This morning I took a shower and when I got out, the mirror was foggy from the steam, I took out the blow dryer and cleared up the mirror. What also became clear was my awareness of how everything that happens in life is a result of conditions being a certain way and the only way it will change is when the conditioning changes. This is a fact, it doesn’t take a belief for this to occur; get a pot of water to 212 degrees and it will boil. All things in life have certain operating properties and when conditions are in line with those properties, it’s natural course of action will take place. It’s what happens with every living thing that begins life, whether humans, animals, plants, clouds, stars and so on, nothing truly happens independently on its own, it’s all caused by something else.
In the case of behavior it’s the same way, no one acts a certain way just because, there is always the root cause behind every action and unless this root is exposed, nothing can change; it’s not that it won’t change, it can’t. This is why there’s suffering in the world, nothing inherently makes you suffer, only the mind does and only because of the way it’s conditioned. When something happens many times people see it differently so it affects them differently, but there are some things that are the same no matter what. If there’s no oxygen you die, if the heart stops, same result, this happens because conditions make it so. So everyone has the choice whether to change or stay the same, but only those who truly know it’s the conditioning that needs to be changed have this choice.

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