One’s intentions are a determining factor in the energy that is put out to the world. There are intentions to get, expecting something in return for one’s doings and there are intentions to give, expecting nothing whatsoever in return regardless of how much one gives. These are obviously very different in their base energy, but to give intentions don’t necessarily result in seeing the fruits of one’s labors, at least not by some. The intentions behind my daily writings and writing my book are strictly from the love in my heart to possibly help someone not go through the suffering I did for forty nine years, but there are some who see my intentions as something different. When it comes to intentions”To thine own self be true” is so important because it really doesn’t matter how anyone sees what you do. The Universe knows your intentions and that’s all that matters.
The world cannot fairly be your judge nor can an individual. “May he who is without sin cast the first stone” who is so pure that they can judge another and if your intention is to judge that’s not from the intention to give, it’s strictly to get. There are so many selfish people in our world who have no intention to ever give and it keeps the world the way it is, but if you truly have a heart with the intentions to give, there’s no way you can judge another because there’s nothing that you’re looking for in return. So when all you do is have the intentions to give and act accordingly, it’s the energy that’s being put out into the world and I assure you it will make a difference.

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