Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Urged Difficulties

Existence isn’t a made up perfection where it’s always the way one thinks it should be. Whatever arises has to be accepted exactly as it is with seeing the perfection even when there are urges to want things different…

Being human means having urges. Unless there’s acceptance of this without needing things to be a certain way so you can get a better seat in heaven or move up on the angelic chain of command, life will seem to always have some kind of struggle associated with it. One of the common traits I notice when I talk to people about the Conditioned Mind is not accepting themselves exactly as they are with a self imposed label of guilt applied . There are so many conditioned urges ingrained in us and if they’re not accepted as they arise you’ll live a struggled existence; needing those urges to be different than what they are.

Accept yourself in each moment urges and all and just watch as they arise. This isn’t a right or wrong thing it’s just part of being human and it has to be accepted if there’s to be peace in one’s life. There’s always a lot of opinionated energy all around and it will cause much suffering as there will be urges for life to play out the way one wants it. This wanting usually manifest as individual energy, but it will be both individual and collective energy if some things aren’t accepted as they are; it’s because opinionated urges are in control and wants different results. Anything that happens has to be accepted as it is if there is to be at peace. This is a made up difficulty because things occur and because of being human an attached label is applied to what arises as being unpleasant. This makes you want whatever arises to be different and as long as your energy doesn’t accept your urge filled humanness as it is, peace will never be had…

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