Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Entrapped in Form

When there’s a need to reach for something because of a mind agitation, you become entrapped in form. Until this is seen, you will remain entrapped as you seek to quiet the mind agitation with the next thing reached for.

You will never find the peace you’re seeking if you’re entrapped to form which is the seeker of peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, one gets entrapped in form which makes you think peace is something outside of you. Unfortunately this entrapment to form makes the very thing you are seeking impossible to grasp. This entrapment is the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside and until this is seen, you will remain entrapped to a form that thinks peace is in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, religion, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, politics, and on and on, this reaching is proof that there is entrapment to form. I can’t stress this enough as this entrapment to your form has to be seen if you are to experience true peace in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to understanding this. What does have to happen if there’s to be an understanding of this is why you’re entrapped to a form is because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, the entrapment to form begins. This entrapment to form is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break. Breaking free of form and being at peace isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less (detachment) that peace is experienced. To many people get lost (entrapped) in trying to find peace through the attachment to form, but since it’s something that’s already within you, the entrapment is a circle because it becomes about finding what’s already there. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I share so the entrapment to form can be seen for what it is; the cause of why you aren’t at peace.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Holding On Prison

Whatever it is that you hold on to, it becomes your prison. If you don’t stop holding on so you can make room in your heart for love, you are the one who will suffer the most…

The choice to hold on to things is the choice to suffer, the problem with this is there really isn’t a choice because of the way one’s Conditioned Mind is in control. Your suffering is inevitable because of the conditioned holding on that’s in place. If this is to change you will have to make room in your heart so the holding on is replaced by first stillness and then love. There’s no way around this, hold on to whatever the flavor of the day, week, month, or year is, just understand when it passes something else will have to replace it. Today it’s our president, tomorrow it’s a co worker, traffic, or something else and the next day and the next and so on. This will never change until there is room in your heart for love. If you hold on to one individual and bemoan them, then you don’t truly have the space for a loving heart. This is strong language, but it’s true.

Unconditional love can only be without one iota of conditioning. This is a truth the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see. I can say I have love for all humanity, what I don’t love is humanity’s conditioning, but I do understand it and I choose not to feed into its nonsense. To hold on to things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are holding on to because it becomes your prison. Until this is understood you become the very thing that you show hate towards. This is a Universal Law; you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you. Think about it, how can you? Stop holding on and make room in your heart for love because if you don’t, you are the one who will suffer the most by remaining in the prison of what you are holding on to…

Monday, October 29, 2018

Agitated Conditioning

The mind becomes agitated simply because that’s the way it has been conditioned. The agitation isn’t there because you were born with it or that’s just the way you are, it’s there strictly because it’s the way you’ve been conditioned.

To go beyond your conditioning there has to be a moment of space created that stops the incessant thoughts from spinning in circles. One thought then another and another and another, it won’t stop until there’s awareness this is happening. Sit strictly for the purpose of developing discipline and watch how this discipline settles the mind. This is how it happened for me, I sat, my mind begin to settle and I started noticing the conditioning and just how much control it had over me. This is the core of what was revealed to me and it’s the core of my writings. The more space there is between thoughts the more discipline there is to notice the conditioning. When it’s noticed you can then do what’s necessary to go beyond it and watch its control fall away.

It’s very important to get in touch with the conditioning, but to go beyond it to get to a deeper Universal Truth the mind must settle to the point where the conditioning is not just noticed, but it also loses its control. If this is just noticed, but still holds you in bondage, the mind will remain in a constant state of agitation needing the present moment altered in some way. This is regardless of what’s happening because needing the moment altered doesn’t change what’s happening. See how this agitation arises strictly from your conditioning. It’s not there because that’s just the way you are or because you were born with it, it’s there because it’s the way you’ve been conditioned.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Our Link is Love

Although people have similar experiences, no two people see things the same exact way and because we see things differently, the only way humanity will ever get along is when love is seen as what we have in common.

You should always be tolerant of others as everyone goes through life doing the best they can with their developed tools. No two lives are the same as our experiences are different. Because someone has different experiences, that doesn’t make it right or wrong. No one knows what I went through to be as I am today just as I don’t know what anyone else goes through. We’ve all had many experiences to develop the tools we have in place so we are as we are, and because nobody goes through the same things, we’re all different. Here is the key in getting along and this is so very important, love is the message we should be focused on and the one that should be shared, that’s what we all have in common regardless of what is experienced.

If experience teaches you to let go of the little you there’s an obligation to share that message. When someone does something that you don’t like maybe they’re just doing what is known. We should all be more tolerant of others because from my experience when a person doesn’t act in a manner conducive to love, there is immense suffering for all involved. Whether there’s awareness of this or not doesn’t make it any less so; being intolerant of others just adds suffering to the situation.

When something is done by someone that isn’t liked, simply ask yourself if you truly know the person. Even if someone reads my book they don’t really know me. They know what happened to me, but how it affected me is known only to me. Don’t be to harsh when someone does something. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t add to their suffering by being intolerant because they’re probably doing the best they can with the tools they have. Everyone is the cause of their own suffering, what happens doesn’t cause it, the tools in place do. I know it’s not easy to see things in this way, but what happens when there’s intolerance of others is one causes their own suffering because what we have in common (love) isn’t seen.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Truth About Yourself

The more truth you know about yourself the more chance there will be to break the chains of bondage to your lies. Without truth, whistling in the dark is needed to keep away the imagined boogeyman…

Jesus and Buddha were truth seekers, they knew their answers were within their own hearts, they didn’t need a cheering committee from the outside to tell them this. All truth is within, inner truth cannot come from some outside inspirational source. The difference between being free and needing to whistle in the dark is knowing your inner self as opposed to using inspiration from somewhere outside of yourself.

There’s so much nonsense that goes on in our world and it’s the lack of truth that causes it. This won’t be understood if you’re looking outside for your answers. Inner truth is not the truth of solving Universal mysteries, no it’s the truth of simply knowing why you do what you do. It’s not my desire to inspire others as much as it’s to convey a message of truth to people through my writings, which are only tools to point to the place within your own heart that will lead to truth and freedom. It’s in the place of your own inner essence that will set you free. This is the message that is conveyed to others, this is the next step in humanity’s evolution; if there is to be freedom.

Someone suggested that I make my post more inspirational, but I can only see what has been awakened in me. I’m not trying to be anything but what I Am. If it’s truth that’s seen then that’s what’s written. I’m not an inspirational cheerleader, I share from my heart, it’s what has been awakened in me. If you don’t understand your own heart you can’t understand the heart of others. I don’t really care how inspiring something is from the outside, it will not last if it’s not from within. When you go inward and find inspiration from your own heart, you’ll also discover truth. This will allow you to understand what’s truly needed to be set free and you’ll stop needing to whistle in the dark to keep away the boogeyman; in whatever form you imagine the boogeyman to be…

Friday, October 26, 2018

Source Energy of Truth

Truth is understanding there’s a source of energy and you’re not it. Missing the mark is your “I” causing separation from the source in the form of a concept or belief, and thus causing separation from all beings.

“I” energy is what separates humanity into thinking there are individual beings out there. We’ll use electricity as an example of source energy for this article. Energy, in this case electricity just is; we humans are likened to lightbulbs. Before the lightbulb is connected to the source there’s existence of form (the lightbulb), but it’s an unconscious connection. That’s how it is when one is simply a cell; there’s existence but no conscious connection to your source energy. When this form transforms your conscious existence begins and you become consciously connected to your source. It’s as if you are a lightbulb and have been screwed into a lamp. Now there is always a connection to your source, but there’s not always awareness of it because you’re not always on. Here’s where “I” comes in, once you do get turned on because of “I” you think you are the light; this separates you from your source energy and thus from life itself.

The “I” light says “Look at me I’m lighting up the room, but it’s really the source energy that’s providing the light, our human manifestation is only the filament in the lightbulb. It doesn’t matter the wattage (race) or what kind of lightbulb it is, a lightbulb is a lightbulb. Those who see truth understand they are only here to be used by the source as one day conditions will change and the filament in the bulb will no longer be able to make a connection; this is when existence ends. Truth is understanding there’s a source and you’re not it, missing the mark is the “I” causing separation from the source in the form of an “I” based concept or belief. When this truth is seen the light always remains connected and lit because it’s the source energy that’s providing the power and that never goes out…

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Truth is Freedom

In life there’s perception which is attachment and there’s truth which is freedom. Perception is binding and is a created idea to make life the way you think will best fulfill your wants and desires. Truth simply is…

There are certain truths that need to be understood if you are to be set free. The reason why there is so much struggle with this is because these truths aren’t brought into the heart by most people, they’re kept at the intellect level, in the head as perception. A perception of what you think truth is isn’t truth, it’s just perception and it’s this perception that blocks truth from setting you free.

First truth, you are not going to live forever, this is a fact. Understanding this impermanence is paramount if you are to be free. Second truth, the only place that life can be lived is in the exact moment that you’re in, (the present) again this is factual. Third truth, no matter how much you want things to stay the same, they will not. There is constant change whether you want it or not. No perception here, just the facts. Forth truth, you are not your thoughts regardless of how much you attach to them. The point of this post is to show the difference between truth and the perception of how you want things to be and how perception will never set you free. How you can tell something is true is it’s always freeing, that’s its nature.

All perception is tied into stories, which are delusional; delusion will never set you free. People who think their perception of truth is truth are gravely mistaken and stay entrapped to their own conditioned perceptions; perception is bondage. I know today I am free because truth has set me free, not because of my perceptions. If I was still living my life by my self created perceptions, I would not be free. The Universe can only guide you when there is quietness that allows truth to be understood. If you make up a perception of this, freedom will not occur. This is another truth and it can only be known when it’s not made into a story. This article is factual, it’s not some made up perception of what I think truth is. When you know the truth and not your perception of it, it is only then that you will be set free. This will not occur if you are creating perceptions of the way you think life should be. There’s the way life is (truth) and there’s the way you think it should be (perception) and only one will set you free…

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Conditionally Stuck

If a person is stuck in a thought based world, most likely they’re being controlled by a conditioned based existence. This is a prison that you will only be released from by going beyond your conditioned thoughts, into the realm of no mind.

It’s impossible to be conditioned in your life that isn’t created by your own mind. This doesn’t mean unpleasant things won’t occur, it just means that regardless of what happens it’s your mind that creates the conditioning about it and it comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to hold onto it or not. Everyone has the ability within to cease causing their own conditioning, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the thought process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed. Without it the necessary quietness that allows less conditioned attachment will not happen.

If there’s continuous thought and no quiet, then all there will be is thought and this will not allow the ability to watch the Conditioned Mind unfold. If this isn’t seen your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created between your thoughts. Life will simply be thought based and the result of this will create your conditioning. When life slows down you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and puts it into a conditioned category. When you see this you can break free of the hold your mind has over you and you will be able to see that you’re not the mind, you’re beyond the thought based conditioning.

Unless you allow your mind to control you, conditioning will not be created. It’s just a view that makes what happens seem real, but it isn’t, it’s just from the delusional Conditioned Mind and this will need to be understood if you are to go beyond it and stop your conditioning from being in control. When and if this occurs and you have no created conditioning, the next step in the waking up process of going beyond thought will be realized.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Herd Mentality of "I"

There’s so much of a herd mentality in our society that it’s almost impossible to break free. The reason addictions are so hard to break is because the thing addicted to is always focused on and not the herd mentality of “I”.

The herd mentality will pull you along as if you are a puppet on a string unless there’s some awareness that it is happening. To me the only thing that allows this awareness are your thoughts slowing down enough to where there’s a millisecond of space between them; if this space is created the herd mentality pull lessens. The only thing I’ve found that allows this space is discipline developed by sitting. It’s very important to understand this because people sit for hours with other intentions and the moment they’re finished, the herd mentality thought of “I” takes over again. An understanding of this is beneficial because it allows for a clear vision which keeps the mind open to learn. If everything stays in the head as herd intellect, it will be difficult to break free from the energy this emits. The larger the group attachment the harder it is to pull away.

One example of this is from the Bible, the masses grew and grew as the Pharisees publicly tried Jesus. As more people were pulled into the herd mentality, the energy to have him crucified intensified. If you research some of the conquerors of the past, you will see exactly how the herd mentality works. As their reigns widened and their tyranny expanded, the herd mentality deepened. There’s so much of this energy in our society it’s almost impossible to break free of it as it’s reinforced daily. Addictions are so hard to break free of not because of the things addicted to, but because of the herd mentality of “I” that keeps it in place. This even includes those trying to help in the addiction field because the addiction is to “I” and the focus is always on the thing one is addicted to. Until “I” is addressed very few people will ever truly break free of any addiction because the herd mentality won’t allow space between one’s thoughts as the herd energy of “I” remains in control.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Discontented Noise

Wanting something different that has already happened won’t change it. The wanting is what causes discontented noise and only when you don’t want to change the unchangeable will the mind settle.

It’s vital to understand what the discontented noise is if it’s ever going to stop its incessant control. It may never quiet completely and that’s ok because it’s not about quiet so much as it is learning to live with the noise. You may say that I’m always talking about the mind settling and quietness and now I’m saying learn to live with the noise, but that’s exactly the point. Learning to live with the noise is how the mind becomes quiet or at least somewhat settled. So many people try to quiet the mind and don’t realize that is in and of itself noise. You will never quiet the mind, it’s impossible, but things can be practiced that allows it to settle. The most important part of this is to understand every thought is noise, thoughts of love – noise, thoughts of hate – noise, positive thoughts – noise, negative thoughts – noise, everything is noise until the time comes that the noise is seen and you learn to live with it. 

Not wanting things different is quiet, but most want things as they want them and therein lies the discontented noise. Once something happens no amount of wanting it different will change it, so what can you do but establish a mindset that doesn’t want it different. Or not and remain in the discontented noise that wants to change what is unchangeable. Learning to be with whatever it is that happens is how the mind settles and until there’s awareness of this, the discontented noise in the head will want things different as it remains in control.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Head/Feet Connection

When your mind is somewhere other than where your body is, most of your life will be missed. Until there’s a head/feet connection, the control of the Conditioned Mind will continue its onslaught.

Is my head where my feet are? To me this is a very important question to ask because the mind often goes to places where only the mind can go. You can be sitting on a couch or taking a shower and your mind will be every place except where your feet are. The mind constantly goes to a place that only exist in your head and although it may be a stored memory, it isn’t what’s occurring right now so you aren’t truly living life. Yes there is your physical existence and everyone who is alive right now experiences this, but just physically existing without awareness means you have a wandering mind and are in the maze of your conditioning. Watch the wandering mind as it bounces from place to place except in the only place that exist; where your feet are.

The point of this is to show how you may always be physically where your feet are, but if you’re not aware of the wandering mind mentally you will most likely be somewhere else. This isn’t a good or bad thing, but it does prevent you from living life as it happens. When you’re mentally somewhere other than where your body/feet connects, most of your life will be missed. The breath is one tool used to stop the wandering mind because it anchors you in the body. When this occurs you’re physically and mentally in harmony with life as it’s happening. In this place of harmony with your mind/feet connected you’ll be more aware of what life is offering as the maze of your conditioning disappears, and probably for one of the few times in your life you’ll have a head/feet connection that will allow you to truly live.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Distracting "I" Agitations

An “I” agitation is what causes the mind to become distracted, and what it becomes distracted from is the ability to live life aligned with the present moment and the love in your heart.

Subtle distractions are what the “I” uses for fuel in the form of whatever conditioning is in place. “I” needs fuels so it can be in control and it uses the past and future because in the present moment there are no distractions, there’s only what is. What each and every distraction does is remove the ability to remain in the present moment which removes the ability to love. The objects used for our distractions are what needs to be identified so we don’t give in to their enticing lure. Without awareness that these distractions exist, their lure is too enticing not to give in to them. Even with awareness it’s still very difficult not to be lured in. The mind will need to be very quiet to become aware and overcome these subtle distractions. The nature of all distractions are the same, but they themselves differ from each other. Distractions takes you from the present moment, that’s how you will know it’s a distraction.

A distraction is not the same as an agitation, they’re similar because they’re both from “I” but an agitation is what causes the need for a distraction to be used. If the mind was quiet it would be without agitation so there wouldn’t be any need to use a distraction; this will only occur when “I” isn’t in control. “I” is always there, but whether it’s your controlling energy is determined by what the minds fuel is, but don’t expect “I” to cooperate because to be without agitations is for “I” to relinquish its control. “I” will not relinquish its control quietly, but with awareness of this you don’t have to give it the fuel it needs by giving into the agitations that creates the need for a distraction.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Peace/Pleasure Seeking

The seeking of pleasure is so deep and misunderstood that it actually leads many down the road to their own destruction. Until the mind settles and this is seen, pleasure seeking will continue its control.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with pleasure, but when your driving force is to satisfy pleasure, it will most likely lead to some kind of destructive reaching. Understanding the destructive reaching to quench the thirst of pleasure is where the difference lies in one being at peace or constantly needing to reach for the next pleasure. For me there was always a thirst for peace, but it was seen as needing to seek pleasure so it was constantly sought. What I used to quench this thirst is where the destructiveness arose. My tools to quiet this thirst to be at peace became different eleven years ago. Prior to eleven years ago everything I used was based in the material realm. Today this isn’t the case because I understand the pleasure seeking Conditioned Mind enough to see the illusionary urgings arising.

As the story is told, Jesus went into the  desert to meditate for forty days with nothing but the clothes on his back. This was done to confront his inner self by meditating. It took the Buddha six years to become enlightened as he roamed the country side meditating along the way. He went from house to house for his food. These are two people who left us with great examples of how to manifest a peaceful state of being without anything from the material world. This is key if you are to ever be free from the bondage of the conventional pleasure seeking mind and open the doorway to true peace that’s not dependent on anything from this world. When this is truly understood, pleasure will no longer be reached for in a destructive way as you will actually live life in the most pleasurable and peaceful way possible.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Changing Your Conditioning

The only way to change the Conditioned Mind is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it, there won’t be awareness something needs changing.

Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I caught the last hour of a ballgame. When the game was over I began looking for something else to watch. Twenty seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the TV, when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to change the conditioning even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we’ll watch the same channel (thought) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on the TV and don’t know how to go to change this.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to change your mind when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s total awareness of this, changing your conditioning will be just about impossible. The only way to change the Conditioned Mind is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness something needs changing. It may be a repeated thought disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old thought. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see the mind for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized the conditioning needs to be changed; this realization will only occur if you have something in place that’s worth changing to.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Being Aware of Being Mindful

Just by being alive you have some sense of awareness, this is basically true for all beings, but where humans differ from other species is in the ability of truly being aware of being mindful.

A friend shared a story with me about a dog he had as a pet. It seemed the dog actually liked this person, he would hold the dog and at times it would fall asleep on his lap. It would lick his hand and take food from it. One day as the dog was eating out of its bowl, this person took the food away before the dog was finished, the dog bit and scratched his hand; so much for the dog liking this individual. The dog was aware his food was being taken away, but it ended there. There was no mindfulness of who was actually taking the food, his food was being taken away and it didn’t like it. This is how many humans react to situations, they like things as long as what is liked is not taken away.

For one to get beyond this mindlessness, there must be awareness of it. This is where humans differ. Other species don’t have the ability to be truly mindful, but if you look around it would seem most humans don’t have this ability either. What will have to happen at some point for this to change is being aware of being mindful (noticing what arises when what is liked is taken away or just naturally changes). This is key if you’re not going to remain oblivious to what’s changing. Suffering comes from not being aware of being mindful of what’s changing and being controlled by what is liked. When there is awareness of what arises one can be mindful of it, but not attach to it, thus one is free. What you like will still be taken away at times, but hopefully you won’t scratch or bite when this happens.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Peace Already Is

The mind becomes conditioned and it creates stories, these are then used to make you believe they’re needed to be at peace, but the story to be at peace is the exact reason there isn’t peace…

You are the creator of the belief that you aren’t at peace and a story is needed. You can create any story you like, just understand if you don’t create a story you will not shrivel up and disappear, all that will happen is you will be at peace. We’ll use the example of someone bringing in a cake to work; from there the story you create about the cake is nothing more than that, a story. Maybe you create a story that you love cake and it just so happens to be a chocolate one and you also love chocolate. After all is said and done if you don’t create the story about the cake, it will still exist, it just won’t have any control over you because there won’t be any attachment to it.

Eat cake, don’t eat cake, the point of this example is to show how the created story becomes the created attachment which is what makes you want the cake. Substitute anything you want for the cake, it’s all the same. A created story creates attachment which in turn creates suffering. In the morning, when you first wake up, that’s when the story starts and thus the attachment, but only because you don’t know how not to create it.

Stories are the essence of the Conditioned Mind. This isn’t something to believe, it’s something to just be aware of so you can stop creating your stories. These stories which are created by your own mind, makes the world delusional and it keeps you in bondage to this delusional world. If you think this doesn’t pertain to you that’s just another story that keeps you from peace, but beyond the story you are at peace, it’s just not realized because of the need to create a story…

Monday, October 15, 2018

Hearts Connecting

Oneness with others comes from a deep place of love. This isn’t something that any human activity can make happen. It’s the connection to your own heart, that’s when you connect to the hearts of others…

In my experience the love of my own heart cannot expand on its own, it needs others. Deepening a connection with others, deepens the love in our heart, and this is what connects us. If this connection to each other’s hearts were to happen there would be no more greed, hate, or war because we will fall over each other in love; it’s in this love for each other that the magnificence of life is experienced. A majestic sunset, a cool summer breeze, the magnificence of the ocean, loving yourself and thus a connection to all humanity, these are experiences from the depths of our heart. 

There’s a oneness with life that comes from a deep place of the heart and it’s not something that any human doing can make happen. Although love is instilled in every individual because it’s just a part of being human, one’s conditioning blocks the awareness of it. The connection to the heart is what was awakened in me and many others, it’s what connects us all and it’s there even if you’re not aware of it. It’s everyone’s birth right to experience this love, but it will only occur when the mind is settled enough to know it’s there. Only when there’s a deep love for ourselves which allows for a deep love of others will there be a heart connection with ourselves and with all beings…

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Present Moment Discipline

The Conditioned Mind will relinquish its control only if discipline is developed, and it's this discipline that allows one to be with life in the present moment instead of the past or future...
It's difficult to be in the present moment because the undisciplined mind constantly wants to be in the past or future; this is the dilemma most people face. It has nothing to do with nothing, but it has everything to do with everything. Through developing disciplines that allows the mind to settle the constant looking in the past or future can be lessened. Ever so slowly the Conditioned Mind will relinquish its control if discipline is developed. My writings may open some eyes, but it's the developing of discipline that allows the mind to settle which leads to lasting insights that are used to enhance your life.
Most people have tools in place that have nothing to do with developing discipline or enhancing life. The tools that are in place actually reinforce the conditioning which keeps you entrapped in a self created prison; the prison being a mind that's in the past or future instead of the only place that truly exist, the present moment which is what's here in front of you. If you’re not with what's in front of you in the present moment, you cannot truly live life to the fullest. Of course there's existence because you are alive, but being alive doesn't equate to living life to the fullest. Only being with life as it's happening in the present moment will ensure living life to the fullest and only with discipline will the mind settle enough for this to occur...


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Benificial Direction

There’s so many directions you can choose from, but it’s not always known if it’s beneficial. One way to know if it’s a benefit would be if there’s harmony within even though on the outside things may not be loving.

If you don’t choose your direction, it will be chosen for you, and the way you can distinguish whether it’s a direction chosen for you or by you is by the love that’s emitted out. There are many directions to choose from in life and where most err is in choosing one that suits their needs instead of choosing one that focuses on the needs of others; what I mean by this is to choose a direction that benefits all beings.

The direction I found to be the most beneficial to all involved is one of quiet. To me why it has value is because it’s a direction that makes me whole and when I’m whole the natural instinct to love arises. If you see value in quiet this is the direction you will choose. There has to be value to oneself and all beings in the direction that’s chosen, if it’s without value it won’t last. Most directions chosen are based in the material world, this is the direction of reaching out there, people will even use a God like this as though there is something out there that’s making things happen. The direction of love is what makes things happen and it’s an inward direction that needs nothing to sustain it.

Love arises when there is quiet, it doesn’t take thought for this to occur; it arises from stillness and is self sustaining. This is why the direction of quiet has so much value. Inward is where you get in touch with your true self as the distractions of all the other directions fall away. These other directions lead to nonsense. You may not know which direction is for you, but if you look around you’ll see which one isn’t for you and eventually all you will be left with is a direction based in love that’s beneficial to all.

Friday, October 12, 2018

"I" Defends Itself

“I” lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind, but when there’s light shed on this, ignorance is no more and “I” no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer sees itself as an adversary…

Awareness of the different thoughts that arise and seeing why some are defended and some are just let go of has immense value in learning what blocks you from living life to the fullest. You will want to develop some sort of discipline that’s going to assist you in differentiating which of your thoughts are beneficial. The ego is “I” and when “I” feels threatened it will defend itself with whatever tools it has developed to do so. These tools aren’t only used to defend itself against others, they’re also used to defend itself against itself. This is the only reason a person reaches for something and it’s strictly because “I” is defending itself from a threat that comes from within. This “I” is the cause of addiction and of all conflicts. Without “I” you still exist, it’s just not in the way the ego ”I” makes it seem.

When you can see the truth that “I” (ego) is not your adversary, there will be no need to defend yourself because it will be seen you are only defending yourself against yourself. There’s no suppressing this nor anything else that arises because suppressing or pushing away is an action that deepens the egos control. To me the awareness of an “I” existence is the beginning of “I” loosening its grip. In acknowledging it the control dissipates somewhat, this happens when the energy of attaching is taken away. Never deny what’s there, just be aware of it and watch it dissolve on its own. The “I” lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind. When there’s light shed on this, ignorance is no more and the ego “I” no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer sees itself as an adversary…

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Pulling In

The need to pull something in is developed to cope with life, this is why life is seemingly full of problems, but whatever is out there doesn’t cause the problem, it’s the pulling in itself that does.

Nothing needs to be attached to for one to be free. Freedom can’t be found by pulling something in. Pulling in is likened to thinking happiness is outside of you to grab, but truly not needing to pull anything in will only happen when it’s seen as not being needed; if it is not the pulling in will never stop. When you see this the need to pull in will naturally fall away. This is how one has to approach each moment if freedom is to be had. The way we develop habits to cope with things as they arise is why there’s problems; whatever it is that arises doesn’t truly cause a problem. Granted it may be something that you think is really needed, but if the pulling in is not dealt with in a way that what’s out there isn’t attached to or a made up story is used, the energy of the situation will get stored and remain hidden until it’s time to pull in again. This is why the same thoughts are repeated over and over without really giving them much thought, they have to because of the residual pulling energy in place.

Awareness that this is happening can allow you to be with what arises and not want it different. After all that’s the only reason a person pulls something in because the moment is thought to be not good enough. You see this pulling in is the same energy as pushing away, it’s just being used differently. Pulling is attachment because of needing it, pushing is attachment to not wanting it, different action, but the same attachment. This is very subtle to see and it will only be noticed when one is with the moment as it arises and doesn’t need anything to be different. So regardless if what arises is labeled good or bad, it’s all the same attachment, and the only the thing the applied label does is determine if one needs to pull something in or push something away.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Entangled in Self

If you seek what you think is needed to wake you from the sleep of unconsciousness, you will probably remain asleep. Your urging is from the Universe, but this will not be known if you are entangled in a self that thinks it knows what’s best.

We are a product of the Universe, we’re not a product of ourselves. We did not call for our creation, nor do we call for the time when it ends. Every existence is a product of the Universe and the energy transformed to awaken is from the Universe. This is why we can not really do much to transform ourselves. We can only have the necessary willingness to allow our heart to open so the Universe can work with us; even this is not our doing, the willingness is also an urging from the Universe. The reason some awaken and some don’t is because the noise in the head is so loud the still small voice within isn’t heard. Even though it seems our urging is from the outside, it can only be heard from within.

Through our Conditioned Mind we become entangled in a very selfish self, but understand this is also an urging, it’s just not one that produces love. Energy always is, it’s just a matter of listening to the urging and hearing where it leads you. We seek because the Universe calls, we see because the veil of a Conditioned Mind is removed and our energy is then guided by our urge. Spirituality is not magical for a selected few who think they are special, it’s available to anyone who has willingness to listen to the urging from within. The Universe calls, but are you listening? And if you think you are, are you hearing the true message or are you making up your own message to fulfill your selfish self? It takes much quietness to hear the Universe’s urging, the alternative is to not hear and follow your own. Now that’s scary and it’s because most of our urgings are entangled in a selfish self strictly to satisfy our own desires.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Beneficial Reactions

Life occurs and the reactions to it will be determined by what mind set has been developed. A mind set of neutrality (quiet) is much more beneficial than one that’s in place to react selfishly…

Regardless of how you think you should be, if it’s not in you it won’t be possibly for it to be your outward reaction. What will be seen by the world as your outward reaction is really only what’s inside you. If you want to love and it hasn’t been cultivated, it will not be emitted out as it is not your mind set; your reactions out are only so because it’s what’s in you. If you were raised to hate certain things than that will be your mind set, and it will be the reactions out. The outward reactions are inside because consciously or unconsciously it’s what’s been cultivated.

To do things differently it will take a neutral (quiet) mind set as things occur. This will alleviate non beneficial emotional attachment and reactions. What occurs can then be looked at objectively because inside is neutral and non reactive. This will take practice, but life is reacted to in a much more beneficial way from a neutral mind set, and although everything comes from within you can only react to things in ways that have been cultivated and are inside. With practice what’s inside can be aligned with what is the most beneficial way to react and thus the most beneficial way to live…

Monday, October 8, 2018

Outside In View

Accepting everything as it is may seem unrealistic, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from an outside in view (reaching) and in the process cause your own suffering.

It’s not the changes that occur in life that throw you for a loop, it’s the outside in view that things will always be a certain way, that’s what makes changes much more difficult to cope with. If everything could be accepted as it is, one would never be thrown for a loop because the outside in view that tells you things should remain as they are wouldn’t occur. Accepting everything as it is seems like a tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from an outside in view and in the process cause your own suffering.

For one to get beyond the outside in view, it has to be understood that it’s your own mind that creates it. Life is what’s seen through the view that’s created and it’s created through the conditioning in place. Why a view is considered outside in is because of how the mindset is reach out there when changes occur and the change isn’t accepted. This reaching keeps the mind closed to the conditioning that sees things as outside in; if this conditioning isn’t changed the outside in view will not change. It’s not that a certain view needs to be implemented, all that’s needed is to be aware of the outside in view. Awareness is key in change because it allows for acceptance of what is and when the world can be accepted as it is, good, bad, or indifferent, then just maybe you will view life from the inside out…

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Conditioned by Time

Until the veil of ignorance is removed, the Conditioned Mind will be in control. This isn’t in place as something that’s wrong, but it does block your true essence from arising and reaching your true potential…

It’s often said one should practice being in the present moment, but in reality this is impossible because the present moment instantly becomes the past. Even before you can finish saying I’m in the present moment, it’s already the past. Watching the unfolding of time as each moment occurs is key if one is to not get caught up in the Conditioned Mind which is a mind that’s constantly in the past or future. This Conditioned Mind is the state that most of humanity is stuck in. It’s the energy that most live by, this is one reason it’s so difficult to go beyond it. People see things through this mind and because of ignorance are blocked from realizing this. Until this veil of ignorance is removed the Conditioned Mind will remain in control. The Conditioned Mind isn’t in place as something that’s wrong, but it does deter one’s true essence from arising and thus it blocks one from reaching their full potential.

The unfolding of time is something one needs to become more aware of if the mind is to slow down. This slowing down occurs if it’s allowed, although this won’t just happen on its own, but there’s also nothing one can do to make it happen so it would seem as though one is stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is all part of the Conditioned Mind that makes life chaotic. One thing I have noticed that allows the Conditioned Mind to loosen its grip somewhat is to be aware of it in relation to time. Time is one of the Conditioned Minds key elements so instead of using time in the conventional way, just watch how each moment unfolds. This unfolding is constant and when it’s seen the mind naturally slows. This is because time is no longer being used by the Conditioned Mind puppeteer, as the strings of “I” are cut, one at a time…

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Aligned Energy

Although we’re one consciousness, when your energy is misaligned because of selfish desires, it puts you not only at odds with yourself, but it also misaligns you with the entire Universe.

We begin our existence in this from in total alignment with the Universe’s energy. In the beginning stages we are basically one with it; there isn’t really much to block this energy. We live mostly fulfilling our instinctual needs, not much true thought going on. As we get older we start the process of becoming conditioned to whatever environment and influences we are exposed to. In other words we start to form our story and this story is what changes our energy. This is why Jesus made many references in his teachings to children, because as a child without the Conditioned Mind being deeply entrenched, your energy remains aligned to the Universe, or as Jesus called this, Father.

No where is it written that when you make a story to become something, this allows you to remain in alignment with the Universe. Matter of fact anything that is put before your alignment changes your energy so it becomes misaligned. To me this is how the Law of Attraction works. This change in energy puts one at a lower vibration and this is what you attract. Success is only a measurement of the standards that society endorses, not the Universe. There can be much success by worldly standards, but it doesn’t mean one is a success by the standards of the Divine. True success is determined by the alignment of your energy you have with the Universe.

It is why Jesus said “become like little children.” He didn’t say become a doctor, lawyer, a professional athlete, a writer or anything else, but if you have the heart of a little child, you can become anything that you please because you will be aligned with the Universe. This alignment is your oneness and it’s what makes you complete regardless of anything else that you do. You will attract the things of the energy you live by. You may fool people by being successful according to worldly standards, but the Universe will not nor can not be fooled as you only receive what your energy is aligned with.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Categorizing Each Moment

For every person who exist at this time, each moment of life simply occurs because you are alive. As a matter of fact it would occur even if you weren’t alive, you just wouldn’t be aware of it…

Because of the way one is conditioned, each moment of life is mostly put into a category of like or dislike, although there are times it seems the moment is neither. The only reason anyone has an issue with life is because it’s desirable to have each moment the way that it’s wanted, but this is impossible because life isn’t designed this way. Not that life does anything to anyone, but things do happen that aren’t liked. Any situation can be attached to and put in the dislike category, but it wouldn’t change what’s happening. It would only change the degree of suffering; the suffering would be a direct result of attaching to wanting the moment different. This doesn’t mean what may be happening has to be liked, but you can be in the surface state of dislike and not attach to it.

Life is a happening it stops for nothing, each moment is one continuous motion. It may seem like individual happenings, but that’s only because of the way we have been conditioned to use time and break life up into segments. What’s disliked is constantly pushed away to try and make room for the liked as if when one decides what’s liked it makes life perfect. For there not to be suffering, life has to be accepted as perfect with what’s happening right now, only because that’s what’s there. The Conditioned Mind wants what’s liked all the time and until you can be with the disliked the same as liked, there will be self created suffering. This is because you will be always trying to arrange each moment the way you think it should be (liked) and not be with it as it is…

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Prison or Freedom

Your own mind is your prison as it is also your gateway to freedom, this is determined by what mind state your life is lived from. In the present is your freedom, anywhere else is the prison of the Conditioned Mind.

This subtleness of the Conditioned Mind Patterns are without parallel when it comes to how they’re put in place. The habits formed have been developed without even knowing they exist. I have mine, you have yours and they are so different because of the many different factors that influence them, it’s just the way it is. There were six brothers and sister in my family and its truly amazing how different each one developed their own Conditioned Mind Patterns. Even though we were all from the same parents and were living in the same house at the same time, we were influenced according to what was attached to. Each individual is different in respect to their attachments.

A list of the Conditioned Mind Patterns would be endless so to simplify this, all someone really needs to know is every time the mind leaves the present moment, a Conditioned Mind Pattern takes over and the true essence of life is pushed aside for something trivial. The true essence of life only exist in the present, everything else is habitual behavior of the Conditioned Mind forming a habit. A mind settled in stillness is needed if this truth is to be known. Investigate this for yourself.

Every time the present is pushed aside, this means the Conditioned Mind has taken over and life is being guided by a self serving mind instead of a mind that’s in harmony with your true essence to love. Only in the present can one be guided by love, anything else is the lure of the self serving mind that has been developed to make up a belief something else is better. This is how subtle the conditioning is and whether this is known or not, it still occurs. Our own mind is our prison as it’s also the gateway to freedom, and this is determined by what energy is leading the way.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wise Speech

Words have such an impact on life and the ones that are chosen can reinforce the lies of the Conditioned Mind if there isn’t awareness of them. Choose your words wisely…

The energy in your life would be so much different if the word have was substituted with the word want. Think about it, how we speak has much more influence on our life than most people are aware of. Just try this little exercise and see how different a sentence is when want is substituted for have. I have to get up for work, or want to get up for work. I have to go food shopping or want to go food shopping. One more, I have to shovel the snow once it stops or
want to shovel the snow once it stops. The same action is being done, but its meaning is so different when want is substituted for have. The burden of having to do something is lifted when one wants to do something.

Words have such an impact on the way one perceives life and they will unconsciously reinforce the lies of the Conditioned Mind if there isn’t awareness of what words are used. Energy always is and where it’s directed is what your life becomes. Here’s another example: I want to help others, this is a lot different than saying I have to help others, although helping others is always a good thing, when one wants to do it as opposed to having to do it, it truly comes from a heart of love. Using the most beneficial words takes practice and awareness of what’s the controlling energy of one’s life also takes practice. So watch what is said and how it is said and maybe instead of having to do things, you just may want to do them, not because your “I” wants to, but because it’s the loving direction of wise speech…

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Thinking Restricts

The Universe provides unlimited resources, it’s our thoughts that restrict and limit our view of life. These limits are put in place by thinking what goes on between our ears is an end to a means.

To truly live one must learn to live truly and this will require an entirely different way to view life. For the current view to become different so you’re in harmony with life, the heart must open to a view that touches the unlimited resources of the Universe. This means you will have to let go of the small minded limited self who thinks and thinks and thinks and holds onto thinking as the foundation of life. If you must think, think about this, where do all the issues you have with life formulate from and does your thinking about them constantly really solve anything? If it does than by all means go ahead and think, just don’t waste your time thinking about things that don’t solve anything.

Thinking is the way the Conditioned Mind keeps you in its prison to the delusional self. You justify what you’re thinking about, but if it doesn’t solve anything you just become more entrapped to the subconscious false “I”. You justify what you think about and you make it so important, but it’s really only important to your small minded self because you’re not in tune with the unlimited resources of the Universe. Human behavior hasn’t changed much throughout the years, it may have even gotten more conditioned. Because of the small minded limited view you have developed, you think that what you think about is so important, but it’s only important to the small minded limited self. Wake up, nothing you think about is so important except to the Conditioned Mind. This is the delusion created and until one breaks free of this hold, you’ll be walking around not living in the most beneficial way, and basically by not living life in the most beneficial way, you’re not truly living. Until this is realized you will not understand just how unconscious you really are.

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Controlling Mind

When the awareness of how your mind controls you is minimal, the control that your emotions have over you are more prevalent and thus there’s less alignment and harmony with life’s energy.

If desiring was an Olympic sport we would all qualify. Mind control is directly related to the amount of peace there is in one’s life; little mind control equates to little peace. When the ability to not get pulled in by your thoughts is minimal, the control that your emotions have over you are more prevalent. This equates to less alignment and harmony with life’s energy. Being truly mindful of what’s happening and having mind control to not be pulled around by it is imperative if one is to have balance in their life. Mind control has to be practiced or it won’t be in your life and as a result your thoughts will have their way with you. Mind control can be developed, but the mind will need to be trained and just like with any training it will take a certain amount of practice.

Mind control is the key to freedom both physically and mentally. Think of all the people in prison, few if any had the mind control not to give in to their desires and look what happened. Granted it’s not to that extreme for most people as far as the physical prison, but mentally many are in prison because of a lack of mind control to truly do the things that are beneficial to you. Most are controlled by a mind that says do this or that and without developing mind control it will simply be obeyed. Don’t take my word for this, apply the Four Principles of the Conditioned Mind to your thoughts and see it for yourself. These principles are the prescription to the development of mind control the leads to the eradication of Conditioned Mind Patterns that control you as if you were a puppet on a string. The long version of these are on my website

1. The Principle of a Conditioned Mind – Understanding
2. The Principle of What Causes the Conditioning – Attachment
3. The Principle of Awareness of the Conditioning – Realizing
4. The Principle of Conditioned Mind Freedom – Practice