Emotions aren’t right or wrong as much as they are signals to get in touch with what’s going on. At their core all emotions are based in a concept which strictly involves the me, myself, and I mind. I’m not suggesting that emotions are needed or aren’t needed, I’m just stating the experience I had with emotions is they were never much of a benefit to me or anyone around me and because of the me, myself, and I mind, they were in total control of my life. It will take much sitting and discipline to see the true nature of one’s emotions and the suffering they cause when they’re attached to. This isn’t to say today I’m emotionless, it just that they don’t have the control over me they once had.
Emotions will arise that’s a given, they’re a part of our human conditioning, but that’s not the issue, it’s how they’re allowed to control and dictate one’s state of being that the issue. Here’s an example of the emotion of anger; anger will arise and if it’s attached to, the results will cause some form of harm. So the key is to not ignore the anger, but to see how it arises from I (who’s angry?) and not attach to it. In this way the anger is there, but it’s not controlling. All emotions can be viewed in this manner because what they have in common is they all arise from I. Anger, fear, sadness, joy, disgust, love, and so on, look and see how without I although the emotions are there, they cannot control you. Separate I from the emotion and separate from the pull the emotions have over you and when this happens all you will be left with is peace and this is because the me, myself, and I mind isn’t in control.

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