Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Surface Stranger

What’s seen on the surface of life is all a facade and until it’s seen that below the surface is what truly matters, one will be living as though you were a stranger unto yourself.

It’s very easy to live a surface life and get caught up in what society presents as the best way to live, and although this may benefit society as a whole, one will need to sit and contemplate if surface living is truly beneficial to them. There are many traps provided by society to keep surface living in place, from politics, religion, social and the regular media, and so many others, these are used to keep one attached to form and blind to the impermanent nature of all things. Surface living makes everything seem as though it’s in solid form, but upon further investigation the fallacy of this may be seen. When you look in the mirror you see what’s on the surface, but what’s not seen is your blood pumping, breathing, the heart beating, and whatever else is going on beneath the surface of the image in the mirror. It’s easy to attach to form because it’s what’s on your he surface, but one must go beneath the surface to see the true nature of the emptiness of form. Only the Conditioned Mind makes everything solid, thus one’s view sees everything that’s upon the surface.

To get to a place where the emptiness of form can be understood, the mind will have to settle enough to allow this. This isn’t understood, nor is it a desired state that most people want to go to because to the Conditioned Mind it’s a scary place. Going beneath the distractions of the surface, one encounters their true self not the made up character who lives on the surface. When this happens one comes face to face with a stranger. The Conditioned Mind will try to keep you distracted from this by using what’s familiar, but you can get beyond the familiar with awareness. What’s on the surface is a facade and until it’s seen that below the surface is what truly matters, one will be living as though you were a stranger unto yourself.

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