Sunday, April 16, 2017

Conditioning in Place

If there isn't some semblance of quietness in one's life, the Conditioned Mind will run the show, and as subtle as it may be, a mind conditioned to suffer will always do so because it's what's in place.

At times it seems all I write about is suffering, but there's so much value in its understanding and if the root cause of it isn't understood, one will never get beyond it; it will be virtually impossible. This understanding is what has led to my waking up from the sleep that kept me entrapped to causing my own suffering; not intentional, but I suffered nonetheless. This has to be understood in order to alleviate the mechanisms in place that cause it. Suffering is caused by a conditioned mind state and unless this conditioning ceases to exist, the results of the conditioning in place have to follow. It would be like not changing the oil in your car, eventually the engine will fail. Every effect is because something causes it and this occurs whether the cause is understood or not.

I can't emphasis the importance of learning what the Conditioned Mind is enough, it's truly life altering, but only if it's deeply understood. One's life cannot be anything but what the conditioning in place dictates it to be. This one line encompasses all of life. Every life is made to be what it is, but it's never enough, this is why sitting is necessary to allow the mind to settle. If there isn't some semblance of quietness in one's life, the Conditioned Mind will run the show and although life will be lived because you are alive, it will mostly be so in a state of suffering. And as subtle as it may be, a mind conditioned to suffer will always do so because it's what's in place. Change the conditioning, change what's in place.

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