Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hate is a Story Love is Natural

Hate isn’t somethings that’s needed to live our life, that is unless it’s the story one wants to make up. When hate is let go of and it releases the grip it has over you, love naturally becomes what grips you.

Hate is created, love is natural, so anytime a thought of hate is allowed to fester and become an action, our ability to give and receive love is compromised. In a state of hate there’s no way one can give or receive love, which is our true nature, because our created hate of whatever it is we are hating is blocking it. When we let go of the thoughts of our created hate, our focus naturally returns to love and hate relinquishes its grip because we aren’t giving it anything to adhere to.

Hate is not natural, it’s created by our delusional identity to a fictitious self; a self that sees things through a pair of eyes that wants everything to fit nicely into a created world, hate arises when something threatens that world. One hates what makes them think they’re going to lose something that makes their world right. Beliefs are formed that reinforce this hate and are lived by. All hate is self created, it’s not natural. Make up the story that there’s justified hate that’s needed to live by, but like I said its created to fit nicely into a made up world. Hate is not a requirement needed to live your life, unless that’s the story you want to make up. When this is realized and you stop living life through the energy of hate and love naturally takes it place, it is then that love becomes the base of your life, not because it’s created, but because it’s natural.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Space of Silence

In the space of silence, the Universe is one’s guide and will manifest in ways for the betterment of all beings. In this space one isn’t swayed by anything and can remain on the spiritual path regardless of what’s going on around you.

It seems that it’s so much easier to be spiritually connected when one thinks things are the way that they’re wanted, but what happens when it changes and things aren’t as wanted? One’s whole demeanor can change instantly from being at peace to discontentment just by a person saying a certain thing to you. And here is the craziness of this, what the person says only changes your demeanor because it’s something triggered inside you, the deliverer of the trigger doesn’t really matter. Nothing can control you unless it’s allowed and it will only be allowed because it’s not known that it’s happening. The conditioned triggers are deeply embedded in the subconscious mind and the more history one has with something the deeper it’s embedded. These triggers are manifested in many different ways, but what they have in common is they cause one to suffer unknowingly.

Let’s say you’re at home in a good space and your spouse comes home from work in a not so good space, as soon as they walk in the door the energy in the room changes. If there isn’t awareness of this, a trigger will be activated within you and this encounter will probably end up in an argument. But when there’s awareness of this, one can remain silent (which is golden) and just be with the moment as it is and not feed someone else’s energy. Not wanting the moment different is key here and allowing it to be as it is doesn’t activate a response triggered by someone else. To me when the moment doesn’t need to be in some other way, no triggers are activated and one is truly free. In this space of freedom, the Universe is one’s guide and will manifest responses for the betterment of all beings. In this way one isn’t swayed by anything and can remain on the spiritual path regardless of what’s going on around you.

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Keepers of Our Reality

There are choices to what one’s reality will be, but only if it’s seen there are choices. Therein lies the issue because options are needed for there to be a choice and not many truly see them.

We are the keepers of our reality. For each individual, reality becomes the energy that’s given to the moment that’s occurring and this energy determines what our reality will be. I’m not talking positive or negative energy here, what I’m talking about is not labeling the moment that’s here and being with it as it is. There are three conventional choices, good: I want it to remain this way forever, bad: I want it different than what it is, and indifferent: it has no bearing on my life whatsoever. Can you see how any one of this three produce attachment and thus suffering. The good and bad are fairly easy to see, but you may ask what about indifferent, how is that attachment? To me it’s attachment because even seeing the moment as it is and saying it doesn’t affect me gives energy to a story. Everything affects everything because it’s all energy so when one can be with the exact moment as it is and not label it as good, bad, or indifferent, than that will be the energy of one’s reality. If this isn’t seen, your reality will be chosen for you and unfortunately you will be the keeper of this reality.

There are choices to what one’s reality will be, but only if it’s seen there are choices. And therein lies the issue because options are needed for there to be choices. This is why not labeling the moment as anything has value because it doesn’t lock you into the label and it gives you options. It allows for you to be with what’s occurring as it is and this allows it to pass and see it for what it is. Nothing last forever unless that’s the label which one applies and so the reality that one keeps is that of their label. Or not and experience reality as never before because there will be choices that weren’t there previously. This reality occurs for no other reason than it’s the reality that you see and the one you are choosing to keep.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Higher or Lower Nature

Life consist of a lower and higher nature and the one that’s most prevalent in your life is dependent on how much the master puppeteer ( I ) is in control. The more I controls, the more one’s lower nature will dominate.

There are two natures that one can live by, a lower one or a higher one, I know this now, but it wasn’t something I was always aware of. Nine years ago this changed because I become tired of being controlled by my lower nature, which to me is to be controlled by the senses. This control keeps one in captivity to Conditioned Mind Patterns that lead one around as if they were a puppet on a string. The only way one’s higher nature will be present is when these strings are cut. It’s very unfortunate because this isn’t understood nor is the fact of who the puppeteer is, and this puppeteer controls just about every human life form to some degree. The puppeteer is I and until this is realized, the strings will never be cut and I will continue its onslaught of control.

To me this is why it matters little who becomes President of the US, both are puppets controlled by I. It’s just the way it is, but this isn’t isolated to only the US, look around and if the mind gets settled enough you will see this is the way of the world. It’s run by I, the people in their assigned roles are just puppets, and until more people wake up, the lower nature will continue its dominance. At the lower natures core behavior is greed, hate, and delusion, and at the higher nature is love, kindness, and compassion, both of these can be added to accordingly. You can see the differences in the two natures and how one’s life would manifest outward depending on which nature was lived by. This is a very practical way of looking at this so it should be easy to see which nature is dominating your life. If it isn’t your higher nature only you can change it by cutting the strings of I, that is if it’s known I is in control.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Thought of You Isn't You

Thoughts manifest as whatever energy they’re given and self serving energy makes them delusional. This delusion blocks one’s natural inner resource of love from manifesting the truth that sets you free.

Nothing can truly deceive you unless it’s allowed and what allows it but the energy given to the thought of whatever it is that’s occurring. When you understand the true nature of any thought you will see they are only energy, not who you are. They have no control whatsoever over you unless it’s allowed, but understand it’s only allowed because it isn’t known how not to allow it. It’s simplistic yet very difficult for this to be understood. We’ve been programmed to believe we are our thoughts, but if you investigate this, you’ll see this delusional fallacy. Thoughts occur like passing clouds, our attachment to them is what gives them the energy needed to become a delusional story, an outright lie.

Look at why you think you’re your thoughts. Freedom from attaching to your thoughts is freedom from your I Self. When this occurs no thing can hold you back from reaching your true potential and understanding who you truly are. You can only love yourself when you know who you are and you can only know who you are when you realize you are not your thoughts. Even then you may not know who you are, but by knowing who you aren’t it creates enough space to at least allow for the letting go of the delusional belief of an I Self that the conditioned mind energy makes you think is truth. When this letting go occurs, it opens the heart to Universal Truth, a truth that can only be known by being still in the thoughtless realm of what is; it’s in knowing this truth that you will be set free.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Life's Meaning

The search for meaning to one’s life is what keeps meaning from being revealed because when searching it means the mind is busy. Only a settled mind reveals the true meaning of life.

One will never find the meaning to their life alone, it will only be through the love of others that it will be revealed. Part of the problem of the endless search for meaning to one’s life is it’s thought the answer is locked up in some safety deposit box inside you and it will be unlocked by reading another book, running around aimlessly trying to save the world, some self help method, or attending a program of some sort, but meaning will only be revealed when it’s not looked for, at least this has been my experience. The search itself is what keeps meaning from being revealed because when searching, it means the mind is busy. Only a settled mind reveals meaning, and it will be seen in the love that others have for you.

Imagine if there was no one who loved you, it would be the loneliest way one could ever exist, and without love there’s no true meaning to anything whatsoever. How could there be if one is alone? It’s not my responsibility to save the world and run around being so busy that I don’t have time for stillness. Stillness is vital because it’s in stillness that one is guided to connect with all beings. I spoke to someone on the phone yesterday for the first time and I never want to lose that connection with people because this type of connection is at such a deep level. In this connection is where loves energy intertwines and it’s in this energy that the meaning of life is revealed because in the energy of love, we are one.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Changing the Channel

The only way to change the channel of the mind is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it, there won’t even be awareness you’re watching a rerun.

Watching TV is rare for me, but the other night I caught myself sitting in front of the boob tube, catching the last half hour of a program. When the program was over I began channel surfing, looking for something to watch, 20 seconds on one channel, 10 seconds on another 15 on another, than another and another, you get the picture, how quick to change the channel, without hesitation, but isn’t it amazing how we stay on one channel when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to change the channel even though nothing is truly on. Actually what’s mostly on are reruns, yet we’ll watch the same channel (thought) over an over. It’s as if we’re stuck on one channel and don’t know how to go to a different one and in a sense we are.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to change your mind when its got you in its grip. I would say unless there’s extreme awareness of this, changing your channel will be very difficult, not impossible, but difficult. The only way to change the channel of the mind is to have something in place that will allow it to be changed. This is where quietness comes in because without it, there won’t even be awareness you’re watching a rerun. It may be a rerun using some fictitious name, but it’s still a rerun. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you will see your mind for what it is and how it likes to default to familiar channels. The issue is you can get so comfortable watching the reruns that it’s not realized the channel needs to be changed, and this realization will only occur if you have a program in place that’s worth changing to.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Light is Love

The Conditioned Mind is grounded in darkness and the world is the way it is because not enough people see the light. The light is always there, it just needs to be noticed so one can turn towards it.

All light has transforming properties to it, that’s why when one sees the light, they’re transformed. Look at a plant, it begins as a seed, it has potential, but it’s still only a seed. You can put it in soil, water it and give it all the nutrients possible, but without a source of light (energy) the transformation from seed to plant will not occur. This transforming light is the source of most of life, there are exceptions to this rule as with deep sea creatures or those in caves, but for the most part it is light that transforms. Go into a dark room and turn on the light, there’s an instant transformation of the room. The walls come alive with color, the furniture and design of the room are also intensified. Without the light the room still exist, but its vibrance is hidden.

When one wakes up to experience this hidden vibrance, it’s the lights energy that transforms just as it is with a plant or a room. You can be in the dark your entire life, but once there’s light, the darkness is gone. It may return somewhat because of one’s conditioning, but it will never be as dark as it once was, it can’t because there will always be some light. This light is truth revealed, (one’s internal energy of love) and it’s impossible to consciously turn it off. As stated before it will turn off only because of one’s unconscious conditioning, but this light is always on beneath the conditioning because it’s the light (the source) of our existence and the true essence (love) of who we are. The Conditioned Mind is grounded in darkness and the world is the way it is because not enough people see the light, but the light is always there, it just needs to be noticed so one can turn towards it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Believing Your Lies

There are many lies that are believed which keeps one entrapped to the lies and if these aren’t exposed at least to the point where it’s realized this is occurring, one’s life will mostly be lived as a lie.

Believing our lies is what gets a person in trouble. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side is one of these lies and until it’s seen this grass also has to be mowed, one will continues to believe this. If you think when a certain thing happens you will be set, you will be sadly mistaken even if this thing comes to pass. This is very subtle to see and as one clings to this mind set of needing life to be a certain way, the lies are reinforced. Case in point would be something as simple and seemingly innocent as playing the lottery. Here’s how this reinforcement works. There’s the lie of I that first makes one think if life is a certain way you will have it made; it’s the answer to your prayers. So you buy a lottery ticket just because the jackpot is a hundred million dollars. This seems innocent, but make no mistake, it is not. This is a reinforcement of I because you of I wanting things different and it keeps one in their self centered prison.

There’s nothing wrong with the tool of money in and of itself, but whatever the thing is that makes a person think life would be better if this or that happened, puts them in the chains of bondage to I. Granted a hundred million dollars would make one’s life different, but different doesn’t mean it will necessarily be better. The moment one thinks better, it means one wants the present moment different. There are many lies that are believed which keeps one entrapped to the lies and if these aren’t exposed, one’s life will mostly be lived as a lie. Money is only one, anything can be substituted for money. Don’t take my word on this, investigate this and see the lies you’re clinging to, or not and remain in bondage to the lies that you’re keeping in place as truth.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Truth Just Is

The main thing to understand about truth is this, you will know what you see is truth when there isn’t a story needed to define it nor is it the result of any doing on your part. Truth arises from stillness and just is.

The point of yesterday’s post “Stop Thinking” arose from my experience of searching for something for most of my life, but not really knowing what I was looking for. Today I understand what I was looking for as truth, but it’s not a made up truth that is mostly used by people to make themselves feel better, it’s a truth that arises only when the mind settles. This is difficult to explain because of the way one is conditioned to understand what truth is. Truth realistically can’t be defined. If you define it, it’s made up. Truth is truth as love is love and God is God, no definition truly defines any of these; they’re basically one in the same.

One does not find truth by a doing or making up a story of what it is. Truth is only revealed when the mind settles. In this settling what was previously hidden by Conditioned Mind distractions becomes known, but not known in the sense where it needs to be defined. I don’t know what happened to me nine years ago, but I know I begin noticing the lies that I lived by, and the more known these become, the more peace I experienced in my life, and as a result of this, the more peace there is in my life, the less stories (lies) have to be made up to live by. Although I never tell anyone how to live, I know the way I write touches on arrogance to some people because of my assuredness with what I write about. A person’s ego will not relinquish its control without a fight, so someone’s view of me really has nothing to do with me. When the ego deems something as a threat to its very existence, it acts accordingly. The main thing to understand is you will know truth when there isn’t a story needed to define it nor is it the result of any doing on your part, it just is.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Stop Thinking

There’s no path, program, or way that can enhance life because life doesn’t need enhancement, life is life. If life isn’t accepted exactly as it is, the I attaches it’s story to what it thinks will make it enhanced.

I was in a discussion with someone yesterday about whether or not belonging to a program is a choice. This is part of how someone responded in the discussion: “I choose to belong to a program like I choose to workout or kiss my wife or walk the dog … because all of these activities contribute to my life … and you telling me what is “truth” whether it’s seen or not, is just plain arsey” I, I, I. The word arsey had to be looked up, lol. I’ll touch on this as it has been revealed to me, but please before you respond, sit with it first. Because of my experience this is what’s seen and try to understand this point, the bondage to I is very subtle and whatever one attaches to that makes you think it will enhance your life, it’s only I that makes you believe this. I’m not going to mention specifics here because every path is only a pointer, but nothing, no program or person’s way should be attached to, they can be investigated to see the truth they reveal, but if it becomes “your so called way” it’s only your I that’s attached to it and it now becomes your prison (bondage).

There’s no path, program, or way that can enhance life because life doesn’t need enhancement, life is life. If life isn’t accepted exactly as it is, the I attaches it’s story to what it thinks will make it enhanced. Everything in life is a pointer to make you look within and as long as there’s one iota of I attachment, something will be reached for out there and one’s own magnificence will never manifest; it can’t because I is blocking it. Please see this and basically just stop thinking, period. Get very very still so there’s no I story. Thoughts come and go, live life as it is and don’t make it into something that it’s not because it doesn’t need to be any other way. Don’t make it someone else’s way, or a programs way, make it totally your way, but that will only happen when I doesn’t attach to any other way but what comes from within oneself.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

A Noisy Mind is Unpredictable

One day St. Peter and God we’re discussing the current state of humanity and what to do about it. St. Peter suggested maybe another great flood was the way to go. God replied, we don’t have to do anything, they (humans) are destroying themselves.

Learning to sit to give one’s mind a lot chance to possibly settle and see things in a different light will probably be the most difficult thing one will ever do, that is if they even do it. The first step is to become aware that sitting is needed, this in itself is a huge break through in breaking free from Conditioned Mind Patterns that control just about every aspect of one’s life, mostly these patterns remain in place until the day one dies without any awareness whatsoever. Unconsciousness is the norm in our society and if you just look around without judging or labeling, you will notice this, and if it really resonates with you, a commitment will probably be made instantly to start sitting.

A noisy mind is scary because it’s unpredictable, there’s no rhythm or reason behind the things that are done when one is unconscious. From the Roman Empire, all wars, murder, rape, abuse, slander, hate, greed and whatnot, these are all the result of a noisy mind. Look at yourself to notice your own noise and see if this isn’t so. The scary thing is nothing will change until something is put in place that will allow the mind to settle. We already have all the resources and money for poverty and starvation to end, yet it’s still a huge part of our world. Why is this so? We have two people running to be the leader of the USA, but it will not matter who wins because both are unconscious, so nothing will really change. Maybe this is the way it’s suppose to be, I’m not here to say it is or it isn’t, but when one wakes up from their unconscious sleep and the noisy mind settles, what is seen is the love in their own heart, but unfortunately this makes one aware of the lack of love in others due to still being a sleep. Maybe starting over isn’t such a bad idea.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Lead Us Not into Temptation

Temptation only arises because I wants to satisfy some pleasure it’s making you believe is needed, and it will win out every time until there’s awareness and discipline to stay out of the so called lions den.

The old saying if you don’t play with fire you can’t get burned is so true when it comes to being tempted. If you can stay out of the lions den you will remain safe. It’s so important to not put yourself in harms way when it comes to temptation, but it’s done because the way most minds are conditioned, there’s a lack of awareness and discipline to stand up against temptation for a long period of time. I see this in myself although very slowly my conditioning that attaches to I is losing its grip. There’s so much of our make up associated with temptation that one should sit with this to see how much control it really has over you. Why this is so is mainly because of the temporary pleasure that’s gotten from giving in to the temptation. Food, alcohol, drugs, sex (alone or with someone) gambling and so on, many things are used to satisfy the sense pleasure and if there isn’t awareness of this, it will be difficult not to get pulled around by the temptation.

For myself, I was controlled my entire life because of never having the awareness or discipline to stay out of the lions den per se, so in essence I was always in harms way. Of course satisfying I is at the root of this and whenever a temptation is given in to initially it feels good, but it only last until the mind that told you to give in to the temptation poses the question why did you do that. It has taken a few years to finally stop giving into temptation and it’s only because there’s the awareness of I wanting pleasure. Grab that cookie and see how long the satisfaction last, by the way sugar is as addictive as cocaine, maybe more so. The point of this isn’t to say the pleasures of life can’t be enjoyed, just watch who is attaching to them and why. See if you are putting yourself in harms way which reinforces I to remain in control. If this is done you just may be able to stay out of the lions den and lessen the control I has over you so you can truly live life happy, joyous, and free. Free from what? The alluring temptation of the control of I.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Greatness of Others

Greatness is measured by how one helps others to see their own greatness. Even if you possess the whole world your own greatness won’t arise until you touch someone to see the greatness in themselves.

To me there’s only one reason for my existence and it’s why I post my writings, it’s to assist others in recognizing their own greatness. There’s nothing more to it, there’s no other reason to write except for this. If one isn’t assisting others in establishing their own greatness then you’ll be stuck in trying to help yourself establish your own greatness, and if you look around you will see there are plenty of people already doing this and the results is why the world is in the state that it’s in. It matters little what anyone achieves in life for themselves, but those who are truly great assist others to discover their own greatness. This is what all the great masters did and do, they assist others in reaching the potential of their own greatness, but assistance can’t be done if there’s one iota of selfishness involved. You can only give away what is within yourself.

A person may achieve great worldly success and there’s nothing wrong with this, but if others aren’t being reached out to so they can see their own greatness what good is it. You may have great wealth and notoriety, but if there isn’t at least one person who has seen their greatness because of being tied into what you do, life will remain only as a shadow of your own greatness. To me it seems as though life dictates if one lives in the shadow of greatness or if one discovers their own innate greatness, but either way it means nothing until there’s assistance in helping someone from there own shadow of greatness into the greatness of who they truly are. Sit and visualize this and it will come to pass and what will come to pass has nothing to do with your greatness, but it does have everything to do with the greatness of someone else.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Desires Energy

When one isn’t looking to derive pleasure from an arisen desire, the desire loses its control and without being controlled by desire, one is able to be with what’s actually in front of them.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with desire in the sense that it’s good or bad, but because of desires nature, the mind gets pulled into a view of whatever desire arises and one loses touch with what’s in front of you. Desire can be draining because of the energy it needs to remain active. It’s one of the reasons why after the desire runs its course, there’s some guilt and remorse that follows. Giving in to desire takes a lot of energy, its an energy of a lower nature and what I mean by this is it can’t sustain itself, it needs constant reinforcement because the self of desire is never fulfilled. Love on the other hand is just the opposite, it’s of a higher energy because it needs nothing to sustain itself. It’s neither draining nor does it need reinforcement because it arises from the stillness of the Universe just as everything does. Think about it, everything arises from the energy of stillness and hence that’s where it returns, except plastic, lol.

Fulfilling a desire that arises is very satisfying or it wouldn’t be so enticing, but because of the nature of desire the fulfillment doesn’t last and more energy needs to be spent when another desire arises. These desires usually occur one right after the other, some are more glaring than others and some are subtle, so it’s difficult to really notice all desires. The glaring ones seem to have more of an affect on one’s life than the subtle ones, but make no mistake, desires energy is all the same and it’s only there to satisfy I. I have found by not attaching to results it really helps in not being overcome by desire, as is the case with my writings. I write and that’s the end of it, it’s what’s in front of me so it’s what I do. When I’m not looking to derive pleasure from an arisen desire, the desire loses its control and without being controlled by desire, I’m able to actually be with what’s in front of me.

Monday, August 15, 2016

An Urge for Peace

The inner urge that keeps one searching for something (peace) arises from the thought realm of I and keeps the urge in place. Only when the mind settles and I is let go of will the urge subside and lo and behold therein lies one’s peace.

Many people are on a so called spiritual quest to find something and for me this something was an inner urging to be at peace. I say was because the urge is no longer there. For far to many years I didn’t truly understand this urge and so it was always there as was the searching to quiet it. This searching manifested in many different ways and none were beneficial in living my life in a loving manner. This is because of the way I was conditioned, to self seek (quiet the urge) which kept the urge in place. What a merry go round ride this produced, hence there wasn’t much peace in my life. This lasted for forty nine years and then one day through a tiny crack in my ego, there arose the possibility of a different view of life which was revealed to me and gave me some real answers as to the true nature of the urge.

Nine years ago it began as just a crack, but has been expanding ever since. For the most part the urge for peace is no longer there because it has been replaced with peace, but when the mind becomes agitated and the urge does return because of the Conditioned Mind Patterns that are in place, I’ve learned to see it from the I perspective that it arises from, and not attach to it. Only attachment to I keeps the urge in place so one has to search instead of there being peace. The search for peace will never result in peace because the search itself is what keeps one from experiencing peace. In this moment right now is where peace is so there’s no need to search for what already is. So it’s only when the mind settles and I is let go of that the urge will subside and lo and behold it is then that one will be at peace.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Nothing Last Forever

Nothing last forever and as long as I isn’t in control there can be awareness that no matter what one thinks, the Universe is ultimately in control and regardless of what is deemed as so important, one day it will not be so.

Yesterday morning as I was posting the article I wrote on one of the many sites that asked me to post on it, I suddenly got a message from Facebook stating I was being restricted from posting anything for six hours because I posted my article to fast (???). Trying to contact someone from FB is impossible and although at first my I was annoyed, there was nothing that could be done except to wait the six hours. A few people contacted me to tell me the link to my article was down and all I could say was, yeah I know, this too shall pass.

My I wanted to attach to this and make it about something, but that’s just because that’s what I does. In being acutely aware this was happening, it afforded me the ability not to attach to I and thus there was freedom. I was perplexed and still am as to why FB would do this, but I knew it was temporary. I got in touch with some feelings that arose in me on how I think what I do is so important, but how it can be it changed as quickly as a snap of a finger. Although my intentions are genuine with the process that’s happening to me, it showed me how quickly it can change. I wants to make mountains out of molehill, but the truth of the matter is this, nothing last forever and as long as I isn’t in control there can be awareness that no matter what one thinks, the Universe is ultimately in control and regardless of what one deems as so important “this too shall pass” or as stated in my article from the other day about bubbles, this too shall pop.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Great Illusionist

The Conditioned Mind is a great illusionist, and what it creates is the illusion that life is as it appears. One forms beliefs that reinforce these illusions, so much so that it keeps the heart closed and one constantly looking for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Life really isn’t as it appears. The Conditioned Mind constantly tries to create a world that makes one wonder if they're happy. This created noise is an illusion that blocks one from seeing their own innate goodness and all this occurs without permission. When there’s an understanding that we’re just a manifestation of Universal Energy and not much else really matters, we can become still enough to see our creation not as the Conditioned Mind makes it appear, but as it was meant to be, lived from out true intention to be an instrument of stillness. The only thing that keeps one in a state of unawareness of this stillness is the Conditioned Mind.

Stillness breeds truth, truth breeds freedom. freedom breeds clarity and clarity breeds stillness. One day you’re in this form and one day just like that, you’re not. The base of your life determines how you’re spending the time that you have in this form. If it’s to serve your I Self you will never come from a place of stillness and it will be very difficult to see truth and find inner peace. If it’s to be still with all you heart and soul, the mind will settle and it will allow inner peace to be revealed which allows unity with all beings. They may not be in unity with you and that’s because of their conditioning, but unity with oneself is what’s important and how you will know you’re in unity with yourself is by the unity you have with all beings. This is the unity that only comes from one’s own heart. Separation is an illusion that’s created by the great illusionist, the Conditioned Mind, unity is what occurs when the conditioning falls away and the mind is still.

Friday, August 12, 2016

You Don't Get Me High Anymore

When the mind settles it can be said to desire “You don’t get me high anymore” and that’s because the only reason something is reached for is to alter one’s mind state by getting high.

For most of my life I reached out for things because whatever I was reaching for, it was thought to be needed to get me high, and by high I mean it took me out of the present moment monotony that my mind was creating. This altered state was constantly chased after and an array of things were used to achieve it, from drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, food, TV, power, and whatnot, feel free to add your own. There was the constant mind agitation to get high on something because I didn’t have the ability to be with myself without altering my mind state. This is the root as to why anyone reaches for anything and without this need to alter one’s mind state, there would not be a need to get high and reach out for anything.

The present moment monotony that’s created is there because it’s not known how to just be and not need the present moment different. There are so many things used to get high that go beyond some of the conventional things like drugs, alcohol and gambling. Here are a few of the more subtle things used, speeding up to beat the yellow traffic light, weaving in and out of traffic, rooting for your favorite sports team or country, talking about others, cheating on a spouse, surfing the net and on and on, all these are used to alter one’s mind state to stay out of the present moment. When this reaching stops its because the thing used doesn’t get you high any more and either something else will be used that does or one will learn it’s ok to be with yourself because it’s who you will be with for the rest of your life and there’s no reason to get high anymore.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

A Decision Not to Judge

Judging energy keeps the energy of what was done in place. I’m not saying love people who cause harm, just don’t judge them. It’s in the space of non judgement that love naturally arises.

What if you decide that every person you meet is perfect just as they are and although their behavior may not be to your liking or even to the world’s liking, they in no way need to be any different? How much peace would there be in your life because of this decision? It’s not like if you don’t like the way someone behaves that they are going to change, so why waste the energy on trying to change that which will not be changed. And since you can’t change the person or the unloving behavior exhibited, accepting them as they are will most definitely change you; after all you are the only one you can change and that’s only if you’re aware there’s something that needs changing.

This simple way of viewing people will have a profound impact on your life because it takes away the unloving energy of judging. How this impacts you is it stops the downward spiral of the judging energy which affects everyone. This is true even if the person does the most horrific act imaginable, judging them does nothing to change what was done, but it does keep the energy of what was done active; it’s actually all the same unloving energy. This occurs because regardless of the harm done, judging would just keep the unloving energy of what was done in place. I’m not saying love people who cause harm, what I am saying is don’t judge them. It’s in the space of non judgement that love naturally arises and it’s because of the decision made that every person you meet is perfect just as they are, no matter how unloving their behavior may be.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Only I Needs Forgiveness

Forgiveness is used so one can be released from (let go of) the hurt that’s being held on to, but regardless of what’s done, the hurt only hurts the person holding on to it, not the person who did the hurt.

Here is what I see when it comes to forgiveness, I’m not immune or insensitive to the hurts people feel, which are real to those holding onto them, so they can’t just be ignored. Why one uses forgiveness is to be released from (let go of) the hurt that’s being held onto. Regardless of what is done the hurt only hurts the person holding on to it, not the person who did the hurt. The only way to get beyond the hurt is to let it go, but the thing done isn’t let go of, it’s the attachment to I that needs to be let go of; I is what’s holding on to whatever it is that was done. There’s no getting around some of the horrible (non loving) things people do that surely cause hurts, but if there’s no I attached to it, there’s no one actually being hurt. So because of this, the hurt only hurts until I is let go of. You can say at this point this is forgiveness, but what you’re actually doing is letting go of an I attachment. Are you not?

It’s called forgiveness because of the lack of understanding of what’s actually transpiring; letting go of I attachment is what’s occurring. Sit with this and you will see it for yourself. I don’t make this stuff up, it takes a very settled mind to see what’s really going on in life. The conventional way of looking at things is deeply engrained and I challenge anyone to discount any of my writings, not because I’m a know it all, but because they come from a place that’s beyond me.

Here’s a short personal example, someone did something to me when I was young that I carried around for forty plus years. When I learned that I was conditioned to act in the ways that I did I also learned so was everyone else (they know not what they do). Although everyone is accountable for their actions, this understanding freed me from the attachment my I was holding on to. I didn’t forgive the person, there was no need to. This is how it works for everything that happens, you can say this is BS, but understand that’s just your attachment to I saying that. I doesn’t want you to know the truth because it will set you free and what you will be free of is I.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Forgiveness Story

Regardless of what’s done that makes one think forgiveness is needed, it’s in the past, so forgiveness is just a story that keeps one entrapped to past Conditioned Mind Patterns.

I know many look at forgiveness much differently than has been revealed to me, and you can defend what you’ve learned, but if you haven’t sat and investigated forgiveness for yourself, you are going by someone else’s idea of what forgiveness is. It has been revealed to me that forgiveness is a story that keeps one entrapped to past Conditioned Mind Patterns. Regardless of what is done that makes one think forgiveness is needed, it occurred in the past. I know many like to hold on to the belief that emotions have to be felt, but I say who says so, the experts? Good luck with following the so called experts when it comes to living your life, besides do you really want to live your life by someone else’s ideas?

Forgiveness viewed in the conventional way actually keeps one entrapped to a story, because if there’s an I who either needs forgiveness or has to forgive, there in lies the story of entrapment. Round and round this goes and all without ever investigating the origin of the forgiveness story. Ok, so something happened to you at one time, but now it’s today and you’re still carrying it around, and the reason is because you have an attachment to I that needs to constantly make up a story. I state something and a lot of times the response is, I see but, or I get it however. Either truth is seen or it isn’t. Stick with the lies of the story, but as long as a story is made up and held on to, one’s life is a delusional lie.

This isn’t to ignore what happens to you, but if it’s not happening right now and you are still carrying it, it’s a story. Is it not? Create any story you’d like, but please don’t pass it around as if there’s some enlightening attribute associated with forgiveness, one doesn’t get to do that until it’s investigated and seen for the truth that it is. So run around and think you are better than others by needing to forgive them, but all I’m saying is if one knows not what they do, what is there to forgive but a story being held onto from the past.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Present Moment Obstacles

The more a person can remain and live in the present moment, the less obstacles there are that don’t allow life to be lived to the fullest. So to me, the key to any life is to be present or forever want your peace.

Whatever takes you from the present moment is the biggest obstacle you will face in having a peaceful and full life. This obstacle comes in many many forms and this is part of why they’re so difficult to identify. For me it was my inner feelings of inadequacy that led me down the road of never being able to be present for what was actually happening. This led me to a need to constantly search for something to quiet this inner void.

The obstacles will differ for everyone and will manifest as fear, envy, jealousy, anger, greed, lust, inadequacy, and whatnot, but what they all have in common is they take you from the present moment. With all the available obstacles in place, it makes it hard to pinpoint exactly why one can’t remain in the present moment. To me exposing these obstacles is the direction of my practice; to identify how they take me from the present moment. Although the present moment isn’t a magical place, it is the place where life actually happens and I’ve found that at least in this place I’m not living through a story of what’s happening, I’m actually present for life as it is.

The obstacles are plentiful and through a practice that develops discipline and concentration they can be revealed and seen for the blocks that they are. It will take a very disciplined and concentrated mind for these obstacles to be identified, but as they are, their control will lose its grip which will allow one to be in the present moment more and more. And simply put, the more one is in the present moment, the less obstacles there are that don’t allow a person to truly live life to the fullest.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

X Marks the Spot

Our completeness is a well hidden treasure and although X marks the spot, for one to be aware of their treasure, it has to be known the spot that X marks.

I often speak of a completeness within each individual that doesn’t require one bit of doing for it to be, but it’s not known by many, even though it’s always there. There are reason it’s not known, these are the obstacles that must be identified or our completeness will remain as a hidden treasure. Knowing of one’s completeness is just that, a treasure and just like in the days of the pirates, a map is needed to discover it because it’s so well hidden. So much of the human psychic has to be sifted through because of one’s conditioning to even begin finding this treasure. The most difficult thing to understand about this is one already possesses the treasure, but because of all the false maps that are out there, obstacles are created so our treasure remains hidden. Without the realization of this, it makes the search seem endless.

As with most treasure maps X usually marks the spot and it’s no different here. The X in this case is on the heart and when one can see this they know they possess the true map, not one of the fake ones. The difference with this treasure map is X is the entire map, the beginning and the end, this is because the start and finish are the same. Once it’s known where the treasure (completeness) is, the obstacles (fake maps) are no longer followed, this leaves but one map and it’s the one where X truly marks the spot, right on one’s heart.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Is Suffering Necessary?

If a sentence is started with the words “I believe” STOP because an I story is being reinforced and when this occurs the only thing that can come of out of it is suffering.

A very important question to ask yourself – Is suffering necessary? The answer to this question is simple, for those who are awake, suffering isn’t necessary and for this who are asleep, it is. There has been much discussion lately about emotions and feeling and the suffering that’s associated with them. What I’ve learned is it’s the attachment to I that’s at the core of the suffering. I’ve developed a simple way to assist me in identifying when attachment is rearing its ugly head, I simply ask myself “Is suffering necessary” for me I’ve learned any attachment blocks my freedom to be present for what’s actually occurring, not an I story of what’s occurring. Not understanding how I is the core of attachment is why emotions and feelings are so difficult to accept and the lack of understanding impermanence anchors it.

When I finally understood the relationship between impermanence and I, it allowed the control that emotions and feelings had over me to fall away; there’s no resistance of them, they just aren’t there. Here’s how this works; my mom is eighty four years old, obviously I love my mother, but I don’t attach to her current condition. It’s inevitable that one day her passing will occur, as will everyone’s. This understanding has already allowed me to accept her passing so whenever it does occur there will be no I attachment, so there will not be the need to grieve or suffer. Everything is impermanent in life and the moment this is accepted the I lets go of its control along with its attached suffering. Look I know this isn’t the conventional way to accept emotions and feelings, but it’s what has been revealed to me and I’ve learned through self investigation that to those who are awake, suffering isn’t necessary and to those who are asleep, it is. Attach to whatever is needed, just understand suffering is optional.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Knowing What's Right

Just because someone else may not think what you do is right, it doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Through self investigation what is right will be revealed, but only if the mind is settled enough to see.

What many people don’t seem to grasp is in the space of silence is where one encounters the true essence of life, this doesn’t mean feeling and emotions are ignored, it’s actually just the opposite, the space of silence is the only place where one can truly be with their feelings and emotions, but not in the way that most of us have been conditioned to believe. Most people are brought up to believe you have to feel or be emotional when certain things occur, but I ask you if it causes you to suffer, is it truly necessary? I am speaking strictly from my perspective and what I’ve learned is anything that causes me to suffer is not necessary. So for me when feelings or emotions begin to arise, I notice them for what they are and allow to them to keep going by not attaching to them.

I know many disagree with this and that is each individuals right, but anything that causes suffering I’ve learned not to attached to it. I don’t push feelings or emotions away, I just don’t attach to them or anything else for that matter that’s going to take me from my place of peace. I’m not to concerned what anyone else thinks of this because I have found my peace is my responsibility, regardless of what anyone else thinks. For to many years I wasn’t at peace because I listened to what everyone else thought was right, but today through the discipline of sitting, I’ve discovered a place within where true answers of non attachment have been revealed. This has allowed me to be at peace more often than not, and just because someone else may not think this is right, doesn’t mean it isn’t so.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Seeing Life's Splendor

The splendor of life is seen in the splendor of what our view of the world is. The world is seen through our eyes and when the mind is settled, what is seen is the splendor of life.

The world’s splendor is seen only one takes the the time to see it. You don’t have to go to some wonder of the world to see it, how about your own back yard or just taking a walk in the park. But if the mind isn’t settled it won’t matter where you are, you will not the see the splendor that the moment has to offer.

So much of life is missed because of the noise in the head, take the time to smell the roses before the roses are gone. If you keep saying tomorrow, my heart goes out to you because literally tomorrow never comes. Regardless of what concept or belief you want to make up in your head, it’s always today. You may dream of tomorrow, but the dream can only happen today. You can hope or wish for tomorrow to be different than it is today, but at some point tomorrow melds into today. It’s always today and that’s where the mind needs to be if you want to be with the splendor of the Universe.

Take a step back before you miss one more second of your life. There are many many distractions, that’s why if the mind isn’t settled you’ll miss the splendor of life which is always right before your very eyes. It’s up to each individual to see the splendor that life has to offer, but if you’re to busy it’ll be over before you know it. You can accomplish many things in life, but that doesn’t necessarily equate to seeing the splendor of it. It may allow you to see how splendid you are, but it’s the Universe that gives a sense of awe, and it will only be seen by a mind that is ready to settle enough to see the splendor that life has to offer.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Bubbles of Life

Each occurrence in life is as if it were a bubble, it arises from nothing and returns to nothing, but regardless of what occurs it will only last a certain amount of time as this too shall pop.

I can remember as a child being fascinated with blowing bubbles and even today if someone is blowing bubbles I will look at them. To me life is like a bubble, it begins its existence from nothing and through a process, a bubble is formed. It will last as long as conditions allow it to and then just like that it will pop. No bubble or life will last forever.

Each occurrence in life is as if it were a bubble and regardless of what occurs, it will only last a certain amount of time until it pops. This is one of the reasons a person always needs to look and reach for the next thing, whether it’s in the form of a book, promotion at work, lover, a degree, health remedy, some form of attire, food, drugs, alcohol, a bet, and so on, even when the thing is gotten (the bubble is made) it will soon pop. Everything reached for is as if it were a bubble and although one can be fascinated with them, they will not last, no matter how much one wants them to.

Just think about it, bubble after bubble (life occurrences) arise from nothing and pop as they return to nothing. This constantly occurs throughout one’s life until the last bubble pops which is life itself, but it’s no different than the other bubbles. It arose from nothing, manifested, and returns for whence it came. The key here is to truly understand the correlation between these two and to fascinated with each and every bubble (occurrence) knowing in one’s heart that although they’re all a part of the natural process of life, this too shall pop.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Creating Space

When space between our thoughts is created, one awakens to awareness, truth, and love. The more space that’s created, the more awareness, truth, and love there is, but there’s no magic here, just space.

Yesterday my article was about truth arising from the space within oneself. But how is this space created? A lot of times people repeat and post things that are profound, but few know their true meaning and how to actually implement them. It’s nice to say “Live in the Now” or “let go” but how does one go about doing this? Everything is learned in life so if one isn’t taught how to implement what they’re attempting to do, it probably won’t happen.

Here is one way to create space in your life so there’s the possibility for truth to arise. The first thing is to become aware of the constant chatter that goes on between your ears. If there isn’t awareness of this, it will be very difficult to create space. How one becomes aware of this is by looking inward and investigating what all the noise is about. Notice the stories that are being created and understand as long as they’re in place, space and truth will not be.

I had to start a practice of sitting and this is what allowed awareness as the constant chatter slowly subsided. This isn’t magic here, as the chatter subsided, space was created and truth began arising. This is the process that is still in place right now for me, but today the space created had expanded so there’s a lot less chatter between my ears and a lot more truth arising. If this space wasn’t created, I would be as I had always been and my book and all of the articles that I’ve written would not be. This is simple, when space is created what one awakens to is awareness, truth, and love and as there is more and more space created, there is more and more awareness, truth, and love, but like I said, there’s no magic here, just space.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Space of Truth

The only way truth will be known is when there’s the space of needing nothing to prove, defend, or explain, and this is because truth doesn’t need a story. Why would it if its the truth?

Regardless of what happens in your life, at the end of it the most important thing is to know you lived in the space of truth and you have no regrets. To me this doesn’t mean accomplishing great things, but it does mean living from and understanding the spaciousness of unquestioned truth. Don’t allow anyone to deter you in what the Universe reveals to you as truth. Make sure it’s not something made up or something that someone else tells you or writes about, but that it’s the truth the comes from the space which needs no defending nor explaining. If someone has to prove their way is the right way, listen politely, investigate it, and I guarantee you will see the flaws in what they are saying. Truth doesn’t have to be pushed, proven, explained or defended, it’s truth, it’s self sustaining.

Deep within, from a place I know nothing about, things have been revealed to me that need no defending, explaining, or have to be proved or pushed on anyone. I share what I know, but I don’t know how I know it, all I know is that I do. Forget beliefs about something, forget all thoughts about what you think is truth because regardless of what the experts say, truth comes from the space that needs no explanation. There is no story when it comes to truth and there is no need to defend it. Why would something without question need defending? Say what you will, but if you think what you are saying is truth, but it doesn’t come from within yourself, it isn’t truth. You can’t learn truth from someone else, that would be like a dog chasing its tail. Truth doesn’t come from a book, it will only be revealed from the space within yourself when the mind settles. Many make up their truth because it’s all they know, but the only way truth will be known is when there’s the space of needing nothing to prove, defend, or explain, and this is because truth doesn’t need a story. Why would it if its the truth?