To awaken is simple, let go of the things in you (your story) that are blocking you from being with life as it is. Here is a conversation from a post I commented on the other day, the original post said: Got Stress: you are arguing with what is. My response was this: The mind that tells you to do something is the same mind that questions why it was done. This is the stress of one’s own conditioned mind and this self created stress will be the constant in one’s life until it’s learned to be still in the moment of what is. There is life as it is made out to be, there is life as it is wished to be, and then there is life as it actually is. In what place are you spending your life? Someone responded: I prefer to spend my life in what I am able to make it, through everyday actions, such as having clean teeth, because I made an effort to brush them. What is, is mostly what I make it to be… My response: What is is life as it occurs, making it as it is wanted is a story that life has to be a certain way for one to be happy. And as stated when I prefers I suffers when things aren’t as wanted. What is is being with the good, bad, and ugly that’s occurs in life and not needing it to be different.
I posted this just to show how the story of I (I prefer) is a distraction that keeps one locked into their distractions and although life may be as it is wanted, one still isn’t free. Freedom has nothing to do with life being a preferred way. You will spend your entire life trying to make it this preferred way (a story) and whether this is realized or not, a story is a distracted block to the innate goodness of what arises from the moment of what is. What is needs no story because it’s what’s here and if you’re living anywhere else or if life is preferred to be a certain way, where you’ll be living is in the preferred prison of what isn’t and that’s even if life is exactly how I prefers it, clean teeth and all.

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