Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Conditioned Mind

The Conditioned Mind:

Here is the human dilemma in a nutshell: The mind that tells you there's a need for you to be fixed is the same mind that's trying to make the repair. It's as though you have a flat tire and you truly believe it's only flat on the bottom.

Today's article is an except from It's Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts - page 62

Do you see how deeply seated the Conditioned Mind Patterns are, and how they hold you in captivity to the I Self? The whole nature of the Conditioned Mind Patterns is to satisfy an I Self that feels a sense of lack; a lack that it will try to fill, one way or another. This lack is the energy that causes the Conditioned Mind Pattern to be formed. It was this sense of lack that was controlling my reactions.

I have come to understand that flare ups occur because our ego, operating through our Conditioned Mind Patterns, doesn’t allow us to flow with the energy of life. So it either erupts in the present or is stored, waiting for a future trigger and flare up to occur. But whether it manifests now or later, a Conditioned Mind Pattern will be formed. When these flare-ups do occur and our ego attaches to them, the story in the head starts and the drama begins. Once a Conditioned Mind Pattern is activated all sorts of things happen. We go through many different emotions. Feelings arise that cause us to justify our actions, which present themselves in any form that is necessary for the situation: Anger, rage, jealously, pride…. The list of capabilities for the undisciplined mind is endless.

It starts with a thought. If that thought is allowed to pass through — and by passing through I mean that we do not attach to it — then that’s it, you’re free. If not, the next step is it starts to attach to the ego, which creates the story. It then has to run its course until it reaches a conclusion. It will then return to your psyche to become more engrained.  The conditioning will be that much easier to activate next time there is an association. And it will become much more difficult to let the energy pass through. You will attach to the thought and let the Conditioned Mind Pattern form, or you will not attach to the thought and allow the energy to pass through.

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