Friday, December 4, 2020

"I" Addiction

If it wasn’t for the attachment to “I” that creates bondage, any addiction would be non existent because the craving of “I” needing life to be in some other way would never occur…

Each day most of our waking hours are spent trying to arrange the day to our liking, the only problem with this is most of our day is wasted trying to arrange the day to our liking. This occurs because we have been conditioned to believe there is an “I” that needs things to be different. This  conditioning keeps the mind addicted to “I” which creates a constant state of agitation, and when the mind is agitated it will use whatever tools it has developed. Not so much to quiet the agitation, but more so to distract it. The distractions in this case manifest as Conditioned Mind Patterns that are constantly trying to arrange life by using whatever it deems necessary to satisfy “I”.

If it wasn’t for the need to satisfy “I” these cravings that want life to be different (which are caused by your own mind) wouldn’t exist. These agitations are the cause of the constant rearranging of life and it’s because of “I” needing life to be a certain way, but something would exist without the addiction to “I” and that would be peace; the peace of just being because the addiction to “I”wouldn’t exist. If you don’t think this is true it’s probably because of the addiction to “I”not allowing your mind to settle so you can be aware of the peace that passes all understanding. This peace allows you to go beyond the cravings brought on by “I” wanting things to be in some other way; until this changes, nothing changes…

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