Saturday, November 26, 2016

Open Your Heart to Everyone

Opening your heart to everyone includes yourself, so love yourself exactly as you are and understand if you don't, it's only because of the conditioning that's in place.

Tis the season, Apple has a Christmas commercial out and at the end of it it says "Open your heart to everyone" I teared up. It's a decision one has to be conscious of if it's to be put into place. There's so much unloving energy around that if one isn't conscious of the energy to open your heart to everyone, the conditioning will sneak in and keep one's heart closed. Awareness is the key in allowing the heart to open to everyone. Mostly the unloving or closed energy in place is there without fully realizing it. One may have an inkling that it's there, but without having a good amount of discipline which allows the mind to settle, this energy will be in control, even if it's not wanted to be.

I know I do things that aren't necessarily conducive to what's best for me, but they're still done because of the conditioning in place. Granted since I've been sitting and developing discipline, many things don't control me any longer, and for the most I am aligned with behaviors that are not only for my betterment, but also for the betterment of humanity, but things still are done even though I know better. It's just a part of the conditioning in place so I don't fret over it. I've learned you can only do what you're conditioned to do, and this won't change until the conditioning changes. Opening your heart to everyone includes yourself, so love yourself exactly as you are and understand if you don't, it's only because of the conditioning that's in place.

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