Saturday, December 19, 2020

What's Actually Happening

Ever so slowly the Conditioned Mind loses its control when discipline is developed. It’s this discipline that allows you to be with life as it’s actually happening instead of needing to make something up…

At times it’s difficult to be with what’s actually happening because the mind constantly wants to make something up; this is the dilemma the Conditioned Mind creates. It has nothing to do with nothing, but it has everything to do with everything. Through developing certain discipline this constant needing to make something up can be tamed. Ever so slowly the Conditioned Mind will relinquish its control if discipline is developed. My writings may open some eyes, but it’s the developing of discipline that allows the mind to settle which will lead to lasting insights that are used to enhance life.

Most people have tools in place that have nothing to do with developing discipline or enhancing life. The tools in place actually reinforce the conditioning which keeps one entrapped in a self created prison; with the prison being a mind that’s everywhere but the only place that truly exist; with what’s actually happening. If your not with what’s actually happening you cannot truly live life to the fullest. Of course there’s existence because you’re alive, but being alive doesn’t equate to living life to the fullest. Only being with life as it’s actually happening will ensure this and only with discipline will the mind settle enough for you to be with what’s actually happening instead of needing to make something up…

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