Sunday, November 27, 2016

Perfection in Place

Until one embraces the energy of just being with what's occurring right now, one will continue to seek what is deemed perfect and miss out on the perfection already in place.

The perfect life is never perfect because it's the way one may want it, it's perfect when one can accept it in the way that it is. Everything that occurs in life is perfect because it's what's there and although it will be labeled pleasant or unpleasant, neither one of these labels ever changes what occurs. The Conditioned Mind constantly pushes away the unpleasant and constantly tries to pull in what it deems as pleasant, but what's not understood is that both the pushing and pulling is the same energy. It's like positive and negative energy, most people want to be in a positive state and on the surface these energies may seem like total opposites, but upon further investigation what's revealed is positive and negative are from the same energy as pushing and pulling. Granted on the surface these energies produce much different results, but therein lies the issue because most people are controlled by results (the pleasant ones) and they think they're needed so life can be the way that it's wanted. I'm also not one for positive affirmations because that also is the energy of wanting things different or pushing and pulling energy. So what does this leave you with? What it leaves is for one to be in the space of stillness with what's actually occurring without labeling it, this is where true peace abides.

This peace doesn't push or pull, there's no need to when there's peace. Pushing and pulling energy only arises when the mind is agitated and one doesn't realize this is occurring. This is why being with what occurs in the present moment is so valuable because there's no pushing or pulling energy. When one is present, one is free and at peace. The Conditioned Mind is a liar and makes you believe all kinds of nonsense which makes you succumb to the pushing (unpleasant) or pulling (pleasant) energy, and until one embraces the energy of just being with what's occurring right now, one will continue to seek what is deemed perfect and miss out on the perfection already in place.

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