Saturday, June 29, 2019

A Created Charade

Your life is a created charade until you learn to live it from a base of love, and it will be at this point that your created charade will drop away and your true self will emerge…

Life is a created charade until it drops away and your true self emerges. This can be today or it can be when your existence ends, but one day your created charade will drop away. Unless you are raised from the beginning of your life to love your charade will change many many times to meet situations as they occur. Definition of charade: an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance. Who can claim to not have created a charade to cope with life as situations occur that we don’t particularly care for.

You see creating a charade is a given because unless you have learned to live a life of love, there is no true base to existence. Love is the only reality that doesn’t need to be created, this is why when you love your true self emerges. If you don’t love you’re not living, you’re alive, but only through love can you live. You can be alive for a thousand years, but if you don’t love you haven’t lived one day. This is not something I made up, it’s the law of existence.

Nothing in life is real but love. If everyone’s life was based in love the world would be much different, but it’s not so the world itself is a created charade because of the lack of love of it’s inhabitants. This is why you keep chasing after things because even the world tells you a charade is needed. What you are really chasing is love, you just don’t realize this and because this isn’t realized you create a charade because it’s what you have learned to do to cope with life situations as they occur. You can only do what you have learned to do and if you haven’t learned to love then you have learned to create charades.

The most important lesson you will learn in life is to love, nothing else that is learned is useful. This is why a charade is created because if you aren’t living to love, you are living in a world of confusion of learning to create a charade to make life suit you. When you learn to love, there is no more seeking, no more searching, no more charade. Love and your true self emerges or not and continue a life of a created charade until that one day when your charade drops away, whenever that may be…

Friday, June 28, 2019

No Arranging Needed

The more you try to arrange life to be a certain way, the more you will struggle with life not being a certain way. When you are with life as it is life is arranged as it needs to be…

What’s most important about becoming aware of the Conditioned Mind and how it controls every facet of life is being able to break the hold it has over the inner psychic. There are Conditioned Mind Patterns that may always be in place because of how deeply engrained they are in the subconscious; becoming aware is freeing in your reactions because you’re not controlled as you once were. It’s a process to notice more and more what has a hold on you. It’s not like awareness is a one shot deal which makes everything all better. Most of us took years to get to the self serving state that we’re in. It’s not that it’s a bad or good thing, it’s just what’s in place. The important thing is to notice how it blocks you from truly living life.

Your conditioning puts you in this little world by being controlled by a Conditioned Mind which works so hard to keep it this way. A huge part of the conditioning is the mind making you think using things is the only way to be happy, but this is a conditioned lie; you’re constantly trying to arrange life to suit your Conditioned Mind. Our true essence of stillness doesn’t need these arrangements, it’s already happy and at peace; only the Conditioned Mind needs to keep arranging life to be a certain way. This is the delusion of your conditioning, but the reality is we need nothing to be happy, we need nothing to be at peace. Unless you break the hold of your Conditioned Mind Patterns (one at a time) you will always need, but the unfortunate thing here is even if you have it all you still won’t be happy or at peace. So understand you already have it all and the only arranging you’ll ever truly need is enjoying whatever life throws at you…

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Changing Your Future

If you want your future to be different, you’ll need to understand your place in the Universe and learn to stop your individual and collective cycles that allow history to be repeated again and again….

In this vast Universe that goes on to infinity, our planet is a mere speck in the grand scheme of things. I know we think we are so important, but in the blink of an eye entire civilizations have become extinct. The Roman Empire, Inca’s, Aztec’s, Phoenicians, Mayans, Babylonians to name a few, I’m sure they all thought they were so important, but none are here now to reiterate this. To put things in their proper perspective one must reflect on what has gone on before us and what affect it has in what’s going on now. If you really look into this you will see only the players change, history pretty much just repeats itself again and again.

Until our human conditioning changes our future will stay the same because our history will stay the same. When the worlds history is based in greed, hate, and delusion, behavior will manifest in that form. Here’s a story I like to tell: Man first ate vegetation to live, one day he saw a rabbit and made a trap for it so now there was meat added to his diet. As he was eating his rabbit another man came upon him and picked a rock and proceeded to kill the man eating the meat just because it was easier than trapping his own rabbit. It’s a shame, but this story isn’t that far fetched. We are one species on this tiny planet and until this is realized and we stop being controlled by a mind of individual cycles which is to strictly satisfy our self, our planet and its people as a whole will suffer, and one day just like that like many civilizations before us we will become extinct. The thing that we can do that others before us haven’t done is live a life based in love that puts us in unity with all beings so we stop the cycle of history repeating itself and give our future the chance it truly deserves…

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Arisen Reactions

Reactions aren’t caused by outside things, they’re the result of what’s already within you. It’s as though you don’t have a choice, but you do, you just don’t have the discipline for this to be realized…

Reactions are not a projection of the circumstances that seem to be causing them. Whatever happens in life, whatever some people say or do that generates a reaction from you, it arises from you; it’s already in place just waiting to be triggered. It seems it’s caused by something from the outside, but it isn’t. Nothing that happens results in our reactions, it’s the way we’re Conditioned that makes you react in the ways that you do; you control what controls you if you know what it is that’s controlling you. If you don’t know, life’s circumstance will control you, whether it has to do with an event or people, you’re the only one giving power to your emotions to be controlled by outside circumstances, but understand whatever it is that sways you from your inner peace is already there. The Conditioned Mind is insidious (which means lying in wait) and will wait for you to be at your most unaware point so it can sway you from your inner peace; the less you realize this the easier it is to be swayed.

To me discipline is the only way around this. If you want to have any semblance of control over your reactions, you will have to cultivate what gives you control. You don’t gain control by adding anything, you have to remove what’s already there. The conditioning that controls you needs to be realized so you can stop be swayed by it. Understand nobody conditioned you on purpose, you are the one who put your conditioning in place, regardless if it was done consciously or unconsciously. Remove what’s there that causes you to react in the ways that you do and your arisen reactions will not respond to things the way they once did. Just understand, no person, place, or thing controls you unless it’s allowed and who allows it but you…

Serving the Universe

What’s of importance in life is from the Universe because it serves the Universe. No human can validate what’s important no matter how much value is put on your own self proclaimed importance…

It’s been my experience that not many people really look beyond their own self proclaimed importance and the more self proclaimed life is, the less truth there is to validate life. I’m not really sure who gets what out of what I write, but I know it helps me immensely. My writings reinforce what arises from the quietness in my life, and what has been arising more and more is seeing how insignificant I am in the grand scheme of things, and if the importance of myself wanes what someone else thinks of me has even less significance. It’s more important to remain quiet then to accomplish something or to be validated by someone else, which will only be used to create my self proclaimed importance. Quietness is truly the only thing of importance because it’s when you’re in harmony with the Universe. It’s when the Universe can use you to serve the Universe you will understand what’s truly important.

Today life is, tomorrow it isn’t, what’s important serves the Universe; to be in harmony with it is all that matters. If you think there are things you need to do that puts you in harmony with life, you are gravely mistaken. Quietness simply puts you in harmony with it, not accomplishing things or being validated by a world that thinks they are qualified to validate their own self proclaimed important and thus they think they have power to put a label on what you do as important. You give people control over you, by allowing them to judge what you do and make it important or not, but the Universe doesn’t judge you, you do.

Whether it is realized or not the Universe is our master. When you trust in it, it will make everything you do important because what you do arises from it. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, you arose from the Universe, regardless of what you make important you will leave this world as you have entered it, empty of what you think is important. So remember this reality, if you think what you do or have done in your life is so important or if you are waiting for the self proclaimed people of importance to validate you, it will be a grave misgiving because the only thing that is truly important serves the Universe. After all everything belongs to the Universe and regardless of what is made important when your existent in this form is complete, you will return from whence you came…

Monday, June 24, 2019

Acting as Conditioned

Everyone is conditioned to act in certain ways and justify it, yet things are said like I wish I hadn’t or I shouldn’t have done that. Unless this is realized, you will continue to act and justify the way you have been conditioned to act…

If a person is conditioned to act in a certain way, it shouldn’t be a surprise when they act that way. When the conditioning is to love that’ll be how they act, but no one has the right to judge or label any behavior as wrong because most likely the person is just doing what their conditioning tells them what to do; as we all do. People who judge others do the same things as the ones they’re judging, but it is only looked at as wrong because that’s the way they’re justifying their own behavior. How much validity can we truly put in someone who is just as conditioned as the person they are judging? The only difference in people is the way they’re conditioned, this makes everyone justify why different things are used, but we all succumb to our Conditioned Mind as no one I’ve come across walks on water.

We do what we do because it’s what we have learned, but understand that others do what they do because it’s what they have learned. When the mind settles down enough this will be understood. If you’re always listening to what you’re conditioning tells you, it’s because your mind doesn’t have the discipline to be still, and if you can’t be still, you will always succumb to whatever conditioning you have in place. Sitting in quiet doesn’t magically settle the mind. What the sitting does is it allows you to become more aware of just how unsettled your mind is. The meditative state of sitting is a discipline; living life daily is where the results show up. If the mind is quiet for an hour of sitting, but noisy throughout the day, there’s not much benefit to that. Stillness has to be your forte if we are to truly understand your life. This is not an understanding of life itself, it’s you understanding you. So sit when it’s time sit. Work when it’s time to work, but bring in the stillness of sitting to work, or whatever it is that you’re doing. Stillness has to come first for there to be love because without it the Conditioned Mind rules, and although the results of our behavior may be different depending of our conditioning, we all listen to the same self serving puppeteer…

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Up and Down Swings

Up and down swings of life seem to be natural, but it’s only through the conditioned self serving mind that these are created. When love is your constant, there’s only room for up…

The down swings of the mind can wreck havoc on life if they aren’t understood, but even understanding them doesn’t simply make everything all better. Lessons in life are of their own making, they’re create by the way one is conditioned. If you were conditioned to love all the time your life would be continuously on the up swing, but unfortunately this is not the case. We have up and down swings because we fluctuate between our conditioned self serving mind and our natural state of love. The natural state of love is within everyone and it’s always there, but it does get pushed down. The deeper it gets pushed down the less love there is to live your life by, the less love you emit to others, and the more difficult life is. It’s pushed so deep by some that they don’t make it, and others struggle mightily and cause much harm. When you’re in a down swing you have to persevere if you’re going to learn from it; through a mindfulness practice you can learn to stay on the up swing more often than not. The more you’re in touch with the self serving mind that puts you on the down swing, the less you’ll go there, but understand practice a little and stay on the up swing a little, practice ceaselessly and eventually you will never go down.

We all start existence with the same love in our hearts. This is the way it is because we are all from the same energy of the Universe which is love. Even the most hardened of hearts have the same love as say a person who always serves, the difference is how deep their love is pushed down. With some it seems to be non existent, but it’s there it just isn’t allowed to the surface of how that life is lived. This is heart breaking, not because of the suffering it causes, although that is part of it, it’s heart breaking because it doesn’t have to be this way…

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Daily Nonsense

We all have feet of clay, not because we want to, but because very few understand the Conditioned Mind and how it keeps you stuck in the daily nonsense of that conditioning…

Make a stand for what is in you heart. Bow down to no one. Idolize no one or no thing. Listen to your heart. Let it be your guide. Ignore the nonsense of the world because that’s what it is; pure utter nonsense. Who can rightfully judge you, most people can’t even rightfully judge themselves. Put no stock in what others say and what others say will have no stock. If things are ever going to change in your life, the nonsense that goes on daily has to be exposed for what it is; pure utter nonsense. Live now or forever hold your peace because now is the only place you will ever have peace to hold.

We all have feet of clay, not because we want to, but because very few understand the Conditioned Mind and how it keeps you stuck in the grip of that conditioning. Never back down from what you know to be true. Whether others see it makes no difference. It matters little what happens in life, it matters less what you or others think. I only say this because it matters little what I think, so if I don’t take what I think too seriously I’m not going to take what others think seriously. The story of what life is about is a made up fabrication. No one can claim to truly know this. Life is to complex to know all there is to know. The pea brain mind will make some nonsense up, but our minds have not evolved enough to truly know this answer. We know a lot intellectually, from our head, but we don’t know diddly when it comes to living from our heart. Until we understand this we will be controlled by our Conditioned Mind and we’ll remain in stuck in the daily nonsense of its conditioned grip…

Friday, June 21, 2019

Freedom in Truth Only

In life there’s freedom in truth only. There may be your perception of things, but only truth sets you free. Perception is delusional and is a created idea to make life the way you think it best suits you…

There are certain truths that need to be understood if you’re to know what it means to be led by the divine so you can be set free. The reason why there’s so much struggle with this is because these truths aren’t brought into the heart by most people, they’re kept at the intellect level; in the head (perception). Truth can only set you free when it’s from the heart. A perception of what you think truth is isn’t truth; this perception blocks truth from being seen.

Here are some truths to sit with. You are not going to live forever. Understanding this is paramount in our freedom. The only place life can be lived is right now. No matter how much you want things to stay the same, they will not. Things are constantly changing whether you want them to or not. Lastly you are not your thoughts regardless of how much you attach to and believe them. My point of this is to show the difference between truth and the perception of how you want things to be. Perception will not set you free. There’s a way to know something is not a truth; truth is always freeing. It’s the nature of the divine to be free, but it can only occur within truth.

All perception is tied into our stories, which are based in delusion. Delusion will not set you free either. People who think perception is truth are gravely mistaken and stay locked into their own conditioned lies. I know today I’m free because of the truth that has set me free, not because of my perceptions of this truth. If I was still living life by created perceptions I would not be free. The divine can only be our guide when there’s a quietness that allows this to be understood, but if you make up a perception of this, freedom will not occur. This is another truth and it can only be known when it’s not made into a perception. There’s the way life is (truth) and there’s the way you think it should be (perception), only one of these will set you free…

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Outer View Delusion

An inner view is the only way life can be lived without distractions from the outside. These outer distractions are the source of all our created stories and keep you in bondage to a delusional view…

It seems creating stories is just a part of our development, but this just isn’t so. To stop creating stories it has to be known why they are created in the first place. What makes a person think a story is needed as opposed to living a peaceful existence without a story. For many years this wasn’t given much thought, it was just assumed this was the way life was. One day with life exactly how it was wanted and limited happiness, self investigation (looking inward) began which produced real answers and changed my view of life from an outer to an inner view.

I found that the stories I made up were strictly because of the outer view. An outer view was developed that always attached a story to what was happening. This is a natural occurrence for an outer view; the two go hand in hand. Think about this, anything viewed out there immediately has a story attached to it. See this for yourself, try not to attach a story to something you are viewing as out there. See this truth and see your path to freedom. A story is created because the mind is agitated and doesn’t know how to be still. A story is you convincing you that there’s something out there that you need. These delusional needs arise from the outer view created by the Conditioned Mind. The mind has to be taught the need isn’t real and nothing more is truly needed; excluding the basics necessities. When there isn’t a delusional need there isn’t a delusional story. The stories cease when the view turns inner and you realize nothing is needed because you are complete right now. You don’t have to add anything for completeness. You can make all the improvements you want, but they don’t make you more complete. You are complete right now just as you are and only a delusional story tells you different…

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A Scripted Role

Life can be described as a play where you’re either playing a role or you’re watching the play. The difference in watching it as opposed to starring in it is it’s so much more beneficial watching than playing a scripted role…

Think of life as a play. Are you in the play or are you watching it? The difference is when you are in the play you are controlled by it. The play dictates your role. The script is your Conditioned Mind, things happen and you react with your conditioned script. The play needs for each person to play their part or there wouldn’t be one. When you watch the play you see what happens instead of being controlled by it. The play is running, but your role is determined by how conditioned you are to either watch it or be in it. There is such a difference in the two, watching it is so much more beneficial, but unfortunately most people are starring in the play. To watch it you have to be very still. The more the ability to watch the play is developed the less you will be drawn into becoming the main star (that’s what ”I” wants to do) and the more adept you’ll be with life being lived on a stage aligned with with Universal Love.

Learn to watch the play and you’ll be an active participant in controlling the part you play, which happens to be your life. When you can watch the play and not be drawn into a role that is selected for you by your conditioning, that’s when the play will become so much more enjoyable and you will always want to just watch it. It will be better than you ever imagined it could be, and who knows with practice you may even become aware that it’s the best play ever, but understand your play is already the best one ever because it’s about your life. Without a settled mind you will not know this and you will continue to be controlled by a scripted role that allows your conditioning to dictate the part you play. This is the difference between being dragged around by a scripted role or being able to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show…

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Up Against Your Own Mind

Realize whatever controls you is your master; it doesn’t matter what it is. You aren’t up against evil forces or negative energy, the only thing you’re up against is your own mind…

What you’re truly up against in life is your own mind. When something is needed to alter your current state, it’s bondage. If you don’t find out why you need to alter your state, you’ll constantly need to substitute the things that you will use; you will just go from thing to thing. I’m not asking you to believe this, I am telling you from my own experience that this is the way it is; this is real. Lying to yourself is all part of the Conditioned Mind, even if it causes your own misery your mind will tell you to discount this.

We are all our own worse enemy. I know this as a fact and yet it is still a struggle at times because of the conditioning in place, but the freedom from the bondage of self is becoming more and more of a reality. This is known because there’s less and less need to alter my current state so there is more time spent in the moment of I Am. This takes much practice, more than most people are conscious to do, but if you really want freedom you have to have the ability to look in the mirror and understand you are looking at the only block to your freedom. It will be at that point that you can start breaking free from a self that has be leading you around like a puppet on a string. Facing yourself is the most difficult thing you will ever do because you have been conditioned not to face yourself. If you want to be free, start developing a plan to break free from yourself and change your Conditioned Mind Patterns. If not, simply enjoy the puppet show which you just so happen to have the starring role…

Monday, June 17, 2019

Everyone Reaches

Dependency is dependency regardless of what’s reached for. Some of the things reached for have less of an affect, but how you’re held in captivity to what’s reached for is all the same…

The only reason why a person reaches for anything is to change the way that they feel. If you are ok with who you are, not the story of who you are, but who you truly are, no reaching will ever be necessary. AGAIN: If you are ok with who you are, not the story of who you are, but who you truly are, no reaching will ever be necessary.

We are all addicts, we just use different things. Here are some of the things used: food, opinions, sugar, anger, alcohol, wanting life to be a certain way, drugs, sports, sports teams, gambling, success, money, careers, helping others, porn, sex, stealing, our children’s success, to do list, 12 step programs, seeking peace, the spiritual practice, working, not working, our health, politics, religion, and God. This is but a few of the things used, the list goes on and on. The point of this is to show how dependency is dependency regardless of what’s reached for. We’re all addicts, it’s just that some of the things reached for have a less of an affect than others, but the bondage that holds you prisoner to your Conditioned Mind is the same. If you ever want to be free of this it has to be understood. You can discount this, but you’ll never experience what it means to be totally free if you do…

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Past Influences/Present Control

Past influences have so much control over the present and until this is understood and let go of, the past will continue to keep you in a state of an agitated existence…

Understanding living life as it is as opposed to a life you think you should have is the difference in being at peace or living in a state of an agitated existence. When you’re with what is here you’re with reality, not a mind made reality, but the reality of what simply is. When you’re not in the reality of what is you’re in a delusional state of what isn’t, which makes for very little if any true peace in your life.

Life is always as it is right now and that would mean being with reading this post. There is nothing else truly going on right now beyond that. There may be something going on between your ears, but it’s not happening right now so it’s s not the true reality of now. Your mind has been conditioned to think you have to create a life that you think is better than what’s occurring right now, that’s what keeps you from being with the life as it is.

To me all that matters is having found a something real to break free of the grip of those past influences. Bondage is bondage and the more you continue to be controlled by past influences and stay locked into the control of your Conditioned Mind, the deeper the bondage of not being with life as it is. Until you learn to let go of the control the past influences have over you it will be impossible to be free because you’ll remain under the spell of the Conditioned Mind…

Saturday, June 15, 2019

A Heavenly Heart

Heaven is within, but we look for it with our eyes and it can only be seen through our heart. Only one master can be served and if it isn’t from the love in our heart, Heaven will remain a place not seen…

What’s in your heart will always rise to the top. You can’t fake it or pretend to be something that you’re not. You can fool people, but eventually they will catch on. It is written that Jesus said to the rich man if he wanted salvation he needed to give up his riches; they both knew he wouldn’t. Although the person was of wealth, the wealth that Jesus spoke of was of the heart, not of the world. Jesus knew the man’s heart and knew he wouldn’t follow him. He knew the man loved his wealth of the world and therefore he would be unable to follow his heart. To truly be free one has to love with all their heart, if it’s any other way, what is blocking this love will rise to the top.

You can’t have a heart that loves internally and loves the wealth of the world also; you can’t serve two masters. There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy as long as it’s used to demonstrate love. A heart of love can have the best of both worlds, but only if the one that’s served is the one of the heart. Wealth is not measured in material things, it’s measured by the love in your heart and how you love and treat others.

Learn to understand your heart and it will lead you to places that are not of this world. Heaven is within, but we look for it with our eyes and it can only be seen through the heart. Hold onto whatever you think will bring you to heaven, just don’t be surprised when what you are holding onto isn’t providing the haven you thought you had found. You cannot serve two masters and only one will allow you to be in heaven so make sure your choice is from the love deep within your heart…

Friday, June 14, 2019

Quiet Willingness

Just wanting to change something doesn’t work no matter how sincere you are unless it’s followed by actions to allow the change to take place. No transformation is complete until there’s a willingness that allows it…

The idea of doing what puts you in alignment with what’s beneficial to you is much different than actually putting it into action. It’s not because it isn’t how you want things to be, it’s just that there’s so much pulling against you that without constant awareness it will be difficult to sustain a connection to quietness for a substantial amount of time. We all have times when it’s easier for this than others, but we also have our times when we say screw it and self seek. Don’t be too hard on yourself though, a lifetime of living from “I” will not disappear with a few sittings. The key is to keep developing the discipline that allows for the self seeking behavior to become less and less.

This will occur naturally, you only need to be willing to sit. Sometimes it will seem like “what’s the use” but understand this is all part of the conditioning, the noise, the story, the unconsciousness, whatever you want to call it. Willingness is the key if there’s to be change because the old behavior is so deeply engrained to let go of its control without it. This is why most people don’t change because the dedication to investigate why you do what you do isn’t given 100% willingness. It’s impossible to get more out of life than you put into it; be 50% willing and that’s what you’ll get in return (maybe). The self serving mind is very subtle and you will never be free until you are willing to let go 100% so your actions are a benefit to all beings 100% of the time. No transformation can occur through a thought based idea, a complete transformation will only occur through a quiet willingness…

Thursday, June 13, 2019

No True Uneasiness

The only time there’s an uneasiness with life is when it’s made so and it only happens when the Conditioned Mind is in control. The mind will settle when there’s awareness your uneasiness isn’t true…

Inner uneasiness is neither with life nor with people so who that leaves you with is yourself. This is who your uneasiness is always with. I’m not saying some of the things that happen in life are easy to accept, but the uneasiness is still within yourself. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem like life is fair, that it shouldn’t be so difficult, but again this arisen uneasiness comes from within; it has nothing to do with anything outside of you. The labeled perception of how things are is what causes all uneasiness. Life is never uneasiness, what goes on between your ears is where your so called troubles are. There’s a need to allow the mind to be present so it can settle down and focus on what is actually occurring instead of your created uneasiness.

At times it can seem like it’s one thing after another, but it really isn’t, it’s just the Conditioned Mind running the show. One thing has nothing to do with the other unless it’s attached to; when this is understood discipline can be developed so this happens less and less. Your freedom is directly linked to how much control your conditioning has over you. If there was no conditioning there would be no control and there would be no uneasiness. For me this is what must be learned to head in the direction of freedom, a freedom that’s already there; the reason to learn this is to not allow the Conditioned Mind to block freedom from my view. The more your view is in the present moment, the more you’ll see because your view to freedom isn’t being blocked. So although it seems as though you are uneasy, the only reason for this is because you’re allowing it. It’s up to you to change the conditioning that blocks you from understanding you’re already free, but it has to be understood there really isn’t an uneasiness it’s only the Conditioned Mind that makes you believe there is…

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Aligned With Life

To be a benefit to life you must have a beneficial existence, and to live a beneficial existence it will take an understanding of what it means to live a life that’s beneficial to all beings…

Spiritually is not magical. Many make it out to be something it isn’t; it’s simply a practical way to live. I know sometimes it can seem like spirituality is something beyond our human comprehension, but it’s a lot closer than you think; all you need is to look in the mirror. The bottom line is are you doing things that are beneficial to your life or not, and if you’re not, how can you do things that are a benefit so your life becomes more aligned with Divine Principles; there’s nothing more to it than that. When you do things that align with life you feel good and that’s the reason why. If you don’t feel good you have to look at what you’re doing.

The awareness of your conditioning allows for the ability to see what is truly a benefit to your life and what isn’t. Once you’re aware of this you can develop a practice of mindfulness to change what needs to be changed so most everything you do is a benefit to your life. The real blessing here is this, you not only act in ways that’s a benefit to you, but it’s also a benefit to others.

That’s when you’re truly in aligned with life when there is no other reason to exist except to be a benefit to all beings. Anything short of this and the benefits sought are probably self-serving. So the spiritual life is learning to do things that are a benefit to life, but not just your own. This is the base of all Divine Principles and when this becomes how and why you live your life, you will be truly living a life that’s beneficial to all who come in contact with you (including yourself). Life will never be more complete or more of a benefit when this is the way you live your life...

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Mechanism of Love

If your life is to be an example of love, love will have to be the mechanism of what’s at your base. No instrument can play itself and you cannot be an example of love if love isn’t in your heart…

To be an example of love means one thing and one thing only and that’s to be a mechanism of love in all that you do. This isn’t a love that’s manufactured by you, it arises from stillness and simply comes through your heart. It doesn’t mean you have to make others follow your way because the most important thing to realize is this is not your way. It’s loves way and that is what everyone should be following. To be a mechanism of love implies to be an example. No instrument can play itself. The better the musician the more beautiful the music. So it is with us, the freer you are of the self serving mind by relying on the mechanism of love, the more your life will be an example of love. Remember no instrument can play itself, but things need to be done so it stays finely tuned. Even a master musician has a difficult time producing beautiful music with an instrument that’s out of tune. Music will still be produced because you are alive and life is lived, but since your actions aren’t based in love you just won’t be an example to others nor will it reach the true beauty that the instrument (you) are capable of producing. Your full potential won’t be realized because an untuned instrument can only produce what’s there.

A life that isn’t based in love cannot produce love so the journey to be an example of love will manifest when you live as the mechanism necessary for this to occur; an emptying of your heart will be needed so love can fill it up. If you’re not totally empty of your self centeredness you will not be totally filled by love. It’s in love that all life exist, it’s in love that your life becomes a true example. If you’re not a mechanism of love you will continue to be filled by a self serving mind and you will be a mechanism and example to satisfy your self…

Monday, June 10, 2019

A Delusional Reality

When there isn’t an association to “I” there isn’t any attachment. The “I” is what creates the delusion that what occurs in life is real. Things do occur, but they only control you in an “I” based delusional reality…

Two people are waiting for a bus, the bus is late. One person is really annoyed, the other isn’t. Same situation, but the annoyed person relates the bus being late to “I” and the other doesn’t. This is how attachment is formed and although there is a reality to the bus being late, it’s based in the delusion created by the Conditioned Mind that what goes on in life really matters. I know it seems like so much matters, but that’s because what goes on is in association to “I”. This world has been in existence for many many years and all the people before us thought what was going on with them also really mattered and to their “I” it did, but it didn’t matter to life.

This is a delusional reality. Sure life is real and all that happens seems real, but real to what extent? Real to the extent of how it’s associated with “I” and how this “I” is attached to more so than with what is actually occurring. This is what makes it delusional. It’s only real to the individual who is attaching to it. In the case of the bus, it was just late according to a schedule, the attachment to “I” is what created the story. No I, no attachment, no story, no created suffering. Granted the bus is still late, but the situation isn’t allowed to grab a hold and control your emotions. This not being controlled by your emotions doesn’t make you less than, it allows you to be with the true reality of what is actually occurring instead of the delusional reality created by your “I” attachments…

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Blessed is Being Alive

Simply being alive is a blessing because it will not always be so. Having life a certain way doesn’t make it a blessing, life makes life a blessing because without life nothing else would be…

No one is more blessed than another, the Universe doesn’t operate that way. Nothing is truly personal, it simply is. No one is given a better gift of life than someone else. Whoever is alive at this time is gifted and when you pass on, you’re still blessed. The blessing that you existed never dies, it’s just passed on, but there are consequences for everything that you do in life. When things are done in a gluttonous way, to satisfy your self with over indulgence behaviors, the results will not be beneficial. When you do things that put you in cooperation with the Universe, things work out so much better for all involved. It’s not a happenstance blessing when this happens, we make it happen by being in harmony with Universal Love. Just like when you do things in a gluttonous way, the misfortune that you receive from this is of your own doing. So it’s not because life is a certain way that you are blessed, it’s simply that you are alive and it will not always be so you are truly blessed.

I often hear people say they are blessed because of this or that, but what happens if those things are taken away? As a child I often heard “If you have your health you have everything” what I say is “If you are alive you have everything because one day it simply will not be so.” If you want to put conditions on your life for it to be a blessing that’s up to you, but it’s heart breaking to watch people do this to themselves. It’s done all the time, only because most people don’t understand their own mind. To me being alive is our blessing, nothing more is necessary. I’m truly blessed because I’m alive, not because life has given me things. Life happens, not to me, but to life itself. When I pass on life will still be, just not with me…

Saturday, June 8, 2019

No Story Contentment

Early on the mind becomes conditioned to create stories, these are then used to make you believe they’re needed for contentment, but the story of needing to be content is the exact reason you aren’t…

You are the creator of the belief that you aren’t content and a story is needed. You can create any story you like, just understand if you don’t create a story you will not shrivel up and disappear, all that will happen is you will be content. We’ll use the example of someone bringing in bagels to work; from there the story you create about bagels is nothing more than that, a story. Maybe you create a story that you love bagels and there just so happens to be your favorite kind in the bag; a cinnamon raisin bagel. After all is said and done if you don’t create the story about the bagels, they will still exist, they just won’t have any control over you because there won’t be any attachment to it.

Eat a bagel, don’t eat a bagel, the point of this example is to show how the created story becomes the created attachment which is what makes you want a bagel. Substitute anything you want for the bagel, it’s all the same. Stories are the essence of the Conditioned Mind. This isn’t something to believe, it’s something to just be aware of so you can stop creating your stories. These stories which are created by your own mind, makes the world delusional and it keeps you in bondage to this delusional world. If you think this doesn’t pertain to you that’s just another story that keeps you from being content, but beyond the story you are content, it’s just not realized because of the need to create a story…

Friday, June 7, 2019

Awake for Life

You’re alive so you have been given the gift of life, but it’s up to you to be awake for it so when you reach your final destination (the end of life) you can say, what a ride…

Everyone who is alive is on a so called journey. No one remains in a state of stagnation. Life is always moving forward whether we are aware of it or not. It’s like when you take a trip that requires a plane to get to your destination, after the plane takes off it’s as though it’s not even noticed that you are moving. This is how life is and before it’s realized the journey is complete and you are at your destination. During the journey if all you did was sleep you missed the entire trip and you cannot go back and recapture it because you have reached your destination.

When you have reached your so called destination and your journey is complete, it’s only because you’re asleep that you missed what occurred on your trip. You can either be awake for your journey or you can be asleep, but it will go on either way and once your destination is reached the trip is over. The key is to not be asleep for the trip and only be awakened when you have reached your destination because by then your trip (life) will be over. The greatest misgiving of life is when it’s realized you have been asleep for most of it. This is how far to many lives finish up. There will come a time when it’s realized the journey is now complete and that you were asleep for most of it; there is nothing that can be done to go back and redo what has been missed. Don’t let this be your journey with this end result. You’re alive so you were given the gift of life, but it’s up to you to be awake for the journey so when you reach your final destination (the end of life) you can say, what a ride…

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Love Yourself As You Are

You can only act in ways that arise from within you. A trigger activates your Conditioned Mind and you act accordingly. Love yourself as you are and as the mind settles what needs changing will change…

Unity with others is dependent on learning to love yourself unconditionally because if you don’t love yourself there is no way you will love others. If you judge your unity with others will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with you because if you can’t love yourself as you are, there’s no way we will be able to love anyone as they are. You may be able to tolerate them for a time if they’re as you want them to be, but they remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to love yourself will only occur when you know our own mind, and only in the sense of how it’s the cause of not loving yourself.

Think of this, when you do something that’s not beneficial to you it originates from you. You unconsciously do things that aren’t beneficial to your own well being; this is done all the time. These acts come from your own mind, but it’s not what you do that causes an issue, it’s wanting what you do to be different which is impossible because it has already has been done, this is what causes you issue. So love yourself as you are and the next time something triggers your Conditioned Mind to do something that’s not beneficial to you, you may be able to pause and not do it. If you do do something that’s not beneficial, accept it, love yourself, and move on. When the mind settles enough through loving yourself, what’s within you will change on its own because of the understanding you are perfect just as you simply because it’s what’s there…

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Cultivating Now

To be conditioned is to be human and it’s the influences of your conditioning that determines the base of your existence. If it isn’t living Now than Now needs to be cultivated for it to be so…

No one is beyond their mind becoming conditioned. Whether you want to believe this or not doesn’t make the mind any less conditioned. As a matter of fact the less conditioned you think you are the more you’re in the grasp of the conditioning. No one is beyond the conditioning because no one is beyond being human. No matter how much stuff we make up in our head we will always be human in the period of time that we are in this form, and when conditions change and this form is no longer supported, our humanness ends. This is another part of life that makes us different, we all have our own time period of existence, but this is beyond most of our control. When it’s time to go, we go. The more its resisted the harder it is to let go, but it doesn’t stop it from happening, it just causes suffering.

What’s of importance is learning to be in alignment with Now while we are here. Not for any other reason except that this is the only place where life can be experienced to the fullest. The moment we live in a conditioned way that takes us from Now we’re out of alignment with ourselves and if we aren’t aligned with ourselves there’s no way we can be alignment with others. The value in understanding this isn’t to live some fairy tale life, but to have the awareness of a mind that’s has been conditioned to self serve and cause our own suffering. If you’re to be free of the self serving conditioning the conditioning of Now has to be cultivated. Because we are all human no one is beyond the conditioning, but no one is also beyond being in totally alignment with Now and living life to the fullest no matter how conditioned they are, but it will only happen if living Now is cultivated…

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A United Itinerary

Our strength is in our unity. Although there’s nothing wrong with individuality, changing the world is so much more powerful when it’s linked in unity for the soul purpose of spreading love…

If you think you have an individual itinerary to change the world you will be largely disappointed, not in your effort, but in the results of the world not changing. This is a large part of the problem of the world to begin with, individual itineraries. There is way to much energy wasted on these; if the world is to change it has to be done in unity. We all need to have a united heart and give that unity to the heart of others. This unity is from the Universe and it is the awakened heart that realizes this. An awakened heart is not limited to certain religious belief or mind made concepts, it is open to anyone who has purity of heart, and the only way for it to be pure is to remove its pollutants. An example of this would be polluted water: Nothing has to be added to polluted water to return it to its natural state of purity, all that needs to be done is to remove the pollutants.

To many of us isolate ourselves and with certain religious belief and concepts that actually becomes a deterrent to spreading the unity in our hearts. Although religion is a great way to develop the discipline needed to quiet the mind, it is the Universe that is of unity, not some dogma or doctrine made up by what someone thinks. The Universe is our guide, but the mind has to be very quiet to see where the guidance leads. I don’t mean a made up guidance to make a person feel they are doing their part, I mean a guidance that is of unity and nothing else. No doing, just unity. When you die that’s all that you leave behind is you unity with others. Nothing else really means that much. If the world ended tomorrow and whose to say it won’t, what did all your individual itinerary accomplish, except maybe to say “I know I did my part” whatever that means.

The only thing that matters in life is to understand a united awakened heart and to learn to remove all the pollutants so unity is emitted to all beings; this is the Universe’s doing not ours. What I share is a message of unity, but it’s not my unity, its the unity of the Universe. Of myself I can do nothing but self seek. It is through the surrendering of the heart that the Universe will find the best possible way to use you, but what that results in is up to the Universe not some individual itinerary. Our unity is our strength and it is our self serving itinerary that keeps us from being utilized to the fullest…

Monday, June 3, 2019

Beneficial Living

Without investigating the way your life is lived leaves it up to happenstance that it’s being lived in the most beneficial way. Your mind is your greatest asset, yet very few know its true value…

It’s a lot easier to go with the flow of the conventional way of thinking than to look inward at your own mind. Anyone who doesn’t agree with this conventional way is looked at as strange, but I ask you this, how much of this conventional way is actually beneficial? Before developing the coping mechanisms that are now in place, how much investigation was put into these mechanisms; they are what controls your life. Not many would invest money, get married, have children, by a house, take a job, etc. before doing some investigation, but not much investigation is given to your behavior. This is what truly needs to be investigated if you ever want to understand your life.

Life isn’t magical with some having more magic than others. Life is life, pure and simple and it will not be lived in the most beneficial way without doing the things that allow this. You can either cooperate with life and make it more beneficial or you can be controlled by a mind that doesn’t want you to investigate why you do what you do. If you’re content with life so be it, but I haven’t met one single person who at some point in their life hasn’t reached outside themselves to fill a lack. This is not contentment, that is an agitation of the mind that few truly understand. Not because they can’t, but because this agitation is not given the time needed to investigate it and find real answers, not the make believe ones that you’re probably living by right now. Investigate this for yourself and see that although the body is always in the present moment, it’s where the mind is that determines your life, and you only have to be honest with yourself to see if you’re living your life in the most beneficial way…

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Present to Live

You can only think about the past and future, you can’t live there no matter what. This leaves only one place to live, the present, and regardless if you’re aware of this or not it remains the only place of true existence…

The reason why it’s so difficult to stop a habitual behavior is because not only is it engrained in your subconscious, but without discipline the necessary space between the thought and the reaction is virtually non existent. It’s there, but without discipline it’s not noticed. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is this way because the mind has been conditioned to live everywhere but in the present. I was controlled for many years by this conditioning because of the lack of knowledge that it was in place. I always thought I did things because it was just the way I was, but I have since found out differently. There is a lot of power in knowledge when it’s used in cooperation with life. The lack of knowledge is why I was doing what I was doing and wasn’t able to stop doing it. You can’t stop something if that’s all you know.

I explain in my book what changed and it’s the reason it was written. My book as are my writings are a tool to help others understand this human dilemma. It’s a dilemma because it doesn’t allow you to truly live your life as intended; from love. So how can awareness of space be created between a thought and a reaction? Very simple, discipline needs to be developed to allow this. My practice is this; when I sit in quiet it is for the sole purpose of developing discipline to be in the present moment. To feel my body, sensation of touch, to notice my breath, to listen to the outside sounds, these are all portals to developing the discipline that anchors you in the present. If you’re not practicing to be in the present moment than it’s very unlikely you will ever be there, at least consciously. This is a simple understanding that anyone can develop. The more discipline that’s developed the more present you become and the more you live life in the moment that’s actually occurring. This is what an awakening is, becoming aware that you have been asleep for much of your life by constantly living in the past and future. When you awaken from this dream you will want to live in the present moment because you will be aware it’s the only place that you can truly live your life…

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Universally Aligned

By learning to align with the Universe, which is a direct exertion of your free will, you’ll be in alignment with the truth that sets you free. If not your alignment will be with “I” and this will keep you in its prison…

Truth sets you free, this is what I have come to understand. To me it’s the many truths combined which allows for the letting go of an “I” that really doesn’t truly exist, this is what sets a person free. Someone once wrote “Death sets you free” and I remember how it stopped me as soon as I read it as I thought about how I felt that way at one time. I never thought of taking my own life, but there was a time when I felt if I didn’t wake up that would’ve been okay. I don’t feel that way today, but it isn’t because of anything that I did. One day my view of life became different and I stop looking for answers trying to solve my life problems, it was revealed the problem was “I” and the Conditioned Mind.

Universal Energy has the kind of power that can transform, heal, and reveal truth, people don’t; not on there own anyway. When we align ourselves with Universal Energy we can be transformed. Anything that happens to me today is a result of being in alignment with the Universe, and it’s up to me to do what’s necessary for this alignment to be. This is a direct exertion of our free will and it was through the love the Universe had for me that this was revealed. What I have come to understand is I can’t control what others say or do, I can only respond from my own heart, with those responses coming through submitting to the Universe and allowing it to be my guide. This I have come to understand as what the Universe has revealed me, not what I have come to know on my own. It has been in stillness that truth has been revealed to me, but it isn’t my truth because there is no “I”. It’s the noise in the head that makes you think you have your own truth and when you are being controlled by the Conditioned Mind it says “Death sets you free” but this is the lie of “I”. If you can get quiet enough to understand this, you’ll be in alignment with the Universe, as it will be because of Universal Love not anything that you do that the truth of living and not death will set you free…