Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Watcher of Life

Be the watcher of the occurrences that happen in your life and be the recipient of a peace that’s not understood. Or not and stay trapped in the judging and labeling process of the Conditioned Mind…

There are times when life can seem as though it’s such a struggle, but really life itself is never a struggle, it’s the created perception that makes it so. There are different ways to live life, one way is from a perception of everything that happens is personal. This requires constant judgements as each situation occurs, instantaneously things are labeled as they happen; this makes life personal. This is the way most people have been conditioned so this is the only way that most live.

Another way that life can be lived, but this must be learned, is to watch what happens and not make it personal. This is much different because you don’t get directly involved in what happens. You’re a participant because you exist, but you learn not to judge and label what happens. If you‘re in traffic you watch it, but that’s all you do. You acknowledge the fact that there’s traffic and that’s it. You don’t have to take it any further because it doesn’t add anything to the situation. In this case you are in traffic, but by observing being in traffic instead of making it about you, there is a freedom that’s not there when the situation is judged and labeled instead of just being observed.

To me there is so much more benefit in being a watcher of what happens in life as opposed to making it personal. If you can learn how to do this you will experience life in a way as never before. This is not something magical, it is simply an observation instead of judging and labeling. Just think of the many scenario’s that this can be directly applied to and see how different each situation affects you when it’s watched instead of judged and labeled. It’s amazing how much more peace there is in your life when it’s not made personal. Don’t take my word for this, see this for yourself how the situations that occur don’t change, just the way they affect you does. Become Be the watcher of the occurrences that happen in your life and be the recipient of a peace that’s not understood. Or not and stay trapped in the judging and labeling process of the Conditioned Mind…

Monday, June 29, 2020

Delusional State

Understanding the nature of your delusions is one of the benefits of waking up, but it’s not the world’s delusions that wake you up, it’s the delusions that run your own life…

The delusions that run your life are the delusions that manifest as attachment to your thoughts. The first thought that arises is inconsequential, it’s the attachment to the second thought that forms the delusion. To understand delusion one must be aware of their attachments, desires, confusions, and the way your mind works, without this the dog chasing its tail pattern prevails. Certain practices turns one inward to see this, if what you are doing doesn’t turn you inward you will remain trapped to your delusional state of mind. This is why nothing from the outside truly changes a person because anything from the outside is part of the delusion. A broken mind can’t fix itself and as long as it’s reaching for something on the outside, it remains trying to fix itself and thus it remains broken. Until this truth is seen, things have to stay as they are because nothing is being done to change it.

We can only know what we know if there’s awareness of it. What this means is one has to develop mindfulness of what they are doing as they are doing it so there‘s awareness of what is being done. If you know what you’re doing as you’re doing it it leaves little room for delusion to arise. Mindfulness is probably the single most important discipline to develop as it anchors you in the moment as what is being done occurs. Delusion only occurs when one lives in the story that there’s a past or future; these mind made constructs keeps the delusion alive. The present moment can be seen without making it a story even though it passes as quickly as it arises, but the past and future can never truly be seen without a story, and because few have the discipline to be present, the delusional state of existence remains in place…

Sunday, June 28, 2020

An Imagined Identity

When the lie of your imagined identity is exposed, the truth that this imagined self doesn’t really exist is revealed. This leads you not so much to knowing who you are, but more so to the truth of who you are not…

One day as I was sitting in silence, it was revealed to me that it took roughly forty nine years to develop an identity to an imagined self, along with all the tools I thought were needed to make me who I thought I was suppose to be. For the last twelve years I have be undoing what my own mind developed as it told me it was the most beneficial way to live. This imagined self began at the time of birth when my parents named me for the purpose of society having a way to identify me. This identify was then attached to by a self that wasn’t formed yet, but it slowly was being developed into an imagined identity.

For me this lie was exposed as it may for others at some point, but for many it will remain in place until the time of death, and although death itself may be the time of this exposure, most will never be aware of it. For those who do awaken to the fallacy of this imagine identity, there’s a freedom that occurs which can only be known in the space of non attachment to this made up imagined self. Bondage is in the belief that you are what you imagine. Freedom is in the knowing that you are not. Again: Bondage is in the belief that you are what you imagine. Freedom is in the knowing that you are not. The more the lie of this imagined identity is exposed, the more truth that the imagined self doesn’t really exist is revealed. In this truth there’s a knowing, not of who you are, but of who you are not, and it’s in the exposure of this lie that sets you free because you’re no longer in the prison of this imagined identity…

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Draw of "I"

The draw of “I” is what traps you to a suffering mindset and as long as this mindset is in place, there will be struggles in life because the “I” draw will always need to be fulfilled…

The “I” draw causes suffering, there’s no getting around this, but it’s not the “I” draw itself that’s the problems, it’s being controlled by it unconsciously that makes the draw a problem. To follow through on all your “I” draws isn’t useful, but this isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with this, it’s really about deciphering what’s useful and what actually causes harm to yourself and others. An example would be the “I” draw for sex. Sex is something that’s basically in our DNA, but to be controlled by the need to satisfy the draw becomes the focal point of existence, this is where issues arise from. Take sex and substitute it with something else, working out, being successful, thrill seeking, golf, social status, ambition, hoarding, enlightenment, spiritual seeking and so on and see how the draw holds you in captivity. As long as the “I” draw is unconsciously in control it will have to be followed, this bondage to the draw of “I” is the foundation of the Conditioned Mind.

Looking back I can see how the attachment to this is what allowed the draw to control me and why “I” was at the core of every issue in my life. Where the issues come from is how the draw is used to satisfy “I”. I‘m still drawn into “I” today, but for the most part it’s there to fulfill a higher calling than selfishness. The draw of “I”is the root of suffering and this is because the draw entraps you to the bondage of self; existence doesn’t produce much harmony in a draw of I mindset. Knowing this doesn’t make one free of “I” but it does lead you in a direction that is much more conducive to love which in turn lessens the draw. Life than becomes about what’s better for humanity as a whole instead of fulfilling the draw of an “I” mindset…

Friday, June 26, 2020

High or Low Energy

The higher energy level has to be understood so the bondage of self is truly let go of and one can reach their true potential which is to be an instrument of love instead of an instrument of lower selfish energy…

The are two types of energy to just about everything in life and although many times only one is seen, in order to go beyond the lower energy the higher energy has to be noticed. This is the only way one will be able to go beyond the limited view of the lower selfish energy. If your existence is viewed only from human attachments, the higher energy won’t come into play and life will seem very mundane. When you start looking at life where it doesn’t require human attachments, a higher view opens to the true beauty of what life has to offer. This beauty manifest in different ways for people, but what it all has in common is it comes from the space of a higher energy. We exist in the form of energy and one type is selfish, the all about me view. This is a lower energy that doesn’t allow you to reach your true potential. The other type or view is the energy of stillness which manifest as love, this is a higher energy which allows the beauty of life to manifest and thus your true potential is maximized.

Learning to understand these two types of energy will assist in truly letting go of the blocks that keep the lower selfish energy in place. The higher energy is always there to tap into, but if there isn’t alignment it can’t manifest. This isn’t to deny being human because it’s the form we are in, but attaching to it and making it an end to a means is where the expansion of consciousness ceases. The tighter the grip of being human, the less higher energy there will be. This is a Universal Law that has to be understood so the bondage of self is truly let go of. When it is understood your higher self reaches its true potential and you can be an instrument of love instead of an instrument of lower selfish energy…

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Emotionally Stuck

Nothing from the outside truly controls you regardless of the injustice; either real or made up. It’s the stuck emotions attaching to what happens that cause certain reactions to occur…

Staying in the flow of what happens in your daily life has immense value in the process of waking up from the sleep of unawareness. What happens if awareness isn’t expanded upon is your emotions become stuck and they control you; they become the master and you the slave. The stuck emotions is what causes reactions to life in the way that they do. Nothing from the outside truly controls you regardless of the injustice; either real or made up. It’s the stuck emotions attaching to what happens that cause certain reactions. When one awakens, the attachment to emotions lessens and their control lessens. When my mom died to say I will feel no emotions is ludicrous, but I don’t have to get stuck to them and turn it into the suffering of grieving. Same thing if something is done that makes you mad, feel being mad, but let the being mad energy flow, don’t attach to it and get stuck to it so anger arises, this way you remain aligned with life.

This is how it is with all emotions, fear becomes crippling when you become stuck and it takes you over. It doesn’t mean things won’t scare you, but it’s doesn’t have to be given the energy that turns it into fear. This applies to any emotion you become attached to, it gets stuck to the associated emotion and there’s no telling what reactions will arise. I guarantee you, it’s not going to be a reaction that has love as its base. Emotions will arise, it’s the way the brain seems to be wired, but our energy doesn’t have to give them more power than they’re worth. We can cry our tears, or be fearful of the future. We can dislike that things aren’t going the way we think they should be, but the bottom line is it’s only when the emotions get stuck that they’re given the energy to stop being aligned with life and cause not only your own suffering, but the suffering of all beings…

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Loving Intentions

Hold on to all your beliefs. March, protest, whine, judge, and slander in the name of righteousness, just know when this energy is unloving it makes waking up that much more difficult to occur…

There is no easy way to waking up from the sleep of unconsciousness. You can’t think your way to consciousness or happiness, but for some reason you can think your way to misery and all you need to do is look around to see this truth. It will take what it takes for ever how long that is to wake up, and that may be many lifetimes. The experience of the shift of my view that took place was and is a happening not a doing, it’s the transformation of energy from an “I” view to one of love. I do certain things now that I understand puts me in alignment with this loving energy, but the transformation remains a happening not a doing. To me this is what happened to Buddha, Jesus, and anyone else who has ever awakened; it’s something bestowed upon a person, it’s not something that is chosen.

People get stuck because an awakening is thought to be a doing and because of this most remain stuck in “I” which is form. Until it’s understood “form is emptiness, emptiness is form, “l” remains in control as it keeps trying to do. This is not what I think, it’s what’s going on right now in my life and has been for the last twelve years; the prior years were unconscious. Hold on to all your beliefs, march in the name of righteousness if that’s what you think needs to be done, just know when this energy is unloving it makes waking up that much more difficult to occur; the road to hell is paved with unloving intentions…

Monday, June 22, 2020

A Settled Mind

The mind will only settle when quiet. You can’t really do anything for this to happen; it settles on its own. When the intellectual mind stops seeking the mind settles in its own peace….

When one truly awakens there’s an understanding of a settled mind and how it relates to life. When this occurs there’s freedom because a settled mind quiets naturally. We seek because of internal urgings which is what a true awakening reveals. This cannot be known intellectually, intelligence is actually noise. A settled mind can only occur when quiet; the lack of quiet makes life very mundane. It makes you less aware of your internal urgings provided by the Universe. Without this awareness you cannot truly understand what the benefits of a settled mind are; although it’s already settled, it’s just not understood. Nothing is needed to experience a settled mind, but it will only settle in its own time. Methods may be useful in some way, but the only reason this is so is because its been developed to generate noise.

The need to make life about something is because of the Conditioned Mind, but if this  something is needed make it about a settled mind. This is the only thing that truly makes sense to me, it’s the only place where thinking is necessary and there is peace. To not think is to be in a state of no mind and this state is one of true peace. How can it not be peaceful in this state, there’s nothing to cause suffering; there’s no generated noise in the head. I AM, nothing more will ever be needed because this where everything arises from; unless you want to live by the generated noise in your head. A settled mind provides the ultimate truth, but even saying this is noise. A settled mind allows the quietness of all that is, when you stop seeking it or trying to define it that’s when the mind settles…

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Habitual Stories

Watch the stories arise as the Conditioned Mind attaches to whatever it is that’s occurring in each moment. If you truly see this you just may be able to break the habit of needing to make up these stories…

The stories created become habit, this is what the Conditioned Mind does it creates stories. The only conflict there ever was with someone was our stories didn’t match. This is also true today, although the story doesn’t usually come from me because I’ve learned enough to allow everything to be as it is and not want it different; for the most part. I say for the most part because there are habitual triggers that get activated, but it’s more of a momentary reaction than one that hangs around long enough to create a story. I only created stories when I wanted something different so if I don’t want you, life, or what happens different, than I’m in a place of peace. This peace doesn’t seem to change much that’s happening around me, but remaining unattached and at peace changes everything, at least for me.
Every disagreement people have with each other is because the habitual stories don’t match up.

Everyone thinks their story is the right one, but the fact of the matter is until you learn to stop making up habitual stories, you will always be in conflict with something; what’s not realized is the conflict is with yourself. This happens all the time, I don’t write to change anyone, when people have strong opinions against my articles it’s only a habitual story. I don’t agree or disagree with anyone so this non storied energy always matches up; no habitual energy. The funny thing to me is, it doesn’t matter how anyone sees things because we’re all conditioned differently, but to some the story of making others see things their way arises. It’s so freeing to live without needing a habitual story. Watch the stories arise as the Conditioned Mind attaches to whatever it is that’s occurring in each moment. If you truly see this you just may be able to break the habit of needing to make up a story…

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Nothing Provides Everything

Without awareness of the mind becoming agitated in the absence of something to do, the Conditioned Mind will create story after story just so it can fill this absence with something…

The most difficult thing one will ever do in life is to learn how to do nothing in spite of the conditioning telling you to do something. To not give in to the mind agitations that tells you to do this or that, reach for this or that, is so difficult because of the lack of awareness to just be and also the lack of understanding of why not to do is so difficult. Even with awareness and understanding this, it’s still difficult because of all the outer influences and inner conditioning. To not do is not something many master, I’m not talking about sitting in meditation or taking a nap, I mean being wide awake without having to do something. For forty nine years having to do wasn’t noticeable to me because I was never still long enough to be aware of any mind agitation. I like so many was a doer; a slave to my Conditioned Mind.

For some this doesn’t seem like much of an issue because having to do isn’t noticeably, but make no mistake doing is doing and one is a slave to doing regardless how productive or subtle it may seem. Without awareness of the mind becoming agitated in the absence of having to do something the Conditioned Mind creates story after story just so it can fill this space with something; the stories base will be whatever conditioning you have in place. You can only do what the conditioning in place dictates and without these agitations being noticed, the conditioning is usually based in doing something for selfish reasons. Even if one wants to save the world, who says the world needs saving. Not having to do allows for one to truly be an instrument, not by doing, but by simply being, make no mistake though this will only occur if you notice you don’t have to do…

Friday, June 19, 2020


There will only be freedom when there’s acceptance of things being as perfect when they’re in disarray as when they’re exactly how you want them; this is the key to liberation…

In order to experience liberation there has to be freedom in a state of dissatisfaction as there is in when there’s satisfaction. This goes for everything because it’s in wanting things a certain way and not accepting them when they’re not that causes uneasiness. This is the core energy of the Conditioned Mind, it creates all the uneasiness in life by making up the lie that things need to be different. By all means change what can be changed, but if it’s only an outer change it still won’t bring the satisfaction sought. This is where the value of going inward comes in, I don’t have answers for others mostly because I don’t know really know what someone else has gone through. My writings are pointers to show how life is always as it is and only wanting it different is where your uneasiness arises from.

The labeled good, bad, and ugly, all need to be accepted the same, this is a truth and that’s why it’s shared. If this isn’t seen it doesn’t mean it’s not true, it just means you’re not there yet. Even though everyone goes through life how it’s accepted is dependent on where one is in their life. There’s no right or wrong in how things are dealt with, it’s determined by one’s conditioning. I know people get frustrated because I don’t give the answers that are wanted, but that’s because I can’t. One can only see what’s within them and it’s not always what someone wants to accept. Accepting life as it is goes a long way in becoming liberated from the hold of self and there will only be liberation when there’s acceptance of things being as perfect when they’re in disarray as when they’re exactly how you want them…

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hole in the Donut

Everyone begins existence complete, when this isn’t realized creating a hole in the donut and filling it for completeness is created. Most people have a sense of lack in their lives so reaching seems natural, but it’s not…

Constantly reaching for things outside yourself keeps you in the grip of the need to reach because it’s as though it creates a hole in a donut. The reason why reaching is done is to try and fill the hole, but the reaching for things outsides yourself keeps the reaching in place, thus the hole remains. Only by looking inward does the hole begin to be filled, but what really happens is it simply collapses because the outside reaching weakens. Years of conditioning makes the hole in the donut almost impossible to fill and it’s unfortunate because most never get beyond it; almost impossible was written because the slightest turning inward is all that’s needed. Once reaching outside ceases because its lie is exposed, looking inward becomes the choice and it has a ball rolling down a hill effect; it just naturally picks up momentum.

Outside reaching is used as a protection mechanism so going inward isn’t an option. The greatest lie that is told to ourselves and constantly reinforced is, we need something to be complete, but there’s nothing further from the truth. Everyone begins existence complete, it’s just that it’s not really known, hence that’s why there’s a need to reach for it. Many have a sense of lack in their lives so the reaching seems natural, but it’s not. We’re not meant to create the hole in the donut, it’s only so because of the conditioning that’s developed. Once the slightest inkling of this occurs, everything changes and it’s because an inward view reveals truth and although we live a lie for most of our lives when truth is revealed the hole fills because truth sets you free…

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

An Awakened Push

An awakened heart can be likened to a ball on top of a hill, it will only take a slight push to get it rolling, and once it starts it will just keep on building momentum unless something gets in the way to stop it…

Once a ball is placed at the top of a hill and it’s given a slight push, it naturally begins rolling in the only direction it can go and its momentum builds without one ounce of exertion. It does take some effort in the beginning to get it going, but not much more than a little push. It’s this way when one wakes up from the sleep of unconsciousness. There’s not much that needs to be done for an awakening to expand, as a matter of fact most people hamper their awakening process because of trying to hard. If you are even the slightest awake the push has already occurred, so all effort is now futile. So many books, programs, videos, and whatnot and although they do make you more knowledgeable, none of it makes you anymore awake than the first push.

This is one of the reasons I emphasis using the body as an anchor in the awakening process, because it doesn’t take effort it only takes present with what is actually here which is the body. All kinds of stories can be made up about what needs to be done, but it doesn’t expand awareness one bit. Either you are awake in the quietness of the present moment or you are asleep in the noise of somewhere else, the first push reveals this truth. And as with the ball, nothing else is needed than a slight push to get it rolling; it will just keep on building momentum unless something gets in the way to stop it…

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Peace of Right Now

As you become more and more anchored in right now, the created stories are needed less and less and with less of a story there’s a right now peace the mind settles into as it’s the only thing that’s there…

There is surely nothing other that the single purpose of right now. Life is simply a successions of moments, if this was fully understood right now, there will be nothing else to do and nothing else to pursue. Unfortunately this isn’t the way for most so the past and future are constantly drawn on to satisfy the mind agitation of not being here right now. Many different stories are used as an alternative to this, but it’s not my place to label them as anything. I’ve found something that works for me and that’s what I share. It’s funny because it’s not a concern of mine if there’s agreement with what I share or not. I understand we all see things as they’re revealed to us, but people feel the need to tell me how their way is right. There is no right way, there’s living in a way that only benefits all beings.

I do know this, at one time my Conditioned Mind controlled me as if I was a puppet and because of this life was lived as a self serving existence and it wasn’t much of a benefit to anyone. Twelve years ago this changed and the things done began to be a benefit to others. There’s a lot written written about the Conditioned Mind, because it’s what was revealed; that’s why it’s shared. As one becomes more and more anchored in what’s here right now, the created stories are needed less and less and with less attachment to a story there’s the peace of right now that the mind settles into because it’s the only thing that’s there…

Monday, June 15, 2020

No Story Truth

A lie will always be a lie and until the root of the lie is cut away, truth will remain buried beneath the justification caused by the ignorance of the lie. Truth is the only thing that sets you free…

A statement is often made “know the truth and it will set you free” but how are you to know what truth is? This is what can be used as a guide whenever something keeps you from truth, if there’s some form of attachment this confirms something is a lie so if it’s a lie it can’t be truth. The lie may not be seen as is often the case because of the conditioning in place, but if there’s an attached story to what arises and it’s being held onto, freedom is lost and the lie wins out. Simply put, if there’s no freedom it’s because there’s no truth. Whether this is a method being used, a program, object, idea, concept, belief, religion, sex, or whatever, the moment it becomes a dependency it pretty much guarantees it’s a lie and not truth. Truth just is, it doesn’t need a story because it’s never binding, that’s how you will recognize it.

If you want to understand truth, look at the lies that hold you captive; truth is liberation from the lies. Many just substitute one lie after another and remain with the lie, although it is thought to be truth. Whatever holds you captive is a lie so if something has you in its grip and all you do is exchange one lie (dependency) for another, you are still being held captive. Programs, therapy, and an array of things do this; I know this to be factual. If you need a program or therapy to live your life you are dependent on it; it’s the very thing you have been trying to free yourself from. Dependency is a lie no matter what label it’s given. The lies of the Conditioned Mind are so subtle, truth is dismissed before it’s  investigated. A lie is always a lie and until the root of the lie is cut away, truth will remain buried beneath the justification of the lie; only truth sets you free…

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Blind Thought Control

Thoughts happen, they don’t have to control you though. If there isn’t awareness of them they will blindly be attached to which will lead them to blindly controlling you…

If you aren’t aware of your thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing which ones are a benefit to you. Without awareness you will have to hold on because you’ll be taken for a ride. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts happen and their attachment determines the kind of ride you will be on. Awareness of unchecked thoughts is essential if you’re not to be controlled by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will happen. To me there’s no way of controlling the thoughts that happen, but I have found being aware of them allows for a split second of hesitation that can be used to determine whether or not the thought is a benefit; remember attachment to any thought causes suffering, not the thought itself.

The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and unless there’s awareness of how controlling your thoughts actually are, they will control you as if you were a dog on a leash; this has to happen. So subtle is this that even if you are doing things that are thought to be loving, if these thoughts aren’t watched they will eventually control you; control is control regardless. This is why the Conditioned Mind is diabolical because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to remain in control. Thoughts will happen, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of them, your thoughts will blindly be attached to which will unfortunately lead to them blindly controlling you…

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Reaching Prison

Why there’s a need to reach for something for fulfillment needs to be understood or you will remain a prisoner to the reaching and you will always have a need to satisfy some inner lack…

What’s missed the most in my writings is the understanding of how all reaching is the same regardless of what is being reached for. The reaching itself is all the same and make no mistake your reaching is your prison. There are so many things reached for, from ayahuasca, to Heroin, a Hersey chocolate kiss, love, God, or whatever, it’s the reaching that needs to be looked at. Nobody just reaches for something, something tells you there’s a lack that needs to be filled so let’s go and reach for something. This is where the misunderstanding occurs, because one thinks reaching for ayahuasca is different than reaching for Heroin, the true nature of the reaching isn’t identified, so you remain the same even though the things being used are different. It easier to justify when you are reaching to help others than reaching for Heroin, but it’s still reaching so an inner lack still needs to be fulfilled. I write to identify why there’s a need to reach at its core. It’s what was revealed to me as being the cause of all my problems; with self centeredness as the reachings supportive energy.

You may say this is crazy, how can reaching for God be the same as reaching for a drink of alcohol or how can reaching for ayahuasca be the same as reaching for Heroin, but it is because it all arises from the inability to truly be present right now. If there’s lack, this will be reinforced by the need to reach; if this isn’t grasped you’ll remain in your prison. Understanding this is difficult, but it’s why I don’t push to develop a program or I won’t become a life coach, to me it’s all nonsense. I will point anyone to look within to find their own inner beauty; the only thing needed to do this is to learn to live with what’s here now. This is what anything should point to, but because the need to reach isn’t understood, there’s reaching for the next fix so you remain its prisoner…

Friday, June 12, 2020

Heart/Mind View

When the thought of I want peace arises initially it’s from the mind. For it to become of the heart I want will have to be let go of so all that is left is peace…

There are two ways to view life. One is from the mind, which is the view of ideas, concepts, beliefs, and stories, and the other is from the heart which needs none of the things listed from the mind, especially the stories. When the minds view is in control it produces stress, fear, tension, greed, anxiety and a slew of other things that don’t necessarily add anything to life. When the heart is the controlling view, there’s peace, and as one learns to sit quietly and the mind settles peace becomes the norm. There are many distractions of a mind state that keeps you entrapped to all the things mentioned before. These distractions will only subside when I wanting is let go of. Living from the mind is learned and because it’s so much more influenced by the world, unconsciously it becomes the norm.

Living from the heart will also have to be learned because of these influences. Any suffering that occurs is directly linked to the thought about it, so if you don’t have the thought of suffering you won’t suffer. Simple, but this will only occur through understanding and learning what it will take to remove the mind view. Mind and heart reactions are much different and because the mind has been conditioned to fulfill I wants and desires, I becomes the cause of the mind made suffering. When there’s a thought of I want peace initially it’s from the mind, but for it to become of the heart, this has to happen, I want will have to be let go of so all that’s left is peace, until this happens the mind will continue its control of the way life is viewed…

Thursday, June 11, 2020

I AM Completeness

Attach to nothing and nothing will be needed. Imagine that, not needing anything to be complete simply because through understanding I AM your completeness already is…

Without looking inward being aware of how not create stories will not occur. This writing is a story of how not to create stories, but the awareness of why it’s written helps to minimize the attachment to it so thus once it’s written it‘s complete. All stories end or not depending on how “I“ relates to it. The more “I” needs it, the more it’s attached to and the more of a story is created. No “I” attachment, no “I” needed story, no “I” needed story, no “I” incompleteness, so all you are left with is the completeness of I AM, not the story, but the actual reality of I AM.

Story after story of “I” is created… the story of how “I” feel, or the story of my book, or my life’s story, every life is an endless book of “I” stories, that is until one becomes aware the “I” story teller and the “I” story are one in the same. Being with I AM instead of a created story will be the most difficult thing you will ever do in life; just be in the silence of I AM. Attach to nothing and nothing will be needed. Imagine that, not needing anything to be complete with the understanding your completeness already is. It‘s right here within your grasp, but you will never truly be aware of it until you realize it’s not a story that you are grasping for, it’s learning to simply be with I AM…

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

a Moments Touch

The Conditioned Mind always wants the moments touch pleasant, but until you can be with the unpleasant the same as the pleasant, there will always be self created suffering…

Because of the way one becomes conditioned, each moments touch with life is put into a category of like or dislike; there are times it seems the moments touch is neutral. The only reason anyone has an issue with life is because it’s desirable to have each moments touch pleasant, but this is impossible because life isn’t designed in this way. Not that life personally does anything to anyone, but things do happen that can be considered unpleasant .Case in point is the current pandemic situation. The label unpleasant can be attached to, it doesn’t change what’s happening it only changes the degree of suffering; the suffering is the direct result of attaching to wanting the moments touch different. If there isn’t attachment it doesn’t mean what’s happening is liked, but you can be in the moments touch of something being unpleasant and not attach a label to it.

Life just rolls along, it stops for nothing. The moments touch is one continuous motion. It may seem like individual things are happening, but that’s only because of the way your conditioning uses time and breaks life up into segments. The unpleasant is constantly pushed away to try and make room for what is considered pleasant; as if when one decides it’s pleasant, it makes life perfect. For there not to be suffering, life has to be seen as perfect in the moments touch because that’s what’s there. The Conditioned Mind wants life a certain way (pleasant) all the time, but until you can be with the unpleasant the same as the pleasant, there will always be self created suffering. This is because you will always be trying to arrange the moments touch the way you think it should be and not be with the moments touch the way it actually is…

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Universal Silence

We live an existence torn between listening to the silence of the Universe and attaching to the sounds of the world. By being aware of the first part the energy necessary that prevents the second naturally occurs…

The selfish and destructive conditioned mind behavior that was in control for much of my life has mostly settled in a place of neutrality. I would never say the conditioning is gone forever because by attaching to it as so would give it the needed energy to return. It’s very important to see the present moment as being the point of contact where the world is connected to, but don’t make it into a story. We live an existence torn between listening to the silence of the Universe and attaching to the sounds of the world. By being aware of the first part the energy necessary to prevent the second naturally occurs; truth settles in stillness.

You will never stop the sounds of the world or there will never be an entire world of love. You can however listen to your own heart and not be a part of the worlds noise by keeping your own house in order instead of being drawn to the noise and trying to change everything else. When you are mindful of your own conditioning and have awareness of the place where there’s a connection to the world, this is the space where the world is offered your true self. But make no mistake this doesn’t occur by trying to change the world or by ignoring its sounds, it simply happens by hearing the silence of the Universe beneath all the noise…

Monday, June 8, 2020

Unconsciously Conditioned

If there isn’t some semblance of quietness in your life the Conditioned Mind will run the show and although life will still be lived as you are alive, it will mostly be in a state of unconscious suffering…

The root cause of why you behave as you do isn’t understood by most so you will never go beyond it. This understanding is what leads to awaking up from a sleeping state that keeps you entrapped to causing your own suffering; not intentional, but suffering nonetheless. This has to be understood in order to alleviate the mechanisms in place that cause this. Suffering is caused by an unconscious conditioned mind state and unless this conditioning ceases to exist suffering results have to follow. Every cause has a effort; this occurs whether the cause is understood or not.

Learning about the Conditioned Mind is life altering, but only if it’s deeply understood. Life cannot be anything but what the conditioning in place dictates it to be so life (unconsciously) is made to be what it is; this is why sitting is necessary to allow the mind to settle. If there isn’t some semblance of quietness in your life the Conditioned Mind will run the show and although life will be lived because you are alive, it will mostly be so in a state of unconscious suffering. As subtle as it may be, a mind conditioned to suffer will always do so because it’s what’s in place. Change the conditioning, change what’s in place; when that happens that’s when your suffering will change…

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Storied Point of View

When there’s awareness that your point of view is a made up story, stillness takes its place. This stillness is always there, but not experienced because your storied point of view blocks it…

Without a made up point of view story everyone would see life through the eyes of stillness which by the way are the eyes of love, but because of a storied point of view this isn’t seen. The storied points of view are from the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life about your point of view, but it isn’t truly ever about what is seen, it‘s not about anything in particular except when a point of view is formed.

A point of view is what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments cause the associated thoughts to control your life. What is really happening is this, life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of stillness and not being lead around by your storied point of view; whatever you make it. When there’s awareness of this you will truly be still; a stillness that has always been there, but was never experienced because of a storied point if view which doesn’t allow it to be seen…

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Right Now Results

Life itself is a result of the energy that’s attached to so if you stop attaching to past energy patterns life naturally becomes different on its own as its energy is transformed…

Regardless of what was done in the past its results only affect you if you give it energy. The past itself has no controlling energy, what does give it control is attachment to it. Nothing should ever be denied that was done, but nothing that was done should ever be held onto. This isn’t to absolve you of the responsibility of acting in an unloving manner, but the judgement of others can’t do you the harm that you do to yourself. The results of your actions are the result of your own energy; you needn’t be judged as unloving for you to be ruled by the judgement of being unloving.

If there is unrest in your life it’s because of this energy. It’s impossible to be in a state of unrest without its energy. If it’s truly investigated why this energy is in place, it will be seen that most of the time it will have to do with carrying the results of a past energy pattern into the present. Once the results of a past energy pattern is attached to and brought into the present, it’s very difficult for it to go away. It usually has to run its course, but it doesn’t have to ever be attached to if it can be noticed beforehand; this is key if there is to be peace. Life itself is only a result of the energy that’s attached to, so stop attaching to the result of a past energy pattern and watch life naturally become different as its energy is transformed. You will never change your life on your own, how it changes and how its results become different is by not attaching to past energy patterns and just being with what’s in front of you right now…

Friday, June 5, 2020

United Agenda

If you think an individual agenda will change the world you will be largely disappointed, not in your effort, but in the results of the world not changing…

A large part of the problem when it comes to the world changing is individual agendas. There’s way to much energy wasted on these; if the world is to change it has to be done as a united agenda to love. We all need to have a united heart and give that agenda to the heart of others. This agenda is from the Universe and it’s the awakened heart that realizes this. An awakened heart is not limited to certain religious belief or mind made concepts, it‘s open to anyone who has a pure heart. The only way for it to be pure is to remove its pollutants. An example of this would be polluted water: Nothing has to be added to polluted water to return it to its natural state of purity, all that needs to be done is to remove the pollutants.

Certain religious belief and concepts are actually a deterrent to being united. Although religion is a way to develop the discipline needed to quiet the mind, it is the Universe that is of unity not some dogma or doctrine made up by what someone thinks. The Universe is our guide, but the mind has to be very quiet to see where the guidance leads. I don’t mean a made up guidance to make an individual feel they’re doing their part, I mean a guidance that is united and nothing else. When you die all you leave behind is the unity you have others. Nothing else really means that much. If the world ended tomorrow and whose to say it won’t, what did all your individual agenda accomplish, except maybe to say “I know I did my part” whatever that means.

The only thing that matters is to remove all your pollutants so unity energy is emitted to all beings; this is a Universe doing. What I share is a message of unity, but it’s not my unity it’s the unity of the Universe. Of myself I can do nothing but self seek. It’s through the surrendering of your own agenda that the Universe will find the best possible way to use you; what that results in is up to the Universe not some individual agenda. In unity is our strength, it‘s the self serving agenda that keeps us from being united by love…

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Presence of Now

Outside grasping uses distractions based on things that attach to the world. Now has no such attachment and is based in the eternal; there are no distractions in the Presence of Now…

Regardless of what’s grasped as a distraction, what everything has in common is they’re designed to take you from the Presence of Now because a belief is formed that outside grasping is needed. Look how the mind uses grasping mind patterns as distractions and although their nature is all the same, they’re different in how the mind uses things.

Have you ever thought I can’t wait until I retire, or if my boss was different, if only I could change jobs, my spouse, my circumstances, if only, if only, if only. This is the distraction of an if only mind; a mind conditioned to constantly grasp. The grasping distraction tells you things need to be different and when they are you’ll be okay. This distraction only occurs because you don’t know how to be content with the Presence of Now. It’s mind boggling how the entire struggle with life is to find peace; we look for it in all the places except in the only place that it exist, Now. When you‘re okay with the way things are, no distractions occur and there’s no need to look outside yourself because you have what you’re looking for; when you stop looking, you stop being distracted.

Investigate this so you can understand the nature of your distractions. There would never be a need for the mind to be distracted if you were content Now. This doesn’t mean you don’t do things for the future, but your sense of well-being shouldn’t be based on anything but Now. An outside base uses distractions from the world, an inside base uses things that are eternal, of Universal Energy, and it’s only in the Presence of Now that allows one to be truly content…

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Light or Darkness

It’s really very simple to understand the mind, it can be broken down into two mind states, light or darkness and everyone who is alive will be guided by one or the other…

There’s a lot of stuff (thinking) that goes on between the ears that determines what mind state you will be guided by and when it’s broken down, you will be guided either light or darkness. To me everything that happens is the result of something previous so the results of living in a state of light or darkness are vastly different. This isn’t to apply a label that one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how light produces results aligned with love, kindness, peace, harmony, joy, and darkness aligns you with results of anger, greed, hate, unhappiness, discontent and do on. I had a mind of darkness for many years and this resulted in much suffering in the form of feeling isolated and alone most of the time. As a result of this, I used many different things to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because not matter what, the dark mind state would always return.

Twelve years ago I began understanding the different results of these two mind states and started developing certain things that put me more in line with light. A mind of darkness is selfish in nature and produces selfish results, desirable results if you’re based in the material world. A mind of light has no selfishness to it and the results are accordingly. This doesn’t mean the darkness conditioning is gone for good, but it has lessened to a large degree and hence there is literally no more isolation or hate in me. If the difference of these two mind states aren’t seen it seems the darkness state controls more; it’s because of the influences of the material world that make this so. Even though by being alive you are part of the world, when you finally wake up what’s seen is you don’t have to allow the selfish collective mind state of darkness to control you…

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

How Things Are Trust

There’s existence with all the mind made concepts and beliefs, but there’s also the bigger picture beyond the mind, this is where there’s guidance and freedom from all burden because there’s trust in how things are…

When the mind is still existence becomes one of trust instead of reliance on your limited concepts and beliefs. There’s a deep trust that exist only in stillness and it’s because in stillness all of life exist so when it’s entered the eternal trust of the Universe is there to still the mind agitations which are the cause of all distrust.

Stillness of the mind allows for one to live from the Universal heart of how things are. This connects you with all the goodness of life, your own internal goodness and all beings. The connection is already there it’s just not noticed what it’ll take to make it so, and the only reason this isn’t noticed is because of the mind agitations that block trust from the stillness of how things are from being seen.

When this isn’t seen all kinds of nonsense arises. When it’s learned to discipline the undisciplined mind and your agitations slowly subside, what’s naturally left is a deep unyielding trust in the Universe. This trust is beyond the noise of the Conditioned Mind, beyond one’s mind made concepts and beliefs. When one is in the space of stillness, there’s trust because in stillness it’s known who you truly are. Trust in the Universe with all your heart and allow the mind to settle so you’re not relying on your own made up concepts and beliefs. When there’s this trust in how things are life can be lived in the most beneficial of ways as the trusting beautiful being that you are…

Monday, June 1, 2020

Explanation Limits

You are limited by the incessant need for explanations. Understanding is different than an explanation because it allows for the awareness of exactly what’s there instead of the thought of what’s there…

Most of what happens in life is unexplained, but that doesn’t stop the mind from making up explanations or continuously trying to find one. I have found the unexplained is best left alone because an answer wouldn’t really enhance life. As things occur, explanations of how they’re associated with existence does assist to a degree, but only if they’re not allowed to control your life like a master puppeteer. Most people are limited by the incessant need for explanation, but understanding something is different because it allows for the awareness of exactly what one is up against (their own mind). This awareness allows the mind to settle and lessen the need for explanations which aren’t truly needed. An explanation of addiction doesn’t stop one from becoming an addict, but an understanding of addiction may; as a matter of fact this is exactly what happened to me.

The Universe needs no explaining in its process nor do the origin of our thoughts need to be explained, but understanding how thoughts are attached to and what behaviors manifest from their attachment is the difference between being at peace with life or struggling with it. Some will disagree with this and it’s their right, but I know by understanding my behavior and how it was based to self serve, it gave me something tangible to use to see how much control my Conditioned Mind had over me. Past tense is used on purpose because its control is at a minimum today. An explanation of why this occurs doesn’t enhance the ability to be free of the Conditioned Mind, but an understanding of this certainly does. It’s through the discipline of sitting that the mind can settle enough to become aware that having an explanation of what happens in life will not enhance it in the way understanding our own mind will…