We are the keepers of our reality. For each individual, reality becomes the energy that’s given to the moment that’s occurring and this energy determines what our reality will be. I’m not talking positive or negative energy here, what I’m talking about is not labeling the moment that’s here and being with it as it is. There are three conventional choices, good: I want it to remain this way forever, bad: I want it different than what it is, and indifferent: it has no bearing on my life whatsoever. Can you see how any one of this three produce attachment and thus suffering. The good and bad are fairly easy to see, but you may ask what about indifferent, how is that attachment? To me it’s attachment because even seeing the moment as it is and saying it doesn’t affect me gives energy to a story. Everything affects everything because it’s all energy so when one can be with the exact moment as it is and not label it as good, bad, or indifferent, than that will be the energy of one’s reality. If this isn’t seen, your reality will be chosen for you and unfortunately you will be the keeper of this reality.
There are choices to what one’s reality will be, but only if it’s seen there are choices. And therein lies the issue because options are needed for there to be choices. This is why not labeling the moment as anything has value because it doesn’t lock you into the label and it gives you options. It allows for you to be with what’s occurring as it is and this allows it to pass and see it for what it is. Nothing last forever unless that’s the label which one applies and so the reality that one keeps is that of their label. Or not and experience reality as never before because there will be choices that weren’t there previously. This reality occurs for no other reason than it’s the reality that you see and the one you are choosing to keep.

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