Thursday, February 28, 2019

Created Barriers

The Conditioned Mind creates barriers because it doesn’t want you to accept what’s occurring in the present moment. Until there’s awareness of this it will continue to do so even though all of life is impermanent…

Barriers are created by a Conditioned Mind that doesn’t want you to accept what’s occurring in the present moment. It wants present moment barriers and it actually makes you think if the moment was different all would be well; this is the lie of the Conditioned Mind. All is well right now, but because of the Conditioned Mind it’s not seen so a barrier is created just so the mind has something to do. I’ve always had a tendency to make everything that occurred a barrier, and although I don’t create these barriers as I once did, many times I still see a barrier arise which results in a non beneficial reaction.

The mind can overcome great barriers, the only problem is it’s the one creating the barriers. How can the mind quiet when all it seems like it wants to do is create barriers ? The barrier of what is the plan for the day. Attachment to other people’s barriers and how it pulls you in. Barriers of what went on yesterday. Barriers of what’s going on in work, even though you’re home. Barriers of what’s going on in the world. Barriers about this and that, barriers, barriers, barriers. All these barriers have one thing in common and that is it’s your own conditioning that’s focuses mainly on creating barriers so it has something to do; it’s the development of your Conditioned Mind that does this. If the mind didn’t generate these barriers there wouldn’t be anything for it to do so barriers would never be created to be overcome; you would always be at peace. The Conditioned Mind creates barriers because it doesn’t want you to accept what’s occurring in the present moment. Until there’s awareness of this it will continue to do so even though all of life is impermanent…

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

No Real Void

The inner void that keeps you from your peace has nothing to do with life, it’s a creation of your own mind and it’s what causes the opening that makes you believe you’re not at peace…

There are practical ways to minimize choosing to attach to thoughts that allow all discontents to arise, this unconscious conditioning is why one gets a sense of a void. The Conditioned Mind develops this as you do things that are destructive to your own well being. Why this void is developed I’m not sure, but I do know it can be described only as insane because your own mind creates this.

I know now it was my own mind that created every void that arose from within myself, and because of the shift that occurred about eleven years ago there is now awareness of it so I don’t create it anymore. I sit to develop discipline which allows the mind to settle into awareness. If there isn’t discipline, the conditioning nor will the arisen void be understood so you will be led around like a puppet on a string. Life does nothing to you, it’s your own mind that does it all. Why you live in a voided place as opposed to a place of peace will never be different until the conditioning that makes it so becomes different. All I ever wanted in my life was to be at peace, but I wasn’t aware it was my own mind that created a void which made me believe I wasn’t…

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Attached Limits

Whatever it is that you attach to it becomes your limit. If you don’t stop attaching so there’s some semblance of quiet created in between your ears, which allows your heart to open, you will be the one who suffers the most…

The so called choice (there really isn’t one) to attach to something is the doorway to suffering, there’s not really a choice because of the way the Conditioned Mind attaches. Your suffering is inevitable because of the conditioned attachments that’s in place. If this is to ever be different you will have to have some quiet so the attachment is replaced by first quiet and eventually love; this is a universal law. Attach to whatever your desire of the day is, just understand there will always be some attached desire that will cause you to suffer. Today it’s your boss tomorrow it’s the leaders of your country or its the relatives, traffic, weather, and so on. This will never change until there is quiet for love to arise. Whatever you attach to one and bemoan it’s because you don’t truly have the enough quiet for love in your heart to manifest. This is strong language, but it’s true.

Unconditional love only arises without one iota of attachment. This is a truth the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see. I have love for all humanity, what I don’t have is love for humanity’s conditioning, but I do understand it and I choose not to attach to conditioned nonsense. To attach to things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are attaching to because it’s a limit. Until this is understood you become limited by the very thing you attach to. This is a Universal Law; you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you because it’s arises from within. Stop attaching and in quiet your heart will open, but if you don’t you are the one who will suffer the most by remaining with the limits of what you are attaching to…

Monday, February 25, 2019

Makling Silence a Priority

The main deterrent to unity in our society is people are making their humanness a priority and are being controlled by their thoughts. When silence is the priority, there’s a connection to the universal heart of love…

Living strictly from the human (thought) realm is the main reason why there are constant difficulties and why one is disconnected from their inner light. With humanness as a priority, you are living through noise so there has to be a disconnect from inner silence. Noise in the form of thoughts separates, silence of the heart unites. Our humanness is a direct disconnect from each other when it’s a priority because it’s based in noise. Silence doesn’t ever need therefore when silence is the priority, noise (thoughts) aren’t in control.

When being silent is the priority a connection to all of life occurs, not through thought, but through the universal heart of love. The main cause of separation in our society is people are making their humanness a priority and are being controlled by their noisy thoughts. Just follow the media, it’s nothing more than humanness (thoughts) being a priority.

Here is a tool called “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts” It offers the possibility to become aware of the silence within so life may be lived from the heart as a being who is having a human experience. Use this tool and develop this awareness or not that’s the choice, but the results of that choice will be to either remain controlled by the priority of your humanness or to making breaking free of its tantalizing devious grip a priority into the silence of love…

Sunday, February 24, 2019

One Single Thought

Unless your mind is settled enough, most of your thoughts will be an unconscious lie so you
shouldn’t believe one single thought because although a thought is a thought, it’s not necessarily true.

Here are some of the ways the mind uses one single thought to produce an unconscious lie; if you can get quiet enough you may see this. The car in front of you is going to slow, you have to go food shopping, you’re tired, you’re allergies are horrible, you’re bored, and on and on. All of these start out as a single thought, but that isn’t where the fault lies, the thought is just something that arises, what happens next is where the fault lies. The thought is believed, you actually think the car in front of you is going to slow, or going food shopping is horrible. You believe your thoughts to be true and then you act on them. If the thought wasn’t labeled as true, you would be able to see beyond it. You would see what was really going on instead of what your unconscious mind was making up. It would be seen the car in front of you really isn’t going to slow, you’re just being controlled by a single unconscious thought.

Learn to watch the nonsense of one single thought that’s believed to be true. There’s so nonsense that it’s hard to see. I mentioned to a person about the way we poison ourselves with tobacco products and his response was, he enjoys them. This is insanity to say you enjoy poisoning yourself, but that’s what one single unconscious thought that’s attached to does. People enjoy all sorts of things that are harmful to themselves, this also includes behaviors that harm others, and it’s unconsciously justified. All I’m saying is watch the single thought that arises and see how it’s based in unconsciousness which keeps you in captivity to it. By no means should you take my word for this, the next time a single thought pops into your head, take a moment before you label and act on it and really take notice if that single thought is true or if it’s just an unconscious lie…

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Dead End Energy

Stand up for all you think is needed, do whatever it is you think will make you feel better, just don’t attach to it and watch how your thoughts about it dissipate along with the dead end energy that holds you captive…

You may think what happens in life is the cause of what arises, but what’s not understood is what arises is already in place, it just gets triggered by whatever energy it’s given. There’s so much underlining conditioning in place that it keeps you from understanding your own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will simply produce dead end energy; this is because of your lack of awareness. Most don’t think about unconsciousness and take offense to being called so, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an notion whatsoever it’s being done; one is blind to their own dead end energy. You will respond to this right now with the energy that’s in place in the form of a thought. There’s no right or wrong in this article, all I do is look at myself and that’s where it was first discovered just how unconscious I was and hence humanity is. Anytime someone gets angry, it’s their own dead end energy and they’re causing their own suffering. Yet it’s done all the time and that’s only part of it, what’s really unconscious is it isn’t truly known why there’s anger. Stories are made up why there is, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.
There are many justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the unconscious dead end energy; that it’s not realized is why it’s dead end energy. The list of attachments that are blindly held onto is endless and it keeps dead end energy in place. Very few will really get this, it’s easier to say this is bullshit and the writer doesn’t know me or what he’s talking about than to truly look at this, but I do know you because I know me. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all the dead end energy in you and the world. When you wake up you can pull away from this energy which will remain in control if waking up doesn’t occur. Stand up for all you think is needed, do whatever it is you think will make you feel better, just don’t attach to it and watch how your thoughts about it dissipate along with the dead end energy that tells you this doesn’t apply to you…

Friday, February 22, 2019

Truly Having a Choice

It may seem as though everyone has the choice on whether to change or stay the same, but it’s only those who truly know it’s their conditioning that needs to be changed that have a choice…

I took a shower the other day and when I got out the mirror was foggy from the steam. I took out the blow dryer and cleared up the mirror. What also became clear was my awareness of how everything that happens in life is a result of conditions being a certain way and the only way it will change is when the conditioning changes. This is a fact, it doesn’t take a belief for this to occur; get a pot of water to 212 degrees and it will boil. All things in life have certain operating principles and when conditions are in line with those, a natural course of action takes place. It’s what happens with every living thing that begins life, whether humans, animals, plants, clouds, stars and so on, nothing truly happens independently on its own, it’s all caused by something else.

In the case of behavior it’s the same way, no one acts a certain way just because, there’s always the root cause behind every action. Unless this root is exposed, nothing can change; it’s not that it won’t change, it can’t. This is why there’s suffering in the world, nothing inherently makes you suffer, your own mind does this and only because of the way it’s conditioned. When something happens, many times people see it differently so it affects them differently, but there are some things that are the same no matter what. If there’s isn’t oxygen, you will die, if the heart stops, same result, this happens as a result of conditions. So although it seems everyone has the choice on whether to change or stay the same, only those who truly know it’s the conditioning that needs to be changed have this choice…

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Your Own Radiance

It’s the selfish view of “I” that keeps you from the awareness of your own radiance and this awareness of radiance only comes when the outside distractions fall away because of looking within…

Although we are all the same as far as how we exist, there are some who do see things a little differently than most. This happen when you are looking at yourself. I wouldn’t say some people are chosen, but I would say there are some that are more inclined to not attach to a selfish view and look within; this allows for the possibility of more awareness than if you are in the grip of a mind based view. The two existences I’ve experienced are vastly different, one was in the direction of being mind based where there wasn’t much awareness and there was much self created suffering. The other which I’m living now, is a view where there’s awareness of the heart. The differences in the two views is the mind based one created suffering and was done in unconscious ignorance. The one today is lived in awareness of the radiance within me. Today my view is as it is because the selfish distractions don’t control me as much as they once did; there is still conditioning, I’m just not as controlled by it because of awareness.

The awareness of your own radiance that occurs is a by product of truly looking at yourself. As the selfish view is let go of it opens up space to allow wisdom, insight and awareness to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of “I”. It’s the “I” that blocks awareness of your own radiance and it’s the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the distractions of “I” fall away. To me this is what is revealed to those people that are consider special, but all they did was look inward. This looking inward is available to everyone, but you will have to overcome the selfish view that keeps you distracted from the awareness of your own radiance and it will only be seen when you truly look at yourself…

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Quiet Beyond the Noise

There’s a quietness beyond the noise that gives rise to all that life has to offer. If this quietness isn’t observed you will live in a world of noise and in this world the only thing offered is the noise manifested as form…

I was observing a snowfall the other day and I had to take out the trash from the evenings dinner. As I went outside there was a quietness that was actually deafening. How can quietness be deafening you may ask, but it was a quietness that was so loud that it deadened all the surrounding noise. I was very much aware of this quietness and it was eerily quiet outside except for the snow coming down. It was beautiful and the quietness observed was equally as beautiful. Noise doesn’t generate beauty it generates noise, and quietness doesn’t generate beauty either because quietness itself is beauty; without quietness beauty cannot exist.

To understand quietness it’s imperative to understand noise. The noise needs the quietness for without it there wouldn’t be anywhere for the noise to arise from, but the quietness needs nothing to arise, it is self sustaining needing nothing to be. This is why meditation is so valuable in our human evolution because without it we are a society of noise. All you need to do is look around and see evidence upon evidence of this. It’s nearly impossible because of the lack of practice for most people to be quiet for even 5 minutes in their daily life, so that means their life is strictly lived in noise. This is not a perception of things, this is truth. Quietness can be deafening, but noise can’t be silent. If you live a life that’s filled with noise then you won’t have much peace in your life because you won’t be able to hear the quietness, but if you live a life that is filled with quietness, even if there is noise the quietness can be so deafening that the noise will not be heard. In quietness all of life arises, in noise there’s noise and not much else…

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Conditioning in Place

Behavior is more conditioned than it is right or wrong. Because this isn’t understood, actions that aren’t based in love are justified and do seem wrong, but it’s only because of the conditioning in place that makes this so…

People, as am I, are conditioned to behave in the ways that they do. Our behavior is not something that just happens and depending on what the minds base is determines the behavior. If your conditioning isn’t to love how can your behavior be of love? Most people just think of themselves and form a belief system that’s used to suit their needs. They’re conditioned to make up a self serving world to justify self serving actions. When a person truly loves there isn’t any justification or judgment. People who judge do so strictly because there is lack in their life so love isn’t the energy of their actions. It’s written that Jesus said as he was dying on the cross “Forgive them they know not what they do” this is the ultimate example of how to love. If this example is followed the world would be much different, but unfortunately this is not the case. Jesus didn’t say forgive the wrong doers, he said forgive them they know not what they do.

Understand your own Conditioned Mind and you will understand the world. When this occurs judging ceases and things are allowed to be as they are. If this isn’t understood, self serving actions will be the uncontrolled norm because your conditioning will be your master. It’s only through ignorance that we’re conditioned, but through becoming more aware of this ignorance and being mindful of the conditioning, we can be set free, and what we are set free of is the conditioning that blocks our ability to love. When you love there’s a true understanding that if someone does something that isn’t loving it isn’t wrong, it’s just because so many truly know not what they do.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Looking Inward

Not looking at the way you live leaves it mostly up to chance that it’s being lived in the most beneficial of ways. Your mind can be your greatest asset, but it can also be the greatest block to truly living life to the fullest…

It’s a lot easier to go with the flow of what’s considered the normal way of thinking than to go against the grain because anyone who doesn’t agree with the norm is labeled as odd. I ask you this, how much of this normal way of thinking is actually yours? Before a person develops the coping mechanisms that are put in place, how much looking inward is truly put into seeing if these mechanisms are beneficial? Not many people invest money, get married, have children, by a house, take a job, or do anything before looking into if there are benefits, but how much do you look at your own behavior? This is what truly needs to be looked at if you ever want to understand yourself.

Life isn’t magical for anyone. Life is life pure and simple and it will not be lived to the fullest without doing the things that allow this. You can either cooperate with life and make it more beneficial or you can be controlled by a mind that doesn’t want you to look at why you do what you do. If you are content with being on an up and down emotional roller coaster so be it. I haven’t met one single person who at some point in their life hasn’t reached outside themselves for contentment. This contentment seeking is an agitation of the mind that few truly understand, not because they can’t, but because this agitation is not given the time needed to look at it and find real answers, not the make believe ones that you are probably living your life by right now…

Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Doing Agenda

When you have to be doing you’re distracted from your inner place of being (quietness) and if you’re not careful, even when you are idle you can be just as distracted from your inner place of being by needing to do…

It’s not like a quiet mind is something that just happens. At times it’s naturally more quiet than others, but quietness is not the default mind for most, at least it wasn’t for me. Sometimes if I can I have to stop doing and just sit, it’s almost like there’s a reset button for my mind. I can usually tell I need to sit when my view is to do. I’m not talking about when I have to do something like work, or I have an appointment, or certain things that need to be done, when this happens the mind is busy so the distractions don’t allow the mind to know it isn’t quiet. I’m talking about mostly when not much is happening and I’m afforded the flexibility to pretty much do as I want, that’s when the mind really wants to do because it doesn’t have a set agenda.

When there’s idle time without a set agenda it’s then that the mind creates the most chaos because it’s looking for structure, it’s looking to set an some kind of agenda. Your own mind will make you believe all kinds of nonsense and one of these is it needs structure. Quietness doesn’t need structure because it exist in the moment of what is so what’s occurring at this exact moment is all the structure the quiet mind needs. The doing mind needs structure so it has something to do. The quiet mind sustains a place of quietness simply because it doesn’t need to do anything to be quiet…

Friday, February 15, 2019

Thought Nonsense

Most thoughts become a self created prison because the thoughts are usually given so much unnecessary energy that they go beyond the point where they’re a benefit to you or anyone else…

It’s very important to grasp exactly what the process of a thought is and how it arises and is attached to by the Conditioned Mind. Here is a what occurs when a thought arises: let’s say it’s time to get in your car and go to work, you’ve given yourself plenty of time to get there and the weather is simple gorgeous, so now you begin the drive. As you’re driving you come to a train crossing, a very large train is in progress, it has to be at least one hundred and seventy five cars long; you are waiting patiently as you know you have plenty of time to get to your destination so the train finally passes and you go. Now though there’s traffic and it’s moving slowly (road work). As you’re stuck in this traffic the cushion you gave yourself to get to work has faded and now your Conditioned Mind begins its nonsense.

It all starts by the traffic being a trigger that activates the conditioning in the form of a thought, this creates a mind agitation telling you these delays are ridiculous. This is the first step in how a thought is given energy to grab hold. It has nothing to do with the traffic, but it has everything to do with the traffic, at least to the Conditioned Mind. Substitute the traffic with anything and see how what’s happening right now is wanted different and watch the nonsense begin. So now there’s traffic and you don’t want there to be any; that’s the arisen conditioning. Next in the thought process is the attachment to not wanting there to be traffic. The more attachment there is the more agitated the mind becomes and the more nonsense is created. Until you finally get to work, this energy will fester and you will keep telling yourself how you really hate traffic. The reality of all this is, although traffic is what grabbed you, it wouldn’t matter what it was. You really just wanted life to be the way that you wanted it and when it wasn’t, it opened the door for the conditioned nonsense to begin…

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Attracted Energy

The energy of love has more of an impact than the energy of hate and although you may love, others around you may not, but their energy will at least be neutralized somewhat because that’s just how love rolls…

All energy attracts regardless of what the base of it is. You can’t have a melee with one person so if the energy of a given situation isn’t attached to, it will just dissipate and the melee will never occur. So it is also with love, when your energy comes from a place of love it also attracts, but it’s more powerful than the energy of hate and because of loves lasting effects, the results are much different. This is why it’s so important to be the instrument of love in a world where many are self serving instruments. Loving energy attracts naturally and if you aren’t making up stories it’s impossible to have one. When you’re with other people if you don’t have a story they won’t either and love will be the energy of that moment.

The energy of love is much more reaching than the energy of hate and although you may love, others around you may not; although their energy will at least be neutralized because that’s just how love rolls. You will change situations just by your energy being based in love, you don’t need to do anything. If someone gossips, don’t participate. When someone cuts you off on the road, just be with it and let it go. If a person tends to be angry, don’t feed their anger. By doing this it doesn’t mean others will change, but at least for the moment loves energy will be in control and the more this is done, the more attracting loves energy will become…

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Lovingly Connected

There’s a oneness with life that comes from a deep place, it’s not something that any human activity can make happen, it’s the connection to love that comes from the heart of the Universe…

In my experience love cannot expand on its own, it needs others. Deepening a connection with others deepens the love in our heart, and this is what connects us. If this connection to each other were to happen, there would be no more greed, hate, or war because we will fall over each other in love; it’s in this love for each other that the true magnificence of life can be experienced. A majestic sunset, a cool ocean breeze, the magnificence of a star filled night, loving yourself and others, a connection to all humanity, these are experiences from the depths of love.

I don’t profess to know what love is, but I do understand how a connection to others deepens my love. When I experience this, it leaves me speechless and because of all of you, I have been speechless many times in the last eleven years. I’m using the word love to describe this, but to feel this connection words cannot truly explain it. To watch in awe as I’m speaking to someone and as I explain what I went through I see a sparkle of love in their eyes, to me this a true connection. This is a oneness with all of life that comes from such a deep place and it’s not something that any human activity can make happen…

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Agitated Beliefs

If an agitation in the head is the control point of your life it won’t stop because there’s a belief in something. Beliefs hinder the mind’s settling because they are what creates the agitation and holds it in place…

If you’re being controlled by the agitations in the head it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be at peace. There’s so much agitation in the world and what makes it so is most people are looking for answers out there when the answers are within. What causes the agitations is when you’re not aware you already have all your answers, but with a mind that’s conditioned to want answers, you have to constantly look for them, hence the created agitation. This is how the agitation of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to your inner peace. It’s an agitation created because if you knew you had your answers the need to look for them would not exist and nor would the agitations.

When you come to the place where you understand this, the agitations will lessen and your inner peace will increase. If this isn’t understood, the agitations will never stop. This is why it’s so important to understand this now; there’s no reason to wait to be at peace. It’s not like the agitations are needed to live life, they’re only there because of unawareness of them. Everyone has the ability to allow for the removal of the agitations in the head; if you practice properly. It’s just not something that’s going to happen on its owns, but isn’t it beautiful that peace is in your own hands and it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is in your life. A little practice equates to a little peace. A belief in some unforeseen power won’t make this happen, it’s up to the individual to do what’s necessary to stop the agitations. As you practice the agitations subside and what’s left is inner peace. If you’re waiting for anything else, you’ll be waiting a very long time and it probably won’t happen in this lifetime…

Monday, February 11, 2019

No True Difference

The thought of being different from others isn’t a true difference, it’s only a thought. When the thought arises if it isn’t attached to, there’s no difference as there’s a connection with all of life…

Because of the Conditioned Mind when someone is from another part of the world and they look different outwardly they’re seen as being different, but the only difference is the made up story. There is no true difference and when one understands that the nature of all differences is only from the way one is conditioned, it ceases to exist. At the core of this understanding is a oneness within and thus a oneness with everything. This includes insects, animals, fish, plants, and humans, in essence the entire Universe, but don’t miss interpret this, it’s not a concept or theory. It can only be truly sensed when the mind is very still and only in the context of your mind being absent of any thought about differences.

There has to be a oneness within oneself before there can be oneness with anyone else. If this doesn’t occur it’s because you are consumed by the thought realm and the thought realm is controlled by the Conditioned Mind. Please don’t take this lightly, it’s the reason, greed, hate, and delusion are the default setting of so many minds. If there isn’t quietness, there’s noise and if there’s noise it’s derived from your own conditioning. Sit with this and notice when differences arise and what’s at its core. Let it pass without labeling it, just watch it’s core and don’t attach to it. Remember the thought of being different isn’t a true difference, it’s only a thought and when it arises as it will, if there isn’t attachment to the thought it will be impossible for there to be differences as there is only one race; the human one…

Sunday, February 10, 2019

United by Love

The energy that unites and draws humanity together is the stability of love. When you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s unity simply because of the stability of love…

It’s very important to be stable in love so people know there’s a place they can turn to. I know many people read my articles and it’s expected they will be there, I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this stability. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go for stability from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for stability, if you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like stability, but it won’t be. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day in a state of awareness, you will become stable in love and people will turn to you in unity.

Don’t be concerned with what others say, just be stable in what you know as love and let no one take that away. Being stable in love in a world that is mostly based in “I” (ego) will allow others to also be stable in love, which is needed for any transformation to occur. The love that draws you to someone is the love that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it, you most likely have your mind made up already what you think it’s about. When you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away. This falling away allows love to arise and when you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s unity of all humanity and it’s simply because of the stability of love...

Saturday, February 9, 2019

A Good or Bad View

Most people will say life is good if everything is going their way. It can always be seen as good regardless of the circumstances, but only if the impermanence of all things is seen, including life itself…

Life being considered good or bad is dependent on your thinking so if it isn’t considered good it won’t be. Even if you say it’s good it still may not be if you don’t truly see this in your heart; I equate this to a whistling in the dark distraction to keep away the bogeyman. As long as you’re whistling the distraction will keep the fear thought in check, but the moment you stop it will return. The key is to identify why you think life isn’t good and be with it as it is. People say be positive, but being positive to me doesn’t change the facts of why life is labeled as bad. Some not so good stuff does happens in life and if it’s just masked over and ignored it becomes engrained as an energy pattern in the subconscious that never goes away; this is how life is considered bad. Life itself is neither good nor bad, it’s people who are conditioned to make it either or; labeling is another trick used by the Conditioned Mind.

Life will be good when it’s seen in the light of how all things are impermanent including life itself. Believe me I get it, being ill, losing a loved one, living in poverty, and many others things that occur in life cannot be considered good, but what makes one think it’s bad is attaching the bad label. Labeling it as bad doesn’t change what’s occurring, it only changes where life is put as being good or not. When the true essence of life (impermanence) is understood, it puts life at the top of the good scale regardless of what’s going on because it’s seen that one day life in this form simply will not be either good or bad…

Friday, February 8, 2019

Delusional Needs

When the need to reach for something arises it’s because the mind is caught up in the delusion that you’re not fulfilled, and you will remain caught up in the delusion of whatever it is you think you need…

You will never find the fulfillment you’re seeking if you’re caught up in needing that fulfillment. Fulfillment is something that’s already within you, but because of the way your mind is conditioned, you get caught up in thinking you need fulfillment outside of you. Being caught in this makes this needed fulfillment impossible to grasp; this is also the reason you constantly need. Until this is seen you will remain caught in the thought of needing a particular fulfillment and the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, religion, and on and on, these are proof that you are caught. This being caught has to be seen if you’re to experience true fulfillment in your life.

When you are caught up in needing to be fulfilled it’s impossible to think your way out of it. What does have to happen if true fulfillment is to be experienced is there has to be an understanding of why you’re caught; that you aren’t fulfilled is only because of the delusion that you need something. When the need to reach for something arises, being caught by the need begins; this is very difficult to break free from. Fulfillment isn’t attained or achieved, doing less actually leads to being fulfilled. To many people get lost in trying to attain fulfillment, but it’s something that’s already within; being caught trying to attain fulfillment needs to be discarded so you can see this. This is not easy to grasp, but I write so being caught up in your delusional needs can be seen for what it is; a lie that you need something from the outside to fulfill you…

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Clinging Restricts

Whatever it is that you cling to it becomes your restricting energy. If you don’t stop clinging so there’s some space created that’s needed for you to love, you will be the one who will suffer the most…

The so called choice to cling to things is the gateway to suffering, but there really isn’t a choice here because of the way the Conditioned Mind is in control. Your suffering is inevitable because of the conditioned clinging that’s in place. If this is to change you will have to create space so the clinging is replaced by first stillness and then love; there’s no way around this. Cling to whatever the flavor of the day, week, month, or year is, just understand there will always be something to cling to which will cause you to suffer. Today it’s our president, tomorrow it’s a co worker, the job, traffic, weather, relatives, and so on. This will never change until there is space for love. If you cling to one individual and bemoan them, then you don’t truly have the space for love in your heart. This is strong language, but it’s true.

Unconditional love can only be without one iota of clinging. This is a truth the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see. I can say I have love for all humanity, what I don’t love is humanity’s conditioning, but I do understand it and I choose not to cling to conditioned nonsense. To cling to things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are clinging to because it becomes your restricting energy. Until this is understood you become the very thing that you show disdain towards. This is a Universal Law; you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you because it’s in you. Stop clinging and create space in your heart for love, if you don’t you are the one who will suffer the most by remaining with the restricting energy of what you are clinging to…

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Blindly Controlled

Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts they will blindly be attached to which will lead you to blindly be controlled by them…

If there isn’t awareness of your own thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing if how much control they have over you. Without this awareness you’ll be blindly taken on blind ride. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts arise and they determine what kind of ride you will be on. Awareness of your arisen thoughts is essential if you’re to not be controlled by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will arise, to me there’s no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that awareness of them allows for a split second of space that can be used to determine whether or not the thought controls you or not; remember it’s the attachment to a certain thought that causes suffering, not the thought itself.

The Conditioned Mind is devious and unless there’s some awareness of how controlling your thoughts actually are, they will and this has to happen, control you as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this that even if you are doing things that are labeled as loving, if these thoughts aren’t watched they will eventually control you; remember control is control regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is devious because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to remain in control. Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of this, your thoughts will blindly be attached to which will allow them to blindly be in control…

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Formed Beliefs

When you can only see and attach to formed beliefs therein lies the root to all suffering. It’s in letting go of these beliefs that you will see there are many parts to the whole, this reveals the emptiness of all things…

When you stay attached to beliefs life becomes stagnant and although you will still experience life, it will be seen differently by everyone except those who don’t see life through a belief; this state is of emptiness which needs no belief. Everything is a part of the whole so nothing is truly what a belief makes it out to be. When you look at a tree and apply the belief the tree is it’s parts, the trunk, limbs, branches, and leaves, the true nature of the tree is lost. If you can see this with the tree, you can see it with everything, including yourself. Without a belief of you, where is the you? Most don’t even think about the parts that make up this you.

There is much freedom in seeing this because it allows for the emptiness of all things to be revealed, and when you see there’s nothing to believe in no matter what, you are free. Another example is you give a form that keeps track of time and call it a watch. There are so many parts to it, which part is truly the watch? Beliefs will keep you in ignorance because they will block out seeing the true nature of emptiness in all things. With beliefs you can only see and attach to form and therein lies the root to all suffering. It’s in letting go of your beliefs in all forms that you will see there are just parts which reveals the emptiness of all things…

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Pleasure Story

Until you can be with life as it is without needing it pleasurable a pleasure story disguised as truth will continue its control, and so will the suffering associated with constantly needing to reach for pleasure…

Just because you think it that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily associated with truth. It may be associated with what is thought to be truth, but upon further investigation it’s probably just a made up story providing you with a pleasurable way you think things should be. We use the story of helping others in this way, but it’s really in place to pat ourselves on the back because we make up the story that helping others is a good thing; we get pleasure out of anything labeled as a good thing. We use God in this way to strictly provide pleasure, nothing more; like there’s really something out there that cares about what you do. All these made up pleasure stories block you from seeing the truth of what is really going on. If a story is being used to make up what truth is it’s not truth, it’s only a story that’s providing you with pleasure.

You cannot know truth. It can’t be defined with words because it’s only seen in the silence when the mind is settled. When you judge someone regardless of what they do, you are applying your story of how you think they should be. This is the same with life situations, and these judgements are only there to provide you with the pleasure of the way you think things should be. Life is always as it is and until you can just be with it instead of always wanting it in a way that provides pleasure, truth will never be experienced. Thus your story of pleasure (your version of truth) will continue its control and so will the suffering of constantly needing to make up a pleasurable story…

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Controlled By Form

When there’s a need to reach for something because of a mind agitation you become controlled by form, until this is understood you will remain controlled as you seek to quiet the mind agitation using whatever form desires…

You will never find the peace you’re seeking if you’re controlled by form which is the seeker of fulfilling desires. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned you get controlled by form which makes you think peace is something outside of you. Unfortunately this control makes the very thing you are seeking impossible to grasp. This control by form is the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside, until this is understood you will remain controlled by a form that thinks peace is in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, religion, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, politics, and on and on, this reaching is proof that you are controlled by form. I can’t stress this enough as this has to be let go of if you are to experience true peace in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to stop this control. What does have to happen if there’s to be an understanding of this is why you’re controlled by form is because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, the control by form begins. This being controlled by form is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break. Breaking free of form and being at peace isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less (letting go of form) that peace is experienced. Too many people are controlled trying to find peace through the attachment to form, but since peace is something that’s already within you the control is a vicious circle because it becomes about being controlled to find what’s already there. This is not easy to grasp, but it’s why I share so the control by form can be seen for what it is; the cause of why you keep reaching for the peace that’s already within you…

Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Clear Vision

Your answers will always be within yourself, you just need to make sure the tools that are being used are showing you a clear vision of what is the most beneficial way to live your life…

Eleven years ago I can see I had a definite vision in the way I wanted my life to go when I began the study of my own mind. There weren’t any lofty goals or some great state of mind to make my life about something in particular, all I had was a vision of the peace that eluded me for most of my life; this is still my vision today. Just because you’re on a so called spiritual journey, it doesn’t mean what you’re doing is truly beneficial. I did things for many years that I was told were beneficial to me and it turned out not to be so; they were things that actually keep me in bondage. I won’t go into details, but what I do today is beneficial and how I know this is because I’m at peace and I don’t have a real desire for anything else. I have a passion in my heart to share this, but it’s not an aching as I don’t need this moment to be different. If you’re not looking for anything, that’s how you will know if you have a clear vision as opposed to one made up by the Conditioned Mind.

You may want to be the most spiritual person on your block, you may be reading all the right books, quoting all the right people, and putting all your energy into your practice, but the question is can you stop it all and still be at peace? If not what you’re doing is only being used to distort your vision. I had a distorted vision for forty nine years so I know what I’m talking about. Try another book, a program, therapy, another pill, dieting, meditation, and whatnot, but when the tasks is complete and you’re living your daily life, if you don’t have a clear vision of peace, what you’re doing isn’t working. There are many pointers in life, but your vision becomes distorted by thinking the pointers are the answers. The answers are simply within, you just need to make sure the tools you’re using are showing you the clearest vision that provides you with the most benefits.

Friday, February 1, 2019

A Thoughts Action

If you think it so it will be and this is because a thought arises from the same energy that the action is from and when this energy is based in “I” it makes the thought and the action one in the same…

If you think it so it is, this isn’t an issue when the first thought arises because there’s not much you can do about that, but it does become an issue when the thought is given energy for it to manifest and this is even if the thought is never acted on. This occurs because of “I” and this is why it’s an issue, it blocks you from your own innate love. Here’s an example: It’s not wrong to look at someone as being attractive. It’s not wrong to think of them as beautiful, but if a married man or woman goes and starts fantasizing about having sex with someone other than his or her significant other, then he or she has taken the thought to the level where it now becomes bondage and blocks out the love from your own heart; this is when an issue arises.

This issue doesn’t occur when the thought, emotion, or passion arises, but if those thoughts are attached to then issue occurs because the emotion, thought, or passion are dwelled on and this thought becomes an action. When there’s action of the thought the bondage goes to an entirely different level with much more dire consequences. It all starts with a single thought, but if the thought isn’t given energy, an action cannot occur. This is true with any thought whether it’s anger, lust, greed, and so on, if there isn’t bondage to “I” there wouldn’t be further attachment to the incoming thought and if you don’t think it it simply cannot be so…