The conclusions the mind conjures up need to be investigated so one can tell if they’re real or not and by real I mean beneficial to one’s life. So many people come to the conclusion about certain things without looking if those conclusions are producing results that are beneficial. Many conclusions are accepted that benefit only oneself and it doesn’t go much further than that. Even if you’re running around saving the world, the first thing is, who says the world needs saving and also is the running around helping others done more for your own well being. It’s very difficult to get in touch with real conclusions that arise from the space of stillness as opposed to the ones that are made up to satisfy some story.
Most of life’s conclusions are created to fit nicely into a story for one’s owns benefit. Very few people are truly selfless, not because that don’t want to be, but by not understanding the dynamics of the Conditioned Mind there’s no way one can be. Every story has a conclusion, it’s just part of the story, so there are two ways to see if your conclusions are real; the first would be to not create a story, this way a conclusion isn’t needed, and the second is to understand energy is not created or destroyed, it’s only transformed. Although this form that’s being occupied will one day come to the conclusion of not functioning in its current state anymore, its energy goes on and if you want to see if this conclusion is real, sit and be still and you will see no conclusion is real and neither is one’s story.

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