I is a liar. It makes you believe all kinds of things that just aren’t true. Case in point, are you the name that you were given? Let’s say your given name was different, is that who you would now be? If my name was John instead of Michael I would be a form with an identity of John instead of Michael and then my I would think of itself as John. This is just what I does, it lies, but the reality of any life is everything changes, there really isn’t anything to adhere to and anything that one does adhere to will cause suffering. This adherence to whatever it is one is stuck to becomes the prison with I as the prison guard.
To break free from this prison, one doesn’t need to let go of what they’re adhering to, one needs to only let go of I. You see, the prison cell is always open, the only thing keeping you in prison is the prison guard of I. Most people get sidetracked by the lie of I and this is why they don’t realize their prison cell isn’t locked. When the focus is on the thing that one adheres to, it keeps one in prison. Go beyond the thing being adhered to and see the true adherence is to I, when this is seen I can be let go of. This is when one will experience true freedom because it will be seen I is no longer guarding the prison cell and the door to the cell is open.

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