Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Storyless Peace

The only way you will ever be truly at peace is without the story that something other than this moment will provide peace. When this is understood so to will your peace be understood…

Everyone has a story, no one goes through life storyless, but the story really isn’t the issue, issues arise when the story becomes your controlling energy. A few years ago my mom was sick so I wrote the story of my mom not doing well, how that affects me is how I make it my story, but it isn’t my story, it’s just what was happening. Since there are five siblings in my family, we all have a different version of the mom story, none are the right or wrong one, they’re just what each one of perceives.

Here’s why any story creates an issue, someone posted how happy they were that in a few days they were going on vacation; this means right now they’re not happy. Although this seems innocent, it’s not because this simple statement blocks out truly living life and being at peace with right now. This is the issue a story creates, it doesn’t allow you to be with the fullness of the life you’re actually living in this moment. It’s always when this or that happens, fill in your own story………. I will be at peace, but that story is your block to your freedom. The only way you will ever truly be at peace is without the story that something other than this moment will provide peace; when this is understood so will your peace be understood…without a story…

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Becoming Aware

Becoming aware and learning from your practice allows for those who were once lost to now be found and those who were blind to now see, but only if there’s awareness that allows this…

If there’s not an awareness process in place for your practice, it will be difficult to proceed in a direction where there will be any expansion in your life. The first thing to become aware of is if you even have a practice in place that’s practical and beneficial. I don’t mean a practice of belonging to certain groups, although there’s nothing wrong with that, but if it’s in place to just keep you busy, it’s not really a beneficial practice. Although it is a practice, how it’s working to quiet the mind or how it keeps the mind agitations in place is what one needs to be aware of to allow for the continuous expansion of life’s process. I’m sharing this because this is what has allowed me to see what is seen today. There’s no magic to this, a beneficial practice has to be in place if one is to experience beneficial results, this is as simple as one plus one equals two.

Be aware of your behavior, reactions, attachments, annoyances, and whatnot and see what is the driving force behind them. This driving force is the block to expanding beyond the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind. Without a solid practice in place that allows this to be seen, you might as well not practice at all because it’s just a waste of time and energy. Either do what’s beneficial or don’t do it at all. One can only be free by being free as only a practice that puts you in harmony with life allows harmony with life. I practiced unconsciously for many years and it produced results that weren’t beneficial, but I’ve since become aware and learned from this and because of this, where I was once lost I’m now found and where I was blind I now see, but only because of having the awareness in place that allows this…

Monday, March 29, 2021

Prayers of Love

The nature of our prayers determines the energy manifested in our life. If they're selfish in nature they'll be from our head, but if they're of love their results will be from the energy of our heart...

A quiet mind is a praying heart, "Thy will not mine be done" is the essence of prayer. When we transform our energy from the noise in our head to the love in our heart, this quality of energy has the transforming effect from destructive to loving. This can be done with something as simple as a deep breath. This is the true nature of prayer that can be used to keep our self-serving Conditioned Mind Patterns from controlling our life. The more we learn to use it, the more we will want to use it. “Praying ceaselessly” to me means being aware of your thoughts, understanding which ones are useful and letting go of the ones that are not. It’s rather simple, one will either do the things that are useful and beneficial to their life or one will not.

Everyone has a story of what love is, but love will only truly be known in silence. The more noise there is between one's ears the less one lives from the love in their heart; not because one doesn't want to love, but because one doesn't know how to love. Love is not selective so if you don't love everyone, you don't love. Ether see this truth or remain in the created story of what love is. I'm not saying I know what love is, but I certainly know what love isn't. Not because it was read in some book, but because it is the prayer of my heart and when one prays ceaselessly it's from the heart and love is the energy that's emitted to others...


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Attached Thoughts

It's imperative to learn to just be because even if what you do comes from a labeled place of love, this label produces the bondage of an attached thought which controls you like any other attached thought...

If you can't watch your own thoughts to decipher which ones are truly beneficial, hold on because you'll be taken on the roller coaster ride called life. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts arise and they determine what kind of ride you will be on. Noticing the attached thoughts is essential if one is not be controlled by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will arise. As far as I know there's no way of controlling what thoughts arise, but I have found that noticing them allows for a split second hesitation that can be used to decipher whether or not the thought is beneficial; remember attachment to any thought causes suffering no matter how one labels it.

I often say the Conditioned Mind is diabolical and unless there's some awareness of how controlling your thoughts actually are, they will and this has to happen control you as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this control that even if you’re doing things that are labeled as loving, if these thoughts aren't watched they will eventually control you; bondage is bondage regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is diabolical because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to remain in control. This is also why it's imperative to learn how to just be because even if what you do comes from a labeled place of love, the bondage this produces is that of an attached thought which controls you like any other attached thought...


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Cumulative Past

Most of the problems that occur in life are due to making things cumulative; carrying one thing into the other. Until it’s learned to not carry around the events of the past, you’ll be weighed down by self-created burdens…

I never understood making things cumulative until I was at work one day. I work twelve hour shifts and we were working a lot of overtime. This particular week I was on my fifth day in a row. I was talking to one of my shift mates and he asked me if I was tired, this being my fifth day of work. As I began to answer him, the thought that popped into my head was “What does the previous four days have to do with today.” As I reflected about this I saw how so much of the burdens that are carried around are strictly formed from not understanding how to not make the events of life cumulative. It’s a skill that eludes most and makes life more burdensome than necessary.

Imagine a life without the cumulative affect, it can become a reality with practice. Events would be like water running off a ducks back; things would never accumulate and become an issue. These accumulations are the very things that make life feel as it is a burden. If it was learned to truly live in the moment and not carry the burdens of the past into the now, cumulative burdens would never materialize and there would be freedom to deal with what arises. So the key to any happy, joyous and free life isn’t that it’s free of difficulties, it would be if it were not for the conditioning, but it is understanding although life is one continuous journey one moment past has nothing to do with one moment present. Learn to not carry around the cumulative events of the past so you aren’t weighed down by self-created burdens…

Friday, March 26, 2021

Agitated Lie

Truth makes a person look at themselves. When this happens all sorts of things arise and because of this the mind becomes agitated and a lie is created to avoid looking at the truth…

It’s unfortunate, but most people live a life consumed by a lie more so than one of truth. They believe they’re living by truth, but upon further investigation this fallacy can be seen. On the outside the lie seems so much better and this is what keeps a person locked into it, but this is only because of one’s conditioning that makes it seem better. The truth makes one look at themselves and all sorts of things arise when this happens; without this understanding the truth will be avoided as if it was a plague. Becoming aware of the lies so truth can be revealed is essential in understanding yourself. Sit with the assumption that you will sit in stillness and watch how little stillness there is. Just sit and be with whatever is there, that’s where stillness is. When the mind isn’t looking for anything but what’s there, it’s still.

An agitation is what causes the mind to create a lie, only with being with the agitation does the mind settle. This doesn’t mean you doesn’t make changes, but when changes aren’t necessary the mind is settled. This is why I don’t share about positive versus negative, because if it’s negative and you want something positive, it’s no different than if you are positive and you don’t want anything negative; an agitated mind is a mind that needs things to be a certain way whether it’s positive or negative. This is the agitated lie, but the truth is nothing needs to be different and the mind will settle when life is accepted as it is, positive, negative, or neutral…

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Mind Ripples

Do whatever you think you need to do, but any doing is actually an undoing because it keeps the mind in a state of agitation, and as long as one is making ripples in the pond by doing, the view will never be clear…

It may be better if you did less in your life if what you are doing is making ripples in the pond; it’s only when the ripples settles that the water is clear. So it is with the mind, when there are ripples it becomes agitated and it’s very difficult to see what’s really happening. This ripples can be identified as what you think you need to make you complete; you see when the pond is settled the water (mind) is clear. When the mind becomes agitated it becomes choppy and all kinds of stories are created about what’s needed to make you complete. Reading another book may be used, another 12 step meeting, another person to help, losing another pound, more money, and on an on. So many things are used that cause ripples in the pond (mind) and the truth is none of them are truly needed because you are complete as you will ever be right now; in the clarity of a settled mind is completeness.

Stories are created to make ripples in the so called pond and it’s because of the conditioning that’s in place. Clarity will never be as long as one thinks there is something needed to do that will make you complete. Doing only keeps the water (mind) from settling and the more one does the more agitated things are. Do whatever you think you need to do, but understand there will never be clarity until there’s no need to do anything. Be the light, be the instrument to spread love, be whatever you want, but this doing is actually an undoing because it keeps the mind in a state of agitation, and as long as ripples are created your view will never be clear…

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Quiet or Noise

There’s really a very simple way to understand the mind, there are two mind states, quiet and noise. Everyone who is alive will be guided by both at times, but what’s key is which one is dominant...

There are a lot of influences that determines what mind state you will be guided by and when it’s broken down, you will be guided either quiet or noise. To me everything that happens is the result of something so the results of living in a state of quiet or noise are vastly different. This isn't to apply a label that one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how quiet produces results aligned with love, kindness, peace, harmony, joy, and darkness aligns you with results of anger, greed, hate, unhappiness, discontent and so on. I had a mind of noise for many years and this resulted in much suffering in the form of feeling isolated and alone most of the time. As a result of this, I used many different things to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because not matter what, the noisy mind state would always return.

Twelve years ago I began understanding the different results of these two mind states and started developing certain things that put me more in line with quiet. A mind of noise is selfish in nature and produces selfish results; desirable results if you're based in the material world. A quiet mind has no selfishness to it and the actions are accordingly. This doesn't mean the noise conditioning is gone for good, but it has lessened to a large degree and hence there is literally no more isolation or hate in me. If the difference of these two mind states aren't seen it seems the noise mind state controls more; it's because of the influences of the material world that make this so. Even though by being alive you are part of the world, when you finally wake up what's seen is you don't have to allow the selfish collective mind state of noise to control you...

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Splendor of Life

The splendor of your life is the splendor of what your view of the world is. The world is seen through your eyes and when the mind is quiet you’ll see the splendor the Universe provides...

The world is beyond the material realm if you only take the time to see its splendor. You don’t have to go to a place like the Grand Canyon or some other wonder of the world to see it, how about your own back yard or just taking a walk in the park; if the mind isn't quiet it will not matter where you are you will not the see the splendor of the moment.

So much of life is missed because of the noise in the head. Take the time to smell the roses before the roses are gone. If you keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow, my heart goes out to you because literally tomorrow never comes. Regardless of what goes on in your head, it’s always today. You may dream of tomorrow, but the dream can only happen today. You can hope or wish for tomorrow to be different than today, but it will be at some point it will become today. It’s always today and that’s where the mind needs to be if you want to be with the splendor the Universe provides...

Monday, March 22, 2021

Mind Controlled Prison

When the Conditioned Mind is in control your freedom is compromised and no matter how subtle the control your freedom will be compromised until your mind finds its place of rest...

To me there’s no difference between a mind pattern that manifest as glaring dysfunctional behavior and one that’s as subtle as being annoyed because the line you pick in the supermarket always seems to have some kind of delay. I say there is no difference except in the consequences of the immediate action because obviously there are differences in the destructiveness of certain behavior. Acting out on road rage or being annoyed in a check out line will not produce the same outer consequences, but the inner bondage is the same. They are both controlling and leave you at the mercy of your Conditioned Mind. The more subtle the bondage the harder it is to notice it, and the less it’s noticed the less likely it will be changed. It is easier to change a devastating dysfunctional behavior that is really affecting your life than one that’s just a petty annoyance.

Understand whether you are in a maximum security prison or in a minimal security prison you’re still in prison; prison is prison any way you slice it. You may not be in solitary confinement, but you are not free and that’s the bottom line. You will either be free from the bondage of self or you will not. A little bondage equates to total bondage without the glaring consequences, but when you’re truly free there are no consequences whatsoever because the is no conditioned behavior. Freedom from the bondage of self is to live life free from the control of your Conditioned Mind. When you’re free you’re available to do the kind of things that aren’t available when you’re in prison and enjoying every minute of everyday is one of them...

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Light Within

Our inner light is our true essence. The only reason there's darkness is because the light is looked for externally. When our inner light which is always on is found, it instantly dispels darkness...

The inner light of our heart needs to be found so the dark places of the mind dissipate. The light is always there just waiting to dispel darkness, it never goes out, but when one lives from the mind the thought realm is allowed to take over and it becomes very difficult to see the light. This inner light is what turns away darkness and it can only be found by looking for it inward; this is the way the light exposes itself. You cannot expose the light externally regardless of what is used because the base of the external is the darkness so look within because where there is light darkness can't exist.

Darkness needs to be understood if you are to see the light. I would not necessarily label it as evil, but more so an unconscious state of mind; this is the world of the external. As long as our answers are sought externally, darkness will remain. Darkness creates a world that's mind based and this is what blocks out the light. It doesn't allow for the pure essence of the life to be recognized. It holds onto the belief that life is to be managed so it can be a certain way, but even if the way occurs it is still darkness because it is mind based.

Light on the other hand is inward which is of the heart. When seen it dispels the darkness without effort. As when entering a dark room and the the light is turned on; the darkness is no more. That's all that's needed, the light needs to be turned on. Light will always dispel darkness, unless your bulb is burnt out. Our path is to make sure there’s awareness of our light that’s always lit regardless of the surrounding darkness. As your light remains lit more people from the darkness will see it and be drawn to you. This occurs as the light expands; maybe one day one light at a time there won't be any darkness to dispel because all there will be is light...

Saturday, March 20, 2021

One Principle

To live a truly productive life there has to be alignment with love so this can occur. This alignment doesn’t happen because through the Conditioned Mind one is mostly aligned to self serve...

There is one very simple principle that allows you to live your life to the fullest and this is; to love you must do the things that put you in alignment with love. If this principle isn't adhered to it will be difficult to live a productive life; by productive I mean being an instrument of love. The isn't done by doing certain things, it’s done by not doing certain things which will allow for this to occur; you can't love anymore than what's in your heart. Doing endless goods deeds will not add one iota of love to your heart unless the good deeds are done from the base of the love that's in your heart. This is not the conventional way of approaching life, but it is the way I have found that works the best for putting me in alignment with love.

The major block with this is through the Conditioned Mind many have learned to do things to self serve. When this is done there is no time to think of others because one is too busy thinking about themselves. Most of life is spent thinking of and finding way to satisfy ourselves. Even if you’re on a journey to help others, there has to be an awareness to the attachment that the self serving mind can conjure up to make it about satisfying yourself. There’s a very fine line between the self serving mind and the love serving mind, but with practice you can see the difference and stop the one that doesn't really benefit your life or the life of others. If all you are thinking about is doing things that are strictly a benefit to yourself there won't be any room to think about being a benefit to others. If this is the principle you are living by, you will not be doing the things necessary that put you in alignment with love and life will not be as productive as it could or should be...


Friday, March 19, 2021

Heart Guided

To live from the heart is to live a life guided by love. To live from the head is to live a life guided by suffering; so love because it’s the only way there won’t be created suffering…

I know we have all heard the expression “live from the heart” but what exactly does this mean, especially since everything seems to come from the head. This is just my understanding of living from the heart, but it’s tried and tested and it works for me. To live from the heart is to have a clear understanding of love which leads to the understanding of who and what you truly are. See the reality of any situation below the surface of all the nonsense created by the ego. In any situation for the heart to remain in the forefront the main focus of energy has to always be on the message of love and never on the messenger. We cannot get caught up in the nonsense of any situation. To be of the heart is to allow Universal Energy to be the master of the situation and this is true no matter what the situation is.

The hearts message will always have love as its base; that’s how you know it’s from the heart. The heads message will always have some self satisfaction as its base. This is key if you are to have love as life’s base so you can spread seeds of love; the heart is the center of Being. You can be alive without a mind, it would be a state of vegetation, but you would still be alive. It’s impossible to be alive without the heart as the heart is at the very core of existence, and yet most people live from the head (ego). If most of your decisions come from your head than most of your life will be lived suffering. It’s the absence of love that creates suffering and when life is lived from the head it’s the cause of this absence. So learn the difference between the head and the heart and see the difference as to whether your life is lived from a place of love or not. It’s in your heart that love (God) dwells and it’s in your head that suffering dwells…

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Inner Suffering

Until the cause of your suffering is understood suffering will be your driving energy, and until you look in the mirror and say “my suffering comes from within” it will remain in place…

Thirteen years ago as a new direction began to take hold in my life, there was a lot of inner searching as I reflected back to see where my suffering arose from. Although I didn’t understand this at the time, all my suffering stemmed from one source and that was my ego. There are as many definitions of the ego as there are people on this planet and whether it truly exist or not, mine was killing me. The thing about the ego is before it kills you there’s so much suffering along the way; the insanity of this is it’s one’s own mind that causes this.

I don’t blame the ego to not be accountable for what I did, but I don’t hold myself responsible because there’s no way anything could have been done differently. I only responded to life with the tools that were developed and without knowing this, I couldn’t have done anything differently. What I have discovered about the ego is it doesn’t truly exist, but it always seems to be there causing suffering because it has become a huge part of humanity’s conditioning, at least this is how it was for me.

One example that helped me understand this was looking back at the relationships or lack of them in my life. I would only be with someone until I got what I wanted and then it was time to move on; it was always time to move on because there was always some kind of made up discomfort in me. I used everything to try and ease this and for reasons I never understood suffering was always the consequence of this behavior. Today I see how my ego is never satisfied and how it’s the driving force behind all suffering. The ego is driven strictly for it’s own satisfaction regardless of the harm it causes, this revelation helped pave the way for the liberation from my ego’s grip; not its demise its liberation. A liberation that manifested not as getting rid of the ego, but understanding it because until the cause of your suffering is understood it will continue to be the driving energy of your life…


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Developing Discipline

When the awareness of why you do what you do is at a minimal, the control your emotions have over you are more prevalent and the less alignment and harmony there is with life’s loving energy…

If desiring was an Olympic sport everyone would qualify. Discipline is directly related to the amount of peace there is in one’s life; a little discipline equates to a little peace. When the awareness of why you do what you do is at a minimal, the control your emotions have over you are more prevalent and the less alignment and harmony there is with life’s loving energy. Being truly mindful of what’s happening and having the discipline to not be pulled around by it is imperative if life is to be balanced. This discipline has to be practiced or it won’t be prevalent in and as a result your mind will have its way with you. Discipline can be developed, but the mind will need to trained and just like with any training it will take practice.

Discipline is the key to freedom both physically and mentally. Think of all the people in prison, few if any had the discipline control not to give in to their desires and look what happened. Granted it’s not to that extreme for most people as far as the physical prison goes, but mentally many are in prison from a lack of discipline to truly do the things that are beneficial to their life. Most are controlled by a mind that says, do this or that; without developing discipline it has to be obeyed. Don’t take my word for this, apply the Four Principles of the Conditioned Mind to your thoughts and see it for yourself. These principles are the prescription to the development of discipline the leads to the eradication of Conditioned Mind Patterns that controls you as if you were a puppet on a string. The long version is on my website…

1. The Principle of a Conditioned Mind – Understanding

2. The Principle of What Causes the Conditioning – Attachment

3. The Principle of Awareness of the Conditioning – Realizing

4. The Principle of Conditioned Mind Freedom – Practice

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Understanding Your Mind

The difficulty of going through life without an understanding of how your mind works is that it limits your options and to limit your options is to limit the freedom in having a choice…

We discover the cause of all suffering when we face our thinking and understand how it creates thoughts and feelings that aren’t real. They feel real because of what our association is to them, but their reality is relative to our thinking and the association to our identity. When this is discovered and we disassociate with this thinking we become more aligned with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe which is love; love gives you so many more options in life.

When you stop believing in the nonsense of the self created world of thought, you learn how to allow love to be your guide. This is when you’ll be able to see your thoughts for what they truly are, disassociate them from who you are and separate the ones that aren’t beneficial and cause suffering; this is when suffering will cease to exist. This is not some belief, it’s factual. A thought cannot cause harm unless it’s given the energy needed to do so and this is what determines if the thought is held onto or not. The more its held onto, the more control it has over you. In the awareness of this is your freedom, it’s in the ignorance of this that there is suffering. And the suffering is when you go through life without an understanding of how your mind works because it limits your options and with limited options you have limited choices…

Monday, March 15, 2021

Illusionary Reality

When there isn’t a “me” association to something, there isn’t attachment. The “me” is what creates the illusion that what occurs in life is real. Things do occur, but only in the illusionary reality of a “me” association…

Two people are waiting for a bus, the bus is late. One  person is really annoyed, the other isn’t. Same situation, but the annoyed person relates the bus being late to a “me” association and the other doesn’t. This is how attachment is formed. The illusion of this is although there is a reality of the bus being late, it’s based in the “me” created by the Conditioned Mind that what goes on in life really matters. I know it seems like so much matters, but it’s only because what goes on is in association to “me”. This world has been in existence for many many years and I would imagine all the people before us thought what was going on with them really mattered also, but it didn’t matter to life.

This is the illusionary reality of life. Sure life is real and all that happens seems real, but it’s only real to the extent that it’s associated with “me” more so than what is actually occurring; this is what makes it illusionary. It only real to the individual who is attaching “me” to it. Sit with this until it’s understood. This is not my truth, this is truth of existence. It’s very simple, if you never had a “me” thought there would never be an illusionary reality because you would always be with what was actually occurring instead of the “me” attachment to what was occurring.

In the case of the bus, it was just late, the “me” attachment is what creates the story. No “me” no attachment, no story, no created suffering. Granted the bus is still late, but the situation isn’t allowed to grab hold of your emotions. This not being controlled by your emotions doesn’t make you the hole in the donut, it allows you to be with the true reality of what is actually occurring instead of the illusionary reality created by your attachment to things caused by the association to “me”…

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Worldly Nonsense

Make a stand for what’s in you heart. Bow down to no one. Idolize no one or no thing. Listen to your heart, let it be your guide. Ignore the nonsense of the world because that’s what it is; pure utter nonsense…

No one can rightfully judge you. Most people can’t even rightfully judge themselves. “Put no stock in what others say and what others say will have no stock”. If things are ever going to change in your life, the nonsense that goes on between your ears has to be exposed for what it is; pure utter nonsense. Live now or forever hold your peace because now is the only place you will ever have peace to hold.

We all have feet of clay, not because we want to, but because very few understand the Conditioned Mind and how they are in the the grip of that conditioning. I can never back down from what I know to be true. Whether others see what I see makes no difference. It matters little what happens to me, it matters less what others think. I only say this because it matters little what I think, so if I don’t take what I think seriously I certainly am not going take what others think seriously. The story of what life is about is made up, no one can claim to truly know what it’s about; life is too complex to know. The pea brain mind will make some nonsense up, but our minds have not evolved enough to truly know this answer. We know a lot intellectually, from our head, but we don’t know diddly when it comes to living from the heart. Until this is understood one will be controlled by the Conditioned Mind and will remain in the prison of its conditioned grip…

Friday, March 12, 2021

Love Based

If your energy establishes a base of love, it’ll be the energy emitted to others. This energy emitted is what makes love the base for others and this is the energy that will transform many…

What is established as a base throughout the day determines the direction of your energy, and the direction of your energy determines what your state of being will be. Except for the times when there is something that keeps your base on the given moment, most of your energy will be spent chasing some past moment or hoping for some future one to bring you the things desired. If you’re is to be immersed in love, a needed base of stillness so the noise in your head doesn’t block it out has to be established.

Noise as a base is detrimental to your sense of well being. It takes on many forms, but regardless of what form it manifest as, it is still noise. Noise is the opposite of quietness, as consciousness is the opposite of unconsciousness. You can’t be controlled by the noise and have a love base, well actually the noise will be the base and guess what, when your base is noise, noise is what will be the energy of your life.

A base which produces stillness needs to be established if stillness is to be your base. There are many bases in the world, but there aren’t many that equate to stillness. Find one that does and as it’s cultivated your energy patterns will shift dramatically; the shift will only occur if your base is of stillness.

This shift happens on its own, but one does whether consciously or unconsciously make themselves ready for it. It is in stillness that love arises and in love the noise in the head stops. Without noise there is an opening to the heart of love so if an established base is from the heart, this will be the energy emitted to others and love will become their base because this is how the transforming energy of love rolls…

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Form Attachment

Emotions arise when there’s attachment to the thing that triggers them. At the root of this attachment is form and as long as form is in control the roller coaster of emotions will take you for a ride…

Emotions aren’t something that exist by themselves, they’re a movement or reaction to something that occurs. There are many different emotions that arise and they can be put into an associated category to best get a handle on them when they do arise. Emotions arise when there’s a form attachment to something that occurs. Nothing randomly makes an emotion arise, there has to be a form association with something. Emotions only arise form assigns meaning to something. There isn’t much emotion when you hear of a stranger dying, but attach the form word Mother, Father, sister, brother, and so on to it and just watch the emotional onslaught.

Emotions don’t exist until form attaches to something, this is what gives the emotion life and allows it to arise. Example: grief is only a word until form attaches “I have loss” to it. Once this happens look out because depending on how deeply form is attached to the loss determines the level of grief. Same thing with joy, something happens and now form attaches pleasure to it and therein lies the emotion of joy. Here are just some emotions that form controls, fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, trust, happiness, to name a few, watch for yourself when these arise and see where their root is from. With awareness of this you should be able to get a better grip on just how the Conditioned Mind keeps you under its control by weighing you down with a deeply embedded idea of form as an anchor…

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Caught in a Dream

If you want to follow your dreams simply look down at your feet. Unless your mind settles and there’s awareness of this, your life will never be truly lived because you’ll be caught in the fantasy of needing a dream…

So many attach to the saying “Follow your dreams” but if this is looked at closely, it may be seen how this holds you in captivity to thinking a dream is needed for happiness. The issue with this is when you are following the urge of a so called dream, the reality of what’s happening right now passes you by. This doesn’t mean you can’t have your dreams and go after them, just realize that a dream is nothing more than a fantasy even if it happens exactly how it’s wanted; thinking the dream will make you happy, not the dream itself is the fantasy. This falls in line with the grass is greener on the other side, that is until it’s realized that grass also has to be mowed.

How many people chose their spouse, their job, the house they live in, having children, or whatever else you thought was needed, only to turn around and complain about it. It’s chosen because you thought it was your dream and yet when it manifested as a reality, it wasn’t long before it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it was going to be. You may have been okay with certain aspects of it, but mostly there was something else to complain about. If you truly want to follow your dream look down at your feet and realize good, bad, or indifferent you are your dream. Unless the mind settles and you become aware of this, your life will never be truly lived because you’ll be caught up in needing the fantasy of following a dream…

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Kindness: A Game Changer

Start with one random act of kindness and let it sink deeply into your heart. As kindness slowly becomes ingrained in your subconscious, you become a game changing instrument for all the world to see…

Random acts of kindness emits an energy of unconditional love as long as it’s done with no strings attached. If it comes from the Conditioned Mind so you can get a better seat in heaven or move up on the angelic chain of command, this will block your hearts energy to love. A random act of kindness is a start, but the heart will have to keep on expanding and remain open for kindness to become your minds default setting. If the heart remains open all the time, acts of kindness will happen all the time because kindness will be the only thing that’s in place. Start with one random single act of kindness and let it sink deeply into your heart, in this process as kindness slowly becomes the default setting of your mind, you become an instrument.

You can only emit the energy that’s in place and this is the message that others will see; an open heart goes a long way in deciding what that message will be. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but good intention don’t provide you to be an instrument of kindness. For kindness to be the message the world sees, it will have to be something that’s cultivated so it becomes embedded in the subconscious.

One can only act as it is seen and as it is seen is a result of years of subconscious conditioning. To be an instrument of kindness the conditioning that blocks it from being your minds default setting has to be changed. Once it is and it all starts with a random act of kindness, the heart opens and kindness becomes the minds default setting which will be the game changing message the world will see…


Monday, March 8, 2021

Unconsciously Led

When you’re unconsciously led around by the Conditioned Mind you behave in ways that aren’t beneficial; not because it’s how you want to be, but because it’s how you have to be…

It was a lack of understanding of my conditioning that led me to remain unconscious to it. What I was unconscious to was my own mind that was conditioned to self serve. The issue with this type of conditioning is it causes your own destruction because the destructiveness is unconsciously disguised as pleasure; this pleasure is pursued by many to their death. It was unconsciously pursued by me in this way and I was at it’s mercy. It said to use drugs, alcohol, gambling, lying, cheating, stealing and so on. This is how the unconsciousness of the Conditioned Mind is develops except for some who are fortunate enough to see this at a young age.

The way I was conditioned wasn’t the fault of anyone in particular. It was indirectly implemented by the inner and outer influences of my life which molded me to behave in the ways my conditioning developed and unconsciously controlled me. You cannot behave in any other way except in the way you have been conditioned. Change the conditioning and change your entire existence or not and remain the same. The value of knowing my own mind is in the understanding there was no where to turn but inward. What I learned is when the Conditioned Mind is understood, you’re no longer unconscious. Its control slowly dissipates as you develop discipline; the mind actually slows down. Once this slowing occurs, the possibilities are endless because there is no longer distractions that keep you unconscious to the conditioning. With this solid understanding of what you’re truly up against, you’re able to develop the discipline so your conditioned unconsciousness falls away…


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Stop Searching

A person who lives in a house and is stuck inside because of being unaware there’s an outside is like a person who thinks the noise that goes on between their ears is what truly occurs in life…

Being stuck living a certain way and constantly wanting life to be different occurs because the Conditioned Mind is the glue that sticks you to the noise in the head. With awareness although the road to happy destiny is trudged, your conditioning slowly changes; contentment shouldn’t be based on this change. I’ve come to the understanding life is perfect when it’s accepted as it is; there is perfection in its imperfections. Until this is understood, searching for perfection will remain in place. That’s what searching is really all about anyway, trying to have things the way you think they should be which is the noise between your ears making you think when life is a certain way it’s perfect.

Searching ends when it’s understood your conditioning is not you; stop trying to be anything or achieve a certain state. You are what you are; this is your place of peace. The great thing about this is it’s not dependent on anything. Read your books, meditate, go to the gym, go on retreats, do yoga and what not, but none of these things nor will anything else stop the searching until it’s realized what’s here right now is what you have been searching for.

I’m not labeling any of these things as good or bad, what I’m saying is as long as there’s searching labels will be applied. This doesn’t have to be, but it will take a mind that’s settled to be aware of this and just how a mind settles pretty much occurs by simply sitting in the space of now and accepting things as they are. When this is done the searching stops because it’s realized you already have what you’ve been searching for…

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Touching Heart

The greatest gift of life is when we touch another heart because this energy not only touches one heart it touches many, and it’s this transforming energy that makes a difference and changes the world…

What does it matter if you gain the whole world but in the process you lose the love in your heart. What happens if this occurs is you lose your connection to others and without this connection the connection to life is lost; you could be a billionaire, but you would still be lost. A person cannot truly live without a heart connection to others, they can only exist. There’s a touching of every heart when one is connected, this is the energy of unconditional love; loving with no attached expectations. There is no greater gift bestowed upon a person than touching another person’s heart and making a difference in their life; no material attainment compares to this.

Touching a heart doesn’t mean you will automatically be loved back, but if someone is truly touched by you to the core of their heart, their transformation has begun; there will be transforming energy emitted and one will never be as they previously were. Touching another’s heart and making a difference in their life is the greatest gift bestowed upon a person because it opens the hearts energy to a deep and lasting fulfillment. This energy is not a doing of the human will trying to attain something, it’s a love that’s not truly understood, but it’s so freely given that it has to be shared. Love energy transforms hearts so when you give love and someone is touched it makes their life different and their transforming energy of love is returned to you. This is why and how it becomes the greatest gift because there’s not only one heart touched, but many are touched and it’s this transforming energy that makes a difference and changes the world…

Friday, March 5, 2021

Evil Energy

Evil energy is from the thought realm which attaches you to the form, and as long as you’re controlled by form love can’t be the operative energy of life regardless of what you possess…

The more this world and its ways are held onto, the less love there will be as the operative energy in your life. This is why we as a society are in our current state and until this is realized individually and as a whole, things will remain the same. I know this was factual in my own life, but it wasn’t until I learned why I acted in the ways that I did that change began. I never understood the evil behind resentment, greed, hate, jealousy, or the outright deluded view of life that I had. I couldn’t see the love that was in my heart because of all the evil energy that was in place. This blocked me from the magnificence that life had to offer and as long as the evils of form are held onto, this magnificence is never going to be seen.

The block to life’s magnificence is also a block to our own magnificence. Our magnificence doesn’t manifest as a story about certain beliefs, it arises from the silence within. It’s such a shame that this isn’t understood by the masses because life would be so much different, we would be falling over each other in love instead of harming each other in the name of whatever is believed to be right. There’s so much resentment and hate carried around and although it’s directed towards the outside it arises from within so it’s your own evil energy. This evil causes much harm to others, but it causes the most damage from who it comes from; this is missed and not understood by most. This evil is from the thought realm which attaches you to the form, and as long as you’re controlled by form love can’t be the operative energy of your life regardless of what you possess…

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Source Energy

Separation from others occurs when the source energy is made into a story because it becomes my story and there’s no connection when one comes from energy to self serve…

The are so many names for source energy, to me what’s important is what’s produced by connecting with it. It’s not a concern of mine what it’s called because words limit it and put it in a so called box. This source energy is what led me from my self destructive behavior and it continues to lead me even when “I” takes hold of some self serving behavior. This is why we’re our own obstacle because it all has to do with the source energy connection to the present moment; very few live there. The more when can be present and observe the stillness of the moment, the more chance there is to connect with source energy. This doesn’t take a belief in something to allow this connection, all it takes is an awakened heart to see that a belief actually blocks the connection to source energy.

I’ve found it more beneficial not to limit myself with labeling things a certain way, it seems to allow the flow of energy instead of restricting it; connected to source energy is more of a benefit to all beings. There are many stories attached to about this and it blocks one from connecting to it. There’s only one source of the energy and the proof is we are all created the same. There’s nothing to debate here because it’s the truth. The debate starts when the source energy is made into a story because it becomes my story and there’s no connection with others when one comes from a place to self serve…

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Using Pointers

Using pointers to show a direction so others can find a way to their inner divinity is important, but when the pointer provides a one and only direction, the pointing blocks the divine…

There’s no such thing as only one way to wake up from the sleep of unconsciousness; it’s just about impossible to see exactly what another person experiences simply because no one travels the same exact road in life. I find it quite amusing the way some people project their waking up process as being the way. This is not to say this isn’t the way for that person, but that’s their experience and it’s very unlikely two people let alone many will see things the same in the waking up process. I write to point others to look inward so they can come to their own conclusions to finding what will provide their inner divinity. I seriously doubt anyone went through exactly what I did to get to the place I’m at now so I wouldn’t expect anyone to see things exactly as I do.

A pointing I often see talks about there not being a self very matter of factually as if this is the only way one can experience the divine. Many others use religion as a pointer to the divine. I’ve found there are as many pointers to the divine as there are people and none of them are necessarily wrong. I don’t know and don’t really care what direction one travels, it’s not my place to judge; the bottom line is to show love and respect to everyone even if their way is not what I’ve experienced. The only reason someone shares something is because it’s what’s in place. Its not up to me to judge, but it is up to me to watch my own direction and make sure it isn’t limiting the pointers that others may be looking to…

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Spreading Love

Spreading the energy of love has more of an impact than the energy of hate and although you may love, others around you may not, but their energy will at least be neutralized because of you spreading love…

All energy spreads regardless of what its base is; you can’t have a riot with one person. If riot energy is given to a situation, if it’s attached to by someone else it will just spread and the riot will be on. So it is also with love, when one’s energy comes from a place of love it spreads also, but it’s more powerful than the energy of hate and because of loves lasting effects the consequences are much different. This is why it’s so important to be the instrument of love in a world where many are instruments to self serve. Loving energy spreads and if you’re not making up a story of a problem it’s impossible to have one. So when we’re together if I don’t have a story you won’t either and love will be the energy of that moment.

The spreading energy of love is more reaching than the energy of hate, and although you may love others around you may not, but their energy will at least be neutralized because that’s how love works. You will defuse situations just by your energy being based in love, you don’t need to do anything. If someone gossips, don’t participate, when someone cuts you off on the road, just be with it and let it go. If a person tends to be angry don’t feed their anger. By doing this it doesn’t mean others will change, but at least for that moment loves energy will be in control, and the more this is done the more loves energy will be spread…

Monday, March 1, 2021

Tool of Attachment

The tool of attachment that’s developed to cope with life is why life is seemingly full of problems, but whatever arises doesn’t cause the problem, it’s the attachment to them that does.

Nothing can be held onto if there is to be freedom in life. Freedom cannot be found by attaching to anything; attachment is likened to embracing something. Attachment to something will only happen when there’s a thought that it’s needed; if it’s not dealt with it will never go away. When it is dealt with it there won’t be attached energy and it will naturally fall away; this is how each moment has to be approached if freedom is to be had. The way tools are developed to cope with things as they arise is why there’s problems, but whatever it is that arises doesn’t truly cause the problem. Granted it may be something that really hurts and has no benefit whatsoever, like the death of a loved one, but if it’s dealt with in a way that it’s embraced or a made up story is used, the energy of the situation will get stored and remain hidden until it’s time to rise up again. This is why the same thoughts are repeated over and over because of the trace energy in place.

Awareness of what’s happening can allow you to be with what arises and not want it different. The only reason something is attached to is because it’s thought to be needed. This attachment energy is the same energy as pushing away energy, it’s just being used differently. Pushing is attachment if not wanting it and embracing is attachment to the thought something is needed; different action, but the same attachment. This is very subtle to see and it will only be noticed when one is with the moment as it arises and doesn’t want life to be different. So regardless if it’s labeled good or bad, it’s all the same attachment; the only thing the applied label does is determine if something is embraced or if it’s pushed away…