Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Separation Story

Thinking there is separation from others isn’t true separation, it’s only a thought, so when the thought does arise if there isn’t attachment to it there’s a connection with all of life…

The way the Conditioned Mind separates someone who is from another part of the world and sees them as different is not true; the only separation from anything because of the story of separation. There is no true separation and when you can understand that the nature of all separation is only from the way you’re conditioned, it ceases to exist. At the core of this understanding is a oneness within and thus a oneness with everything. This includes insects, animals, fish, plants, and humans, in essence the entire Universe, but don’t miss interpret this, it’s not a concept or theory. It’s a fact and this can only be truly sensed when the mind is very still and only when the mind is absent of any thought of separation.

There has to be a oneness within yourself before there can be oneness with anyone else. If this doesn’t occur it’s because you’re consumed by the thought realm and the thought realm is controlled by the Conditioned Mind. Please don’t take this lightly, it’s the reason, greed, hate, and delusion are the default setting of so many minds. If there isn’t quietness, there’s noise and if there’s noise it’s derived from one’s conditioning. Sit with this and notice when separation arises and what’s at its core. Let it pass without labeling it, just watch and don’t attach to it. Remember the thought of separation isn’t true separation, it’s only a thought and when it arises as it will because of your conditioning, if the thought isn’t attached to it will be impossible to be separated from anything…

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Reality of Now

If you truly want to see reality look no further than right now. Unless the mind settles and there’s awareness of this, reality will never be realized because you will be stuck in a place that’s not real…

I know many in society attach to following your own reality, but if this is looked at closely you just may see how this holds you in captivity to thinking that a made up reality is needed for happiness instead of what’s here now. When you’re following the urge of something made up, the reality of what’s happening right now just passes you by. This doesn’t mean you can’t have your reality and go after it, just realize a made up reality is nothing more than a fantasy. Even if you get exactly what you want and it becomes your reality, thinking this will make you happy is where the fantasy arises from. This falls in line with “when this happens I’ll be set”…

How many people pick their job, the house they live in, children, spouse, or whatever else you think is needed to make up happy, only to turn around and complain about it. Your choices are made because you think you want them as your reality and yet when they become a reality it’s not long before you realize they’re not as fulfilling as you thought they would be. Or you’re okay with certain aspects of this reality, but there’s just something else to complain about. If you truly want to live in the reality of what is, look down at your feet and realize good, bad, or indifferent this is your only reality. Unless the mind settles and you become aware of this, your life will never truly be lived because you will be caught up in the fantasy of needing to follow a made up reality…

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Truly Content

The contentment which most seek is mostly contingent on something from the outside, if this or that happens then I’ll be content, but true contentment comes from within and doesn’t need anything to be…

Thinking about being content isn’t the same as allowing contentment to arise just because that’s what’s there. This seems to be difficult to grasp and it’s because one can’t think their way to true contentment. Stories can be made up that makes it seem as though one is content, but it never last. The contentment most seek is contingent on something, if this or that happens then I’ll be content, but this is another lie of the Conditioned Mind, and there are many. All kinds of examples can be used, if I win the lottery,  job promotions, end of pandemic, holiday off from school or work, children getting A’s in school, new car, you can add your own contentment attachment to the list. The point is, this list is endless and whatever it is that is attained I guarantee you the contentment it brings for that moment will not last. I have been off from work for twenty one days, but tomorrow I go back. True contentment can only arise if life is seen as one continuous event and there isn’t a need to have it different; this is how fleeting contentment is and how contingent it is on something for it to be.

The contentment mentioned in the beginning of the article arises because it’s what’s there, it’s not contingent on anything, therefore it is true contentment; I would put it right along side the peace that passes all understanding. I experience both of these everyday for most of the day and it comes from within. I don’t make it happen, but I am aware of my thinking which is a direct hinderance to true contentment and this is because you can’t think your way to being content, you can only think your way to a surface contentment which is contingent on something from outside yourself; the key to true contentment is not needing right now different. I know this is difficult especially when things don’t go your way, but the alternative is to want things different and keep searching for a contentment that will probably remain elusive until the day life in this form ends…

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Unuseful Tools

There’s a pull that occurs in most lives that keeps one from investigating the unuseful tools in place. The issue with this is these unuseful tools are passed onto others so it’s as though the blind lead the blind…

If there are unuseful actions and reactions in the daily decision making process without investigating them, there will be many decisions made without knowing if they’re beneficial. When unuseful tools are passed on to others it equates to the blind leading the blind; very few people truly understand the Conditioned Mind. Without the discipline that provides some stillness, life becomes an unquestioned pull to use unuseful tools. To the Conditioned Mind there’s no need for questions because it has all the answers. Saying “I’m not there yet” is just crazy and it’s an unuseful block that hampers the ability to truly live. If you’re not there yet, wherever there is, nothing you do will get you there. What’s amazing is how people settle for an unuseful place just because someone else says it works. Using the saying “I’m not there yet” is just a way the Conditioned Mind remains in control.

It’s mind boggling how the unuseful remains in place without taking into consideration there might be another way to see things, and what’s mind boggling about this is how unuseful tools are held onto and keeps one in a self created prison that causes suffering. Life doesn’t cause suffering, the Conditioned Mind does and unless one is willing to sit and allow the mind to settle, the pull of the conditioning will remain in place and one will continue to use unuseful tools that cause suffering. Here’s the real issue with this, these unuseful tools are passed onto others and it’s as though the blind lead the blind…

Monday, May 25, 2020

A Moments Arising

Your life hinges on a single attached thought; the next moments arising is from here. Learning to skillfully see this so the attachment is at a minimum determines what the next moment will be…

The thoughts that are attached to make up a belief system because it’s thought the beliefs are beneficial, if this wasn’t so the thoughts wouldn’t be attached to. If these attached beliefs aren’t seen as erroneous they will remain in place. The more you think your created belief system is the right one, the harder it is to see beyond it. Attaching to each moment as it arises through thought is delusional because there’s no solid foundation to a thought and everyone has different ones, that’s why everyone see things differently.

There’s only one truth, I don’t know what it is, but I do know what it isn’t. Until this is seen as each moments arises without attaching to it, life will remain delusional. To get to a point where it’s not delusional you have to get beyond the attached thoughts that hold your belief system (conditioning) in place; regardless of what it is. Each moment arises as one single thought and then a person’s conditioning determines what happens next and how the next moment plays out. Attaching to it or not is the difference in how the next moment arises and if there’s going to be unity or separation. The truth is you are never separated from life, but it feels that way when there’s attachment to a thought that makes you think you are. Your entire life hinges on a single attached thought; the next moments arises from here. Learning to skillfully see this so the attachment is at a minimum determines what the next moment will be…

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Just Say No

The word “no” can be used to cut off attaching energy to a thought. In the “no” is the infinite possibility of peace, but it will only occur when a thought is seen for its irrelevance…

Thoughts arise, but reflecting on them instead of attaching a label is the difference in learning from them or allowing them to control you. Why was I born, what is my purpose, what is God, these are simply thoughts, attaching your story to them changes their dynamics from reflective energy to becoming attached to them and applying energy needed to search or reach for an answer. When something is unknown, the mind will make up answers, these made up answers are the base of how most lives are lived. We are bombarded by a barrage of daily thoughts, many arise go away and come back throughout the day. Not every thought is attached to, it’s the ones that are that cause issue; most just come in and leave, but they do seem to return.

Reflection is valuable in developing the awareness to just see a thought arise and not give it any power. That is arises means nothing, what is done with it after it arises means everything. If a thought arises about something that happened in the past, it doesn’t have to be attached to. It can be simply reflected upon and seen as a thought, nothing more. The Conditioned Mind is designed to make a story out of it, but with disciplined awareness this can be seen and the simple word “no” can be used to cut off attaching energy. The simple word “no” holds the infinite possibility of peace, but it will only occur when a thought is seen for its irrelevance, that is unless there’s attachment, then all bets are off…

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Understanding Your Conditioning

When you understand just how diabolical the conditioned mind is, it will probably be your first experience of truth. Only then you will have the possibility of awakening and seeing the true nature of the mind…

The Conditioned Mind is so subtle very few people know it’s even in place. Because of this the world is not on a course to become based in truth, but whose to say that’s not how it’s suppose to be. Even though truth is what the great mystic’s spoke of and this is the message that most people who have gone deeper try to convey, no one knows for sure.

No one knows if the world will change before humans destroy it; it‘s only through the Conditioned Mind that this is happening anyway. Maybe it’s suppose to be this way, maybe not, but a person can only change themselves and that will occur if they’re fortunate enough to realize how conditioned they really are. Look at the smugness of your own conditioning before you point the finger at someone else. After all when you point one finger at another there are three pointing back at you; take the log out of your eye before you point out the speck in someone else. The way we are conditioned as a species is our dilemma, this is a stark fact and until this changes nothing will change, but fret not because if you come to realize this you will understand the Conditioned Mind. When you see this truth you will understand how conditioned you really are. Only then you will have the possibility of awakening and seeing the light, not a conditioned mind light, but a light provided by the Universe…

Friday, May 22, 2020

Mental Associations

A mental association reaching for God is no different than a mental association reaching for Heroin. Although these will produce different outer results, the same inner bondage for both holds true…

Mental associations to what’s occurring determines the energy you will live by and this is because the mental associations are tied into your emotions which is what gives them life. It’s never truly about what’s occurring, it’s always the mental association to it that determines how you will respond. Using the example of food shows how prevalent this is. Food is needed to live, but how about dessert, see how the mental association to dessert makes the emotion of pleasure arise. Nothing inherently has an association to it, if we didn’t have tastebuds our eating habits would be different and this would be because the mental association to pleasure wouldn’t arise and manifest in the need to be satisfied by food or dessert. Without tastebuds we would eat when we were hungry, not to say that we don’t now, but I know in my case food and especially dessert is used for quench the thirst of pleasure. I don’t eat food that I don’t like and dessert is definitely eaten strictly to provide pleasure. The mental association to things determines how strong the grip is.

Look at some of the most glaring labeled addictions in our society and see why it’s nearly impossible to break free from their hold. The mental association to anything being used as a coping mechanism runs deep, but what’s not understood is the less glaring one’s have the same mental pull as the one’s that wreck havoc and even kill. One uses programs to break free from the mental association to something, only to substitute it for another mental association (a program) and although the outer results may be different, the same bondage to a mental association hold you captive. A mental association to God is no different than a mental association to Heroin; different outer results, but the same inner bondage. Until this is understood, the mental association to whatever the Conditioned Mind uses will keep you in bondage to whatever is being reached for…

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Possessed by Thought

What is will always be, but it’s our own mind through the thought process in place that determines how one reacts. Our mind creates our entire world through the possessiveness of our thoughts…

Things considered unpleasant we would rather not happen, but they do and they have to be accepted or there will never be peace in your life. At least to where you can be with what is instead of attaching to the thought of wanting it different. Although the small stuff is seen as difficult, the life altering things can be seen as devastating if there isn’t an awareness of how it’s your own Conditioned Mind that makes this so. Loss of loved ones, homes destroyed along with all our possessions and memories, accidents, illnesses, pandemics, these are just some of the occurrences that can alter your state if they’re not accepted for what they are; and what they are is nothing but a thought.

Life happens and through thought it appears as your mind makes it appear. Life is neutral except what the Conditioned Mind makes it out to be. Your own mind uses thought to create an entire existence that is only real to you. The more life is lived in this manner, the more difficult it is to accept what is. This lack of acceptance is only because of a lack of understanding of your own mind. It’s your own mind that creates the appearance that life has difficulties. This happens because you become possessed by the thought that everything is as it appears, but it’s only so because your mind has been conditioned to do so…

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

An Undistracted View

The view of satisfying yourself keeps you from clearly seeing your own innate beauty. This clear view will only occur when your view comes from looking inward…

Although no one is more special than another, there are some who do see things clearer than those with a selfish view. What makes this happen?  Although I wouldn’t label some as chosen, I will say some are more inclined to not attach to selfish desires which allows a clearer view than if you have a view that’s mind based. I have lived two existences, one which was in the direction where there was much selfish suffering and the one I’m living now which is a clear view of non attachment. The only real differences in the two views is one creates suffering and is done in ignorance and the other is lived in the awareness of ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the selfish distractions don’t control me as they once did. They’re still there I’m not as controlled by it.

The clear view that occurs is a by product of awareness and as the selfish view is let go of, it opens up space to allow wisdom and insights to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of selfish attachments. It’s the self that attaches and it’s the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the distractions of selfishness fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystics who were considered special, all they did was look inward. This looking inward is available to all, but one will have to overcome the selfish view to not be distracted from it. It is the selfish view that keeps you from clearly seeing your own innate beauty and it will only be seen when you begin to look within…

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Creating Habits

A mind that becomes habitual doesn’t just happen, it takes much repetitive behavior to create this. It gets deeply ingrained in one’s subconscious and will take much willingness and perseverance to undo…

To not get caught up in the habits that are formed, each day has to be viewed as new. You cannot undo one single act from yesterday, good, bad, or indifferent. Mistakes if that’s what you want to label them, are only the results of your Conditioned Mind Patterns that have been put in place to cope with things as they occur. If you’re not conditioned to love don’t expect your reactions to be of love. This is considered bad in the sense that it causes suffering because of the energy emitted from a reaction that isn’t based on love.

This energy is the habitual energy of a mundane mind, but the mind is anything but mundane. This habitual energy doesn’t allow you to take advantage of opportunities to be the instrument of love. When this habitual energy is in control, it will take discipline to get out of it. Think about what a habit is and how it’s formed. It takes time to create it and it takes time to get out of it or at least not constantly return to the repetitive energy that creates it; the same thing has to be done over and over to create a habit. This is how the conditioning become ingrained in the subconscious; habits take some time to form and there’s much reinforcement that keeps them not only in place, but anchors them so they become more deeply ingrained in the subconscious. That’s why its easier to discount something with less history because its not as deeply embedded.

Take your parents as an example, with so much history its very difficult to view them objectively. They’re viewed with a created perception as an identity is attached to them thinking that’s who they are, but the thought of your parents are not who they are, it’s only your created perception of them. Perceptions create habits which take away objectivity; things really aren’t as you think. Life may be lived by your thoughts, but this is the created delusion Buddha described. When we can stop the habitual mind of putting everything in its little perception box, you will begin to fill life with love and eventually habits will not exist; and each and everyday will be a new beginning because there won’t be any new habits created…

Monday, May 18, 2020

Storied Peace

The nature of the Conditioned Mind is to create stories that are used to make you believe they’re needed if there is to be peace; this story to be at peace is the exact reason there isn’t peace…

You are the creator of the story you aren’t at peace. You can create any story you like, just understand if you don’t create a story all that will happen is you will be at peace. We’ll use the example of someone bringing in donuts to work; from there the story you create about donuts is nothing more than that, a story. Maybe you create a story that you love donuts and there just so happens to be a jelly one and you particularly love jelly donuts. After all is said and done if you don’t create the story about the jelly donut, it will still exist it just won’t have any control over you because there won’t be any attachment to it.

Eat a donut, don’t eat a donut, the point of this example is to show how the created story becomes the created attachment which is what makes you want the donut. Substitute anything you want for the donut including non attachment itself, it’s all the same. A created story creates attachment which in turn creates suffering. In the morning, when you first wake up, that’s when the story begins and thus attachment.

Stories are the nature of the Conditioned Mind. This isn’t something I made up, it’s something to just be aware of so stories can stop being creating. These stories which are created by your own mind makes the world delusional and it keeps you trapped in this delusion. If you think this doesn’t pertain to you that’s just another story that keeps you from peace. Beyond the story there is always peace, it’s just not realized because of the need to create a story…

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Attachment Lie

Attachment to anything is a prison, but the thing attached to is only the sentence, the prison is the lie the Conditioned Mind creates that tells you what you attach to is needed to make life better…

The reality of life is impermanence and because of this when there is attachment to anything, there has to be suffering. So suffering is directly related to what one attached to and how tight the hold is. Impermanence is a natural phenomenon of life and since the nature of it can’t really be changed, the only way for the suffering not to occur is to learn how not to attach to things. You can still enjoy all that life has to offer, but if true liberation is to be experienced, attachment will have to fall away. I say fall away because many attach to not attaching and thus stay attached to the their suffering. Letting go isn’t really a doing, it’s why many remain trapped to the bondage of self. If true liberation is to be experienced, there will have to be awareness of the conditioned mind attachments that are in control. Few have this willingness because the conditioning in place to doesn’t allow it, hence the need to reach for something constantly rears its ugly head; this causes suffering.

There’s attachment because the conditioning in place is based in a lie; this lie is what one stops attaching to and that’s when truth is revealed. It’s not a truth that can be explained, the moment it is there’s attachment because it becomes an idea, concept, or belief. This is why in stillness truth is revealed. All I know today and it’s not much has been revealed to me. To truly stop attaching to the lie it has to be seen that all attachment is a lie. If this isn’t seen, the attachment continues along with its associated suffering. This moment needs no idea, concept, or belief to be, if you can see this attachment is naturally lessened because the Now exist free of its lie and without the attachment lie there is simply nothing needed to make life better…

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Creating a Nemesis

Whatever it is that that holds you becomes your nemesis. If you don’t stop making what arises a nemesis and make room in your heart for love, you are the one who will suffer the most…

The choice to hold onto something and make it a nemesis is the cause of suffering, but there really isn’t a choice because of the way the Conditioned Mind controls. Suffering is inevitable because of the way the Conditioned Mind makes everything a nemesis. If this is to change you will have to make room in your heart so your nemesis is replaced by first stillness and then love. There’s no way around this, make whatever you want a nemesis, but understand when it passes something else will have to replace it. Today it’s the lockdown and Covid 19, tomorrow it’s a co worker, the president, traffic, or something else; this will never change until there is room in your heart for love. If you hold onto a person and loathe them, you are blocking the space for a loving heart, this is strong language, but it’s true.

Love of the heart can only be without any conditioning. The Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see this, it prefers to create a nemesis. I can say I have love for all beings, what I don’t love is the conditioning in place. I understand it and I choose not to create a nemesis and feed into its nonsense. To hold onto things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are holding on to because it becomes your nemesis. Until this is understood you become your own nemesis; the very thing you show disdain towards. This is truth; you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you. Stop creating a nemesis by holding on and make room in your heart for love because if you don’t you are the one who will suffer the most by creating nemesis after nemesis of what you are holding onto…

Friday, May 15, 2020

One Sided View

There’s not much life in something that is one sided. This is exactly what happens when you only see things one way; the free flowing energy of life is cut off which causes suffering…

A one sided view is what causes a person to get locked into only seeing things one way. It matters little what is seen as the rigidness of only seeing one side doesn’t allow energy to be free flowing. This is what happens when a story is created and it becomes one sided of what life is about in any particular moment. The one sided view becomes deeply entrenched as you become more and more emotionally tied into whatever is being viewed. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that’s of the mind and has a story to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion, passion, and genuine love for something without attaching to it from one side.

To me the one sided view is normal for most people and it’s why many suffer unnecessarily. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives including my own and I can see the suffering it causes. Unfortunately those in the midst of a one sided view can’t see it nor can they pull themselves out of it, that is until their view is seen as the cause of their suffering. A one sided view doesn’t allow the awareness needed to be free from attachment and since attachment is the root of suffering, suffering is inevitable. The tighter the hold of something, the more the view becomes one sided and the less free flowing energy there is. There’s not much life in something that has no flow and this is exactly what happens when free flowing energy is cut off as the one sided view controls life and inevitably causes suffering…

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Pull of Human Senses

The understanding of being human won’t stop the world’s attractions from enticing you, but it may stop you from being totally pulled in which allows the control of the senses to dissipate somewhat…

There are many worldly attractions that are based in the human senses which constantly arise to pull you in, and they will pull you in as long as you are in this human form; how deep the pulls hold depends on your conditioning. Even with knowing what I know about the Conditioned Mind there is still the pull of the human senses that catch me at times. Fortunately the mallet was put away a long time ago that was used to beat myself up over doing something that my own mind tells me to do; this is because of awareness aware of awareness. If you think you’re going to get to a state where being human is totally transcended that’s wishful thinking and it’s also your pull. If you do get there, wherever there is, please share it with us, but we won’t hold our breath and attach to your pull.

Human form should be embraced as it is, not as it is thought it needs to be. This is not an excuse to just go around succumbing to a selfish pull whenever desires arise, but to awaken to the awareness that this is even happening is a miracle in itself. It seems sex and food are two things that have a deep pull to the senses associated with them and it’s why there are so many diets and so much pornography out there; it’s also why both of these are billion dollar industries. Diets and sex sell because it pulls at the most human sense level. Food and sex are not to be loathed because few will have the ability not to be pulled in by them. To me you can only be aware of the selfish pull associated with these as they are reached for to fulfill some inner sense pleasure. This inner sense pleasure is at the core of being human and it needs constant fulfillment in some way. Awareness of this won’t stop you from being pulled in as the world is based in exploiting human senses, but at times it may stop you from being pulled in which allows the control of the human senses to dissipate somewhat…

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mind Stories

When truth is revealed, no longer will you listen to your mind stories because it’s understood you shouldn’t believe what you think because most of it is made up and just isn’t true…

Don’t believe everything you think because your mind will make up stories that just aren’t true. It will make up the past as being real yet the only place the past exist is in the mind. It will make up things to fear, yet the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. It will make up beliefs that the self is a solid entity, but the form that exist needs no such attachment to be, as it is always changing in a constant state of flux. It will make up the story of I think therefore I am, but thinking has nothing to do with I am. It will make up a story that everything desired on the outside is needed, but the reality is if none of those desires are given into nothing happens. There’s the thing the mind calls ego, this is the bogeyman under the bed, it exist until one looks under the bed. There’s also not a need to get rid of it because it doesn’t truly exist; except as a mind story.

Then there’s the image in the mirror who was given a name for identification purposes, we think we are that made up name. If the name is different you’ll think you’re someone else, but that’s only to the mind because the form remains the same. There will be many stories held onto that just aren’t true, but unfortunately the more they are attached to the truer they seem. To truly be free the made up stories will have to be exposed. This doesn’t mean you find out you don’t exist, what happens is you find out you don’t exist in the way your mind makes you believe. When this truth is revealed, no longer will you listen to your made up mind stories because you’ll understand you shouldn’t believe everything you think because most of it is a made up mind story…

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Need to Reach

When the need to reach for something arises it’s because the mind is entrapped to that particular need. Until this is seen you will remain entrapped to the needed fulfillment of the next thing reached for…

You will never find the fulfillment you’re seeking if you’re entrapped to the needing of that fulfillment. Fulfillment is something that’s already within you, but because of the way your mind is conditioned, you get trapped in the need that fulfillment is something outside of you. This entrapment makes the needed fulfillment you’re seeking impossible to satisfy; this is also the reason you constantly need something from the outside. Until this is seen you will remain trapped to the needing thought of fulfillment in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, god, and on and on, these are proof you’re entrapped. I can’t stress this enough as this entrapment has to be seen if you are to experience true fulfillment in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to fulfillment, what has to happen if fulfillment is to be experienced is there has to be an understanding of why you’re not fulfilled; that you aren’t fulfilled is only because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, the entrapment to the need begins; this is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Fulfillment isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less that you are fulfilled. Too many people get lost in trying to attain fulfillment, but it’s something that’s already within; the binding need about attaining fulfillment needs to be discarded so you can see this. This is not easy to notice, but I write so being entrapped to needing can be seen for what it is; the reason why you aren’t fulfilled…

Monday, May 11, 2020

I Self (Ego)

The I Self (ego) lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind, but when there’s light shed on this ignorance is no more and the I Self no longer needs to defend itself because it’s no longer its adversary…

Understanding the different thoughts that arise and seeing why some are defended and some are just let go of has immense value in learning to truly live life. You will want to develop some sort of discipline that’s going to assist you in differentiating what thoughts are beneficial. The ego is the I Self and when it feels threatened it will defend itself with whatever tools it has developed. These tools aren’t only used to defend itself against others, they’re also used to defend itself against itself. They’re the only reason a person reaches for something and it’s strictly because the I Self defends itself from a threat that comes from within. This I Self is the cause of every addiction and of all conflicts, without it you still exist, just not in the way that it seems.

When you can see the truth that the I Srlf (ego) is its own adversary, when a threat presents itself there will be no need to defend it because it will be seen you are only defending yourself from yourself. There’s no suppressing this nor anything else that arises because suppressing or pushing away is an action that deepens the I Self control. To me awareness of an this is the beginning of the I Self relinquishing its grip. In acknowledging it’s there control dissipates somewhat, this happens when the energy of attachment is taken away. Never deny what’s there, just be aware of it and watch it dissolve on its own. The I Self (ego) lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind, but when there’s light shed on this ignorance is no more and the I Self no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer considers itself its adversary…

Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Mother's Sparkle

A Mother’s love is special because of the connection she has with her child. This connection is a sparkle beyond words and it’s formed in the womb because mom and the child are one…

A Mother’s love is something that needs no words to describe. It’s a love that’s forever binding regardless of what happens. Watching a mother care for her child is so beautiful and this isn’t limited to humans. Mom loves from instincts, it’s a love that occurs from within. Watching a mother take care of her child is the love that everyone should have for each other. This love is the same love the Universe has for each and everyone of us. A Mother loves all her children the same as the Universe loves all of us the same. Mom doesn’t see color and never puts conditions on her love; she just loves. If we are to survive as a species we will need to go beyond the limits of the mind and see how to love unconditionally. We’ll need to observe how a Mother loves and mimic that with all humanity.

A Mother’s love never ends, there may be disappointment in her heart at times, but that’s only because she wants what’s best and it’s the love in her heart crying out. Humanity is on a course of self destructing and it’s because of a lack of love. If it’s not seen how the Universe is our Mother and we are all from the same energy, our separation will be the end of us. Mom is always there for us as is the Universe, but unfortunately we are given enough rope to hang ourselves and that’s exactly what we are doing. Watch a Mother give birth and see the sparkle in her eyes, it’s the same sparkle (the stars) the Universe has for all humanity. This sparkle arises because there’s no thought of herself, the child born is just an extension of herself; they are one. Only when we all see each other in the same way will we as a species turn our attention to loving each other unconditionally; seeing the sparkle of oneness in each other’s eyes…

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Attachment to Self

Nothing is the whole of anything unless that’s the label applied, and who does this labeling but the belief of an “I” that only exist because of the delusional attachment to self…

The attachment to self keeps you wandering helplessly for possibly countless lifetimes. The attached concept has done this, the concept of self is not really self, nor is the mind, this self truly has nothing to do with you. It’s just an belief that keeps you attached to “a self” story. It’s always the story itself that keeps you attached and although it may seem as though what’s being used to create the story keeps you attached, it’s not. It can’t be, because there’s no substance to a story and this is because it’s of the mind and there’s nothing solid when it’s from the mind; it’s as fleeting as yesterday’s dream. If it’s about something that happened, that means you are bringing the past into the present and this creates a delusional mindset. If you’re bringing the future into the present, again you’re creating a delusional mindset by not being with what’s actually happening.

This is what happens when the belief of a self is attached to as the driving energy behind how you live. If everything done is derived from self life will be delusional because the self is delusional; self is a belief, it’s made up. It’s not that there isn’t existence, but unless you can truly see where this self is it has to cause problems if it’s attached to. What I mean by this is if you take the belief away of what you think your self is, nothing remains. You have attached a label (name) for identification purposes and all the other labels just fall in line, son, daughter, brother, sister, yada, yada, yada, and so on. Without an attached label there is no self. You do have a body, but you are not the body. Nothing is the whole of anything unless an attached label is applied and who does this labeling, the belief of an “I“ that only exist because of the delusional attachment to self…

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mind Prison

Being dependent on anything except life’s essentials creates a bondage that puts one in prison…this prison is of the mind and blocks love’s guided energy…so you may be alive…but you never truly live…

A substance or object can seem like it holds you prisoner, but it’s your own mind that puts you in the place of needing to reach for something. Without the mind telling you something is needed, dependency on anything would be non existent. The subtleness of this prison is mind boggling. Take an alarm clock as an example, as soon as the alarm rings if the snooze button is hit, instantly you are a prisoner because the mind wants the moment different. This is the way being a prisoner works and if there isn’t awareness of this, it’s off to the races of being controlled by a Conditioned Mind that’s dependent on wanting things the way that it wants them.

Prison takes on many forms: drugs, alcohol, gambling, talking about others, eating habits, pouting or sulking, social status, being miserly (cheap), trying to control situations and people, judging, lust, greed, envy, self righteousness, false pride, and the list goes on, but what all these have in common is they’re the external solutions used by the Conditioned Mind to fix an internal void. Until something is done to allow the mind to settle, this void will probably be there until the last day of your life. If this is what happens life will never truly be experienced in the way that it could be. Some bondage may not seem as devastating as others, but whatever is used it doesn’t allow love to be your guided energy. Love can’t be experienced from the prison of your own mind and because of this life will never be truly lived. Only love’s guided energy allows you to truly live and it’s your own mind that holds you in prison and blocks this from occurring…

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Desires Draw

Don’t let the different results of desires draw pull you into unconsciousness. All desire leads to suffering in one form or another regardless of what draws you to the particular desire…

When there’s always something to desire it’s because you don’t think you have enough and if you don’t think you have enough, there will always be something that’s desired. Desires draw isn’t something that’s inherently bad, why one is drawn to desire is where issues arise and this is only because where there is desire, it’s because you think something is missing. Desires draw only matters to the degree in how the thing desired affects your life. The desires draw to drink alcohol in access and do drugs have consequences much different than the desires draw to stop using those things, but the desires core is the same and that’s what needs to be examined. Don’t let the different draw pull you into unconsciousness because all desire leads to suffering in one form or another.

You may think the draw of desire to improve is a good thing, but that would mean you need things to be different to accept yourself. Accepting life exactly how it is is the only place you will experience the peace of not drawing the desire of having things different. I’m not saying don’t improve yourself, but if it’s at the expense of your peace of mind, there’s no benefit to it. Go for the gold, just understand even if it’s attained you will find it’s not providing the benefits you thought it would; shortly afterwards desires draw returns. Investigate this and see how desires draw arises from needing, and needing causes attachment which causes suffering. Break free from desires draw of needing things different and you will inevitably stop suffering…

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Programmed Energy

We are all imperfect beings simply doing what we have been programmed to do. We all do the best we can with the programming that has been instilled in us; most know not what they do…

Not many people ask themselves why they are the way they are, this is because theone  mind isn’t programmed to look inward. Some programming is down right nasty, but it’s still programming just the same. Whether a person is programmed to be a politician, addict, murderer, a CEO of a company, or whatever, everyone is just doing what they’ve been programmed to do. There is no one who hasn’t done something they knew wasn’t beneficial to themselves or anyone else, yet it was done anyway, that’s all just part of the programming energy in place.

When you understand your own programming, you’ll be able to separate people from their programming and love them anyways because you know it’s the programming and not the person that does what they do. To me if there’s an evil in this world it’s this programming with all it’s “I” attached nonsense; goodness comes from the stillness of non judgement. When you can see this, you’ll be well on your way to a deeper understanding of life. You’ll understand how not to judge and when you’re without judgement, you naturally love unconditionally. It’s at this point that you will understand the programmed energy in place and be able to look inward and only see the log in your eye…

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Made Up Reality

Until one can be with things as they are without needing them to provide comfort, a made up version of reality will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering this causes…

Even though a thought pops into your head, that doesn’t mean it’s associated with reality. It may be associated with what is thought to be reality, but upon further investigation it’s probably just a made up story providing you with some comfort of the way you think things should be. Don’t we use the story of helping others in this way, it’s really used to pat ourselves on the back because we make up the story that helping others is good, and we get comfort out of anything labeled as good. God is used in this way to provide comfort, nothing more; like there’s really some entity that cares about what you do. All these made up stories block reality from being seen. Reality as it is with love needs no story, if a story is being used to formulate what reality is thought to be; I guarantee you it’s not reality, it’s only a story.

Reality is not something to know. It can’t be defined with words because it’s only seen when the mind is settled. When you judge someone regardless of what they do, you are applying a version of reality of how you think they should be acting. This is the same with life situations, and these judgements are only there to provide yourself with the comfort of the way you think things should be. Life and people are always as it is and until it’s seen to just be with the way things are instead of always wanting comfort, reality will never be experienced. Thus your made up version of reality will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering this causes…

Monday, May 4, 2020

Following the Herd

There’s so much herd mentality energy in our society that it’s almost impossible to break its hold, and the reason for this is because the thing being followed is focused on and not the herd mentality of “I”…

The herd mentality will drag you along unconsciously unless there’s some awareness that it’s happening. To me the only thing that allows this awareness are your thoughts slowing down enough to where there’s a millisecond of space between them; in this space the herd mentality’s pull lessens. The only thing I’ve found that allows this space is being present. It’s very important to understand this because people sit for hours with other intentions and the moment they’re finished, the herd mentality thought of “I” takes over. An understanding of this is beneficial because it allows for a clear vision which keeps the mind open to learn. If everything stays in the head as herd intellect, it will be difficult to break free from the energy of this. The larger the group attachment the harder it is to pull away.

One example of this is in the Bible, the masses grew and grew as the Pharisees publicly tried Jesus. As more people were pulled into the herd mentality to crucify, the energy intensified. If you research some of the conquerors of the past, you will see exactly how the herd mentality works. As their reigns widened and their tyranny expanded, the herd mentality deepened. There’s so much of this energy in our society right now and it’s reinforced daily. Its so hard to break free because of the attached herd mentality of “I” that keeps it in place. This even includes those trying to help because the herd mentality is to “I” and the focus is always on the thing that’s happening. Until “I” is addressed very few people will ever truly break free from the herd because the attached mentality won’t allow space between your thoughts as the energy of “I” remains in control…

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Attached Conditioning

Everyone has been conditioned to some degree regardless of how adamantly this is denied. The thing to understand about the Conditioned Mind is the more it’s denied the more it’s in control…

If you don’t think the Conditioned Mind is for real that’s your right, but that denial is simply part of the conditioning. Whatever keeps you attached to “I” is conditioning. If the conditioning wasn’t there attachment wouldn’t be there; this is something that’s real regardless if it’s realized or not. Mostly when it’s pointed out by someone it’s denied, but that doesn’t mean its not true. You will only see what has been revealed, but the Conditioned Mind shouldn’t be denied just because its not seen; denial is part of the conditioning . ”I” will not reveal the subtleness of itself unless there is quietness between your ears. Deny this, disagree with it, adamantly say it isn’t so, or who is this guy that thinks he knows me, but understand this is all part of the conditioning. Stop all the dialog going on in the head and the conditioning will possibly be seen, or not and have “I” remain at the controls.

“I” is all that stands in the way to a life that is happy, joyous, and free. If you don’t think so it’s “I” who doesn’t think so. Argue with this if you want, but it’s “I” who is arguing. There’s no argument from me here because there’s no “I” trying to prove this is right. All I’m saying is before this is pushed aside it should be investigated. I’m just stating what is seen. If this can be read and not attached to, you are free. If not, the conditioned “I” is in control. It’s not complicated, but it’s very difficult to not allow “I” to control your thoughts. Thoughts have no power until there is attachment to them, but there can’t be attachment to them unless there’s an ”I” to do so. In the space between your thoughts “I” doesn’t exist and in this space there is peace, but it’s not because “I” doesn’t exist, it’s because in this space “I” isn’t being attached to by the Conditioned Mind…

Saturday, May 2, 2020

True Freedom Isn't an Idea

The idea of freedom isn’t freedom. When your outward freedom is taken away and you resent it, you were never free to begin with because true freedom can never be taken away…

True freedom can never be taken away. It cannot be controlled by any thought; true freedom is beyond the thought of what freedom is. Don’t get caught in the idea that freedom is what goes on outside of you. Your thoughts are your prison; not that you can’t go to a restaurant, park, or have to wear a mask. The world is full of unconscious energy and unfortunately the most unconscious people are the ones in charge.

Our freedom is controlled by our thoughts and this base is faulty. The fault lies in the mind and the way it has been conditioned. This conditioning is based in beliefs and ideas that things need to be a certain if you are to be free; to see this you will have to get very quiet. It starts out as a single thought of what freedom is, but that isn’t where the fault lies, the thought is just the result of some idea. What happens next is where the fault lies. We attach to the thought; we actually think life has to be a certain way if we are to be free. We believe our thoughts and if they weren’t labeled as true, we would be able to go beyond them to see what was really going on; we are as free as we make up our minds to be.

Learn to watch the nonsense you believe to be true. There is so much of it it’s hard to fathom. I mentioned to someone how we imprison ourselves with our thoughts and the insanity of what we do to ourselves; this is the lie of the Conditioned Mind. People think all sorts of things that aren’t true, but that doesn’t make it ok. All I’m saying is watch the thoughts that you think and learn how so many are based in lies to keep you in captivity to your Conditioned Mind. By no means should you take my word for it. The next time a thought pops into your head about not being free take a moment before you label it and really take notice if what you are thinking is true or if it’s just a lie of a Conditioned Mind…

Friday, May 1, 2020

Created Fairytales

To not create a fairytale life you have to not mind what happens. When you want things to be different your power is transferred to whatever it is that’s wanted different and hence your fairytale is created…

If you don’t see the fairytale that you live your life by, you become it and it takes you on the ride of whatever the fairytale is. There’s the fairytale of not feeling well, or of something that happened in the past. There’s the fairytale of your favorite team playing or work. How about the family fairytale or the fairytale of just wanting things different. The fairytales shape your life because of attachment, not because of what happens. These attached fairytale are where emotions arise from, they’re where fear, discontent, and anger form and gain their power. This is what attachment does, it takes the power away from you and hands it over to the attachment. Without attachment you have the power of how what happens in your life affects you, not so when there’s attachment. You cannot relinquish control without attaching a fairytale to what happens.

This is how it works, throughout the day if there’s not something in place to remain present, the fairytale begins and your power gets transferred to attachment. It doesn’t matter what the fairytale is, that you have transferred your power to an outside source is what matters. It’s outside because now objects, people, or circumstances control you and here’s the kicker, you alone have done this. So if you want to stop doing this the first thing is to understand what’s written here so you see what you’re doing. As summer approaches think of this, you may not be able to get rid of all the weeds on your lawn, but if you learn to not mind them, they won’t be a problem. Basically what has to be done in order not to create fairytales is to not mind what happens. If you want things to be different, your power will be transferred to whatever it is that’s wanted different. So watch your thoughts, don’t mind what happens and even though you may have a lawn full of weeds, the fairytale of not ever having any won’t be created…