Saturday, June 13, 2020

Reaching Prison

Why there’s a need to reach for something for fulfillment needs to be understood or you will remain a prisoner to the reaching and you will always have a need to satisfy some inner lack…

What’s missed the most in my writings is the understanding of how all reaching is the same regardless of what is being reached for. The reaching itself is all the same and make no mistake your reaching is your prison. There are so many things reached for, from ayahuasca, to Heroin, a Hersey chocolate kiss, love, God, or whatever, it’s the reaching that needs to be looked at. Nobody just reaches for something, something tells you there’s a lack that needs to be filled so let’s go and reach for something. This is where the misunderstanding occurs, because one thinks reaching for ayahuasca is different than reaching for Heroin, the true nature of the reaching isn’t identified, so you remain the same even though the things being used are different. It easier to justify when you are reaching to help others than reaching for Heroin, but it’s still reaching so an inner lack still needs to be fulfilled. I write to identify why there’s a need to reach at its core. It’s what was revealed to me as being the cause of all my problems; with self centeredness as the reachings supportive energy.

You may say this is crazy, how can reaching for God be the same as reaching for a drink of alcohol or how can reaching for ayahuasca be the same as reaching for Heroin, but it is because it all arises from the inability to truly be present right now. If there’s lack, this will be reinforced by the need to reach; if this isn’t grasped you’ll remain in your prison. Understanding this is difficult, but it’s why I don’t push to develop a program or I won’t become a life coach, to me it’s all nonsense. I will point anyone to look within to find their own inner beauty; the only thing needed to do this is to learn to live with what’s here now. This is what anything should point to, but because the need to reach isn’t understood, there’s reaching for the next fix so you remain its prisoner…

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