Thursday, January 31, 2019

Settled Mind Wisdom

Change will happen, it’s part of the natural process of life. Resistance to change also happens, but not to those who have the wisdom to understand acceptance of change is the acceptance of peace…

Wisdom doesn’t just happen to a person, it takes a settled mind to become aware of what the most beneficial way to react to life is and then take that knowledge and make it the way you live. This is wisdom, knowledge being brought into alignment with Universal Love. This just doesn’t become the way you live your life, it becomes the way you want to live your life. It doesn’t mean everything becomes as you want it, it just allows for a solid direction that puts you in harmony with life. When this occurs and life does its thing which is to constantly change, because wisdom has been established you remain anchored and you don’t get emotionally controlled by the changes that occur. Life may never be perfect, but it can never not be perfect. Whatever it is that’s occurring is perfection because it’s happening. You may not like it, but that’s your imperfection not life’s.

When you understand the wisdom of non attachment you can be with life and all its changes. If you let these changes control you, your reactions to these changes will not be conducive to your well-being and you will suffer. Acceptance of change is the acceptance of peace. Non acceptance of change is the cause of so many of our immature emotional reactions. When life is accepted as it is and you see the wisdom of this acceptance, you will react to the changes of life in alignment with Universal Love, not because you have to, but because you want to…

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Self Sabotaging Nonsense

If you’re going to see what’s truly beneficial in your life, your mind will have to become very still. Many of the developed tools considered to be beneficial are later found to be self sabotaging nonsense…

It’s more important to develop practical tools that have actual benefits in their results than to reach out aimlessly for things that later prove to be self sabotaging nonsense. We all have certain conditioning and theories that are held onto, but if they don’t manifest in results that are beneficial in your life, they are useless. To know what’s truly beneficial that it enhances your life is something that’s dependent on what you consider a benefit. To truly know something is beneficial it has to tried and tested and not just something that’s thought to be a benefit.

At first many people think drinking alcohol is a benefit, but then it turns not to be so. Same thing with drugs, people who abuse pain medication, gamblers, food addicts, thrill seekers and the such, but it’s not limited to these self sabotaging addictions, it also applies to less subtle ones. Chocolate cake may seem like it’s a benefit because it brings satisfying sense pleasure, but what if you’re over weight or a diabetic like a lot of people, there’s not much benefit there. Speeding may get you to your destination quicker, but it’s dangerous and not a true benefit; it’s self sabotaging. Same with texting while driving, the more settled the mind gets, what’s truly a benefit can be seen. If you remain in a state of presence where things are accepted as they are, the mind doesn’t come into play as much, but if you engage in the thought process of some past or future conditioning, the self sabotaging nonsense begins. What this will ensure is that self sabotaging nonsense will be a huge part of your life and no matter how little benefit it truly has, it will take up most of your life…

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Genuine Reality

Many remain stuck seeking because the lie of “I” is never exposed. Life becomes about whatever story is made up as a fabrication of reality instead of the genuine reality of what truly is…

Emptiness is a lack of inherent existence. When it comes to the mind, emptiness is its true nature because there’s nothing in the mind that is inherently there. In this emptiness arises the nature of “I” but there’s no isness to “I”. “I” exist strictly from the story that’s created, there’s no inherent existence. Your body exist with all it’s labeled components, but if each component was unlabeled, the body would still exist, just not in an “I” created state. Look deep within to see if you can truly find where this “I” is. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. It doesn’t mean if everything is reduced it disappears, it means in its reduction is the thing itself; these are opposites sides of the same coin. Everything that makes up your me, ideas, concepts, memories, feelings, emotions, judgement, likes, dislikes, opinions, experiences, and so on, is attached to as my body, my hair, my ideas and so on. If you look for “I” beyond all this meness and myness it can’t be found. This is what sitting is truly all about, stripping away the layers to this false identification. We identify with all the wrong things and ignore the genuine reality that’s just there.

To me the only reason to look within is to expose this lie of “l” there’s no other purpose. A purpose can be made up, but this is why many remain stuck seeking because the lie of “I” is never exposed. Life becomes about whatever story is made up, but the genuine reality of the moment is missed. This is what “I” is, a story nothing more. It’s seen as real, but the realness of it can never be grasped. It just creates one story after another with “I” always at the core. Truly investigate this to see if you can find “I”, remember though not the story of it, but the genuine reality of what is truly here right now…

Monday, January 28, 2019

Spiritual Presence

Existence is naturally spiritual so understanding Presence allows you to be spiritually at home. Although the carnal mind will often wander, a Presence awareness will keep you from leaving your spiritual home...

All of life is spiritual and this is so even though you may not be aware of it. When you do become aware of this, it doesn't really mean life becomes all that much different, but what does become different is the view of life that you have; this makes all the difference in the world. If you’re under the spell of unconsciousness it's very difficult to see from the perspective of Presence; without Presence you’ll remain under the spell. This is the spell of the world (form) it's also the spell of suffering. It manifest in many ways this spell, but its base is in the form of what the world presents. I'm this, I'm that, buy this, use that, attain this, go here, go there, win this, learn that, and on and on. It's the way of the world which is form and it's the way of suffering because you're held captive under the spell of what the world makes you think is needed.

The only way to break this spell is to constantly choose Presence when you notice you're under the spell of form. Since our existence is naturally spiritual, Presence allows you to be spiritually home. Although the mind will wander from this space, with a practice to remain anchored in the Now instead of being lost grasping for something that the world of form makes you believe you need, you’ll be able to stay spiritually home more often than not. Home is where the heart is and in choosing Presence that’s where you will live your life, that is as long as Presence is chosen...

Sunday, January 27, 2019

A True Measurement

A True Measurement:

Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned, its default state is mostly agitated. A true measurement of the mind is being at peace right now with the world exactly as it is without having to save it...

Do whatever it is you think you need to do to get the desired results you think are needed, but see what's guiding you. If you’re to get a true measurement as to what's really going on in your life, there will have to be a deep awareness of why you are heading in the direction you're going. There are reasons why a person constantly struggles with being at peace and as subtle as this can be, it's not something most people consciously think about. Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned, its normal state is mostly agitated. From the time a person starts their day the agitations begins. The alarm clocks rings and the snooze button is hit and although it's not thought about that you're not at peace, the bottom line is you're not.

Constantly having to do something is caused by the mind being agitated which keeps you from the awareness of the agitation. Save the world if that's the direction you think you need to go in, just understand maybe the world doesn't need you to save it. If you're not truly at peace in the moment without having to do anything, that's what really needs to be looked at. Nothing else matters regardless of what you're doing because it’s only a made up story that keeps the mind in an agitated state. Many people are so busy trying to save the world that they don't see the forest from the trees. Until the beauty of the moment is seen and you can just be with that, peace will not be had because you will be too busy trying to save a world that just may not need saving. To me a true measurement of a settled the mind is if there is peace right now with the world exactly as it is without having an agitated need to save it...

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Accepted As It Is

Regardless of what happens in life, if it’s not accepted as it is it will cause you suffering. Even if what’s occurring is initially something that causes you pain, the suffering will deepen until it’s accepted…

Everything has its place in life regardless if it’s considered right, wrong, liked or disliked, this is because what’s there is what’s there. To say it shouldn’t be there leads to suffering because the moment isn’t accepted as it is. This isn’t to say everything that happens is suppose to happen, but what does happen is what’s there and there’s no changing that. The results of what happens can be changed, but only if you’re coming from a different place than what was previously known. This may change the initial arising, but there are still the results of what’s occurring right now. So much energy is wasted on not accepting what has already occurred and why it’s wasted energy is because the unchangeable is not being accepted.

When you get to a place where a label of good, bad, or indifferent isn’t applied, in this place is your freedom. Nothing in life should be unaccepted, I know this is difficult to imagine and this isn’t to say to not take action to change things, but what has occurred has to be accepted so the action to change it comes purely from love and compassion and not from the ego. Even someone who is totally unconscious and causes much harm to others has to be accepted because it’s the conditioning in place that makes one do what they do. This especially has to be understood for yourself because to not accept what is is to suffer. Here’s an example: If you go to the doctor and get an unfavorable diagnosis, disliking it doesn’t change that fact. Accept it, learn from it and move on and just maybe your next visit will be more beneficial to you, but if it’s not that’s ok too because regardless of the diagnosis everything is impermanent and nobody gets out alive…

Friday, January 25, 2019

Love Based Actions

When love is the energy of your inner state many will pickup on this energy and in the process they will also transform. This occurs because when your inner state is based in love, love is the result of your actions…

Your actions are a result of your inner state and the base of your inner state is very important when it comes to these actions. Your inner state determines so much of what goes on in your life because it results in the base of your actions. Actions from an inner state to self serve produce much different results then actions from an inner state of quietness or if you like, love. Grasping becomes the main action when the inner state is to self serve. I need energy makes needing the constant energy of the self serving inner state. I need energy is what keeps greed, hate, envy, lust, jealousy, anger and so on in place and although the needs manifest differently for everyone, the common denominator is the inner state of I need energy; this makes you believe the present moment needs to be different.

Grasping actions have to follow when this occurs because it’s the inner state of the energy in place.
When the inner state is one of quietness which manifest as love, your actions naturally fall in line with the complete opposite actions of being self serving. It’s as if there’s no thought of you and your actions are geared towards benefitting others. Not in a way to try and convert others to a concept or belief, but coming from a place of compassion, kindness, understanding, and love. This loving energy is the connection to life itself and it’s this inner state energy that emanates out into the world. Many will pickup on this energy and in the process they will also transform. This all occurs because when your inner state is based in love, love is the result of your actions…

Thursday, January 24, 2019

A Heart Comparison

Intellect living knows love only through a story created by the mind. Heart living knows love through the sheer presence of its existence. The intellect will never grasp what the heart knows intuitively…

The contrast between intellectual and heart living is simply because the mind (thought) is from the intellect and the heart is from presence of love. If you’re truly aware of this you will pick up on the differences from a simple response from someone. The heart connects and the intellect separates, this is because the heart only knows unconditional love and the intellect only knows how to put conditions on everything, hence this is why humanity is as it is. It doesn’t mean when you live from the heart you will like everything, but it just won’t have the same effect on you that living from the intellect creates. I notice an intellect response immediately when someone responds to one of my post. This isn’t to say my post can’t be debated, but since I write from my heart when someone responds to me from the intellect it immediately creates some kind of conflict; it has to.

There’s very little if any “I” attachment living from the heart, living from the intellect there’s nothing but “I” attachment. All conflict with yourself and others comes from the intellect, it’s impossible to have conflict when living from the heart. You may not like everything that happens in life living from the heart, but you will accept it because that’s how the heart works. The love of the heart is from the energy of the Universe, it connects you to everything. We are all the energy of creation and cannot truly be separated from it, but it can seem like it because that’s what the energy of “I” (the intellect) does. When a person states there’s a void in their life, it’s because the intellect is causing a story of separation from the heart, but since everyone who is alive has a heart there’s no true separation, there’s only the contrast between the intellect and heart because the intellect and not the heart is running the show…

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Your Dreams Are Now

If you truly want to follow your dreams look no further then right now. Unless the mind settles and there’s awareness of this, your dreams will never be realized because you will be caught in the fantasy of something that’s not real…

I know many in society attach to following your dreams, but if this is looked at closely you just may see how this holds you in captivity to thinking that a dream is needed for happiness instead of what’s here now. When you’re following the urge of a so called dream, the reality of what’s happening right now just passes you by. This doesn’t mean you can’t have your dreams and go after them, just realize a dream is nothing more than a fantasy. Even if you get exactly what you want and it becomes your reality, thinking the dream will make you happy is where the fantasy arises from. This falls in line with the grass is greener on the other side, but that grass has to be mowed also.

How many people pick their spouse, their job, the house they live in, having children, or whatever else you thought was needed, only to turn around and complain about it. Your choices are made because you think they’re your dream and yet when they become a reality it’s not long before you realize they’re not as fulfilling as you thought they would be. Or you’re okay with certain aspects of this dream, but there’s just something else to complain about. If you truly want to follow your dreams look down at your feet and realize good, bad, or indifferent you are your dream. Unless the mind settles and you become aware of this, your life will never truly be lived because you will be caught up in the fantasy of needing to follow a made up dream…

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Triggered Attachments

Attachments arise when something triggers them. At the root of this is “I” and as long as “I” is in control, the roller coaster of deeply embedded triggered attachments will continue to take you for a ride…

Attachments aren’t something that exist by themselves, they are a movement or reaction to something that occurs. There are many different attachments that arise and they can be put into the associated category to best get a handle on them when they do. They arise because of something that occurs. Nothing inherently makes you attached, there has to be a personal association to something. Attachments only arise as “I” assigns meaning to something. There isn’t much attachment when you hear of a stranger dying, but apply the word Mother, Father, sister, brother, and so on and just watch the attached onslaught.

Attachments don’t exist until “I” grabs hold of something, this is what gives the attachment life and allows it to arise. Example: greed is only a word until you attach “I need or want this” to it, then look out because depending on how deeply “I” attaches to the need or want determines the level of its control. Same thing with joy, something happens and now “I” attaches pleasure to it and therein lies the attachment to joy. Here are just some attachments that can be categorized, fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, trust, happiness, to name a few, watch for yourself when these arise and see how the root is from “I”. With awareness of this you just may be able to get a firmer grasp on just how the Conditioned Mind keeps you under its spell by weighing you down and taking you for a ride with deeply embedded triggered attachments…

Monday, January 21, 2019

Just Be and Live

Do whatever it is that you need to do to make life the way you think it should be, but understand it’s in being not doing where life arises from and is truly lived…

Reflect on the most beautiful thing you have ever seen and experienced and see how much it has to do with life right now. It may be a fond memory or a story, but this moment would be exactly the same regardless of what was seen in the past and experienced. At the time even if the experience was breath taking (at least to the Conditioned Mind) it really has nothing to do with what’s happening right now. The story of it does because the conditioning in place makes you think doing not being is needed, but that’s your doing not life's.

Learning to just be is truly living life because being energy puts you in harmony with the moment and this always is regardless of what you do. This is where many fall short of understanding the true essence of being because doing and not being is put first and is thought to be what’s needed to live life. Life will always be, that is until the day it won’t and all the doing in the world will not stop this from happening. Do whatever it is that you think you need to do, but understand it’s in being no doing where life arises from. When you’re just being, life is lived to the fullest because you don’t have to do. You can never do the next right thing, but you can be the next right thing. This is why it’s said to just be not just do in the bible because to be is the true essence of life. The simple saying “Just Be” can be used as a tool to stop the squirrel cage doing mind in its tracks. After all, we are called human beings and not human doings for a reason and it’s because it’s only in being that life can be truly lived…

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Delusional Problems

Everything that’s considered a problem is created by your own conditioned thinking. What these problems equate to is a created delusion that then becomes the reality you live by and pass on to others as fact…

The mind doesn’t become beneficial until you lessen the control it has over you and become the controller of it. It has tremendous problem solving abilities that are second to none, but it’s ability to create problems are also second to none. If you don’t control your mind, your mind will control you; this isn’t a belief in something, this is simply the way it is. Your Conditioned Mind Patterns are so engrained and elusive that the creator of them (our own mind) also creates blocks so you don’t see how they arise. This makes you a prisoner to your own mind with the prison being the mind constantly making problems that don’t truly exist. Just look at your own life to see example after example of this, situations, people (ourselves included), circumstances, etc, the mind makes a problem because life is lived based on the past or future. Another example would be this writing, agree with it, don’t agree with it, pick it a part, who cares, its not that important except to the mind that wants to make it a problem. To a mind that wants to create a problem it is the most important thing in the world.

Written here are words, nothing more nothing less. If they’re a problem to you, it’s only because you have created it. Any problem is a product of your conditioning; no conditioned label, no problem. A noisy mind will not see this because the noise is a creation of the Conditioned Mind; only a settled mind will see this. The other day someone asked how my book was doing, I answered “it doesn’t matter unless it’s made to matter”. Life will always be what it is and because there’s awareness of this I don’t have to make it into something that it’s not. This is true control because what is is always based in truth. The Universe is in charge of life, not the delusional concepts and ideas that are formed by a Conditioned Mind. When this is seen, Universal Truth will be understood because the delusional Conditioned Mind problems will lose their control…

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Absorbed in Your Story

When there’s a story that you need something to provide peace, you become absorbed in that story. Until this is understood, you will remain absorbed in the story (thought) that peace is something outside of you…

There will never be peace in your life if you’re absorbed in the story of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way the mind is conditioned it becomes something to find. Unfortunately stories are what makes the very thing you are is seeking ( in this case peace) elusive. Your stories are the reason there’s constant reaching for something from the outside and until these stories are no more, you will remain absorbed to the thoughts that peace is in the next thing reached for. Reaching for drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, success, programs, therapy, self help books and so on is the proof that the story is in control. These absorbed stories arising from your thoughts have to be seen if you are to ever experience true peace.

The thought of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if you’re to ever be at peace is there has to be an understanding of what’s blocking your peace. The reason you’re not at peace is the inability to not create stories. When the need to reach for something arises, the absorbed story begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break free of. Peace isn’t something that can be grabbed and held so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get lost (absorbed) in trying to find peace, but since it’s something that’s already within, the story associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can see it’s already there. This isn’t easy to see. I share not to help you find peace, I share so you may possibly uncover the reason why you’re absorbed in the story you are not at peace…

Friday, January 18, 2019

Stuck Emotions

Nothing from the outside truly controls you regardless of what it is; either real or made up. It’s your stuck emotions that attach to what happens that cause you to react in certain ways…

Staying with the flow of what arises in our daily life has immense value in waking from the sleep of unawareness. What happens if awareness isn’t expanded upon is your emotions become stuck and control you; they become the master and you the slave. The stuck emotions are what causes you to react to life in the way that you do. Nothing from the outside truly controls you either real or made up. It’s the stuck emotions that attach to what happens that cause you to behave in certain ways. If you awaken to see this, the attachment to your emotions lessens so their control lessens. When my mom died last year to say I felt no emotions would be ludicrous, but I didn’t get stuck to them and turn them into the suffering of grieving. This is the same as if something is done that makes you mad, feel being mad, but let the mad energy to keep flowing, don’t attach to it and get stuck so anger arises, this way you remain in the natural flow of life.

This is how it is with all our emotions, fear becomes crippling when you become stuck and it takes you over. It’s doesn’t mean things won’t scare you, but it’s doesn’t have to be given the energy that turns it into fear. This applies to any emotion you become attached to, you get stuck to the associated emotion and there’s no telling what behavior will arise; I know that it’s not going to be a behavior that has love flowing as its base. Emotions will arise, it’s the way the brain seems to be wired, but our energy doesn’t have to give them more power than they’re worth. Cry your tears, or be fearful of the future, dislike that things aren’t going the way you think they should be, but the bottom line is this, it’s only when the emotions get stuck that they are given the energy to stop the flow of truly living life and cause not only your suffering, but the suffering of all beings…

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Stability of Peace

The Conditioned Mind is very unstable and has nothing solid to base itself in. There’s very little peace in a life based in this type of energy because the unstable energy of the mind constantly wants things different…

The stability to a peaceful life lies in not wanting things different. Discontentment is directly linked to wanting things different and this is true regardless of what it is. It may not be seen exactly as wanting something different, but when a label of like or disliked is applied, this is wanting things different. If someone says or writes something or if a circumstance arises and you apply don’t like to it, you just created a discontent within yourself. What was said, written, or what happened didn’t do it, the applied label did. It’s the same when you apply like to something, this is because you are allowing something from the outside to control your mind state. The mind is very unstable and has nothing solid to base itself in so there’s never true peace because the Conditioned Mind energy constantly wants things different.

A wanting things different mind is very unstable, it’s energy is all over the place and it’s the reason there’s very little peace in the world. Always wanting things different keeps the individual energy from being of peace which then emanates as the energy you put out. Multiple this by the billions of people on the planet and thus you have an unstable world. The stability to a peaceful life lies in not wanting things different and this is the only way there will ever be peace in your life and the world. The instant something is wanted different discontentment arises as the energy in place is being controlled by a mind that doesn’t understand the stability to a peaceful life lies in not wanting things different, and this is true regardless of what’s going on…

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

No More Hiding

Your greatest relief is to accept yourself exactly as you are because the only real misery is you wanting you to be in some other way. When it’s realized you have been hiding from yourself, there you are…

When a person awakens it’s not the great secrets of the Universe that are revealed, although in a way they are, what really happens when you awaken is you stop hiding from yourself. To me that’s the main attribute of waking from the sleep of unconsciousness. It’s not knowing what life is all about, it’s more so not being concerned with what life is all about. The hiding, searching, reaching, etc. ceases and it’s realized what you have been hiding from is yourself. It’s a great relief to accept yourself the way you are because the only real misery is wanting you to be in some other way. When this is seen your hiding ends along with the need to be right, and the need for things to be different, especially yourself. This doesn’t mean you don’t move forward to be the change that’s needed in the world, but it’s done so in a way that it doesn’t cause the very suffering that you are trying to change.

I hid from myself for forty nine years and it nearly cost me my life; basically my awakening was to see this. It was revealed to me that I could stop hiding and I was going to be okay. This is a beautiful realization, it’s here where the peace that passes all understanding arises. It’s not a magical place for a select few, it’s a place where everyone’s heart dwells; you just have to stop hiding to experience it. The possibilities when you stop hiding from yourself are endless, there are no blocks here so your creativity naturally arises. No one knows what form the creativity takes on, but I can tell you this, when you stop hiding from yourself reaching for things stops and life is lived in the peaceful state of accepting yourself as you are with nothing to hide…

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Desire to Reach

When the desire to reach for something arises it’s because the mind is in bondage to that particular desire. Until this is seen you will remain in bondage to the desired fulfillment of the next thing reached for…

You will never find the fulfillment you’re seeking if you’re in bondage to the desire of that fulfillment. Fulfillment is something that’s already within you, but because of the way your mind is conditioned, you get bound up in the desires that fulfillment is something outside of you. This bondage makes the desired fulfillment you’re seeking impossible to grasp. This is also the reason you constantly desire something from the outside. Until this is seen you will remain bound to the desired thought of fulfillment in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, god, and on and on, these are proof you’re in bondage. I can’t stress this enough as this bondage has to be seen if you are to experience true fulfillment in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to fulfillment, what does have to happen if fulfillment is to be experienced is there has to be an understanding of why you’re not fulfilled; that you aren’t fulfilled is only because of the inability to just be. When the desire to reach for something arises, the bondage to the desire begins; this bondage is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Fulfillment isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less that you are fulfilled. To many people get lost in trying to attain fulfillment, but it’s something that’s already within; the binding desire about attaining fulfillment needs to be discarded so you can see this. This is not easy to grasp, but I write so the bondage of your desires can be seen for what they are; the reason why you aren’t fulfilled…

Monday, January 14, 2019

Beyond What You Think

To go beyond what you think is to truly be in harmony with life. Life’s energy will always be as it is, but you need to learn how to cooperate with it so your energy goes beyond the constant motion of thinking…

Visualize the ocean as the Universe and you swimming as your thoughts. You cannot swim without the ocean, but the ocean is not the swimming. It provides the place to swim, but not the swimming. You can swim forever, but it will always be a doing that’s using the ocean, and as the swimming becomes tiresome you will need something to hold onto or the ocean will engulf you.
So what can you do to stop this constant swimming, not as a temporarily solution, but one that will last and keep you from being engulfed? You will need to learn to cooperate with the oceans energy and be in harmony with it. You can hope to find something in the ocean to keep you afloat, or you can turn over and simply float on your back. You’re still in the ocean, but now you simply align your energy with the oceans energy. You’re not fighting, grasping or hoping for something to come along to hold onto, you’re just floating on your back, allowing yourself to be at one with the waves and thus you are using your energy to be in harmony with the oceans energy.

Our thinking can be viewed like this, simply as energy. Life is also energy, which doesn’t need our thinking, but our thinking is from the energy of life. You can think forever, but it never becomes life, although it’s never separate from life. It’s just that the thinking energy is always grasping for something and doesn’t align with Universal energy. It’s when you become aware of your thinking through quieting the mind that you are in cooperation with the energy of the Universe and thus life. This is where you will find the stillness that allows you to be in harmony with life and stops the need to grasp for something that doesn’t assist in any way in keeping you afloat. Hence you are then aligned with the energy with the Universe, floating along in cooperation with life…

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Needing Answers Conditioning

There are many situations throughout the day which provide the triggers to reach for an answer, but if there’s awareness of this those triggers will not produce the distracted reaching of needing answers…

Noticing what’s reached for allows you to see what’s being used as an answer to fill whatever space is there that you think needs filling. If the thought that a space needs filling wasn’t there, the need to reach for remedied answers wouldn’t be there. There’s many so called answers, but there’s only one space and it will either be sought to be filled or it will be allowed to be. This is the difference between being at peace or constantly reaching for an answer which reinforces the mind agitations that tells you the space thats there needs to be filled. This space is the same for everyone, but the answers sought are different. This is an endless list of answers, the focus has to be inward if it’s going to be seen no answers are needed. This space will never be revealed if you’re blaming others for your mind agitations because they arise from within you and it has nothing to do with anyone else. This is so hard to understand because of the conditioning in place, but if it isn’t you’ll continue to blame others for your mind agitations and constantly need answers.

To me it’s heartbreaking to see the needing answers conditioning in place and how it unconsciously it causes suffering. This is one of the hardest things to see and it’s one of the reasons the mind can’t fix itself, but one of the most important things to learn about this is how not to get pulled into someone else’s conditioning that produces a reaction from you. There are many situations throughout the day that will provide the triggers for this, but if awareness is being developed, more and more those triggers will not produce reactions, which are unloving 99.99999 of the time. After all it’s only unloving reactions that cause suffering and it’s needing answers that keeps one entrapped in Conditioned Mind Patterns that control you.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Unconscious Energy

Stand up for all your causes, do whatever it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how your triggers dissipate along with the unconscious thoughts that hold you in captivity…

You may think what happens in life is the cause of the emotions that arise, but what’s not understood is the emotions are already in place, they just get triggered by whatever’s occurring. There’s so much underlining conditioning in place that it keeps you from understanding your own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will control you unconsciously. Most don’t think they’re unconscious and take offense to being called so, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an inkling it’s being done; one is blind to their own unconsciousness. You may be unconsciously responding to this right now by thinking “who do I think I am to label you unconscious, and I should look at myself” but I do look at myself and that’s where it was first discovered just how unconscious all of humanity is, myself included. Anytime someone gets angry, they’re causing their own suffering, yet it’s done all the time, but that’s only part of it, what’s really unconscious is it isn’t truly known why anger arises. Stories are made up why it arises, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.

There are many justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the unconscious mind; that it’s not realized is why it’s unconscious. The list of attachments that are blindly held onto is endless and it keeps the unconsciousness in place. Very few will really get this, it’s easier to say the writer doesn’t know what he’s talking about then to truly look at this. The only way you will become conscious and your emotions not be triggered is if this is understood. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all this unconsciousness. When you wake up you can pull away from this unconsciousness which will remain in control if waking up doesn’t occur. Stand up for all your causes, do whatever it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how your triggers dissipate along with the unconscious thoughts that tell you this unconsciousness doesn’t apply to you.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Inner Vision of Splendor

It’s the worldly view of satisfying your self (”I”) that keeps you from a vision of seeing your own splendor, and this vision will only be revealed when you begin to look within…

No one is more special than another in this existence, but there are those for whatever reason who do see things quite differently. I wouldn’t label anyone as chosen, but I would say some are more inclined to not attach to the worldly view of “I” which allows for a vision other than if you are in the grip of a mind based worldly view. I have lived two existences, one which was based in energy where there was much self created suffering and the other which is the one I’m living now, which is a vision of looking inward that has allowed my own splendor to be revealed. The only real differences in these two views is one created suffering and was done in blind ignorance and the other, the one today is lived in awareness of the ignorance (no longer blind). Today my view is as it is because the worldly distractions don’t control me as they once did, obviously I’m still in the world because I’m writing this, but its control has lessened.

The vision of my own splendor opened as a by product of awareness and as the worldly view is let go of, it allows space for wisdom and insights to arise. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of “I”, it’s the “I” that attaches and causes all suffering. Ever so slowing when you begin to look inward the distractions of the world lose their control. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic’s, they weren’t special, all they did was look inward and discovered their own splendor. This ability to look inward is available to all, but the worldly view of”I” will have to be overcome. It’s the worldly view that keeps you from the vision of seeing your own splendor which will only be revealed when you truly begin to look within…

Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Storied Crutch

A story is a crutch used to wish your life away as it keeps you from experiencing the present moment. It’s used as a crutch because what’s occurring right now is always what’s here as opposed to a story of needing the present moment different…

Many people think a story is something that’s needed, but it’s used strictly as a crutch by the Conditioned Mind and it keeps you from not understanding what it means to be in the present moment. It’s a direct cause of suffering as it makes you believe it’s something that’s needed by making you live life in the in the past or future. How the Conditioned Mind does this is by creating a story that the present moment isn’t good enough and it needs to be different if you want to be happy. It projects a lie that things would be better if they were in some other way and maybe on the surface they would be, but inward is where one derives the perception that makes life what it is; life will be of suffering or of contentment. Even if the story of what is created comes true, it won’t last especially when it’s on the surface. Inward there is a slight better chance for it to have a lasting affect, but this is only if you’re awake enough to not create a story.

Let’s say you’re diagnosed with some kind of illness, the only thing a story does is it makes you wish the diagnoses was different, but it doesn’t change the fact of what is occurring right now. The illness remains regardless of what story is created. If your life isn’t storied to be different and it’s accepted as it is, you will experience the peace of the present moment and this is regardless of what’s occurring. By the way, the present is where all stories and wishes come true because it’s the only place that truly exists. So my story for all beings is that this is seen, not in the future, but right now because right now doesn’t need a story because it exist without one…

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

No Real Struggle

The only time there’s a struggle with life is when it’s made to be a struggle, this only occurs when the Conditioned Mind is in control. The mind will settle when the quality of acceptance is developed…

Your struggles are neither with life nor with people or circumstances so who does that leave you with but yourself, this is who the struggle is always with. I’m not saying that some of the things that happen are easy to accept, but the struggle is still within yourself. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem like life is fair, that it shouldn’t be so difficult, but again this struggle is only because of your view, not because of life. The view (conditioning) of how things are is what causes you to struggle as it’s simply what goes on between you ears, this is where any so called struggles manifest. There’s a need to allow the mind to be present so it can settle down and focus on what is actually occurring instead of creating a struggle.

At times it’s as if there’s one thing after another, but there really isn’t, it’s just the Conditioned Mind making up a story. Each moment is independent of itself so it has nothing to do with any other moment unless it’s made so. When this is understood tools can be developed so this happens less and less. Peace is directly linked to how much control your conditioning has over you. If there wasn’t conditioning you wouldn’t be controlled and there would be total peace. For me this is the path I must learn to stay on and head in the direction of peace. Peace is already there, but it’s needed to learn not to allow the Conditioned Mind to block it from your view. The more the view is in the present moment, the more peace there is because the view to peace isn’t being blocked. The only reason life is ever a struggle is because it’s allowed. It’s up to you to change the conditioning that blocks you from understanding you’re already at peace and the key to this is to see that life really isn’t the struggle that the Conditioned Mind makes it out to be…

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Phenomenon of Memory

Understanding the phenomenon of memory and how it constantly uses pleasure is very important in breaking the chains of bondage; it’s the attachment to “I” that makes one only remember what’s pleasurable…

The phenomenon of memory and constantly using it to bring things of pleasure into the present is simply that, a phenomenon. Although this happens without it being realized, when it is realized it changes everything. Memory of how things truly are gets distorted in a way because they are seen through the conditioning that’s in place. This conditioning mostly manifest in constantly seeking pleasure. Think of this, when someone dies nobody says the person was an SOB. What’s usually said borders on making the individual a saint and that’s even if when the person was alive they were an SOB. This is the memory phenomenon that’s in place and until it’s realized, your life is spent constantly pulling in pleasurable memories. The mind doesn’t like unpleasant memories so it uses pleasurable ones, regardless if they really happened or not. This is also part of the survival instinct engrained in us. Even those who remember painful events, they’re still used to find pleasure, even if it’s to just push them away, hence this is why one reaches outside themselves for comfort.

Nobody reaches for anything for any other reason except to provide themselves comfort, but in this comfort seeking is so much unconscious suffering; comfort and pleasure go hand in hand. Understanding the phenomenon of memory is very important in breaking the chains of bondage because it’s the attachment to “I” that makes you only remember what’s pleasurable; even to the point of its own destruction “I” seeks pleasure. Just look in any rehab or detox, every drug or drink of alcohol that’s ever taken has the lure of pleasure associated with it or it wouldn’t have been reached for. This isn’t limited to just those substances, this goes for anything that’s reached for. The mind defaults to what’s familiar as it uses the memory of pleasure as its lure and until this is realized you will continue to pull in the memory of pleasure, even if it didn’t happen the way you remember it did…

Monday, January 7, 2019

Attachments Outcome

The more controlled you are by your thoughts the more severe the outcome will be, with the outcome being determined by how much of a hold the attached thoughts have over you…

Problems with attachment don’t occur when you’re busy, although thoughts still randomly arise non stop, but because of the busyness there isn’t much attachment to them. Attachment arises when you’re doing the daily mundane tasks that don’t take much focus, like sitting in traffic, shopping, watching tv, eating, doing yard work, lying on a beach, etc. In this state of semi idleness if you’re unaware when a thought arises, there’s nothing to distract you from becoming attached to it because the mind has no focus; this opens the door for attachment to occur.

Let’s say you’re at home relaxing, all of a sudden a thought arises to have a beer, substitute the beer with something more suited to your conditioning. There’s not much of an outcome from one beer, but the outcome for six is different. The more controlled you are by a thought, the more the affected outcome. Because so much of the thought process is to provide pleasure, there’s nothing this pleasure seeking (which is the bondage of “I”) can’t make worse. Understanding this is priceless if you’re ever to be free from attaching to your thoughts. If it’s not understood, your own Conditioned Mind will continue to create attachments. Without the awareness of this and with no tools in place to prevent it, not much thought is a given to what the outcome of your attachments will be…

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Emotions of "I"

Emotions aren’t created and can’t rule you if “I” isn’t the focus. This concept of “I” is the operating system behind emotions so when “I” isn’t reacting to the outside circumstances of life, there is peace…

Emotions are something that most people don’t give much thought to. The experts will say they’re needed, but if I followed the text book nonsense of the experts I would be dead. The turning point in learning about emotions was seeing how although they may manifest in different ways, they all arise from the core of “I”. What was revealed to me is that there’s a created “I” that gets tied into our emotions in many ways. The concept of this sense of “I” is the operating system behind our emotions. These emotions are tied into how we see ourselves. For instance guilt arises when something is done that “I” considers bad or wrong. Anger arises when “I” is hurt in some way. Fear arises when “I” is threatened. Sadness arises when “I” is disappointed, and on an on. All these emotions arise because of very different circumstances, but this is as far as most people get when it comes to understanding emotions.

The way I investigated emotions is not in how they were different, but what they all had in common, this was where my focus centered. What this led me to see was there’s one common source of every emotion and that source is the concept of “I”. Emotions can’t rule you if an “I” isn’t created. Please investigate this for yourself, don’t listen to anyone and their view, develop your own. I said earlier that my emotions would have killed me because there was a tendency when reacting to things emotionally to use things that were self destructive. It’s not this way today because I’ve learned somewhat (nobody’s perfect) not to attach to an “I” that gives my emotions life. When there’s not this “I” reacting to the outside circumstances of life, there’s much more balance to remain at peace and not act in ways that is self sabotaging.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Gauging Your Practice

Gauging and learning from a practice allows for those who were once lost to possibly now be found and those who were once blind to possibly now see, but only if there’s a practice in place that allows this…

If there’s not some kind of practice in place so your can gauge your behavior, it will be difficult to proceed in a direction where there will be any expansion in your life. The first thing to gauge is if you even have a practice in place that’s practical and beneficial. I don’t mean the practice of belonging to certain groups, although there’s nothing wrong with that, but if it’s in place to just keep you busy, it’s not really a beneficial practice. Although it is a practice, the gauge of how it is working to quiet the mind or how it keeps the mind agitations at bay is what one needs to be aware of to allow for the continuous expansion of life’s process. I’m sharing this because this is what has allowed me to be as I am today. There’s no magic to this, a beneficial practice has to be in place if one is to experience beneficial results, this is as simple as two times two equals four.

Gauge your behavior, reactions, attachments, annoyances, and whatnot and see what is the driving force behind them. This driving force is your block to expanding beyond the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind. Without a solid practice in place that allows this to be seen, you might as well not practice at all because it’s just a waste of time and energy. Either do it so it’s beneficial or don’t do it at all. You can only be free by being free and only a practice that puts you in harmony with life allows harmony with life, to me this makes sense. I practiced wrongly (unknowingly) for many years and it produced results that weren’t beneficial, but I’ve gauged and learned from this and because of it, where I was once lost, I’m now found and where I was once blind, I now see, but only because of having a practice in place that allows this…

Friday, January 4, 2019

The Comforty Story

Until you can be with life as it is without needing it comfortable, a comfort story disguised as truth will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering of constantly needing to reach for comfort…

Just because you think something that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily associated with truth. It may be associated with what is thought to be truth, but upon further investigation it’s probably just a made up story providing you with a comfort of the way you think things should be. We use the story of helping others in this way, but it’s really in place to pat ourselves on the back because we make up the story that helping others is a good thing; we get comfort out of anything labeled as a good thing. We use God in this way to strictly provide comfort, nothing more; like there’s really something out there that cares about what you do. All these made up comfort stories block you from seeing the truth of what is really going on. If a story is being used to make up what truth is, I guarantee you it’s not truth, it’s only a story that’s providing comfort.

Truth is not something to know. It can’t be defined adequately with words because it’s only seen when the mind is settled. When you judge someone regardless of what they do, you are applying a story (your version of truth) of how you think they should be. This is the same with life situations, and these judgements are only there to provide yourself with the comfort of the way you think things should be. Life is always as it is and until you can just be with it instead of always wanting it in a way that provides comfort, truth will never be experienced. Thus your story of comfort (a made up version of truth) will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering of constantly needing to make up a comfort story…

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Reacting Accordingly

When you are under the spell of the Conditioned Mind you react to life accordingly, but it’s not in the way you want to be, you react to life in the way you have to be.

It was the lack of understanding of my own mind that caused me to remain in bondage to it, and the bondage was created strictly to self serve. The problem with this type of conditioning is it causes your own destruction because the destructiveness is disguised as pleasure; this pleasure is pursued by many to their death. It was pursued by me in this way and I was in bondage to it’s beckoned call. It said to me to use drugs, alcohol, gamble, womanize, lie, cheat, steal and so on and I obeyed without question; this is how my Conditioned Mind was developed. There are those who are fortunate enough to see this at a young age and can stop the conditioning; this is why I share.

The way I was conditioned wasn’t the fault of anyone in particular, it occurred indirectly by the inner and outer influences in my life which molded me to behave in the ways my conditioning dictated, not because this was the way I wanted to be, no this was the way I had to be. You cannot behave in any way except in the way you have been conditioned. When the conditioning becomes different your entire existence becomes different. The value of knowing my own mind was in the understanding eleven years ago that there was nowhere else to turn; not to God, support groups, therapy, self help books, positive thinking, and so on. What I learned is when the Conditioned Mind is truly understood its control slowly dissipates as discipline is developed; this is when the mind actually slows down. Once this slowing occurs, the possibilities are endless because there are no longer the distractions that keep you in bondage to your conditioning. With a thorough understanding of what you are truly up against, you are able to develop the necessary awareness so the conditioning eventually falls away…

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Remaining Content

Don’t allow anyone to take you from your contentment, let them think they’ve gotten the better of you. As the “I” goes their satisfaction will be short lived, but a solid foundation of contentment can last a lifetime…

Humans are all created equal. It’s not that some know more than others, but some are more aware of themselves and this makes it seem that some have insights that others don’t have. The more unaware you are of yourself, the more you are dragged around by what happens in life. This awareness is what one awakens to, it’s not the great secrets of the Universe, but more so what pulls you from your contentment. I would say in my own case one area where I’ve become more aware is in not allowing other people to pull me from my contentment. At times my initial reaction is to get annoyed, but it’s usually realized very quickly that most people know not what they do so to allow another’s actions to control me is on me. Because all humans come into the world basically the same (unconditioned) it’s the level of conditioning that makes a person as they are; some are just more aware of their conditioning than others.

Let the other person think that they’ve gotten the better of you, except to “I” it means nothing; this is how unconscious energy is squashed. This doesn’t change the other person, but it does change you. It stops all the stories which festers as unconsciousness. I’m going to say this to them, or they are wrong, or don’t they know who I am, this is all the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind and it is energy that nothing beneficial arises from. Let the other person think whatever they want, but you will know in your heart the truth because by remaining content and not giving in to the Conditioned Mind nonsense, form is not in control. After all you can only be taken from your contentment when it’s allowed and it only occurs when “I” is in control…

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019

Today like everyday should be treated as if it’s new unto itself. Life is precious and every moment is a gift, not because of what one has, but because one day life in this form will simply not be…

Happy 2019 to everyone who has supported me throughout the year and may 2019 be a reflection of the love that has been shown to me, others, and the entire Universe. Whether people agree with my view or not I will stay the course and do my part to assist others so more hearts may open by looking inward in 2019. It will be in this love of your heart opening that 2019 will be a prosperous year for our entire Universe.

By looking inward you take control of your life by becoming aware of how to discipline an undisciplined mind. By doing this you won’t have to rely on someone wishing you a Happy New Year in 2019 for it to be a great year. It will be a great year if that’s how you decide it will be. If you want to rely on happenstance that’s up to you, but understand life can only be what it is, how it is viewed is up to you… Happy 2019…