One cannot truly love unless there’s awareness of love as the operative principle of the heart and love can’t be an operative principle of the heart unless one turns back the clock and goes back to a time and undoes the things that have been developed that doesn’t make this so. This isn’t to tell anyone how to live their life or what the purpose of it is, but I read something the other day that really hit me as being so far from the truth, at least to me, that I had to share on it. What someone said was “being loving is not natural for human beings and we have to work hard at it.”
Now this is someone’s experience and an experience isn’t right or wrong, but this hasn’t been my experience. My experience is that love has always been and will always be in my heart, it was just blocked out by the way my mind became conditioned. Here is an example of this, just substitute the Conditioned Mind with a polluted body of water. When you take a body of water that’s been polluted and you want to return it to its natural state, all that needs to be done is to remove the pollutants. If something is added to the water it becomes what it isn’t or never was, so one needs to only remove the pollutants to return it to its natural state. To me this is what was meant when it was written that Jesus said “Truly I tell you, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” So unless love becomes the operative principle of the heart, heaven on earth or possibly when one passes on will never be experienced. How can it be with the way the mind has been conditioned to block out our true nature to love?
The practice of discipline and concentration is important because it allows the mind to settle so the mind pollutants are removed and our natural state of love becomes the operative principle of our heart. Love is already in our heart, but our polluted Conditioned Mind blocks far to many from seeing this. It does seem like it’s going to take hard work to return to our natural state, but only because its been a long time since we were little children. By practicing discipline and concentration all we are doing is removing our mind pollutants which allows the mind to settle so the principle of our natural state of love becomes operative. We aren’t becoming something that we aren’t, we are returning to our natural state of love and are allowing the love that is already in our heart to become the operative principle to live by.

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