It seems that it’s so much easier to be spiritually connected when one thinks things are the way that they’re wanted, but what happens when it changes and things aren’t as wanted? One’s whole demeanor can change instantly from being at peace to discontentment just by a person saying a certain thing to you. And here is the craziness of this, what the person says only changes your demeanor because it’s something triggered inside you, the deliverer of the trigger doesn’t really matter. Nothing can control you unless it’s allowed and it will only be allowed because it’s not known that it’s happening. The conditioned triggers are deeply embedded in the subconscious mind and the more history one has with something the deeper it’s embedded. These triggers are manifested in many different ways, but what they have in common is they cause one to suffer unknowingly.
Let’s say you’re at home in a good space and your spouse comes home from work in a not so good space, as soon as they walk in the door the energy in the room changes. If there isn’t awareness of this, a trigger will be activated within you and this encounter will probably end up in an argument. But when there’s awareness of this, one can remain silent (which is golden) and just be with the moment as it is and not feed someone else’s energy. Not wanting the moment different is key here and allowing it to be as it is doesn’t activate a response triggered by someone else. To me when the moment doesn’t need to be in some other way, no triggers are activated and one is truly free. In this space of freedom, the Universe is one’s guide and will manifest responses for the betterment of all beings. In this way one isn’t swayed by anything and can remain on the spiritual path regardless of what’s going on around you.

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