Sunday, July 28, 2019

Free Will Isn't Free

When it’s said “God gives you free will” it’s just something that’s used to justify your behavior so you can do what you want. If love isn’t at the base of your choices your so called free will isn’t so free…

No one causes more harm to you than you do. It’s the irony of life that we are our own worse enemy. No one hurts us the way we hurt ourselves. Think about some of the things that we do and call it free will. There is so much bondage in this so called free will it isn’t funny. So many things control us and we use the free will term as a disguise because no one would purposely choose bondage or would they?

Here are some of the choices of our so called free will: Smoking cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol to the point of intoxication, abusing legal and illegal drugs, selfishly indulging in porn and sex, over eating to the point where it causes health issues (obesity, stress, diabetes) to name a few. How about our impatient driving tactics, constantly driving beyond the speed limit, always picking the shortest line, forming beliefs and opinions especially when it comes to religion and politics, sticking to our beliefs prior to investigating if they are even factual, thinking there is a God out there somewhere who really gives a damn what happens to you, praying to this God to grant you your wishes, thinking your views on life are right and unless they are agreed with the other person is an “A” hole, constantly seeking pleasure, gambling, lottery (thinking you will be set if you win) basing your life decisions on material possessions, thinking you are independent of others and we don’t need others for anything, dependency on all kinds of things, constantly living in the past or future, and the constant arranging of life to suit our “I”. These are just some of the so called choices of what is labeled as free will. I wonder what some of the choices would be if the consequences weren’t so detrimental to our well-being? As a society how much more can we choose to further harm ourselves?

The bottom line to all this so called free will stuff lacks one thing and that is the absence of love at the base of each choice. This lack and our addiction to satisfy “I” is destroying humanity and society in the process, and unless we learn to align our free will with Universal Love we will continue to do more harm to ourselves than can be imagined. You would never choose to harm yourself, so you think, but upon further investigation you will come to realize that your so called free will isn’t so free…

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Watching Your Thoughts

It’s important to notice your own thoughts because even if what you do comes from a labeled place of love, the label produces the bondage of your own thoughts that control you…

If you can’t watch your own thoughts to decipher if they’re truly beneficial, hold on because you’ll be taken on the ride of your life. Not that life does anything directly to you, but thoughts arise and these determine what kind of ride you will be on. Noticing your unguarded thoughts is essential if you’re not to be controlled by them; at least somewhat. Thoughts are a natural part of life so they will arise. As far as I know there’s no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that noticing them allows for a split second of hesitation that can be used to decipher whether or not if the arisen thought is beneficial; remember attachment causes suffering, not the thought itself.

I often say the Conditioned Mind is diabolical and unless there’s some awareness of how you are controlled by your own thoughts, it will and this has to happen, control you as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this control that even if you’re doing things that you label as loving, if these thoughts aren’t watched they will control you and bondage is bondage regardless of what label is applied. This is why the Conditioned Mind is diabolical because of the subtleness in using whatever it can to remain in control. This is also why it’s so important to notice your own thoughts because even if what you do comes from a labeled place of love, the bondage this produces is that of unguarded thoughts which control you like any unguarded thought…

Friday, July 26, 2019

Stillness Simplicity

The simplicity of life is determined by the stillness of your mind. Without stillness the Conditioned Mind always has questions, never answers. In stillness there isn’t a need for questions because the answers are simply known…

I have heard it said many times that life is simple, but not easy. Sometimes things are said without much thought as to why they are being said. Take a simple math problem, we assume everyone knows how to add one plus one. It’s simple, but is it simple to someone who doesn’t know how to add, it might as well be a foreign language. Don’t assume because something seems simple to you that it’s that way for everybody, and it doesn’t mean you are right about it. You may think life is simple, but not easy, but the truth is it is neither, it’s what your conditioning has instilled in you that makes life the way it is. What you consider simple may be very complicated for someone else and visa versa. When you are ruled by noise, life is difficult. When there’s stillness, there isn’t any noise.

Be very careful with blanket statements because what you see all may not see. As my writings reach more people, they are questioned more. It doesn’t mean there’s any less truth to them, it just means someone doesn’t see what I see. I don’t expect understanding of what I went through to get me to the place I’m in because I don’t even totally understand what happened. I do know the way my mind controlled me for to many years like I was a puppet on a string; today I am learning to cut those string. You won’t know how many strings there are, but as the mind settles and you become more aware that there are strings, it is then that you can be mindful and make the approximate cuts. The simply truth is the less strings there are, the less control the Conditioned Mind will have over you and the more stillness there will be in your life….

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Undisciplined Lack

An undisciplined mind is your true adversary. It isn’t the circumstances of life that cause you problems, problems are caused by an undisciplined mind making you believe things need to be different…

Your deep seated Conditioned Mind Patterns hold you in captivity to the I Self. The nature of the Conditioned Mind is to satisfy an I Self that feels a sense of lack; a lack that will try to be filled in one way or another. This lack is the energy that causes the Conditioned Mind Patterns to be formed. It was this sense of lack that controlled me for forty nine years.

I have come to understand that flare ups occur because your I Self doesn’t allow you to flow with the energy of life. It either erupts in the unconscious present or is stored, waiting for a future trigger and flare up to occur; whether it manifest now or later a Conditioned Mind Pattern will be formed. When these flare-ups occur and the I Self attaches to them, the story in the head starts and the drama begins. Once a Conditioned Mind Pattern is activated all sorts of things happen. You go through many different emotions. Feelings arise that cause you to justify your actions which present themselves in any form that is necessary for the situation; anger, rage, jealously, pride, etc, the list of the capabilities of an undisciplined mind are endless.

It starts with a thought. If that thought is allowed to pass through by not attaching to it, that’s it you’re free. If not, the next step is it attaches to the I Self which creates the story; it has to run its course until it reaches a conclusion. It will then return to your psyche to become more engrained. The conditioning will be much easily activated next time there is an association to the I Self and it will become much more difficult to let the energy pass through. You will attach to the thought and a Conditioned Mind Pattern will form, or you will not attach to the thought and allow the energy to pass through, but that will not be a choice until it is…

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Skydiving Experience

The mind loves logic, but sometimes caution has to be thrown to the wind to truly experience what it means to live. Holding onto a lifeline may keep you safe, but it also limits you…

One day last year my son who was to turn twenty three said he wanted to go skydiving for his birthday. My daughter also said she wanted to go and since both of them were going I figured why not and also signed up to go. I really didn’t give it much thought I just looked at it as something to do. It took us numerous attempts, but one year later we finally got good enough weather to skydive. I’m not a thrill seeking nor do I have a bucket list with things I want to do, but the adrenaline rush that was felt free falling for about thirty seconds from ten thousand feet was like nothing I have ever experienced; it’s difficult to put it into words. It was the most intense feeling of being in the present moment I’ve ever experienced. It showed me what being present is really all about. The nerves were there on the plane ride up and the higher we got the more present I had to stay so the nerves didn’t take over. Logically there was no reason to leave a perfectly good airplane, but sometimes logic has to be thrown out and you just have to do what’s in front of you.

Life is here to experience and that goes for whatever is being done. The mind loves logic and although there’s nothing wrong with logic, caution has to be thrown to the wind sometimes to truly experience living. Holding onto a lifeline may keep you safe, but it also limits you. I’m not saying everyone should go skydiving and jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but what everyone should do is get in touch with your creative energy and go with what arises. This is the energy that allows me to write as I do without any attachment. It’s where my book arose from. It’s the creative energy of the Universe and it’s in everyone. No one is more special than another, some are just a little more in touch with their creative side. If you truly want to live, in your creativity is where true existence abides, and who knows if your mind settles enough you just may write a book or jump out of a perfectly good airplane just because you can…

Divine Nature

You cannot have a story without a subject. The subject of your stories are created when you live from the base of “I”. Without “I” your divine nature sustains itself naturally; no story needed…

You Are Not Your Stories. How attached you are to your stories is related to how much you’re connected to your divine nature. The story is usually related to your “I” and the more “I” controls, the less you’re in alignment with your divine nature. Just think about how the stories occur, when there’s traffic, who’s in traffic? How about when there’s an individual you’re attracted to, who is attracted to them? How about dessert, when it’s time for dessert, who is craving the desire to be satisfied? When anything is desired, who desires? All these questions have one thing in common and they are all derived from “I” and it is “I” who creates all the stories. I want this and I want that. I don’t like this. I want this different. I want, I want, I want, all this wanting is just a story that keeps us from experiencing your own divinity nature. Without wanting is to be without a story and without a story you’ll have enough quietness to hear the divine urging from within.

Your story needs a you to believe you are your thoughts and then your Conditioned Mind can create a story from those thoughts, but the story isn’t you as your thoughts aren’t you. It all begins with the attachment to “I” and how you make your thoughts who you are. Don’t attach to “I” thoughts and it will be impossible to create an “I” story. A story needs a subject so without attachment to your thoughts there isn’t the needed subject to create a story. What life becomes is manifested as a divine purpose, but it isn’t your purpose because that would just be your “I” attaching to a thought to give it a subject to create a story.

Our life is always occurring in the divine of the present moment. Why this isn’t known by more people is because of the attachment to “I” stories. The divine isn’t a story, it’s simply divine. It doesn’t need a story, it always is. It’s the human development of “I” that doesn’t make this known. Anyone who has any inkling of truth in their life has somewhat minimized the attachment to “I”. It’s the only way to get quiet enough to realize that You Are Not Your Thoughts, and you are not your “I” created stories either…

Monday, July 22, 2019

Life is Sacred

Everyone is basically a servant to the Universe; existence is because of it. Whether you choose to be its servant or not will determine how mindful you are that your life is sacred…

Live and enjoy life just understand the origin of whence ye came. You are a servant to the Universe, to serve and to humbly walk your sacred life. It’s sacred because existence is temporary and it isn’t a result of anything you did. If it’s spent trying to satisfy the self, you will not understand the sacredness of it, but if you live to serve the Universe your life will be saturated with love. You will understand life as few do and you will have a heart that wants to serve because of the understanding that to serve is the intended purpose of existence and the more you serve, the more aligned you are with Universal Love.

Jesus washed the feet of others to show how to serve, this is the love and humility needed to serve others. Jesus’s teachings show how to be the “Master of Love” and they showed by example what to do. So much false pride gets in the way in our ability to love that we lose the awareness of how sacred life is. You are alive because of the Universe and without it you would not be, not matter how much pride you have. The Universe giveth and the Universe taketh away, such is the nature of this sacred life. The gift is all the stuff that goes on in between life and death which is sacred. The more mindful you are of this, the more you will serve…

Universal Heart

To get beyond your Conditioned Thinking you must get beyond the noise in your head. You cannot live from the heart when the noise is in control. Be of stillness and you will be of your heart…

How does a person live from the heart? Living from the heart is a real place, not only is it real it’s also the only place that a person will ever truly experience peace. The mind will have to settle enough to a point where you have the awareness between living from the head and living from the heart. Both exist, but most are conditioned to live from the head; we make our thoughts our entire world. They form your belief systems and because they’re strictly from the head, your thoughts become the base of your existence. I was talking to someone about stillness the other day and his response was, “I have to think, who am I without thinking.” This is our human dilemma, we have been programmed to believe that we have to think and we are our thoughts; this is what’s in controls of most people. This type of living is all in the head. The heart gets locked out with the head as the base of existence.

When you can get beyond this noise you will start to experience what it means to live from your heart, but this isn’t a thought, it’s purely a place of stillness. The experience of living from the heart can’t really be explained, it has to be experienced. It’s like trying to define truth or love, any words used don’t really do it justice; it gets watered down using words to describe it. Find your place of stillness and you will find your heart. It’s there, but you have to be completely willing to let go of thinking if you are to experience it. A little stillness will not do. Only complete stillness will allow for the heart to overcome the head. Practice, practice, practice and one day your heart will open to a world that goes beyond anything the mind can conjure up. In stillness all of life arises, and all of life arises from the heart, but it’s not of your heart that this occurs, it’s the heart of the Universe. We are just a manifestation of the Universal Heart and it will only be in stillness that we will understand this from our own heart and experience living our life from here…

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Touching Hearts

Completeness isn’t something attained, it arises from the Universe in the energy of love and it’s only the love that’s in your heart that can touch the heart of another…

It’s a beautiful thing to help other people, it’s where inspiration and passion are derived from. If nobody got anything from what I shared I probably would have stopped long ago, but I don’t get my sense of well-being from sharing or anything else that I do. When I feel better (good) it’s because I’m m aligned with love. To me it doesn’t matter what I do as long as what is done is aligned with love. I do what I do because that is what’s there. No one has to answer to anyone but themselves. If you are serving others it’s because you love, you already feel good and the serving is a result your alignment with love. If you’re doing it for accolades or awards or because you want to feel better, the feeling better will only last for a short time. Only the love that is from the heart can touch the heart.

There are organizations that are geared towards helping others and it’s a wonderful thing to help anyone who is in need in our human family, but if the help is just because you want to divert what’s going on with you so you can feel better, you ‘re still being controlled by the Conditioned Mind and this will only be a temporary fix; what’s from the heart last forever. Why you don’t feel better (good) to begin with needs to be identified if you want to overcome this created lack that makes you have to do something to feel better. If you’re in need of something to be complete you will never be complete. This is because completeness isn’t attained, it arises from the Universe. The real heartache is it’s already within you, it’s just being blocked from you being aware of it by your Conditioned Mind.

Understanding the quietness needed to understand this is essential if you are to understand the quietness needed to understand this. You are complete just as you are and nothing added will make you more complete then you are right now. The human dilemma is this: because of the way our conditioning controls us it makes us think we need to do to feel better (good), but we don’t need to do anything to feel better, what we need is to learn to just be. In our being is our completeness, in our doing is our undoing. So just be and whatever arises you go do, but it isn’t needed to feel better (good) because you’re already complete just as you are…

Friday, July 19, 2019

Unconscious Opinions

Opinions arise from an unconsciousness that keeps you locked in a world which allows for very little freedom. If you want freedom, your unconscious opinions have to stop so they’re not in control…

The more opinions you have about something the more you limit yourself to that opinion. Openness of something can’t be experienced if you’ve already decided how it is; to remain open you need to be opinion free. This is essential if you’re to be aligned with the Universe and be free from the things that hold you in captivity. The unconsciousness of those things that hold you need to be let go of if you are to be free. This hold is very subtle yet firm. Even the opinion whether you like this post or not is from unconsciousness; the purpose of an unconscious opinion is to keep something stuck. This post can resonate with you without an opinion, but opinions seem to make the world go round. That doesn’t mean its a good thing, but that’s just my opinion.

I know I lived an existence that was very unconsciously opinionated for most of my life and this caused much conflict with things not of the same opinion; wars are started over mere differences of opinions. If you are really honest with yourself you will see that every disagreement you ever had with someone was caused by the difference of an opinion about something. I’m not saying you shouldn’t stand up if you know something is right, but truly knowing about something or having an opinion about it are not the same.

There is a place of no opinion, but if you don’t understand this you will never become aware of this and you will stay stuck in an existence that’s very opinionated. When this is the place you live from, there is very little freedom. When you can just be with life as it unfolds and not label it as this or that, you will be on the verge of truly experiencing an opinion free life without unconsciously grabbing a hold of everything you see and forming an opinion. You will then be free to be with life as it is and not need an opinion that just keeps you chasing your tail…

Thursday, July 18, 2019

I Am is Life

Life doesn’t need the answers that you seek to be, only the Conditioned Mind needs those answers. I Am; nothing more is needed because it already encompasses all that life has to offer…

I Am is the simplest yet most complex phrase that we will ever one upon. Simple when it’s understood, complex when it isn’t. The complexity of it lies in its simplicity. I Am is natural state of existence. It’s the place where conditions were just right and our manifestation in this form began. It’s the place of non judgement, non bias. The place where there is no prejudice; in this place there is only Universal Love. This really isn’t a place though because this is where you already are. There is just so much noise going on in between your ears that you most likely don’t even know this exist. When it’s learned to allow the noise to subside, what you are left with is I AM.

Practice diligently to develop discipline so you can be in the place of truly existence, the moment of “I Am”. Most people live in a delusional state of the past or future, but with discipline you won’t have to be in any place except where you are. Every other place is delusional. It’s your own mind that keeps us from this moment; your place of peace, I Am. It’s because of your conditioning that this occurs. Recondition the mind to remain in the present moment (I Am) and you will never leave this place of peace. In your “I Am” there’s no wanting. When you don’t want, its because you don’t need. When you don’t need you will be at Peace. In the state of I Am anything is possible because in this state you are in alignment with Universal Love and when you’re truly in alignment with love, you are in harmony with your life…

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Validated Now

If you’re always looking to what’s next for your validation maybe you shouldn’t be doing what’s next. What’s here now holds the key to your validation, what’s next is the delusion that something else is needed.

Yesterday I got a call from the company I paid to published my book, they asked me what was next as far as my book was concerned, beyond returning to work Thursday I’m not sure. There is much freedom in this because not my book, or my job, or anything else that I do defines me. The world may attach definitions to certain things and they’re used to define yourself, but if the worlds validation is needed for what you’re doing maybe you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing.

There’s never a need to do the next of anything unless you think it’s necessary for your validation,
and if you need it for validation you shouldn’t be doing it because it isn’t from the heart. You may make up a story to justify what you’re doing, though no one is the judge of that, but your own heart. If the Universe is truly your guide, then it’s from the Universe that all things occur. It doesn’t mean you don’t do, but what you do shouldn’t be needed to validate yourself. The Conditioned Mind creates so much nonsense to keep you in your chains, but if you’re going to ever understand your completeness, the Universe has to be the one in control. It has to be the source of your validation if you are to be complete. Here’s why; if you look for your validation in anything else, it will not last because you will always have to do what’s next. Another book, another promotion, another client, another 12 step meeting, another spouse, another house, a vacation house, retirement, saving lost souls, retreats, meditation and on and on and on, but when the Universal Energy is where you derive your strength from, you will be validated because there won’t be an attachment to a you who is doing so there won’t be a you who needs to be validated. When this is understood you will be complete because what to do next won’t matter because you will not be relying on it for validation…

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

No Diversion Needed

The more you understand the truth of yourself the more chance you have to break the chains of bondage. Without truth, a diversion is needed to keep away the boogeyman…

Know the truth and it will set you free. Jesus didn’t say be inspired and inspiration will set you free. When the Buddha started his journey it was to find the truth of why there’s suffering in the world. It wasn’t to inspire people by teaching them to create a diversion, it was to learn truth. In truth all is revealed. These two provided the greatest lessons of truth to bless our world. They weren’t spiritual cheerleaders or projected little engines who could, they were providers of truth. They inspired, but their inspiration arose from understanding their own truth and then that’s what they taught. You can’t teach what you don’t know.

The story goes that Jesus mediated in the desert for forty days, this allowed him to go deep within to find his truth or so called demons and abolish them. This can only occur when you know the truth of your demons, your blocks to love. Do you think Jesus was saying, I think I can, I think I can. Buddha walked the countryside for six years experimenting with different forms of meditation before one day becoming enlightened. Though he was born of royalty, there was no entourage telling him not to give up, don’t quit before the miracle happens, believe it and you can achieve it. Truth is already within each and everyone of us, it just has to be revealed and this is done by removing what’s blocking it, not putting on the mask of using outside inspiration.

Jesus and Buddha were truth seekers as are most people who seem to understand life. They knew their answers were within their own hearts, they didn’t need a cheering committee from the outside to tell them this. All truth is within. Truth cannot come from some inspirational outside coaching. The difference between truly being free and using a diverted inspiration is, inspiration is from an outside source, truth is from within yourself…

Monday, July 15, 2019

Understanding Impermanence

The mountains you think need climbing are there because your Conditioned Mind created them. Through the understanding of impermanence you’ll see your mountain can simply be side stepped…

Roughly sixty one years ago my existence in this form began and unbeknownst to me at the time it was going to take me forty nine years to learn what this existence is about; at least somewhat. To me it isn’t about anything in particular or to accomplish great feats, it’s simply to live life to the fullest which can only be done when there isn’t anything blocking this from happening. One of the lessons that has helped immensely with this is the understanding of impermanence. The realization that all things will pass including life itself is the key to a freedom that can only be understood when impermanence is understood.

Think of yesterday and all its created so called problems, can you even remember one of them. The saying “Time waits for no one” is probably one of the truest statements ever, regardless of what goes on in your life it will pass; the impermanence of things is where freedom lies. Even if you hold onto something, eventually it passes. The problem with this is we are conditioned to just pick up something else, that is unless there’s awareness that allows quietness in your life.

Without quietness everything becomes a mountain that needs climbing. This is what the Conditioned Mind does, it creates mountains. Without quietness the mind looks at something says its a problem and works vigorously to try and correct it. The opposite of a Conditioned Mind is a quiet mind, so you can see why a quiet mind is much more beneficial. A quiet mind understands impermanence and when impermanence is understood therein lies your freedom. You can only be in bondage if you are constantly looking for something to hold onto. Impermanence is the nature of life, your freedom is in this understanding, your captivity is in allowing your mind to create mountains so it has something to do. When you understand impermanence it’s not that you truly understand life, but you understand there really isn’t anything worth holding onto especially because all things will pass including life itself…

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Learnng to Float

To go beyond thought is to be in harmony with life. Although everyone is of life’s energy, you’ll need to learn how to cooperate with it so your energy is one of peace and not constant motion…

Beyond thought can be likened to the following example of learning to float. Imagine the ocean as life and you swimming in the ocean as your thoughts. You cannot swim without the ocean, but the ocean is not the swimming. It provides the place to swim, but not the swimming. You can swim forever, but it will only be a task that is using the ocean. As the swimming becomes tiresome you will need something to hold onto so you can rest (distractions). You can use many different things to accomplish this, but they are only temporary. What you can do to stop this incessant swimming and keep afloat without a struggle is learn to cooperate with the oceans energy and be in harmony with it. You can hope to find debris in the ocean to keep you afloat (more distractions) or you can turn over and float on your back. You’re still in the ocean, but now you simply align your energy with the oceans energy. You’re not fighting it or grasping and hoping for something to hold onto. You’re just floating on your back, allowing yourself to be at one with the ocean and thus you’re using your energy to be in harmony with the oceans energy.

Our thinking is like this; it’s energy. Life is also energy which doesn’t need our thinking, but our thinking is from the energy of life. You can think forever, but it never becomes life although it’s never separate from life. It’s just that the thinking energy is always grasping for something to hold onto and doesn’t align with life’s energy. When you turn over your thinking energy, you’re in cooperation with the energy of life, this is when you’ll find a place that will allow you to be at peace. You’ll thus stop grasping for something that you think you need to keep you afloat and you simply turn over and align your energy with the energy of life, floating along as one…

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Wisdom of Love

Our intelligence aligned with love allows for the wisdom of oneness with the Universe. It’s this wisdom that our inner urgings are pushing us towards…

Knowledge without wisdom is intelligence without love and to be without wisdom is to be loveless regardless of how intelligent one is. Without wisdom is to be without love and to use intelligence without love is to make decisions based in selfishness. When this is done and our intelligence is used without love it usually means decisions made are based without wisdom; when this happens your intelligence is not aligned with the greater good. You may tell yourself it is, but the greater good of humanity is intelligence aligned with wisdom of love and results in being a benefit to all beings which is much different then the greater good of decisions to satisfy our selfish self which is a benefit only to ourself.

You can call this alignment anything you want, but it’s simply aligning yourself with the wisdom of love which makes your decisions a benefit to all of humanity. Using intelligence selfishly doesn’t even benefit the selfish individual because it’s a detriment to the entire human family. When you use wisdom to benefit all beings, there’s a oneness that’s impossible to explain, it has to be experienced to understand it; in this place is our completeness. There’s no discontentment, no greed, hate, or delusion in this place. There’s just the wisdom of love, in this place is the most aligned you will ever be; wisdom arises from here. Love is from the Universe, wisdom is from love, and intelligence is from wisdom, that’s why when intelligence is aligned with love there is oneness. This is our place of belonging, it’s the place that our inner urgings are pushing us towards, but it will never be experienced until we totally align our intelligence with the wisdom of love…

Friday, July 12, 2019

Transforming Gift

If you live your life as a closed fist, you limit your freedom. Universal Love is always available, but you are the one who needs to be open enough to allow your heart to access it…

Whatever has the nature to arise will also pass away. It’s in understanding that the knowing and known are one in the same and there is nothing else. It’s through the practice of sitting that allows for the opening of the closed fisted mind. It allows this truth to be understood when the mind becomes quiet enough to see it. Without quietness our fist remains closed along with all its anticipation and tension; the agitations of the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve mind, or the wishful thinking mind. These are a few of the mind activities that keeps it in a closed state. Hold on or let go is always our dilemma. In each moment of life something arises and we either grasp it or not, and depending on your conditioning you will be as a closed fist or an open hand.

Our burdens are ours, we make them and they cause our suffering. When we take it upon ourselves that life is our responsibility alone we become closed and we close our heart to Universal Love. All forms of suffering whatever they may be, are derived from this. When the heart remains opened, there isn’t any anticipation and tension, so we remain an instrument of love. Although selfish conditioning will not allow it to remain this way all the time, with practice it will remain opened more and more. Our journey is to live our life with the open heart of Universal Love, to enjoy our journey regardless of our conditioning and release the hold of a closed fist. No anticipation, no tension, no tension, no burden, no burden, freedom of an open heart…

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Closed Fisted

If you live your life as a closed fist, you limit your freedom. Universal Love is always available, but you are the one who needs to be open enough to allow your heart to access it...

Whatever has the nature to arise will also pass away. It’s in understanding that the knowing and known are one in the same and there is nothing else. It’s through the practice of sitting that allows for the opening of the closed fisted mind. It allows this truth to be understood when the mind becomes quiet enough to see it. Without quietness our fist remains closed along with all its anticipation and tension; the agitations of the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve mind, or the wishful thinking mind. These are a few of the mind activities that keeps it in a closed state. Hold on or let go is always our dilemma. In each moment of life something arises and we either grasp it or not, and depending on your conditioning you will be as a closed fist or an open hand.

Our burdens are ours, we make them and they cause our suffering. When we take it upon ourselves that life is our responsibility alone we become closed and we close our heart to Universal Love. All forms of suffering whatever they may be, are derived from this. When the heart remains opened, there isn’t any anticipation and tension, so we remain an instrument of love. Although selfish conditioning will not allow it to remain this way all the time, with practice it will remain opened more and more. Our journey is to live our life with the open heart of Universal Love, to enjoy our journey regardless of our conditioning and release the hold of a closed fist. No anticipation, no tension, no tension, no burden, no burden, freedom of an open heart…

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Law of Existence

If you’re to be an effective vessel in benefitting others, your foundation has to be based in a truth that provides love. The effectiveness of any life is a direct result of love from the Law of Existence…

It’s impossible to be all things to all people, so to know your deepest inner truth allows you to be true to yourself regardless of what anyone else thinks; who is drawn to you comes from their own inner truth. To know yourself is to develop the ability to remain true to yourself. Regardless of how you’re perceived by others it’s your deeper inner truth that’s your foundation. The more truth is known the deeper and more solid the foundation.

You can learn from others, but not by trying to conform to the way that they want you to be. You have to stick to truth that’s deeply known. The Conditioned Mind creates a world of surface lies and without going to a deeper level to really understand what’s true the surface lies become your truth and your foundation for living. Watch what is held onto with a steadfast grip because if it’s a surface lie it doesn’t matter how much perseverance you have it will not be a benefit to your life or the lives of others. Steadfast and perseverance are admirable traits, but only if they are backed by truth. Not yours or anyone else’s, but the truth that’s found in the stillness of the moment that allows you to enter a deeper place that few go.

Don’t be taken back by what others do or say. When the foundation of their life is that of surface lies, then lies have to be the foundation of their life. Understand they aren’t at fault, they’ve been conditioned that way. Go deeper to a level of stillness that allows you to see truth and to have stillness as your foundation. The truth of all this is nothing happens that isn’t of truth, but if the level of stillness isn’t there, it will not be seen and it will never be seen except in the moment that is. Everything arises from the law of existence and when this truth is seen so will your freedom be seen…

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Quenching Your Thirst

Anything from the outside will never quench the thirst of your heart. The thirst can only be satisfied when there’s a practice to go inward, to the heart itself…

Until the unconscious mind awakens to its own consciousness it is nearly impossible to change its habitual behavior. You get caught in a trap created by your own mind to look for something that is already within you; the trap being your answers are outside somewhere. Whatever is used from out there will never fill what is missing within. Even the made up concept of God is formed from the outside. Anything used from an outside source will not give you any answer that is being searched for because you can not quench a thirst by just looking at a bottle of water.

Going inward frees you from the trap that your answer is outside of you and also by going inward you tap into a reservoir of truth so you will never be thirsty. It’s not that you don’t keep on learning and expanding, but it’s not a search, it’s an internal knowing that you are complete right now and nothing can add to your completeness. Only when you look outside yourself are you incomplete; it’s this view that causes you to create a trap. It’s not an object, it’s the outside view that’s at the core of why you think you need to search for anything to begin with.

If you don’t realize that you already are all the you are, nothing and I mean nothing will make this occur. Not money, a better job, a more understanding spouse, or whatever it is that’s being used, not even the made up belief in God. If you want your life to be based in something made up that’s your business, but just understand when you’re thirsty it’s why your thirst is never quenched. If you want to get out of this trap at some point you will you will have start looking inward because this is where you answers have always been, it’s just that your developed view has kept you in the created trap that your answers are outside of you…

Monday, July 8, 2019

Noise is Different

Even in quietness there’s noise, but it depends on your base that determines how it affects you. The Universe produces a lot of noise, but the affects are much different than the created noise of the world…

I really enjoy listening to the sounds of the Jersey shore. They have such a calming affect on me which allows me to reflect on the way my view of life is so different than eleven years ago. In August it will be sixty-one years that I am in this current form so a good portion of my life has passed. This is not an issue with me because the life I am now living is perfect, not because it’s the way that it’s wanted, its perfect simply because I have a view that doesn’t need anything different; it’s a life of perfection because it’s being lived as it unfolds. If I have the sounds of the shore as the background sounds that’s the way it is, but it doesn’t have to be this way in order for it to be perfect. If I was somewhere else and the background sound was someone snoring it would be just as perfect because regardless if things are as they are wanted, they will always be as they are. The way they are is perfect whether you like it or not.

Life is as it is and that’s how it should be lived. This makes all of life a blessing when what is is accepted. The accepted life is a life of peace. You can have the ocean right outside your window, but if the air conditioning is desired, the ocean will not be heard. It will still be there, but taking advantage of its calming affect will be lost in the earthly desire of being comforted by the air conditioner; this is what we give up when we conform to the world, the natural blessings of the Universe. The connection we get by listening to the sounds of the Universe is always available, but it will take discipline to not attach to worldly noise to notice it. When you conform to worldly noise it’s what you will need for satisfaction. When you hear the sounds of the Universe, it’s the Universe that satisfies you which provides so much more satisfaction even though this isn’t known until the mind gets quiet enough to understand this. Listen to the sounds of the Universe and connect to all of life or listen to the worldly noise and connect with worldly desires. It’s your choice, just understand what is listened to will be the very thing that will either bring you satisfaction or not…

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Love of Now

The measurement of a successful life is simply doing what’s in front of you and spreading that love; nothing else. If you don’t agree try living without love and see how successful your life is…

Do what’s in front of you. This is our purpose. You can make up a purpose in your head, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is your Universal Purpose. Regardless of what you think or make up, you can only do what’s in front of you. You can wish for things to be the way you think they should be, just don’t go back and try the impossible task of changing the past. Don’t make up a story of what your life’s purpose is, just do what’s in front of you and watch how love arises. You can never be more successful in spreading love than doing what’s in front of you. Living life as it is is as successful as you will ever be. The failure of any life is doing what you think you should be doing as opposed to allowing the Universe to be your guide. If you just do what’s in front of you, you are being guided love.

There was a short period of time when my book was first published that it became my main focal point and I was trying very hard to promote it. My thinking was I needed the worlds approval for it to be a success. My book and my life are now dedicated to passing along what the Universe has revealed to me by simply doing what’s in front of me and spreading love; not trying to get an unconscious world to understand a book about consciousness. I wanted it to succeed and I was gauging its success by the approval of others, not understanding their unconsciousness. This short period was about two months. One day while sitting in quiet I realized my book was already a success and its love was being spread. I also realized it didn’t need anyone’s approval so by focusing on wanting it to be successful I was missing its success and the impact it was having on people; those results are from the Universe not from me. It’s not doing something and gaining the worlds approval that makes life a success, it’s just doing what’s in front of you, that’s what makes life successful. It may not be a society measurement, but it is a measurement of love. Doing what’s in front of you is a loving measurement of a successful life, if you don’t think this is true try living without love and see how successful your life is…

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Conflict With Yourself

Your mind is yours, but by some of the things that are done it seems as though someone else is in control. When there is a conflict with yourself, you are the one who you are fighting with…

Who is your fight with? Is it with someone in your family, a boss, or co-worker? Is it with government, religion or society as a whole? Maybe it’s with someone who did something horrible to you or to a family member. It may be some of these, all of these, or none of these, but the real fight is with yourself. It’s not to ignore what happens, but it does no good if you allow it to control you to the point where it causes you to suffer. If there is to be peace in your life, you have to stop allowing anything or anybody to cause agitations that ignite the flame to fight yourself. If we don’t keep your flame extinguished there will be no peace; you can’t be a benefit to others if you can’t be a benefit to yourself.

What needs to be identified is the cause of the agitations that cause you to fight yourself. When this is identified you can decide if you want to continue the fight or not. Once something is done it is done, nothing can undo what has already occurred. If you don’t like what was done you need to do what’s necessary to try and not let it occur again, but just because you don’t want something to happen doesn’t mean it won’t. Your fight is what needs to be identified so yo can do what’s necessary to stop it. In the process if you can change one single event from controlling you or at least be aware of what is blocking your peace, you will truly be on a path that will not only benefit your life, but it will be a benefit to many others. Although it seems like things from the outside are the cause of problems, when you look within you find your problems are with yourself; if you want to be free you will have to stop the fighting, even though it’s your own mind you are fighting with…

Friday, July 5, 2019

Inner Child Innocence

The more the self serving mind is in control, the more the light of your inner child is claimed by worldly desires and possessions and the less awareness there is that your inner child light exist…

Everyday is a time to reflect on the light of your inner child. We are all born of this light, but remaining aware of it determines how alive your inner child remains as a part of life. There are many traps that takes a piece of your inner child light and locks it away; very few traps takes it all at once. The self serving mind is developed and if this is followed unconsciously the inner child will be there beneath the surface; unseen. The Conditioned Mind takes on the role of trying to constantly arrange life to be a certain way, this is the baby in us, not the inner child.

Make no mistake between these two, the baby is self serving, wanting, and selfish. Our inner child is of light, it’s loving, caring and innocent. Depending on your up bringing and whatnot determines how much of your inner child is seen. To understand this is to know yourself and when you know yourself you can develop discipline to reverse the process that traps your inner child light. The more this is done, the more your inner child is present so the light of a loving, caring, and innocent person shines forth as when life began.

If the light goes out, it can only be relit from within. The innocence of others can provide a spark to start this process, but it will be from the urging of your own inner child light that the process will expand. It’s up to each individual to see their own light or not and remain entrapped to a life that is self serving, wanting, and selfish, but choose wisely because it will determine if you see not only your own inner child light, but also the light of the Universe…

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Life's Majestic Offering

Life will only be seen as majestic if that’s what your view of the world is. The world is seen through your eyes and when the mind is quiet you’ll see the majesty that life has to offer…

The world can only have a majestic view if you take the time to see it in its majesty. You don’t have to go to a special place or some wonder of the world to see this, it can be seen in your own back yard or just taking a walk, but if the mind isn’t quiet it won’t matter where you are because you will miss the majesty of the moment.

So much of life’s majesty is missed because of the noise in the head so take the time to smell the roses before all the roses are gone. If you keep saying tomorrow my heart goes out to you because literally tomorrow never comes. Regardless of what goes between your ears, it’s always today. You may dream of tomorrow, but the dream can only happen today. You can hope or wish for tomorrow to be different than today, but at some point it becomes today. It’s always today and that’s where the mind needs to be if you want to see a majestic view of life.

Take a step back before you miss one more second of your life. There are many distractions, that’s why if the mind isn’t quiet you miss the majestic view which is always right before your very eyes. It’s up to you to see the majesty that life has to offer, but if you’re too busy, your life will be over before you know it. You can accomplish many things in life, but that doesn’t necessarily equate to seeing how majestic it is. It may allow you to see how majestic things are, but it’s the Universe that gives you a true sense of awe, and it will only be seen by a mind that is ready for it by learning to be quiet enough to see the majestic view that life has to offer…

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Only Room for Love

Any inner lack is because of the absence of love. It’s created by our Conditioned Mind, but when the conditioning is changed the lack is removed and all you are left with is a heart of love…

When truth is revealed you will realize there is nothing lacking in you; you are perfect just the way you are. Nothing that the mind makes you believe can improve on what the Universe has created. The mind wants to arrange everything to where it makes you believe that it creates for you alone a perfect world, but that perfect world exists only in your mind. It wants every traffic light to be green and when it isn’t the Conditioned Mind will get agitated and some kind of flare up will ensue.

What flares up depends on the conditioning developed throughout your life. We are all conditioned to use whatever we think we need to either make ourselves feel complete or beat ourselves up, but regardless of which is used, at the core of a Conditioned Mind it’s all the same, it’s derived from an internal lack that really isn’t there; you are just conditioned to believe it is.

When you start to understand this fictitious inner lack, you will be able to begin the necessary practice of discipline and quieting the mind so this inner lack is allowed to subside. Once this happens you become more in touch with what is actually occurring in you life instead of being controlled by the created lack made up by your Conditioned Mind. When you have no lack what is left is a peace that passes all understanding. When you are at peace, you are free to live and love the life that you are given. When you love your given life, you will want to share that love with all who are a part of it, and with love in your heart there won’t be any room for you to create lack…

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

An Agitated Response

No one truly responds to what happens in life, you respond to the mind becoming agitated and wanting that moment to be different. You are alive, but your agitated responses block you from truly living…

You are alive, but the question is are you truly living? It is one of the most difficult questions to find an answer to because who can truly define what it means “to truly live”. I have found certain things that are needed to be mindful of life occurrences so it can be lived to the fullest. One of these is the development of discipline of what to do when the mind becomes agitated. The hardest thing to do is nothing, but that is exactly what’s needed when the mind becomes agitated.

Definition of Agitation – Something that is stirred up or turbulent. When this happens to our mind how you respond is what shapes your life. We don’t respond to what happens in life, we respond to the mind becoming agitated. If the agitation never arose there wouldn’t be the knee jerk responses and without the response the only thing there would be is peace; this will take more discipline than most people have. The only reason we react to anything is because of our mind agitations. Try and do nothing, I mean nothing at all, just sit and be mindful of the moment. Without the practice of sitting this discipline is nearly impossible. If you want to change things, learning to recognize the responses to an agitation will have to become your life’s practice. Without it the agitations will continue to be a block to living your life to the fullest.

This is why you reach for whatever it is you think you need; you are just responding to a mind agitation. Without it there would be no need for the reaching. Objects are not the only things reached for, talking about others, beating ourselves up, gaining our well-being by doing instead of being, searching for what it means to live, assigning our so called roles to ourselves, these are but a few of the responses to our mind agitations, everyone responds in their own way. You will need to investigate this for yourself if you really want answers, most won’t go that deep inward. Looking at you is the hardest thing you will ever do, but it is where you will find out how not to give in when your mind becomes agitated…

Monday, July 1, 2019

Natural State of Love

Our natural state is to love so it would be safe to say that the reason we don’t is because somewhere in our upbringing we were misguided and veered off course…

There’s no one to blame for how you are. Being conditioned has been going on since the beginning of humanity or since the serpent tricked Eve who tricked Adam to eat the apple, if that is your belief. Regardless of how it started, it’s how it is now. That’s where our focus needs to be, not how it happened, but how can we get back on track.

Our natural state is to love so we only need to get back to our natural path. We don’t need to add anything, we just need to remove what has misguided us. Going back to the story of Adam and Eve, it’s humanity to a tee. Adam and Eve become misguided. they both did something that was self serving and it knocked them from their path of love which caused them to suffer for the rest of their lives; as the story goes. Sounds eerily familiar, but unlike the story of Adam and Eve there’s a way to return to your natural state of love, but only if you’re willing to go through the eye of a needle; that’s what it will take.

My writings and my book “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts” are tools to point you to your natural state of love. The rewards for doing this are so great that you go back to the time of the innocence of a little child. At some point in our life we were all like this, but somewhere along the way we become misguided and lost our way. Are you willing to do what is necessary to get back to your natural state of love, or will you continue to be misguided and live a self serving existence that keeps making you reach for an apple in whatever form it takes on…

One Rule

To live life to the fullest there must be alignment with love so it can occur. This is a dilemma because through the Conditioned Mind most people are aligned to self serve…

There’s one rule that allows you to live your life to the fullest and that rule is, you must do the things that put you in alignment with love. If this rule isn’t followed, it will be difficult to live a full and satisfying life; by satisfying I mean being an instrument of love. The isn’t done by doing certain things, it’s done by not doing certain things which will allow alignment to love; you can’t love anymore than what’s in your heart. Doing endless goods deeds will not add one iota of love to your heart, but when the good deeds are done naturally from the base of love it’s automatically from the heart. By doing the good deeds from your heart, love emerges by itself. This is not the conventional way of approaching life, but it’s the way I have found that works the best for putting me in alignment with love.

The major dilemma with this is through our Conditioned Mind we have learned to do things to self serve. When we do this we have no time to think of others because we are too busy thinking about ourselves. Most of life is spent thinking of and finding ways to satisfy ourselves. Even if you’re on a journey to help others, there has to be an awareness of the attachment that the self serving mind conjures up to make it about satisfying yourself. There’s a fine line between the self serving mind and the love serving mind. With practice you can see the difference and stop the one that doesn’t really align you with life or others, but if all you’re thinking about is doing things that are strictly a benefit to you there won’t be any room to think about being a benefit to others. If self serving is the rule that you’re living life by, you will not be doing the things necessary that put you in alignment with love and so life will not be lived to the fullest nor will it be as satisfying as it should be…