Until it is seen by ALL races that there is only one race, the human one, nothing will change. There is much wrong with the world and at the core is the lack of love and respect for each other, regardless of race or gender for that matter. This is a very deep issue in our society and until people look at each other through the eyes of love, the ego will continue to cause us to be separated by our differences. The nonsense of the Conditioned Mind goes far deeper than the surface stuff of not standing for the USA National Anthem. Stand, kneel, sit, lay down if you want, but this disrespect shown is for yourself. It’s called the UNITED States, but where’s the unity in any protest? The very act of protesting keeps the separation in place, it divides it doesn’t unite and because of this, humanity will remain as it is because of the lack of love at its core.
This isn’t isolated as just being an American issue, it’s a humanity issue. The ego separates, love unites and until we see each other through the eyes of love and see we are all a part of one race, the human one, regardless of the protests, things will remain as they are because we will continue to do things that separate, not unite. There are so many ways to do things quietly that provides unity, but the more one draws attention on themselves, the more one’s controlling energy is from the ego. Nothing is helped by protesting because it’s showboating from the ego and not from the energy of love. Only in quietness does love arise and until this is seen neither America nor the world will ever be united.

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