The brain is not the mind, although at times it does seem like they’re the same, they are as different as oil and vinegar, but there is a relationship between the two just like oil and vinegar that works together when used in a certain way. Harmony results when this certain way is discovered, not in the way intellect understands it, but from the vastness of a mind that’s connected with all minds. The brain on the other hand seems to limit itself by making things up. The mind sees things through the vastness of itself and sees the beauty of life, the brain limits itself by thinking knowledge is wisdom. Not that knowledge is a bad thing, but knowing how a car is built and what it takes to drive one has nothing to do with actually driving it, all the knowledge about the car doesn’t assist one bit in learning how to drive it.
The brain for the most part leads one to bondage because of the way it attaches to thinking, which is humanity’s true addiction. With the mind, there’s nothing there to attach to so there’s no bondage; there can’t be if there’s nothing to grasp. The mind encompasses all that is, was, and will ever be. It can’t be defined, unlike the brain which wants to put everything in a box under the label of certain definitions. The brain needs things to be labeled, the mind needs no such labels and thus without a label, one experiences the peace that passes all understand. Look to see if this is true and if you can see the truth in this, you’ll be set free because it’s what’s truly there as opposed to what you think is there.

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