Nothing is a problem unless it’s made into one. Think of this simple yet profound sentence. Nothing no matter what, is right or wrong, good or bad, or liked or disliked, unless it’s labeled as so. Our life is controlled by our thoughts and most thoughts are based in a faulty foundation. The fault lies in the way the mind is conditioned. Here’s some of the ways the mind becomes conditioned and if you get quiet enough you will see this for yourself. The car in front is going to slow. I have to go food shopping, I’m tired, my allergies are horrible, I’m bored, yada, yada, yada. Although all of these start out as a single thought that isn’t where the fault lies, what happens next is where the fault lies; we believe the thought. We actually think the car in fronting us is going to slow, or that going food shopping is a problem. We believe our thoughts to be true and then we act accordingly. If the thought wasn’t labeled to be true, we would be able to see what was really going on and that would be the car in front of us really isn’t going to slow, we are just being controlled by an undisciplined Conditioned Mind.
Learn to watch the nonsense that’s believed to be true, there’s so much of it, it’s hard to grasp. I mentioned one time to a person about the way we poison ourselves with tobacco products and his response was, he enjoyed them. That is insanity, to enjoy poisoning yourself, but that is the lie of a Conditioned Mind. People enjoy all sorts of things that are harmful to themselves, this also includes behaviors that harm others which are easily justified. All I’m saying is watch the thoughts as they arise and learn how so many of them are based in lies to keep you in captivity to your Conditioned Mind (ego). By no means should you take my word for it, the next time a thought pops into your head, take a moment before you label it and really take notice if what you are thinking is true or if it is just a lie of the Conditioned Mind.

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