Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Phenomenon of the Moment

The phenomenon of each moment is unique unto itself, it just doesn’t seem this way because one doesn’t truly hear the sounds of the moment, they just hear the noise of what’s going on between their ears.

Just be aware of what arises from the silence and how it just as quickly returns to the silence. Don’t label it as anything, just watch it arise and dissipate. Don’t attach to it, just watch, a sound arises now it’s there and then it sinks into the incoming moment. The same thing with a sensation, watch it arise, be with it and watch how it returns from whence it came. Imagine you are on the beach, just sitting listening to the sound of a wave arising from the silence, breaking on the shore and then it’s gone, over and over. Occasionally the sound of a seagull will arise as will people passing by and talking. The lifeguards blowing their whistles, the sound arises and returns to the silence. A helicopter passes by, sound after sound arising and returning from whence it came. These sounds are stored in our subconscious and given labels, breaking wave, seagull, talking, helicopter, whistle and so on, but they all arise from the silence of the phenomenon known as the moment. They can only arise from here.

These are what becomes our memories, but the moment when something arises will never happen again. Because we label everything it seems as though history repeats itself, but it doesn’t really, it only seems that way because of the attachment and label given to something; once a moment passes it’s gone forever. Why our behaviors are repeated over and over is because of attachment, but the phenomenon of the moment is always unique unto itself, it just doesn’t seem this way because one doesn’t truly hear the sounds of the moment, they just hear the noise of what’s going on between their ears.

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