Saturday, September 30, 2017

Separating Energy

When something is wanted other than how it is, it brings on a chain reaction of circumstances that causes a separation with the present moment and thus with others.

Separating energy always makes things worse. This is difficult at times to see because even when one loves there can be separation, but what has to be understood is it’s not the energy of love because love can’t separate; a response that isn’t from love is where the separation occurs. Even if every action you did was from pure love it doesn’t mean everyone will respond to you in the same manner. As the story goes all Jesus did was teach how to love and we know what the leaders of the that time did to him. Even though he said “They know not what they do” and there was no separation in his heart, his fate was seal because of the hateful energy of those around him.

I do not profess to know the great secrets of the Universe, but I do know in the space of stillness the energy of love transformed me. This doesn’t guarantee anything nor does it mean I walk around in la la land. As a matter of fact, I do a mindfulness practice, I chant, I sit in quiet and yet I still want to smack some people; for me it’s just the way it is. Do whatever it is you think you need to do, just understand if it doesn’t unite than it separates. The key is to see if it’s you producing the separation or if the separation comes from others and if it does remember “They know not what they do”

Friday, September 29, 2017

Power to Control

We’re all human and because of this we have many traits in common, but there’s one difference between those who are awake and those who remain asleep and that’s the awareness of just how conditioned one is.

To say there’s plenty of issues in our world is an understatement, but it will not change going in our current direction because there are so few that truly understand what it will take to allow this to happen. The fact of the matter is one can only change what’s within themselves, the world will never change because of my writings or volunteering to help others. It will make my story better and more enjoyable to me so I can feel good about myself, but that’s about it. When the individual conditioning that has been in place for eons changes, that’s when humanity will change. This conditioning is strictly about power. It’s always about the power to control, nothing more, but this isn’t about countries, it’s about people.

Everyone comes from where they come, from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton, to Kim Jong Un and it’s their conditioning that makes them do what they do. I mention this because they have much influence in what happens in the world, but there are many more players than those three. From those leaders who are at the top, as individuals I don’t see much love for others, I see a lot of wanting to control others (power). The power for control is at the base of the Conditioned Mind. Until there’s awareness that one can only change themselves if the world is to change, the desire for power and control will remain the direction that we go in individually and thus collectively. So not much is going change because everyone wants to change the world which keeps the conditioning that has been in place for eons at the controls of the individual and thus the collective.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Unloving Energy

Humanity is stuck in trying to fix our problems with the same energy that creates them. Violence trying to end violence with violence or anger trying to stop anger with anger just doesn’t work.

I know it seems as though I took a stand against what was being protested at the NFL games, but it’s not so. I just won’t support certain energy. I see things in a way that not many do, this doesn’t really mean anything, but I see what I see. The conditioning of humanity has been in place for so long that we are blind to the dog chasing its tail energy that we adopt. It seems humanity has been on a downward spiral since the beginning of time, always acting violently and unloving towards one another. Everyone thinks their way is the right way, we are stuck in this hideous cycle. There is so much unloving energy in place that I don’t know if it will ever change. I’m not saying don’t try, but what happens is the same unloving behavior that’s in place is trying to change itself.

It’s not only people that have become accustomed to unloving energy, the entire structure of our society has evolved in this unloving way. I don’t know what the answer is, but we mostly try to fix our problems with the same energy that creates them. Violence trying to end violence with violence. Anger trying to stop anger with anger. This is the dog chasing its tail energy that’s in place and it’s the reason not much changes and history repeats itself. There are surface changes that do occur, but with the structure of greed, hate, and delusion firmly in place, these changes just help the collective conditioning solidify itself by remaining in a delusional state. Until one can be with energy that supports stillness alone, humanity will remain stuck chasing its own tail.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

World Wide Unconscious Energy

Unconscious energy affects everyone. It matters little where or why it arises, that is does is the only concern and until this is seen for what it is, it will remain unconsciously in control.

There’s been a lot going on in the USA the last few day, but the venue of the unconsciousness is not as important as the unconsciousness itself. There’s unconscious energy in place all over the world, what’s happening in the USA is just in addition to it. You may ask what exactly is unconscious energy? My definition would be anything that is attached to that has to do with wanting the present moment different; this includes wanting people and situations different. Any thought given energy that’s outside the now is conditioned because it isn’t based in where life actually happens. Only now has validity because it’s the only place that truly exist. Everything else is just a thought of the way one thinks now should be and this is where all unconsciousness arises from; this also includes people and situations.

All unconsciousness arises from some form of attachment and the subtleness of this isn’t really seen nor understood. One of the most subtle yet least seen attachments is when one thinks their opinion is actually the way something is and it’s defended as being truth. Everyone sees things as it arises within themselves and until the attachment to this is let go of, an opinion will be formed because of the associated unconscious energy. Nothing from outside yourself really means anything because everything arises from within you. Unconscious energy can only manifest from one who is unconscious and until the conditioned unconsciousness is seen for what it is, its energy will remain in control and not much will change because the unconscious energy won’t allow it to.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Protesting Energy

The only reason protesting energy is in place is because one thinks (a story) the present moment isn’t good enough so it needs to be changed to the way the Conditioned Mind makes you think it needs to be.

The greatest challenge one will face in life is being able to create the space to just be; adding nothing, taking nothing away. If there can be awareness of space for one millisecond, liberation begins. There’s no proving oneself or needing anything different in the space, the Conditioned Mind will protest this and at first this will be very powerful, but as time goes on this space becomes unshakeable as one’s inner protests lessen and the conditioned protesting energy dissipates. This protesting energy is in place because there’s simply no space to see anything else. It comes in many shapes and forms and it’s the norm of what the Conditioned Mind offers, but it’s very misleading in what it offers. It promises liberation, but it doesn’t make good on it. It may give you all the stuff that it says is needed for liberation, but even if one attains everything that they want, if you remain in the throes of the Conditioned Mind, you have attained nothing, especially liberation.

Space is needed between one’s thoughts if the Conditioned Mind is to loosen its grip. The more space there is, the more liberated one will be. It’s simple math, the more one spends time in the space between your thoughts, the more love there will be in one’s life. Many lives are lived with protesting energy without even realizing it’s occurring. Anytime the space is substituted with some thought, true love of the heart is being protested and the Conditioned Mind takes over to make up a story of how one thinks life should be. After all the only reason something is protested is because one thinks (a story) the present moment isn’t good enough so it needs to be changed to the way one thinks it should be; the I want, what I want, when I want it mind. In the space between our thoughts nothing needs to be added because nothing needs to be different, so in this space there’s the understanding right now is enough and it doesn’t need protesting energy to be different.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Pointing Fingers

Unconsciousness is only supported by unconsciousness and because of the subtleness of unconscious energy this results in pointing fingers at others without the ability to truly look at yourself.

The Conditioned Mind supports unconscious energy and whatever spin one puts on it, this energy only allows you to point the finger at others. I knew when I posted the article yesterday afternoon on my timeline it was going to activate many triggers which would lead to name calling and finger pointing. All I did was post that I did not support the dividing energy of what NFL players where doing before each game; I chose to not watch the games. I was called a fraud amongst other things which doesn’t really bother me because the source of the name calling and finger pointing is from the unconscious energy that is destroying our society and planet. There’s very little understanding of what the Conditioned Mind is so there are many fingers that point at others along with other associated unconscious behavior. This energy has been in place for eons, it’s why humanity is in the dire straits that it is. This has nothing to do with what is happening, but it does have everything to do with the unconscious energy that one emits and lives by.

I see what is seen and it matters little if it’s agreed with or not. I write that’s it, I never wrote to be anything. If I’m a fraud to you so be it. If what I wrote yesterday or if my previous articles don’t resonate with you, move on. Go and latch onto someone who fits in with your conditioned behavior. I never claimed to be anything, I just write what arises in me. I don’t need to point fingers at people because I see the conditioning for what it, but I will call it as it arises in me. There’s so much energy that’s not only dividing our country, but it’s dividing our entire world, and although you may not agree with what I write, I will always write what arises in me, only because I have to as it is what is seen.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Love From the Heart

You can live from your head, but you can only love from your heart. You don’t love in the past or future, you love in the present because the energy of the heart is from what’s happening now.

If you sit around waiting for the other shoe to drop it will happen because by expecting it, you are giving it the energy it needs to occur. Your projections eventually become your reality. Projections always come from our head, never from our heart. When we love it’s from the heart and that’s the energy we will emit, not the projecting energy of waiting for the other shoe to drop. That doesn’t mean everyone will love us back, although everyone’s heart is of love the Conditioned Mind blocks this from being known. It’s known in the head, but to truly emit love’s energy to others it has to be from the heart; the thought of love isn’t love. Going from the head to the heart is a difficult twelve inch transition and it’s the road less travelled. When the idea of love gets stuck in the head, there’s so much thinking involved and it becomes something other than love. I’m not sure what it becomes, but I do know when I love it strictly comes from my heart.

Projections always come from our head, this creates problems because the mind needs something to do if its not trained to be still. The mind that tries to solve problems is the same mind that creates them. If you make it a problem that the other shoe will drop, it will. You’re not separate from your mind, but sometimes it seems that you are. When you do something and say “why did I do that” the mind that told you to do it is the same mind that is making you question yourself. Nothing ever happens in your mind without your permission so when it’s learned to live from the heart, the head will no longer be in control projecting and waiting for the other shoe to drop. You will then be free to live your life as intended; from the love that is in your heart, instead of the mind made nonsense of what goes on between your ears.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Being With What Is

If you’re always trying to arrange things to your liking, it really shouldn’t be a surprise when most of the time things aren’t to your liking. One is truly free when it’s learned to be with what is, not what’s liked.

When listening to the radio and a song starts playing that is disliked, the reaction is to change the station to try and find a song that’s more suitable to one’s liking. This is the subtleness of the Conditioned Mind. It isn’t that you have to put up with things in life that aren’t like, by all means change the station, but understanding exactly why the station is being changed will assist in deciding if it really needs to be changed or not. Not much really changes whether the song is left on or not.

The radio station can be substituted with anything because it’s all arises from the same place; the Conditioned Mind. This time it’s a song, next time it’s a person or situation, but one doesn’t have to be a martyr and remain in their discontentment, once this is recognized, by that alone the attachment to self relinquishes the control it’s be given. This is vital if one is to be free of the subtle attachments created by the Conditioned Mind. The creator of all suffering is linked to some kind of attachment; a clinging to a certain belief that life would be more suitable if it were a certain way. When it’s understood life doesn’t have to be a certain way except in the way that it is that’s when one will be free, and it’s in this freedom that you can do whatever it is you like because it is known that your freedom isn’t dependent on it.

Friday, September 22, 2017

I Focused Stories

A story always needs a subject to focus on to be created. We supply the subject of all our stories when our focus is on the base of I. Without I, our innate divinity sustains itself naturally without the need for a story.

The subtitle of my book “You Are Not Your Thoughts” could have been You Are Not Your Stories. How attached one is to their stories is related to how disconnected one is to their divinity within. Every made up story is related to I and the more I controls, the less one is in alignment with their divinity. Just think about how the stories occur, when there’s traffic, who’s in the traffic? When there’s an individual who passes by and there’s an attraction, who is attracted to them? How about dessert, when it’s time for dessert, who is craving the desire to be satisfied? When anything is wanted, who is the individual who is wanting? All these questions have one answer in common, they’re all derived from I and it’s I who is the creator of all the stories. I want this or I want that, I don’t like this, I want this different, I want, I want, I want, all this wanting is just a story that keeps one from experiencing their own divinity.

Without I wanting is to be without a story and without the story there will be enough quietness to hear the divine urging within that is one’s true innate calling. The difference between one’s thoughts and one’s divinity is thoughts create a story that needs I to believe I am my thoughts and then the Conditioned Mind creates a story from these thoughts, but the story isn’t you as your thoughts aren’t you. It all begins with the attachment to I which makes you think your thoughts are who you are. Don’t attach I to your thoughts and it will be impossible to create an I story.

The divine always occurs in the present moment, why this isn’t known by more people is because of the attachment to I created stories. The divine is not a story, it’s divine. It doesn’t need a story, it always is. It’s the human development of I that doesn’t make this known. Anyone who has any inkling of truth in their life has at least minimized the attachment to I. It’s the only way for one to get quiet enough to realize “You Are Not Your Thoughts” and in the process there’s also the realization you are not your I subjected created stories either.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

An Established Anchor

An anchor needs to be established so there’s a place one can return to when the merry go round mind is leading the charge. This is a place where it’s safe and secure away from the insanity of one’s own mind.

I was discussing meditation with a friend and we agreed that so many people have difficulty with it. Recently there was a study done where the subjects had a choice to pick electric shock therapy or sit in a empty room for fifteen minutes. Obviously everyone picked sitting in a room. After all how hard can that be? After the experiment, they asked the subjects if they had the choice again which would they pick, they all said the electric shock therapy. I find this astonishing, but I also understand the misconception of meditation and why this is so. It’s because so many people don’t truly investigate what mediation actually is and what it does. I can tell you this, it’s not magic, but I would like to share my thoughts on meditation which I refer to as simply sitting.
The first thing to do is establish an anchor. Everyone who is alive has some kind a place that is called home where the day starts and most times it ends. Even a homeless person has some kind of anchor to start the day regardless if it’s under a bridge or in a cardboard box. This anchor is the base which will be used to return to when the mind wanders. As one always returns home, so will the established anchor be used in this way.

In the beginning the mind will wander a lot because of the lack of developed discipline, it has to wander because there is nothing in place to keep it from doing so. The main reason meditation is difficult is because people think it’s something to do. One will never ever quiet the mind, it’s something that occurs on its own. This is probably the biggest misconception, that it’s something that can be done. Well the bad news is it can’t, but the good news is discipline can be established to allow the mind to settle. It will just take take time and perseverance to allow this. One sits, the mind wanders, one returns to whatever the established anchor is, the breath is such an anchor. As this is done over and over, the mind wanders less and less.

The benefit of this is when the mind begins to settle, there’s an awareness that at least for me allowed the reaching outside myself for my answers to stop. Once the reaching stopped, I started looking inward and life started to become different. This difference is in my view of life and how it has changed in a most beautiful way. But like I said, its not magic and the most important part of establishing any form of discipline is one will get out of it exactly what’s put into it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Unity of the Heart

The Conditioned Mind which is based in noise, constantly tries to create a world that makes you think you need to be happy. This created noise blocks one from seeing their own innate goodness.

Creation occurs without permission so when it’s understood that we are a manifestation of Universal Energy and not much else really matters, the mind settles enough to see creation not as a mind made concept, but as its true intention to simply love. The only thing that keeps one in a state of unawareness to this love is their own mind. Stillness breeds truth, truth breeds freedom, freedom breeds clarity and clarity breeds stillness.

One day we are in this form and one day just like that we are not. How one is spending their time in this current form is their life. If it’s to serve self there will never be quietness and it will be very difficult to see truth and experience peace. If it’s to love creation from the heart and soul, there will be a quietness that will allow an inner peace to be discovered and one will be in unity with all beings. There may not be unity in return, but that’s someone else’s conditioning. Your own unity with creation is what’s important and how this unity will be known is by how settled the mind is. Unity comes from the heart not the mind, so our unity with each other is from love and there is only separation from this in the delusional world of thought.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Agitated Distractions

A distraction causes a person to reach for something because the mind is in a state of agitation. Distractions block the ability to live a life aligned with the love that’s in your heart.

Distractions are what the ego uses in the form of conditioning for its fuel; it needs energy to survive. It uses the past and future energies because in the present moment there’s only the energy of what is. What each and every distraction does is remove the ability to remain in the present moment so there can be an alignment with one’s true essence of what is. The objects used are what needs to be identified so one doesn’t give in to their magnetic pull because without the awareness that these distractions exist, their pull is to enticing not to give in to it; even with awareness it’s still very difficult not to give in. The mind will need to be very quiet to become aware of this and not give in to these subtle distractions. The nature of all distractions are the same, but they themselves manifest differently. It’s their nature to take you from the present moment so when you’re not present that’s how it will be known you’re being distracted.

A distraction is not the same as an agitation, they’re similar, but an agitation is what causes the need for a distraction to arise. If the mind was quiet without agitation there wouldn’t be a distraction. To be without distractions one must learn to be with their agitations so it quiets; without an agitation our distractions wouldn’t be. When distractions are non existent, the only thing that remains is quietness or if it’s preferred, peace. So the understanding of this is where one will experience peace, but don’t expect the ego to cooperate because to be without distractions is to be free of the egos control. It has been my experience that the ego doesn’t go away, but it does quiet down as long as it’s not given the energy to create agitated distractions.

Monday, September 18, 2017

External Influences

A person can only see what they’ve been influenced by and what influences you is limited by the books you read and whatever else is attached to from external sources.

The issue some have with my writings is because they aren’t from something they’ve read or some other external source that influenced their conditioned view. The understanding of life through a book or what others teach is very limiting because one becomes influenced only from that external source. You can only truly see what’s in the heart when that view is in place; influences are from the external. This is just the way it is. It’s from the silence of the heart that life’s real lessons are learned. The Universe is the best teacher, but there has to be stillness in place that allows one to hear it’s silence.

For whatever reason I’ve been given insights to the workings of how the Conditioned Mind is the cause of all suffering, not because of some outside influence, but because I have developed stillness that allowed my mind to settle enough so the influenced distractions of the external aren’t being attached to. This allows the silence of the Universe to be my teacher. It matters little if what I see is seen by others. Jesus and the Buddha among many others saw things others did not, that didn’t deter them. I write to share with others what has been bestowed upon me, whether it is seen by others is not a concern. One changes inwardly when the Universe does the changing. I would suggest if anyone truly wants to learn why they think and do what they do is to find their inner. place of stillness. This is invaluable if one wants to break free from the external influences of the Conditioned Mind to hear the teachings of silence offered by the Universe.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ignoring Life

There is a choice in every moment that occurs which solely puts your life in your hands. If you don’t have awareness of this, you will be controlled unconsciously by what occurs without a choice.

Being in touch with what occurs in each moment of your life is living life as it unfolds without excluding any part of it. It’s easy to ignore what’s not wanted, but to include everything even though it may not be wanted is truly living. If something wants to be excluded find out what it is and why it’s not wanted. Obviously on the surface it would look as though it’s just not liked, but if it’s occurring, what good does it do ignoring it: ignoring then becomes a defense mechanism that keeps you from truly enjoying life. If you only enjoy life when what’s happening is going your way, there will be much suffering because of the way life changes. If you go on a vacation to a tropical island and it’s raining, therein lies your suffering; if it’s sunny everything is deemed great. This is but one example, I’m sure you can find your own that fits your current life.

In the situation described, why it causes suffering is because what’s occurring is being ignored, maybe not consciously, but it’s not wanted so it causes a mind agitation. The thing about this is the rain is totally out of your control, there’s nothing you can do to change it, meaning you can’t change the weather. Well you could do a Sun Dance, but I doubt that will work, so you will either be with life as it is or you will continue to ignore it by wanting it different. These are the choices that occur in every moment and it solely puts your life in your hands. It has nothing to do with anyone else or life circumstances, but if you don’t have awareness of this, you will continue to ignore life as unwanted situations arise. That is until one day when there will be nothing to ignore because life in this form will be no more.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Quality of the Mind

Life is mostly viewed through the intellect and as long as the tools developed by the intellect don’t fail, this view will most likely remain as it is with very little quality of the mind.

One may or may not become aware of how life is mostly viewed through the intellect, but if it does become known, it will be dependent on what tools are in place to cope with life. Some years ago I looked for another way because the tools I used for forty nine years no longer produced satisfying results. I was in a great deal of mind created pain and unfortunately I was only able to use the tools I had developed even though they failed. When one is at this so called crossroad there are many different available ways to go, but which way one heads is dictated by the conditioning in place. Some go inward, some remain entrapped to a downward spiral, some, although on the outside all appears to be well remain in bondage to “I” and some unfortunately die. One can only see what is seen, but that doesn’t mean what is seen is the most beneficial view.

It’s the quality of one’s mind that determines what is seen and the quality is related to the amount of stillness there is in one’s life. Noise takes away from the quality of the mind because it produces nothing but conditioned nonsense; that’s what noise is, conditioned nonsense. Story after story, concept after concept, belief after belief, there’s no stillness in any of these so there’s no quality. There’s plenty of quantity, but it’s all noise. Become mindful of this and watch how life becomes different, or not and remain with your stories, but understand this will limit the quality of your mind and thus it will limit the quality of your life.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Direct Experience

When the questioning stops it’s not because one has all the answers, it’s because answers are no longer necessary and what anyone else has to say only has value as it relates to your direct experience.

There is no substitution for the understanding of something from direct experience. You can read all the books, quote all the great mystics, sit for hours, go on retreat, belong to programs, and so on, but if you don’t have a direct experience where none of these things are needed, you will remain in the bondage of relying on what others say instead of a deep understanding of what it takes to be free. I notice a common theme in those who disagree with what I write and it usually comes from the way a third party sees things. I don’t agree or disagree with anyone because no one can see anything but what is revealed to them. What others say can resonate with you, but if it’s not directly experienced, it’s as if you are grasping for straws. I have been told numerous times that I’m wrong in a certain view, and I laugh because experience is neither right or wrong, it’s experience.

I don’t care who you quote, unless what you see comes from within, it’s superficial. People can only point and if there is to be freedom from the bondage of self, there will have to come a time when what you see is strictly your own. I know nothing about what resonates with someone else, but I do know what frees me and what holds me in captivity; this has nothing to do with what anyone else says. I read many books when I began this questioning of myself and they assisted in directing me inward, but the questioning has since ceased, not because I have all the answers, but because answers are no longer necessary. This is my direct experience and as far as I’m concern what anyone else has to say only has value as it relates to their and my direct experience.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Created Difficulty

Once one wants the moment to be different, the label difficult is instantly applied, and when this difficultly becomes too heavy just put it down and understand nothing truly needs to be different.

We can live the life we wish we had, we can live the life we think we should have, or we can live the life that we have. These are the three ways that we live everyday throughout our life. When the alarm rings and it’s time to get up for work, if we hit the snooze for more sleep and wish that we didn’t have to get up yet, we are wishing for life to be different. When we are envious of someone else and think that their life is better than ours, or if we think our life shouldn’t be the way it is, we our living a life that we think would be better if it was different.

When we are in a mind state of being with life exactly how it is, nothing has to be different, what this leads to is inner contentment. When we are content with what is, we are free because nothing is holding us back. Living this way, we live a life that isn’t based on conditions for contentment, this is true freedom. Not being content with the way things are creates the difficulty of wanting things different. And it’s a created difficulty because if you didn’t have the thoughts that you wanted things different and just accepted what is, the label difficulty would never be applied.

Our thoughts create our life, along with our labeled difficulties. If you want to believe those thoughts are who you are than those results fall on your shoulders, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Learn that no thought is you and no difficulty needs to be created. In stillness neither exist because neither are present. So if contentment is to be the consistent operating mode of the way your life is lived, than stillness must become the mind state more often then not. Use meditation to bring in stillness, use stillness to bring in peace. It’s the formula for a contented life, and with a contented life there will never be a need for one single moment to be different. Now wouldn’t that be different, but it will only be difficult when you tell yourself it is.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

No Purpose Needed

To have a purpose to help others would mean someone has to be suffering in order to fulfill that purpose, this created purpose creates bondage and wherever there is bondage there is suffering.

The noise of the Conditioned Mind arises in many different ways and one of these ways is to create a purpose to get a sense of well being. Let’s use an example I often refer to but is not well received. Years back I was drinking heavily as I was searching for I’m not even sure what I attended a 12 Step program. They have 12 Traditions in place to run the organization and one of them states: “Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers” so in order for the group to exist which is made up of individuals, someone has to be suffering; this then becomes the individuals purpose. To me in this created purpose is one’s created bondage, and wherever there is bondage there is suffering. This suffering is very subtle, but it’s not limited to creating a purpose. Whatever is needed to induce a sense of well being instead of having it well up naturally, to that extent will one suffer.

I’m not saying don’t assist people where it can possibly help alleviate suffering for them, but if there’s attachment to making it a purpose, it will cause your own suffering. This is because you will always need someone who is suffering to maintain your sense of well being, that is just crazy. Why this sense of well being isn’t real is because it’s being manufactured. The Conditioned Mind will tell you what I’m saying is BS, but I will tell you from my experience I don’t need anyone’s suffering to create a purpose for my sense of well being. As a matter of fact any purpose is strictly something created, so why fall prey to its inherent suffering. In stillness no purpose is needed for one’s sense of well being because it arises naturally, so a purpose doesn’t have to be manufactured, especially one that needs someone to be suffering so you can make up a story to appease yourself.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Supported Results

Life is a process and the results that manifest in it are directly linked to the support that is given to the process. The seeds used for support are the seeds that you live by.

What you use as support in life is what determines the results of it. Support of greed, hate, and delusion will produce those results as will support that results in kindness, compassion, and love. This is the way the Universe works and although the results aren’t always seen by others or right away, eventually the individual will experience the results of what is used for support. One cannot support hate without hate being returned, as one cannot support love without love being returned. Life is a process and the results that manifest in one’s life are a direct result of the support that is given to their process. It really can’t be any other way, the seeds that you support are the seeds that grow, there’s no way around this.

For many years my support base was self serving and my results were strictly from this base, it’s no surprise when looking back at my life, all I see is chaos and confusion. How could it not be? Today it’s much different because my support isn’t linked to self serve. I’m not a believer of anything in particular but my experience, and this has resulted in stillness which the Universe uses to decide what my results will be. There’s so much more peace with this support. I already had life exactly how I thought it needed to be and I was miserable. So for me the support that results in peace is what’s of value and minus the story of needing peace or anything else, my support results in all I was ever looking for.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Repeitive Thinking

Many of the same thoughts arise and wanting the moment different is the common energy of this repetitive thinking. When you’re with things just as they are, there’s little room for repetitive thinking to be in control.

Over and over the same thoughts seem to go in circles throughout the day, some engaged in because of certain situations and some for no apparent reason at all. What happens while one is caught in this repetitive thinking pattern is it takes away from what is actually going on. This repetitive thinking will only be let go of if there’s awareness it’s happening and even then it will take discipline to stop it. How many times on Sunday do you think about having to go to work on Monday (It’s Monday Only in Your Mind). Or if you see something your attracted to, how many times do you go to what is causing the repetitive thoughts of whatever you’re attracted to. This repetitive thinking can be associated with all different kinds of energy, it’s not limited to any one in particular, but pleasure is a big part of the core energy of repetitive thinking as it’s very enticing to get caught up in things that have the applied label of like attached to it. Even if it seems like a person has repetitive negative thoughts there’s a perverse pleasure still associated to them.

Repetitive thinking become detrimental to one’s well being because of how it takes you away from the present moment and into a created fantasy. A practice of learning to use the body or breath does assist in becoming aware of the repetitive nonsense that many get entrapped to. By all means if your repetitive thinking truly benefits you go for it, but for me I’ve found that it just tends to wrap me up in the bondage of self. Wanting things different is probably the one repetitive thought that causes the most problems and although this may arise disguised as different thoughts, wanting the moment different is the common energy that causes the repetitiveness. When one can be with things as they are there’s little room for repetitive thinking to be in control.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Conditioned Self

It may seem like one chooses what they do, but what is done is mostly controlled by the conditioned self. When this conditioned self is in control, there’s no choice because what is done is already chosen.

If you ever truly want to be free from your conditioned self, it has to be understood. Maybe not totally, but enough to understand it’s not or never was you. It’s mostly through ignorance that this conditioned self is given power so let’s look at some of the behavior of this conditioned self. We pout when things don’t go our way, we judge everyone including ourselves, when our mind becomes agitated we reach for a conditioned pacifier, we use and hold onto outer things to fill inner desires. We want, we want, we want.

This is so important to understand because it allows you to see there’s another way you can be; seeing this is the catalyst that urges one to look for something else. The something else turns out to be the bigger picture, so the more one is focused on that the less the voice of the conditioned self is heard, and the less that voice is heard, the less control it has and the more the bigger picture of creation is viewed.

The bigger picture is never about an individual. There’s very little control over anything in life and that’s okay because needing control locks one into the idea of a conditioned world. So if you ever want to be truly free, the conditioned self will have to take a backseat to the bigger picture, which has the possibility of infinite creativity that one’s conditioned self could never imagine. So don’t limit the unlimited by being controlled by a conditioned self that has nothing to do with life except in a conditioned world.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Two Frequencies

Life consist of a lower and higher frequency and the one that’s most prevalent in your life is dependent on how much I is in control. The more I controls, the more the lower frequency dominates.

There are two frequencies that one can live by, a lower one or a higher one. I know this now, but it wasn’t something I was always aware of. Nine years ago this changed because I become tired of being controlled by my lower frequency, which to me is to be controlled by the sense of I. This control keeps one in captivity to Conditioned Mind Patterns that lead one around as if they were a puppet on a string. The only way one’s higher frequency will be present is when these strings are cut. It’s very unfortunate because this isn’t understood nor is the fact of who the master puppeteer is, and this puppeteer controls just about every human being to some degree. The puppeteer is I and until this is realized the strings will never be cut and I will continue its onslaught of control.

To me this is why it matters little what you do if it’s controlled by I. It’s just the way it is, but this isn’t isolated to only the individual, if you look around and the mind gets settled enough, you will see this is the way of the world. It’s run by the frequency of I, the people in their assigned roles are just puppets and until more people wake up, the lower frequency will continue its dominance. At the lower frequency the core behavior is greed, hate, and delusion, and at the higher frequency it is love, kindness, and compassion; both of these can be added to accordingly. You can see the differences in the two frequencies and how one’s life would manifest outward depending on which frequency was lived by. This is a very practical way of looking at this so it should be easy to see which frequency is dominating your life. If it isn’t your higher frequency only you can change it by cutting the strings of the lower frequency of I, that is if it’s realized I is in control.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Controlled by Temptation

Temptations arise and seem like they are a part of being human, but giving into them is not human, it’s conditioning and as long as the conditioning is in place, acting upon an arisen temptation will be common place.

Each time one gives into a temptation, what causes giving into it not only gets reinforced, but it also gets engrained deeper in the subconscious. This is part of the reason it’s so hard to wake up from the sleep of unconsciousness. Without awareness of the temptation there’s no way not to give in. The temptation itself arises because of its trace energy that’s in place, to me one isn’t responsible for it arising, and if there isn’t awareness that it’s there, there’s really no responsibility for the reaction to the temptation. There are so many examples for this, one would be a person who cheats on their spouse. The temptation to satisfy a certain desire arises and because there’s no awareness of it, the reaction to the temptation has be acted upon. If there was an understanding of this, it wouldn’t prevent the temptation from arising, but it could prevent the reaction (acting upon) to the temptation.

This is but one example, how about the temptation to take drugs or reach for something else to alter your mind state. The desire to alter one’s current mind state simply arises and once it does because there’s no awareness of it, one will reach for and act upon the temptation with whatever they have developed to fulfill it. It could be cutting, alcohol, drugs, gambling, or a slew of other things, but regardless of what’s used the response to the temptation is in place because of the unawareness of it. Temptations will arise as it seems it’s just part of being human, but giving into it is not human, it’s conditioning, and as long as the conditioning is in place to act upon an arisen temptation, it will become that much more common place as it becomes unconsciously what is considered the norm.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Peace Isn't Accidental

Peace isn’t something that just happens accidentally to a person. Even if it isn’t realized, peace is the result of being aligned with the energy that allows for it to be.

Those who are at peace with themselves are at peace with the world, but this isn’t because everything is as wanted nor is it accidental, no it’s because whether it’s realized or not, one is aligning themselves to the energy that provides peace. You cannot be at peace if you’re using tools that don’t provide peaceful results from being experienced. If the mind is agitated and it’s not understood that it is, peace will be difficult because the tools needed to provide it won’t be used; it won’t even be known that they’re needed. Forty nine years of using tools that didn’t provide peace caused me and those around me many years of suffering. It wasn’t because of a lack of looking for peace, but because I didn’t understand about using tools that provided the peace I was seeking, there were no results of peace. Although today the mind still gets agitated, at least I understand what’s happening so there’s a lot less suffering because the agitations just don’t remain in place for long periods of time. There’s also a lot less time spent in reinforcing the mind agitations that arise because of the understanding.

Prior to the understanding of my own mind, my mind was in a constant state of agitation, but it’s not the peace that results in the mind settling that I understand, what I understand is why there wasn’t peace. That there’s awareness of an arising agitation is all that has to be noticed for the mind agitation to loosen its hold and as one becomes more aware of this, the hold becomes less. Don’t delve to deeply into trying to understand this because it then becomes just another agitation. Just see it for what it is, don’t try to change it nor want it different, just notice the awareness aware of awareness, that’s it. This will result in peace and not because it’s happening accidentally, but because of being aligned with energy that allows the mind to settle enough for one to be at peace.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Roll of the Dice

Truth builds a foundation for life that is not easily swayed by the circumstances that occur. An erratic existence is what happens when a roll of the dice conditioning is relied upon to build a foundation for life.

Many people say they aren’t sure how they would react if a certain situation occurred in their life, with this lack of understanding of oneself what happens is life becomes like a roll of the dice. The only reason this occurs is because there isn’t a solid foundation of truth, so basically life is left to chance. When truth is the foundation no matter what happens, one stays the course because the foundation is solid. When things aren’t contingent on outside circumstances being a certain way, when they change (and they will change because such is the nature of life) you can remain on firm ground and not allow the circumstances to control your reactions. You may feel a certain way because of it, but it doesn’t have to affect the way you respond and allow your emotions to control you.

If you don’t know yourself which makes for an unstable foundation, you will definitely be controlled by whatever happens in life, but when you are firmly planted in truth, it will be difficult to be swayed by your own emotions. After all that is what makes for a roll of the dice foundation, emotional immaturity. Not having a solid foundation in truth is the cause of this. An example would be, if the truth of impermanence were understood and you were told you had six months to live, your reaction wouldn’t be so dramatic; our reactions are dependent on our emotional maturity. I’m not saying you will be able to say it is what it is initially, but by knowing truth you will eventually say it, and how long this takes depends on how deeply engrained truth is in you and how emotional immature one is. So when truth is known and you are free from the roll of the dice conditioning, what you are set free of is you being controlled by your own immature emotions. Learn truth of who you are and you will remain firmly planted on the ground no matter what numbers come up when the dice is rolled.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Worldly Shallowness

Look beyond the shallowness of what the world presents and how it’s adhered to. It will be beyond this adherence that one’s true self emerges. If not, one will remain confined to their own shallowness.

The world encourages shallowness and attachment to this results in one’s own shallowness because it’s what’s adhered to. Is there truly a way to go beyond this for everyone, or is this just reserved for a select few? There are many who are living proof that anyone can go beyond the shallowness of what the world projects. One just needs to take a step back from the trappings that are in place. All of these trappings are based in selfishness, with most centered on the greed of power. This has become what the value of existence is measured by. This value is really valueless.

Look at our entertainment industry, it can be called our distraction industry, because that is all it does. It distracts one from noticing what is truly going on in their own life, and the world presents these distractions daily. Why is this shallowness allowed when it is in everyone’s power to stop it? Where are we headed with this shallowness having a foot hold on our throat? Please use whatever power that can be utilized, to get this message out to as many people as possible. I don’t mean preach it, or post it, I mean use one’s power to go beyond the shallowness to live by a message of love. One can only change their own shallowness, but by that changing just think of all the people that one comes in contact with each and everyday and how many can be touched.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Indwelling Love

A created lack is why one reaches outward for something. Inward is one’s indwelling completeness based on one’s own indwelling love. Any lack is strictly created by having a view that something’s missing.

Nothing is ever missing in one’s life, it’s only the Conditioned Mind that makes one think there is. There’s never a true lack, it always comes from what one’s own mind creates. Fulfillment always comes from one’s own indwelling love, which is provided by the Universe. It’s the indwelling self of creation, it’s what one is made of. All the other nonsense that goes on is just the story that’s made up between the ears. One’s indwelling love is truth, it’s the place where peace passes all understanding. The outward nonsense that something is missing is the cause of suffering.

To go inward, is to go where there is nothing but love. To go outward is to go where there is nothing but a void that needs filling. This void (lack) is what creates suffering, because there’s nothing outward that can satisfy it, ever; only one’s indwelling love can satisfy this. One’s indwelling love is always there, that’s why there is never anything truly missing in one’s life, but with an undisciplined mind there isn’t awareness of this indwelling love so the only alternative is to look and reach for it outwardly. The need to look outward for anything would never be if there was the understanding nothing is missing. One only seeks because there is a lack and there is lack because of the unawareness of truth. When truth is known, the seeking ends because when one knows the indwelling self one is in touch with their indwelling love, and when one loves, there will be the understanding that there is no void to fill nor any lack because nothing is missing.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Noisy or Quiet Mind

It seems as though there’s a choice between a mind that’s noisy and a mind that’s quiet, but when there’s no awareness between the two, the noisy mind rules so there is no choice.

There are two kinds of minds that a person lives by. One is to live life through a mind that’s noisy. This doesn’t need much explanation because anything that’s done through this type of mind is only a benefit to self. The other is to live life through a quiet mind. This one is so much more beneficial because its effects are so much more lasting and wide spread.

The noisy mind only exist to satisfy self, this is pretty cut and dry. Whatever is used in this mindset is used to benefit only yourself. There isn’t much unity or love here. Now granted most people aren’t under the spell of a noisy mind all the time, there’s usually some quietness, both minds can’t be in place at the same time so at any given time, the mind will either be one or the other and the more the mind is noisy, the more time one will spend thinking about and doing things only for themselves.

Now look at a quiet mind and how this mindset benefits all humanity. It touches the entire Universe because that’s its source. This mindset isn’t self created or sustained by doing, it’s a direct result of being aligned with Universal Love. The quiet mind is of the Universe where there’s unity and joy. It has to be this way because love arises from quietness. A quiet mind sustains itself, serves many, and is a benefit to all. So the mind in place is what determines what one brings to humanity and it will either be the noisy mind that creates chaos or the quiet mind where all humanity will be served.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Natural Love

Living from a place of love is better for everyone involved, just understand it’s not special, it’s natural and many in the world just do it so don’t make it about what it isn’t.

It’s easy to get caught up in the so called spiritual way of life and think it’s something special, but the bottom line is there are many people who emanate loving behavior (natural love) without being conscious of it, it’s just natural to them. An example of this occurred yesterday as I was at the beach. There was a west wind which has a tendency to increase the biting fly population on the beach. As soon as I sat down they started biting me, a women came up to me and offered me a natural fly repellent. I used it and the biting fly issue was no more. When I first sat down I was determined to not focus on the flies so as not to miss the beautiful day that was being offered, and with a little outside assistance the flies did not win. The flies are just one of the things my Conditioned Mind wanted to use, there were children screaming and limited swimming, plus some other things going on, but all I had to do was remain with what was occurring in that moment and lo and behold none of those things mattered. They were still happening all around me, but there was no attachment to them.

I may have to practice this to be free, but I observed many people on the beach and throughout life who naturally live the so called spiritual life. It’s not special to live from a place of love, it’s natural, to not love is unnatural. It’s why it causes suffering because it’s doesn’t allow a natural flow with life. There’s no harmony when living in an unnatural way. To many, this unnatural way causes much suffering and becomes the driving force to living differently, but don’t make it more than what it is. Living from a place of love is better for everyone and everything associated with it, just understand it’s not special, it’s natural and many in the world just do it so don’t make it about what it isn’t.