is it that’s doing the labeling. If your attached self didn’t label life it would still occur, it just wouldn’t be segmented. It would be one occurrence without a self attaching to it and giving it the transforming energy it needs to go from being an occurrence to a segmented event.

Life occurs regardless of an attached self, what the attachment does is make a segmented event by isolating it and making it personal. Life is neutral until it’s attached to, it then becomes an event that is all about the self. Without a segmented self life just occurs. All I am saying is the attachment to self is at the root of all issues and if you want to be free of issues, you will have to be free of self.

You will have to investigate how this is done, it can’t be done for you. Just understand until you know your self and how it’s at the root of making occurrences events, there will never be the freedom of self and you will always have issues because life will always be broken up into segmented events. Life occurs even when an individual existence ends. It’s when you attach labels which are derived from self that you have issues with a life that occurs regardless if you exist or not. Life isn’t partial to individual existence, only the attachment to self is. Every isolated event only happens because of our attachment to self, without it life simply occurs, it’s just not segmented…

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Life: Mysteriously Practical

Life is a mystery, but it is also very practical. Part of its mystery is no one truly knows its meaning. We do the best we can with the tools we have, but the reality of life will always be a mystery…

Each life is a sum of our experiences and the view of those experiences are based on the way we are influenced throughout our life and how those influences become the habitual Conditioned Mind Patterns that are at the core of our reactions. Cosmic forces don’t make us do what we do, it’s our conditioning that does this. Granted I understand the energy aspect of life and how it’s our energy directed that controls a lot of what happens, but the energy is mostly directed by the conditioning. Life is mysterious, but in a practical way. It has so much to do with how our life is lived; the more it’s given the energy of living in the past and future, the more it seems like a struggle.

No one can tell another what life is about, each persons experiences are unique. We can’t deny a person the right to their experiences by saying, they are wrong. Nothing will close the heart from the light of the spirit faster than thinking you have the right answers and nobody else does. What makes it a right answer is only because it’s something that works for you. I know my answers are right for me, but I am not so content that I won’t listen to you. We can share our experiences, but we shouldn’t be arrogant to deny a person the right to their experiences. It would behoove us all to listen more and talk less; it’s the reason we have two ears and one mouth. If you have to prove your way is the right way maybe it isn’t.

True freedom is allowing everything to be as it is and not trying to change it to the way you see it. When you allow things to be as they are and you understand each person is unique unto themselves, you will understand what it takes to be free. You can then use your experiences to assist in directing your energy so freedom can occur for others. Mysterious to say the least, but in a very practical way…

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Presented Opportunities

Your center of being is in your heart and what’s in your heart is determined by how life’s presented opportunities are used to either fulfill self satisfying desires or being an instrument of goodness…

When an opportunity presents itself to help a person to possibly reduce some of the suffering that a Conditioned Mind produces, there is an obligation to be a benefit to that person, but it’s that person that has to take advantage in what’s presented if something is to awaken within them. If nothing happens nothing is lost, but what if something clicks and their view of life changes; their gain is the worlds gain.

Understand though you can not give away what you haven’t got, so get it and give it so this world becomes a better place. As long as people are kept in the dark, darkness rules, but with awareness you can be a light. There is no greater reward then to be an instrument for goodness, a light in a world that has the shades drawn. Those shades are what keeps people in their ignorance (darkness). To watch a person change right before your eyes is amazing. I talked to a Doctor the other day talked for twenty minutes, the important thing is she was inquisitive with what has transpired in my life and I could see it in her eyes, that what we talked about made her think. She may or may not pursue looking at what happens in life as presented opportunities, but regardless the seed was planted. Whether it’s cultivated to grow will be determined by what is within her. I did my part, and just maybe a little light was shed and the shade of ignorance was lifted just enough to allow a little light in. To be a seed planter of goodness is so rewarding, but you can only give it if it’s in your heart and you will only be in your heart when life becomes your teacher and you see the opportunities to let go of “I” as life presents them…

Friday, August 16, 2019

Method or Program Bondage

If you say you understand something and add however or but, you don’t really understand it, you are just appeasing the Conditioned Mind nonsense of “I” that’s in control…

If you are following another persons method or program to live your life you are in bondage. It doesn’t matter how it’s justified (we all learn differently, not really) truth is truth and the only way it will be revealed is in stillness. You cannot attach to anyone’s method or program and have truth revealed because attaching to a method or program is a block. There’s so much reinforced unconsciousness in the world, it’s one of the reasons why I don’t offer a method or way because then I would be like everyone else and be the cause of your bondage. I just point people to stillness because that’s what I have learned to do.

Stop following others and exalting them, look to yourself for your answers. Asking yourself constantly “Is it true” or any other question is bondage because “I” is doing the questioning. Wake up! “I” is your only block to freedom, nothing else. This is not different for everyone, this is the one common trait of all unconsciousness. Stop with all the unconscious nonsense and see “I” for what it is.

No one can provide you with a method or program for your freedom. Your “I” will lie to you and tell you there’s a need to attach to something, but right now you are as complete as you are ever going to be; you just don’t realize it, and no method or program will reveal it, only stillness will. Stop following all the so call spiritual methods and simply keep your head where your feet are in the only place that exist “NOW”. It’s really heartbreaking to see how “I” is reinforced constantly by people, causing so much separation and suffering by saying things like we learn differently. The only thing different is our conditioned attachments, but the core of them is the same “I”. This is the only thing that needs to be addressed unless you want to keep chasing your tail by following someone else’s method or program because your conditioning doesn’t know how to simply be still…

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Assigning Roles

We assign roles to ourselves and to others and this is what is judged. Our true essence is to love, but the noise of assigning roles blocks this from our view...

The point of this article is to show the more you attach to your assigned roles the less in touch you will be with the true essence of presence which is never assigned. It’s always there regardless of the role that's played. It is beyond all the roles. It’s this Presence that is always there regardless of your assigned role. Presence is the love from life itself, the internal now.

Whatever word you use to assign what you do in life is only the idea of what you do. If you have performed a deed that produced a child or if you adopt, you are called a parent and assigned the role of Mother or Father. Let's just say words weren't used to define this, the love for the child would not change. The true essence of life is love regardless of the role. When this is understood the true essence of presence is understood or at least you will begin to understand it.

You will never truly be your roles because the roles constantly change. Today you may be a boss, but one day you will retire. You will always be a parent, but the role changes as your children become adults; the role doesn't define the person. Everybody has a role, but they’re all different. The role only defines beliefs and ideas. Beyond all your roles there’s a presence that's always there.

Until we stop assigning roles to ourselves and others, we will always be separated from each other. We are all the same beyond our roles, but since we are not quiet enough to understand this, our assigned roles are used to judge others and ourselves; we don’t judge people we judge their assigned roles. Presence isn’t a thing so it can't be judged. Who we are is Presence so our true essence can't be judged, it’s only the assigned roles that's judged. You go to college and earn a Doctorate Degree, now your role is a doctor, your essence doesn’t change, only the idea of you does. You may one day write a book, but your true essence stays the same regardless of how many books you write or what type of degree you attain. You may even become President of the USA, but besides the role, the persons essence is just like everyone else. The roles we assign to ourselves and to others keeps loves true essence from arising and becoming visible in our life. We use roles to make life about something that it isn't by blocking out the true essence of who we and others are. So be still and understand your true self is never a role and that beyond every assigned role there’s the true essence of presence, the essence of love, the essence of stillness itself, the internal now. The noise in the head needs to be quieted to see this. When you are still you know your true essence and without a role love becomes visible for you and for all to see...

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Memory Tape Reactions

We all have our memory tapes that set our reactions in motion. To be in harmony with life we need to learn what plays these tapes. A reaction can not occur if the memory tape isn't played...

You will have to understand what plays the memory tapes that takes the mind from a place of peace to an agitated state if you are to go beyond the memory tape control. It happens so fast that knowledge alone can't stop it from occurring. You can be very intelligent, but it doesn't equate to knowing how your own mind works. What's needed is Divine Intervention in the form of meditation. When you are in the realm of the thoughtless, you are touching on the Divine. If you’re not willing to develop discipline to settle your mind, agitation will be the minds default state and its memory tapes will continue to control. Your memory tapes have been in place for so long it’s not known what they are, but your reactions to life is proof that they’re in place and also in control. Subtle is the foe of the person who doesn't know their own mind for they know not what they do.

If you don't think this is so, just look at the things you do automatically in one single hour. Cell phone, facebook, eating, drinking, tv, reading, so many things are done that are a reaction to a memory tape which creates the mind agitation that starts the process in motion again and again. The only way to stop this vicious cycle is to learn how not to allow the tapes to set the process in motion. The more discipline you develop the less your memory tapes will control your reactions. If you don't develop the necessary discipline just resign to the fact that your reactions are your master and you are just along for the ride; after all developing discipline takes work and who has time for that. It doesn't have to be this way, but it will not change on its own. To be in harmony with life one must be in harmony with themselves, but without the necessary discipline to allow this to happen your memory tapes will continue to run the show...

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A Moments Blessing

Our most precious gift is one moment. If it’s something taken for granted it’s because of our conditioning, but a grateful heart knows without the blessing of one moment our life would not be...

The one thing that is taken for granted the most in life is the blessing of one moment. Without it obviously there is no life. It occurs without any thought that it’s happening. It’s a given that it will happen and for the most part it does regardless if there’s awareness of it of not, but it’s something that shouldn't be taken for granted. It’s not something that will go on forever, it’s not a given and one day there will be the last one. Don't wait until that time to realize you are not ready for the last one. If you understand each moment is a blessing when the time comes for the last one you will be grateful for all the ones that came before, not the ones that you will never have. 

There may have been many, but what did you do with them? Did you take them for granted, and if you did who is at fault for that? Life is in the hands of each individual to the extent of how it is lived. Not in its longevity, but in the way that you are aware of the blessing you have been given. It all begins with one moment and it ends with one moment, it’s in this awareness that it’s seen each one is a blessing. Even if life is not  as you would like, the fact that you are alive is a blessing. 

You don’t have to look at it in this way, but if you don't than in what way will you look at it? You did not earn your life. You do nothing for it to happen. Whether you act from love or are selfish, the moment is still your blessing, but alas when the last one is taken will you have truly lived and will you be happy to have been given your blessing or will you be wishing that you had one more moment to do the things you didn't do? Live your life now, it’s not about where you go or what you do, but more so in being aware of the blessing of one moment and understanding when it’s your time for the last one you are grateful for all the ones that came before...

Monday, August 12, 2019

I Self Dilemmas

The I Self mind is the creator of all your so called dilemmas. When there’s existence to fulfill the Divine Principle of Love, there won’t be a need for your I Self to create dilemmas…

There’s one thing that you can rely on when it seems as though nothing is working out the way you think it should or when it seems as though the stars are misaligned and you are stuck in a Conditioned Mind Pattern. Although it may seem like this is a state of gloom and doom, but on the contrary it’s the building block to a more useful and peaceful life. The one thing I have found to get me beyond this I Self dilemma is an understanding of the Divine Principle of Love, which is always available.

I can’t tell you how many times love has pulled me out of an I Self dilemma. Regardless of what story you make to create your world, the Divine Principle of Love is in control of all that is. It’s this connection that makes us complete. The mind makes so much noise that this is difficult to grasp, but when the Divine Principle of Love becomes why you live, you will never ever have a dilemma of any kind because you will see it is love and not you that is in control. Only the I Self can have a dilemma, but if you can stay in the one place that dilemmas don’t exist you will know that regardless of what happens in life, its not the way it’s suppose to be because life isn’t suppose to be anything, but it’s the way it is and that’s the one place where all the nonsense of a Conditioned Mind can not exist. The Divine Principle of Love can only be known in the place of what is. In this place we are at one with all of life and it’s in this place that there isn’t the need for your I Self to create a dilemma…

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Practical Solutions

The Conditioned Mind is the cause of why you do what you do. It’s not because of a made up God so don’t look for God to fix it. When responsibility for your actions is taken, it’s then that practical solutions will be seen…

The more you understand yourself and see the Conditioned Mind at the core of your actions, the more practical your life’s solution are. You can wait for a made up God to fix you, but the more practical approach is to take control of your actions by learning to do things that puts you in harmony with life.

If freedom is something you have an impulse for, the reason why you are not free is what you need to get in touch with. This has nothing to do with God so God won’t fix it. When this is understood and the impulse to change arises, you will have something practical to work with. It sounds simple and the practical solution is, but it’s difficult in the actual change because of the way the Conditioned Mind has evolved. The mind is a problem solving machine, but it’s the thing creating all the problems. Understand this and you will be well on way to a freedom never experienced before.

If you don’t truly get to know yourself you will constantly repeat behavior that doesn’t allow harmony with life. Not being in harmony creates the impulse which is the energy of love to be relieved of your self absorption. Until this is understood not a made up God or anything else will be able to help remove your blocks to love. Hold onto whatever beliefs you need, but understand you do what you do because of the way you have been conditioned. It’s no ones fault and until you become responsible for your own actions, your beliefs will most likely never fully go away and your freedom will be fleeting at best. Stay controlled by your Conditioned Mind and stay in the prison to the bondage of self; why this is unfortunate is because not even your made up God will be able to help you…

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Two Standards One Decision

Everyday upon awakening a decision is made to begin your day between a standard that serves one or serves many, when this is understood you will see the standard to serve many is the only choice…

There are two standards that a person can choose to live by. One is to live life through a self serving standard. This choice doesn’t need much explanation because anything that is done through this type of standard is a benefit only to one person and that is to the person who is self serving. The other way to live is through a standard that serves many. This one is a little more complex because it involves many more people and the affect is so much more wide spread.

The self serving standard only has one purpose and that is to satisfy self. It’s pretty clear how this works. Whatever is used in this standard is done to benefit yourself. There isn’t much unity or love in this. Not many people are under the spell of a self serving standard all the time, there’s usually fluctuations between the two, but they cannot occur at the same time so it’s either one or the other. The more the mind is conditioned to self serve, the more time one will spend thinking about themselves. This is a very selfish way to live, but it’s how so many of us have been conditioned to live. To break this spell this has to be understood. If it isn’t, you will remain under the spell of the self serving standard.

Let’s look at the standard that serves many; this encompasses all of humanity. It touches the entire Universe because that’s its source energy. This standard isn’t self created or sustained by doing, it’s a direct result of being aligned with stillness; this stillness is the Universe, it’s why there’s unity and joy when this is our standard. It has to be this way because life is derived from stillness; it sustains itself. It serves many and is a benefit to all. These are your choices and the one that you select becomes your life standard and what you will bring to all humanity. Simply put, serve yourself and you serve one or serve many and all humanity will be served…

Friday, August 9, 2019

Filling a Delusional Lack

The more something is reached for to fill some delusional lack, the less that lack is filled and the more something will be needed to try and fill your delusional lack…

A person will never be free of attachment to self if a discipline isn’t developed to see the reason behind why anything is reached for to begin with. There’s a delusional lack that is the cause and if it isn’t identified there will always be delusional reaching. What I have learned is although some try to address breaking their attachments, most of the time they don’t really break it, something else is put in its place, they substitute. This is a major issue in our society and this is why people don’t truly break the hold from attachment, regardless of what is used. They may not use a certain thing anymore, but they are far from free.

Attachment is attachment and until the reaching itself and not the thing used is addressed the only thing that will change is the thing used. I know this from experience, this isn’t psychological babble, it’s the way it is. It happened to me and I see it happening all around me, people don’t just use things like alcohol or drugs, but nicotine, food, sex, meetings, self created purposes, work, social status, education, caffeine, ad infinitum on whatever it is that has a hold of you, is justified as okay to use, but all that’s been done is substituting one thing for another. Granted a lot of times the other things being used may have a less devastating affect, but it’s substitution just the same. This occurs because the true nature of the reaching isn’t understood. It has nothing to do with what’s used, it has everything to do with why there is reaching to begin with. When the need to reach for anything isn’t there you will understand it’s because you are complete just as you are and your delusional lack is no more…

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Utilizing the Present

The present when utilized stops the incessant merry-go-round mind from controlling how your life is going to be lived and unlocks a quietness that’s at the base of all your decisions…

There are different ways the merry-go-round mind can be stopped, it will take some trial and error to find what works best for you. To me being present is the opening of the heart to quietness. The present is one of the main things to use to stop the mind in its tracks. It can be utilized as something to minimize the damage inflicted by the Conditioned Mind. If nothing is used to stop the merry-go-round mind, there will be no way to get off the ride. This is how the Conditioned Mind remains in control because nothing is developed to keep it in check. An unchecked undisciplined mind is the creator of chaos and it’s at the core of humanity’s disfunction.

The way you go about developing the discipline to stop the mind from running amok is through remaining present as much as possible; it doesn’t have to be anything formal. The point is to remain present anyway you can to stop the incessant self serving mind from controlling your life so space can be created between your thoughts. In this space of quiet is the ability to live life happy, joyous, and free. The merry-go-round needs to be stopped if you are to become your true self and live this kind of life.

I use sayings, sometimes the breath or just the silence beneath the noise. Whatever is used it has to be understood that it’s being done to create space between your thoughts. This is of the utmost importance if discipline is to assist in breaking the chains of the Conditioned Mind. You can only get off the merry-go-round when it stops and you can only stop it when you develop the ability to shut it down, and what will allow you the ability to do this is to be present. The merry-go-round will never stop on its own and you will never be able to create the space needed between your thoughts until you understand how to get off the ride and allow love to be in control of your life instead of being on the merry-go-round of life; just existing and going in circles…

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Love: The True Criteria

Love is the true criteria of a successful life; love is life’s essence. Our adversities are between our heart and our head, but when the light of love shines through our heart, our adversities are no more…

It seems our greatest lessons come from our darkest times, but it’s only dark because that’s what is seen. There’s always a light shining, but it’s your view that’s of darkness. It’s not that adversity is needed to learn some of life’s most valuable lesson, but because of the way we’re conditioned, it causes adversity; the adversity is ours not life’s. There is no adversity in life, there is only adversity in people and it’s caused because of our developed view of life; when the view isn’t one based in love adversity has to follow.

I would say we’re a backward society because of what is used as the criteria if a person is considered successful. There’s only one true criteria to lead a successful life and that is to love. Do you think Jesus or the Buddha were concerned with their finances or their social status when they were walking the earth? So much time and energy is wasted on a self serving criteria and until this is realized and it becomes different there will always be adversity in your life. Love and live in the light adversity free or remain with a self serving criteria as the base of existence and stay in the darkness. The essence of life itself is love and your heart always wants to live in the light of this love, but your head has been conditioned to live in the darkness of a self serving criteria so there’s always adversity. When you can break the chains of this conditioned darkness, there will be nothing but light in your life and it’s then that you will understand what it means to be truly successful in life, not by a criteria created by society, but by a criteria of the light of love in your heart that’s shining through…

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Past Memory Attachment

You cannot move on with your life if you’re attaching to a past memory. What happens in the past needs to remain there if your future is to be different…

This article isn’t about how one should grieve as much as it’s about how our Conditioned Mind likes to attach to the past. I have not lost anyone I love in any of our nations previous conflicts or wars, but I have lost loved ones in my life and I attribute it as just being a part of life, not a pleasant part, but a part just the same. A loss of a loved is a loss any way it occurs and it’s the attachment that causes you to suffer. Not attaching doesn’t make it easier to lose someone, but it does allow for the freedom to move on and not attach to the suffering of the initial reaction to the loss.
You will never have closure and move on if you’re attach to a past memory over and over. What happens in the past needs to remain there if our future is to be different. The Conditioned Mind Patterns remain ingrained by using your memory to keep you in captivity. The love you have for someone always remains in your heart, always. You don’t have to hold a special ceremony to show your love for them. It’s always there every minute of every day, not just on the anniversary of their passing.

This may not be a favorable post to some, but it’s not my intention to offend anyone or to tell others how to grieve, each person has their own conditioned process in place. All I am saying is to look at how the Conditioned Mind uses the past to create stories in your head that keeps your suffering active. After all isn’t that what reliving a past loss does, you don’t really need to have ceremonies to honor loved ones; I’m only saying this because of the suffering it causes. The place that a person who passes on truly lives is in the place of eternity, which is in our heart. Grieve in anyway that you are conditioned to grieve, just understand the love for a loved one never dies, it’s always within you, but it does get blocked from entering the eternal world of your heart by attaching the past memories of the Conditioned Mind…

Monday, August 5, 2019

Mirror of Truth

If you don’t find out why you need to reach for something to alter your current state, you will substitute the things used your entire life and whatever it is that you reach for will remain your master…

Whatever controls you is your master. It doesn’t matter what it is. Your aren’t up against evil forces or negative energy. What you are up against is your own Conditioned Mind Patterns. Even if they change from something you believe in and now you look at it differently, if the change isn’t from a place of quietness you will still be in bondage. When something is reached for it is bondage. If you don’t find out why you need to reach for anything, you will substitute the things that you use your entire life; you will just go from thing to thing. I’m not asking you to believe this, I’m telling you from my experience that this is the way it is. This is real. Lying to yourself is all part of a persons conditioning, even if it causes your own misery your mind will tell you to discount this.

You are your own worse enemy. I know this as a fact, but yet it’s still going to be a struggle at times because of the conditioning. For me the freedom from the bondage of self is becoming more and more of a reality in my life and I know this because there is less and less reaching for things and there is more time spent in the moment of I Am. This takes a lot of discipline, more then most people are willing to develop, but if you really want freedom you will have to be able to look in the mirror and understand you are looking at your only block to freedom. It will be at this point that you can start breaking free from a self that has be leading you around like a puppet on a string. Facing yourself is the most difficult thing you will ever do because you have been conditioned not to face yourself. If you want to be free, I suggest you start developing a plan to break free from yourself and change your Conditioned Mind Patterns. If not, enjoy the puppet show which you happen to have the leading role…

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Self Serving Expecting

Live anyway you choose, but if your life isn’t aligned with Universal Love, you can expect to be disappointed more often than not and that’s one expectation that will occur without a doubt…

When something doesn’t happen the way it’s expected, disappointment usually follows. The disappointment is because the expedition originates from within our own self. This is a reflection to become more aware of to see how your emotions are tied into your expectations. The real question is why do we expect things to be a certain way instead of being with what actually occurs? You can never truly be disappointed with what occurs if you understand life isn’t personal, it’s just what happens in each moment. You can make it personal, but the real question is why do you? Sometimes life works out the way you want, it’s probably more luck than anything else. I mean this in the sense of expectations, not in the sense of being aligned with Universal Energy and having things work out for you. When this occurs it’s really because you’re cooperating and are aligned with the Universe so therefore things are really working out for the Universe, not for you individually. This is the essence of love, not one iota of expectations for your own self serving desires.

For me expectations lead to disappointment because its usually based in some self serving desire. When this is understood and your head and feet are in the same moment, aligned with Universal Energy, the love that’s in your heart overcomes the selfishness that’s in your head. This means there’s usually less and less disappointment with things, not because things work out the way that you want, but because the expectations that they need to be a certain way aren’t there. Without expectations the heart stays connected with the love of the Universe. Life is so different in this realm as opposed to the realm of your self serving expectations. Live anyway you choose, but if your life isn’t aligned with Universal Love and you aren’t living accordingly, you can expect to be disappointed more often than not and that’s one expectation you can expect to occur, without exception…

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Opinionated Delusions

We are all from the same energy. Even if you were from another planet it would still be the energy of the Universe. When you lose focus of this you become an individual and form your opinions…

If you choose to live a life of opinions that’s your choice. Yesterday’s post was to point out how the burden of a conditioned opinion weighs heavily on you and blocks you from the love that’s in your heart. It was not written to tell anyone how to live their life, that’s not why I write. How someone chooses to live has nothing to do with me. If what I write resonates with you, so be it, if not simply move on. What I write is strictly from my experience as I was opinionated for many many years. Whether it is agreed with has nothing to do with me. What I see is what I write. If you don’t see what I see you won’t understand what I write. There is nothing right or wrong with this, it’s just the way it is.

We are all an extension of Universal Consciousness, that’s factual not an opinion. There’s no difference in any of us, we are from the same energy. It’s when you lose your focus of this that you become an individual and form your opinions. Our unity comes from understanding this. When you form your opinions, ideas, beliefs, concepts, and whatnot, you form an individuality which causes you to miss the mark of Universal Love. This is the truth I spoke of yesterday. It’s not my truth, but the truth of existence; Universal Love. There’s no interpretation needed here, love is simply love. If you wish to form an interpretation or opinion of love that’s up to you, but when the mind settles Universal Love becomes your life’s base; there are no opinions or interpretations needed. Learn to live life as it is, the life of Universal Love. Form any opinion you like, but it will not be a benefit to you because it’s self serving. As a matter of fact it will only be a burden which weighs heavily on you and blocks you from the love that is in your own heart…check it…