Saturday, November 30, 2019

Over and Done With

Once the moment that’s occurring right now passes it’s over and done with, but the more real you make what happens in that moment, the more what happens becomes your reality…

The more real you make what happens, the more what happens becomes your reality. The key here is to know what makes reality, reality. Is it real because it’s occurring or is it real because of the way what’s occurring is being perceived? Or is none of it real regardless of what’s occurring because as soon as it occurs it’s over and done with; except to a mind that attaches to it. This attachment is labeled as memory, but what it really is is a made up story which becomes reality. This is because as soon as something occurs it’s over and done with; reality is between your ears. This isn’t to disregard what happens, but isn’t it true that once the moment passes it becomes the past, so your reality is in the past. Let’s say you had an injury that left a scar, you can show the scar, but to get stuck to the physical scar you have to tell a story and the only reality of the story is in between your ears; this is because once the moment passes, it’s over and done with.

So how does one decipher what’s real and what’s made up? Very simple, by being with the reality of what’s happening right now, not five minutes ago or five minutes from now, but right now. There’s your reality, there’s everyone’s reality, but unfortunately most don’t get this, so five minutes ago or five minutes from now is where most people’s reality is. Reality can only be seen now because it’s always now. The past are thoughts conjured up by the Conditioned Mind and why this makes right now the only true reality is because nothing ever is once the moment passes as it’s simply over and done with…

Friday, November 29, 2019

Observer or Responder

The silence of the observer is different than the noise of the responder. Don’t take anything personal by responding to it because the noise of the responder will only interrupt the silence of the observer…

You will be the observer or you will be the responder. They are so different as one allows what occurs to be seen without adding anything to it and the other is the noise of taking what happens personal. Something happened the other day that really allowed me to see this. I was in a store where the cashier did something that wasn’t cared for and there was a response; it was taken personal. It triggered something in me and there was a response to it as the self centered me; there was no love in this response. I accept this, first because I am human and am far from perfect and second because I saw the difference in being the responder as opposed to being the observer so it was a learning experience.

Many see this non loving behavior, but don’t understand why it occurs, and this is the reason it’s repeated. When you become aware of this, it’s where the focus must remain if the non loving behavior is to be eradicated from; awareness and the focus itself is what changes this non loving behavior. There’s nothing to do for it to change, it’s a mindfulness practice of just being aware of what arises in the moment. See the difference in taking the moment personal where you respond from I or are just the observer of what arises and are mindful of it. This mindfulness allows the moment to remain in the silence of itself instead of getting caught up in the story of the I response. In silence nothing needs to be added to the moment because you are just an observer of what arises. So don’t take what arises personal by responding to it because the noise of the responder will only interrupt the silence of the observer…

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Heart Gratitude

Being grateful for life occurs naturally when there’s an understanding of what’s needed to live from a heart of love. Although love is natural it’s not automatic so cultivating love results in gratitude…

Gratitude naturally arises from a loving heart. It isn’t produced by attaching to anything from the materiel world. If gratitude was from the material world it would coincide with one’s possessions and that would make a person of wealth more grateful than one who didn’t have any. The true measure of a wealthy life has nothing to do with stuff, true wealth arises from a loving heart; that’s what measures wealth. You can only be grateful when you are content with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how it’s wanted and expected.

Wanting is never from our true self, it’s from the small self that thinks what’s wanted is needed to be complete. The true self never needs because it’s complete as it is. Needing arises from the I Self (ego), it creates lack which creates a made up need. When there’s completeness there no lack so there’s nothing needed. This lack creates wanting and is in direct relation to your so called problems in life.

Whenever you want, it means you think life needs to be in some other way, this creates suffering. Gratitude doesn’t mean you get everything you want, life must be accepted as it is if you are to experience peace of a grateful heart; investigate this for yourself. Gratitude will not shield you from problems, it will allow you to not create them. Be grateful for life as it is and you will live from a loving heart, and when life is lived from a loving heart there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can’t help but to have an attitude that’s full of gratitude, not because of what you possess, but because of the natural love that arises from your heart…

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blocks to Love

It’s said change is the touchstone to all spiritual growth, but no change is necessary to be who you already are; remove the blocks that keep you from your own innate love…

Nothing changes until it’s discovered why change is needed in the first place. There are many blocks to overcome if you are to discover your innate goodness to love. First you have to find out why these blocks are there and then we will need to find out how they can be removed. If this isn’t discovered there won’t be a starting point to remove the blocks, but the real question is why isn’t love cultivated from the beginning; love is our true nature.

This is where are conditioning takes over and how so much of what we do is because of this. The inner and outer influences of our life develop us and this is the real travesty of life because very few of these influences develop us to love. Most of these influences were developed to self seek and thats what we are taught so we develop to do the same. Its just the way we have evolved, and this is the travesty. This is what needs to be discovered not so you can instill change, but so you can remove the obstacle that blocks you from being who you truly are. We really don’t change. By removing the blocks to your own innate goodness to love, you naturally revert to your true nature which has always been there, its just been blocked. So change would mean you instill something different, but you don’t really become something different, when the blocks are removed you simply become who we are. You cannot be anything but love because that’s the energy of the heart, but unless your developed blocks are removed, this will not be seen and you will be stuck in an existence that blocks you from being the love that you are…

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Allowing the Unknown

You can be with what is or you can be with what isn’t, only one is true, but either way life will be lived. The benefits of being with what is far out weigh the delusion of what isn’t…

When standing on the beach facing the ocean it seems as though the water stretches endlessly. Obviously because of what you have been taught you know this isn’t so. Those early explorers had no way of knowing what was on the other side, they simply went into the unknown. It can be scary, but there is also a certain excitement associated with the unknown, if it’s allowed. Most of the time your own inner fear will tell not to go there; remaining with what is known is safe, but this knowing is limited; this is what leads to a mundane life. There isn’t anything wrong with this, but just understand life will never be truly experienced living this way because it will be controlled by your own applied limits. Safe is safe, but not necessarily better.

Imagine the joy when the early explorers discovered land after being out at sea for months. It’s not that being out at sea is needed to experience the relief of discovering land, but there is a certain appreciation of relief when it arises from difficulty. Joy can be experienced without the difficulties of life, but this takes much practice because of our conditioning. Joy is always there. There isn’t a special place called joy land that you discover one day and say now life is joyful. Joy is inward, people think there’s a place to experience joy, but understand wherever you go there you are. If your life isn’t joy filled, it’s not life’s fault…

Monday, November 25, 2019

Minimal Attachment

Attach to nothing and nothing will be needed. Imagine not needing anything to be happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your completeness already is…

Without inner silence the mindfulness needed to not create stories will not occur. Even this writing is a story of how not to create stories, but the mindfulness of writing helps to minimize the attachment to it and thus once it is written it is complete. It’s the end of the story or not, depending on how “I“ relates it to an identity. The more “I” needs it for an identity, the more it’s attached to and the more of a story is created. No attachment, no needed story, no needed story, no discontentment of what isn’t, so all you are left with is what is, not the story, but the actual reality of what is occurring now.

Story after story. The story of how I feel, or the story of my book, or my life’s story, every life is an endless book of stories, that is until one becomes mindful the story teller and the story are one in the same. Being with what is instead of a created story will be the most difficult thing you will ever do in life; just be in the silence of what is. Attach to nothing and nothing will be needed. Imagine that, not needing anything to be happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your completeness already is. It‘s right here within your grasp, but you will never truly be mindful of it until you realize it’s not a story that you are grasping for, it’s learning to simply be with what is…

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Complete Without a Story

A story isn’t needed for completeness because completeness is already within you. You can create a story of what you think is needed for completeness, but it doesn’t make you any more complete…

Telling yourself to not make a story up in your head is still a story. Needing to become quiet is a story. Everything is a story except being with what is, but even making what is a place is a story. A lot of story telling going on, but that’s how most construct their daily living; one story after another. There was one story of my life years ago and today there is a different one, but it’s still a story and regardless of the label it’s just noise in the head.

A story is a story is a story. It‘s somewhat better if it’s positive, at least that’s what we tell ourselves, but that doesn’t make it any less of a story. Everyone thinks their story is the right one. Take the kamikaze pilot of WW2, he thought his story was right. How about a suicide bomber, they think their story is right. How about the USA, if we didn’t think our story was the right one there wouldn’t be involvement in all our conflicts. Story telling is the major issue of all our problems. There’s too many stories and not enough inner silence and without silence you are a slave to your story which is created by the Conditioned Mind of”I”…

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Society's Lie

Understand the lie and there will be nothing left but truth. Not a perception of truth, but a real honest to goodness truth based on the fact of what is…

The biggest lie we are told and hold onto is that the things of the world will satisfy you. This is reinforced by our entire global structure. It’s an untruth which is at the core of our entire misaligned society. It creates all our issues as a society. Religious sects all claim to have the truth, no facts, just their truth. Politicians try to fix problems based in lies with solutions that are based in lies. The entire entertainment and sports industry are based in lies that create the false impression of the haves and have nots, which creates separation in our society not unity. How can there be truth in that? There’s also the great American Dream lie of owning a home, the banks no doubt created that one. Lie after lie after lie, and what happens to a society thT s based in lies, it becomes a society of liars. Not because we want to, not because we don’t know the truth, but because we don’t understand the lie.

Can anyone really know the truth who lives in the lie? Not unless the lie and the liar are exposed.
The bible states “Know the truth and it will set you free” I say understand the lie and there will be nothing left but truth. Not a perception of it, but a real honest to goodness truth based on the facts of what’s really happening as opposed to a perception that’s being created to suit the lie and the liar. It’s a lie that has been handed down from generation to generation and it’s been the base that we’ve been living from for most of if not our entire life; very strong language, but true. Look inward and you just may see truth, but it will only happen if you see the lie…

Friday, November 22, 2019

Your Lies Exposed

Problems that are based in lies can’t be fixed with solutions that are based in lies. Your lies have to be exposed so truth can become known if you are to change and be of assistance to others…

It’s very difficult to explain truth because everyone has their own version of it. Instead of trying to prove what truth is, let’s explore what a lie is. If you’re not sure what truth is, focus on what truth isn’t. Here are examples of some of the ways I found that works to expose the lies for many things. Learning to love by understanding what love isn’t, being at peace by understanding what causes you to become agitated, becoming patient by understanding impatience and last but  certainly not least, learning what truth is by exposing the lies.

A lie is something that has no real facts to it. Perceptions aren’t factual, they are made up by the perceiver to suit some sort of belief. People ask me if I believe in God, I answer that I believe in what I know which is based in the facts of what I’ve experienced, and that’s why I share only what has been experienced. I don’t see the benefit of making up a story about something to suit a mind made need. In my case I know love is more beneficial than hate, patience more beneficial than being impatient, kindness is better than meanness and on and on. So I learn what are the blocks to living my (factual) life so it’s of maximum benefit to myself and to all beings. You will know truth when you understand the lies…

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Agitations Already in Place

Although it seems like outside situations are the cause of your mind agitations, this is not the case. The agitations that arise are already in place, if they weren’t they wouldn’t arise…

You can only respond to the situations of life with what you have in place. Something like anger rises because it has been taught. This also goes for fear, greed, hate, and so on. Most people respond to the situations of life from the core of “I”. Without understanding this “I” you’re kept locked to mind agitations and ignorant of the fact that the only reason this occurs is because it’s already in place. Simply put when there’s a situation that occurs which isn’t liked, regardless of what it is, a mind agitation arises without permission or knowledge and because of this the responses are in relation to the way you’re conditioned. What arises is whatever the Conditioned Mind deems appropriate and the only reason this happens is because it‘s already there latently laying in wait.

Understanding this is where knowledge has power. If why a mind agitation arises isn’t understood, there’ll be very little periods where the agitations are not in control. Through awareness of what arises, one has something that can be seen to get beyond it. Why most people remain as they are and repeat the same responses over and over is because of the total unawareness of why it occurs. To me this knowledge has immense value because when it’s seen, not only can you decipher whether what’s in place is beneficial or not, but discipline can also be developed to change whatever conditioning is there that causes a mind agitations and hence non beneficial responses…

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Being Vigilant

Most people don’t change because the dedication to investigate why you do what you do isn’t given 100% of your focus; 50% focus equates to very little change…

The idea of doing what puts you in alignment with Universal Love is much different than actually putting it into action. It’s not because it isn’t how you truly want to be, it’s just that there’s so much conditioning against you that without constant vigilance it‘s difficult to sustain a connection to Universal Love for a substantial amount of time. We all have times when it’s easier for this then others, but we also have our times when we say screw it and self seek. Don’t be to hard on yourself, a lifetime of living one way with not change with a few sittings. The key is to keep focused on a practice that allows for the self seeking behavior to become less and less and for Universal Love to be more reflected in your actions.

This does occur naturally, but you do need to be willing to do what’s necessary. Sometimes it will seem like” what’s the use” but understand this is all part of the conditioning, the noise, the story, the unconsciousness, whatever you want to call it. Constant vigilance is a necessity if there is to be change because the old behavior is so deeply ingrained to let go of its control on its own. This is why most people don’t change because the dedication to investigate why you do what you do isn’t given 100% of your focus. It is impossible to get more out of your practice then what you put into it. If you give it 50% that’s what you’ll get out of it and your change will be minimum at best…

Monday, November 18, 2019

Unity With Yourself

The results of what you do in life are in direct proportion to what's practiced. Tomorrow's results are because of what you do today. If there isn't a practice that allows for unity with yourself, unity will not be possible...

What makes you do things that breaks the unity with your mind, body, and spirit? I have been working out for nearly thirty years, for many of those years it was strictly done so I wouldn't get fat, not a bad reason by any means, but it had nothing to do with being in unity with my mind, body, and spirit. It was done so I would look good to others and keep my ego satisfied. I never understood the importance of having mind, body, and spirit in unity, so there were many things I did that caused my life to be unbalanced. Even though the physical was being satisfied, because of my lack of understanding of the importance of mind, body, and spirit unity I didn't know how to do the things necessary to allow it, and unknown to me at the time, this caused much self-inflicted suffering in my life.

I was doing things like using tobacco products, not eating heathy, drinking too much alcohol, abusing pain medication, gambling, amongst many other behaviors that kept me in bondage. In 1987 I stopped drinking alcohol and using drugs, but all the other behaviors remained in place, and even though I started working out many times I was just going through the motions. I also had some anger issues and didn't know why. Once my alcoholic drinking and drug use stopped, life naturally got better. By societies standards I had the perfect life or so it seemed, but there were are many things that kept my life from being in unity. What I have since discovered is this, if there's a deficiency in any one of the three areas of mind, body, or spirit, this will create a deficiency within oneself, which in turn creates disharmony with life. When there’s disharmony with life, there’s disharmony with yourself; without harmony life has no choice but to be out of balance. The simplest tool to be balanced is to look down at your feet, when this is done unity naturally occurs because there’s no thought of separation...

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Harmonic Discipline

The development of discipline is what brings it all together. Without it you will always be as you are, doing the things that you always do…

It all began when I started sitting and I did so because I understood that discipline is needed if the mind going to settle. Everyone has a physical place that’s called home, but what of a spiritual home? This is what disciplines allowed you to establish, a spiritual home: a place to go where the mind can be in unity, with the body, and spirit. This place isn’t for a select few, it’s available to anyone who has a willingness to want to look at and change their life. The key to this is being in the exact moment that you are in.

Sitting is an anchor to the present moment and it becomes more of where time should be spent instead of looking for an outward fix; this outward fix is what takes you from being in unison with yourself. Sitting for me is strictly done to develop discipline. It’s not done to attain a certain state, although that can occur. I don’t sit in any special position, mostly because there’s no need, but the main thing is to find a position that’s comfortable and focus on it. I also like to use the sensation of touch as an anchor, but I  use the breath as well as guided meditation. The important thing for me is to just sit because each time I sit I am developing the discipline to become more aware of the nonsense that goes on between my ears. This discipline is what brings it all together. Without it I would be as I always was, doing the things that I always did. As my mind has become more settled, this practice has become second nature to me; there is no other place I’d rather be because there is no other place I can be. So I sit whenever possible and it has been at the core of why my life is as it is; in harmony with my mind, body, and spirit…

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Spirit, Mind, and Body

Balance is the true essence of life and it’s three fold; spirit, mind, and body. Having all three in unity is what allows life to be lived to the fullest…

Life works with you when you work with life. If one of these three isn’t in place and the they’re not balanced equally, it will be that part of your life that you will lack in and therefore cause your own suffering. It will be to the degree of this lack that suffering will be a prevalent part of your life. This has nothing to do with anyone else, what happened to you as a child, or whatever else may have happened in your life. This isn’t dependent on social status, what you do for a living, how much money you have in the bank, owe, or anything else; feel free to add to this list. The only thing that really matters in life is what you are doing right now to keep these three aspects of life in unity so you can remain in balance and reach the maximum potential of your given life.

If there is uneasiness in your life, look and see if you are lacking in any one of these areas and bring it in balance. You will see how the ship (your life) rightens itself when life is balanced. It’s essential to have balance with these three aspects because it’s how you remain in harmony with life and in turn with yourself. Do too much of any one of these three and your imbalance will be forth coming. Moderation is a key component in any life, especially when things are being used that aren’t necessarily in your best interest to live in the healthiest way. Physical, mental, and spiritual health has to be maintained if our sense of well-being is to be maintained. In this case two out of three is bad, to the point where the one missing is the one that will cause life to be off kilter. So sit in quiet and see if there’s a deficiency in one of these areas in your life, if there is find what’s needed to be in unity with them so you can be in harmony with life, yourself, and thus with all beings…

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Loved One Lost

A Loved One Lost:
A loved one lost is one to many
A loved one lost is by far plenty
A loved one lost opens your heart
A loved one lost rips you apart
To lose one who is so dear will bring on a tear
But they will be in your heart year after year
So much hurt so much pain, with nowhere to turn
So much hurt so much pain, you can feel the burn
Life is hard as we all can see
But when you lose a loved you just wanna flee
It’s a hurt that seems to never to go away
It gets so deeply rooted and it’s here to stay
To lose a child may be the hardest of all
It just feels like that is life’s biggest fall
To lose a love is just a part of life
Whether it’s a parent, a child, or a loving wife
Take heed in the solace they were here for while
But it’s never long enough like a cut short mile
To love is human that’s really a given
To lose is hard because life is for liven

A loved one is sacred, a loved one is true
And that’s why when they’re lost your feeling so blue
So hold your loved ones close and deep in your heart
So when they pass on you won’t be a part...

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Process of :Love

If you truly want to live a life of love that’s a benefits to all beings you will have to examine the tools you are using in your process called life. Apple trees can only produce apples…

The reason we are not a world of love where we live our life to benefit each other is because the process of love isn’t being followed because we are using tools which divert us from the final result of our processes true nature, which is to love. To me, this is why the world is as it is because of the breakdown in our process to love. Through the Conditioned Mind we use all kinds of diversions that don’t follow the process to love. We use tools that are self serving so we live in a self serving world. This has to happen. Remember apple trees can only produce apples. If you truly want to live a life of love that’s a benefits to all beings you will have to examine the tools you are using in the process called life. Many great teachers have left us the precise tools to use so our process is one of love, but they aren’t being used by many people. All you need to understand this is to take a long hard look at the world.

You will know if you are using the correct tools by the results of your life. Understand this, it is the tools that are used that allow the process to be followed and make the results what they are going to be. You are a result of the process. Life is the process, you are the result. The process of life would still continue even if you weren’t here; every living thing is a part of life’s process, there are no individual ones. We are all part of the whole, it just reflects as individuality, but make no mistake the whole is affected…

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Beliefs

A belief is a made up story as you compare life with and without it and because of your conditioning the belief is attached to that life is better with the made up story…

When I compare me to you it instantly separates us, and even when I compare me to me this causes the same separation. There is no you and me unless I compare us just as there isn’t an old me and a new me. Granted twelve years ago my thinking shifted dramatically, but I was and will always be the same me; this is how it is when there isn’t a comparison formed from the Conditioned Mind. Mostly everything that is done is a comparison. Beliefs are used in this way. A belief is a story made up as life is compared with and without this storied belief and because of your conditioning you’re made to believe by your own mind that life is better with this story.

Instead of being with the suchness of your life, there’s’ always a comparison. Comparing the thinking of years ago to now, comparing ourselves to others, comparing situations of how it is and how it’s wanted, comparing the over weight me and skinnier me, comparing the younger me to the me of today, comparing the world way back when to the way it is now, comparing my beliefs to your beliefs, my God to your God, and on and on. You see, there’s truly nothing to compare to, but this comparing is so subtle that most people don’t even realize it’s being done. If some discipline isn’t developed so the mind settles to see the suchness of life, the story of comparisons will continue all the way up until the day when it’s time to go to the next realm, only there won’t be any comparing it to this realm…

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Process of Life

The natural process of life is to love. This is its natural state, but the final result of any process can only be determined by the tools used during the process…

Here is the simplicity of what we are up against in the process of life. Everything that happens is a process, whether there is awareness of this or not. Without discipline the Conditioned Mind will not allow the use of tools that makes the process beneficial. Let’s examine the process of getting a magazine out to the consumer. If one part of it breaks down the magazine will not be available for the consumer to buy and that means the process has failed. If a different process is followed, but not one that gets the magazine into the hands of the consumer, this is not a process that’s beneficial to the magazine company. From the writer of the stories, the person who delivers the magazines, and to the person who sells the magazines, if the process is deviated from at any point the end result will not be what’s the best way to get the magazines to the consumer.

This is also the same process to live our life. Every process has a final result that will be reached and it will be determined on the type of tools used. At birth our process begins, as we live our life and develop tools, those tools determine if the process is beneficial. The more the tools used are of a selfish nature the more our process is of a selfish nature, which manifest as a selfish results; this has to happen. If one person doesn’t take care of their responsibility in the process, a beneficial result isn’t reached. This is why the world is as it is. Everyone thinks their process is right, but since we aren’t all using tools that produce beneficial results the entire process of life breaks down. There is no way around this. So ask yourself what tools do you use and are those tools making your process one that’s self serving or one that’s beneficial to all beings. After all life’s process is of love and that’s its natural state, but it’s because we are not using the tools to follow this process that the world is as it is…

Monday, November 11, 2019

Seeing the Light

When you understand just how conditioned you really are, it will probably your first experience of seeing truth. Only then you will have the possibility of awakening and seeing the light provided by the Universe…

The Conditioned Mind is so subtle very few people know it’s even in place. I will say because of this the world is not on a course to become a world based in love, but whose to say that’s how it’s suppose to be. Even though this is what the great mystic’s spoke of and this is the message that most people who have gone deeper, including myself, try to convey, no one knows for sure.

No one knows if the world will change before humans destroy it; it‘s only through the Conditioned Mind that this is happening anyway. Maybe it’s suppose to be this way, maybe not, but a person can only change themselves and that will occur if they’re fortunate enough to realize how conditioned they really are. Look at the smugness of your own conditioning before you point the finger at someone else. After all when you point one finger at another there are three pointing back at you; take the log out of your eye before you point out the speck in someone else’s. The way we are conditioned as a species is our dilemma, this is a stark fact and until this changes nothing will change, but fret not because if you come to realize this you will understand “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts”. When you see this truth you will understand how conditioned you really are. Only then you will have the possibility of awakening and seeing the light, not a conditioned mind light, but a light provided by the Universe…

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Activated Mind Patterns

Nothing ever changes until it’s understood what truly needs changing. Until a dog realizes that it is its own tail that it is chasing, the chasing will never end…

The one thing that needs to be established to understand where the base of my posting are derived from is what a conditioned mind pattern is and how it is at the root of everything you do. Without this understanding it will be very difficult to get to the core of your self created suffering.

A conditioned mind pattern will not activate on it’s own, something has to get it started. Whether that something is a person, place, or thing doesn’t matter, that it has been activated is what’s important. Because of ignorance most people have no resistance to stop this; when the activation starts it is nearly impossible to stop. Once you fully understand this it becomes apparent that the key to your freedom is to prevent the activation; by reconditioning your mind the activation is never made. This is something that has to be developed so the mind patterns in place can be eliminated.

In the beginning as you develop an awareness of what a mind pattern is and when it becomes activated you’ll need all your resolve to stop this and it will probably not be enough. As you become more aware of what activates them it takes less effort to stop it. Eventually resistance is unnecessary because you aren’t allowing people, places, and things to control you. It’s imperative to understanding it’s your own mind that’s the activator and a mind made conditioned pattern is what allows the activation. Slowly through the practice of quietness you will learn at first to not allow anything to control you and then eventually you will not allow your mind patterns to activate. You have to truly understand this before you can stop activating the mind patterns. It’s through ignorance that they’re activated, but through practice you will become more and more aware of your conditioned mind patterns. So understand this; nothing can control you unless you allow it and in time with the right practice your mind patterns just may stop being activated…

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Coping Tools

We all develop tools that are used to cope with life. Either they will be tools that put you on a collision course with life or they will be tools that put you in harmony with it…

After much investigation I found out the reason why my life was the way it was prior to twelve years ago and why it’s no longer like this. It all has to do with the tools that were developed at a very young age to cope with life. These defense mechanisms that are used are our developed tools. Every reaction in life is the way it is because of the tools that are developed, and they automatically arise because of the Conditioned Mind when the conditions are right for a certain developed tool to be called for to come into play. If life is to ever change the developed tools to cope with it need to be changed.

If you’re not getting all that you can out of life only you can change it, but the change cannot occur with an old set of tools. You will have to find what tools are needed to allow the change. Once you decide what tools you will use, you can more forward to change your life. It’s not some God’s fault that you are the way you are so don’t expect praying to God to change it. Praying will instill quietness to a degree which will allow some change to occur, but it‘s the energy of stillness not God that allows for the change to occur; this is what I‘ve experienced. When you cooperate with life, life will be on your side, but you need to develop a set of tools so this can be done. Or if you like the life that you have and you think you are getting all that you can out of it, by all means keep your old tools and see what happens. If you discover one day you need to change the tools that are in place and do it, you will see the change in you by the way you become a benefit to all beings; not just the being looking back at you in the mirror. So either use your old tools or develop new ones, just remember it‘s your life and the tools you choose not only control the way you react to life, but they also put your life in your hands…

Friday, November 8, 2019

Conditioned Thinking Issues

There isn’t an issue that you yourself don’t create. Any issue is created by your own conditioned thinking; your created delusional issues become your reality…

The mind doesn’t become beneficial until we take over its control and become its master. Solving issues are what the mind does the best, but it’s unfortunate because its ability to create issues are also the best. If a person doesn’t control the mind, the mind will control the person, this is not a belief this is factual. The creation of conditioned thinking issues are so elusive because your own mind creates blocks so you don’t see their existence. You are in prison to your own mind, the prison being it constantly makes issues that don’t really exist. Regardless of what it is just look at your own life to see example after example of this. Situations, circumstances and whatever else comes up, the mind makes an issue because life is lived based in “I”. An example would be this writing, agree with it, don’t agree with it, pick it apart, who cares, its not that important, but alas to a mind that wants to make it an issue it’s the most important thing in the world.

There are simply words written here, nothing more. If they are an issue to you, it’s only because of your conditioned thinking. Any issue is a product of your conditioning, no conditioning, no issue. A noisy mind will not see this, because the noise is a creation of the Conditioned Mind; only a non Conditioned Mind will see this. The other day someone asked me how I was doing with spreading my message, I said “it’s spreading” but what does it really matter unless it’s made into an issue. Things will always be as they are and because I’m aware of my conditioned thinking I don’t have to make it into something that its not; an issue. This is true control and freedom because it’s based in truth. The Universe is in charge of life, not the make believe concepts and ideas that are formed by conditioned thinking. When this is understood Universal Truth will be your guide and you won’t have to create conditioned mind issues…

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Stuck Mind Energy

A stuck mind doesn’t just occur, it takes a lot of time and repetitive behavior to create it. It goes deep in the subconscious and will take much perseverance to undo…

To not get caught up and stuck in the routines of life, it has to be seen as an opportunity to carry a message of love into it. We cannot undo one single act from yesterday, good, bad, or indifferent. Our mistakes if that is how they are viewed, are only results of our Conditioned Mind Patterns that have been put in place to cope with life. If you’re not conditioned to love than how can you expect your reactions to be of love? This is only considered bad in the sense that it causes suffering because of the energy emitted from a reaction that isn’t based on love.

This energy is the stuck energy of a so called routine life, but life is anything but routine. This stuck energy doesn’t allow you to take advantage of opportunities to be an instrument of love. When this stuck energy is in control it will take much perseverance to get out of it. Think about what being stuck means and how it’s formed. It takes time to create it and it takes time to get unstuck or at least not constantly return to the repetitive behavior that creates it. The same thing has to be done over and over to create being stuck. This is how ingrained our conditioning is in our subconscious, it takes years to form and there’s much reinforcement that keeps it not only in place, but anchors it so it becomes more deeply embedded in our subconscious. That’s why its easier to discount something with less history because it’s not as deeply embedded as let’s say the way you view your parents.

With so much history it’s very difficult to view them objectively. They’re viewed with created perceptions and then we attach an identity to them as we go through life making them who we think they are. The thought of our parents is not who they are. It is only a created perception of them. These perceptions create a stuck mind which takes away the objectivity in living life; things really aren’t as we think. Our life may be lived by our thoughts, but this is the created delusion Buddha described. When we can stop putting everything in our little perception box, we will begin to become unstuck and eventually each and everyday will be a new beginning because there won’t be any energy to get stuck in…

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Delusion of Time

The time to love is now, everything else is a made up delusion of time that love will occur by fulfilling some needed want or accomplishment…

Everything we do is just a mirage created by our Conditioned Mind; it’s a delusion of time. Think about it, except for the Conditioned Mind does the world made up in your head really matter to anyone else. If it makes you famous (ego) you will think it matters, but the day you are out of time and you cease to exist, everything in your little world also ceases. If what you do while alive isn’t done, life will not stop. It’s not a better or worse place because of any accomplishment, there’s only harmony when we live in the time of the present and that’s because there’s alignment with love, not the story of love, but genuine love of existence.

The only time life happens is in the now and it’s the only time that truly exist regardless of what is used to justify existence. The peace that passes all understanding is always available, it’s not dependent on anything that is accomplished. It’s dependent on living in the only place that truly exist and that is right now. Regardless of what is accomplished when the story in your head stops and you use time to live in the present moment, your peace will not be dependent on anything you do or think you need to accomplish; your true intended purpose of existence (to love) will not be blocked. The time to love is now, everything else is a made up delusion of time that love will occur by fulfilling some needed want or accomplishment…

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Being With What's Here

The gauge of a successful life is how much you can be with what’s here as it occurs. If you don’t agree keep living in the past or future and see how successful your life is when it’s time for it to end…

Being with what’s here is our purpose. You can make up another purpose in your head, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the Universe’s purpose. Regardless of what you think or make up, you can only be with what’s here. Don’t wish for things to be different or the way you think they should be, don’t go back and try the impossible task of changing the past. Don’t make up a story of what your life’s purpose is. Simply be with what’s here, that’s it. You can never be more successful than being with what’s here right now. Living life as it is is the most successful you will ever be. The failure of any life is in doing what you think you should be doing as opposed to allowing the Universe to be your guide. If you’re being with life as it occurs, you are being guided. 

There was a short period of time when I first published my book that I got lost in the story of trying very hard to promote it. My thinking was I needed it to have the approval of others for it to be considered a success. My book and my life are now dedicated to spreading what the Universe has revealed to me by being with what’s here and not trying to get an unconscious world to understand a book about consciousness. I wanted it to succeed and I was gauging its success by the approval of others, not understanding their unconsciousness; this lasted about two months. Only a handful of people truly are quiet enough to know what it means to be guided by the Universe and it’s those who do that are focused on being with what’s here right now…

Monday, November 4, 2019

Allowing Change

In quietness all truth is revealed. In the noise of a Conditioned Mind one remains in a state of that’s the way it is without any room for change…

Without quietness consciousness has a hard time evolving and the practice that allows it isn’t done by too many people that I encounter. This isn’t something that’s right or wrong, it is just a fact. If you live life with the tools that were developed in an unconscious state, those tools will produce a state of unconsciousness. It’s a law of nature, apple trees produce apples. In this respect it’s just the way it is, It doesn’t have to be this way, but unless you see how the unconscious tools don’t benefit your life it will remain as it is.

Quietness is what allows change to take place. If your old beliefs are in place and running the show, how is anything new ever going to replace them? It’s nearly impossible without investigating your behavior so change can occur. We develop Conditioned Mind Patterns that control our life and we say things like that’s just the way it is and we reinforce the conditionings existence when things like this are stated. This is the true nature of our unconsciousness, accepting things prior to investigating their true nature. As a society we are more aware, but this doesn’t mean we are any closer to a solution then we were three thousand years ago. It may seem like it because of the knowledge that is available, but knowledge doesn’t equate to consciousness. In quietness all truth is revealed. In the noise of a Conditioned Mind one remains in a state of that’s the way it is without any room for change…

Sunday, November 3, 2019

An Addict in Us All

We all have an addict in us, the consequences of some of things used are just more devastating. Our selfishness produces the void to reach and it’s the reason the reaching never ends…

There is only one person who you have to be honest with and that is yourself. You may do something that nobody catches you doing, but you’re not fooling anyone because you know you’re doing it. You don’t get away with anything that you do in life. You may be ignorant as to why it’s being done, but that doesn’t lessen the consequences. There are consequences for every action, but it’s not because God is watching and causes it, you yourself cause your consequences and they are determined by the base of what your actions are; either love or selfishness.

The reaching to fulfill an inner void is pursued forever because the things used keeps the void in place. Alcohol, cigarettes, porn, gambling, drugs, food, sex, sports, roles, money, social status to name of few, are all used to fulfill some selfish inner void and therefore will need to be reached for over and over because it’s the nature of the void. Why the thing used doesn’t matter is because whatever and whenever something is reached for to fulfill a selfish void, it will not last. It can’t last because the nature of anything reached for is selfish and selfish behavior is the producer of the void. The void is also the cause of so much suffering to ourselves and others. Until this is realized the void will always be there and so will the addict needing to reach to try and fill it…

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Similar Not Different

What is judged in a person including ourself is conditioned behavior. When this is seen in ourself it will be seen in others and our similarities not our differences will be seen…

Did you ever wonder why we look at our differences from each other instead of seeing our similarities? The are many more similarities than differences. Our creation starts the same. In our early years our basic needs are pretty much the same until we become conditioned to think otherwise. We exist needing the same conditions air, food, and water to survive, and regardless of the circumstances, at the end of our existence the end result is the same for everyone; nobody gets out alive. We are one species on this tiny planet.

We are all the same except for our developed habits, and most of those habits are formed based in looking at life from a self-serving perspective. When this view changes it is then that we will see our similarities instead of differences. We will understand how much we truly have in common. We will see a persons conditioning from their true self and we will stop judging what the person does because we will understand they are only doing what they have been conditioned to do. Are we not the same? So when I truly understand this it is virtually impossible to judge you, but more importantly I can stop judging me. After all I can only stop judging you when I stop judging me and when this is learned I can love you because I truly love me…

Friday, November 1, 2019

No True Right or Wrong

The only way one can behave is in the manner in which they are conditioned. Even if that behavior harms others one is still only doing what the conditioning in place dictates…

What is considered evil by one is probably not considered evil by the one acting in an unloving way. The considered evil and the unloving act are both mind formations. The formations are just based in a different belief of what is right and what is wrong, but who’s to say which is which? If it brings harm to another this can be used as a gauge, but this isn’t a true measure of what is right or wrong? It may be to the one being harmed, but again whoever is doing the harm thinks what they’re doing is right or they wouldn’t do it. It gets especially confusing when the person doing the harm justifies that it is being done for the greater good. It may be for the greater good of what they believe, but not the greater good of what you believe. This is what makes it confusing, who’s greater good is right?

I am not saying this to justify what harms others do, but to just bring awareness that they may not think it is a harm and just because you do doesn’t make it so. This doesn’t mean anyone can do as they please without being held accountable, but who has never harmed someone in some way? I know this isn’t popular to discuss, but we are all conditioned in certain ways, some more than others; when it’s learned to truly know yourself this will be understood. If the time needed to learn this isn’t taken than it will not be understood and you will suffer at the hands of someone who is conditioned to cause harm to others. The tragedy in this is we all begin our existence innocent, but our minds become conditioned to block it out; this conditioning is more prevalent in some. I don’t profess to understand why we have evolved like this, but we have. If this isn’t addressed we are going to continue to harm each other as a society; the only way anyone’s behavior will change is if the conditioning in place changes…