The other day when I woke up, it seemed I was in an annoyed mind state, I had a few things that had to be done as soon as I woke up, but this isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Being in this annoyed state made it seem as though everything was annoying me, but I’ve learned that this mind state is temporary and it arises as a distraction to my state of peace. I had to take a look to see why everything was annoying to me, some will say to just be with the annoyance and watch it dissipate, but to me I take it a step further because I can and I’ve learned that the annoyance will return stronger if the root of it isn’t exposed; knowing what the root of my annoyances are has been my saving grace. On this morning these annoyances had nothing to do with anything in particular, nothing was going on for me to be annoyed. I didn’t have time to sit because I had an appointment so I begin a mindfulness practice of watching how each annoyance that arose was directly linked to I. It arose, it was acknowledged that I was at the root and quietly I was saying “don’t attach” and boom just like the annoyances that arose were gone. This is the value of understanding your own mind.
You can just be with the annoyance and over time it may dissipate, but it will take longer and it will return because understanding why it arose won’t be known. This isn’t to say that just remaining with what arises doesn’t produce results, but to me if one knows why something arises there’s less chance of attaching to it and it returning. This is tried and true, but unless it’s seen it’s very unlikely it will be understood. At times what I write about is questioned because it’s not seen by someone, but something should never be discounted just because it hasn’t been experienced. Keeping an open mind is vital in the expansion of truth in one’s life. The moment something is dismissed without it being investigated, it becomes a limit. Near Death Experiences, reincarnation, states of extreme bliss, seeing or hearing Angels, to name a few, although I haven’t experienced these I refuse to discount them because I just don’t know. Regardless of what it is, once something is labeled it becomes a distraction to one’s mind state of peace, so without a label the mind remains open and more and more truth is revealed and truth is what sets one free.

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