Monday, October 26, 2020

Collective Energy

Your energy patterns will be in harmony with the whole or they’ll be directed towards satisfying self. These produce much different results, not only for the individual, but for the entire planet…

Everything on earth has its place to make it run smooth and efficiently. It all intertwines to create a balanced world where everything’s connected. From the smallest cell to the largest manifestation, every piece is designed to fit into the next just like a jigsaw puzzle. Everything is part of the collective and as long as it remains in unison it will stay aligned with harmonic energy.

Unfortunately the human species is the only one who takes this harmonic energy and transforms it from the collective purpose to one of individuality. This creates a chain reaction that produces chaos. This chaos changes energy patterns and your vibrational frequency becomes separated from the collective. When you live as an individual, it separates you from the whole and all involved suffer because of it.

It’s beneficial to remain in harmony as one energy with all beings because by being in harmony with the whole, with energy patterns going in to same direction all benefit from it. If not, you will live as an individual with your energy patterns directed for the sole purpose of only satisfying yourself. This is the cause of all suffering, your own and the suffering  of our entire planet…

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