Friday, September 1, 2017

Natural Love

Living from a place of love is better for everyone involved, just understand it’s not special, it’s natural and many in the world just do it so don’t make it about what it isn’t.

It’s easy to get caught up in the so called spiritual way of life and think it’s something special, but the bottom line is there are many people who emanate loving behavior (natural love) without being conscious of it, it’s just natural to them. An example of this occurred yesterday as I was at the beach. There was a west wind which has a tendency to increase the biting fly population on the beach. As soon as I sat down they started biting me, a women came up to me and offered me a natural fly repellent. I used it and the biting fly issue was no more. When I first sat down I was determined to not focus on the flies so as not to miss the beautiful day that was being offered, and with a little outside assistance the flies did not win. The flies are just one of the things my Conditioned Mind wanted to use, there were children screaming and limited swimming, plus some other things going on, but all I had to do was remain with what was occurring in that moment and lo and behold none of those things mattered. They were still happening all around me, but there was no attachment to them.

I may have to practice this to be free, but I observed many people on the beach and throughout life who naturally live the so called spiritual life. It’s not special to live from a place of love, it’s natural, to not love is unnatural. It’s why it causes suffering because it’s doesn’t allow a natural flow with life. There’s no harmony when living in an unnatural way. To many, this unnatural way causes much suffering and becomes the driving force to living differently, but don’t make it more than what it is. Living from a place of love is better for everyone and everything associated with it, just understand it’s not special, it’s natural and many in the world just do it so don’t make it about what it isn’t.

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