You cannot be all things to all people, but you can be all things to yourself. For some, their conditioning is so deeply entrenched they may never change. This doesn’t mean they can’t change, it’s just very unlikely it will happen. I try and share mostly from my experience, this way even if it’s not agreed with, which does happen, there’s not much to be taken seriously. Experience is never right or wrong, it’s just how one perceives what happens and there’s no way everyone is going to see it the same way, so one shouldn’t even be concerned with what anyone else thinks. It’s not that I don’t take what others say seriously and just discount it, it’s just shouldn’t be taken seriously because even what I say I don’t take seriously. Everything passes in life so to me the important thing is to come from a place of love so I can touch my heart and the heart of others, but not every heart because not everyone is on the same frequency.
Love yourself so you can love others and than let it flow where it’s needed. Life isn’t a self help program to better oneself, it’s a process to allow the mind to settle so one can be used for the betterment of the entire Universe, not by being all things to all people, but by opening a channel to your heart to allow the flow of love out. This isn’t about trying to be anything as much as it’s learning to just be. When you can just be without trying to be anything, there’s a connection to your heart and to the hearts of others that no doing can produce. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with doing, but you can never do enough to be, so just be and that will be enough.

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