Friday, March 5, 2021

Evil Energy

Evil energy is from the thought realm which attaches you to the form, and as long as you’re controlled by form love can’t be the operative energy of life regardless of what you possess…

The more this world and its ways are held onto, the less love there will be as the operative energy in your life. This is why we as a society are in our current state and until this is realized individually and as a whole, things will remain the same. I know this was factual in my own life, but it wasn’t until I learned why I acted in the ways that I did that change began. I never understood the evil behind resentment, greed, hate, jealousy, or the outright deluded view of life that I had. I couldn’t see the love that was in my heart because of all the evil energy that was in place. This blocked me from the magnificence that life had to offer and as long as the evils of form are held onto, this magnificence is never going to be seen.

The block to life’s magnificence is also a block to our own magnificence. Our magnificence doesn’t manifest as a story about certain beliefs, it arises from the silence within. It’s such a shame that this isn’t understood by the masses because life would be so much different, we would be falling over each other in love instead of harming each other in the name of whatever is believed to be right. There’s so much resentment and hate carried around and although it’s directed towards the outside it arises from within so it’s your own evil energy. This evil causes much harm to others, but it causes the most damage from who it comes from; this is missed and not understood by most. This evil is from the thought realm which attaches you to the form, and as long as you’re controlled by form love can’t be the operative energy of your life regardless of what you possess…

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