Friday, May 31, 2019

Turning Away

Energy always is, where you focus your attention determines what energy you will turn away from which will either be from your small self or from all that the Universe has to offer…

To me the Universe is Love, it is we who turn away and focus our attention on our small self. This turning away is not our fault, it’s just what’s put in place by the energy of “I”. The collective energy of “I” is one singular energy that’s in control of so many people because a mind that’s conditioned by “I” doesn’t have a choice. It takes discipline to pull away from the collective to see what’s truly occurring and what this discipline does is it allows you to see your lies so you can stop giving in to them and align yourself with the Universe. By recognizing your lies you are given all that the Universe has to offers; that’s when your true self arises.

All of these so called lies are derived from the thought “I” and they hold you in captivity to a self that doesn’t truly exist (the small self). Of course we exist in our human form, but the small self only exist in our mind as the thought “I” (there’s no real substance to the thought “I”). A thought is just energy, it’s not the initial thought that’s not real, energy is real, it’s the delusional attachment that the thought “I” is you, that’s where the lies manifest from. If the thought “I” is allowed to just pass through there would be no problematic attachment. Energy always is, how it’s directed is what you will turn away from. You can turn away from self seeking or you can turn away from benefiting others; it will be directed one way or the other.

The transformation of a person from the self seeker to a person of love is the result of the Universe’s transforming energy. The transformation is a result of the love that’s in your own heart becoming unblocked. That’s what the transforming energy has the power to do, unblock your conditioned thought “I” so you can be aligned with the energy that is a benefit to the Universe and all beings. When you do this you turn away from your small self and you become available for all that the Universe has to offer…

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Stability of Love

A stable life is one that’s based in love. It doesn’t mean life will always be the way that it’s wanted, but the more you love the less “I” there is that goes through emotional swings…

It’s so easy to feel connected to life when things are going the way that you want, but how about when things aren’t going your way. Our connection to life should never be different regardless of what is occurring, but because of the Conditioned Mind the tendency is to think life is better when it’s as wanted. Our stability shouldn’t be contingent on life occurrences because this will make life an emotional roller coaster. To be controlled by the occurrences of life is to be controlled by our conditioning as if we were puppets on a string. It’s only this way because it’s what we unconsciously have put into place. If we were conditioned differently our reactions to life occurrences would be different, maybe not better, but definitely different.

The key to breaking free from the hold of this is to identify if our reactions to what occurs are beneficial. If they are, it’s our obligation to preserve them so we can benefit others, but if they aren’t it’s up to us to change them; they will not change just because we notice them. Many people know their actions aren’t much of a benefit to anyone except themselves, yet they still act the same, why do you think this is? It has to do with what is at the core of our being. If love isn’t at the core of our being reactions we will be hard pressed to be of love. There is much responsibility with this because it’s love that changes the world and if you are aware of this you will have an obligation to cultivate love so it’s at the core of your life. When you do this you can become the stability this world so desperately needs regardless of what’s occurring…

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

No Real Need for Answers

The Conditioned Mind makes you believe you need answers, but you don’t. Your true essence beyond the confines of a Conditioned Mind is the limitless acceptance of what is where there isn’t a need for anything, especially answers…

Although your mind always wants answers, sometimes the answers you get aren’t the ones that are wanted, and sometimes you don’t even get an answer. The real problem lies in the mind, not the answers or the lack of them. When things occur that make you believe answers are needed, it’s very difficult for there to be acceptance because the mind has been conditioned to need an answer. As this is the case for most, if there isn’t acceptance it makes for very uncomfortable situations. The real problem of this is that it’s your own mind that creates this needing answers nonsense.

Life is not something to be figured out. Actually the more you think you have it figured out the less you know what’s going on. It’s your Conditioned Mind that wants to put life in a box of space and time, but the moment this is done our existence becomes limited, and the limit is a limit of a mind that doesn’t truly have a limit except for what it conjures up. Understand this created limit is the conditioning not the mind itself, your mind is limitless, it’s a product of the Universe, which is also limitless so how can the mind not be the same? Our parents are human, so we too are human, how can we not be? This is just an example, we are actually of the Universe as is our mind. We are one in the same.

The mind can be understood to a certain degree, but the limitlessness of it cannot because it has never been experienced. Instead of needing answers, be in the moment of what is and allow this to be your answer. This way the mind won’t have to make up beliefs because it will have its answers and there won’t be any need to make one up…

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Truly Content

Life isn’t a blessing because you have much, it’s a blessing because you give much. The more you think your life is a blessing because of what you have, the less content you will truly be…

Being content is regarded as a place most people want to be, but it’s not necessarily the most beneficial place for a person to be. It may seem like it is, but it’s only because of the unconsciousness and ignorance that’s in control of so many lives. If your contentment is not based purely in the fact that you’re alive, the contentment will be illusionary. There are a lot of people who are content selling drugs, stealing, pimping, and many other dysfunctional behaviors and although these behaviors are extreme, there are as many people who are content in being wealthy and successful even though there are many people who are struggling to make ends meet. Then there are the politicians who are content making decisions based on what is best for them or their political affiliations and not for people as a whole. Most people aren’t really content with their life or they wouldn’t always be looking for the next satisfaction, or carrying around so much anger, guilt, envy, righteousness, jealously, pride, and greed. If one is content, nothing other than being alive would be needed, but this is not the way it is because to be content you must serve others by coming from a place of love. Not a self serving love, but a love that’s of the Universe. This love has nothing to do with what you have it’s contingent on what you give.

Life is not a blessing when you have much, it’s a blessing when you give much. The more you think your life is a blessing because of what you are have, the less contented you’ll be. If you don’t think this is so how contented would you be if all your so called blessings were not there, would you still be content? If your life isn’t based in love for others then it will be impossible for it to be a contented one because life will be about what you have, not what you give. Life is not a blessing because you have much. You can only be truly contented when it’s understood that life is based in your love for others and what you give. You will never be truly contented because of what you have; just something to think about…

Monday, May 27, 2019

Inner Presence

The noise in the head won’t subside on its own regardless of what belief is held onto. As a matter of fact your beliefs actually hinder the mind from settling because they are a distraction to your inner presence…

If the noise in your head is in control it doesn’t matter much what’s going on as it’s going to be difficult to be aware of presence. It’s such a noisy world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer out there when the answer is within, so what the noise actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers, you have to constantly look for them, hence the noise. This is how the agitation of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to our inner presence. It’s the noise created because if you knew you had your answers the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the noise.

Even if you understand this the noise may not stop completely, but it will begin to at least subside. It is imperative to understand this if your inner presence is to be experienced in life. If you don’t understand this, the noise will never stop, at least while you are alive, this is why it’s imperative to understand this now. Why wait to be at peace later when you can be at peace right now. It’s not like the noise is needed to live life, its only there because you unconsciously put it there. A little practice equates to a little peace. This is a direct exertion of your free will. Whether you believe in God or not inner presence won’t happen on its own. It’s up to you to do what’s necessary to stop the noise, as you practice the noise subsides and you are left with inner presence. If you are waiting for anything else, you will be waiting a very long time and inner presence will probably never happen…

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Unity With Yourself

In the space between your thoughts is your unity with yourself; with life. The more space that’s created, the more this unity infiltrates not only your life, but the lives of others…

In each moment a decision is made unconsciously to either create a story about whatever’s going on in the Conditioned Mind or create space between your thoughts. These places are vastly different on an individual level and collective level. If the decision is to constantly create your stories, your mind will never settle and your true essence of unity will not be allowed to infiltrate your life or the lives of others. Creating a story is the decision of most people because of the ignorance of your own conditioning; it’s what your taught. There’s nothing right or wrong in this, it’s just what’s in place. It will take much quietness to make a different decision, with the quietness affording you an opportunity to wake up and become aware of your conditioning.

When this other decision is made to create space between your thoughts it involves no conditioning at all; it’s the place of unity with ourselves. The results of this unity is what’s needed to change your individual and the collective conditioning. When there’s unity with yourself we will cease fighting anything or anybody. You will not regret anything you have done in the past; you’ll be at peace. You’ll help others through the compassion of your awakened heart and self seeking will become non existent.

When you are in unity (at one) with yourself, your struggles are no more because it’s the created story that causes your struggles. When there’s awareness of the space between your thoughts there’s no story and without a story it’s impossible to struggle. In this space of awareness it becomes known that your struggles are just what’s created by a Conditioned Mind and you discover not only unity with yourself, but with all that is…

Saturday, May 25, 2019

To Be...Or Not...

The true essence of life will never be understood by trying to understand it. Life is not a doing simply because you exist regardless of anything that’s done. Defining life through what you do is your doing, not life’s…

To be and to do are a part of life, but doing occurs from being. You can always be, but you don’t have to always do. Actually if you aren’t aware of being, whatever is done will be a distraction from the true essence of being. Our experiences are a result of what we do in life, but they don’t make life what it is because if they didn’t occur, life would still be. Doing creates stories. Being creates life.

Think about the most beautiful thing you have ever seen and experienced, now how much does it have to do with life right now? It is a fond memory, a story, but this exact moment would still be regardless of what is seen and experienced. At the time I’m sure the experience was something else (to the Conditioned Mind) but it really has nothing to do with right now. The story of it does because it’s made so, but that is your doing not life’s. This is why it’s said to “Just Be” not Just Do, because to be is the true essence of life. This simple saying can be used as a tool to stop the monkey mind doings in its tracks. After all, we are called human beings not human doings because it’s only in being that you will reach you full potential so just be or not…

Friday, May 24, 2019

In the World, But Not of It

Understanding the freedom of being in the world, but not of it only occurs when it’s learned to live life as it happens instead of attaching to the senses…

One saying that really stays with me in my daily practice is “To be in the world, but not of it” It’s one that’s repeated throughout the day as the Conditioned Mind constantly tries to make me of the world. This is the view through the senses that the Conditioned Mind uses to form attachments to the material world. It’s not a true view, it’s a view that constantly needs to arrange life the way you think it should be by making it personal. Without attachment being of the world can not occur.

The only way to be in the world, but not of it and not be controlled by it is to understand how this control occurs. It’s a developed view through our senses that allows this control to happen. We see a world that becomes personal and it pulls us right in, but life isn’t personal, it happens even if there’s no “you” here. When it’s made personal, everything that happens happens to you, but life doesn’t do this, the Conditioned Mind does this. Nothing happens to you unless you allow it.

When you’re with life as it is it’s never personal because it’s understood nothing happens to you, it just happens. The timeless, ageless view of being in the world, but not of it only occurs in the present moment, it’s never personal though, it’s just life. Learning to have a view of simply being in the world allows for the energy to truly live life. What’s needed for this view is to see the world through an inward view, which is of the heart, instead of an outer view which is through the senses of the Conditioned Mind. When there is no longer attachment to the Conditioned Mind, it’s then that you can be in the world and not of it. This is the freedom of non attachment to a world controlled by the senses…

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Harmony With Yourself

Harmony with yourself results in your ability to love others. It’s a simple decision to be made, but a self serving mind generates chaos with itself just as a mind of love is a mind that is in harmony with itself…

The simplicity of life is related to your ability to love yourself which allows you to be in harmony with your own mind. That’s why its imperative to understand not the great secrets of the Universe, but our own mind. When the mind is in harmony with itself, it’s in harmony with all that is, it’s as simple as that; the same mind creates your chaos and harmony. Which of these you are conditioned to manufacture determines the your life.

Chaos is generated by the energy of a self serving mind and doesn’t allow anything but chaos, so if chaos is what’s being created than there won’t be much harmony. What direction the mind goes in is the energy that it generates, and to that extent will be your harmony; this is harmony with our own mind because only harmony can produce harmony.

Harmony is simply your ability to love yourself. This is your hearts direction, hence it becomes the direction of your mind. When love is generated it produces much different results than when the energy generated is self serving. The results are in the form of being in harmony with yourself and thus with all beings. To love is the simplest form of life, it’s what puts us in harmony with everything. Our harmony is in our ability to love, our chaos is in the conditioning to self serve. It’s up to each individual which energy is generated and what those results produce. Simply love and harmony will be or not and life will remain a struggle, but don’t blame life because it’s our own mind that’s conditioned to go in the direction that it goes in…

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Aligned With What Is

An agitation is what causes the mind to become distracted, and what it becomes distracted from is the ability to live a life aligned with the Universal Energy of What Is…

The subtle distractions are what “I” uses in the form of conditioning for its fuel; it needs energy to survive. It uses emery from the past and future because in the present moment the only energy is of What Is and “I” can’t use it. What each and every distraction does is remove the ability to remain in the present moment aligned with a heart connection to life. The objects used are what needs to be identified so you don’t give in to their magnetic pull because without the awareness that these distractions exist, their pull is too powerful to overcome; even with awareness it’s still very difficult. The mind will need to settle to become aware of and overcome these subtle distractions. The nature of the all distractions are the same, they only differ by what’s reached. It’s their nature to take you from the present moment, that’s how you will know when a distraction arises.

A distraction is not an agitation, they are similar in nature because they are both of “I” but an agitation is what causes the attachment to a distraction. If the mind was settled without being agitated there wouldn’t be a distraction, but this will only occur when “I” isn’t in control. To be without distractions you must learn to see the agitation. When neither of these exist the only energy that remains is What Is. So the understanding of this is where you will experience peace, but don’t expect “I” to cooperate because to be without distractions is to be free of the “I”. It’s a given “I” will not go away without a fight, but only you can give it the energy it needs to survive by giving in to your agitations and thus your distractions…

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Right Now Responsibility

Be responsible only for what life offers right now, not a make believe life conjured up by the Conditioned Mind that only exist as a story between your ears…

Think of these sayings and how they’re created and used to become distractions. What a tough week I had, It’s been the worse year of my life, If it wasn’t for bad luck I would have no luck at all, I just don’t like that person, He or she doesn’t like me, Hey that was my parking spot, I hope my boss is out today, I can’t wait to go on vacation next week, it’s Monday, and on an on. The other distractions that keep you distracted by your distractions are what’s reached for, food, tv, work, religion, politics, sex, spirituality, money, God, just to name a few, and how about the way we use people as distractions. The moment someone comes into view they’re labeled, which is just the way “I” uses this particular distraction. This list goes on and on and on with these distractions and it’s up to each individual to get in touch with this if you want to be free of these distraction which are all derived from the conditioning of “I”.

The irony of this is none of these distractions adds anything to enhance life one bit. They’re actually a block to the possibility of any enhancement and we alone are the ones creating this. Think of this, remove all the labeled thoughts that are used as distractions and just be with whatever it is that’s occurring right now. No distracted stories, just the reality of right now. Watch what you’re left with without the thoughts. Forget the stories others will keep theirs active for you, but forget yours. Let them simply fall away by not attaching to them. See what you’re left with when you do this. I’ll tell you what arose in me, I became responsible only for the life offered right now, not the one that is a make believe one conjured up by the Conditioned Mind that only exist as a made up story between your ears…

Monday, May 20, 2019

A Peaceful Heart

The distractions in place are our blocks to peace. They’re used by a mind that for whatever reason has been developed to distract the Universe from using us to spread the peace in our heart…

Stop being distracted by all your made up nonsense and see what’s left. The question is can you be with whats left? It seems simple enough, but it’s very difficult not to get carried away by distractions and make up stories. After all a book could probably be written with all the stories that you have, but you know something even if you write a book it really doesn’t mean all that much in the grand scheme of things. That is unless you allow it to be a distraction then it will mean something, but what it’ll mean will be in relation to how its being allowed to be a distraction. Distractions take you from your place of peace and regardless if it’s positive or negative as long as it’s a distraction it will do what it’s designed to do; take you from your place of peace.

To me the bottom line to life is whether there is peace or not, not if it’s the way you think it should be. If you’re at peace with what is there won’t be a need to create a distraction, but if one is created it’s because you don’t know how to be with what is. That’s about all you can control is being with what is, that’s unless you allow your distractions to control you, if you even know they exist. The less distracted you are, the more peace there will be in your life and the more in tune you will be with the Universe, and through the peace of no distractions the Universe can use you to spread its message of peace that’s in your heart…

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Clean Your Side

Life will always take care of itself regardless if you think you’re its self appointed spokesperson and you’re going to set everyone straight who doesn’t conform to the way you think things should be…

Some people are really full of themselves and all they can see is their own righteousness. They will hurt others and justify it as it being for the greater good, but it’s only their assessment of what that greater good is. I would say the greater good is to love, but that’s just for me; I do know this, there is no love in judging. No matter how right you think you are, love is always tolerant, it will never hurt another. If someone is doing something that you think is wrong, life will be their judge, but people feel it’s their right to take matters into their own hands. It’s utter nonsense to think I know what’s best for you when I’m not even sure I know what’s best for me, but how we can justify and really be full of ourselves in taking the inventory of others.

It’s truly amazing how quick people are to judge others, and the judgements are opinion based and only deal with what the person judging thinks. It matters little to the one judging how they affect the person as long as they can get it off their chest. After all, they have deemed themselves life’s spokesperson and they have an obligation to help others see the errs of their ways, so they think. Who is to say that what a person thinks is right for everyone and what makes one person think they know what’s best for someone else. I know I will never tell you how dirty your side of the street is because mine is also dirty; it’s just part of being human, but it amazes me how many people think they’re justified and perfect enough to tell someone else what’s right and what’s wrong. There’s only what’s right for you no matter how dirty someone else’s side of the street may be to you…

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Judge Others Judge Yourself

It’s from your own inner lack that all your judging arises from. If there was no inner lack, there would not be the need to judge and all you would be left with is love…

The nature of the Conditioned Mind is to look at others instead of looking at yourself. It’s sad as there’s no benefit for anyone from this type of behavior because it’s not based in love, it’s opinion based. The thing about life is it will take care of itself. It doesn’t need anyone’s help to straighten out others so they conform to what you think; the only reason anyone judges is because the person being judged isn’t conforming to the way you think they should be doing things. Come from a place of love and allow life to take care of itself, but if you must try and force others to conform to the way you think things should be, remember even if you’re right you’re still only hurting yourself not the person being judged.

Judge away if you thinks that’s what you need, but the only one to truly be hurt is the one judging. Your judgements which are always from “I” will keep you marred in the exact thing you are judging. Since every judgement is from “I” even if you’re right in your judgment, you still don’t have the right to judge because no one is perfect enough not to have their own closet of skeletons. It’s very sad that people will say whatever is on their mind regardless of how it affects someone else just to satisfy their own inner lack; it’s from this inner lack that all judgements arise. If there was no inner lack there would not be the need to judge, ever and all you would be left with is love…

Friday, May 17, 2019

False Identification of Self

The Universe provides everyone with unlimited resources, it’s the thinking mind that creates a block of a false identification of self which leads to death while you are alive…

In the beginning of your existence if you weren’t given a name for identification purposes, how would you identify yourself? Who would you make yourself out to be? It is because of our naming process that we attach to an “I” Self. At the onset of your life begins the lie of who you are and all the nonsense of a mind based sense of self. It’s not that the self doesn’t exist, it just doesn’t exist in the way you think it does. This is a lie that causes a great deal of suffering because it creates the delusion that things are as they appear, and the more this is held onto the more this delusion is solidified in the subconscious which makes you believe that things are as they appear and you are who you think you are. Only in quietness will this be understood because the lie of a Conditioned Mind is what solidifies this false identification of self.

Your true essence underneath this lie of false identification is always there, it’s just not seen because it’s blocked out. It can be likened to your arteries clogging and blocking the blood to your heart which keeps your heart from operating in the most beneficial way. This is what happens when your true nature is blocked from arising; you don’t operate in the most beneficial way. These blocks are detrimental to your physical and spiritual well being. They lead to spiritual and physical death unless the blockage is undone. In the physical form when your arteries become clogged the heart will eventually stop. In the spiritual form the blockage leads to the death of your harmony with life (your spirit). Both cases are equally as deadly and it isn’t always known that this is occurring until it’s too late. At the core of this is the false identification of self and until this is understood, death is imminent while you are alive…

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Don't Think and Live

Because of the small minded limited view developed, you think that what you think about is so important, but it’s only important to the small minded limited I Self…

To truly live you will have to learn to be true to yourself and this will require an entirely different way to view life. For the current view to become different so you’re in harmony with life, the heart must open to a view that touches the unlimited resources of the Universe. That means you will have to let go of the small minded limited I Self who thinks, thinks, and thinks and holds onto this thinking as the foundation of life. If you must think, think about this, where do all the issues you have with life formulate from and does your thinking about them solve anything? If it does than go ahead and think, but don’t waste time thinking about things that have no resolution.

This is just one way the Conditioned Mind keeps you in its prison to the delusional I Self. This I Self justifies what it’s thinking about, but it doesn’t solve anything and it becomes more ingrained in the subconscious false “I”. The I Self justifies what it thinks about and makes it soooo important, but it really is only important to your small self because you’re not in tune with the unlimited resources of the Universe. Human behavior hasn’t changed much, it may have even gotten more conditioned. Because of the small minded limited view developed, you think that what you think about is so important, but it’s only important to the small minded limited I Self. Wake up, nothing you think about is that important except to the Conditioned Mind. This is the delusion created and until you break free of this hold, you will be walking around not living in harmony with the Universe. And basically by not living life in harmony with the Universe you’re not truly living, and you will not realize just how out of touch you really are…

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

"I" Urges

Urges arise because “I” wants to satisfy some pleasure it’s making you think is needed, and “I” will win out every time until there’s awareness to not give into the urges and stay out of harms way…

It’s so important to not put yourself in harms way when it comes to urges, but it’s done because the way most minds are conditioned there’s a lack of awareness and discipline to make a stand against the energy of urges for a long period of time. I see this in myself, but very slowly the conditioning that attaches to the urge of “I” is losing its grip. There’s so much of our make up associated with our urges that you should sit with this to see how much control your urges really have over you. This is mainly so because of the temporary pleasure that’s gotten from giving in to the urges. Food, alcohol, drugs, sex (alone or with someone) gambling and so on, many things are used to satisfy the sense pleasures and if there isn’t awareness of this, it will be difficult not to get pulled around by “I” urges.

“I” urges controlled my entire life because of never having the awareness or discipline to not get pulled around by them which always put me in harms way. Of course satisfying “I” is at the root of this and whenever an urge is given into, initially it feels good, but it only last until the mind that told you to give into the urge poses the question, why did you do that. It has taken a few years to finally stop giving in to the urges of pleasure and it’s only because there’s the awareness of “I”. Grab that cookie and see how long the satisfaction last, by the way sugar is more addictive than cocaine. The point of this isn’t to say the pleasures of life can’t be enjoyed, but to just watch who’s attaching to them. See if you’re putting yourself in harms way which reinforces “I”. If this is seen you just may be able to not attach to “I” and lessen the control it has over you so you can truly live a happy, joyous, and free life; free from the alluring urge and control of “I”…

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Conflict Within

All conflicts arise from within yourself. They’re derived from internal mind agitations. Without discipline the mind will never settle nor will the agitation of needing to reach for something externally…

The world is in a state of conflict, but not with each other as you may think, it’s with ourselves. The lack of understanding of your own mind is the cause of your inner agitations; most people haven’t a clue this is the cause of all conflicts. We lash out at people, have road rage, try to change people, constantly seek to alter the way that we feel because we were never taught how to just be with life as it is and accept who we are as we are. There would never be a need to have anything or anyone different if you had the ability to just be with life. If you don’t have contentment with the way things are, what makes me think that if things were different there would be contentment; you would still have mind agitations that make you reach for things externally.

External reaching because you want to alter the way that you feel will n
ever amount to true satisfaction, no matter what or who is blamed for the way that you feel. I was always agitated and because there wasn’t an understanding of the Conditioned Mind, the agitation wasn’t understood. It didn’t matter what happened, even if I was told I had six months to live what would it matter, it’s not like I know when I’m going to die anyway, but by not having the ability to just be, the mind becomes agitated and conflicts arise.

Nothing causes discontentment unless it’s allowed. If something bothers you and it can be changed by all means change it, but if it’s being changed because of an inner conflict it needs to be looked at why there’s the conflict to begin with. Even if the thing is changed, without an understanding of your own mind you will just move on to the next thing which will cause you to become agitated and conflicted once again…

Monday, May 13, 2019

Love is Always Right

If I’m right, you’re right, and they’re right, who is truly right? We can’t all be right so who is right is determined by the one who does what they do from the base of love without needing to be right…

Think about this, everyone thinks what they’re doing is right or they wouldn’t be doing it. Whether it’s the Democrats, Republicans, the US, Israel, Palestinians, Christains, Muslims, Hindu’s, all religions for that matter, Al Queda, all the past and present dictators and their so called empires, the different tribes in Africa, or just people in general, they all think what they’re doing is right, but no one truly knows what right is, and get this we can’t all be right, and therein lies the problem. There is no common ground to what or who is right so this makes everyone have a different set of rules as to what’s right, which makes for everyone having their own agenda.

On the individual and group level someone is always trying to force their I’m right will on someone else. The missing ingredient in all this I’m right energy is a genuine desire to do what’s best for someone else with love that comes from the heart. So many people live and act out with what’s in their head and most of it is faulty because it’s not from a genuine love for our fellow beings; it’s from a desire to satisfy self. Even though many people tell themselves what they’re doing is what’s best it’s really only what’s best for them, not for someone else. All that’s needed to see this is to look at our worlds current state of affairs and how this set of rules is playing out. The rules in place are geared to satisfying the self instead of being a benefit to all beings. Until this changes and love becomes the base of the set of rules in place, the world will continue to go in its current direction with everybody doing as they please (because they are right), justifying that the reason they do what they do is for the greater good, even though the greater good in most cases is to satisfy the I’m right self. If what you do isn’t done for a greater good that’s based in love than what you do will be strictly done to benefit the I’m right greater self…

Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Mother's Love

A Mother’s love is special because of the connection she has with her child. This connection is unconditional love beyond what words can describe and it’s a love formed in the womb because mom and the child are one…

A Mother’s love is something that needs no words to describe. It’s a love that’s forever binding regardless of what happens. Watching a mother care for her child is so beautiful and this isn’t limited to humans. Mom loves from instincts, it’s a love that occurs from within. Watching a mother take care of her child is the love that everyone should have for each other. This love is the same love that the Universe has for each and everyone of us. A Mother loves all her children the same as the Universe loves all of us the same. Mom doesn’t see color and never puts conditions on her love, she just loves. If we are to survive as a species we will need to go beyond the limits of the mind and see how to love unconditionally. We’ll need to observe how a Mother loves and mimic that with all humanity.

A Mother’s love never ends, there may be disappointment in her heart at times, but that’s only because she wants what’s best and it’s the love in her heart crying out. Mankind is on a course of self destructing and it’s because of the lack of love in their heart. If it’s not seen how the Universe is our mother and we are all brothers and sisters, our separation will be the end of us. Mom is always there for us as is the Universe, but unfortunately we are given enough rope to hang ourselves and that’s exactly what many do. Watch a Mother give birth and see the sparkle in her eyes, it’s the same sparkle (the stars) the Universe has for all humanity. This sparkle arises because there’s no thought of herself, the child born is just an extension of herself; they are one. Only when we all see each other in the same way will we as a species turn our attention to loving each other unconditionally; seeing the sparkle of oneness in each other’s eyes…

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Solutions of Love

The more you have to do to make your life complete the less free flowing your life will be, and this free flowing energy is contingent on having love as the base of your solutions…

There are choices that are constantly made which determine your life’s direction, and the key to those choices will be in how engrained the self serving mind is at the base of your solutions. The more engrained the base, whether of love or self serving, the more it determines the solutions used to cope with life. The more the solutions are of the self serving nature which is usually associated with seeking pleasure, the more you have to reach to feel a connection to life, but when it is learned to have solutions that are based in love, life becomes more free flowing, there is less reaching and more peace.

Even if your hearts desire is to save the world it can still be a self serving solution. This can be gauged by the ease in which life flows because there is never any tension in what is being done if it’s being done from a solution based in love. There is never a struggle when life is based in love. It doesn’t mean every solution works out as wanted, but the struggle isn’t there. When there is a true connection with life it’s generally free flowing because love is free flowing. If you are bound up by your solutions they’re more than likely solution based to self serve.

To overcome solutions based in a self serving mind the conditioning that makes this so must be recognized. Once recognized it will be overcome by allowing love to become the free flowing base of your life. Since love is never binding it will be the gauge to determine whether the solutions being used are of love or of a self serving variety. It will be the level of honesty with yourself whether you see your life as free flowing or not. Only you can change the direction of your solutions…

Friday, May 10, 2019

Picking a Side

When you stop picking sides the mind settles into a state of just being with what’s in front of you. After all no side is right or wrong so when none is picked all you are left with is peace…

When a person picks a side, it’s always done with the intention that it’s the right side. What happens next is anyone who isn’t on that side is automatically considered to be on the wrong side. What’s missed when a side is picked is the awareness that there really isn’t a true right or wrong side; there’s only a perception. Get this though, what side is picked is not really the issue, it’s the picking a side that’s the issue. This is because picking a side instantly causes separation, even when people pick the same side. Whether it’s a religion, a political party, for or against something, or just about anything, issues arise because when a side is picked attachments energy begins its control, and with attachment being the root of suffering, well let’s just say there you have it.

The Conditioned Mind has to pick a side, it’s the nature of the conditioning. It cares little what is picked just as long there’s a side picked. It needs to define itself by attaching to something so picking a side falls right in line with its nature. A quiet mind needs no such definition. Quietness isn’t picked, not picking a side simply results in the mind settling and thus quieting. An example would be driving a car and constantly switching (picking) lanes, if you stayed in one lane and simply drove, you would still get to where you were going, there would just be a lot less noise so more peace would naturally take the place of the noise. When you stop picking sides the mind settles into a state of just being with what’s in front of you. After all no side is right or wrong so when no side is picked all you are left with is peace…

Thursday, May 9, 2019

No Love in Revenge

Even if you’re wronged and you’re justified in getting revenge, it will harm you more then it will the other person because it will keep you in the grip to an energy that doesn’t allow you to love…

What someone does is never personal even if it is something done to you, but what if what is done affects people you love, then what? Don’t you have the right for revenge? The problem with making it personal is even if you or someone you love is hurt it doesn’t take away the hurt; it doesn’t undo what is done. Revenge, as in an eye for an eye doesn’t really work because it keeps you locked in the same energy as what you are seeking revenge for. You may tell yourself it makes you feel better and you may even believe it does, and to the Conditioned Mind you will say justice is served, but it won’t change any of the facts of what happen. The mind always looks for some form of comfort and it uses revenge as one of these forms.

Things are said like people get what they give out in life and if they hurt others they should get what they deserve, but it doesn’t take away the pain of those who are hurt. That’s the irony of an eye for an eye, it doesn’t really make a person feel better. To me the reason why Jesus taught to turn the other cheek was not for the benefit of the person who is causing the harm, but for your own heart to remain in the presence of love. The mind wants an eye for an eye because it’s part of the conditioning, but for the heart to remain of love the other cheek has to be turned. Your “I” will tell you to attack back, seek revenge, but the heart knows if you want to remain at peace the other cheek will also have to be exposed. This is difficult as is most behavior based in love because of the conventional methods that are in place, but the alternative is to remain controlled by a mind anchored in greed, hate, and delusion. Its a decision that’ll decide your life’s direction and the level of peace you have. The more you try to get revenge whether it’s justified or not, the more you are dragged down into a place that makes love just about impossible to live from…

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Completeness of the Heart

If our reliance is on our self we will be severely limited in our inner sense of completeness. Regardless of what’s accomplished the source of completeness is never from our self, it’s always of the heart…

To experience a sense of completeness one must understand what it means to be complete. This isn’t something that comes about by doing good deeds, by volunteering, or by being good. It’s not random acts of kindness that makes one complete, or donating old clothes, none of these things will bring the sought after completeness. These are very good attributes to cultivate and make a part of daily living, but they do not make you complete. It has been my experience that any sense of completeness has to come from within, and it has to be acknowledged through the heart. It’s only through the love of the Universe that completeness can be known regardless of what is being done to try to promote it.

This has been the shift in my journey, to notice how wrapped up I am in myself, but by noticing this I have also been shown the direction to freedom; the direction is to let go of the small me. If we rely on our own self serving limited mind we will faultier and not reach our true potential. We may accomplish great worldly success, but this will be our limit, and it’s a limit that has to cause suffering throughout our life because there’s only a self serving source of strength to draw on. When we rely on the heart for our source for strength, we not only align ourselves to reach our true potential we remove the limits we put on ourselves. We stop being controlled by our small self. This limit on the reliance of self is what causes our incompleteness. Our completeness is in our inner reliance on the heart’s unlimited source of strength, without it the burden to find completeness falls solely on you…

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Freedom from Yourself

Your own energy determines how you will live. If that energy is constantly focused on yourself, you will be selfish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t free from yourself, you’ll remain stuck in your self created prison…

Being free from the prison of self requires turning your energy away from self serving thoughts. When the mind gets stuck in these thoughts, for you to be free your mind needs to become unstuck. What makes it get stuck is your energy is mostly focused on satisfying yourself in some way. Focusing on the sensation of mind, body, and mental formations helps to alleviate the prison of self. This is a direct path to how one can become free from suffering. You can only be free when the focus is on what allows freedom, but it’s tricky because to master yourself takes constant vigilance. It will be your directed focus that determines the extent of your freedom and that will be the determining factor in how your life is lived.

Freedom from suffering is not pain free, it’s learning to be with the pain that arises. You cannot hide from what’s happening, you can only focus on something that anchors you in the Now. To no longer have your focus on satisfying yourself is where freedom is and how this is done is by simply not focusing on yourself and focusing on what will free you. The self is there and it has been given a name, it has so many other different labels attached to it, but it creates a prison because of the mere fact of the attachment to yourself. Freedom occurs when there’s an understanding of the lies, not in creating concepts or beliefs. Where your energy is focused determines how you live. If that energy is constantly focused on yourself, you will be selfish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t free from yourself, you’ll remain stuck in a self created prison…

Space of Isolation

When the mind settles the need to reach for something lessens, in the process the space of isolation disappears and it’s simply because an “I” story of separation isn’t being created…

The space of isolation seems to get wider as one ages, but it doesn’t really, what happens is there’s just less busyness so “I” takes more of a hold. The natural process of life seems to be to stay busy trying to figure things out, and regardless of what exactly the figuring out manifest as it certainly creates a lot of noise. There are periods in between the busyness where there’s some idle time as the space of isolation arise, but it doesn’t usually last very long because the busyness of trying to figure out life returns. This busyness last most of one’s life, but there does comes a time that the natural process of being busy lessens. At this stage many people experience an isolation that hasn’t been noticed before, it will either be addressed by looking inward or one will get busy again trying to figure out how to fill the space.

Eventually the busyness will end for whatever reason, but unfortunately for most people without the busyness the space of isolation rears its ugly head. Many elderly people struggle with this because there just isn’t a lot going on. Kids are grown, retirement, house paid off, more time behind you than what’s in front of you, and the list goes on; I was busy for many years. There were very brief periods of not needing to reach, but these periods were far and few in between. That is until eleven years ago when I hit an emotional bottom. I began sitting and simply looking inward which allowed me to see the busyness story of “I”. As I sat the mind settled and thus the “I” needing to reach for something lessened. In the process the space of isolation disappeared and it’s simply because an “I” story of separation wasn’t being created…

Sunday, May 5, 2019

All Is Well

When a person awakens it doesn’t make them perfect, but what it does do is it gives them an awareness of being imperfect and when one is aware of that and accepts it, all is well...

The are many twist and turns in life. It’s not something that can be figured out. What a strange phenomenon it is, but I wouldn’t change anything about it, mostly because I can’t, but even with all the unconscious suffering that went on for years, all is well. The best thing about my life is all the love I’ve been exposed to. To me in the end it’s the only thing that really matters. At the age of twenty eight I stopped using alcohol and drugs as a coping mechanism, four years later I got married which was over twenty eight years ago. Although that in itself is amazing, at the age of thirty two my father saw a son who caused him years of angst finally stop being a burden to him and to my mom. My Mom died a year and a half ago, my dad died some months after my wedding; my parents seeing me begin to grow up is something I cherish to this day.

The part the gets me the most about being unconscious is the people it affects without any knowledge that it’s happening. From the friends I had growing up, my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, strangers, and just about anyone else who I had contact with, being unconscious caused much harm. It’s why today my direction is to simply not hurt anyone. I still do because of the conditioning in place, however there is much more space between those unconscious actions than ever before. The unloving energy at the core of being unconscious has lessened immensely. This unloving energy is what makes a person unconscious, and just because you may want to be loving it doesn’t mean you will be, especially if the conditioning in place is unloving. An awakening doesn’t make you perfect. What does happen is it gives you an awareness of being imperfect and when you’re aware of that and accept it, all is well...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Only Love is Perfect

When we live from the hearts intention to love, we are aligned with the Universe and all that is done is perfect because what is done is from the hearts intention to love...

Imperfections are a part of being human, only love is perfect. When we live from our hearts intention to love, we are aligned with the true love that’s natural and genuine, it comes from the heart and whenever something is done from this love it's perfect because it changes people; maybe not all people, but that's because of conditioning. If something is done that’s not from love and someone has issue with it, the issue isn't with what was done. 

One day all of what one has done in this life will come to pass. Everything we leave behind matters little in what is said and done, but the things done from the hearts intention to love are left behind and although what one says and does may not always be agreed with, as long as what's done is from an intention to love it will be perfect. To be imperfect is a part of being human, but love is Universal so when we live from the hearts intention to love, we are aligned with the Universe and all that is done is perfect in love and this is because when what is done is from the hearts intention to love, it touches others regardless if they agree with it or not...

Friday, May 3, 2019

Slander Energy

The small self of “I” slanders as it arises from your own lack. When a person slanders someone it's to subconsciously fill this lack and make yourself feel superior to whomever is slandered...

The reason why slandering someone is so damaging is because of the energy being put out when this is done. Slanders energy arises from one's own lack of self worth and it traps all the slanderers with this lack energy. It doesn't affect the one who is being talked about because for the most part they're probably unaware it's being done. Slander is also very damaging because it involves multiple people, it's like the energy of a riot, neither occur with just one person. Once a person starts slandering someone and another person unconsciously attaches to it, it will continue to grow depending on who's in the room and how unconscious (lacking) they are. It will only be attached to by those who have lack because it's done to fill the lacks void. Even if the slandering is warranted to a degree, no one is perfect enough to cast the first stone. All humans are fallible and act selfishly at times and that's mainly the energy of slander.

The small self slanders someone because it needs to feel superior, so when I talk about you it's only to subconsciously make myself feel superior to you. After all slander is from unloving energy, it's never from love. Slander is what happens when there's idle time and not much is going on. It's difficult not to be pulled into this energy because there's not many people who don't like to feel superior to another person. Slander is shallow and unless there's truly an understanding that you are complete just the way you are and there's no need to talk about anyone else, you’ll continue to harm yourself by talking about others and keeping the selfish energy of slander in place...

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Heart Expansion

When you can truly be present for the energy of the heart, all resistance falls away because it’s understood the heart provides expansion and allows freedom. Make this the day your mind doesn’t hold you back…

Most change is resisted and the reason why is because it’s not understood that change is inevitable. If you like cake you wouldn’t want to eat it at every meal. Change is inevitable, but resistance to it doesn’t have to be. Make this the day that your mind doesn’t hold you back. See change as an opening to get you unstuck from the complacency of what’s familiar. Nobody really changes unless they’re forced to because the mind loves the familiar; even if the familiar isn’t what’s most beneficial. I see it all the time in the responses to my articles. All my articles do is provide another way to look at things, but many times they’re just discounted by the resistive energy that’s in place. I lived a conditioned existence for many years so I know what I’m talking about. Not many people truly understand their conditioning so when something new is presented, the resistive energy rears its ugly head and you remain locked to your conditioning.

Change is a natural part of life. It happens constantly whether consciously or unconsciously, but what’s not grasped is although the mind is conditioned to hold onto the familiar, change is needed to expand beyond the familiar. For years I was stuck in familiar mind patterns that didn’t allow anything new in. Even when it looked as though change was occurring, it was only on the surface. Surface change is a society measurement and it’s mostly a facade. True change is a transformation from the head to the heart and it can’t be measured. When you can truly be present for the energy of the heart, all resistance falls away because it’s understood the heart provides expansion and allows freedom so make this the day your mind doesn’t hold you back…

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Unconscious Justifications

Not justifying everything that you do creates a tiny crack in the unconscious armor that’s in place. This allows a sliver of consciousness in to possibly change the way things are seen…

When it’s said one is conscious it can be described as being aware of all the different thoughts that arise in each moment; it’s the knowing why you see things as you do. It doesn’t prevent anything from happening, but it can lessen your reactions and some of the consequences associated with what happens; that is if there’s awareness and no attachment. Nothing inherently on its own causes problems for anyone. Alcohol has never poured itself down someone’s throat, it has to be reached for. Heroin never caused anyone to abuse it by putting it in a needle, it’s the individual alone who reaches for it; this goes for anything. Granted most of this self destructive reaching is done unconsciously, but I do what I do today to try and shed light on this. I know a thing or two about this unconscious reaching because I did it for forty nine years.

So many things unconsciously controlled me and as long as there wasn’t awareness of this, they continued their onslaught of control. How this unconsciously gets solidly engrained is by justifying everything that’s done. From pointing out the faults of others, to being nasty to people, slander, and many other justified behaviors, all they do is keep the unconscious mindset in place; unconsciousness breeds unconsciousness. Conscious that this is being done is the first step in breaking the chains of unconsciousness. Stop looking out there for answers, stop blaming and talking about others, in other words stop justifying everything you do as being right and this just may create a crack in the unconscious armor that’s in place, this just may allow a sliver of consciousness in to change the way you look at things. After all, if the way you unconsciously look at things doesn’t change, being unconsciously controlled will remain…