I know many look at forgiveness much differently than has been revealed to me, and you can defend what you’ve learned, but if you haven’t sat and investigated forgiveness for yourself, you are going by someone else’s idea of what forgiveness is. It has been revealed to me that forgiveness is a story that keeps one entrapped to past Conditioned Mind Patterns. Regardless of what is done that makes one think forgiveness is needed, it occurred in the past. I know many like to hold on to the belief that emotions have to be felt, but I say who says so, the experts? Good luck with following the so called experts when it comes to living your life, besides do you really want to live your life by someone else’s ideas?
Forgiveness viewed in the conventional way actually keeps one entrapped to a story, because if there’s an I who either needs forgiveness or has to forgive, there in lies the story of entrapment. Round and round this goes and all without ever investigating the origin of the forgiveness story. Ok, so something happened to you at one time, but now it’s today and you’re still carrying it around, and the reason is because you have an attachment to I that needs to constantly make up a story. I state something and a lot of times the response is, I see but, or I get it however. Either truth is seen or it isn’t. Stick with the lies of the story, but as long as a story is made up and held on to, one’s life is a delusional lie.
This isn’t to ignore what happens to you, but if it’s not happening right now and you are still carrying it, it’s a story. Is it not? Create any story you’d like, but please don’t pass it around as if there’s some enlightening attribute associated with forgiveness, one doesn’t get to do that until it’s investigated and seen for the truth that it is. So run around and think you are better than others by needing to forgive them, but all I’m saying is if one knows not what they do, what is there to forgive but a story being held onto from the past.

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