Our struggles are neither with life nor with the people in it, so who does that leave one one with, but themselves; this is who the struggle is always with. I’m not saying that some of the things that happen are easy to accept, but the struggle is still within oneself. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem like life is fair, that it shouldn’t be so difficult, but again this struggle is only because of oneself, not because of life. The perceptions of how things are is what causes one to struggle, life is never the struggle, what goes on between one’s ears is where any so called struggles manifest. So there’s a need to allow the mind to be present so it can settle down and focus on what is actually occurring instead of creating a struggle.
It can seem at times as if there’s one thing after another, but there really isn’t, it’s just the Conditioned Mind making up a story. Each moment is independent of itself so it has nothing to do with any other moment unless it’s made so. When this is understood, tools can be developed so this happens less and less. Peace is directly linked to how much control your conditioning has over you, if there wasn’t conditioning you wouldn’t be controlled and there would be total peace. So for me this is my path and I must learn to stay on it and head in the direction of peace. It’s already there, but I need to learn not to allow my Conditioned Mind to block it from my view. The more my view is in the present moment, the more peace there is because the view to peace isn’t being blocked. So although at times it seems as if life is a struggle, the only reason this is so is because It’s allowed to be. It’s up to me to change the conditioning that blocks me from understanding I am already at peace and the key to this is to understand that life really isn’t the struggle that my Conditioned Mind makes it out to be.

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