Monday, September 30, 2019

Liability or Asset

Assets of love benefit the entire Universe, liabilities of “I” benefit no one. This will only be seen when you understand your assets are a gift from the Universe and are in place for its betterment…

The Universe is our guide to our assets, “I” is the guide to our liabilities. If there is a evil in this world, fear is the name it goes by because nothing good comes from It. As it was once said “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” and when this is understood we can stop creating the “I” based liabilities that block out the assets of Universal Love which allows for the alignment with these assets so we can be a benefit to the entire Universe.

When you see this you will begin to understand yourself. Your entire perception of life regardless of what happens is all in your head. Not the actual situations that occur, they are real because that’s what’s happening, but the reactions are where the delusional energy transforms. When you know yourself you become aware that your behavior either puts you in cooperation with the asset of what is or it doesn’t; the direction of your energy determines whether each moment is lived as an asset or liability. These assets aren’t beneficial to you, they’re beneficial to the Universe. Assets of love benefit the entire Universe, liabilities of “I” benefit no one. This will only be seen when you understand your assets are a gift from the Universe and are in place for its betterment…

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Less Traveled View

When there’s awareness of the space between your thoughts, you are provided guidance so that you take the road less travelled which is a benefit to you and to all beings…

This is what happens when you pause long enough and see there is another view. The space between the conditioned thoughts widens and allows a view of love and compassion, instead of the worldly form view of greed, hate, and delusion. This other view is the fork in the road that is the road less travelled by most. This is for each individual to investigate and make a decision which road is more beneficial, not only to you, but to all beings.

I am grateful to be an instrument, but as an instrument I can only provide what the musician decides to play. If I am playing my own instrument it will not be much of a benefit to anyone, but if the Master Musician is the Universe and it plays my instrument, there will be a huge difference in what comes out of the instrument; I write because that’s what’s there. If you agree or disagree with what’s written it doesn’t really have much to do with me, that will be decided for you by your Conditioned Mind. Stop and allow for the space between your thoughts to become your place of peace, but you do not become peaceful because you choose it, you become peaceful when you go and stay in a space that is peaceful; only there can you see the fork in the road. When there’s awareness of the space between your thoughts you are provided with guidance so that you take the road less travelled which is a benefit to you and to all beings…

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Ever Expanding Heart

No matter how much hate there was that came before us or is here now, it will never keep the energy of the love that’s in our hearts from expanding to our entire planet…

Although some made the ultimate sacrifice in spreading love, there are many others who don’t have to, but spread the same love in their hearts. Some got killed for spreading the love that was in their hearts and some dedicate their entire life spreading love. The Buddha, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, to name a few, but there are so many people unnamed, people like you and me who spread the seeds of love as much as our heart is capable. Love is the energy of the Universe, it cannot be denied.

All we can do, is what our heart is capable of. We all possess a fully capable heart of love, but because of our Conditioned Mind far to many fall short of reaching their full capacity; with practice our heart will keep expanding and we will be the spreaders of love like those that came before us. As we are one unit on one planet, it isn’t our love that we are spreading, it’s the love that came before us, which is the love of the Universe; that is what is in our heart. We are expanding on that love and no matter how much hate there was that came before us or is here now, it will never keep the energy of the love that’s in our hearts from expanding to our entire planet…

Friday, September 27, 2019

Love in Every Heart

Love is the energy of the heart, its expansion is inevitable and it will not be denied because it’s what’s in every heart. As our heart opens to oneness, oneness becomes the heart of humanity…

Just as the body is many parts that make up the whole so it is with humanity, as individuals we are many parts that make up the whole. What is done to one is done to all. We are a collective unit sharing one planet. Nobody does anything without affecting someone else. Hate and it affects everyone, but love and the energy generated is ten fold.

Compare some of the worlds most evil tyrants and the affect they had on the world, as opposed to the ones who had nothing but love in their hearts. The comparison being not to single out individuals, but to put the emphasis on love versus hate. The hate is far reaching and it doesn’t stop because an individual is killed, but it does dissipate ever so slowly. With love it’s different; love expands even if the source is killed. A perfect example of this is the love in Jesus’s teachings. Its message is stronger today than the day it was written that he was crucified. The energy of the love that was in his heart is what lives on, expands and generates more love. This is the nature of love, to expand. Hate doesn’t do this, not that it doesn’t grow, but when it’s source is taken away the energy generated doesn’t expand, it dissolves. People will hold onto its trace energy, but it becomes a pocket of hate that is isolated, as opposed to love which expands because it’s in every heart…

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Truth Always Is

In truth more will be revealed, but it’s the lack of truth that keeps you looking to satisfy your self and thus keeps you from seeing the truth that is and has always been within you…

Live your life the way you think it’s needed, after all it is your life, but don’t blame anyone or anything for the way your life is or isn’t. With the lack of truth at the core of most of our decisions that means most of us live a life based on delusion. This is worth repeating; With the lack of truth at the core of most of our decisions that means most of us live a life based on delusion. We don’t do this intentionally, but it’s done regardless. This is some pretty strong language. You can ignore the truth and live a wishful life or you can start to understand the stillness beneath the noise and be with the truth of that. What you cultivate is what becomes your life.

The tools of truth produce quiet, noise is noise whether the noise is seen as positive or negative. Truth can only be known in stillness, anything else is noise, so if you’re not cultivating stillness you may not know the truth, because there is probably too much noise. Don’t look for truth, because if you don’t know it’s already there you will never know it’s there, but when you stop looking for it and stillness takes over, you will start to notice your life changing and it will be because of truth. In truth more will be revealed, but it’s the lack of truth that keeps you looking to satisfy your self and thus keeps you from seeing the truth that is and has always been within you…

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nothing Just Happens

People are dying everyday, but not because they’re doing drugs, it’s because they haven’t a clue why they need to do drugs. You can look the other way, but understand you’ll be part of the problem…

I know we like to hear about God, gratitude and love when we talk about life, but ask the family of a heroin addict who has died from an overdose if there is a God, love or anything to be grateful for. It’s very difficult to have answers about this, but you can’t just sit back and allow things to remain the same. To carry a message of consciousness to an unconscious world is a very frustrating challenge. I don’t profess to be a know it all, but I know what I know and it’s not really understood by most people.

I read an article about a young women who got out of rehab and in five days she was dead from an overdose. Things like this just don’t happen, there’s a reason for it. The first thing needed to address is the rehab failed. Someone has to be accountable and it has to fall on the facility that has the responsibility of teaching the individual about their addiction. The rehab takes peoples money and if the person relapses or dies that means the rehab has failed, but they don’t give the money back, they just blame the individual. It’s a win win situation for the rehab. If the person recovers they take the credit, but you never hear them take the blame. It’s all about profit. This has got to change. People are dying everyday, not because they’re doing drugs, but because they aren’t taught why they need to do drugs. You can look the other way if you want, but understand you are part of the problem…

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Be the Solution

People suffer because of ignorance…Be the solution in a problem ladened world where ignorance is the master and far too many people unconsciously justify being part of the problem…

I have a very difficult time with the way addictions are dealt with by society and I’m sorry for writing about it, but with knowing what I know it just doesn’t sit well with me. I have made it a practice of writing what’s in my heart and right now this is what’s there. I don’t know how I am going to do it, but the message revealed to me (The next step in humanity’s evolution process) needs to get to more people. Our world and its people are in trouble. We conform to things that sustain our suffering and the messages that are real are ignored. I’m not really sure what happened to me to change my perspective of life, but I have an obligation to share it. People are dying because of ignorance; their own and that of others. Ignorance is not bliss, it causes suffering and sometimes death. Ignore this truth and remain part of the problem.

We all have an obligation to make the world a more loving place, not ignore things so nothing changes. I know I’m doing what I can, but maybe more can be done. How many have to die before people wake up and listen to truth. Please excuse me for this, but as I’ve said before, it’s difficult having a message to share of consciousness in an unconscious world. We can’t just sit back or maybe some can, but I know for me I can’t because the suffering of others breaks my heart, and regardless if what I have written is agreed with or not, I will do everything in my power to be a solution in a problem ladened world where ignorance is the master and far too many people unconsciously justify being part of the problem…

Monday, September 23, 2019

Love is Never Wrong

When your base is love whatever you do will be beneficial to all involved. How you will know what you do is right is simply because the law of love is never wrong…

All suffering is dependent on attachment, this is what determines the level of suffering. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be devastating suffering, as most isn’t. The suffering I’m talking about is usually very subtle. Most would not even consider it suffering, but this is the cunningness of “I” in the form of the Conditioned Mind. It makes you believe lies, regardless if they’re true or not. You don’t have to take my word on this, look and see for yourself if how you react to things is truly beneficial. If it is continued on because the world needs people who are a benefit to it. It sure has its fill of people who don’t give a damn for anything but their self serving desires.

Everyone’s wants to think they’re right and push their righteousness on others, either consciously or unconsciously, but the only way that you can be right about anything is if your actions are based in love and they’re a benefit to you and others; more so others. No one can tell another whether what they do is right or wrong, but if you love your actions will be from love and not from some self serving desire. And when your base is love what you do will be beneficial to all involved. How you will know what you do is right is simply because the law of love is never wrong…

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Benefit to All

If what you do in life is from a heart of love the entire world will benefit from it. If not, no one will benefit from it, not even you because all that is done will be from the self serving mind…

Ask yourself this question before you do something, is this going to be a benefit to me and others or not? If your answer is not and you still do it, you shouldn’t be surprised by the consequences you get from your choice. I would venture to say if it’s not a benefit to you I would highly doubt that it would be a benefit to anyone else and the consequences will be accordingly.

This is a good tool to use if you have gotten to the point in your life where there is some space between your thoughts; a split second is all that’s needed. The first forty nine years of my life there was never this space and because my mind was conditioned to self serve there wasn’t much that was done that was a benefit to me or anyone else. The real issue here is most of what was done was of the self serving variety and it was usually destructive not constructive.

So think about it the next time you’re planning to do something, ask yourself if what you’re going to do is from a heart of love. And how you will know if your answer is yes is if what you’re doing is a benefit to you and to all beings, more so all beings. If not maybe you should learn how to do things differently so whatever you do you in life is based in love and is a benefit to the entire world, not just a limited self serving you…

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Living as Intended

Our intended life is meant to be lived in the present, but sometimes our unintended desires disrupt this. To be anchored in love is to be present for our intended life…

Sometimes it is difficult to know what is the most beneficial thing to do. I’m not talking about clearly recognizable things, sometimes it isn’t so clear as to what should be done. It’s especially difficult when it involves other people. I think for myself I need to learn to let go more and be more anchored in love. To me this is all part of the learning and letting go curve. It matters little what’s in the heart if what comes out of the mouth isn’t of love.

Our learning curve is not to be held onto in strict adherence, it’s more so used to stay open in the expanding of your view of love and not getting caught up in a self serving view. Love and tolerance have to be at the forefront when others are involved. It’s not always easy to understand where others are coming from so it’s better not to judge and deal with situations from a place of neutrality. This is so much easier said than done, but by practicing quietness it gets easier to decipher what the beneficial action is.

Although our journey may seem mundane at times, it’s only a self-serving mind that makes it this way. Life can never be mundane, only we make it so. Each moment of each day is new unto itself, and when it’s lived in the present it will be realized what a gift we have and the present is our life. It will be understood that what our learning curve affords us is not the mundane life of living in the past or future, but the ability to live in the present more and more and respond to life from a place of love instead of reacting to it from a self-serving mind. The more this is done, the less mundane life will be and the more it will be lived in harmony with all beings as intended…

Friday, September 20, 2019

Thought I Freedom

To be free of selfishness you must be free of the thought I. You cannot be controlled by “I” and be free. You will only be free by letting go of your thought I; pr(i)son cannot be without “I”…

What causes the attachment to “I”? Let’s look at this and see how this happens. Everything happens in the present moment, that much can be agreed upon, so it’s because we aren’t present that we struggle. Nothing happens outside the present moment, it’s your developed conditioning that keeps you glued to “I”. When you’re walking along and you pass a donut shop, the aroma is so enticing and because there’s no discipline to be mindful of this you most likely will succumb to the aroma; even if you aren’t hungry. Substitute the aroma with whatever you want, this is how it is with everything. If you’re not mindfully present of the moment it means you will be living in the past or future. Nothing occurs outside of the present so when something arises, if you’re not prepared for it you will get pulled right in. The only defense for this is to be mindful of the present moment.

Being mindful of your thoughts is being mindful of what is. After all it’s through thoughts alone that the pulling in occurs; without thought is without the pull. Watch how your thoughts are centered on “I”. See how it’s the thought I that allows the pull. Learn to be mindful of your thought I and when it tries to pull you in you just may have enough awareness to remain neutral and not be controlled by it. This will take much discipline, but with it comes much reward with the reward being the thoughtless freedom from the selfishness of your thought “I”…

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Life's Process

The process of life is independent of human action, it occurs regardless of what you do, but your individual process directly affects where your life’s base is derived from and the actions you produce…

Life’s process is not our process, it goes on regardless if we are here or not, but our process is a part of life’s process, there is no separation because our life is a result of life’s process. This needs to be understood if our energy is to truly be transformed to cultivate love. The only reason it is isn’t understood is because we think our process is separate from life’s.

Sit with this and in quietness you will understand why you and your life are the way it is. Life doesn’t label you as anything, this is your process that does this. The label you attach, you make it who you are, life doesn’t do this, your conditioned process does this. But it isn’t who you really are, it’s just the way your process has molded and shaped you. The base of life’s process is love and love alone, life has no other agenda. The base of an individuals process is shaped and molded by their Conditioned Mind and there are many different agendas. If there wasn’t any conditioning our individual process would be in total alignment with life’s process and every one of our actions would be a result from love. Unfortunately this is not the case because we think our process is different than life’s process. We have different agendas than to just be an instrument of love. When we understand life’s process is also our process, love will be the base of our existence which will result in love being at the core of our every action…

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Understanding Truth

You will either live your life based in truth or live it based in a lie. Both are available, but it will be impossible to live a life of truth if that isn’t what you’re focused on…

Don’t think that you get away with anything in life, and this goes for everyone. Nobody is exempt from the consequences of living a life that lacks truth. You can ignore truth and blame it on the establishment, but there are consequences for that. You have choices everyday that allows truth to be your guide, but if you choose to ignore it you become part of the lie that most people live their life by. It’s through the Conditioned Mind that this occurs as a lie is a lie no matter what. Most people don’t know what truth is, so there isn’t a real choice but to live the lie. Yesterday was just an example, an article was written, truth was pointed out, but it was ignored by many and consequences follow. This goes on all the time. Unless you focus on truth, you will not learn what it is. Do what it is that you want to do, but understand to live a life based in truth, at some point in your life truth will have to be investigated so you understand what it is.

Part of the problem of our human existence is without the mind settling everyone lives their own version of truth and it’s based in what best suits the individual. It’s difficult to be in harmony with each other when their are so many individual agendas. There is one Universe and it encompasses all truth, which it reveals for its betterment. When truth is revealed and seen in this context it will be at this time that there will be one agenda for all humanity which will be truth based in love…

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

One Truth...Many Lies

Pay attention to what you’re studying because if you’re not a student of truth then you don’t really have a choice but to live a life that’s based in a lie…

Jesus, Buddha, and so many others pointed to truth, but not many people study their teachings. Not many see the truth, they see an interpretation of it. There is one truth, but many interpretations and since an interpretation isn’t truth it is a lie. Only the truth can set you free and when you’re free that’s how you’ll know it’s truth. Truth has no attachment, it just is. If you don’t study teachings of truth then you study teachings of lies. I’m not the originator of the truth that’s known today, I was the originator of many of my lies because all I was seeking was self serving pleasures. I investigated many teachings in relation to my life and truth arose from them. Lack of truth is the reason we suffer as a species. Whatever you use that blocks out truth and allows you to live the lie shows up in the form of what you reach out for to try to satisfy your inner lack of truth. The less truth you live by the more you need to reach for lies. There is no way around this, truth sets you free, lies keep you in bondage so the more you are controlled by your Conditioned Mind the more in bondage you are.

There are many tools available that allow truth, but there are many more that allow lies; both are learned. There is only one truth and you cannot know it without understanding the lie. The story of Jesus in the desert states he was tempted, but since he knew the emptiness of the temptation (the lie) that’s why he was able to resist it. Same as Buddha, he was tempted by Maya, but he knew the truth so he was able to resist the lie. If they didn’t know the truth, they wouldn’t have been able to resist the temptation because the temptation would have been to enticing. We submit to the lies because without truth there is no defense. Pay attention to what you’re studying because if you’re not a student of truth then you don’t really have a choice but to live a life that’s based in a lie…

Monday, September 16, 2019

Inward is Your Peace

Inward is your peace, outward is your suffering . When the outward diversions are no longer used as the way your life is lived, you will be at peace because peace is what you have selected…

As life is lived and things happen, there’ll be one of two ways that you will deal with each occurrence. You will either look outside yourself for a diversion so you won’t have to deal with what is occurring, or you will look inward and you will face and learn from what is occurring; when things are used from the outside for a diversion there’s not much learning. What happens is a habitual behavior pattern of reaching outside yourself is formed and you use whatever it is that’s within your reach; the object used doesn’t matter. This reaching has to happen because it’s what’s there, you can’t look inward if you haven’t learned how to do this so you only do what you’ve been trained to do. It’s not right or wrong it’s just what’s there. An apple tree has to produce apples.

What if for some reason you get tired of living this lie, don’t think the habitual behavior patterns with stop just because you want them to. Granted that is the first step of the process, but it’s a far cry from changing your habitual behavior patterns. You see the mind doesn’t want you to change so it makes up the story that change is hard and it’s a lot of work, and it seems like it is to a mind that has been conditioned the think in this way. But understand change is only as hard as you make it. It can be as simple as you want it to be, or it can be as difficult as you make it. The most important factor though will be in becoming aware of your own mind and how it’s your conditioning that leads you to do what you do. When this is realized you can start the discipline of changing your habitual behavior patterns and you will notice a vast difference in the way you live life. Reaching out there and creating diversions slowly lessen and looking inward slowly increases. When you look inward you see truth because the diversions aren’t blocking you from seeing it. When the inward way is consciously selected, no longer will change seem hard or like work because living life the inward way is the change that you have always been seeking; it’s from the Universe…

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Learn to Listen

Silence teaches. It’s in silence that you learn to listen and listen to learn. When there‘s noise you don’t learn and when you don’t learn you don’t listen so you don’t see…

Let’s just say the word God never existed. This wouldn’t stop you from being dependent on something else, it just wouldn’t be called God. An atheist is just as dependent on things as a person who believes in God. Learn to listen, there’s a reason why we have two ears and one mouth. Silence teaches so much, but you have to listen so you can hear what is really being said. I don’t care what anyone’s beliefs are because regardless of what it is, it’s just something made up by your Conditioned Mind. An atheist is no different than an agnostic or a person who believes in God. A belief is a belief, it doesn’t matter what it is, it’s made up by your mind.

Atheist, agnostic, believer, addict, whatever your label, it’s assigned to you to justify what you need to do to quiet your mind agitations. You don’t think this is true, how different would you be without your stories and labels? The only thing different would be some of the decisions that you make, but the true essence of who you are would not change. It never changes despite your stories or labels. You make up your stories to attach an identity to them and then you assign a label, life doesn’t label you. You think your stories and labels are needed, but the true spiritual answer is finding they aren’t needed and your existence is the same without them. Just drop the story and label and look at what you become. When you go beyond your story and label and hear the silence, that’s when you will know who you truly are with no story or label needed. It is at this point that you will learn to listen and listen to learn…

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Thoughts Block Truth

When you hold onto your beliefs, which are based in noise, you can’t hear regardless of how much truth there is in what’s being said…

What is the difference if you believe in evolution or if you believe in a supreme being, it’s really only a story that you make up and attach to. Or how about this, one day you believe there is a God and one day your mind tells you to believe there’s no such thing as God; it’s the same mind creating both stories. Do what you may, but understand you make up your entire identity and attach it to a title created by what your Conditioned Mind wants you to believe. This is a powerful truth that most people will not see, because there isn’t the silence necessary to see it. There are no real facts associated to any of your titles, they’re just a collection of thoughts. When there are a lot of thoughts collected and made into a story that’s when your Conditioned Mind is able to create your title. I am this or that, but they are still just a collection of thoughts.

Its like an addict, some use alcohol, some drugs, some gamble, use sex or even success, this is another one of those list that goes on and on, but the main thing to understand is we are all addicts and whatever it is that’s used, it’s only used to quiet a mind agitation so you have a title for our story. You may or may not understand this, but all things are used for the same reason. God, no God, maybe God, alcohol, drugs, success, who cares, but you and the stories are all created to quiet a mind agitation. Agree with me don’t agree with me, it’s your story, but if you can become silent, it is then that you will hear what I am saying. When you hold onto your beliefs, which are based in noise, you can’t hear regardless of how much truth there is in what’s being said…

Friday, September 13, 2019

Always Complete

Nothing is needed in the so called quest for completeness because right now in this moment you are as complete as you will ever be and nothing reached for will change this…

It is not my purpose to try and convince anyone that what I share is the way it is, although it is, lol. I simply share my experience of how I have been afforded a freedom that I never had in my life. In 1987 I stopped using certain substances as my coping mechanisms to deal with life, but unbeknownst to me at the time all I did was substitute other things that I used as my coping mechanisms. That is until one day, and it took eighteen years, I went back to using my original coping mechanism. This is what led me to ask myself why this happened, I found the answer that has led to my freedom. I only share what I have experienced so please don’t make this into something that its not. It’s my experience and that’s all it is.

My entire life was spent reaching outside myself to fill an inner need created by my Conditioned Mind. When this was understood, I started developing discipline that allowed this reaching to subside. Why, because I found that the need for the reaching was created, it wasn’t a real need. I stopped using many of the coping mechanisms that I developed and this is why I am free today. I understand nothing is needed in my so called quest for completeness because right now in this moment I am as complete as I will ever been or will ever be and nothing reached for will change this…

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Love is Always Successful

You don’t need anything mind made to be a success. Success isn’t dependent on anything you do or anyone’s approval, success occurs strictly from doing what’s in front of you…

One day while sitting in quiet I realized that my life has always been a success and it didn’t need anyone’s approval. By focusing on trying to make it successful I was missing its inherent success and the impact I was having on people; any impacted results are because of the Universe not because of me. It’s not the worlds approval that makes life a success, it’s simply doing what’s in front of you. Not by society’s standard, but by cooperating with the Universal Principle of love. Love is the measurement of what is seen as a successful life, if you don’t think so try living without love and see how successful your life is.

The true purpose of life is to love, that’s the Universe’s intention and you can only love by doing what’s in front of you. It’s because Now is the only time you can be aligned with love. Think about this, failure is mind made as is success. There are mind made values to follow, but if you are doing what’s in front of you, you are doing all you need to do for life to be a success. You don’t need anything mind made to be successful, but understand your life is not your success, it isn’t dependent on anything you do or anyone’s approval, it’s a success strictly from doing what’s in front of you. By doing what’s in front of you, alignment with the Universe occurs. I love life because of the way life loves me. The way the Universe loves is the love you’ll have in your heart for the Universe. Without Universal Love in your heart there is none. Life isn’t a success because of you, it’s because of the Universe and because this is realized, success already is. Not because of anything mind made, but because of simply doing what’s in front of you…

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Idle Time Quietness

Idle time can be a useful tool in your awakening process, but only if it’s understood how to use idle time to develop quietness…

There was a time when the saying “Idle time is the devils workshop” was so true in my life, but it’s not this way any longer. Your own mind will make you believe all kinds of nonsense, one of the things it uses is structure and it will search endlessly to try and create some, but structure is only needed to create more noise. Quietness doesn’t need structure because it exist in the moment of what is so what’s occurring at this exact moment you is all the quiet mind needs. The noisy mind needs structure so it can remain noisy. The quiet mind sustains a place of quietness because it doesn’t need anything to be quiet.

Even when the mind has the structure it thinks it needs this is still noise, but the mind makes you believe all is well, that you are accomplishing great feats, at least in your head. Upon further investigation though you find the noisy mind is still in control, it’s just using structure as the noise. Here is why, in order to have a quiet mind, what we do has to arise from quietness. It doesn’t mean you don’t do, it just means what you do is from the stillness of the moment, not the noise of the “I have to accomplish something mind.” The quiet mind is of peace and has the entire Universe behind it. The noisy mind has nothing behind it and that’s why there’s usually some form of created drama associated with the noise. Idle time can be a useful tool in your awakening process, but only if it’s understood how to use idle time to develop quietness, even if your own mind tells you you need to do something different…

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Certainty of Now

When there’s uncertainty this opens the door to the fear driven doubt of the Conditioned Mind. When it’s known for certain what in your life truly works, the door to doubt is slammed shut…

Here is a different approach to looking at the tools that are in place to live your life. It seems most people spend a lot of time and energy looking for something that isn’t there. We are always searching for who knows what and this creates uncertainty in our lives which opens the door for our Conditioned Mind to make up all kinds of nonsense which isn’t true. You can’t utilize something that you haven’t got so lets look at the some tangible tools that we do have. When you can see for certain something that you can use to benefit your life, doesn’t it make more sense to focus on that than something that you are wishing or hoping works.

I don’t rely on a made up deity to hopefully get me through things or wish they were in some other way, I rely on the tool of truth for this. I assess the situation realistically as to what is occurring (not my made up story) and I don’t allow my emotional immaturity to be the tool that dictates how I am going to deal with the situation. Looking at right now is a tangible tool, looking for something outside myself to fix me isn’t.

Same thing with prayer, it can be a tangible tool to stop the squirrel cage mind from controlling you. Anything used to shut down the noise in the head can be considered prayer. I know with certainty that these things work. I don’t hope or wish they will work, it is something that is known in my heart because it comes from my heart. Tools aren’t magical, they are useful, practical, and tangible. They are what’s in place today, but they weren’t always there, they had to be developed. These are just a few examples, but my point is tangible tools need to be developed so you know with certainty they will work. You can rely on faith if you choose which is relying on something outside of you that can’t be seen with its created story of hoping or wishing that it helps you or you can rely on what is occurring at this exact moment because you know with certainty that you have the tools that allow you to know right now is the only moment that truly exists…

Monday, September 9, 2019

Stillness Creativity

Since all of life arises from stillness, without it existence wouldn’t be. This is because stillness is needed to create and the essence of creation is stillness. Be still and allow life to create…

To express what is truly in the heart, it is imperative that the mind becomes very still because if it doesn’t it will be virtually impossible to get in touch with your Creative Energy. There is so much outer noise which keeps this from occurring that without a disco you will continue to be ruled by noise. Whether you believe this or not doesn’t stop it from happening.

Everyone has the ability to do things that aren’t really known by looking at what’s beneath the surface. As long as our Conditioned Mind is in control we remain lost and blind. When you live by noise, it’s the noise that controls you. I can tell you this as a fact because prior to twelve years ago I was not a writer, there was no aspiration to write, let alone to help people. It’s truly amazing when the mind becomes still what you will find out about yourself and your deeply hidden abilities. Don’t doubt for an instant that they aren’t there, there’s just too much noise to notice them. The discipline of stillness is the discipline of freedom and the freedom is from the noise that blocks your Creative Energy from surfacing and fulfilling your artistic potential. Noise produces noise not creativity. Stillness is where all creativity arises from. Each of my articles is a result of the stillness within. The Universe is the artist, the creator, I am but the tool that does the writing; it seems the quieter my mind becomes the more creativity arises. The Universe is for us, how can it not be, it’s where our very existence originates from, but this will only be known when the mind is still because it’s in stillness that all things arise, whether you believe this or not…

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Using Beneficial Tools

If you use a screwdriver to hammer a nail into wood there will be a struggle. It’s not the tool causing the struggle, it’s because the most beneficial tool for the situation isn’t being used…

Life is lived with the tools you develop. When life changes sometimes the tools that are in place don’t work anymore so there is a need to develop tools that are more beneficial. The process of building a house takes many different tools. In each step of the process different tools are required. When you reach a certain step in the process, if you don’t possess the tool that are beneficial to what you are doing, you will need to acquire them. Since our life is a process it’s the same as building a house. At different parts of our life different tools are required if you are to remain in a peaceful state.

Most people don’t possess the beneficial tools that allow you to make adjustments so when the time comes to use certain tools to remain at peace it’s not in your coping with life toolbox and you use tools that aren’t really beneficial. This is why there’s a struggle with life because tools haven’t been developed that are beneficial to adjust to life situations; this is the only reason why there’s a struggle with life. Life can only be what it is, but your reactions which are caused by the tools you have in place aren’t always of the beneficial variety. If all you have is a screwdriver to hammer a nail into wood, there will be a struggle. It’s not the tool causing the struggle, it’s because the most beneficial tool for the situation isn’t being used. It’s imperative that beneficial tools are developed so when life does what it does which is change, you’ll be able to reach into you life coping toolbox and use the most beneficial tool that allows you to remain at peace…

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Simply What's There

Even though you are always present for your life, the present and past occur simultaneously so you can never not do what’s within you because it’s the only thing that’s there…

When you do what you do, understand it is because that’s what’s there, no other reason. This doesn’t absolve you from being accountable for doing something that isn’t conducive to love, but if love isn’t there then how may I ask do you think you’re going to love. For you to act in a manner conducive to love, it has to not only be within you, but it has to be set as your habitual conditioning for it to be the base of your life. You will only do what’s there until what’s there is replaced with something else, and until what’s there is replaced you will only be able to do what’s there; how can you not, it’s what’s there. You can never not do what’s within you because it is the only thing that’s there to do.

Don’t regret for a second what has been done in the past because it will be no different than what you do in the future. The behavior may be different, but you’re still only doing what’s there. That’s all you will ever be able to do so if you want what’s there to be more in line with love you will have to make love what’s within you. The point of this is to show that the past needs to remain in the past. Even though we are always present for our life, if you think about it the present and past are simultaneous. It will never change nor will the future change because regardless of all the beliefs and concepts that roll around in your head the bottom line is, you will only do what is within you because it’s the only thing that’s there…

Friday, September 6, 2019

Always Human

To understand the spiritual your humanness must be embraced because it’s in being human that you will understand the spirit. Embrace your feet of clay for they are the connection to your soul/heart…

For me the difficult part of grasping what it meant to live a spiritual life was I thought it was something that was mystical out there somewhere, but I have since found out to be spiritual I must first be in touch with being human. I’m a son, brother, uncle, husband, father, a worker amongst workers, a friend. I work for a living and am responsible to my employer. I own a home and I enjoy watching sports, playing golf, working out, and writing. In short what I am saying, to be spiritual I have to embrace all facets of being human including its imperfections; “To err is human”.

So many people think they’re going to find a way to transcend being human, but it’s not possible because your human form is base of your existence. You can’t be something that you’re not; being human isn’t to be ignored. To embrace it, it must be understood, to understand it, it must be embraced. The Buddha traveled around the countryside trying different types of meditation for six years learning the cause of why humans suffer. When all was said and done he said, “Before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water.” Wherever you go there you are so embrace whatever is here right now. Don’t push anything away, don’t pull anything in, simply embrace being human because therein lies your peace…

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Experience the Ride

When you don’t love it’s as if you go against your own essence. Life isn’t something to endure, it’s to be experienced. If you’re going against your own essence, there’s no way you’ll see life as a ride…

To be with life exactly as it is means to see life as a ride not just something to endure or wish it was different. Sometimes that means there will be rainbows and sometimes it means there will be the passing of loved ones, both are just part of the same ride. To be alive is a blessing in itself, but it’s the realization of this that makes it a blessing. It cannot be a blessing if it isn’t realized. It is still a blessing, there just isn’t awareness of it.

Our manifestation in this form is temporary, the fact that we exist at all is truly a miracle. It will end one day, but by being with life as it is is the difference in being pulled along by it and waiting to reach some destination, or experiencing the ride and understanding there really isn’t a destination it’s all just one ride. To me unconditional love is the essence of our being and the reason we as a society are in the way that we are is because too many pick and choose who to love. Love is our essence yet we don’t love everyone so we go against our own essence. Mostly love is conditional in our society and no society will last with that as its base. Our life is all about the ride, and the more we love the more the ride will be experienced and be a blessing.

Whether its a rainbow or something tragic that happens, it’s just part of the ride. When you’re driving to a destination if you get a flat tire you don’t cancel the trip, it’s just part of the ride. Things happen that you don’t enjoy like a flat tire, but it’s just part of the ride. Change the tire and continue on and make the ride one of unconditional love. It’s better to experience the ride of life by loving more so than by being pulled along waiting to reach some destination. If you don’t love unconditionally and you pick and choose who you say you love, it’s not love. Our true essence is to love so when you don’t love you go against yourself, and when you go against yourself you don’t truly experience the ride of life, you just endure it…

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Conditioned Thoughts Grip

Attach to what your thoughts tell you and your thoughts will control you. To be stuck in the conditioned grip of your thoughts is to be lost in a world where everything is seen as form…

Be in the world, but not of your thoughts. Understanding what it means to be controlled by conditioned thoughts is the only way you will ever break free from their conditioned grip. What is the conditioned grip? Think about this, is there anything in your life you have done that gnaws at your very being, something you regret either having done or having not done? A deep regret that stays with you and you can’t seem to let go of. Why do you think this is? It isn’t happening now, but yet there it is like it happened yesterday. These conditioned thoughts take on many forms, but the common link is although we use different stories to make up our life we hold onto them for “I” identification purposes. No matter what it is that our Conditioned Mind uses, it’s the same prison for everyone. We get locked into a conditioned grip which actually chokes the life out of us. Not physically, but by keeping us mentally locked in the prison of our thoughts that doesn’t allow us the freedom to experience how life truly is. It’s a prison that tells us our head knows better than our heart.

Never, never, never, hesitate for one second to listen to what your heart tells you. Your heart will never lead you astray; integrity comes from the heart. Never give into the worlds pressures, it only offers rewards of emptiness. That’s why most people aren’t satisfied, because they listen to what their thoughts tell them. They put all their eggs in one basket, the basket of the thought and no matter how full it gets, it’s always empty. We know a lot intellectually, from our head, but we don’t know very much when it comes to living from our heart, and until we understand this, we will be controlled by our conditioned thoughts and will remain in the prison of their conditioned grip…

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Universal Truth Freedom

The more you understand the Universal Truth of yourself the more chance there is to break the chains of bondage. Without this truth a distraction is needed as a diversion that keeps you stuck in Conditioned Mind nonsense…

Know the truth and the truth will set you free. It’s not written that Jesus said be inspired and inspiration will set you free. When the Buddha started inquiring about the attachment to old age, sickness, and death, it was to find the Universal Truth of why there’s suffering in the world. It was not to inspire people by teaching them to think positive, it was to learn Universal Truth and teach it; in truth all will be revealed. These are two of the greatest teachers of Universal Truth to ever bless our world. They weren’t spiritual cheerleaders or projected little engines who could, they were teachers of truth. They inspired, but their inspiration manifested from understanding their own mind and then that’s what they taught. You cannot teach what isn’t known.

There is so much conditioned nonsense that goes on in our world and it is the lack of Universal Truth that is the cause. You cannot understand this if you are looking outside yourself for an answer. Universal Truth is not the truth of great mysteries solved, it’s the truth of why you do what you do. It’s not my desire to inspire others as much as it is to convey a message of truth to people through my writings, which are a tool to point to the place within your own heart that will lead you to Universal Truth; this is the truth that sets you free..

Monday, September 2, 2019

Caress Your Humanness

The spiritual dimension is one of equality, this is how you will know you have touched the spiritual. Caress your humanness and you will embrace the essence of spirituality and in the process you will be caressed by life…

To me and this is only my experience, to be of the spiritual dimension is to have feet of clay. To be grounded in the world because it’s where I Am, doesn’t mean you have to be ruled by it. My unity with humanity is my foundation, without it I would be of a delusional dimension; a dimension where I am above and everyone is below. The spiritual dimension is one of equality, that is how you will know you have touched the spiritual. To be spiritual is to be with the reality of life as it is; this is the reality that occurs in each moment. Time stands still in the spiritual dimension because in its reality time doesn’t truly exist. Life can only be lived one moment at a time because there isn’t a reality outside of this. There is the delusional dimension of the past and future, but they are only the made up stories in the head.

Even when there are disagreements with others, we are still in unity, but the transforming energy has caused us to think there is separation; this separation as is our disagreements are of the mind. In the spiritual dimension, there is only the heart and the heart can only unite. We do what we are conditioned to do, condition yourself to love and that’s what you will do and how you will view life. There isn’t any magic here, but there is a reality that life will always be the way it is. When this is grasped you will understand life is always as it is. In this dimension you’ll grasp a reality which goes beyond the made up nonsense of a Conditioned Mind. You will see that very few people live in the reality of this dimension as opposed to the delusional dimension of a Conditioned Mind. By understanding this you can caress your humanness by being with life as it is instead of a made up story that spirituality is this or that which is all in the head. Our manifestation is our humanness, our essence is spiritual. Caress your humanness and you will embrace the essence of spirituality and in the process you will be caressed by life…

Sunday, September 1, 2019

It's Never Personal

There is so much nonsense tied into your emotions, what it really comes down to is nothing is worth having your peace of mind taken from you by making what someone else does personal…

Probably the most difficult thing a person will ever do is learn how not to be controlled by the emotional pull of people and outer circumstances. How things are allowed to pull you into them is beyond the comprehension of most. What makes it so difficult is the way you attach to people and the circumstances and take it personal. If a person is unconscious and acts accordingly, or when someone doesn’t do something that is expected of them, it’s taken personal and you are the one who suffers because of it. People disappoint, it seems to be the nature of being human. Because of the self-centeredness of our human conditioning it’s very difficult to see beyond yourself. Very few people really think of others, mostly people think of themselves. It can be disheartening, but only if it’s taken personally.

Because of the self-centered Conditioned Mind most people are unaware of how they affect others. I can’t really care about you if there isn’t awareness how my actions are affecting you, and I won’t even know that my actions are affecting you if all I’m concerned with is me. This is why most people don’t do what they say they are going to do and have little regard how they affect others, because when “I” is your driving force, there is no time or need to have concerns for others.

Understanding this is key in not letting the behavior of others or outer circumstances control your emotions. Taking it personal is tied into emotions. It will take much quietness to understand this and go beyond “I” energy. This is the energy that is causing all this nonsense in the first place. There is so much nonsense tied to emotions, but what it really comes down to is this: “how important is it” because nothing is worth having your peace of mind taken from you by making what someone else does personal…