If there are just unconscious actions and reactions in one’s daily decision making process without investigation, there will be many decisions made without knowing if they are truly beneficial. When these tools are passed on to others it equates to the blind leading the blind; very few people truly understand the Conditioned Mind. Without the discipline that provides some stillness, life becomes an unquestioned pull to follow the way that’s in place. To the Conditioned Mind there’s no need for questions because it has all the answers. Saying I’m not there yet is just crazy and it’s a created block that hampers the ability to truly live. If you’re not there yet, wherever there is, what do you think it will take to get there? And that’s if you’re truly interested in finding out why you’re not there. What amazes me is how people settle for a place just because it’s comfortable and someone else says it works. Using the saying I’m not there yet is just a way the Conditioned Mind (ego) remains in control.
To me it’s just mind boggling how a person remains with what they have in place and not even take into consideration there might be another way to see things, and what’s mind boggling about this is how the pull is held onto and keeps one in a self created prison that causes suffering. Life doesn’t cause suffering, the Conditioned Mind does and unless one is willing to sit and allow the mind to settle, the pull of the conditioning will remain in place and one will continue to use broken tools that cause suffering, and here’s the real issue with this, these tools are passed on to others and it’s as though the blind are leading the blind.

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